Mikhailovsky Hall. Mikhailovsky Theatre: floor plan, best seats



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Mikhailovsky Theater (St. Petersburg, Russia) - repertoire, ticket prices, address, phone numbers, official website.

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The most secular musical theater in Russia, which keeps up with the times and feels the development trends contemporary ballet and opera - this is how you can briefly describe the Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg. The brilliant career of the theater began on November 8, 1833, when Mikhailovsky opened the doors to the first spectators. Today, the theater has 180 seasons behind it.

You will find the theater on Place des Arts, where it fits perfectly into the ensemble built according to the designs of Carl Rossi. The brilliant architect Alexander Bryullov worked on this modest building. The fact that this is a theater can only be guessed from the roof, where behind the dome over auditorium the tall box of the stage is visible. But despite the minimalist decoration on the outside, inside the knowledge of the theater is striking in its luxury. Initially, the theater was conceived by Nicholas I as a chamber stage, receiving high-ranking guests from among the imperial family and close associates, and was named after the emperor's brother. However, the theater gained such fame that it became a place of secular meetings - the entire St. Petersburg society gathered here.

Today, the Mikhailovsky Theater can rightly be called a unique venue where centuries-old classical traditions and the most modern theatrical trends coexist.

Despite his popularity, Mikhailovsky almost until the very revolution had neither his own troupe nor a permanent repertoire. German and French troupes performed on the stage, and Johann Strauss often acted as a conductor. Moreover, over the years of its existence, the theater has repeatedly changed its name: it was both Leningrad and St. Petersburg, and the Maly Opera and Ballet Theater. Only in 2001 it was given back its historical name - the Mikhailovsky Theatre.

The great Fyodor Chaliapin sang and staged performances on the stage of the theater.

The revolution changed the situation, and the leadership of the theater faced the question of forming a troupe, since it became impossible for foreign artists to enter the country. In 1933, the new troupe performed on the Mikhailovsky stage with the ballet Harlequinade by Fyodor Lopukhov. Since that time, the theater has become the starting point of the "Soviet opera" and the operas "The Nose" and "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District" by Dmitry Shostakovich, and the innovative " Queen of Spades» Vsevolod Meyerhold.

I must say that in the post-perestroika period, the theater went through a very difficult period in its history - the building fell into decay, the popularity of the theater fell sharply. 2007 can be called the year of the revival of former greatness. The patronage project of Vladimir Kekhman helped in short time make major repairs to the building and restore the former ceremonial decoration of the hall. Kekhman not only allocated money for the restoration, but laid the foundation for a new creative life theatre: in 2007 he took the post of artistic director of the ballet National artist Russia Farukh Ruzimatov, the opera troupe was headed by the star of the world stage Elena Obraztsova, who continue to cooperate with the theater and act as advisers to this day CEO on artistic matters.

Today, the theater can rightfully be called a unique platform where age-old classical traditions and new modern trends theater. Thanks to the director, theater troupes are led by famous conductors, choreographers and directors. Leading teachers of Europe and America are regularly invited to the theater to give master classes for beginning theater artists. The repertoire of the theater is updated with the most important works of European opera and ballet art, still not presented on the Russian stage.


A fresh European look at the ballet performances of the theater appeared in 2011 together with artistic director ballet troupe - the famous Spanish choreographer Nacho Duato, an adherent abstract art. In St. Petersburg, he staged the ballets Duende, Without Words, Nunce Dimittis, Sleeping Beauty, Prelude, Versatility. Forms of Silence and Emptiness”, “Romeo and Juliet”, which were repeatedly nominated for the Golden Mask Award. In 2013, Nacho Duato plans to leave the theater and go to Germany, where he will head the State Ballet of Berlin. However, he will continue to work with the Mikhailovsky Theater in 2014 as a permanent choreographer.

In 2013, The Nutcracker will be shown on the Mikhailovsky stage - a ballet in the traditional version, but with a fresh look from Nacho Duato.

