Big money performance buy tickets small theater. crazy money

Crazy money.

Where, if not in the Maly Theater, to watch the famous works of A.N. Ostrovsky. The performance "Mad Money" was staged on this famous stage by director V.N. Ivanov.

Ostrovsky is a brilliant master of plot. His works touch absolutely everyone who has the good fortune to meet them. Drama and grotesque, satire and deep philosophy, each of the plays of the outstanding writer has its own morality. Crazy money, according to the author, is those that come quickly and also leave instantly, without lingering in pockets. Doesn't this allow us to draw a parallel with today's realities, when money becomes a measure of success and talent? And there is. Great classic for that and such is that what he says is relevant for all time.

Many well-known actors of the theater are involved in the play "Mad Money". The audience will see on the stage and L.P. Polyakova, and V.A. Nizovoy, and Yu.V. Safronov. The classic interpretation of Ostrovsky's famous plot will undoubtedly appeal to absolutely all viewers. The success of the play is also evidenced by the fact that it always goes to a full house.

New impressions, a special mood, an interesting ensemble cast and individual bright images - everyone who comes to the Maly Theater for the performance "Mad Money" will discover new nuances in the well-known plot. The play will be interesting to the audience of the widest age range.

If you haven't been to this premiere yet, we are happy to tell you that you can order tickets for the play "Mad Money" today.

Big money to book tickets.

Opposite the entrance to the famous Maly Theater, it is not by chance that a monument to the outstanding Russian playwright Alexander Ostrovsky was erected. Many of his plays have been staged with success. So in the late nineties there was a wonderful performance Mad Money, tickets for which you can purchase right now

Moral issues were also resolved in them, and a curious plot unfolded. Through his understanding of the stage and theatrical life, he reformed the theater of the nineteenth century. And for the theatergoer himself different ages is honorary buy tickets for the play Mad Money at the Maly Theater. Because he successfully walked on stage more than three hundred times. And each time he delivered impressions to all viewers, because the fascinating play was staged in full accordance with the original source.

Wonderful artists are dressed in nineteenth century costumes, and artists and decorators have tried to create the atmosphere of the nineteenth century to the best of their ability. Tickets for the play Mad Money will allow you to see why he found such a long theater life on the stage of the famous theater. Its creators were important personalities in the cultural life of the country. These include Honored Art Worker of Russia V.N. Ivanov, as well as the production designer, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia A.K. Glazunov. They created a very addictive performance.

Ostrovsky at the Maly Theater

When you start watching it, you involuntarily penetrate the world of the nineteenth century merchants with its negative and sometimes very funny features. Tickets for Mad Money is an opportunity to learn the most different sides human life. Every writer of classical Russian literature is an excellent psychologist. Alexander Ostrovsky is one of the most intent researchers of the world of man and his actions. He was interested in how a person changes, having received power, money.

He was also seriously concerned about the ignorance and immorality of so many people. There can be no doubt that performance Mad Money in Moscow will interest every viewer. It is designed for an audience over twelve years of age and will allow them to feel that the time in the famous theater was spent with benefit. Creating a cultural holiday for yourself is not at all difficult if you have turned your attention to this event.

You don't have to go to theater box office and waste your time. Everything is solved by simply contacting booking tickets for Mad Money.

Tickets for the play Mad Money.

