An open lesson in literature in the classroom The story of Peter and Fevronia of Murom Fate and character. The ideological and artistic originality of "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia What is the mystery of Fevronia

Morality is the same in all ages and for all people. Reading about the obsolete in detail, we can find a lot for ourselves D. S. Likhachev.

“The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” was written in the late 40s of the 16th century by a well-known writer and publicist at that time, who later became a monk under the name of Erasmus.

Genre (from French Genre - genus view) Historically established type of literary or folklore work (fairy tale, story, drama, etc.) Genre (from French Genre - genus view) Historically established type of literary or folklore work (fairy tale , short story, drama, etc.)

Genres ancient Russian literature chronicle story word apocrypha walking life-glorification of the life of a saint (hagiography)

Basis Lives of real biographies of historical persons

BUT! Ideal images were created like this:

conditional biographies according to the traditional scheme:

1. birth from pious parents 2. early monasticism 3. religious feat 4. blessed death and miracles at the grave 5. words of praise to the saint

What are the essential elements of the life of a saint? Mandatory doxology in honor of God, with which life begins. Praise to the saint himself. The story of the miraculous birth of a saint. In the life, the miracles of the saint are necessarily described. The life also ends with the glorification of God.

The plot of the life Features of the image of the saint The plot is based on a story about the life of a man glorified by the Church as a saint. The main purpose of the life is to substantiate the reason for recognizing this person as a saint, to describe his exploits for the glory of faith and the Church. In life there is no movement, growth, formation of character. He is holy from the moment of birth, he is the chosen one of God. And in this sense, he has no biography, the author has nothing to tell.

Genre originality"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom": a story, a fairy tale? life? “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” was written in the late 40s of the 16th century by a well-known writer and publicist at that time, who later became a monk under the name of Erasmus. Find features of life or elements of a fairy tale in the work.

Group work Features of life 1. The author glorifies the saints by creating perfect images. (There are praising epithets: Peter - pious, holy; Fevronia - holy, reverend, blessed, blessed). 2. There is a word of praise to the saints. 3. The love of heroes for God, life according to the "commandments of God." 4. Miracles that the hero does (for example, Fevronia healed the sick). 5. Unusual death and posthumous miracles.

Signs of a fairy tale 1. Fairy-tale beginning.2. The first part is similar to the folk tale about the tempting snake, the second - to the tale of the wise maiden. 3. Yes fairy tale hero- serpent Tempter. 4. Good overcomes evil, as Peter defeats the evil serpent. 5. There are magical things: Agric's sword. 6. There are riddles that the heroes of fairy tales often have to guess. 7. There are ingenious test tasks (Peter's task to sew a shirt from a bunch of flax and Fevronia's task to make a loom from a log). 8. In the language of the Tale there are constant epithets (“crafty serpent”, “wise maiden”).

In this work there are elements of a fairy tale and everyday life, and elements of life, and elements of a historical story. "The Tale" meanwhile is not a fairy tale at all. What? Life. But special. Not about the chosen ones. It is about how everyone can, or rather, will be forced to become a saint. God compels. Forces those who love Him (or is able to love) and does not resist Love in return. From traditional hagiographies, written strictly according to the canon, it is distinguished by the entertaining plot and narration, a kind of psychologism, folklore overtones, the fabulous nature of fiction, and much more. This explains why the work of the learned monk Yermolai-Erasmus is often called not a life, but a story. And yet, if this is a story, then it is a life story.

Peter and Fevronia - historical figures. They reigned in Murom at the beginning of the 13th century and died in 1228. The story is based on local legend about a wise peasant girl who became a princess.

Theme Idea Paphos Theme is a love story, not a biography of a saint, there are no descriptions of suffering. The theme of an ideal married life in the world and wise government. The idea is not religious, it is not to show the ideal of the righteous, the true servant of God. The idea is that love is a great, all-conquering feeling. Paphos - affirming the power of love, and not just glorifying the saint. There is no story in the composition about pious parents, about how faith in God woke up, about suffering in the name of God, about serving God.

Composition The first part is a story about Peter's feat. What feat did he accomplish? He finds a wonderful sword and fearlessly enters into battle with the enemy. Before us is the type of behavior of a Christian man in a critical situation: he does not wonder whether it is worth defending his brother-prince, a defenseless woman and the principality itself, since trouble has come, his destiny is struggle. No wonder Peter, in search of a miraculous sword, turns to God, and it is in the temple that the miraculous youth (angel) indicates the location of the weapon - in the altar church wall. . In other words, the sword is consecrated and kept by the powers of God.

Sword-treasurer Agrikov's sword The sword-treasurer is the name of the weapon of several heroes from Russian folklore. Could be magical and give the owner invincibility. Usually they fell into the hands of the owner from some kind of hiding place. With a treasure-sword, many heroes killed the evil and dangerous snakes.

The second part is a story about the exploits of Fevronia, the daughter of a simple Ryazan tree climber (beekeeper).

Highlight the main episodes in the work of the Devil's Tricks. Why the death of the serpent will happen. Death from Peter's shoulder and Agrikov's sword. Agric's sword found. The snake is killed. A wise girl from the village of Laskovo. Fevronia's condition and healing. Conspiracy against Princess Fevronia. “Give me what I ask!” Fevronia's perspicacity. Return to Murom and a happy reign. "The time of death has come." Miracles with the bodies of Peter and Fevronia.

Analysis of the episode Composition of episodes Composition of the first story of the story: Beginning: a kite flies to the wife of Prince Paul. Plot: it turns out that only Prince Peter can kill the snake. He must kill the serpent in the form of his brother. Resolution: after being struck with a sword, the serpent appears in its true form. Ending: Prince Peter falls ill.

Group work Make compositional plans for other episodes and prepare a concise retelling of them Composition of the third story: Beginning: the boyars are dissatisfied with the low origin of the princess. Plot: the boyars demand the expulsion of Fevronia; she receives permission to leave with the prince; the prince agrees. On the way, Prince Peter begins to doubt whether he did the right thing by leaving Murom. The denouement: the next day, the envoy of Murom, who caught up with Peter and Fevronia, asks them to return. Ending: Peter and Fevronia return to Murom and rule there until the end of their days.

How do you imagine life path Prince Peter? Peter goes through a difficult path of spiritual renewal in the story. The path of healing of the protagonist of the "Tale" can be represented by the following seemingly paradoxical scheme: to marry = to reconcile = to be healed by the soul = to be healed by the body. Indeed, the hero triumphs over the external evil of the world, embodied in the image of the tempting serpent, in the name of the honor of his brother, and the saint - over the internal evil of pride in the name of the dignity of a person, every person, a person as such.

