The house of culture was closed. Centers of attraction

That one of the most visited youth clubs is being closed. For more than five years, the House of Culture has become a home for many, and there were sympathizers at the closing, because during this time the club sheltered a lot of talented groups on its sites, showed art-house films, held parties ... We visited the last event and decided find out where to go now for hipsters and musicians, designers and artists, poets and freelancers...

At first, we asked this question to the management of DK, and received an answer:

To all other entertainment venues in Ryazan, and, of course, to Pavlov's house-museum.

Then we turned to those who like to visit the "DK". Among them producer and organizer of the "Black Cat" Igor Krysanov:

I don't see a replacement for the House of Culture. It was a place where it was not embarrassing to go, where there was always a good and cozy atmosphere, and there were never idiots. Where will I go? Perhaps, in the "Old Park", but young people do not go there especially. And now I don't even know where to go to her. There is no analogue of "DK" in our city!

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Lecturer at the Department of Cultural Studies of the Russian State University named after S.A. Yesenin, Alexander Solovyov visited DK more than once, and managed to participate in the Lecture Hall project. He, too, worries about the fate of youth culture:

- "DK" (after the closure of Club 42) was perhaps the only place with a high "density" of youth culture, which can be attributed to the modern form of the underground. There were many non-mass projects, non-grossing authors and performers. "DK" willingly met intellectual projects - it was here that we held the final part of the first culturological jam. "DK Lecture Hall" gathered a full hall of those who are interested in the problems of modern and not so contemporary art. And this is how the song “another one bites the dust” is sung. Unfortunately, our Ryazan non-state cultural sector is represented mainly by the so-called entertainment and leisure and shopping centers, and one can only dream of opening a youth art center, the idea of ​​which, I have been trying to voice for several years. "DK" in this sense was a worthy prototype.

Evgeny Moskovsky, musician of the groups "Mistville", "MoHITo":

Of course, the closure of the "DK" is a sad event. Although, if there is a demand for live concerts, then most likely there will be a place that satisfies this need of music lovers. Apartment houses and anti-cafes are not my topic, definitely. There is no drive, no energy of a live concert. By the way, I'm going to go to DEEP on Trubertskoy. I played there a couple of times, the stage is small, but the sound, the apparatus is worthy!

Editor-in-chief of ONE AGE.RU, leader of music journalism courses Mikhail Savotikov rather critically stated that there was nowhere else to go:

Where to go now? No way, really. In terms of concerts, the Planetarium is next on the list, but they are also going to close it.

Anton Svirkin, leader of the Skladen group, comments the closure like so:

Thank God, while we still have "Old Park", "Fountain" and "Planetarium", where you can listen to good music no matter how anyone treats these institutions. Another thing is that the "House of Culture" raised a layer of slightly different music that is not heard anywhere else in Ryazan. I won’t say that I personally like this kind of music, but you shouldn’t dismiss the fact itself. However, time will tell what will replace this. A holy place is never empty.

Viktor Grakov, journalist, comments on the closure of a small but kind club:

In Ryazan, in general, there is a big problem with small venues. With all due respect to the Planetarium, for local groups he is big now. 100 spectators in the "DK" is a full hall, and in the "Planetarium" the same number - as semolina, neatly smeared on a plate. It seems there are people, but where is he? I think someone will hurry up and take a small niche concert venue. Who - I can not say. The task is not very easy, because now the new small club will be compared with DK.

Director of the Art Club "Planetarium" Andrey "Krishna" Shkuratov concise as always:

I don’t really need those people who went to DK, but the Planetarium is open to everyone. I love those who go to our club, who create the atmosphere there, but I will also be glad to new people, especially since the concerts are very different.

And Pavel Ezhikov, participant of VIA Impossible, positive:

Let's start with the fact that we congratulate everyone on the New Year and, no matter how blasphemous it may sound, on the closure of the "DK". Here, after all, it’s like: the party was a success, emotions are over the edge, and each finale is a harbinger of the beginning of a new one. It is not yet clear what it will be, but "a holy place is never empty."