I strongly disagree with one of the commentators below, in my opinion the play is very witty, literally every sentence is a diamond, catchphrase. Actually, the play is the main and, probably, almost the only merit of the play. It's just that in this production the play was completely lost. In my opinion, "Mad Money" requires a calmer and more intelligent production, otherwise placed accents, such as a production at the Maly Theater with Yuri Kayurov and the brilliant Nikita Podgorny. Actors at the Maly Theater are usually the most forte any performance. However, in this performance, in my opinion, the actors, or rather the actor (Vladimir Dubrovsky) is the main drawback. I always knew Dubrovsky as a talented and intelligent artist with a wonderful voice, but here his acting is reduced to antics, antics and vulgar clowning, it's sad that the actor doesn't seem to understand that he's going too far. It is even sadder that the same situation is observed in other performances. recent years with the participation of Dubrovsky, for example, in the Killer Whale and the School of Taxpayers. If his character had not been played at all or if another artist had played him, the performance would have become an order of magnitude higher. There are no complaints about Polina Dolinskaya and Viktor Nizovy. Polina Dolinskaya played well, she was absolutely charming, beautiful and charming, but this time she had some problems with diction, which I never noticed in her (in places she spoke too quietly and indistinctly). Victor Nizovoy is also good, but I prefer him in dramatic roles, in comedies, he sometimes sins with clichés and pulls out the role solely with his personal charm. The most pleasant impression was made by the actors who played minor characters- Glumov, performed by Mikhail Fomenko and Vasily, performed by Sergei Tezov, who played subtly and intelligently, who managed to express all the humor of their characters and plays in small things, in notes of voice, without resorting to frankly cheap comedy clichés, which everyone else sinned to varying degrees. In the form in which the performance now exists, it is close to calling it bad or even very bad. Yes, certain scenes are tolerable and in some places the performance is even funny, but others are simply shocking - this is clowning (in a bad sense of the word), it is primitive, tasteless and vulgar, it is shameful and insulting to see this on the stage of the great Maly Theater. But even if all this unbearable vulgarity is removed from the performance, the maximum rating for it will be - no way, just no way. There are performances that do not evoke special emotions, but you can say about them: “It's cute” or “It's funny”, but here - just not at all. In fairness, I can say that I never liked this production and in any cast, but the replacement of Svetlana Amanova with young actresses for this performance is a breakthrough. The Maly Theater always has a hard time parting with performances, especially performances based on Ostrovsky, but, in my opinion, the time has come to do this - it is obvious that the performance has already outlived its age and the rejuvenation of the cast or some other attempts to prolong its life are artificial and will not help in any way .In general, the performance is kind of noisy, noisy, chaotic and unprincipled, and I would rate it at three with a minus. I hope that the next production " crazy money” at the Maly Theater will be carried out by another director, another artist and will become more successful, and the Maly Theater will prove that it can stage Ostrovsky, which I personally have been more and more doubtful of late.

One of the best plays by the outstanding Russian playwright Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky "Mad Money" is currently being successfully staged in several metropolitan theaters at once. What this play is about, what are the similarities and differences between the performances, and how the audience responds to each of them - all this and much more later in this article.

Ostrovsky's play

The comedy "Mad Money" was completed by Alexander Ostrovsky by the end of the autumn of 1869, the first publication took place already at the beginning of 1870, on the pages of the journal "Domestic Notes". In the same year, the first performances of the play took place in two theaters at once. In the first editions, the play was called "Not all that glitters is gold" and "Scythe on a stone."

The plot of the play "Mad Money" tells about the fate and life of completely different characters, who are united by one thing - the thirst for money, wealth and an idle life. Three types of imaginary rich people - the forty-year-old nobleman Telyatev, who lives in a big way, but only in debt, the sixty-year-old well-born gentleman Kuchumov, cruel and deceitful, whose wealth lies only in connections with his mother and wife, and, finally, the protagonist- the provincial Savva Vasilkov, whom, for fun, acquaintances represent as a millionaire. No less greedy heroines are led to this bait - a marriageable girl Lidia Yuryevna, who dreams of a beautiful, comfortable life, and her mother Nadezhda Antonovna, who hides her dream to profit from her daughter's successful marriage behind the angelic face of good intentions. In general, all the main characters pretend to be naive and kind, while they themselves only dream of money. Savva Vasilkov falls in love with Lydia, and she reciprocates only after learning about his millions, which in fact do not exist. As a result, they turn out to be ideally suited people for each other, since for both the only value in life is money - marriage for them is nothing but a deal. That is why Lydia calmly goes to Vasilkov's housekeeper, hoping to later rise to the status - no matter how comical it may sound - the status of a wife. It is interesting that Egor Glumov, already known to readers (and viewers) from the comedy "Enough Stupidity for Every Wise Man", reappears among the heroes.

Ostrovsky's "Mad Money" can be called a comedic version of his own "Dowry" - all the same social problems will be raised in the next play by Alexander Nikolayevich, only in a dramatic vein. The highlight of the play is the absence of positive characters in it - all the main characters, according to the author's idea, should not arouse sympathy in the reader or viewer.

First productions

In April 1870, just a few months after the first publication of the play, Mad Money was staged at the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. Unfortunately, the play was received rather coldly, as the newspapers later wrote: "The St. Petersburg public does not want stories about a simple life." The Moscow premiere took place in October 1870, on the stage of the Maly Theatre. Here, Ostrovsky's new play was well received, the performances were sold out. It is not surprising that in this theater the play is successfully staged to this day - albeit by different directors.