What is the main feat performed by Peter in the second part of the story? The second part is no longer devoted to a military feat and a duel with an external force of evil, the main thing in it is a spiritual victory over one's sinfulness and a gradual, not physical, but spiritual healing. “The development of the plot of the story is the steps, the stages of the gradual moral insight of Peter, leaving the world of earthly passions for the world of eternal truths” N.S. Demkov.

How did Fevronya help Peter win a spiritual victory? Fevronia helps Peter to defeat the evil in himself: it is no coincidence that she appears at the first meeting busy with weaving, and before her death she is busy with embroidery, this indirectly emphasizes her connection with fate. But her omniscience is provided not by a witch's gift, but by the power of love. As academician D.S. Likhachev: “The life-giving power of Fevronia's love is so great that poles stuck in the ground bloom into trees with her blessing. The crumbs of bread in her palm turn into grains of sacred incense. In the strength of her love, in the wisdom, as if prompted to her by this love, Fevronia turns out to be higher than even her ideal husband, Prince Peter.

The meaning of the parable episode of life is “the miraculous revival of stumps” What does this episode symbolize? The literal meaning of this episode is to confirm the miraculous gift of the holy virgin Fevronia, for she does not act according to her own understanding, but according to God's permission. Allegorical - indicates that the exile of Peter and Fevronia will end with a return to Murom and restoration princely title and princely power, as life returns to stumps. Symbolic, absorbing other meanings, indicates that, having lost everything in this life, Peter and Fevronia will gain eternal life, for death for them is the path to immortality. And yet, to the last limit, the miracle remains a mystery.

Peter and Fevronia, having chosen each other once and for all, begged God “to die at the same time. And they bequeathed that they both be put in one tomb, and ordered to make two coffins of stone, having a thin partition between them.

“Unreasonable people”, of course, will not understand this and will try to bury them separately, because shortly before their death, Peter and Fevronia became monks, and therefore took a vow of celibacy. But God judged otherwise. “And again in the morning the saints were in a single tomb,” Yermolai-Erasmus will repeat triumphantly. A great force keeps them in a single field of Love.

Approximately 300 years after their death, Peter and Fevronia were canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as saints, and now their relics rest in the Holy Trinity Convent in Murom.

Many pilgrims visit the Holy Trinity Convent in Murom to venerate the relics of Saints Peter and Fevronia, who, by the will of God, rest in a single coffin.

Test And when the servants wanted to load their property from the shore to the ships, nobles came from the city of Murom and began to say: “Mr. Prince! From all the nobles and from the whole city we came to you, do not leave us orphans and return to your father’s throne. Many nobles died in the city from the sword. Each of them wanted to rule, and they destroyed themselves. And the survivors, together with all the people, pray to you, saying: Mr. Prince, we angered you and annoyed you, because we did not want Princess Fevronia to dominate our wives , now we, with all our houses, are your servants, and we want you, love and pray, do not leave us, your servants! Blessed Prince Peter and blessed Princess Fevronia returned to their city. And they ruled in that city, living according to all the commandments of God without blemish, being in unceasing prayers, and they were merciful to all people under their rule, like a father and mother loving children. They loved everyone equally, they did not tolerate pride, nor oppression, and they did not protect the riches of perishable things, but they grew rich from God. They were true shepherds of their city, not hirelings. Ruled the city with their truth and meekness, not rage. Wanderers were received, the hungry were fed, the naked were clothed, the poor were delivered from misfortunes.

A1. What is life? 1) a historical narrative that was conducted over the years 2) an extensive narrative in verse or prose about outstanding national historical events 3) biographies of clergy and secular persons, canonized christian church 4) literary narrative work with a plot less complex than in the novel. A2. What happened after the prince and princess of Murom left Murom? the city began to flourish in the city civil strife began 3) nothing has changed 4) enemies broke into the city.

A3. Explain the meaning of the word "perishable". A4. In the phrases “were merciful”, “blessed prince”, “blessed princess”, “perishable riches”, “true shepherds”, the highlighted words are: 1) metaphors 2) personifications 3) epithets

Tasks that require writing a detailed answer of a limited volume. Doing them, try to formulate a direct answer to the question posed (approximate volume - 3-5 sentences) based on the text. Avoid lengthy introductions and characterizations of B1. What epithet does the author use to characterize Peter and Fevronya? Expand the meaning of this word. B2. How do you understand the meaning of the words: “Ruled the city with their truth and meekness, and not with rage”?

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Open Literature Lesson in Grade 7

The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom. The fate and character of the heroes

Prepared and hosted:

Skidelo O.S., Russian teacher

language and literature, II quarter. category

Technological support of the lesson:

  1. information technology, ICT;
  2. personality-oriented technologies;
  3. technology of education of spiritual culture;
  4. technology of pedagogical cooperation;
  5. technology for the development of critical thinking through reading and writing (RKMTChP).

Teaching methods:

  1. creative reading method;
  2. illustrative method;
  3. heuristic method;
  4. search method;
  5. method of analysis and synthesis.


1. Educational:

  1. introduce students to the world of the old Russian story about "Peter and Fevronia of Murom";
  2. to show the genre originality of the Tale…” as one of the means of creating images of Peter and Fevronia;
  3. reveal the images of Saints Peter and Fevronia;
  4. to help students understand the views, morality, morality of past centuries;
  5. to show the enduring value of love as a great force that elevates a person.

2. Developing:

  1. to form the skill of reading into the subtext of the work, the ability to quote;

develop the analytical skills of the student, logical thinking, oral and written speech;

improve the skills of characterization of heroes.

3. Educational:

to cultivate moral qualities: kindness, devotion, fidelity in friendship and love, the ability to forgive;

bring up respectful attitude to the culture of the native country and mother tongue;

through music to educate the aesthetic taste of the student.

Vocabulary work:saint, morality; Metropolitan, "Great Honors - Menaion", pious, righteous, monasticism,canonization; fairy tale, story, life; reverend, blessed, humble; merciful.

Lesson equipment:

Literature. Grade 7. Part 1. Author-compiler V.Ya. Korovin. - M., Education, 2009.

 Worksheets;

computer presentation to the lesson.

Exhibition of works of ancient Russian literature and reproductions of paintings (icons).

Audio recording of church hymns.

Audio recording of the song "Peter and Fevronia" performed by the choir "Peresvet"..

Fragments from the film “Peter and Fevronia. A story of love and loyalty. Episodes "The messenger in the house of Fevronia", "The death of Peter and Fevronia".

During the classes

  1. Organizing time.

Hello guys, sit down! I am glad to see your good mood for our today's lesson. Good discoveries to you!

  1. Psychological preparation for the perception of a work of ancient Russian literature

Many of you guys have been to church. Let's once again plunge into this holy silence and look into the faces of the saints.

