Analysis of the work "The Little Prince" by Exupery. "The Little Prince": analysis

“After all, all adults were children at first, only few of them remember this.”

This book can be read in 30 minutes, but this fact did not prevent the book from becoming a world classic. The author of the story is French writer, poet and professional pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery. This allegorical tale is the most famous work author. It was first published in 1943 (April 6) in New York. It is interesting that the drawings in the book were made by the author himself and became no less famous than the book itself.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger de Saint-Exupery(French Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger de Saint-Exup?ry; June 29, 1900, Lyon, France - July 31, 1944) - a famous French writer, poet and professional pilot.

To a summary of the story

At the age of six, the boy read about how a boa constrictor swallows its prey, and drew a snake that swallowed an elephant. It was a drawing of a boa constrictor on the outside, but the adults claimed it was a hat. Adults always need to explain everything, so the boy made another drawing - a boa constrictor from the inside. Then the adults advised the boy to give up this nonsense - according to them, he should have done more geography, history, arithmetic and spelling. So the boy abandoned a brilliant career as an artist. He had to choose another profession: he grew up and became a pilot, but as before, he showed his first drawing to those adults who seemed to him smarter and more intelligent than the rest, and everyone answered that it was a hat. It was impossible to talk heart to heart with them - about boas, jungles and stars. And the pilot lived alone until he met the Little Prince.

This happened in the Sahara. Something broke in the plane's engine: the pilot had to fix it or die, because there was only water left for a week. At dawn, the pilot was awakened by a thin voice - a tiny baby with golden hair, unknown how he got into the desert, asked him to draw a lamb for him. The astonished pilot did not dare to refuse, especially since his new friend turned out to be the only one who managed to make out in the first drawing a boa constrictor that had swallowed an elephant. It gradually became clear that The little Prince came from a planet called "asteroid B-612" - of course, the number is only needed for boring adults who love numbers.

The whole planet was the size of a house, and the Little Prince had to take care of her: every day to clean three volcanoes - two active and one extinct, and also weed out baobab sprouts. The pilot did not immediately understand the danger baobabs pose, but then he guessed and, in order to warn all the children, he drew a planet where a lazy person lived, who did not weed out three bushes in time. But the Little Prince always put his planet in order. But his life was sad and lonely, so he loved to watch the sunset - especially when he was sad. He did this several times a day, simply by moving his chair to follow the sun. Everything changed when a wonderful flower appeared on his planet: it was a beauty with thorns - proud, touchy and ingenuous. The little prince fell in love with her, but she seemed to him capricious, cruel and arrogant - he was then too young and did not understand how this flower lit up his life. And so the Little Prince cleaned his volcanoes for the last time, pulled out the sprouts of baobabs, and then said goodbye to his flower, which only at the moment of farewell admitted that he loved him.

He went on a journey and visited six neighboring asteroids. The king lived on the first: he wanted to have subjects so much that he offered the Little Prince to become a minister, and the kid thought that adults were a very strange people. On the second planet lived an ambitious on third- drunkard on the fourth- a business man fifth- lamplighter. All adults seemed extremely strange to the Little Prince, and only he liked the Lamplighter: this man remained faithful to the agreement to light the lamps in the evenings and extinguish the lanterns in the mornings, although his planet was so reduced that day and night changed every minute. Don't be so small here. The little prince would have stayed with the Lamplighter, because he really wanted to make friends with someone - besides, on this planet you could admire the sunset one thousand four hundred and forty times a day!

A geographer lived on the sixth planet. And since he was a geographer, he was supposed to ask travelers about the countries where they came from in order to write down their stories in books. The little prince wanted to tell about his flower, but the geographer explained that only mountains and oceans are written in books, because they are eternal and unchanging, and flowers do not live long. Only then did the Little Prince realize that his beauty would soon disappear, and he left her alone, without protection and help! But the insult has not yet passed, and the Little Prince went on, but he thought only of his abandoned flower.