TV journalist Nikolai Potapov

The village club is the only cultural center for residents of villages and small towns, where they can go in their free time. It’s good if life is in full swing there, and leisure is pleasant and interesting. And if - no, and there are not a lot of visitors? This year, 150 rural houses of culture were closed in the country. Is it a lot or a little? And can the alarming trend be stopped?

Sporovo is a famous village. The capital of humor, the land of endless swamps and hard-working people. They are special here. They plow from morning to night, and from night to morning they have fun. They don't go into their pockets for words. You stop to talk with the locals, and they will certainly give out something like this: “Guess the riddle: it starts with C, ends with C, it eats fish ... SporovEts is called!” All Sporovo traditions, proverbs and legends are carefully collected in the local center of culture and leisure. He's special here too.

No more controversy

According to one of the legends, Sporovo got its name thanks to squabblers who were exiled to a swampy place forgotten by God. But the Sporovites ennobled the legend. They prefer to tell the curious that once there were steamboats on the Sporovsky Lake. And such a wonderful marina was on the shore that the shipowners cursed and argued over it.

The cultural center in Sporovo was built in 1987. Ten years ago, the building was overhauled. It still looks great today, as if the builders only
finished work today

Now there are no steamboats on the lake at all. Only cackling geese and two dozen boats moored to the shore sway on the waves. Over the gardens, smoke from fires spreads. The agricultural season is over. Today main center attraction of the Sporovites - the center of culture and leisure. It's no joke - the center has 14 club associations for children and adults. There are weekend clubs and a theater of humor. Three teams at once are proud of the title of "People's". In general, even city recreation centers have a lot to learn here. What can we say about rural?

For the duration of the festival "Sporauska Zharty" the image of two laughing okushki becomes the official coat of arms of the village

The cultural center in Sporovo was built in 1987. Ten years ago, the building was overhauled. It still looks great today, as if the builders just finished work the other day. But much more important than a beautiful wrapper is the content. With him, too, full order.

With the director of the center, Nina Pashkevich, we go into the office, where the guys from the Vyaselkavaya Plyn studio do needlework. Dozens on the walls embroidered pictures. In the corner is a loom. Nina Pashkevich shows a "hodnik" on the floor - the guys were weaving. Now, under the guidance of Anna Chaychits, they are mastering the art of making belts:

Surprisingly, the embroidery is mostly done by boys. Even those whose behavior at school is lame. We have diligent students.

Anna Vasilievna worked as a builder in a past life. At the age of 22, she took a needle for the first time, and got so carried away that over time she left her former position and came to share her skills with children and adults at the cultural center. He smiles: “Just the case when you didn’t choose the job, but the job chose you.” Such examples are all over the place. Someone used to work as a cleaner, someone - a cook. But they found their true calling here, under the roof of the Sporovsky Center for Culture and Leisure.

To the rhythms of polka

The head of the folklore-ethnographic ensemble "Zhurauka" Valentina Chaychits admits that she began to speak, dance and sing at about the same time. She conveyed her enthusiasm to more than one hundred fellow villagers:

The guys grow up, finish school, go to universities or colleges, start families, but as soon as they arrive in Sporovo, they certainly attend rehearsals and even participate in concerts.

Sporovsky brand is a local polka. It is included in the list of intangible cultural property Belarus. So it is not danced anywhere else. Valentina Ivanovna tells how to dance in a sporovsky way:

Regular polka is a "bouncy" dance. We dance without taking our feet off the ground. In addition, usually in dances there is a certain sequence of movements. But not with us. The dancers choose a commander, he tells the couples which element to perform. Imagine, even at the local disco there are folk breaks, during which young people dance the Sporov polka. It will soon be danced instead of a waltz at school lines!