"Mad Money" at the Maly Theater

The performance was successfully staged at the Maly Theater from the moment of the first premiere in 1870 for many years, but was withdrawn from the show at the turn of the century - Civil War and the revolution demanded completely different productions. However, by the 1930s, classical performances began to return to the stage - especially Ostrovsky, who so coincided in his ideas with the ideas of the new, Soviet state. The first Soviet production of the play took place in 1933, on the stage of the Maly Theatre. The content of the play "Mad Money" in 1933 was as close as possible to the original source - the stage director Ivan Stepanovich Platonov did not tolerate gag in relation to the classics, and therefore absolutely all the remarks of Alexander Ostrovsky were observed. All the geniuses of the time theater stage were involved in the production. The role of Nadezhda Cheboksarova was played by the greatest Russian actress Alexandra Aleksandrovna Yablochkina. Her work was highly appreciated by both the audience and critics, as well as stage partners, although the actress herself said that she did not understand Cheboksarova at first and played her incorrectly in the first productions:

Before Cheboksarova seemed to me a positive type, I saw only her great love for her daughter, excusing all her actions, justifying her actions. Later, I realized my delusion and began to play Cheboksarova as a negative image. I used to believe that Cheboksarova does not lie internally when she says: “You speak terrible words, Lydia: there is nothing worse than poverty. Yes, Lydia: a vice! - and therefore she put into these words the genuine emotion of a noble soul. But this is not true: Cheboksarova is hiding behind a screen of dignity and honesty. She is all in the power of calculation, her "dignity" is enough only for the desire to "observe decorum." In fact, this is a cynical, selfish creature, her love for Lydia is a desire to sell her more expensive, by any means to get a rich man for her

The role of her daughter Lydia was played by the no less brilliant actress Elena Nikolaevna Gogoleva, who at the time of the premiere was 33 years old. Thanks to her excellent external data, she continued to play the 24-year-old Lydia until the age of 48. The eldest and youngest Cheboksarovas performed by Yablochkina and Gogoleva are in the photo below.

Among the others famous actors performance "Mad Money" in 1933 - Nikolai Kapitonovich Yakovlev as Vasilkov, Konstantin Aleksandrovich Zubov as Telyatev and Petr Ivanovich Starkovsky as Kuchumov.

The next staging of the performance on the stage of the Maly Theater was not only carried out in 1978, but also filmed as a television performance. The directors of this production were Nikolai Alexandrovich, Vladimir Beilis and Leonid Varpakhovsky. This production also involved many stars of the screen and stage of the USSR, but already better known to the modern audience. So, the role of Lydia went to the star of her time Elina Bystritskaya - despite the fact that at the time of the premiere she was exactly 40 years old. The role of her future chosen one Vasilkov went to Yuri Kayurov, Irina Likso played Nadezhda Antonovna, and Nikita Podgorny played Telyateva.

Well, the first premiere of the play "Mad Money" at the Maly Theater, which is successfully staged at the present time, took place 20 years later - in 1998. The duration of this performance is 2 hours 45 minutes and it consists of two acts with an intermission. Age limit 12+. The cost of tickets for the performance is from 200 to 3000 rubles. The production takes place on another stage of the Maly Theatre, which is located at Bolshaya Ordynka, 69.

Vitaly Nikolaevich Ivanov, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, became the stage director of the fourth version of the play - for the Maly Theatre, and Vitaly Anatolyevich Konyaev, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, became the main director. Cast:

  • Vasilkov - Viktor Nizovoy / Dmitry Koznov.
  • Lydia - Polina Dolinskaya / Daria Novoseltseva.
  • Cheboksarova - Aleftina Evdokimova / Lyudmila Polyakova.
  • Telyatev - Valery Babyatinsky.
  • Kuchumov - Vladimir Dubrovsky.
  • Glumov - Mikhail Fomenko.

The Maly Theater even has a trailer for this performance with one of the cast. It can be viewed in the video below.

At the Mayakovsky Theater

On the stage of the Moscow Mayakovsky Theater, the play "Mad Money" is still very young. Its premiere took place in April 2017. The role of Nadezhda Antonova in this production was played by the famous Soviet and Russian actress Svetlana Nemolyaeva. She was born on April 18, 1937, and the authors timed the premiere of the play to coincide with her 80th birthday. But this is not the only reason why the performance "Mad Money" is special for Nemolyaeva - the fact is that in this production, in the role of Lydia, on stage with great actress her own granddaughter Polina Lazareva comes out. Zest in this information adds the fact that the director of the production, Anatoly Shuliev, did not know about the relationship of the actresses when he distributed the roles. He simply decided that Svetlana Nemolyaeva and Polina Lazareva are similar in appearance, like relatives - and hit the nail on the head.