Earth was with food- a very difficult planet! Suffice it to say that there are one hundred and eleven kings, seven thousand geographers, nine hundred thousand businessmen, seven and a half million drunkards, three hundred and eleven million ambitious people - a total of about two billion adults. But the Little Prince made friends only with the snake, the Fox and the pilot. The snake promised to help him when he bitterly regrets his planet. And Fox taught him to be friends. Everyone can tame someone and become his friend, but you always need to be responsible for those whom you have tamed. And the Fox also said that only the heart is vigilant - you cannot see the most important thing with your eyes. Then the Little Prince decided to return to his rose, because he was responsible for it. He went to the desert - to the very place where he fell. So they met the pilot. The pilot drew him a lamb in a box and even a muzzle for a lamb, although he used to think that he could only draw boas - inside and out. The little prince was happy, but the pilot felt sad - he realized that he was also tamed. Then the Little Prince found a yellow snake, whose bite kills in half a minute: she helped him, as promised. The snake can return everyone to where he came from - she returns people to the earth, and she returned the Little Prince to the stars. The kid told the pilot that it would only look like death, so there is no need to be sad - let the pilot remember him, looking at the night sky. And when the Little Prince laughs, it will seem to the pilot that all the stars are laughing like five hundred million bells.

The pilot fixed his plane and his comrades rejoiced at his return. Since then six years have passed: little by little he was comforted and fell in love with looking at the stars. But he is always excited: he forgot to draw a muzzle strap, and the lamb could eat the rose. Then it seems to him that all the bells are crying. After all, if the rose is no longer in the world, everything will be different, but no adult will ever understand how important this is.

story tale

Lessons 96-102. A. de Saint1 Exupery "The Little Prince".

1. Examination homework conducted on questions and assignments of the textbook to the memoirs of K. Chukovsky.

In order to summarize what has been learned, the following questions are asked:

What section did we study? What is "cognitive literature"?

Have you learned something new? What exactly?

Which of the readings in this section do you remember the most?

2. Preparing for perception.

The textbook contains materials on genre features fairy tales and about the author of the story "The Little Prince". The children get to know them. The teacher can complete their information about the writer.

(Reference material.


Antoine from childhood knew the legends about his ancient knightly family. Family documents claimed that the family of the Comtes de Saint-Exupéry originated from one of the knights of the Holy Grail ...

After listening to stories about the exploits of their ancestors, Antoine, together with his brother and sisters, climbed into the attic covered with cobwebs. There, from under the dusty rubbish, children pulled out boots from the time of King Louis XVI, then a century-old camisole, then a knight's cloak ... But childhood ends. The time has come to learn.

Then there was Paris, endless visits to influential relatives. All this quickly bored Antoine. In addition, social life was too expensive for the young count. After all, Antoine's father, who died early, was unable to leave his wife and children a fortune. I had to choose a profession.

Comprehensively gifted, Saint-Exupery drew well, played the violin, and was passionate about literature. But most of all he was attracted by the profession of a pilot. Leaving his studies at the Paris Academy of Arts, Saint-Exupery volunteered for a fighter aviation regiment.

It was the youth of aviation. Flying was very dangerous back then, but how could that stop the descendant of the knight of the Holy Grail? The outstanding pilot Saint-Exupery laid air routes, mastered new aircraft, invented aviation devices. More than once he suffered catastrophes, sometimes receiving serious injuries, was on the verge of death, but again returned to his work. Exupery was dear to the wonderful feeling of flying over endless expanses, and the constant risk gave rise to sharp feeling transience of life and at the same time its true value. Perhaps, flying on his "shelf" over the endless sands of the Sahara desert, in the midst of a silent void, he recalled his aging mother, abandoned by him, of his beautiful lady who never became his wife...

It was during one of these flights that Antoine came up with the idea for the first book. Books about the pilot, about his unfulfilled hope

and about how people sometimes find it hard to understand each other...

After the "Southern Postal" two more books appeared - "Noch1

Noah flight” and “Planet of people”. Their heroes sat at the helm of an airplane and were left alone with the world and their thoughts... “For me, flying and writing are one and the same thing,” Saint-Exupery once said. - The main thing is to act, the main thing is to find yourself ... "

When did the second World War, Saint-Exupery was in the army, but when the Nazis captured France, he had to leave for the USA. There, far from relatives and friends, Antoine began to write his famous philosophical tale, The Little Prince. His Little Prince is convinced that the calling of a person is selfless love and service to those who need you. So, the Kid loves the rose flower he has grown. He has learned to tame animals, learns to be faithful in friendship, to honestly fulfill the reasonable duties entrusted to a person by life. Saint-1-Exupery composed this work for those who are able to understand that "you can't see the most important thing with your eyes - only the heart is vigilant."

But even The Little Prince did not save its author from longing. Saint-1-Exupery languished from inactivity and the inability to fly. Antoine was not embarrassed that he was already 43, that he was crippled in accidents and could not even put on his own

heavy flight suit...