Church hymns are heard. With the help of multimedia equipment, reproductions of images of ancient Russian icon painting slowly alternate - Slide 1-7

Do you think the images on the icons are images of real personalities, ordinary people who once lived or unreal, fictional?

(These are ordinary people, but they were unusual in relation to the people around them, they had a high sense of philanthropy).

Why did they become saints?(People ranked them as saints because they were a model of moral and spiritual values.

Who is a saint?(A saint is a person who has dedicated himself to God.)

That's right guys. A saint is a person who has dedicated himself to God, who does good and hates evil, who has earned special gifts from God for his love and faith, for example, the gift of miracles. Slide 8

III. The topic of the lesson.

In the history of Christianity there are the names of many people who became famous for their kindness, honesty, firmness in faith and courage in suffering.

Today in the lesson we will touch the work for the first time Ancient Russia- the pearl of ancient Russian literature, whose heroes are the saints - the spouses Peter and Fevronia. Slide 9

The topic of our lesson:The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom. The fate and character of the heroes. Slide 10

We have already met with this work.

The purpose of our lesson today:- to consider the genre originality of "The Tale ..."; let's try to determine what the hero of ancient Russian literature is, what his character is; we will try to make a spiritual portrait of Peter and Fevronia, which will help us understand the morality of past centuries and evaluate the ideological content of the story.

  1. Epigraph work. slide 11

A connoisseur of ancient Russian literature D.S. Likhachev said:

How do you understand this statement, which is the epigraph to our lesson and what is morality?

(Moral These are the norms of behavior accepted in society. To be moral means to follow these unwritten rules: to be honest, kind, and so on. Norms of behavior, spiritual, life values ​​are the same at all times for all people. Reading ancient books in detail, we can find a lot for ourselves)

We will return to our epigraph at the end of the lesson. And now let's move on to the ancient Russian state, to a distantXVI century and find out who wrote it wonderful work"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia", what is its background? Word - Petelin V. and Yurova A. slide 12

V. The history of the creation of the story. Individual messages uch-Xia.

(in costumes of medieval Russians)

Petelin: XVI century… - the time of the formation of a single Russian state.

The unification of Russia was followed by the unification of Russian culture. Under the leadership of Metropolitan Macarius ( slide 13) in the order of months and days, a collection of the lives of all the saints of the Orthodox Church is compiled - 12 huge volumes. It was called "Great Cheti-Minei" ( Slide 14) ( TRANSLATED FROM GREEK - MONTHLY READINGS). And Macarius instructs the priests to collect traditions from the Russian lands about the righteous people who became famous for their pious deeds.

The old city of Murom was famous for its legends. ( slide 15) 23 Orthodox saints were born, lived and reigned here. No city in the world can boast of such an achievement. ( slide 16) But the most poetic of the Murom legends was the tale of a wise maiden who became a kind and fair princess.It served as the basis for the story. Slide 17 Pskov Priest Yermolai (monastic Erasmus) literary processed local legends and created a story about Peter and Fevronia of Murom.

Yurov: Peter and Fevronia are real historical figures. Slide 18 Prince Peter ruled in Murom at the beginning of the 13th century. He married a peasant woman, Fevronia, in gratitude for the fact that she cured him of a disease that no one could cure.. They suffered a lot of malice from the side of the boyars, but they lived happilytill the end of one's days. When they grew old, they both became monks and died inon the same day and hour June 25 1228. Slide 19

"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia" became a favorite reading of medieval Russians.It was written after the canonization of Peter and Fevronia at the Moscow Church Cathedral in 1547. Slide 20 150 lists of the story have been preserved, in which this story is presented in many versions.

- Guys, in the speech of our Russians there were words Slide 21: metropolitan, "Great Honors - Menaion", pious, righteous, monasticism, canonization.

Let's remember what they mean?

Metropolitan - in the Russian Orthodox Church, a clergyman of the highest level, subordinate to the head of the church (patriarch).

"Great Cheti-Minei"- a collection of the lives of all the saints of the Orthodox Church.

Pious - a person who honors God, keeps his commandments.

righteous, righteous- a saint who did not stay in monasticism, but in the usual conditions of family and social life.

Monasticism - literally "solitary, lonely residence", monasticism; Enoch - Orthodox monk

Canonization - canonization of saints.

When was the story written?(It was written after the canonization of Peter and Fevronia at the Moscow Church Cathedral in 1547.)

Who ordered "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom" to Yermolai-Erasmus?(Metropolitan Macarius)

VI. Genre originality of the story. Features of a fairy tale, life and story in pr.

The story of Peter and Fevronia is a special work. It is known that Metropolitan Macarius still did not include the life he ordered in the collection "Great Menaions". Why? slide 22 We will find the answer to this question by considering the features of the genre of this work. Slide 23-1

What genre features are present in the work? (fairy tales, stories and lives)

What is a fairy tale?(The story is folklore with a mindset)

What kinds of fairy tales do you know?(magical, about animals, household)

Define a story.

A story is an epic work that is smaller than a novel and more than a short story. There are several storylines here.

What is life?(A life is a story about the lives of the saints.)

What is their purpose? (The purpose of lives is to glorify the saint.)

Name the types of life. (Types: - "martyrdom", describing the martyrdom and death of a saint;

Life-bios (describes the life of a saint from birth to death)

What structure did the lives have?

Lives had a certain structure:

  1. An introduction that explains the reasons that prompted the author to start the story.
  2. The main part is a story about the life of the saint, his pious parents, about how faith in God woke up, about suffering in the name of God, the death of the saint and posthumous miracles.
  3. The life ended with praise to the saint.

And now let's check your d / s and listen, what features of a fairy tale, story and life did you find in the work?

List the elements of this story.

  1. The beginning of the story resembles a fairy-tale beginning: “There is a city in the Russian land ... A prince named Pavel once ruled in it ...”
  2. The first part is like fairy tale about the hero - the snake fighter, the second - on everyday fairy tale about a wise girl.
  3. As in all fairy tales, there is a fairy-tale hero - a snake-tempter.
  4. According to the laws of a fairy tale, Good always triumphs over evil: Peter defeated the serpent.
  5. There are riddles that often have to be guessed by the heroes of fairy tales. For example: "It's bad when the house is without ears, and the upper room without eyes."
  6. Cunning test tasks (Peter's task to sew a shirt from a bundle of flax and Fevronia's task to make a loom from a log)
  7. Magic items (for example, Agrik's sword, on which the Serpent dies)
  8. Constant epithets (“crafty serpent”, “wise maiden”).) Slide 23-2

What features of the story are present in the work?

  1. place names are historically accurate;
  2. tells the story of the boyars, mired in civil strife;

Details of life / description of chambers, healing, beekeeping, boyar feasts /. Slide 23-3

Name the features of life in this work.

