Dota 2 lounge Russian version. Dota2Lounge and CSGOLounge made a statement about their future work

Hello everyone, I think many people bet or would like to bet on esports matches. And in this article I will tell factors which you need to look at when placing a bet. I will describe here there are a lot of useful things, but since there are a lot of different variations, I will divide the article into subtopics.

Betting is like an art, you need to fully learn the team you will bet on.

1. Odds

One of the most important factors. Personally, I divide them into: profitable, unprofitable and risky.

Profitable- this is when the coefficient. 50/50 or 40/60 because it's easier to earn a large amount. An example of such a match:

As soon as I saw this match, I immediately knew that this was my chance. As you can see, the odds on C9 were big due to the fact that they won one tournament, and therefore the odds. they have a big one. I immediately saw this match and flooded the tinkers. Outcome:

Unprofitable- this is when the odds are on the favorite. 90 and their opponent has 10. This greatly affects the amount of victory., and therefore we will not get much for such a match. Match example:

Risky- this is when the coefficient. on the team on which you bet 20% or 30% to win. But there is one plus - for this match you will get a lot of money. Match example:

Basically with coefficients finished. I think you understand the main thing.

2. Tournament

Almost any match takes place within the framework of some tournament. What am I getting at? And to the fact that before you put you need to look standings . Personally, I use this site to watch tournaments. Why do it? You need to look at the number of team points in the tournament, because sometimes it happens that the team has in no case can go to LAN but they still have games and it’s unlikely they will sweat at a match that means nothing to them. For example:

Here is the match. Watch: The Summit tournament. Opening the league table:

Play MVP who have high chances of getting into LAN, and Zephyr who already have 5 losses and their chances are low. Here I think we obviously put everything on MVP. So I told you about another betting factor.

3. Team matches

Here we are looking team's last 5-10 matches on which we will bet. For this I use the same site. Example:

Here I will divide it into 2 parts.

3.1 Recent team matches

We are looking for these on that site last team matches, first I will watch the latest CSW matches.

What we see: 4 faults, 3 losses and a draw. But they lost not to suckers, but rather promising teams. Compare their matches with Rave matches.

4 faults, 3 defeats. You could say the same as CSW, but Rave won 2 BO5s and one BO3 and drew against LGD, and that's pretty decent. From this stat, I would bet on Rave.

3.2 Head to head meetings

On the same site, we can see team meetings. For this we go. And choose two teams that play each other. I will be looking at Rave and CSW. But since they haven't played yet, let's take a look at NaVi and Alliance, for example.

We have the fact that Aliki won 12 times, and Navi 11. This is not the best example, but anyway, from this we see that the teams play equally.

4. Number of maps in a match

One of not many important factors. Matches are BO1 - 1 card, BO2 - 2 cards, BO3 - 3 cards, BO5 - 5 cards and BO7 - 7 cards. Where can I find map information? Here:

The most risky BO1 match and on it I advise you to bet if you are sure of the team, because in BO1 anything can happen, one mistake and the map is already merged and there won't be a second chance. Example BO1:

BO2 - the most confident matches. Here each team is given 2 chances, and this is the only number of maps where there can be a draw. I advise you to put the TOP on BO2.

BO3, BO5, BO7 - usually in such matches the team that has a stronger skill wins, because for one even two cards (BO5, BO7) you can win back. Over here too you can pour TOP gear.

5. Replacements

Very often in teams there are replacements of players, for various reasons. I think you understand that when there is a replacement team, the chances of winning decrease, because new player did not play in this team and most likely will play unrelated. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to get information about replacements, but usually this info is in team tweeters or off. sites. To do this, just find the tweeter for this team and read the posts there.

6. Team picks

Before bidding, I advise you see team picks in recent games, it is possible that the teams are practicing something new, and they may not succeed, but it’s a pity to lose gear. Just look at the recordings of their latest games and you will already be more confident in the bet. For example: Navi have been picking very uncertain and new picks lately, this is understandable from their side - development and new experience, but it is better for you to beware of such bets.

7. Predictions for matches

As you know, now there are a lot of groups, sites, tweeters with predictions for Dota 2 matches. But I highly recommend do not bet on these predictions. After all, usually their stats are drawn, and the forecasts are rotten. I just compare predictions with their own, but no more. You need to put your point of view, according to the factors that I described above. Unless there are a couple of really good forecasters. An example of good predictions:


This is where the article ends. Now some plan by which I put:
1. Checking odds.
2. I watch the tournament bracket and the probabilities of teams getting into LANs.
3. Head-to-head meetings and recent team games.
4. Number of cards in the fight.
5. Substitutions.
6. drafts.
7. Compare with forecasts.

That's all. Now you can safely become a Dota 2 forecaster, because this is how predictions for matches are made.

Hello everyone!) Here I will write about one way to abuse the DotA 2 lounge. (Perhaps some of you know it, but here it will be described in a little more detail)
1) At least 1 account with a Russian marketplace.
2) As many steam accounts as possible, the more the better with the working exchange.
So, let's begin
The method consists in betting on the DotA 2 lounge.
On an account with a Russian trading platform, you will need to purchase common jewelry, they now cost from 0.36 rubles there. Dota 2 lounge sees them as
0.04-0.05 $ This is about 2.72 rubles /) (Many probably already understood what the abuse was after that, but still I advise you to read to the end)
We buy boxes, the more the better, but the usual dota inventory is limited to 600-800 items. (I bought a lot of bundles and threw 100 pieces per account) Proof(Do not buy comonki for the doctor, which of the sets does not accept DotA 2 lounge)
Next is the most important. After we bought the boxes, we waited 7 days and transferred them to the account / s, we proceed to the rates themselves. It is best to bet only on low coffees (0% -39% so that the sum of $ when winning is not lower than 0.2-0.3) because if you bet on 40-100% of the team, then if they win, they will most likely give the same hedgehogs as you bet . It's not very good to bet on qualifier matches where low coffees are rarely won. is the most popular site for betting on Dota 2 matches. It's quite easy to figure out how to place bets, especially since the site has Russian language. However, we will write a small guide on how to place bets on dota2lounge correctly.

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After that, you get to the actual authorization page, where you need to enter your Steam login and password:

Image lounge1

Attention: Before entering a password, look carefully at the site address. The browser line should be If the address is different, then this is a phishing site that was created to steal your access to Steam ( similar cases have already been).

On the right side of the screen there will be a schedule of matches, both future and current and past. If the name of one team has a green check mark, then it has won. See example:

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The percentage shows the probability of winning one or another team, which was predicted before the match. By the way, many recommend betting on outsiders, but we will talk about this in another article. Next, we will actually bet, for example, take the match OG vs EHOME. The following window appears:

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As you can see, we are required to specify the Steam trade URL. To do this, click on this link, you will be redirected to the steamcommunity website, where this link will be indicated at the very bottom:

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You need to copy and paste it on the dota2lounge website, after which a window will appear where you can place a bet:

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In order to place a bet on the Lounge, you need to click on the logo of the team that will win (in your opinion) and click "Place a bet". After that, a window will appear in the lower left corner, in which the security code will be indicated (you need to remember it) and two buttons: "Cancel" and "Add bot and wait." Click "Add Bot".

When it's your turn, the bot should send you an invitation to trade. After receiving an invite, you should not wait long, if enough time passes, the bot may revoke the invitation, as it will decide that you are not at the computer. Keep in mind that each player in the Lounge can place no more than 4 items. If you agree with the terms of the exchange, click on the "OK" button.