Archive of the newspaper Soviet Chuvashia. New editor of the newspaper "Soviet Chuvashia"

K: Printed publications that arose in 1917

"Soviet Chuvashia"- socio-political newspaper of the Chuvash Republic. Published in Russian 5 times a week. Distributed by subscription and retail.


The date of birth of the newspaper is the day of publication of the first issue of the newspaper "Cheboksary Pravda" - April 10, 1917. This point of view was first expressed in the newspaper "Soviet Chuvashia" on January 25, 1968. "Cheboksary Pravda" was the first Soviet newspaper on the territory of the Chuvash Territory published in Russian. It was published by the Cheboksary Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies. Among other predecessors of the "Soviet Chuvashia" are the newspapers "Glow of Communism", "Izvestiya Chuvash. Revolutionary Committee, Chuvash Territory.

From September 30, 1925, in accordance with the decision of the Chuvash Regional Committee of the RCP (b) on the basis of the print organ of the Alatyr Party Ukom and the Executive Committee " Labor newspaper The publication of the republican socio-political newspaper began. Until October 2, 1929, it was a combined republican and district newspaper, published in Alatyr. From October 17, 1929, it was published in Cheboksary as a republican newspaper called Krasnaya Chuvashiya. The newspaper was published with this name until December 1951.

Until August 1991, it was an organ of the Chuvash Regional Committee of the CPSU, the Supreme Council and the Council of Ministers of the Chuvash ASSR. Since September 1991, the founders of the newspaper were the Supreme Council and the Council of Ministers of the Chuvash SSR, since February 1992 - the Supreme Council and the Council of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic, since April 1994 - the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic, since September 1994 - the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic Republic and the editorial staff of the newspaper, since February 1995 - the editorial staff of the newspaper, since August 1995 - State Unitary Enterprise of the Chuvash Republic "Newspaper" Soviet Chuvashia ". Since December 2009, the founders of the newspaper are the Cabinet of Ministers and OJSC “Newspaper “Soviet Chuvashia”.


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  • Alexander Egorov
  • Alena Kazantseva
  • Artem Chubukov
  • Vyacheslav Ivanov
  • Evgenia Alekseeva
  • Ekaterina Kaznina
  • Elena Zaitseva
  • Zinaida Shitlaeva
  • Igor Gerasimov
  • Irina Savkina
  • Lev Vasiliev
  • Leonid Nikitin
  • Ludmila Arzamasova
  • Ludmila Smagina
  • Marina Ivanova
  • Oleg Maltsev
  • Rita Kirillova
Each dog knew the owner and nickname. Each hunter knew his business, place and purpose. As soon as they went beyond the fence, everyone, without noise or conversation, evenly and calmly stretched out along the road and the field leading to the Otradnensky forest.
As if horses were walking across a field on a furry carpet, occasionally splashing through puddles when they crossed roads. The misty sky continued to descend imperceptibly and evenly to the earth; the air was quiet, warm, soundless. From time to time one could hear the whistling of a hunter, then the snoring of a horse, then a blow with a rapnik or the squeal of a dog that was not walking in its place.
Having driven a mile away, five more riders with dogs appeared out of the fog towards the Rostov hunt. Ahead rode a fresh, handsome old man with a large gray mustache.
“Hello, uncle,” Nikolai said when the old man drove up to him.
- A clean march! ... I knew it, - my uncle spoke (he was a distant relative, a poor neighbor of the Rostovs), - I knew that you couldn’t stand it, and it’s good that you were going. Pure business march! (This was my uncle's favorite saying.) - Take your order now, otherwise my Girchik reported that the Ilagins were willingly standing in Korniki; you have them - a clean march! - under the nose they will take a brood.
- I'm going there. What, bring down the flocks? - Nikolai asked, - dump ...
The hounds were united in one flock, and uncle and Nikolai rode side by side. Natasha, wrapped in kerchiefs, from under which a lively face with shining eyes could be seen, galloped up to them, accompanied by a hunter and a bereytor, who did not lag behind her, Petya and Mikhaila, who was assigned by the nanny with her. Petya laughed at something and beat and pulled his horse. Natasha deftly and confidently sat on her black Arab and with a sure hand, without effort, laid siege to him.
Uncle looked disapprovingly at Petya and Natasha. He did not like to combine pampering with the serious business of hunting.
- Hello, uncle, and we're going! Petya shouted.
“Hello, hello, but don’t pass the dogs,” my uncle said sternly.
- Nikolenka, what a lovely dog, Trunila! he recognized me,” Natasha said about her beloved hound dog.
“Trunila, first of all, is not a dog, but a survivor,” thought Nikolai and looked sternly at his sister, trying to make her feel the distance that should have separated them at that moment. Natasha understood this.
“You, uncle, don’t think that we interfere with anyone,” said Natasha. We stand where we are and don't move.
“And a good thing, countess,” said my uncle. “Just don’t fall off the horse,” he added, “otherwise it’s a pure march!” - nothing to hold on to.
The island of Otradnensky order could be seen a hundred fathoms away, and those arriving approached it. Rostov, finally deciding with his uncle where to throw the hounds from and showing Natasha a place where she should stand and where nothing could run, headed for the race over the ravine.
“Well, nephew, you’re becoming a seasoned one,” said the uncle: don’t iron (pickle).
- As it is necessary, answered Rostov. - Punish, fuit! he shouted, answering this call to the words of his uncle. Karay was an old and ugly, burly male, known for that he single-handedly took a seasoned wolf. Everyone got into place.
With today the newspaper "Soviet Chuvashia" is headed by a new editor-in-chief. Afrikan Solovyov, who led the publication for 13 years, decided to leave this position himself. Vladimir Vasiliev has been appointed editor-in-chief of the newspaper.