  1. The author glorifies the saints, creating ideal images.

What epithets does the author give to the characters?
* Peter - blessed, faithful, holy, glorified, reverend, humble, sincere. Fevronia - holy, wise, divine, blessed, reverend.
-What do the words "blessed", "reverend" and "humble" mean?

Blissful - good, kind.

Reverend - saint of the monastics.

Humble - a quiet, meek person, calm and even-tempered; not angry, kind person.

  1. The love of heroes for God, the veneration of the heroes of the Bible.
  2. Miracles that heroes perform (for example, Fevronia heals the sick, bread crumbs turned into incense, dead stumps became lush trees in the morning). - Slide 23-4

- What is the genre originality of this work? What genres does the author use?(The author uses elements of several genres at once: a historical story, a fairy tale, a life.)

Name the main genre of this work. Prove it. Or maybe someone else thinks. (The main genre is life, because it tells about the life of the saints.)

Why didn’t Metropolitan Macarius include the life he ordered in the collection “Great Menaions”? slide 24 (Pr-e does not represent a canonical (traditional) life. There is no story about pious parents, about how faith in God woke up, about suffering in the name of God.)

You are right guys. Workis not canonical.The test of heroes affirms earthly love, family values, and not a monastic feat in the name of God. Literary critics define the genre of a work as follows: it ishagiographic story with elements of a folk-tale character. Slide 23-5

VII. Description of the main characters.

- Let's move on to the analysis. images.The purpose of our conversation- make a spiritual portrait of the Murom saints Peter and Fevronia(Slide 24) which will help us understand the ideological content of the "Tale ..." and better cope with homework - creative work associated with these beautiful images.

Open notebooks. Write down the topic of the lesson. Divide the notebook sheet into 2 equal parts. In the left column, you will need to write down all positive features Peter, in the right - all the positive features of Fevronia.

Characteristics of Peter

Let us turn to the image of Peter.

You guys know that a person in the literature of this period is either a positive image or a negative one. Does this claim fit?image of Peter Prove it.

(No. It has both positive and negative traits. On the one hand, he defeats a snake - a werewolf, goes to church, prays, suffers an illness, but on the other hand, he decides to deceive: he did not immediately marry Fevronia, although he gave his word.)

What prevents him from doing otherwise?

(Pride is one of the sins that keeps Peter from doing otherwise.He considers himself superior to a simple peasant girl.)

Who helps the hero to heal from this disease? (Fevronia helps Peter to defeat the evil in himself, or rather, the power of Fevronia's love.)

What qualities, according to Fevronia, are needed to be cured? Find in the text.(kindness and arrogance)

Be unarrogant what does it mean to be?(meek, humble)

From the story about Peter, she knows that he fought with a snake, which means what character trait does he have?(with courage)

What are the qualities of a real male character, according to Fevronia?(Courage, kindness, meekness, humility are the real qualities of a male character).

Does Peter have them? Let's write them down.

What other traits are revealed in the character of Peter?(Faith in God, wisdom, love for people, love and loyalty to loved ones, justice)

Name the actions of the hero that confirm these qualities. Prove it with text.

Faithfulness to the commandments of God

Faith in God

(piety, religiosity)

Peter prays in the church.“There was the Church of the Exaltation outside the city. Prince Peter came to her to pray…” - p.55

Accepts monasticism.“They themselves at one time put on monastic clothes and became monks. Prince Peter was named Davyd, and Princess Fevronia - Euphrosyne" - p.62


He guessed that the snake was not his brother Pavel.“It happened that he came to his brother’s chambers, and from him into the chambers of his daughter-in-law. She saw his brother, from whom he had just left. - p.55

Love and loyalty to loved ones

For the sake of his brother, he thinks how to kill the snake, not even knowing where Agric's sword is.“Prince Peter, having heard that the serpent called his name, began to think how to kill him. But he was embarrassed that he did not know where to get Agric's sword. -With. 55

He was faithful to Fevronia."Blessed Prince Peter could not leave his wife and decided to leave Murom." –p.60

The ability to forgive

He forgives the nobles and returns to reign in Murom.

“All of us who survived, although we angered you, we beg you and your princess: do not leave us, your slaves, we want you, and we love, and we ask.” -p.61

fair ruler

“And they reigned in that city, like a child-loving father and mother. They loved everyone equally, only they did not like pride and robbery. - p.61-62

IX . Characteristics of Fevronia

So, we have traced the development of the image of Peter.

What is the mystery of Fevronia? Who is Fevronia? (Fevronia, the daughter of poison dart frogs looking for hollows with honey from wild bees, lives in the village of Laskovo.)

When do we first meet Fevronia? (When the messenger is looking for a doctor for Prince Peter)

Let's look into Fevronia's house.

Viewing the video fragment "Messenger in the house of Fevronia" -

ORT-04.16-05.20 (ulcers)

1. Analysis of the episode

What is missing compared to the text in this fragment?(Riddles)

Find and read the riddles of Fevronia in the story. First riddle, second, third.

Find in the text the answer to the first riddle, to the second, to the third.

What else proves the wisdom of the heroine?(She averts Peter's unfulfillable demands (to make a shirt, ports and a towel out of a bundle of flax) with the same unfulfillable demands, but on her own part (to make a loom out of a chock). She did not anoint him with one scab.

So what trait does Fevronia have?(wisdom). Let's write down.

What, or rather, who, did you pay attention to in this episode?

(In the same episode, we drew attention to the hare. The hare is a cowardly animal, but here he is not at all afraid of humans. This means that Fevronia is able to tame animals.)

What does it say? (What the hell is that talking about?)(About kindheartedness (about her good heart, her kindness)

Fevronia's needlework is also significant in this episode. Why did the author depict her sitting at the loom? (Fevronia did not weave by chance. The homely, hardworking women and girls of Ancient Russia could most often be seen behind a spinning wheel or a loom. It says about diligence , that she is a good hostess)

2. Fragment reordering

So why did Peter marry Fevronia?(Because I loved her).

Why did Peter fall in love with Fevronia?(He was convinced of the mind, the spiritual beauty of the girl.

She did not accept his gifts, which means that she is not selfish and not greedy. “Not in the least angry” heals him again, which means she is merciful).

That's right guys. What does the word mean mercy?

(Mercy - this is the ability to sympathize, to sympathize, to perceive someone else's misfortune as one's own, the ability to forgive.) Let's write down.

- Why did Fevronia fall in love with Peter without seeing him, because they talked
through servants?
(She has the gift of foresight, and she knows that Prince Peter is her betrothed. He has the qualities of a real masculine x-ra- courage, kindness, meekness and humility)

So what quality do both Peter and Fevronia have? (ability to love) Write it down.

