Stool with a yellow tint. What could be yellow stools?

It seems to every person that there is nothing more natural than a daily bowel cleansing in a natural way. A normal stool in an adult should not cause any complications if he eats properly, does not have chronic diseases, recent surgical interventions, and in the case of the beautiful half of humanity is not a nursing mother or pregnant. In these cases, you can forget about a normal stool, as the gastrointestinal tract fails. If there are any deviations without the above circumstances, then the issue should be approached more carefully.

normal adult stool

As you know, each person's body works in its own way. And normal stool in an adult, it may depend not only on his gastronomic preferences, but also on the metabolic processes occurring in the body. For most people, daily morning bowel movements have long been the norm, and as soon as this process fails, they sound the alarm. Although, for an adult, a stool once every two days is quite normal. At the same time, a normal stool in an adult healthy person can be daily and twice. It should have a fairly thick consistency and not have impurities in the form of mucus, blood or foam. Even if daily bowel movements have changed and now independent bowel cleansing occurs no more than once every 2-3 days, you should not worry. Perhaps the problem lies in the wrong diet, due to which there are small failures.

Frequent stool in an adult

As soon as any failure occurs in the rhythm of the body's vital activity, a person begins to panic. This is how many react to frequent stools in an adult, repeated up to 5 times a day. At the same time, it has a very dense consistency and comes out without additional discomfort. The reason may lie in the inclusion in the diet of non-traditional foods that promote accelerated digestion. It is worth worrying only if, in addition to frequent stools, its consistency becomes quite liquid, it has impurities of foam, mucus, blood, the stomach hurts, and the temperature rises. In this case, it is worth taking emergency methods of treatment and avoiding complications of the situation.

Loose stools in an adult

You shouldn't think that liquid stool in an adult, speaks of problems in the digestive system. If it is not abundant and accompanied unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, then we can talk about it nature. Perhaps, the day before, foods were eaten that contribute to its active liquefaction. Abundant consumption of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, often lead to just such emptying. In addition, if a solid portion of alcohol was drunk, especially beer or wine, there is no doubt that the next day there will be loose stools in an adult. Thus, the body is freed from alcohol intoxication for its own benefit.

  • Liquid stools

Adult frothy stool

It does not make sense to panic strongly when a frothy stool is observed in an adult. Almost always, it is a sure sign that fermentation processes caused by an abundance of carbohydrates have activated in the human body. At the same time, it is worth considering that their excessive consumption occurred over a long period of time, which led to the fact that, along with foam, the intestines are quite swollen and flatulence is observed. Therefore, for a while it is worth giving up the use of sweet fruits and some vegetables, as well as drinks with the presence of yeast: beer, kvass and wine. In addition, cereals should be included in the diet to fix the contents of the stomach and improve peristalsis.

  • Diarrhea with foam

Mucus stool in an adult

Surprisingly, mucus stools in an adult can occur for fairly minor reasons: eating mucus-forming foods. Therefore, if a person who is dissatisfied with impurities in his feces regularly eats: mucous porridges, sour-milk products, fruits, berries, then such impurities can become quite frequent. It is a pity that along with a small amount of mucus, additional problems can be observed: bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhea. In this case, the probable causes of the problem include diseases:

  • cracks in the intestines;

Quite often, a stool with mucus in an adult can be observed with prolonged use of antibiotics.

  • Mucous stool

Bloody stool in an adult

For most people, adult bloody stools pass almost unnoticed. They just don't care about him. And they do it in vain. Almost always, a change in the color of the stool and the presence of additional impurities in the form of blood indicates quite serious problems. It all depends on the nature of the impurities. So, if the blood is directly on top of the emptying and it has a bright scarlet color, then the cause may be an anal fissure.

The stool with blood in an adult may be black, as the blood has already caked. This means that bleeding occurs in the upper sections of the intestine, since in the process of a long passage through all sections, it changed its color.

In the case when the stool with blood in an adult is not significant, but there are quite a lot of bloody impurities, this may indicate the opening of an ulcer. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, so you need to prevent bleeding immediately.

adult stool color

The light color of feces from light gray to whitish can indicate many diseases. So, quite often, it is precisely such emptyings that indicate that a person has Crohn's disease, a rotovirus infection, malignant and benign tumors, stones in barrels, or ordinary dysbacteriosis.

The color of the stool in an adult black color speaks not only of the consumed food products that contribute to the acquisition of a specific color, but also of internal bleeding occurring in the upper intestines.

The green color of the stool indicates the flow of fermentation processes in the body. Basically, they are caused not only by an abundant intake of food containing carbohydrates, but also by the development of bacterial infections in the body. With green stools, large impurities of mucus are possible.