Perhaps it is necessary to single out one production of Duato - the ballet "In the Forest" (Na Floresta) to the music of Heitor Vila-Lobos and Wagner Tiso, which entered the repertoire of the Mikhailovsky Theater. This is a ballet with history. His world premiere took place in 1990 in The Hague. This choreographic composition, glorifying the beauty of the Amazon jungle, was incredibly successful and is still included in the repertoire of the world's leading theaters.

Practical information

The theater is small - the number of seats in auditorium 890. The stage is clearly visible, so you can safely take tickets to any row of the stalls. Ticket prices are quite affordable: the first row in the stalls will cost you 4500-5000 RUB, and you can get into the box of the 3rd tier for 1500 RUB.

On the day of the performance at the box office of the theater, students, pensioners and the disabled have the opportunity to purchase a ticket with a 50% discount, which applies to repertory performances.

How to find: Arts Square, 1, Nevsky Prospekt metro station.

Prices on the page are for September 2018.

The Mikhailovsky Opera and Ballet Theater in St. Petersburg occupies a prominent place among the musical theaters of Russia. It is located in the very "heart" of the city, at the address: Arts Square, 1. In the article, we will look at the layout of the hall of the Mikhailovsky Theater (St. show is visible. Let us now briefly remind the reader of the history of the theater and consider its interior decoration.

Historical information

The theater was opened by decree of Emperor Nicholas I in the premises of the former residence of the son of Paul I, Prince Michael. Since then, it has been called Mikhailovsky. The building was built on the square created by the great architect C. Rossi, so Alexander Bryullov had to try to make the project of the theater building correspond to the general ensemble. He succeeded in this to the full, so that the theater looks organically with nearby houses. From the outside, a very modest and unremarkable building delights visitors with interior luxury.

Petersburg saw the first performance back in 1833. At first they wanted to make it imperial, so that only members of the great family and close guests would watch the performances, but all the nobles fell in love with it so much that they began to come here from all over St. Petersburg for social meetings.

Since then, the popularity of this site has not subsided. Famous Johann Strauss and Fyodor Chaliapin, magnificent conductors Samuil Samosud and Eduard Grikurov, director Vsevolod Meyerhold and choreographers Oleg Vinogradov and Fyodor Lopukhov performed on these stages. Now the main choreographer of the theater is a guest star from Spain, Nacho Duato.

Description of the interior

Mikhailovsky Theater will be discussed below) has not the most Big hall for presentations. It can accommodate only 890 opera and ballet lovers. It is framed in light colors walls and boxes, in combination with the red velvet of chairs, curtains and draperies of the “royal box”, located in the center of the hall opposite the stage.

In 1859, significant changes were made to the interior of the room: the auditorium was expanded, the boxes of the benoir and mezzanine were covered with rich stucco with figures of caryatids, and beautiful plafonds were installed. The portal above the proscenium is also decorated with these sculptures. Engaged in the reconstruction of A. Kavos.

Hall layout

The Mikhailovsky Theater has the usual arrangement of seats in the hall, characteristic of the majority. From below, opposite the orchestra pit, there are stall chairs. Some theatergoers are not very happy with the arrangement of these chairs, since the gentle rise of the floor in the stalls is very small. The seats are almost on the same level. The first ten rows are even. From the 11th to the 14th rows of the stalls have a rounded shape.

The rest of the chairs are in boxes. Their first row - the benoir - is at the level of the stalls. This is the very first floor of the lodges. Armchairs stand in two rows, four in each. On the scheme of the hall of the Mikhailovsky Theater it is clear that there are 7 benoir boxes on the left and on the right. In the center are places in a semicircle in three rows.

Boxes A and B are placed on both sides of the stage. There can be 8 people: four in front and four in the second row. The audience there sit almost above the stage and watch the performance as if from above.

The next floor is occupied by mezzanine boxes. Spectators are placed in the same way, four people each. Two chairs in front, near the railing and two behind. In the center, two rows of chairs on the left and right adjoin the central "royal" box. It is beautifully decorated with draperies and is also the most comfortable for watching performances.

The next three floors have a similar structure in the scheme of the hall of the Mikhailovsky Theatre. These are the first, second and third tiers. On each floor there are boxes and rows of chairs for spectators in the center. Let's now see what changes have taken place in the arrangement of seats in the auditorium after the recent reconstruction, let's get acquainted with the innovations.

