The opinion of experts on the daily routine of three-month-old children.

By the third month of life, almost all children get used to the daily routine and calmly expect feeding at the set hours, are active during wakefulness, and show a keen interest in everything. A three-month-old baby smiles just for you, recognizes and rejoices, makes cute faces, copying adults.

By three months, the child is fed 6 times a day with an interval of 3 - 3.5 hours with a mandatory night break, the wakefulness time is extended to 1.5 hours. daily requirement in a dream 16 hours, of which night sleep accounts for 9-10 hours.

Gradually we refuse night feeding

Many children of this age can easily withstand a night's sleep without feeding. And if they still wake up at night, do not rush to do it, try giving some water or a pacifier, change the diaper, gently stroke it and maybe the baby will fall asleep again.

Children wake up at night not because of a feeling of hunger, but out of habit, experiencing discomfort, because you used to feed him at this time. A good night's sleep is important for the normal rest of the body and the gastrointestinal tract of the baby. If at night he rested well, the morning will be joyful and active.

Meet the new taste

AT 3.5 months we introduce the child to a new food taste and start with apple juice. We start with 5 drops, be sure to dilute with boiled water.

Concentrated juice irritates the baby's esophagus and stomach. Our task is to introduce a new taste, this is not complementary foods.

AT breast milk there are all vitamins and microelements in sufficient quantity and in the most balanced form.

What to do with the baby while awake and walking

At the age of 3 months, children love the game of hide and seek, peek-a-boo brings them into indescribable delight. For a long time he can be alone in a crib or an entertaining rug, looking at hanging toys, trying to grab and hold them.

She enjoys looking at her hands and feet. Put colored socks or sound cuffs on your legs or arms and you will be provided with a few minutes of cognitive activities and silence.

It is necessary to unobtrusively switch him to another activity, if you feel that he is tired of this and the mood deteriorates, the baby himself at this age does not know how to find something to do.

Turn on music for your child, sing songs, tell nursery rhymes and jokes. The kid does not yet understand the words, but he sensitively catches the intonation, learns to communicate.

I included for my baby the music collection “Classics for Kids” by Mozart, Bach, Beethoven. He had these enchanting sounds in his memory for a long time. And as he grew older, he recognized this music, fading, listening.

During the walk, if the baby is not sleeping, we continue to acquaint him with the world around him, necessarily voicing the car, dog, leaf, cat in the child’s language, so it will be easier for the child to remember and later name things himself, thereby actively training the articulatory apparatus, beep, aw, meow.

The kid very nicely transforms the sounds for himself. So my baby said - bv (car), mi (cat), ti (bird and chicken too).

Physical education and massage

We continue to do massage, do sips, connect physical exercises, stretching and crossing the arms, bending and unbending the legs. Lying on the tummy, the child raises his head high, leaning on outstretched arms and bending in the upper back.

We help him, holding the handle, turn from a supine position, to the left, right side. We encourage him with affectionate words, we stimulate movements.

A good mood during classes is the key to successful and more productive results. physical development baby.

Approximate regimen of a 3-month-old baby

It is not much different from the 2-x mode. month old baby. Unless only more active, more conscious periods of wakefulness.

If, by the age of three months, the baby's mother has not learned how to do everything at home and has not restored her health after childbirth, then the baby's non-compliance with the daily routine is probably to blame. Most likely, it simply does not exist, they walk with the child at any time, the same is his food and morning awakening. Then the life of the family turns into a nightmare. And so that this does not happen, you need to adhere to a clear time for the implementation of all regime moments. Moreover, at the age of three months, the child is already very interesting, has his own habits, smiles and pleases his parents, subtly feels his mother. So, what should be the order of life for a girl or a boy at this age?

Features of the daily routine

Three months is a period of active maturation. The child already holds his head, examines the objects around him. And if a month ago the baby could not stay awake for more than an hour and a half, now it can already be two hours. At this time, he hums, laughs, actively moves his arms and legs.

The total activity time of a three-month-old baby per day reaches 8-9 hours. And this is a great opportunity to communicate with the child, to develop him physically.

As before, the main regime moments sleep, walks and feeding remain. Three-month-old babies rest at this time three or four times a day. The duration of each period of daytime sleep they have is one and a half to two hours. Ideally, when at night the baby rests for 8-10 hours. But most often it is a 7-hour break between the last and the first morning feeding.