He began his career as a journalist in 1998 at the Cheboksary News newspaper. Then he worked in various press services: the Ministry of Construction of Chuvashia, the administration of the President of the Republic, the chief federal inspector for Chuvashia. Since 2006, he headed the press service of the Communal Technologies company.

As for another major publication - the first Chuvash newspaper "Khypar", the contract with its editor Alexei Leontiev has been extended. He will have to reorganize the Chuvash-language publications.

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K: Printed publications that arose in 1917

"Soviet Chuvashia"- socio-political newspaper of the Chuvash Republic. Published in Russian 5 times a week. Distributed by subscription and retail.


The date of birth of the newspaper is the day of publication of the first issue of the newspaper "Cheboksary Pravda" - April 10, 1917. This point of view was first expressed in the newspaper "Soviet Chuvashia" on January 25, 1968. "Cheboksary Pravda" was the first Soviet newspaper on the territory of the Chuvash Territory published in Russian. It was published by the Cheboksary Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies. Among other predecessors of the "Soviet Chuvashia" are the newspapers "Glow of Communism", "Izvestiya Chuvash. Revolutionary Committee, Chuvash Territory.

On September 30, 1925, in accordance with the decision of the Chuvash Regional Committee of the RCP (b), on the basis of the print organ of the Alatyr Party Ukom and the Trudovaya Gazeta Executive Committee, the publication of a republican socio-political newspaper began. Until October 2, 1929, it was a combined republican and district newspaper, published in Alatyr. From October 17, 1929, it was published in Cheboksary as a republican newspaper called Krasnaya Chuvashiya. The newspaper was published with this name until December 1951.

Until August 1991, it was an organ of the Chuvash Regional Committee of the CPSU, the Supreme Council and the Council of Ministers of the Chuvash ASSR. Since September 1991, the founders of the newspaper were the Supreme Council and the Council of Ministers of the Chuvash SSR, since February 1992 - the Supreme Council and the Council of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic, since April 1994 - the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic, since September 1994 - the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic Republic and the editorial staff of the newspaper, since February 1995 - the editorial staff of the newspaper, since August 1995 - State Unitary Enterprise of the Chuvash Republic "Newspaper" Soviet Chuvashia ". Since December 2009, the founders of the newspaper are the Cabinet of Ministers and OJSC “Newspaper “Soviet Chuvashia”.


