What punishment is considered fair. The punishment must be fair. We learn to respect the law.

A crime is followed by retribution - such is the immutable law of society. At the same time, it is important that it, depending on the nature and social danger of the deed, be fair and adequate. That is why the public was quite surprised by the results of checks on the validity of individual court decisions, which were recently announced by the prosecutor of the East Kazakhstan region Khakim Kushkaliev.

Justice and Divine Mercy are the two essential manifestations of God, always going hand in hand with the essence of God, which is love and its infinite nature. It should not be remembered that there is no precedent in the history of the Church for the statement "God does not punish", and much of what has been considered by the subject does not expect anyone within the Church to use this "theological reason". If you have time, you can watch the video report of 9 minutes: "God forgives, but also punishes."

Ezekiel 7, 9. Woe to the nations that rise up against my people! If you punished the enemies of your children, worthy of death, with such care and indulgence, giving them time and place to turn away from evil, with what considerations did you not judge your children, whose parents with oaths and covenants Such good promises did you make?

Thus, two overage scumbags Yerzhan Smailov and Damir Amreshev received two years of probation for robbery and gang rape, and the villager Fyodor Lubyagin, who stole a bag of firewood worth two hundred tenge, was sentenced to six years in prison. By the time the sentence was reviewed, he had already served half of his term. The three-year content of the unlucky thief cost the state 720 thousand tenge.

And his mercenaries were like fattening bulls. Out of forgiveness, don't feel so confident that you're accumulating sin after sin. Do not say: "His mercy is great, he will forgive me many of my sins." For in him there is mercy, but there is anger, and in his sinners his anger grows strong. Do not delay returning to the Lord, do not delay from one day to another, because suddenly the wrath of the Lord will slip through and you will perish during the punishment.

Sirak 5, 4-7. “Understand therefore that the Lord your God has corrected you, as a man corrects his son and keeps the commandments of the Lord your God, following his ways and fearing him.” Deuteronomy 8:5-6. Fix your child while there is hope; If not, you are responsible for his death.

Somehow I happened to stumble upon some interesting information about the American judge Mike Ciconetti on the Internet. While we are struggling to no avail, and for the most part we are only talking about the development of a system of alternative punishments, an advanced lawyer has diversified and personified sentences so much that some could well replenish the encyclopedia of curiosities. At the same time, the sentences handed down by the judge attract with the actualization of the moral principle, the desire to influence inner world offender, awaken his conscience.

Factors affecting judicial discretion

“Understand that just as a father raises a son, so the Lord raised you.” Deuteronomy 8, 5. “Do not pronounce the name of the Lord your God in vain, for he will not leave without punishment the one who pronounces it in vain” Exodus 20 7. Dear ones, do not do justice with your own hands, but yield to the wrath of God.

For whoever eats and drinks without seeking the Body, eats and drinks his punishment. Therefore, among you there are many sick and weak, and many are dying. If we judged ourselves, we would not be punished. But when we are punished, we are corrected by the Lord so that we will not be condemned with the world.

Mike Ciconetti always gave the defendant a choice - get a prison term or accept a "creative verdict". For example, he sent a man with a loaded gun to the morgue to feel the possible consequences of his frivolity and indiscretion. Noisy neighbors offered to listen to all day instead of rock classical music in the forest. He ordered a man who called a policeman a pig to stand in the center of the city for two hours with a hog adorned with a sign saying: "This is not a police officer."

But those who suffer will give them rest with us when the Lord Jesus appears, who will come from heaven with the angels of his power in the midst of burning fire. Then he will give credit to those who do not recognize God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will suffer as the punishment of eternal destruction, far from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power 2 Thessalonians 1, 7-9.

What is forgiveness?

And also: The Lord will judge His people. For he who loves the Lord corrects him; And beats all the kids he gets. Be patient with your correction. How do the children of God treat you, and what son is there that his father will not correct? But if you go without the fix that everyone gets, it's a sign that you're bastards, not kids. In addition, we had fleshly parents who corrected us and we respected them. Wouldn't we rather obey the Spirit Father in order to live? That they corrected us by their fire and for a short time!

We still do not apply the sanctions prescribed in the Criminal Code, such as community and corrective labor, house arrest. And by the way, the use of "occupational therapy" is beneficial both economically and educationally. What hinders their implementation? With this question, we turned to the judge of the Supreme Court Raisa YURCHENKO.

Fairly, Consistently, With Love

But he is, for our benefit, to make us sharers in his holiness. Do not become servants of idols, as some of them are, as the Scripture says: The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to be merry. Do not fall into prostitution like many of them, and in one day twenty-three thousand died. Let us not tempt the Lord, as some of them tempted Him and were killed by snakes.