Collectives from the center of culture and leisure are frequent guests at various festivals and competitions. And not only in Belarus, but also abroad. No rewards will be returned. But perhaps the most famous local group is the theater of folk humor "Sporovsky Okolot". What-what, eh good joke sporovtsy always appreciated. However, they themselves often became the object of jokes:

We ourselves do not invent anything, people compose all sorts of fables about us, - smiles Nina Pashkevich. - The places here are deaf, the village is surrounded on all sides by swamps. This left its mark on the lifestyle and character of the Sporovites. They always lived apart, and therefore became the heroes of all kinds of tales and rumors. However, the locals themselves are sharp-tongued.

Jokes and laughter

There is even a rural museum of humor in the cultural center. Here are collected local jokes, stories, recipes for dishes and spirits. In Sporovo store-bought vodka is not particularly recognized. There is a drink here - "Sporovska Ershova", or simply "Ershovka". Locals share a playful recipe: during the preparation process, you need to throw a ruff into the moonshine so that the drink does not burn. If you don’t like the “ruff”, you can try the Vypry Oko tincture, and then the Osvizhayushchy brine. For an appetizer, they offer "fish stuffed". Cooking it is simple: you need to take the fish, stuff it into the pan - the dish is ready!

The museum also houses a book of local records. For example, Mikhail and Olga Lyutych raised eight sons, and Nikolai and Olga Shchurko raised six daughters. The strongest people in the history of the village are Samson and Simon. They could twist a nickel into a tube, lift a log house or a boat loaded with firewood.

All the successes and achievements of the cultural center in Sporovo are the merit of its employees - enthusiastic and caring people

The actors of the Sporovsky District Theater are unlikely to raise a boat or a house. But the mood - easily. Almost all of them are employees of the center of culture and leisure. In 1995 they were invited to the festival of humor in the famous Avtyuki. The contributors liked it. They just decided to hold their own festival every three years - "Sporausky Zharty". On this occasion, they print their own money here and open customs. For the time of “zhartau”, the comic coat of arms of Sporovo, which depicts two funny perches, becomes official:

At first, local residents were wary of this initiative, Nina Pashkevich recalls. - They asked: “Then people will pass, Schaub laugh at us?” Now, of course, attitudes have changed. Before the holiday, the village is transformed, prettier. Thousands of guests come here. Jokes and songs sound until the morning.

They say that steamboats used to sail along the Sporovsky Lake. Now they don't even exist. Only cackling geese and a couple of dozen boats moored to the shore sway on the waves.

All the ideas of the concerned Sporovites would hardly have come true without the support of the Berezovsky District Executive Committee. The cultural department has purchased costumes for the village center, new sound equipment, and helps with transport. However, in the center of culture and leisure, they also try to earn money for everyday needs. The annual plan for paid services - 2,500 rubles - has long been overfulfilled here. How? It turns out that the Sporovites are not only good comedians, but also entrepreneurs. Nina Pashkevich shares

Our theater of humor "Sporovsky district" together with vocal groups I have been to many holidays and festivals. Over time, the heads of agricultural enterprises began to contact us with a request to speak at any event. At the solemn meeting dedicated to the Day agricultural workers, at local Dazhynki or village festivals. We do not refuse anyone. They can call in the evening - organize a concert tomorrow. Let's come and organize!

For their performances, local talents take a little - 300-400 rubles. The demand is so great that the employees of the cultural center are scheduled literally every weekend! When is everyone done? Mystery. Artistic director Center Alla Lyutich explains:

There are 24 hours in a day, there is enough time for everything. Rise - at five in the morning, lights out - after midnight. We would not have been able to do it without the support of family and friends. Formerly husbands indignant: “What kind of work do you have?” And now they are even proud, they come to concerts.

Oh, and I will see my own in the hall, so I will forget the words! - Valentina Chaychits laughs.