Other actors in the play "Mad Money" by Anatoly Shuliev were:

  • Vasilkov - Alexey Dyakin.
  • Telyatin - Vitaly Lensky.
  • Kuchumov - Alexander Andrienko.
  • Glumov - Konstantin Konstantinov.

The director himself designated the genre of the production as a "comedy of obsession" - after all, all the characters can really be called obsessed, which is why they find themselves in situations that are ridiculous for the viewer. The performance runs for 3 hours and 20 minutes, with one intermission and a 12+ category. The ticket will cost the viewer in the amount of 500 to 2700 rubles. Those who wish are invited to the main stage on Bolshaya Nikitskaya street 19/13. Before deciding whether to go to this performance or not, you can watch the trailer below.

At the Theater of Satire

In 1981 on the stage of the Satire Theater famous actor Andrey Mironov staged this performance, and even played in it himself leading role Savva Vasilkov. The play was staged for a long time at the Satire Theater even after the death of the actor, but, for unknown reasons, was filmed at the beginning of the 2000s. However, in 2013 the director, actor and good friend Mironov Andrey Zenin restored the performance, completely repeating all the ideas of Andrei Alexandrovich and timing the premiere to coincide with his birthday. In reviews of the play "Mad Money", staged at the Satire Theater, those critics who knew and loved the previous production unsubscribed. They agreed that Zenin managed to preserve the tragicomedic note that Mironov himself put into Ostrovsky's play, and that all lovers of the "old" theater of Satire should pay attention to this production.

Following the example of Andrei Mironov, Andrei Zenin himself played the role of Savva Vasilkov. Other actors and roles of this production:

  • Lydia - Anastasia Mikishova.
  • Cheboksarova Sr. - Valentina Sharykina.
  • Telyatev - Alexander Chevychelov.
  • Kuchumov - Sergey Churbakov.
  • Glumov - Ivan Mikhailovsky.

The duration of the performance "Mad Money" at the Satire Theater is 2 hours 30 minutes, there is an intermission. Spectators are invited to the stage "Attic of satire", the address of the theater is Triumphalnaya Square, 2. Tickets will cost from 450 to 1500 rubles.

At the Taganka Theater

Unusual in the performance of the Taganka Theater is that the entire plot is transferred from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th. The director of "Mad Money" in the Art Nouveau style was the already successful actress and aspiring director Maria Fedosova. The duration of this performance is 3 hours 20 minutes, but the marking is higher than the previous ones - 16+.

Roles played by:

  • Savva Vasilkov - Vladimir Zavittorin.
  • Lydia - Irina Usok.
  • Cheboksarova - Anna Mokhova / Polina Fokina.
  • Kuchumov - Mikhail Basov.
  • Telyatev - Danila Perov / Dmitry Belotserkovsky.
  • Glumov - Roman Serkov.

Tickets for this performance cost from 400 to 1000 rubles. The address of the theater is Zemlyanoy Val street 76/21.

At the Pushkin Theater

A rather interesting version of the play was shown at the Pushkin Theater in Moscow from May 2010 to June 2013. She is interesting both from the point of view of director's ideas, and from the point of view of an unusual cast - in the list actors Vera Alentova and Ivan Urgant lit up. Rather eccentric, symbolic, and even with a touch of absurdity, director Roman Kozak approached the creation of the performance. He managed to make a very topical, modern and incredibly witty show out of Ostrovsky's comedy. The performance had a three-hour duration, but, judging by the reviews, it was watched in one breath.

Actors and roles of the play "Mad Money" at the Pushkin Theater:

  • Vasilkov - Ivan Urgant.
  • Lydia - Alexandra Ursulyak.
  • Cheboksarova - Vera Alentova.
  • Telyatev - Victor Verzhbitsky.
  • Kuchumov - Vladimir Nikolenko.
  • Glumov - Boris Dyachenko.

This performance was closed more than five years ago, and it is not yet known whether it will return to the stage, and if so, will it be in the same composition and form? But fortunately full version The performance is not difficult to find and watch online. And below you can see a small trailer, which was timed to coincide with the premiere.