Usually there are no problems at this age with the nutrition of artificers. As for the babies breastfeeding, then many practice feeding on demand, which is not always convenient in terms of the necessary absences of the mother, and it is unhealthy for the health of the baby. The daily intake of mother's milk for a baby of this age is up to 850 ml. When a baby eats more, which happens when feeding an hour later, the digestive system simply cannot cope with so much food. The result of this may be colic and nervousness of the baby or red spots on his cheeks. Then inexperienced mothers begin to think that they are eating the wrong or forbidden foods. And it is enough just to adjust the daily routine of the baby on breastfeeding, and everything will fall into place. The problem will disappear.

At the age of three months, it is recommended to walk with a child at least twice a day. Very often, children in a stroller simply fall asleep, breathing plenty of fresh air. But, given that the children's hearing is becoming more acute, it is better to organize their sleep in the stroller so that harsh and noisy sounds cannot wake them up. That is, during sleep, walk in the park, square, in quiet places.

It is walks in the fresh air that help to establish the daily routine of a three-month-old child. After all, it is often difficult to fall asleep at home. And on the street, most healthy children fall asleep faster. And they sleep in the open air much longer.

Pediatricians recommend walking with a three-month-old baby at temperatures up to -15 degrees Celsius in the cold season and up to +35 in the hot season. In the latter case, you need to walk in the shade, putting on a baby bodysuit made of natural fabric. Keep in mind that heat is more destructive for a baby than cold. And in frosty time, the duration of the walk should not exceed 20 minutes.

Mandatory regime moments in three months are morning washing with warm boiled water or infusion of chamomile, gymnastics in the morning. It includes flexion and extension of the limbs, turning the bent legs to the sides, sipping, lifting the body forward by the handles. The procedure should be completed by stroking the limbs, laying the baby on the tummy.

Approximate daily routine of a three-month-old baby

The indicated times are approximate. Each attentive mother, focusing on them, makes a correction for her baby, based on his individual characteristics.

  • 6.00-7.00 - morning rise, washing, gymnastics, first feeding of the child, wakefulness.
  • 7.20-9.20 - baby's sleep.
  • 9.30-9.40 - feeding.
  • 9.40-11:00 - communication, games, gathering for a walk to sleep.
  • 11.10-13.00 - sleep in the fresh air during a walk.
  • 13.20-13.30 - feeding.
  • 13:40-14:50 - games, communication, wakefulness.
  • 15.00-16.30 - sleep on a walk.
  • 16:40-18:00 - feeding, communication with dad, games.
  • 18:10-19:30 - baby rest.
  • 19:40-20.50 - wakefulness, games, communication.
  • 21:00 - swimming.
  • 21:30 - last feeding, going to bed.

So, following this sequence of procedures, you can do a lot. And if you send grandma or dad for a walk with the baby, then mom will be able to have a good rest and please the family with goodies.

Children are our joy, pride and hope. At any age they are special and beautiful. This article will focus on the age of three months. This is the first serious date that parents are looking forward to. By this time, it is already necessary to undergo many examinations, take tests and visit some narrow specialists. At this age, parents find out if their child is healthy or there are some developmental abnormalities. How much do babies sleep at 3 months? What should be their routine? This will be discussed.

Medical examination at 3 months

At this age, the child must be shown to a pediatrician and such narrow specialists as a neurologist, orthopedist, ENT and surgeon. By three months, any baby should be interested in their hands. If this does not happen, you need to inform the doctor.

At this age, you need to pass a urine and blood test to the laboratory, as well as undergo an ultrasound scan of different parts of the body. Three months is the time to get vaccinated, for which you need to prepare in advance. If you are unable to visit the doctor, he may come to your home to measure and examine the child.

Baby sleep at 3 months

How much do babies sleep at 3 months? For a child, this is very important. If we talk about night rest, then it can last up to ten hours. During the day, babies sleep four times: two long and two short sleeps. Long - no longer than two hours, and short - half an hour.

How many hours does a 3 month old baby sleep? In general, a baby at this age sleeps fifteen hours. But just like a newborn, the baby falls asleep for a long time - for half an hour, eating mother's milk.

