How to return a ticket to the theater box office. Rules for selling theater tickets

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Going to the theater is a significant event for a connoisseur of classical or modern productions. We must not forget about the children: for them, visiting puppet shows is often the first step in getting to know a culture. But cases are different, and not all plans are destined to come true.

Simply put, sometimes you have to refuse a planned visit to the theater. And it’s good if you, finding yourself in such a situation, have not yet managed to buy a ticket, then your losses will be limited to annoyance from the inability to get to the long-awaited premiere or the annual replay of your favorite performance.

If the ticket was purchased in advance and lay with you, waiting in the wings, you can choose: either without making an effort to leave everything as it is (and lose the money paid), or try to return the ticket and receive material compensation for it.

Note! Under no circumstances will anyone return the entire amount spent to you: even if you contacted the box office or the theater administration several days in advance, the data processing fee will still be deducted from the ticket price, and possibly a fine in favor of the seller, which theoretically can reach up to 100% cost.

The conditions are strictly individual and are usually indicated in advance directly on the ticket or, if you purchase it in electronic form on the theater website are displayed in the corresponding box.

Always read them carefully and to the end: this will help to avoid further disputes with theater representatives and, therefore, unnecessary waste of time and nerves.

Attention! Our qualified lawyers will assist you free of charge and around the clock on any issues.

For example, in the conditions Mikhailovsky Theater it is clearly stated that even when purchasing an e-ticket, you will be forced, instead of using the simple return form offered, for example, by the TicketLand aggregator site, to write a free-form return application, indicating the reason for your decision, and send it by e-mail or by fax.

Please note! But the Bolshoi Theater does not return money at all - this is how it is written in the conditions of the institution. However, in order not to overtly disregard the provisions of Article 782 of the Civil Code Russian Federation and Article 32 of the Law on Consumer Rights Protection (they clearly state that the purchaser has the right to cancel the transaction at any time, compensating the seller or performer for the actual costs incurred), the Bolshoi Theater offers buyers assistance in selling the ticket. It is impossible to calculate how much a citizen will lose in this way: it all depends on luck and real help from a theater employee.

But all these are special cases, we need a complete picture, and therefore we will give several reliable and generally binding statements regarding the return of a previously purchased paper or electronic ticket to the theater.

By law, it can be returned at any time up to the start of the performance. Good reasons are not needed: you have the right not to motivate your decision at all, although, in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, you can refer to a real or apparent reason - the theater workers will not check it.

You will not receive the full amount spent.

Remember! Depending on the conditions of a particular theater, the following will be deducted from the face value of the ticket:

  • registration fee (usually 5-10% of the price) - in all institutions without exception;
  • an additional fine, fixed (for example, 200 rubles) or defined as a percentage of the ticket price (up to 50-100%) - in accordance with the conditions you accepted when purchasing.

The sooner you return the purchased paper or electronic ticket, the better. First of all, this is important for the theater: this way it has the opportunity to compensate for the lost profit by selling the ticket to another buyer.

Therefore, by contacting the box office or visiting the site of the seller organization a week, and not a couple of hours before the start of the performance, you are less likely to encounter obstacles created by the theater.

In addition, the theater may vary the penalty percentage charged depending on the time of your application: if you bring a ticket a couple of days in advance, you will receive the full price minus a commission and a small fine (for example, 10%); be late - and the compensation that the seller will keep for himself will grow to 40-50% or more.

If you are returning a paper ticket to the box office, be sure to take your passport and payment receipt with you. Most likely, you will need to write a free-form return application or fill out a special questionnaire.

Do not forget to insist that the administrator or cashier sign on the paper and indicate the time of registration on it: in the future, this will help prove that you returned the ticket before the start of the show.

Important! When refunding money for theater tickets, including those purchased via the Internet, the general rule applies:

  • paid in cash - get cash;
  • used a bank card or an electronic account for settlements - the money spent, with known deductions, will be transferred there too.

As a rule, the returned funds must be credited to the card or virtual wallet within 3 to 45 days. If after this time nothing has happened, you can make inquiries at the theater or contact your bank with a written request to track the transfer of funds.

If the theater administration refuses to consider your application and return the money, send a written complaint to Rospotrebnadzor and the Consumer Protection Society.

Do not forget to describe the situation in as much detail as possible: for which performance you purchased a ticket, and at what price, how long before the start of the performance you contacted the seller’s representative, how he motivated the refusal, and so on. Do not use rude and obscene words in the application: this will not help Rospotrebnadzor solve your problem faster.