At the St. Petersburg Comedy Theater

The premiere of the youngest version of the play took place in February 2018 - this version of "Mad Money" was staged at the St. Petersburg Akimov Comedy Theater. This version turned out not only very close to the original, even somewhat refined, but also incredibly beautiful - a fresh look at the costumes and appearance of the characters, continuously falling snow, a combination of blue and black in minimalist scenery - all this attracts even those who managed to see everything existing productions"Mad money" and is not ready to be surprised. The performance was directed by Tatyana Kazakova, who is artistic director all this theatre.

Possibly affected female look on the play, but in this version it’s impossible not to sympathize with Savva and Lydia at all: inside Vasilkov, the viewer will feel a tragic note of self-denial, and in Lydia - glimpses of a tender, albeit deeply hidden soul. Between the characters, in addition to a practical union, it will be possible to feel the nascent love. Thus, Kazakova decided to turn the comedy into a kind of melodrama. Beginning actors appeared in the roles, performing on a par with well-deserved and even folk artists:

  • Vasilkov - Alexander Matveev.
  • Lydia - Daria Lyatetskaya.
  • Senior Cheboksarova - Irina Mazurkevich / Natalia Shostak.
  • Telyatev - Nikolai Smirnov.
  • Kuchumov - Sergey Russkin.
  • Glumov - Dmitry Lebedev.

The performance runs for exactly three hours, tickets cost from 500 to 2000 rubles. Theater address: St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt 56.

Screen adaptation

In 1981, the first and only feature film adaptation of the play "Mad Money" was released on the screens - if you do not take into account the version of 1978, since it, after all, is a performance, albeit shown on TV. The film was directed by Yevgeny Matveev, an actor of the Maly Theater who did not have a chance to take part in theater production plays, although he always dreamed of it. The film somewhat distorts the main message of the original source, making Vasilkov and Lydia not bad by nature, but, as it were, victims bad influence surrounding. Thus, the agreement of the younger Cheboksarova to become a housekeeper in the house of Savva Genadyich's mother (according to the film) does not look here as an abnormal whim for a healthy family, but as a way of correction, without which neither Vasilkov nor Lydia can do. The film is interesting for the participation in it of such actors as Elena Solovey and Yuri Yakovlev. According to numerous reviews on the net, many moviegoers and lovers of Ostrovsky's work agree that the film is worth watching just for the sake of the brilliant performance of these outstanding artists. Roles played by:

  • Vasilkov - Alexander Mikhailov.
  • Lydia - Ludmila Nilskaya.
  • Cheboksarova - Elena Solovey.
  • Telyatev - Yuri Yakovlev.
  • Kuchumov - Pavel Kadochnikov.
  • Glumov - Vadim Spiridonov.

Similarities and differences in performances

Despite the fact that all the performances of "Mad Money" have a common plot, the difference between them is huge. Each director still adds to Ostrovsky's original source his personal feelings and visions of the characters, just as each actor presents his character in a different way. For example, in the modern production of the Maly Theater, a certain proportion of the audience's sympathy will still be on the account of Lydia and Vasilkov. The director did not make them completely hopeless, deducing from the younger Cheboksarova in some way the heroine of Dostoevsky - cold, prudent, but still not completely lost. And Vasilkov does not seem to be such a provincial fool at all, there are, as it were, sincere feelings in him. In this, the production is very similar to the version of the St. Petersburg Akimov Theater - there, too, the director decided not to make such heartless monsters out of the main characters, but at the same time he observed all the main details original text, seasoning them with a bit of sincere and beautiful romance.

The situation is completely different with the play "Mad Money" at the Mayakovsky Theater - here the directors created not just a comedy, but an eccentric, and about positive qualities or justifying the actions of the characters, the viewer can not even dream of. Perhaps this production is not as accurate as in the Maly Theater, but the main message of Ostrovsky was preserved, which was not going to justify his heroes, and even more so their heartless thirst for profit. The director of the version of the Pushkin Theater approached the performance from approximately the same position - he brought the humorous component of the play to the grotesque, exaggerating the greed and vices of all the characters.

In the Taganka Theatre, as mentioned above, the most fundamental difference is the change in the time in which the characters exist. Otherwise, the director adhered to the original source, according to some viewers - more than everyone else.

The performance, which is being staged at the Satire Theater, was reproduced according to an earlier production by Andrei Mironov - which is why this comedy is filled with a slight sadness that is characteristic of every theatrical work of this actor and director. Here, too, there is no justification for the greed of the heroes, however, watching their lives, one wants not to punish them with laughter, but to quietly and sincerely regret - for the inferiority of their views and life principles.