- What other qualities does Fevronia have?(Faith in God, a wonderful gift, fidelity, meekness, humility)

In what situations do they appear? Support with quotes from the text.

Characteristics of Fevronia

Confirmation from text

Piety (fidelity to the commandments of God, religiosity, faith in God)

Comforts Peter. Strengthens his faith."Do not grieve, prince, the merciful God will not leave us in need." –p.60

miraculous gift

The gift of healing the sick and the gift of miracles. Miracles: Crumbs turn into incense. Dead stumps became lush trees in the morning


Leaving Murom, he takes with him not gold, but his husband Peter.“I don’t ask myself anything, only my wife, Prince Peter” -p.60

meekness, humility

Forgives the boyars who expelled them from Murom.

Guys, how does the life of Peter and Fevronia end?
* Both spouses die on the same day and hour and are not separated even after death.

Let's watch a video clip.

Watching the video fragment "Death of Peter and Fevronia"

4. Working with symbol objects(Slide 25)

Thus ended the life of Peter and Fevronia. We already know a lot about our heroes. Let's try to represent their life path in the form of symbol objects. We have three items: ladder, path and circle.

What is a ladder? (This is a device invented by people in order to climb up step by step.)

What kind of life do you think can be compared to climbing stairs?(A person who overcomes difficulties, obstacles, but still gets to the top)

Just as you and I climb the stairs to get something, do something, or just be in the right place, in the same way a person walks the symbolic ladder, overcoming obstacles, obstacles, in order to reach the top - perfection.

What is a trail? (Trail (path) - a narrow trodden path).

What will be the life path of a person if it is presented in the form of a path?

The path symbolizes a relatively calm, smooth life a person in which there are minor obstacles that make a person turn one way or the other.

And here is the circle is a very important symbol. The circle has no beginning or end. It means eternity, immutability, constancy, fidelity to one's ideas, purity of thoughts.

With the help of which of these objects can you and I imagine Peter's life path? Justify your answer.(His life path can be represented as a ladder. Stage 1 - the fight against external evil in the guise of a tempter serpent Stage 2 - Peter's illness and trials Stage 3 - the fight against internal evil - over pride Stage 4 - meekness and fidelity to the commandments of God, holiness. ) slide 26

If we compare the life path of Fevronia with the same subjects, then which subject will you choose?
(Circle. The author repeatedly emphasizes the predestination of her fate, her life path. Throughout the story, the image of the saint remains unchanged: Fevronia has moral purity, purity of thoughts, her faith in God is unshakable.) Slide 27

XI. Spiritual portrait of Peter and Fevronia. Conclusions.

- Guys, here we are with you and made a spiritual portrait of Peter and Fevronia. Slide 28-1

Read what positive and wonderful qualities Peter possesses.

And what moral qualities does Fevronia have?

Homework.This hagiographic portrait will help you fulfill homework. Write a short essay (4-5 sentences) on the topic "What do the heroes of the old Russian story about Peter and Fevronia teach us." Write down the task so that you and I do not return to it.

Is it possible to classify Peter and Fevronia as saints on the basis of a hagiographic portrait? Prove it.(Peter and Fevronia are an example of moral and spiritual values.) Slide 28-2

How did Peter and Fevronia deserve the title of saints?(With their love and fidelity. They loved each other so much that they asked God to die on the same day. And even after death they ended up together in the same coffin.) Slide 29

Peter and Fevronia were a model family life, love and fidelity. Even death did not separate them. Therefore, they became saints - the patrons of marriage. slide 30

July 8 Orthodox Church honors Saints Peter and Fevronia and this day is considered the day of lovers in Orthodoxy. Slide 31 In 2008, this day was declared the day of family, love and fidelity, and chamomile became a symbol of this holiday. slide 32 Many people make a pilgrimage to Murom to thank these saints for their patronage in their family life or ask for their prayer before the Lord for the gift of family harmony and happiness.

VIII. Summary of the lesson.

Let's return to our epigraph. Slide 33

Morality is the same in all ages and for all people.

Reading about obsolete in detail, we can find a lot for ourselves.

What is the main value of the book?

(This story is a kind of hymn to faith, love and fidelity.)

What life values ​​are affirmed in it?(Love for people, courage, humility, family values, fidelity, religiosity, m kindness, benevolence, mercy).

And in modern times, these qualities are valued?

Does the epigraph match the idea of ​​our lesson?

What is the main idea of ​​the story?(Love, loyalty, kindness can overcome any evil.)

slide 34

The triumph of faith, wisdom, goodness and love - this is the main idea of ​​the story. With their lives, Peter and Fevronia showed what a person should be, what his life should be. Look again how many wonderful moral qualities that are passed down from century to century, from generation to generation, should be in a person. Let us also try to live in such a way that we become at least a little like these holy people. And the books that you see at our exhibition will be able to help with this. In them you will find not only the story of Peter and Fevronia, but also stories about the life of other saints of the Orthodox Church.

And at the end of our lesson, listen to the wonderful song of Mark Tishman, which became the hymn to Peter and Fevronia.

The song "Peter and Fevronia" sounds


Guys, our lesson is over. I really liked the way you worked today...

The Metropolitan did not include the life of Peter and Fevronia to the collection Great Menaion Chetiih. Sources do not name the reasons for this decision. (In the textbook - it did not converge in form and content with the hagiographic canon).

Genre- life. (the life and deeds of the saints are described. The life was created after the death of the saint, but not always after formal canonization. Life is characterized by strict content and structural restrictions (canon, literary etiquette), which greatly distinguishes it from secular biographies. Hagiography deals with the study of hagiographies.) Hagiographies, a genre characteristic of the entire medieval period in the development of literature, became established in the literature of Kievan Rus in the 11th century. Features in this work, coinciding with the features of life:

  1. The author glorifies the saints, creating ideal images. (Peter - pious, holy; Fevronia - holy, reverend, blessed).
  2. The love of heroes for God, the veneration of the heroes of the Bible
  3. Miracles that heroes do
  4. Unusual death and posthumous miracles
  5. There is a word of praise to the saints.
  6. The story uses vocabulary typical of spiritual literature: blessed, doing alms, the commandments of the Lord, loving children, etc.

Most researchers believe that the main conflict life is concluded in the struggle of the Murom boyars and the maiden Fevronia. The true conflict of life is the struggle of God and the devil for the human soul.

Through the entire introduction, the scribe consistently leads one thought: the text of the narrative cannot be taken only literally, it is symbolic. We read that the Lord's dispassion (that is, the absence of passions) "cannot be compared with anything," but somehow it is necessary to convey this idea to the minds of readers, so we "are talking about the sun and the tree, since they are God's creatures, the builder and the creator is indescribable."