Saturated yellow color indicates that a person has problems with the biliary tract. In addition, there may be a bitter taste in the mouth.

The color of the stool in an adult may vary depending on the exacerbation of chronic diseases and changes in gastronomic preferences.

  • Diarrhea color

Often green chair in an adult, it is observed as a result of dysentery, oncological diseases, bleeding in the upper intestines. Much less often, green stools in an adult occur as a result of errors in a diet rich in carbohydrates. Fermentation processes in the body are intensified, as a result of which, along with a specific color, additional satellites appear: bloating, flatulence, small pains.

  • Green diarrhea in an adult

Yellow stool in an adult

The main reason that a yellow stool appears in an adult is diseases of the digestive system and biliary tract. Often, in people with impaired bile outflow, feces have a rich yellow color. In addition, if a person has kidney stones, then most likely the yellow color of the stool will accompany him for a long time. Malfunctions of the pancreas, as a result of which most of the enzymes simply cannot be broken down, lead to yellow bowel movements.

Yellow feces is something that is not customary to discuss in the daily routine of life. Even with the closest friends, not everyone dares to talk about this topic. But still, when your bowel movements take on an unusual color, then such observations can make you worry. But you need to talk to someone, but with whom? Of course, you need to see a doctor.

What is feces made of?

If you find yellow feces, then the first thing to do is to check the liver. Dark yellow stools should not bother anyone, but a pale color like clay should suggest that you have some problems with the body. Let's first find out what color feces can be. First, they are 70% water. If you separate solid particles, then 30% will be bacteria, 30% is undigested food, 15% inorganics and another 15% fat, and protein is only 5%. Discharge from the intestines acquire this color depending on the chemicals and bacteria in the body.

What affects the color of intestinal secretions?

The most basic element that affects the change in stool color is bilirubin, which promotes the release of stercobilin. It is his presence that gives the reddish-brown color to the intestinal secretions. If it is not enough, then it will begin to lose color, and you will end up with yellow feces. Let's find out what can cause the concentration of stercobilin to decrease. Firstly, this can happen due to insufficient presence of bilirubin in the body. Perhaps a lot of fecal masses appeared in the body, or they passed the intestines too quickly, without having time to stain in desired color. Bilirubin is formed from hemoglobin in the liver. Hemoglobin is a chemical that binds oxygen in blood cells and carries them to tissues and organs. When these cells die, hemoglobin is converted to bilirubin in the liver. Obviously, its decrease can be caused by problems with the liver.

Let's see what liver diseases can cause yellow feces. Various types of hepatitis may be the cause. Hepatitis does not have to be contagious; there are toxic and autoimmune hepatitis. Viral hepatitis is the most common of the infectious types, and it can lead to pale stools. The same color can also occur with mononucleosis. But you will not be able to immediately identify this disease, in order to establish this, you will need to donate blood for analysis. Cytomegalovirus is another virus that is very rarely mentioned, but this disease can also cause feces. yellow color. This is one of the symptoms of liver disease. Also, hepatitis can occur due to alcohol, rubella viruses, mumps, as well as the consumption of various drugs.

Another cause of liver dysfunction is cirrhosis. In fact, during this disease, scarring of the liver occurs for various reasons. Yellow feces in an adult may indicate that some problems have appeared in the body. But do not self-medicate and diagnose yourself. It is best to go to the doctor, he will accurately determine the causes.

Yellow stools can be a symptom of liver dysfunction. But to make sure that the organ that filters the blood is damaged, you need to contact a therapist.

A patient who complains about the appearance of yellow stools, the doctor will tell you to take a stool for analysis and undergo a series of examinations.

After their conduct, the exact diagnosis will become known or it will turn out that the person is absolutely healthy, because sometimes a change in the shade of feces causes a certain product to predominate in the diet.

Feces of a healthy person

Feces cannot be the same for every bowel movement. Its color is constantly changing, becoming either light, then dark, then almost black.

But many people do not pay attention to the type of bowel movements, and therefore have no idea which feces indicate good and bad health.

Metamorphoses with feces can provide important information about the state of all body systems. Most often, changes in the color of bowel movements are associated with taking certain medications, eating certain foods, and the body's response to a stressful situation.

The predominant shade of feces in an adult who does not experience health problems is brown. Excrement can be light, yellow and dark.

Regardless of color, particles of digested food and bile pigment must be present in the feces, which significantly affect the color of the feces.

The type of bowel movements depends on what kind of food the person has eaten in the last few days.

In addition, the consistency and color of feces are determined by:

  • way of life;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with which you have to constantly fight;
  • medicines used;
  • state of the central nervous system.

By the color of the stool, you can find out if everything is in order with health, and understand what disease has affected the internal organs.