Restricting rights, adding responsibilities

They also do not complain about God, as many of them complained and were destroyed by the destroying angel. “For we must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each may receive according to what he did during his mortal life, good or evil.” 2 Corinthians 5:10.

Alternative punishments, - R. Yurchenko explained, - are not put into effect for a long time, since there are no conditions for their execution.

Assignment of punishment in the form of correctional labor, the judge noted, is often hindered by Article 43 of the Criminal Code. As a rule, crimes are committed by the unemployed, as well as persons living off odd jobs. The specified norm prohibits the assignment of such work to disabled citizens, persons who do not have a permanent place of work, students with a break from work.

For judges, one should not be afraid of those who do good, but for those who do evil. Do you want to live without fear of power? Do good and you will have his approval, for he is a servant of God forever. But if you do evil, fear, it is not in vain to carry the sword. With the firmness and impenitence of your heart, you hoard anger against you in the day of wrath and the revelation of the righteous judgment of God, which he will give to everyone in accordance with their deeds: to those who, through perseverance in Seek glory, honor and immortality: eternal life; But to rebellious, indomitable truth and obedient to injustice: anger and indignation.

According to the penitentiary legislation, Raisa Nikolaevna said further, correctional work should be carried out in certain places. At the same time, the law provides that the employer is obliged not only to monitor the behavior of the convict, take into account the time worked, but also transfer the money earned by him to the state. A natural question arises: why are the functions of executing sentences and punishments assigned to employers, while there are special bodies for this? Given the existing realities, the judge stressed, if appropriate changes are not made to the Criminal Code, the number of persons deprived of liberty is unlikely to significantly decrease.

Be careful not to disobey the speaker. Peter said to her, "Tell me, did you sell the field in the meantime?" She replied: "Yes, in this." And Peter said to him: How did you agree to test the Spirit of the Lord? Look, here are the feet of those who buried your husband at the door; They will take you. Immediately she fell at his feet and took her last breath. Entering the young people, they found her dead and carried her to bury her husband.

The servant, knowing the will of his master, did not prepare and act in accordance with what he arranged, he will receive severe punishment. But the one who unconsciously became guilty will also be punished less severely. At that moment, some came and told him about the Galileans, whose blood of Pilate had mixed with his victims. Jesus answered them: Do you think that these Galileans were more sinful than all the other Galileans because they suffered from it?

Quite often, crimes are committed by persons with outstanding convictions. In such cases, according to article 59 of the Criminal Code, the most severe punishment, that is, imprisonment, should be imposed. What this leads to, the judge illustrated this with the following example. For the theft of a chicken, the legislator allows for a maximum penalty of three years in prison. The same theft a second time can result in a five-year isolation period. And in the third, with outstanding previous convictions for chicken, the offender can receive from three to ten (!) Years in prison.

They asked him: Who is this man who said to you: “Take him and go?” But the healer did not know who he was, because Jesus disappeared, because there were many people in this place. Enter the narrow entrance; The wide entrance and spaciousness is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter into it; But what a narrow entrance and what a narrow road leading to Life! And few find it.

Teaching and Tradition of the Church

The Jewish trip was drawing near. Jesus went to Jerusalem and found the sellers of oxen, sheep and pigeons in the Temple and money changers sitting in front of their tables. When God reveals himself and names a person, the person cannot fully respond to divine love in his own strength.

Only the introduction of appropriate amendments to the legislation, as well as the exclusion of judicial errors from law enforcement practice, the judge summed up, will allow observing the most important principles of the criminal law - individualization and fairness of punishment.

If early ideas about punishment often fit into the primitive formula “an eye for an eye”, then today the death penalty also has an alternative. By way of pardon, it can be replaced by life imprisonment. Opinions about the use of the death penalty are polarized. Adherents of the radical direction say that the death sentence is an act of retribution, and it is unreasonable to show humanity to those who have trampled on universal human foundations and neglected people's lives. But there is a difference between crime and crime - serious "everyday life" and terrorism are different in terms of the number of victims and the scale of consequences. Supporters of humanistic traditions believe that legalized murder is no less disgusting and, in principle, does not affect the rate of especially serious crimes. Another important argument put forward by the opponents of the death penalty is the possibility of miscarriage of justice. In turn, representatives of the clergy argue that murder is an unjustified mortal sin.

In the same way it corresponds to the divine pardon that we are not forgiven of our sins without giving some satisfaction; In order not to participate in this and not to convince us that the sins are milder, let us act just as harmfully, and become insolent against the Holy Spirit, and fall into many more serious ones, thus the treasure of indignation in the day of wrath. They undoubtedly exclude themselves because of sin and serve as a restraint towards these satisfactory punishments, making the penitent more careful and vigilant in the future: they also serve as medicine to cure the remnants of sins and to erase with the actions of opposite virtues Evil habits that have been reduced with a bad life .