Doctors and generals were adamant, but Saint-Ex, as his friends called him, was stubborn. He nevertheless joined the ranks of the French Resistance and received permission for several reconnaissance flights. From the last, the ninth, Exupery's plane did not return.

He died three weeks before the liberation of France from German occupation. Saint-Exupéry's plane was shot down by a fascist fighter and crashed into the sea. Recently, the wreckage of this aircraft was found and raised from the bottom of the sea. The death of Captain Saint-Exupery was as heroic as his life.)

3. Acquaintance with the text.

4. Discussion of what has been read.

Children answer questions for the first chapter, located

in the textbook.

5. At home, students continue their further acquaintance with the story.

General approaches to the study of A. de Saint-1 Exupery's story "The Little Prince".

Without repeating what is written about working with large volume!

texts in the chapter of this manual “General Characteristics! tick of the process of learning to read”, let’s add something that is relevant!

connection directly to the story of A. de Saint! Exupery. Considering that this work is woven from a quivering weave! no images, feelings and thoughts, I don’t want to impose a certain mode of reading on the teacher and children. Let acquaintance with this

the work will be unobtrusive, without strict regulations!

tations. You should not drive the text into frames, you should obey the rhythm of the breath of this poetic prose, follow the author.

assignments are not allowed to be bound. The teacher needs

avoid the danger of chattering, drowning out the poignant melody of the writer's voice. You need to trust the author, and not crush him

work of private questions. Minimum of conversations

maximum reading, immersing students in a touching atmosphere! atmosphere of the story of the Little Prince.

AT addition to teaching materials textbook, I would like to draw the teacher's attention to the possibility of staging (primarily, reading by roles) when rereading chapters VI, VII, VIII (the first half), IX, XXI. Only those who wish to take part in this activity should take part. If suddenly they do not appear, then there is no need to dramatize the fragments of this touching, reverent work that requires a spiritual response.

After reading the roles of chapter VI, you can invite the children to imagine themselves in the place of the Little Prince at the moment when the pilot asked him: “So, on the day when you saw forty-three sunsets, you were very sad?” Why didn't the little prince answer? What did he feel and what did he look like? (He was saddened, remembering his former sadness and loneliness, he again felt unhappy.) Next, the students collectively draw a word picture depicting how the Little Prince looked at the named moment of his conversation

With pilot. Then the teacher offers to “revive” this picture, for which everyone, sitting at a desk, needs to feel deeply, get used to the role of the Little Prince, “try on” his romantic, sad state, transferring it in the form of a “living picture”. Along the way, the teacher explains that one should try not to portray, but to experience the same thing as this baby. Define best performer, of course, it is not necessary, since trying to get used to the image of the Little Prince is a delicate work. AT this case it is more important that the children get at least a little closer to the character.

After reading Chapter IX, both the meeting episode (Chapter VIII) and the farewell scene (Chapter IX) of the Little Prince and the Rose are staged. Before this, the children are invited to complete the third task of the notebook:

AT in a well-prepared classroom, students can complete this task on their own; if children are undereducated

Cheny, this work is done jointly with the teacher. The same applies to the designation of the words belonging to the rose and the Little Prince. If during the entire period of study, reading by roles was carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the methodological apparatus of the “Favorite Pages” textbooks, students cope with the named tasks on their own. The quality of their reading by roles becomes a check of the correctness of the performance.

In the XXI chapter - and philosophy, and lyrics, and humor, flowing into each other - she, of course, represents big interest both in educational terms, and for reading by roles. It is especially important that the children read in roles the final part of the farewell of the Little Prince and the Fox.

The study of the story "The Little Prince" is completed by completing the first and second tasks of the notebook.

Lesson final (additional).

The last lesson is based on the materials of the notebook, which are of a generalizing nature. Many of these tasks are aimed at teaching children how to work with children's books (including encyclopedias) and periodicals. The teacher selects and arranges the materials to be studied for the sake of the teacher at his own discretion, focusing on the characteristics of the students in his class. On the this lesson Readers' diaries can be used to sum up the results of children's independent reading of books during the school year.

In 1943, the work of interest to us was first published. Let's talk briefly about the background of its creation, and then we will analyze it. "The Little Prince" is a work, the impetus for writing which was one incident that happened to its author.

In 1935, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was in a plane crash while flying in the direction of Paris-Saigon. He ended up in the territory located in the Sahara, in its northeastern part. Memories of this accident and the invasion of the Nazis prompted the author to think about the responsibility for the Earth of people, about the fate of the world. In 1942, he wrote in his diary that he was worried about his generation, devoid of spiritual content. People lead a herd existence. To return spiritual concerns to a person is the task that the writer set himself.