Usually, the complaint is considered by the specified organization within 14 days, then the appropriate order is sent to the theater. If it is not observed and you have not received the money, it remains to go to court - in this case, global.

Since your request is processed by the system when you return a ticket through the website of a theater or an intermediary company, the incidents mentioned above should not occur.

Attention! If for any reason you are unable to issue a waiver, please use any available form. feedback or contact the administration directly. Rejected there too? Use our previous advice: write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor!

That's all the features of a refund for a previously purchased ticket to the theater. Now let's move on to specific example. Suppose you bought a ticket for a performance using the convenient TicketLand intermediary service.

In this case, there are only three return rules:

  • you must declare your decision (without any explanation) at least three working days before the start of the show;
  • your cell number must be registered in the system (why - will be discussed later);
  • you will be refunded the ticket price minus the issuance fee (service fee) and a 10% penalty.

Did you get acquainted? Then let's start!

Step 1

In any browser convenient for you, enter the link in the address bar and follow it by pressing the Enter key or clicking the left mouse button on the forward arrow.

Step 2

After waiting until the main page of the site opens, find in the right upper corner an icon that vaguely resembles a human silhouette and click on it.

Step 3

Log in to the site by entering the previously set login (in this case, your email address) and password in the appropriate boxes. If the password is forgotten or lost, you can recover it by clicking on the link of the same name. Remember all authentication data? Then boldly press the red "Login" button.

Step 4

Great, now you can go to Personal Area by clicking again with the left mouse button on the familiar silhouette.

Step 5

In the office you will immediately see all previously made (and paid) orders. If for some reason you have switched to another tab and cannot return, find the very first sub-item “Orders” in the left side menu and click on it. Now, having found the item to be canceled, left-click on the blue “Make a return” button located at the bottom and left of the main entry.

Step 6

Once again, read the terms of the "Online Return" service (we listed them just above) and confirm your agreement by clicking on the blue "Make a return" button.

Step 7

Now your number registered in the system will come in handy mobile phone. It will receive a confirmation code for the operation in a text message, which must be entered in the appropriate field on the new page of your personal account. Ready? Click the red OK button!

Step 8

Please wait a bit while the Internet service processes your request. Usually, the waiting time does not exceed a few seconds, but sometimes, with a heavy workload, it reaches up to a minute. Most importantly, do not close the tab, otherwise you will have to repeat all the steps again.

Step 9

And then, finally, you saw an additional pop-up window "Your order was successfully returned." Congratulations! You canceled the ticket, and the money will be credited to your account within the period set by the system - no more than 45 days from the date of return.

Note! You can no longer undo your decision. If the opportunity to go to the performance suddenly appears again, you will have to re-search and redeem a ticket for the full price, without any discounts.

Step 10

If you do not plan to perform other actions on the site, you can leave your personal account by selecting the sub-item of the left side menu "Exit" and closing the browser.


Return theater tickets to the cashier

As practice shows, cashiers in most cases refuse to accept tickets back, referring to the fact that they can only be returned if the event is canceled or postponed. Really, theater tickets are refunded:

  • when replacing a performance or performance - from the moment official statement about this and before the start of the replacement event;
  • when rescheduling a concert - within 2 weeks from the date of the official announcement about it. However, a return ticket will not be accepted if the event is less than 48 hours away;
  • in case of cancellation of a performance or performance - from the moment of the official announcement. Refunds must be made prior to the date the canceled event was due to take place.

However, what if there are circumstances that make it impossible to attend the event, and the tickets were too expensive to put up with unjustified expenses for them? However, refusing to accept a return ticket is illegal because it contradicts.

Purchase and sale of tickets as a service agreement

The legislator says that the return of theater tickets is, since this operation is nothing more than withdrawal from the service agreement. You can refuse at any time, but when you return the funds for the tickets, the funds that were spent on the fulfillment of obligations under the specified agreement will be withheld. In other words, the consumer may demand money for a service that has not yet been provided.

The requirement of the cashier or other authorized persons associated with the holding of events to disclose the reasons for such an act is unreasonable. That is, the consumer should not report that his plans have changed, he or his companion has fallen ill. A declaration that there is no need for this service is sufficient.

With regard to expenses in such a situation, only ticket production cost. This will be the amount that is charged from the total cost of the ticket. In addition, before you return tickets to the theater and receive an amount with an underpayment, documents must be provided on how much money is officially spent on printing tickets.

Returning a ticket to the box office at the request of the consumer

The consumer should keep in mind that the ticket can only be returned before the start of the event. For this it is necessary apply with the appropriate request, indicating such details as:

  • date and time of the event;
  • event title;
  • row and place;
  • number and series of the ticket.