Sleep is still essential normal development child. If the baby sleeps the prescribed time, then during the wakeful phase he is cheerful and active, as he feels good. How much do babies sleep at 3 months and is it worth waking them up if sleep continues more than normal? No, you should not disturb the baby if he is sleeping and does not wake up for feeding. The baby himself knows when it is time for him to wake up and eat.

Baby food at 3 months

How much does a 3 month old baby eat? The baby eats only mother's milk or eats mixtures. Although there are cases when parents introduce complementary foods at three months, this is a gross mistake, and the child’s body is completely unprepared for this. And because of such a negligent attitude of parents to the baby, he may develop diseases.

How much does a 3 month old baby eat? If a we are talking about the frequency of breastfeeding, then usually it is at least eight feedings per day. If we compare how much a child eats at three months and at birth, then the number of feedings is noticeably lower. During feeding, the baby may be distracted from the breast and go about their own business, such as watching what is happening around or fiddling with their hands. The break between feedings at night is at least three hours.

Some formula-fed babies can sleep through the night by three months, and eat three hours apart during the day between feedings. At three months, the total amount of food eaten increases to a liter per day.

Baby routine at 3 months

By the age of three months, the child begins to form his own, which parents need to adhere to. By this age, the amount and duration of sleep, feeding and wakefulness changes. Mom should make it a rule to perform all actions at the same time.

The regimen of a child at 3 months includes sleep, feeding, wakefulness, walking, bathing, hygiene procedures, massage, learning about the world. About 15 hours are allotted for sleep, breastfeeding - at least two hours a day, the rest of the time is occupied by hygiene procedures, walks, massages, bathing and exploring the world. Moreover, the time of sleep and walk can coincide.

Baby at 3 months

What is a 3 month old baby? By this age, the interests of the baby are expanding, as he already knows a lot: he manages to learn about the world and see what is happening around him. The child is fond of his body parts, mainly handles. The kid believes that his mother is a part of him, and he will not be able to live without her. The baby is very upset if he does not see his mother next to him.

He starts to suck his finger and chew on his fist. He also has a lot of saliva, since the first teeth are not far off, and therefore there is increased salivation.

The weight and height of a child at three months, of course, changes, and for everyone individually. If we are talking about boys, then they are about sixty centimeters in length and weigh about six kilograms. For girls, the figures are lower by a couple of centimeters and two hundred to three hundred grams.

If the doctor prescribes vitamins, they need to be taken in courses. Before and after vaccinations, the child must be fed, as milk has a calming effect.

At this age, it's time to carry the child in a kangaroo or ergo backpack so that he can learn the world. But if you go on a long trip, you need to take a stroller with you, as it will be difficult with a backpack.

Three month old baby day

The daily routine of a three-month-old baby is not as varied as, for example, that of a six-month-old baby. So, the day of the child of 3 months is as follows:

  • 6.00 - feeding.
  • 7.00 - game and communication.
  • 7.30 - air baths.
  • 8.00 - the first dream.
  • 9.00 - breakfast.
  • 10.00 - wakefulness.
  • 11.30 - the first walk + sleep.
  • 12.00 - air baths.
  • 12.30 - lunch.
  • 14.00 - sleep.
  • 15.00 - game.
  • 17.00 - walk + sleep.
  • 18.00 - wakefulness.
  • 18.30 - evening feeding.
  • 20.30 - sleep.
  • 21.00 - bathing, hygiene procedures, massage.
  • 21.30 - feeding.
  • 00.00 - sleep.
  • 00.30 - night feeding.
  • 01.30 - sleep.

Each child wakes up at night for feeding according to his regimen and individual development. Some children eat only once at night, and some - three or four.

Wakefulness of the child consists of communication and games. It is worth noting that this is exemplary and not every kid should adhere to it, because everyone from this age is an individual. Some items may overlap. For example, very often daytime sleep the child coincides with the walk. Children sleep very well outdoors, especially in winter time of the year.

Baby's head at 3 months

As mentioned above, by three months the child is able to hold his head on his own. Some children achieve this skill by the first month of life, and, as a rule, these are only especially diligent ones. But if at three months your baby does not hold his head - this is a cause for concern, and it's time to see a doctor.

The child learns to turn his head in different sides, reacts to sounds and turns to noise. If we talk about the girth of the head, then compared to the previous month of life, it increases by one centimeter.