To whom is the work dedicated?

The story that interests us is dedicated to Leon Werth, Antoine's friend. This is important to note when doing the analysis. "The Little Prince" is a story in which everything is filled with deep meaning, including dedication. After all, Leon Werth is a Jewish writer, journalist, critic, victim of persecution during the war. Such a dedication was not just a tribute to friendship, but also a bold challenge by the writer to anti-Semitism and Nazism. In difficult times, Exupery created his fairy tale story. He fought against violence with words and illustrations, which he manually created for his work.

Two worlds in a story

Two worlds are represented in this story - adults and children, as our analysis shows. "The Little Prince" is a work in which this division is by no means done according to age. For example, a pilot is an adult, but he managed to save a child's soul. The author divides people according to ideals and ideas. For adults, the most important are their own affairs, ambition, wealth, power. And the child's soul longs for something else - friendship, mutual understanding, beauty, joy. The antithesis (children and adults) helps to reveal the main conflict of the work - the opposition of two different value systems: real and false, spiritual and material. It deepens further. After leaving the planet, the little prince meets "strange adults" on his way, whom he cannot understand.

Travel and dialogue

The composition is based on travel and dialogue. The general picture of the existence of humanity losing moral values ​​is recreated by the meeting with the "adults" of the little prince.

Main character travels in the story from asteroid to asteroid. He visits, first of all, the nearest, where people live alone. Each asteroid has a number, like the apartments of a modern high-rise building. These figures hint at the separation of people who live in neighboring apartments, but live as if on different planets. For the little prince, meeting the inhabitants of these asteroids becomes a lesson in loneliness.

Meeting with the king

On one of the asteroids lived a king who looked at the whole world, like other kings, in a very simplified way. For him, subjects are all people. However, the king was tormented by this question: "Who is to blame for the fact that his orders are impossible?". The king taught the prince that judging oneself is harder than judging others. Having learned this, one can become truly wise. The lover of power loves power, not subjects, and therefore is deprived of the latter.

The Prince visits the planet of the ambitious

On another planet lived an ambitious man. But vain people are deaf to everything except praise. Only the ambitious loves glory, and not the public, and therefore remains without the latter.

Drunkard's Planet

Let's continue the analysis. The little prince ends up on the third planet. His next meeting is with a drunkard who thinks intently about himself and eventually becomes completely confused. This man is ashamed of what he drinks. However, he drinks in order to forget about his conscience.

business man

The business man owned the fourth planet. As the analysis of the fairy tale "The Little Prince" shows, the meaning of his life was to find something that does not have an owner and appropriate it. A business man counts wealth that is not his: he who saves only for himself might as well count the stars. The little prince cannot understand the logic by which adults live. He concludes that it is beneficial for his flower and volcanoes that he owns them. But the stars do not benefit from such possession.


And only on the fifth planet the main character finds a person with whom he wants to make friends. This is a lamplighter who would be despised by everyone, because he thinks not only of himself. However, his planet is tiny. There is no room for two. The lamplighter is working in vain, because he does not know for whom.

Meeting with a geographer

The geographer, who writes thick books, lived on the sixth planet, which was created in his story by Exupery ("The Little Prince"). The analysis of the work would be incomplete if we did not say a few words about it. This is a scientist, and beauty is ephemeral for him. Nobody needs scientific papers. Without love for a person, it turns out that everything is meaningless - and honor, and power, and labor, and science, and conscience, and capital. The little prince leaves this planet too. The analysis of the work continues with a description of our planet.

Little prince on earth

The last place the prince visited was the strange Earth. When he arrives here, the title character of Exupery's story "The Little Prince" feels even more alone. The analysis of the work when describing it should be more detailed than when describing other planets. After all, the author Special attention in the story he devotes precisely to the Earth. He notices that this planet is not at all home, it is "salty", "all in needles" and "completely dry". It's uncomfortable to live on it. Its definition is given through images that seemed strange to the little prince. The boy notes that this planet is not simple. It is ruled by 111 kings, there are 7,000 geographers, 900,000 businessmen, 7.5 million drunkards, 311 million ambitious people.

The protagonist's journey continues in the following sections. He meets, in particular, with the switchman directing the train, but people do not know where they are going. The boy then sees a merchant who sells anti-thirst pills.