As we see, plot"Tales" built on the active actions of two opposing sides, and only thanks to the personal qualities of the heroine does she emerge victorious. Mind, nobility and meekness help Fevronia overcome all the hostile actions of her strong opponents.

Ideas humanity, characteristic of the work of E.-E, found the most complete expression in this work.

In the story about Peter and Fevronia of Murom, one can trace a few main ideas. The first - "the significance of a person is determined not by his social origin, but by wisdom." The second, the most impressive, but more intimate, is "true love is the main value, it is able to overcome all difficulties, even death", an example given by Shakespeare in the images of Romeo and Juliet. One can also note the idea that wisdom and calmness should be the basis of life, but it is closely woven into the first two ideas, and it is difficult to isolate it separately.

Heroes of the story- historical figures: Peter and Fevronya reigned in Murom at the beginning of the 13th century, but only names are historical in the story.

The story, borrowing elements of the fairy tale and creating vivid memorable characters, is not only an example of the pious life of Russian princes, but also a storehouse of worldly wisdom.

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Slides captions:

"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom" Yermolai-Erasmus Compiled by Andreyanova I. E., teacher of the Russian language at the Karpov secondary school

The story was written in the middle of the 16th century. writer Yermolai-Erasmus. The priest was given the task of writing an essay about the saints of Murom - Prince Peter and his wife. This life was supposed to be included in the complete all-Russian collection of lives - "The Great Menaion of the Cheti" (monthly readings)

The heroes of the story are historical figures: Peter and Fevronia reigned in Murom at the beginning of the 13th century. But in the "Tale ..." only the names are historical, around which a series of folk legends. At the council of 1547, Peter and Fevronia were canonized, that is, canonized as saints. But the work was not included in the collection

The author tries to solve contemporary problems: 1. how a ruler should treat his subjects; 2. who are the boyars and peasants; 3. how evil comes into this world, is it possible to fight it; 4. Does evil have its servants?

Genre originality of the story Tale? Life? Story?

TALE - a genre of oral folk art, a story about fictitious events, which depicts the victory of good over evil, embodied folk ideas about beauty, justice, human dignity.

LIFE - a biography of people declared saints by the Christian church.

STORY - an epic genre that is intermediate between a story and a novel, in which a number of episodes from the life of a hero (heroes) are presented.

Fairy tale ending. The first part is similar to a fairy tale about a hero - a snake fighter, the second - to an everyday fairy tale about a wise maiden. There is a fairy-tale hero snake-tempter. Good conquers evil. Peter defeats the snake. There are riddles that often have to be guessed by the heroes of fairy tales. Cunning tasks-tests (Peter's task to sew a shirt from a bundle of flax and Fevronia's task to make a loom from a log). Magic helpers (for example, Agric's sword). Constant epithets (“crafty serpent”, “wise maiden”). fairy traits

The author glorifies the saints, creating ideal images. (Peter - pious, saint; Fevronia - saint, reverend, blessed). The love of heroes for God, the veneration of the heroes of the Bible. Miracles that heroes do. Unusual death and posthumous miracles. There is a word of praise to the saints. The story uses vocabulary typical of spiritual literature: blessed, doing alms, the commandments of the Lord, loving children, etc. FEATURES OF LIVING

1. Specific places of action are indicated: the city of Murom, Ryazan land, the village of Laskovo. This lends credibility to the story. 2. Heroes of the story - real people. 3. Details. 4. The personality of the peasant woman comes to the fore. 5. Theme of social inequality. 6. The story of the boyars rushing to power, who killed each other in civil strife. Features of the story

The genre of "The Tale ..." does not find any correspondence either with the historical story or with the life. The presence of poetic fiction that goes back to tradition folk tale, the author's ability to generalize various phenomena of life, allows us to consider "The Tale ..." as the initial stage in the development of the genre CONCLUSION: Household story

The temple of Peter and Fevronia, where the relics of the saints are kept, is the Trinity Cathedral in the Holy Trinity Monastery in the city of Murom. Pilgrims come to this cathedral from all over Russia and even from abroad to venerate the relics of Peter and Fevronia and ask the holy faithful for marital happiness, true love and fidelity.

Cancer with relics

In 2008, on July 8, a wonderful holiday appeared in Russia - the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. This beautiful summer day was chosen for the holiday not by chance - for more than 780 years, the Orthodox have been honoring on July 8 the memory of the holy noble princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom - the patrons of family happiness, love and fidelity. Among the people, July 8, the Day of Peter and Fevronia, has long been considered happy for love and is simply created for weddings.

Opening date: July 8, 2009 (the day of memory of Peter and Fevronia of Murom). Place of installation: on Pervomaisky Boulevard between the Kazan Convent and the Yaroslavl registry office. Sculptor: Konstantin Chernyavsky. The monument to Peter and Fevronia in Yaroslavl is a three-meter bronze sculptural composition with figures of Saints Peter and Fevronia holding a dove in their hands - a symbol of the family hearth and peace. The monument in Yaroslavl was erected as part of the nationwide program "In the Family Circle". YAROSLAVL

Opening date: October 14, 2009 Place of installation: in the Preobrazhensky park of Abakan next to the Transfiguration Cathedral. Sculptor: Konstantin Zinich. The monument to Peter and Fevronia in Abakan was erected not far from the metal oak, on which the newlyweds, according to local tradition, hang locks with the names of their couple, and throw the key to the lock to the bottom of a nearby reservoir. Now this traditional wedding place of Abakan has been supplemented with a monument to Peter and Fevronia - on the wedding day, the newlyweds can ask the saints to make their marriage happy. The sculptor Konstantin Zinich tried not only to depict the holy princely couple, but to show the triumph of the spiritual principle in marriage. The monument to Peter and Fevronia is cast in bronze, the height of the bronze figures reaches 2.6 meters, together with the pedestal - about 4 meters. ABAKAN

Opening date: July 8, 2008 (the day of memory of Peter and Fevronia of Murom). Place of installation: in front of the building of the Murom registry office. Sculptor: Nikolai Shcherbakov. The monument to Peter and Fevronia in Murom is called "Union of love - a wise marriage." In this sculptural composition Saints Peter and Fevronia are depicted as two kneeling figures, gently stretching out their hands to each other. MUROM

ARKHANGELSK Opening date: June 28, 2009 Place of installation: at the intersection of Loginova street and the Northern Dvina embankment near the Church of the Assumption Holy Mother of God. Sculptor: Konstantin Chernyavsky. The monument to Peter and Fevronia in Arkhangelsk is made of bronze and reaches a height of 3.3 meters. The sculptor depicted the scene of the return of princes Peter and Fevronia from exile back to reign in Murom. The monument in Arkhangelsk was installed as part of the national program "In the family circle". As conceived by the organizers of the project, they wanted to create a local tradition for newlyweds - on the day of marriage or wedding, come to the monument to Peter and Fevronia to bow to the patron saints of marriage and ask them for the well-being of family life.