Very rarely, but still there are such children in whom the fontanel overgrows by three to four months of life. But most often it happens closer to the year. If the child is developing normally, the doctor may prescribe vitamin D to avoid the development of rickets.

What to give a three month old baby?

What to give a child at 3 months? It was said above that at this age it is too early to introduce complementary foods to the baby, but if he is not gaining weight well, then the pediatrician may recommend introducing fruit juices. To follow the recommendations of the doctor or not is a personal matter for everyone. But one thing is very clear: it is necessary to introduce a new product for a child not earlier than the first vaccination. First you need to be vaccinated, and after a week, introduce juice into the baby's diet.

The first thing a child should try is apples, and they can be both homemade and store-bought. It is necessary to give ½ teaspoon of juice diluted with water between main feedings. At 3.5 months, puree can be introduced, starting with ½ teaspoon, but only after consulting a doctor.

Baby development at 3 months

At three months, the baby becomes interested in the world around him, he watches the movement of large objects. The child can focus on bright and memorable toys. At this age, babies begin to listen to the sound of a rattle and react to extraneous sounds.

By three months, the baby can respond to the appearance of loved ones, smile at them in response. During this period, there is a period of revival, as the baby begins to actively move around, walk and smile at everything that brings him pleasure.

The baby may be frightened and startle if he is scared. At this age, the child is interested in rhythmic sounds, listens to music, people talking and reacts to different intonations in the voice of adults.

at 3 months

At first glance, it may seem that three months is a serious date. But on the other hand, he is the same kid as before. Therefore, it is necessary Special attention take care of him.

At three months, the baby reacts to weather changes and mother's behavior. It would seem that for no reason the baby can be capricious, sleep for a long time or, conversely, very little sleep. Care procedures include the following:

    Washing. After the baby wakes up, you need to wash him with warm water and wipe his face with tampons. You need to constantly change them, wiping each eye, nose, mouth and ears. The nose and ears should be cleaned daily with cotton flagella dipped in vaseline oil. Nails need to be cut as they grow, so that the baby does not scratch himself.

    Bathing. (3 months) must take water procedures daily before feeding. The water temperature is 37 degrees. You can bathe with soap and foam no more than twice a week.

    Massage and hardening procedures are very important in the first year of a child's life. Usually, the pediatrician in the clinic introduces the rules for their implementation. This is necessary in order to strengthen the muscles and immunity of the baby.

Baby's stool at 3 months

Attention should be paid to the chair of the child. If the baby eats mother's milk, then his stool is regular, homogeneous and resembles sour cream in consistency. The frequency of stools can be completely different, and it is considered normal if a child poops one to five times a day.

If the baby is artificial feeding, then his chair, as a rule, falls at the same time.

What can a child at 3 months

As mentioned above, three months of a child is a serious date. By three months, each baby should be able to:

  • It's good to keep your head up.
  • Laugh.
  • Roll over to the side.
  • Lie on your stomach, leaning on your hands.
  • Take an interest in your hands.

If the baby does not know how to do something from this list, parents should contact the doctor to analyze whether the baby is developing correctly or not.

By the age of three months, many babies already know how to hold a toy and roll over not only on their side, but also on their back and tummy. But if your child does not know how to do this, this is not a reason for frustration, because maybe your baby is a sloth, and a little later he will begin to show such skills and abilities.

How to develop a child at 3 months

A 3-month-old baby wants to touch everything and get to know the world as soon as possible. And the way parents develop it and deal with it affects the full development of the baby. In order for the child to develop faster, parents must help him.

Between the bars of the crib, you can strengthen the movable toys, to which the baby will show interest. The child will try to reach them with arms or legs.

It is necessary to give the baby to touch different fabrics, for example, silk, cotton, wool. You can hang items at different heights. Tactile perception also needs to be developed. For example, put a scratch first on one, then on the other handle.

You need to constantly talk with the child, sing songs to him and recite poems. Also, do not forget about the need to massage the baby and perform daily exercises.

How to entertain a 3 month old baby

You can entertain the baby different ways, for example, toys or their skills. A child can listen to music or fairy tales calmly and attentively for five minutes.

You need to constantly play with the baby, give him new toys. Good game when parents try to take away a toy from a child, and he begins to pull it towards himself.