Among the people living here, the little prince feels lonely. Analyzing life on Earth, he notes that there are so many people on it that they cannot feel like one. Millions remain strangers to each other. What do they live for? A lot of people are rushing in fast trains - why? People are not connected by pills or fast trains. And the planet will not become a home without it.

Friendship with the Fox

After analyzing Exupery's The Little Prince, we found out that the boy is bored on Earth. And the Fox, another hero of the work, has a boring life. Both of them are looking for a friend. The fox knows how to find him: you need to tame someone, that is, create bonds. And the main character understands that there are no shops where you can buy a friend.

The author describes the life before the meeting with the boy, which was led by the Fox from the story "The Little Prince". allows us to notice that before this meeting he only fought for his existence: he hunted chickens, and hunters hunted him. The fox, having been tamed, escaped from the circle of defense and attack, fear and hunger. It is to this hero that the formula "only the heart is vigilant" belongs. Love can be transferred to many other things. Having made friends with the main character, the Fox will fall in love with everything else in the world. The close in his mind is connected with the distant.

A pilot in the desert

It is easy to imagine a home planet in habitable places. However, in order to understand what a house is, it is necessary to be in the desert. Exupery's analysis of The Little Prince suggests this idea. In the desert, the main character met a pilot, with whom he then became friends. The pilot ended up here not only because of a malfunction of the aircraft. He has been enchanted by the desert all his life. The name of this desert is loneliness. The pilot understands an important secret: there is meaning in life when there is someone to die for. The desert is a place where a person feels a thirst for communication, thinks about the meaning of existence. It reminds us that the earth is the home of man.

What did the author want to tell us?

The author wants to say that people have forgotten one simple truth: they are responsible for their planet, as well as for those who have been tamed. If we all understood this, there would probably be no wars and economic problems. But people are very often blind, do not listen to their own hearts, leave their home, looking for happiness far from their relatives and friends. Antoine de Saint-Exupery did not write his fairy tale "The Little Prince" for fun. The analysis of the work carried out in this article, we hope, convinced you of this. The writer appeals to all of us, urging us to carefully look at those who surround us. After all, these are our friends. They must be protected, according to Antoine de Saint-Exupery ("The Little Prince"). This concludes the analysis of the work. We invite readers to reflect on this story for themselves and continue the analysis with their own observations.

The Little Prince was born in 1943 in America, where Antoine de Saint-Exupery fled from Nazi-occupied France. An unusual fairy tale, equally well perceived by both children and adults, turned out to be relevant not only during the Second World War. Today, she still reads to her people who are trying to find in the "Little Prince" the answers to eternal questions about the meaning of life, the essence of love, the price of friendship, the necessity of death.

By form- a story in twenty-seven parts plot- a fairy tale that tells about the magical adventures of Prince Charming, who left his native kingdom due to unhappy love, artistic organization- a parable - simple in speech execution (it is very easy to learn French using The Little Prince) and complex in terms of philosophical content.

main idea fairy tales-parables - statement true values human existence. home antithesis- sensual and rational perception of the world. The first is characteristic of children and those rare adults who have not lost their childlike purity and naivety. The second is the prerogative of adults who are firmly rooted in the world of rules created by themselves, often ridiculous even from the point of view of reason.

The appearance of the Little Prince on Earth symbolizes the birth of a person who comes into our world with a pure soul and a loving heart, open to friendship. Return fairy tale hero home comes through real death, coming from the venom of a desert snake. The physical death of the Little Prince embodies the Christian idea of ​​eternal life a soul that can go to Heaven only by leaving its body shell on earth. The annual stay of a fairy-tale hero on Earth correlates with the idea of ​​the spiritual growth of a person who learns to be friends and love, take care of others and understand them.

image of the little prince based on fairy-tale motifs and the image of the author of the work - a representative of an impoverished noble family, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, who bore the nickname "The Sun King" in childhood. A little boy with golden hair is the soul of an author who never grew up. The meeting of an adult pilot with his childish self takes place at one of the most tragic moments of his life - a plane crash in the Sahara Desert. Balancing on the verge of life and death, the author learns the story of the Little Prince during the repair of the aircraft and not only talks to him, but also goes together to the well, and even carries his subconscious in his arms, giving him the features of a real, different character.

The relationship between the Little Prince and the Rose is an allegorical depiction of love and the difference in its perception by a man and a woman. Capricious, proud, beautiful Rose manipulates her lover until she loses power over him. Gentle, timid, believing in what he is told, the Little Prince suffers cruelly from the frivolity of the beauty, not immediately realizing that it was necessary to love her not for words, but for deeds - for the wonderful aroma that she gave him, for all that the joy she brought into his life.