The main thing is not to forget to indicate your contacts, make a copy of the application for yourself. Ideally, when you go to the theatre, an authorized person must certify both copies with the stamp of the institution and put on it the date of admission. At a minimum, the signature and full name of the person who accepted the application must be put. To avoid ambiguities, handwriting should be in block letters, although it is better to type the application on a computer.

In case of refusal to accept the application, two witnesses can be involved, for further testimony, in case litigation. In addition, there is an option to send the application by registered mail. The consumer will then receive a receipt notification.

If more than 10 days have passed and no response has been received, the consumer can apply to the court. In order to make a valid claim, consult a lawyer. He can subsequently represent the consumer in the courtroom.

A visit to the theater is always a holiday, but sometimes it happens that for some reason you have to postpone the event. There is a need to return the tickets and get back the money paid for them. In this article, we will consider whether it is possible to return tickets to the theater and how to do it correctly.

Theater ticket refunds

Often, when returning theater tickets, they are refused to be accepted back, referring to the internal regulations of the organization. This is fundamentally wrong, as it contradicts federal law(FZ) of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", Article 32 and Article 782 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. These laws have the highest legal force in comparison with internal regulations theater.

Let's look at the problem: in essence, theatrical performance is a service provided to the consumer. By purchasing a ticket, the viewer becomes a participant in a two-way transaction for the sale of this service. One side of the transaction is the theater, the other is the audience. The law, which stands for the protection of consumer rights, secures the right of a citizen to refuse to receive a service at any time, provided that the supplier is compensated for all the expenses incurred by him. Therefore, refusing to view theatrical performance before it starts, the citizen has the right to count on the reimbursement of the money spent on the ticket.

If the theater refuses to return money for an unused ticket, then the citizen has the right to file a complaint with the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor.

Return conditions

The main condition under which it is possible to return a ticket is that the refund procedure must take place before the start of the theatrical performance. Indeed, in this case, the citizen has not yet received the paid service and, according to the law, owes the service provider only the amount that was spent on booking a seat, printing a ticket, a service fee and other additional services.

The return of electronic tickets to the theater, i.e. purchased via the Internet on the theater website or intermediary websites, can be carried out in the same way as on paper - through the box office or on the seller’s website. The condition for the return is also the timeliness of this procedure, before the start of the theatrical performance.

Documents for the return of payment

A theater ticket is a document confirming the fact of payment. It is logical that the return of the ticket will require the submission of certain documents, namely:


When returning tickets for a failed concert, it may be difficult to indicate the amount of the refund. Some service fees may be deducted from the full price of the ticket. Read more in this

  • passport, or other document proving the identity of a citizen;
  • the original ticket purchased;
  • check or receipt of strict accountability;
  • statement made in 2 copies. One copy remains with the representative of the theater, the other, with the signature of the person who accepted the document, with the applicant.

If, for some reason, it is not possible to personally visit box office, then the documents can be sent to the address of the theater by Russian Post by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. In this case, the letter must include an application, the original theater ticket and a check. For insurance, you can make photocopies of the ticket and check, and keep them for yourself. Also, do not forget about the return condition: the letter must be received by the addressee before the date of the performance.

Making an application

Before returning tickets to the theater box office, you must write an application. The application is made in any form, but must contain the following information:

  • to whom the document is addressed: position, surname and initials of the head of the theater, or simply the theater administration;
  • surname, name and patronymic of the applicant;
  • passport data of a citizen;
  • a request to return money for an unused ticket, you can indicate the reason for its return, but this is not necessary;
  • ticket details (number and series);
  • indication of the amount of payment;
  • contacts by which the applicant can be contacted;
  • personal signature with decryption;
  • date of the application.

Amount to be refunded

Having considered the application for a refund, the theater administration must return the money no later than 30 days from the date of application. In practice, most often, money is returned immediately, if available at the box office. The refund is made in cash if the purchase was made in the same way, and by transfer to a bank card in case of non-cash payment.

As mentioned earlier, not the entire amount of the cost of a theater ticket is subject to a refund, but cash minus the costs incurred by the theater. This is the situation in the event that the initiator of the delivery of a ticket for the performance is a citizen. But there are situations in which the money paid is returned by the theater in full.

Let's list them:

  • cancellation of the performance;
  • rescheduling the submission to another date;
  • replacement of the announced performance with another one;
  • violation by the provider of its obligations to the viewer, for example:
    1. the absence of the actor declared in the performance,
    2. the seat indicated on the ticket is already occupied by another spectator, and the administration cannot offer an equivalent or more comfortable viewing seat in return.

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