New floor plan

The Mikhailovsky Theater has prepared for art lovers a redevelopment of seats in the auditorium for the new season. The seats in the stalls, benoir and mezzanine were completely replaced. The new models are much more comfortable than the previous ones. They have comfortable armrests, high soft backs and even a footrest. Also changed the location of the seats in the stalls. If earlier there was a passage in the middle to the left and right rows of the stalls, now it has been completely removed, shifting all the seats to the central part of the theater. Passages are cleared on both sides. This was done to improve the perception of the performance. Also, the authors of the project of the updated scheme of the auditorium of the Mikhailovsky Theater considered that in this way the beautiful stucco molding of the benoir boxes, which was previously covered by people sitting nearby, would open up to the eyes of visitors.

Another change will affect the second-row seats in the benoir and mezzanine boxes. If earlier the seats were the same size both in front and behind, and the viewers of the second row had to look out from behind the shoulder of the neighbor in front, now the seats of the second row will be much higher. And to make it comfortable for the audience to sit on high seats, they have footrests.

All changes are thought out to the smallest detail, so that next season the audience will be much more comfortable and sit down and see what is happening on stage.

Best Places

The Mikhailovsky Theater has a classic seating arrangement, and like all similar opera houses, there are places with better visibility and audibility, and there are chairs on which it is not very comfortable to perceive the action taking place on the stage. It is perfectly visible in the first and second row of the stalls.

Praise the audience and the side boxes of the benoir. Everything is well seen and heard in the first row of the middle of the benoir. Well, of course, we are not talking about the "royal" box, because it is already clear that these are the most best places. In the first rows of the mezzanine, the audibility is good, but, according to the audience, binoculars are needed, since the visibility is not clear.

Bad places

Fans of opera and ballet speak negatively about some places in the theater. So, it is believed that in the places of the benoir, the so-called sides, where there is a sharp rounding of the hall, it is uncomfortable to sit. The stage is hard to see, so you can only listen.

In the rear rows of stalls, visibility also suffers due to a slight rise. You need to look over the shoulder of the neighbor in front. In boxes A and B, the audience watches the performance from above the heads of the artists, some movements are not visible.

Now you are familiar with the new layout of the hall with good and not so good places. It remains only to buy a ticket and enjoy fine art the best artists in the country.

The Mikhailovsky Theater is a famous musical theater, a true gem of St. Petersburg. Here, classical traditions are combined with the spirit of innovation and bold creative pursuits. Opera and ballet performances on the stage of the theater will bring real pleasure to connoisseurs of high art.

The Mikhailovsky Theater was opened in 1833 by decree of Emperor Nicholas I and was one of the privileged imperial theaters. The theater building was designed by Alexander Bryullov, the facades were created according to the sketches of Carl Rossi. The theater owes its name to Grand Duke Michael, the Emperor's brother. Initially, the theater was intended for the imperial family, the court and close associates, and even when it was opened to the general public, it retained a high society atmosphere.

French and German troupes alternately gave performances on the stage of Mikhailovsky, eminent guest performers performed. Here, the waltz king Johann Strauss completed his 30-year St. Petersburg seasons with the operetta The Gypsy Baron. The great Fyodor Chaliapin sang and staged performances on the stage of the theater.

Since 1918, the Imperial Mikhailovsky Theater was transformed into the State Maly Opera theatre. Outstanding Musicians, figures of opera and ballet art supported and developed a high theatrical culture within its walls. The theater becomes a "laboratory for the creation of the Soviet opera." The operas The Nose and Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District by Dmitri Shostakovich were staged for the first time on its stage, the innovative The Queen of Spades staged by Vsevolod Meyerhold saw the light of day, and the world premiere of Sergei Prokofiev's opera War and Peace took place here. The ballet troupe was created and led by the outstanding dancer and choreographer Fyodor Lopukhov, whose successors were later Igor Belsky, Oleg Vinogradov, Nikolai Boyarchikov.

In 2001, the Mikhailovsky Theater regained its historical name, in 2007 - the glory of the most secular musical theater Petersburg. Today the theatre, remaining faithful to the age-old traditions of the Russian musical theater, strives to keep abreast of the modern world theatrical process.