Seeing five thousand Roses on Earth, the space traveler becomes desperate. He was almost disappointed in his flower, but the Fox, who met him on the way in time, explains to the hero for a long time forgotten by people truths: that you need to look with your heart, not with your eyes, and be responsible for those who have been tamed.

Art fox image- an allegorical image of friendship born from habit, love and the desire to be needed by someone. In the understanding of an animal, a friend is one who fills his life with meaning: destroys boredom, allows him to see the beauty of the world around him (comparison of the Little Prince's golden hair with wheat ears) and cry when parting. The little prince learns well the lesson given to him. Saying goodbye to life, he thinks not about death, but about a friend. Fox image in the story it also correlates with the biblical Serpent-tempter: for the first time the hero meets him under an apple tree, the animal shares with the boy the knowledge about the most important life foundations - love and friendship. As soon as the Little Prince comprehends this knowledge, he immediately acquires mortality: he appeared on Earth, traveling from planet to planet, but he can leave it only by abandoning the physical shell.

In the story of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, the role of fairy-tale monsters is played by adults, whom the author snatches out of the general mass and places each on his own planet, enclosing a person in himself and, as if under a magnifying glass, showing his essence. The desire for power, ambition, drunkenness, love of wealth, stupidity - the most character traits adult people. Exupery exposes a common vice for all, activity / life, devoid of meaning: the king from the first asteroid rules nothing and gives only those orders that his fictional subjects can fulfill; the ambitious man does not value anyone but himself; the drunkard is unable to get out of the vicious circle of shame and drinking; a business man endlessly adds up the stars and finds joy not in their light, but in their value, which can be written on paper and put in a bank; the old geographer is mired in theoretical conclusions that have nothing to do with the practical science of geography. The only reasonable person, from the point of view of the Little Prince, in this row of adults looks like a lamplighter, whose craft is useful to others and beautiful in its essence. Perhaps that is why it loses its meaning on a planet where a day lasts one minute, and electric lighting is already working with might and main on Earth.

The story about the boy who appeared from the stars is written in a touching and light style. She is all imbued with sunlight, which can be found not only in the hair and yellow scarf of the Little Prince, but also in the endless sands of the Sahara, wheat ears, the orange Fox and the yellow Snake. The latter is immediately recognized by the reader as Death, because it is she who is inherent in power, greater, "than in the finger of a king", possibility "carry farther than any ship" and ability to decide "all mysteries". The snake shares with the Little Prince her secret of knowing people: when the hero complains about being alone in the desert, she says that "among people too" happens "alone".

I really liked this book, so I decided to put on my website the most interesting analysis of the book. Semyon Kibalo

Problem-thematic analysis of the work

The story of the "Little Prince" itself originated from one of the plots of the "Planet of Humans". This is the story of the accidental landing of the writer himself and his mechanic Prevost in the desert. Exupery has key, favorite images-symbols. Here, for example, they lead storylines: this is the search for water by thirsty pilots, their physical suffering and amazing salvation.

Audiobook (2 hours):