On a walk, the baby needs to be introduced to what is happening around. The child needs to be shown different pictures and name what is shown there. Only when playing you need to be careful and offer large toys without sharp corners.

How much do babies sleep at 3 months? We already have an answer to this question, and we can conclude that a three-month-old child is no longer a baby who constantly sleeps. At this age, children begin to develop and become interested in the world around them.

After a visit to the pediatrician in the child's developmental history, you can find a record of recommended compliance day mode. It is especially difficult to imagine how to fit the chaotic behavior of the firstborn into a rigid framework. Remember what you should strive for at this age and how to achieve it.

From this article you will learn:

Initial data

The regime itself is initially needed more by parents. Adults are accustomed to rest at night, and stay awake during daylight hours. But in the end, compliance with the established rules is also beneficial for the baby: he is cheerful, cheerful and emotionally balanced. This situation is much better when the child has played out, and the time is already after midnight, and then wakes up by noon.

There is a cyclical mode 2 after 2 hours, an independent setting of the mode, or rather its absence. During this period, the baby can still be bothered by colic and problems with the tummy. You can note literally a weekly change of regimes.

All cycles are connected to each other: sleep with nutrition, food with games, and activities during wakefulness with sleep. The unevenness of the intervals is also characteristic. For example, in the first half of the day, a child can fall asleep again almost immediately after feeding, and in the afternoon be active much longer.

Approximate daily routine for a 3 month old baby

If the child wakes up 1.5-2 hours earlier, then shift the time given in the table, keeping the sequence and duration of actions. It is possible to add to the sleep schedule No. 4 after the meal preceding the bath. A greater number of feedings during wakefulness is acceptable.


It lasts 17-18 hours (of which 10-11 hours fall at night). Sleep periods should alternate with wakefulness. Almost 2/3 of sleep should be at night.

Setting day mode 3 month old baby it is necessary in every possible way to encourage his activity during the day and to make a bias towards calm activities closer to sleep. It is not uncommon to have a half-hour sleep every couple of hours. There can be up to four or five such mini-rests per day.

When the baby does not recognize the pacifier, then it has to be laid down for longer, using methods such as: singing lullabies, motion sickness, holding or carrying on hands. More often, a pacifier is required for bottle-fed babies to fully satisfy the sucking reflex. At mixed feeding nutritional needs can be met for the most part with formula, and being at the mother's breast will calm the urge to suckle.

Laying down or rocking in a stroller, especially in the fresh air, improves falling asleep and increases the duration of sleep. You can dress the baby warmer and put to sleep on the loggia. In warm weather, it is better to open the windows so that there is an air flow. If the child is difficult to calm down, then you can call on a soothing classical music and sounds of nature.

Some people benefit from rituals. For example, bathing at a certain time. On other children, water procedures, on the contrary, have a tonic effect. And then the daily routine of a 3-month-old baby can go astray. Someone needs a diaper or a toy placed nearby.

It is a common phenomenon that sleeping crumbs begin to move their arms and wake up from this. Swaddling helps to sleep better (if the child and his mother are not opponents of diapers) or maternal reassurance. Sometimes just being there is enough.


The duration is 6-7 hours. Babies can go without food for an average of 2.5-3 hours.

Some babies feel great after 3 hours of active wakefulness, others barely wait a couple of hours and start whimpering. Someone will observe what is happening in an unfamiliar environment. And someone will fall asleep in any position if the lines in the children's clinic do not end in any way.


Depending on the type of feeding, there can be significant differences. So, with natural feeding, on demand, a child can spend different times at the breast (from several minutes to a couple of hours). At the maximum time, the baby can sleep in parallel, periodically checking whether the mother is in place. If feeding is on a schedule, then the periods of wakefulness are likely to be longer.

If for one feeding on artificial feeding the child eats less than the age norm, then it is better to feed him more often. Moreover, the child himself is unlikely to endure a long sleep, feeling hungry.

Games and activities: a daily schedule for a crumb of three months.

The kid is already actively turning his head, he is good at catching objects in motion. He loves to lean on his palms while lying on his stomach. You can sit opposite and change your facial expression, showing a variety of emotions. In addition, the child loves to examine his hands, to watch how they change position.