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  • Alexander Egorov
  • Alena Kazantseva
  • Artem Chubukov
  • Vyacheslav Ivanov
  • Evgenia Alekseeva
  • Ekaterina Kaznina
  • Elena Zaitseva
  • Zinaida Shitlaeva
  • Igor Gerasimov
  • Irina Savkina
  • Lev Vasiliev
  • Leonid Nikitin
  • Ludmila Arzamasova
  • Ludmila Smagina
  • Marina Ivanova
  • Oleg Maltsev
  • Rita Kirillova
Don't go my dear
Do not leave me...
He called him Alexander, choosing this name himself, since his mother was in the hospital and he had no one else to ask. And when the grandmother offered to help bury the baby, dad categorically refused. He did everything himself, from beginning to end, although I can’t even imagine how much grief it was necessary to endure, burying his newborn son, and at the same time knowing that his beloved wife was dying in the hospital ... But dad is everything suffered without a single word of reproach to anyone, only the only thing he prayed for was that his beloved Annushka would return to him, until this terrible blow completely knocked her down, and until night fell on her exhausted brain ...
And then my mother returned, and he was completely powerless to help her with something, and did not know at all how to get her out of this terrible, “dead” state ...
The death of little Alexander deeply shocked the entire Seryogin family. It seemed that sunlight would never return to this sad house, and laughter would never sound again ... Mom was still “killed”. And although her young body, obeying the laws of nature, began to grow stronger and stronger, her wounded soul, despite all the efforts of her father, like a bird that had flown away, was still far away and, having plunged deeply into the ocean of pain, was in no hurry to return from there ...

But soon, after some six months, good news came to them - mom was pregnant again ... Dad was frightened at first, but seeing that mom suddenly began to revive very quickly, he decided to take risks, and now everyone is looking forward to they were expecting a second child... This time they were very careful, and tried in every possible way to protect their mother from any unwanted accidents. But, unfortunately, trouble, apparently for some reason, fell in love with this hospitable door ... And she knocked again ...
With a fright, knowing the sad story of my mother's first pregnancy, and fearing that something would go “wrong” again, the doctors decided to perform a “caesarean section” even before the contractions began (!). And apparently they did it too early ... One way or another, a girl was born, who was named Marianna. But, unfortunately, she also managed to live for a very short time - after three days this fragile, slightly blossoming life, for unknown reasons, was interrupted ...
There was a terrible impression that someone really didn’t want their mother to give birth at all ... And although by nature and genetics she was a strong and absolutely suitable woman for childbearing, she was already afraid to even think about repeating such a cruel attempt once generally...
But man is a creature, surprisingly strong, and is able to endure much more than he himself could ever imagine ... Well, pain, even the most terrible, (if it does not immediately break the heart) is sometimes visible blunted, forced out, eternally living in each of us, hope. That is why, exactly one year later, very easily and without any complications, in the early December morning, another daughter was born to the Seregins family, and I turned out to be this happy daughter ... But ... and this birth would certainly have ended differently happily, if everything continued to happen according to the pre-prepared plan of our “compassionate” doctors ... On a cold December morning, my mother was taken to the hospital, even before her contractions began, in order, again, to “be sure” that “ nothing bad” will happen (!!!)... Dad, wildly nervous from “bad feelings”, rushed back and forth along the long hospital corridor, unable to calm down, because he knew that, according to their common agreement, mom did such try for the last time and if something happens to the child this time, it means that they will never be destined to see their children ... The decision was difficult, but dad preferred to see, if not children, then at least his beloved " asterisk "alive, and not bury all his family at once, even in our standing still without understanding what it really means - his family ...