Opening date: July 5, 2009 Place of installation: in front of the Ulyanovsk State University. Sculptors: Oleg Klyuev and Nikolai Antsiferov. The monument to Peter and Fevronia in Ulyanovsk is made of bronze and represents the young princes Peter and Fevronia with a dove, symbolizing love and fidelity. The monument in Ulyanovsk was erected as part of the national program "In the family circle". ULYANOVSK

Opening date: July 8, 2009 (the day of memory of Peter and Fevronia of Murom). Place of installation: on the square in front of the building of the Sochi registry office. Sculptor: Konstantin Chernyavsky. The monument to Peter and Fevronia in Sochi represents Peter and Fevronia in monastic robes under the trees, in the crown of the trees in the nest there is a family of pigeons, and under the tree sits a hare, a friend of Fevronia since girlhood. The monument is cast in bronze, its weight is 3 tons, its height is 3.2 meters. The monument in Sochi was erected as part of the nationwide program "In the Family Circle". Even now in Sochi, a tradition is emerging among young people to make a marriage proposal at the monument to Peter and Fevronia. SOCHI


Sources used 1. Encyclopedia for children. E. 9. Russian literature. Part 1. / Main. Ed. M. D. AKSENOV – M.: Avanta+, 1998. 2. Kuskov VV History of ancient Russian literature. - M .: Higher. school, 1998. 3. 4.



Novik N.G., teacher of the Russian language and literature, SBEI JSC "Vychegodskaya SKOSHI".


educational :

give an idea of ​​ancient Russian literature, the conditions of its origin, distinctive features;

reveal the ideological and artistic originality of the work through the images of the main characters Peter and Fevronia;

formation of the skill of working with text, illustrations;

improve reading comprehension skills.

Good afternoon! We came here to study Don't be lazy, but work hard.

We work diligently

And listen carefully .

XI-XVII century

Genres of Old Russian literature diverse: prayer, parable, life, teaching, story, military story, word, walking, chronicle, which includes small genre forms - legends, instructions, legends.

Vocabulary work:

Literary critic - specialist in the science of fiction

Elm combination of adjacent letters into one compound character

Goldsmith, silversmith, filigree master - jewelers who decorated the book frame

Salary - decorative on a book cover made of thin sheets of gold, silver, copper


about Peter and Fevronia of Murom.

Moral ideals

and precepts of ancient Russia

History reference

  • Time of creation - XVI century
  • Author - Yermolai-Erasmus
  • Prototypes - historical figures who reigned in Murom in the beginning. XIII in. Died in 1228
  • Venue - s. affectionately,


History of creation

Written by the writer-publicist Yermolai. The author of the story was at first a priest in Pskov, engaged in literary creativity, then he became a protop about assistant (rector of the cathedral) of the palace Cathedral of the Savior on Bor in Moscow, and in the 1560s he was tonsured a monk in Pskov, taking the name Erasmus.

  • Topic - love story.
  • Idea The work is that love is a great, all-conquering feeling.

Peter and Fevronia are historical figures. They reigned in Murom at the beginning of the 13th century and died in 1228.

The story is based on a local legend about a wise peasant girl who became a princess.

Ermolai-Erasmus literary processed local legends and created a story

Genre originality "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom"


- fairy tale

  • good conquers evil



- magic items

- permanent epithets


- the story of the life of the saints

- glorification of saints

- love of heroes to God

- miracles of saints


- multiple story lines

-historically accurate place names

- household items

Hagiographic story with elements of a folk-tale character



Story- a work of oral folk art about fictional events, with the participation of magical, fantastic forces.


life (translated from Church Slavonic - "life") - a description of the life of the saints, their deeds.

Fairy tale: " Is in Russian land a city ... a prince named Pavel ruled in it ”

Lives had a certain structure.

Tale - prose genre, gravitating

The story is written in the form of hagiography, but there is no traditional construction of the work for the hagiographic genre (the beginning does not correspond to the hagiographic beginning, trials,

through which Peter and Fevronia pass, it is not the devil who sends them, but creates the envy of people; only the finale is a classic example of life).

  • The exact time is not specified, it is counted from the last event: "in a year", "in a day",

to a chronicle plot that reproduces the natural course of life.

"The next morning".

The first part of the "Tale ..." is similar to a fairy tale about a tempting snake, the second - to a fairy tale about a wise maiden.

The authenticity of the "Tale ..." is given by the names of specific places of action (the city of Murom, Ryazan land, the village of Laskovo).

Heroes live according to the “commandments of God, in difficult times they turn to God.

There are magical things agric sword.

Good triumphs over evil Peter defeated the serpent).

The characters in the story are real people. (Peter and Fevronya reigned in Murom at the beginning of the 13th century, died in 1228).

Riddles and tricky tests.

Unusual death and posthumous miracles (prophetically predicted their death, died on the same day and hour, did not part after death; at the place of their burial, believers receive healing from the most serious ailments).

In the center of the work is the image of a simple peasant girl who has to go through serious real tests.

  • Permanent epithets ( crafty serpent, blessed prince, wise maiden);
  • repeats ( twice healed, three times sent to his wife before his death).

The story reflects one of the most acute conflicts of the 16th century - the story of the boyars rushing to power, who killed each other in civil strife.



Genre originality of "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom"


In The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom there are elements of fairy tales, and elements of life, and elements of a historical story.

Story composition.


1. Feat of Prince Peter

2. Wise maiden Fevronia

3. The duel of Peter and Fevronia with the boyars

4. The death of the saints and posthumous miracles

Work with the text of the work

main episodes of the story:

  • 1. The tricks of the devil
  • 2. Why the death of the snake will happen.
  • .3. Death from Peter's shoulder and Agrikov's sword.
  • 4.Agrikov's sword is found.
  • 5. The snake is killed.
  • 6. A wise girl from the village of Laskovo.
  • 7. Condition of Fevronia and healing.

  • 8. Conspiracy against Princess Fevronia.
  • 9. "Give me what I ask!"
  • 10. Foresight of Fevronia.
  • 11. Return to Murom and a happy reign.
  • 12. "The time of death has come."
  • 13. Miracles with the bodies of Peter and Fevronia.



1. Which village did the servant go to in search of a healer?

2.Where was Agrikov's sword? What is its purpose?

3. What condition did Fevronia set before the treatment of the prince?

4. Why did the boyars dislike the girl?

5. Why did you order not to anoint all the scabs?



6. What turned out to be in the palm of Fevronia after dinner?

7. What did the boyars of Fevronia offer instead of her husband?

8. Why did the boyars kill each other?

9. Whose daughter was Fevronia?

10. What Fevronia embroidered before her death

Spiritual world of the main characters. Characteristics of Peter

It has both positive and negative features. On the one hand, he defeats a snake - a werewolf, goes to church, prays, suffers an illness, but on the other hand, he decides to deceive: he did not immediately marry Fevronia, although he gave his word, he began to test her when the wives of the boyars began to slander her.