The symbol of life - water, quenches the thirst of people lost in the sands, the source of everything that exists on earth, the food and flesh of everyone, the substance that makes it possible to resurrect.
In The Little Prince, Exupery will fill this symbol with a deep philosophical content.
The dehydrated desert is a symbol of a world devastated by war, chaos, destruction, human callousness, envy and selfishness. This is a world in which a person dies of spiritual thirst.
Another important symbol, to which almost the entire work is addressed, is a rose.
The rose is a symbol of love, beauty, femininity. The little prince did not immediately see the true inner essence beauty. But after talking with the Fox, the truth was revealed to him - beauty only becomes beautiful when it is filled with meaning, content. “You are beautiful, but empty,” continued the Little Prince. “You don’t want to die for your sake. Of course, a random passerby, looking at my rose, will say that it is exactly the same as you. But for me, she is dearer than all of you…”
The salvation of mankind from the impending inevitable catastrophe is one of the main themes in the writer's work. He actively develops it in the work “Planet of People”. Exactly the same theme in The Little Prince, but here it gets a deeper development. Saint-Exupery did not write any of his works, and did not hatch for as long as the “Little Prince”. Often, motifs from The Little Prince are found in the writer's previous works.
What way of salvation does Antoine de Saint-Exupery see?
“Love does not mean looking at each other, it means looking in the same direction” - this thought determines the ideological concept of the story-tale. The Little Prince was written in 1943, and the tragedy of Europe in the Second World War, the writer's memories of the defeated, occupied France leave their mark on the work. With his light, sad and wise tale, Exupery defended the undying humanity, the living spark in the souls of people. In a sense, the story was the result creative way writer, philosophical, artistic comprehension.
“The Little Prince” is, first of all, a philosophical fairy tale. And, therefore, a seemingly simple and unpretentious plot and irony hide a deep meaning. The author touches upon in it an abstract form through allegories, metaphors and symbols of the theme of a cosmic scale: good and evil, life and death, human existence, true love, moral beauty, friendship, endless loneliness, the relationship between the individual and the crowd, and many others.
Despite the fact that the Little Prince is a child, a true vision of the world opens up to him, which is inaccessible even to an adult. Yes, and people with dead souls, whom the main character meets on his way, are much worse than fairy-tale monsters. The relationship between the prince and the Rose is much more complicated than the relationship between princes and princesses from folklore tales.
The story has a strong romantic tradition.
Firstly, this is the choice of the folklore genre - fairy tales. The fact that “The Little Prince” is a fairy tale, we determine by the fairy-tale features in the story: the hero’s fantastic journey, fairy tale characters(Fox, Snake, Rose). Romantics turn to the genres of oral folk art not by chance. Folklore is the childhood of mankind, and the theme of childhood in romanticism is one of the key themes.
Saint-Exupery shows that a person begins to live only for the sake of the material shell, forgetting about spiritual aspirations. Only the soul of the child and the soul of the Artist are not subject to mercantile interests and, accordingly, Evil. Hence, the cult of childhood can be traced in the work of romantics.
But the main tragedy The “adult” heroes of Saint-Exupery are not so much that they are subordinate to the material world, but that they “lost” all spiritual qualities and began to exist senselessly, and not live in the full sense of the word.
Since this is a philosophical work, the author puts global topics in a generalized abstract form. He considers the topic of Evil in two aspects: on the one hand, it is “micro evil”, that is, evil inside a single person. This is the deadness and inner emptiness of the inhabitants of the planets, which personify everything human vices. And it is no coincidence that the inhabitants of the planet Earth are characterized through the inhabitants of the planets seen by the Little Prince. By this, the author emphasizes how petty and dramatic the contemporary world is. But Exupery is by no means a pessimist. He believes that humanity, like the Little Prince, will comprehend the secret of being, and each person will find his guiding star that will illuminate his life path.
The second aspect of the theme of evil can be conditionally called "macro-evil". Baobabs are a spiritualized image of evil in general. One of the interpretations of this metaphorical image is connected with fascism. Saint-Exupery wanted people to carefully uproot the evil “baobabs” that threatened to tear the planet apart. “Beware of the baobabs!” - conjures the writer.
The tale itself was written because it was "terribly important and urgent." The writer often repeated that the seeds lie in the ground for the time being, and then they germinate, and from the seeds of the cedar - the cedar grows, and from the seeds of the blackthorn - the blackthorn. Good seeds need to sprout. “After all, all adults were children at first…”. People must save and not lose on life path all that is bright, good and pure in the soul, which will make them incapable of evil and violence. Only the man with the rich inner world and aspiring to spiritual self-improvement has the right to be called a Personality. Unfortunately, the inhabitants of small planets and planet Earth have forgotten about this simple truth and have become like a thoughtless and faceless crowd.
Only the Artist is able to see the essence - the inner beauty and harmony of the world around him. Even on the planet of the lamplighter, the Little Prince remarks: “When he lights the lantern, it is as if one star or flower is still being born. And when he extinguishes the lantern, it is as if a star or a flower falls asleep. Great job. It's really useful because it's beautiful."
Saint-Exupery urges us to treat everything beautiful as carefully as possible and try not to lose the beauty within ourselves on the difficult path of life - the beauty of the soul and heart.
The Little Prince learns the most important thing about the beautiful from the Fox. Outwardly beautiful, but empty inside, roses do not evoke any feelings in a contemplative child. They are dead to him. The protagonist discovers the truth for himself, the author and readers - only that which is filled with content and deep meaning is beautiful.