Be that as it may, discussions about the "tower" will continue to excite the public. And in these disputes, moral and material aspects often come into conflict. It is the burdensomeness of the costs of maintaining convicts that is one of the common arguments of supporters of extreme measures. By the way, according to the press service of the CCIS of the Ministry of Justice, there are now ten people in Kazakhstan, for whom the world for the rest of their lives has narrowed to four walls and meager prison rations.

The Church of God never believed that there was more safe way eliminate the punishments with which God threatens, than people should attend these works of repentance with real sadness of heart. God punishes the one who enriches or possesses something, or who consolidates or achieves some goal through bad means. in a special way he is speaking to the nations that have received the proclamation of the gospel. If we look at history, we are often forced to see the coldness and rebellion of incoherent Christians.

Today we must again learn that love for the sinner and the victim is in its right balance through the punishment of the sinner, applied in a possible and adequate way. This is what stands out in the first reading, taken from the book of the Old Testament Chronicles: the sacred author offers a synthetic and meaningful interpretation of the history of the chosen people, who are punished by God as a consequence of their rebellious behavior: the Temple is destroyed, and the people in exile no longer have land ; It seems that God has forgotten him.

Other prisoners, sooner or later, "rewinding" the prescribed term, will return home, to their families or to special boarding schools. It would be too presumptuous to say that today's conditions in the colonies and prisons contribute to the re-education of criminals. Therefore, if the defendant has committed a minor crime, it is better to provide an opportunity for the offender to make amends, to civilly resolve the conflict that has arisen, and to compensate for the harm caused.

But then he sees that God has a plan of mercy through punishment. As we have said, the destruction of the holy city and temple and the exile will touch the heart of the people and cause them to return to their God to know more deeply. And then the Lord, demonstrating the absolute primacy of his initiative over any purely human efforts, will use the pagan Cyrus, king of Persia, to free Israel. In the text we have heard, the Lord's wrath and mercy clash in dramatic sequence, but in the end love triumphs because God is love.

Punishment should be adequate and fair, only then it will contribute to the moral reassessment of the convict's chosen line of behavior in society, his repentance and correction.


Synopsis of a lesson in social studies Grade 7

Learning to respect the law

How can we not collect from the memory of these distant events a message that is valid for all times, including ours? Thinking about the past centuries, we see how God continues to love us even through punishment. "But God, always merciful, even when he punished," put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would attack him. Therefore, he gives him a sign of recognition, which is intended not to condemn him to the oppression of other people, but to protect him and protect him from those who want to kill him in order to avenge the death of Abel.

He does demand satisfaction, and yet she is also lenient and does not punish us as much as we deserve; God is "pathetic" because "he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust." Thus, "the Lord has mercy on those who fear Him," that is, those who repent and return to him. He is in fact a God of mercy who forgives love, a love that bends over all evil from pain in a wound that must be healed. Love, which is always greater than any evil, which is always able to go “beyond” the measure of justice and equality.

The theme of the lesson is "Guilty - answer", Section II "Man and Law".

The purpose of the lesson:PTo lead students to an understanding of the inevitability of fair punishment for crimes committed, to bring students to an understanding of the concept of "law-abiding behavior", that this is normal, ordinary behavior of most people.

The love that you are forced to give to others is not only "yours", but also a lot of "his.". We also said that in this huge hour in which the spirit of evil seeks every means to destroy the Kingdom of God, must engage all the energy to protect it, if you want to avoid your city extremely large remnants of these materials distributed by the earthquake fifty years ago. Everything that happens in the world must be explained in the light of faith. This wonderful light, not to mention that part of his teaching, makes us understand that private misfortunes deserve punishment, or at least the exercise of virtue for people, and that the scourges of public health redemption of the waves are to blame government bodies and countries have turned away from God.

Lesson objectives:

- educational: to bring to an understanding of the concepts of "law", "crime", "juvenile delinquent", "responsibility for one's actions";

- developing: development of cognitive interests of students, the ability to work in a group with a textbook;

- educational: the formation of a culture of communication when working in groups, a moral position.

Planned results :

Personal: in mastering the skills of public speaking (statements, monologue, discussion), in the ability to perform cognitive and practical tasks, including using project activities in the classroom and in accessible social practice, determining one's own attitude to phenomena modern life, articulating your point of view.

Meta-subject: the ability to organize one's activities, determine its goals and objectives, the ability to conduct an independent search, analysis, selection of information, the ability to interact with people and work in a team; to express judgments, confirming them with facts; possession of elementary practical skills of working with a textbook for research;

Subject: knowledge of basic legal concepts, norms and rules, understanding of their role as decisive regulators public life, installation on the need to be guided by these norms and rules in their own daily life.