In 2017, the seats in the stalls, benoir and mezzanine were replaced. The models of chairs installed in the auditorium are distinguished by their comfort and laconic aesthetics: wide armrests, high backs and footrests provide the audience with maximum comfort during performances. Changes in the layout of the hall affected mainly the parterre area, and slightly - the benoir and mezzanine. There is no central aisle in the parterre, thanks to which the audience can appreciate the visual perspectives that were previously available only from the royal box. Passages to the rows are located on the right and left sides of the hall, so the seating has become more comfortable. There is also an aesthetic message in this - a magnificent stucco molding of the benoir boxes opens up for the audience. The second row armchairs in the benoir and mezzanine boxes are higher, which significantly improves the view of the stage. Also, these chairs for greater comfort are equipped with a footrest.

The artistic director of the Mikhailovsky Theater is Vladimir Kekhman.

You can buy an electronic ticket to the Mikhailovsky Theater.

The Mikhailovsky Theater is a famous musical theater, a true gem of St. Petersburg. Here, classical traditions are combined with the spirit of innovation and bold creative pursuits. Opera and ballet performances on the stage of the theater will bring real pleasure to connoisseurs of high art.

The Mikhailovsky Theater was opened in 1833 by decree of Emperor Nicholas I and was one of the privileged imperial theaters. The theater building was designed by Alexander Bryullov, the facades were created according to the sketches of Carl Rossi. The theater owes its name to Grand Duke Michael, the Emperor's brother. Initially, the theater was intended for the imperial family, the court and close associates, and even when it was opened to the general public, it retained a high society atmosphere.

French and German troupes alternately gave performances on the stage of Mikhailovsky, eminent guest performers performed. Here, the king of waltzes Johann Strauss completed his 30-year St. Petersburg seasons with the operetta "The Gypsy Baron". The great Fyodor Chaliapin sang and staged performances on the stage of the theater.

Since 1918, the Imperial Mikhailovsky Theater has been transformed into the State Maly Opera House. Outstanding musicians, figures of opera and ballet art supported and developed a high theatrical culture within its walls. The theater becomes a "laboratory for the creation of the Soviet opera." The operas The Nose and Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District by Dmitri Shostakovich were staged for the first time on its stage, the innovative The Queen of Spades staged by Vsevolod Meyerhold saw the light of day, and the world premiere of Sergei Prokofiev's opera War and Peace took place here. The ballet troupe was created and led by the outstanding dancer and choreographer Fyodor Lopukhov, whose successors were later Igor Belsky, Oleg Vinogradov, Nikolai Boyarchikov.

In 2001, the Mikhailovsky Theater regained its historical name, in 2007 - the glory of the most secular musical theater in St. Petersburg. Today the theatre, remaining faithful to the age-old traditions of the Russian musical theater, strives to keep abreast of the modern world theatrical process.

The theater has a unique repertoire that can be compared to a collection of jewels. Some of the famous classical ballets come in versions that are not presented on any other stage. This is, for example, " Swan Lake"- the so-called "old Moscow" production, a performance by Alexander Gorsky - Asaf Messerer, edited by Mikhail Messerer, Giselle, edited by Nikita Dolgushin, Corsair, edited by Konstantin Sergeev, Laurencia, choreography by Vakhtang Chabukiani, Flames of Paris, choreography Vasily Vainonen. A separate chapter in the ballet repertoire is the choreographic works of the famous Spanish maestro Nacho Duato. In total, he staged more than 10 ballets at the Mikhailovsky Theater, where he led the ballet troupe for 3 seasons. Among them are the full-length Romeo and Juliet, Versatility. Forms of Silence and Emptiness”, and captivating versions of Tchaikovsky’s The Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker, combining respect for tradition and modernity.
The operatic repertoire provides an interesting cross-section of world and Russian musical classics. On the stage of the Mikhailovsky Theater coexist classical productions Russian operas, such as The Queen of Spades, and radical versions by modern directors, such as Andriy Zholdak's Eugene Onegin, is the best opera performance according to the Golden Mask. Western classics are represented by operas