Misunderstanding, alienation of people is another important philosophical theme. Saint-Exupery not only touches on the topic of misunderstanding between an adult and a child, but on the topic of misunderstanding and loneliness on a cosmic scale. deadness human soul leads to loneliness. A person judges others only by the “outer shell”, not seeing the main thing in a person - his inner moral beauty: “When you say to adults:“ I saw beautiful house made of pink bricks, it has geraniums in the windows, and pigeons on the roofs, ”they can’t imagine this house in any way. They need to be told: “I saw a house for a hundred thousand francs,” and then they exclaim: “What a beauty!”
Another key philosophical theme of the fairy tale “The Little Prince” is the theme of being. It is divided into real being - existence and ideal being - essence. Real being is temporary, transient, while ideal being is eternal, unchanging. Meaning human life is to comprehend, to get as close as possible to the essence. The souls of the author and the little prince are not shackled by the ice of indifference and deadness. Therefore, a true vision of the world opens up to them: they learn the price of true friendship, love and beauty. This is the theme of “vigilance” of the heart, the ability to “see” with the heart, to understand without words.

The little prince does not immediately comprehend this wisdom. He leaves his own planet, not knowing that what he will look for on different planets will be so close - on his home planet.
People must take care of the cleanliness and beauty of their planet, jointly protect and decorate it, and prevent all living things from perishing. So, gradually, unobtrusively, another important topic arises in the fairy tale - ecological, which is very relevant for our time. One gets the impression that the author of the tale “foresaw” future environmental disasters and warned of caring attitude to the native and beloved planet. Saint-Exupery was acutely aware of how small and fragile our planet is. The journey of the Little Prince from star to star brings us closer to today's vision of space, where the Earth, through the negligence of people, can disappear almost imperceptibly. Therefore, the tale has not lost its relevance to this day; therefore its genre is philosophical, for it is addressed to all people, it raises eternal problems.
And one more secret is revealed by the Fox to the baby: “Only the heart is vigilant. You won’t see the most important thing with your eyes… Your Rose is so dear to you because you gave her all your soul… People have forgotten this truth, but don’t forget: you are forever responsible for everyone you tamed.” To tame means to bind oneself to another being with tenderness, love, a sense of responsibility. To tame means to destroy the facelessness and indifferent attitude towards all living things. To tame means to make the world significant and generous, for everything in it reminds of a beloved being. The narrator also comprehends this truth, and for him the stars come to life, and he hears the ringing of silver bells in the sky, reminiscent of the laughter of the Little Prince. The theme of “expansion of the soul” through love runs throughout the tale.
Together with the little hero, we rediscover for ourselves the most important thing in life, which was hidden, buried by all sorts of husks, but which is the only value for a person. The little prince learns what the bonds of friendship are.
Saint-Exupery also speaks of friendship on the first page of the story. In the author's system of values, the theme of friendship occupies one of the main places. Only friendship can melt the ice of loneliness and alienation, as it is based on mutual understanding, mutual trust and mutual assistance.
“It's sad when friends are forgotten. Not everyone has a friend,” says the hero of the tale. At the beginning of the tale, the Little Prince leaves his only Rose, then he leaves his new friend Fox on Earth. “There is no perfection in the world,” the Fox will say. But on the other hand, there is harmony, there is humanity, there is a person’s responsibility for the work entrusted to him, for the person close to him, there is also responsibility for his planet, for everything that happens on it.
deep meaning hides in the image-symbol of the planet to which the Little Prince returns. It is a symbol of the human soul, a symbol of the home of the human heart. Exupery wants to say that each person has his own planet, his own island and his own guiding star, which a person should not forget. “I would like to know why the stars shine,” said the Little Prince thoughtfully. “Probably so that sooner or later everyone can find their own again.” The heroes of the fairy tale, having gone through a thorny path, found their star, and the author believes that the reader will also find his distant star.
The Little Prince is a romantic fairy tale, a dream that has not disappeared, but is kept by people, cherished by them, like something precious from childhood. Childhood walks somewhere nearby and comes in moments of the most terrible despair and loneliness, when there is nowhere to go. It will fit as if nothing had happened, as if it never left us for these long years, will squat next to him and ask, looking with curiosity at the broken plane: “What is this thing?” Then everything will fall into place, and that clarity and transparency, fearless directness of judgments and assessments, which only children have, will return to an already adult person.
Reading Exupery, we kind of change the angle of view on banal, everyday phenomena. It leads to the comprehension of obvious truths: you can’t hide the stars in a jar and it’s pointless to count them, you need to take care of those for whom you are responsible and listen to the voice of your own heart. Everything is simple and complex at the same time.