An adult who suspects that he is sick with something, because the stool has turned bright yellow, will need a thorough physical examination.

Among the prescribed studies are usually the following procedures:

When yellow feces appear in an adult, it can be assumed that a malfunction has occurred in the functioning of body systems or individual organs.

But there are other reasons for this phenomenon, for example, the presence in the diet of a large amount of sour cream, milk, cottage cheese or kefir.

However, in most cases, yellow stool is a symptom of a pathology of the pancreas, liver or stomach.

The culprit for the acquisition of yellow stools is sometimes an enzyme deficiency. If the gland located under the stomach does not produce enough substances responsible for the processing of food, then the stool always turns yellow.

Fats that are not digested in the organs give this color to the feces, since few enzymes have been allocated to perform this task. Because of this problem, some compounds cannot be absorbed by the villi of the intestine and pass out with feces.

Stools that are bright yellow-gold in color can lead to Crohn's disease.

The disease is characterized by the failure of all organs digestive system, which, as a result, cannot process food in the right mode, which is why fats pass through the gastrointestinal tract almost unchanged. Worst of all accounts for the large and small intestines.

The inflammatory process in gallbladder. When bile is produced incorrectly and enters the intestines without the necessary changes, the stool turns yellow and the urine becomes dark.

A person experiencing these symptoms needs urgent medical attention.

Any adult whose feces turn yellow as a result of infection of the body after eating unwashed vegetables and fruits should also see a doctor quickly.

Sometimes you can get sick with an ailment, due to which the feces become yellow, you can even eat homemade unboiled milk, sour cream or cottage cheese.

Moreover, this disease can be contagious and transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person by airborne droplets. But in the acquisition of light yellow feces, it is not always necessary to look for something sinister.

There are other, quite harmless reasons for the formation of yellowish feces:

  • frequent consumption of freshly grated carrots, orange oranges, and other yellow-skinned fruits such as pears
  • inclusion in the diet of an excess amount of dairy products;
  • fermentation processes in the large intestine;
  • presence in the menu of peas;
  • hormonal balance, which negatively affects the functioning of all organs;
  • stressful situation or depression, which affected the state of the body;
  • taking funds that protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy;
  • the use of certain antibiotics and vitamin complexes;
  • a rare and not very serious disease, which consists in the inability of the body to process gluten.

However, if a person found out why the feces acquired a rich, strange color, but did not calm down, then he should talk with a doctor about whether he is in danger of a serious illness.

Measures to normalize stool

If the fecal stone that came out of the intestines is yellow, then the person should remember what he ate in the last few days.

Sometimes the acquisition of a strange color and an extremely unpleasant odor in stools can be associated with eating a large portion of fatty foods.

Having found that yellow mucus in the feces appears precisely after eating something fatty, you need to rush to the doctor, since the problem may be a malfunction of the pancreas.

Light yellow stools can be caused by a malfunction in the liver caused by an antibacterial agent, birth control pills, epilepsy medicine, or a tuberculosis drug.

Even anti-inflammatory drugs, Paracetamol from elevated temperature and methotrexate.

The use of drugs - derivatives of acetylsalicylic acid is negatively reflected on the liver.

Suspecting that the problems with the stool are caused precisely by the drugs, it is required to visit the doctor without delay.

When the yellow color of the stool is associated with a disease, the color changes to brown within a few days.

At the same time, the person feels unwell, that is, his temperature rises, it hurts abdomen yellow skin and dark urine.

This bad condition is compounded by bloating, loss of appetite, severe nausea, vomiting, and sudden weight loss.

With such symptoms, a person who was made to worry by the color of feces will not encounter only if the reason for staining the feces in a yellow-golden color is a diet rich in plant foods.

Experiencing not only because of the yellow tint of feces, but also the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, you should urgently consult a doctor.

Sometimes the rich yellow color of the feces, which smell terrible, indicates that the fats from the food entering the body are not digested.

This phenomenon is a sign of a serious disease of the digestive system, which can be extremely dangerous, and therefore obliges a person to see a specialist as soon as possible.

After conducting tests and examinations, having learned in what situations the feces become yellow, the doctor will find out which organ is working poorly and prescribe the necessary treatment.

It is possible that the bowel movements have acquired a normal color, a person will have to fight peritonitis, cancer or cholecystitis.

So, instead of a natural brown hue, feces can turn bright yellow due to the inclusion of foods such as carrots, oranges, apples and pears in the diet.

In addition, problems with the stool are caused by hormonal failure and dangerous diseases. To find out what caused the stool to turn yellow-golden in color, it is necessary to undergo many diagnostic procedures.

How you need to act depends on the results of the studies, which may prompt the doctor to prescribe serious treatment.