Universal learning activities :

Personal: to realize the need for the legal norms of society.

- regulatory: accept and formulate a learning problem.

- cognitive:analyze, compare, classify and generalize facts and phenomena, identify the causes and consequences of simple phenomena.

- communicative: the ability to communicate and interact with each other.

Type of lesson - learning a new topic.

Educational technologies used in the lesson - creation of a problem situation, group work, brainstorming, individual and frontal work.

Equipment : multimedia installation, personal computer, presentation, cards for group work.

Lesson stages

Teacher activity

Student activities


goal setting


Guys, your peer is addressing you in his letter, listen.

What happened to the teenager? Why?

What will we talk about today?

Why should we talk about it?

Why is there such a section “Man and the Law” in the general course of the 7th grade? There is a lot of illegal behavior in modern times, it happens that teenagers also commit misconduct and crimes.

How to make sure that no one is in the place of a teenager Dmitry?

The student reads the letter (Appendix 1)

The topic of the lesson is law, crimes, ....

We are teenagers, from the age of 14 some crimes can be punished. How to prevent this?!

Learning new material:

1. Law abiding citizen

2. Illegal behavior

3. The law punishes the offender

Guys, who can be called a law-abiding person?

Why does a law-abiding person command respect?

Formulate in your notebook the definition "Law-abiding behavior is ...

What is the opposite of law-abiding behavior called?

Give examples of such behavior.

So what kind of behavior is illegal or unlawful?

Read in the textbook "Journey to the Past". How did people in ancient times treat violators of established rules?

But how to establish the measure, the adequacy of punishment?

From what to proceed, how to achieve justice?

What punishment would be fair?

Modern lawyers put punishment on the degree of harm caused by the violator to people and society.



For example, driving a car drunk- this is a misdemeanor for which administrative responsibility is provided, but such a driver can cause the death of another person, this is already a crime.

The law punishes especially severely for very harmful violations - crimes (regulated by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

Guys, why do lawyers often warn that there is only one step from a minor violation to a major one? You must always remember that

that this line - between a minor violation of the order and a serious violation of the order - is very thin.

Now divide the cards on the desk into two groups: crimes and misdemeanors

Give examples of how this can happen.

Now we will try to understand one situation. (Annex 3)

At school, a tenth grader called a seventh grader to the toilet and told him to bring a pack of cigarettes tomorrow.

Could be the following:

1. the seventh-grader did not bring cigarettes, received from the tenth-grader, but remained unconvinced.

2. a seventh-grader went to the police and wrote a statement.

3. the seventh-grader began to wear cigarettes, then they began to extort money from him, he began to steal them, i.e. he himself went on theft, as he turned out to be a weaker character.

The conclusion is that you need to think about your actions, remember that you can’t do things that harm some person or society, you need to respect the law. The law severely punishes all violators, even minors.

A law-abiding person respects the law, does not commit actions that harm other people and society.

Law-abiding behavior is good for society.

Let's read aloud.

Illegal, unlawful

Give examples

Illegal behavior is behavior that is prohibited by law; it harms society, people. (write in notebook)

Seeking justice, the guilty were punished.

depending on the severity of the offense.

Sometimes, unexpectedly for the violator himself, small violations can develop into a serious violation of the law.

group work (Annex 2)

Options may vary.

Summing up the lesson


Continue suggestions:

Now I know..

Now I can ….

Also, I want to say...

Watch the video "By the sea"

Students choose any sentence, continue it.

Students look, think and understand that their fate is in their hands, what it will be depends on their actions.


Come up with a reminder for your peer "Learn to respect the law"

Write down in a diary

Attachment 1.

We were three friends. First, we took a pair of mink hats, women's boots, and every little thing from the apartment. All sold. For the first time, I was very afraid that they would get caught. But when I saw “live” money, I was delighted. Then they didn't get caught. And money with friends skipped. I thought it was possible to live like this.

A month later he beat a man. Didn't like his comments. When they took me, at first I did not believe that I could get a term. I thought: educate, as always, and let go. They didn't let go...

I advise you not to go anywhere. Everyone gets caught sometime. Here you feel like in a cage. I really want to go over the fence. I want to go home to my mother. I would sit next to her and not go anywhere. But the mother is not here. For myself. Nobody will help you. I knew what was waiting for me...

Appendix 2

(according to a set of cards for group work)

murder, beatings, torture, kidnapping, insult, slander, theft, robbery, robbery, extortion, terrorism, hostage-taking, theft of weaponsobscene language in public places, violation of traffic rules, improper performance of parental duties, stay of minors on the street after 10 p.m., damage to other people's property, petty hooliganism, ticketless travel to public transport, petty mischief

Appendix 3

Group work card

Think about what could happen next in such a situation?