Characteristics of Peter

- What prevents him from doing otherwise?

- Who helps the hero to heal from this disease?

Characteristics of Peter

  • What qualities, according to Fevronia, are needed to be cured? Find in the text.
  • To be not arrogant,

what does it mean to be?

- From the story about Peter, she knows that he fought with a snake, which means what character trait does he have?

Characteristics of Peter

- What are the qualities of a real male character, according to Fevronia?

- Does Peter have them? Let's write them down.

- What other traits are revealed in the character of Peter?

  • - Name the actions of the hero that confirm these qualities. Prove it with text.

Characteristics of Peter

-Name the actions of the hero that confirm these qualities. Prove it with text.

Characteristics of Peter

1. Loyalty to the commandments of God, faith in God

(piety, religiosity)

  • Peter prays in the church. “There was the Church of the Exaltation outside the city. Prince Peter came to her to pray ... "
  • Accepts monasticism. “They themselves at one time put on monastic clothes and became monks. Prince Peter was named Davyd, and Princess Fevronia was named Euphrosyne.
  • Wisdom
  • He guessed that the snake was not his brother Pavel. “It happened that he came to his brother’s chambers, and from him into the chambers of his daughter-in-law. She saw his brother, from whom he had just left. - p.55
  • Love and loyalty to loved ones
  • For the sake of his brother, he thinks how to kill the snake, not even knowing where Agric's sword is. “Prince Peter, having heard that the serpent called his name, began to think how to kill him. But he was embarrassed that he did not know where to get Agric's sword. -With. 55
  • He was faithful to Fevronia. "Blessed Prince Peter could not leave his wife and decided to leave Murom." –p.60
  • The ability to forgive
  • He forgives the nobles and returns to reign in Murom.
  • “All of us who survived, although we angered you, we beg you and your princess: do not leave us, your slaves, we want you, and we love, and we ask.” -p.61
  • fair ruler
  • “And they reigned in that city, like a child-loving father and mother. They loved everyone equally, only they did not like pride and robbery. - p.61-62

Characteristics of Peter

2. Wisdom

  • He guessed that the snake was not his brother Pavel. “It happened that he came to his brother’s chambers, and from him into the chambers of his daughter-in-law. She saw his brother, from whom he had just left.

Characteristics of Peter

3. Love and loyalty to loved ones

  • For the sake of his brother, he thinks how to kill the snake, not even knowing where Agric's sword is. “Prince Peter, having heard that the serpent called his name, began to think how to kill him. But he was embarrassed that he did not know where to get Agric's sword.
  • He was faithful to Fevronia. "Blessed Prince Peter could not leave his wife and decided to leave Murom."

Characteristics of Peter

4. The ability to forgive

He forgives the nobles and returns to reign in Murom. “All of us who survived, although we angered you, we beg you and your princess: do not leave us, your slaves, we want you, and we love, and we ask.”

  • fair ruler

“And they reigned in that city, like a child-loving father and mother. They loved everyone equally, only they did not like pride and robbery.

Characteristics of Fevronia

He teaches to appreciate people by their actions, he wanted to say that among the peasants there are wise, pure, faithful people .

Characteristics of Fevronia

-What is the mystery of Fevronia?

Who is Fevronia?

- When do we first meet Fevronia?

- Let's look into the house to Fevronia.

Characteristics of Fevronia

Let's argue:

  • What do the riddles of Fevronia testify to?
  • What does the author intentionally want to emphasize in it?

-Read the riddles of Fevronia in the story .

- Find the answer to the first riddle. On the second, on the third.

Characteristics of Fevronia

  • Why is the author using them here?

(To characterize a wise maiden. Together with the prince's messenger, the reader admires the girl's mind, the beauty of her mysterious speech, and the depth of thought).

Characteristics of Fevronia

  • Why did Peter fall in love with Fevronia?
  • He was convinced of the mind, the spiritual beauty of the girl.
  • She did not accept his gifts, which means that she is not selfish and not greedy. “Not in the least angry” heals him again, which means she is merciful.

Characteristics of Fevronia

Characteristics of Fevronia

- Why did Fevronia fall in love with Peter without seeing him, tk. did they communicate through servants?

(He has the qualities of a real male character - courage, kindness, meekness and humility).

Characteristics of Fevronia

1. Piety (loyalty to the commandments of God, religiosity, faith in God)

  • Comforts Peter. Strengthens his faith. "Do not grieve, prince, the merciful God will not leave us in need."

Characteristics of Fevronia

2. A wonderful gift

  • The gift of healing the sick and the gift of miracles. Miracles: Crumbs turn into incense. Dead stumps became lush trees in the morning

Characteristics of Fevronia

3. Loyalty

  • Leaving Murom, he takes with him not gold, but his husband Peter. “I don’t ask myself anything, only my wife, Prince Peter”

4. Meekness, humility

  • Forgives the boyars who expelled them from Murom.


  • Why does the author not draw portraits of the heroes of the story?

Not appearance, not beauty is the main thing for him. Peter was convinced of the mind, spiritual beauty of the girl.


  • What epithets does the author give to the characters?

Peter - blessed, faithful, holy, glorified, reverend, humble, sincere.

Fevronia - holy, wise, divine, blessed, reverend.

Vocabulary work:

  • Blissful - good, kind.
  • Reverend - saint of monastics.
  • Humble - a quiet, meek person, calm and even-tempered; not angry, kind person.


1 . How did young people live after marriage?

2. How do you understand the expression "godly and righteous"?

3. What choice does Peter make between his wife and the throne? How does this characterize him?

4. Why was he asked to return?

5. How did they reign after their return? What did not like in the social order?


6. What example did they set with their government?

8. What helps Peter and Fevronia to overcome all the troubles?

9. How does the life of Peter and Fevronia end?

10. What miracle was repeatedly performed after their death?

Spiritual portrait of saints





-ability to love


- wonderful gift


- meekness, humility


- courage


- meekness, humility

- faithfulness to the commandments of God (piety)


-love and loyalty

- ability to forgive

An example of moral and spiritual values

All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity

Physical education minute

Now guys get up

Raise your hands slowly

Squeeze your fingers, then unclench,

Hands down and so stand.

Leaning right, left

And we're back to business.


  • Conduct vocabulary work: task No. 2, p. 82.
  • Prepare reading "Tales ..." by roles .


learned well

well understood and can be put into practice

learned well

but there are questions

much is unclear