You can lay out several items at a distance of 20-25 cm from the child. He will definitely stretch out his hands to the one he likes the most. Rattles are a favorite pastime. If you put one of them in the baby's hand, then he will focus on the connection between the movement of the hand and the sound from the toy.

Those activities that the baby will like will be accompanied by a smile, a sparkle in the eyes and a burst of laughter. Therefore, it is better to engage in active games in the morning, and not in the evening. Hold your child up to a mirror. He will gladly take up the examination of his reflection and begin to smile. Kids love it when adults hide their faces behind their hands and then show up.

We are 3 months old - how to build a daily routine

Time does not stand still, and now your baby is three months old. He has grown up a little, recognizes his parents and other family members, smiles at their every appearance, actively swings his arms and legs.

By this time, young mothers, of course, managed to appreciate how important a properly composed daily routine is. After all, if the baby does not have a sleep and meal schedule, the life of the rest of the family members turns into a nightmare.

So, what should the child's regimen be made up of at 3 months? Of course, in any case, the daily routine should take time for:



    Waking, walking

    Hygiene procedures

Some of these actions may overlap, for example, the baby may sleep while walking. But in general, all this should be present in the routine. As a rule, the daily regimen of a child at 3 months of age on breastfeeding practically does not differ from the regimen of artisans, so consider the general version of the routine.

Let's talk about nutrition

Usually a 3-month-old baby does not need to introduce any complementary foods. The main food is mother's milk or, if this is not possible, a special mixture. An infant needs about 800-850 ml of milk per day. This volume is divided into six receptions. When the day regimen of a child at 3 months on artificial feeding is considered , You can clearly control how much your baby eats per day. It is more difficult to do this when breastfeeding, because it is not clear how much he eats at a time. But, nevertheless, we must try to ensure that feeding is carried out at regular intervals, approximately every 3-3.5 hours. Although doctors advise breastfeeding on demand, breastfeeding every half an hour would be wrong. And in general, by 3 months, the baby should already develop its own schedule.

The daily routine of a child at 3 months implies an increase in the period of wakefulness. Now the baby can go without sleep for up to two hours, playing, actively moving his arms and legs. During the day, he can in total stay awake until 9 o'clock. This period includes walks, meals, gymnastics, bathing, massage, communication. At three months, you can already diversify the periods of wakefulness of the child of a different nature.

Each nap usually lasts 1.5-2 hours. At night, the baby needs to sleep for 8-10 hours, which can not always be observed. Experts are of the opinion that even a 6-hour night's sleep is considered normal.

As you know, kids fall asleep well in the fresh air, while walking. Therefore, the daily routine of a child at 3 months old can be arranged in such a way that daytime sleep coincides with the period of walks. By the way, walks are recommended to be done in any weather, except for severe frosts or excessive heat, because being in the fresh air strengthens the health of the baby.

Hygiene and gymnastics are important

The regimen of a child at 3 months must certainly include hygiene procedures and daily gymnastics. Immediately after waking up in the morning, you need to wipe the baby's face with a cotton swab previously dipped in boiled water. The eyes also need to be wiped with a cotton swab. It is recommended to walk with a cotton pad under the nose and on the cheeks, removing traces of milk and saliva.

Wash your baby after every diaper change. You can apply special creams to the skin so that there is no skin irritation under the diaper.

Evening hygiene procedure is bathing. Water temperature should be carefully monitored. It should be 37 degrees. You can add decoctions of soothing herbs to the water, for example, succession or chamomile.

Gymnastics is performed in the morning, immediately after waking up and washing the child. It involves simple actions: bend and unbend the legs, spread them apart, move the handles in different directions. At the end of the gymnastics, do a light massage. These actions are usually very popular with kids, and they are happy to perform the movements.

9.00-10.00 - feeding, wakefulness

10.00-11.30 - sleep combined with a walk

11.30-13.00 - wakefulness, feeding

13.00-14.00 - sleep (possible in the fresh air)

14.00-15.30 - wakefulness

15.30-16.30 - sleep

16.30-18.30 - feeding, wakefulness, taking air baths

18.30-20.30 - sleep

20.30-21.30 - feeding, bathing

21.30 - sleep

24.00 - night feeding

The above schedule is only an approximation. Each child's schedule may be slightly different, because each baby is individual. Follow your regimen and let your baby grow up active and healthy!