Participants of the Sporovsky District also sing in the church choir. To many villagers, such metamorphoses seem strange. Like, like this: in the morning in the church, and in the evening on the stage with frivolous jokes:

Fortunately, the rector of the temple treats with understanding. He says that despondency is a sin, and we just do our job - give people joy.


Assignment to the house. cultures

Vasil CHERNIK, Head of the Halogen Department of Culture and Analytical Work of the Ministry of Culture:

On September 1, 2017, in the system of the Ministry of Culture - on September 1, 2017 - there are 2618 institutions for the culture of clubbing typu. Geta is not only ladies of culture, but also centers of culture and adpachynka, ladies of ramestva, centers of folk art and others. These establishments have over 20 thousand club pharmacies, yakiya ab’yadnoўvayutsya kala 200 thousand uzzelniks, they have 1733 kalektyva masters of samadzeynasci, yakiya bearing the title of folk, patterned or deserving amatarska. As the rule, the year was over 500 thousand measures of pravodzitsa by the forces of meat ladies of culture.

Velma is important, for which you need respect: from these 2618 established cultures 2198 you know menavita ў rural meat. Geta kala 84%.

Vyalіkaya ўvaga from the side of kіraўnіtstva our dzyarzhavy and from the side of the organ of dzyarzhаўnaga kiravannya, yakіm z'yaўlyaetsets of the Ministry of Culture, nadaetstsa right aptymіzatsyі networks of club establishments. The biggest scare of their story was in 2011. It was aptimizavana, tsі, like an extraordinary simple agreement, 929 adzinak was closed. This significant number is 35.4%.

Ale seleta geta praces managed to make a practical bed. According to the data for 1 castry plant in 2017, 5.5% of the installations were closed - geta kala of 150 women of culture in all regions of the country.

Kaneshne, for skarachennya, there are serious jumps and padstavy, the first of yakіh is the sparse population of that qi іnshay veska. Kali live there, for example, 10-15 chalaveks, then try the House of Culture, give out on Iago consecrated, pennies - and geta budgetary relatives are non-racial and practical non-metasgodna.

Naogul, the meat organs of the Russian Federation and the closing of the House of Culture were not just there, because they were so excited. Stan and dzeynasts skin of such a setup of detailed analysis, highlighting all the “for” and “supration”. Rashenne ab zakrytstsi patrabue ўzgadnennya і z Ministry of Culture.

Ale close - geta adna on the right. It is important not to pack without respect for 10-15 chalaveks, sometimes for all pensioners, for those vyaskovy clubs to former adzin months, where yana muggles come, if they have a free hour. There are cultural services of such settlements, dze nyama of staciyanary budynkas of cultural establishments, azhystsyaўlyaetstsa by the transport relatives, simple kazhuchi, avtaclubs and bibliobuses.

Razm z tym aptymіzatsy - geta not only closed, but also rearranged, adkrytstse of new cultural institutions, so called a mixed type, yakiya ab’yadnoўvayutsya different types of dzeynasts. For example, at nevyalіkіh veskah instead of special club, library and rural museum stvaraetstsa club-library or club-museum. Over 300 such organized cultures are practiced in the country at the same time.

Naogul, trying aptymіzatsyі velmі tsyazhkae i folded. May asabistae merkavanne: it would be good, if the cab ran away like a magician of a less established culture. On the weights of yana - achag, adzinae month, dze lyudzі picks an hour from the freedom. Ale tsalkam run away getaga pracesu and the backs of yago zusim non-magchyma. Not to the same extent as in 2011, ale yon budze pratsyagvatstsa, and jumps getamu abstract: idze, unfortunately, the rural population is scarred. Ale, paўtarusya, in skin special attacks, aptymisations and skin special cultures are important, and the fall is important.

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! Please pay attention to our problem. We, the staff of the Zerninsky Palace of Culture, residents of the village of Zernino and nearby villages Malyshi, Machino-2, Misilyata, Epishata, Perm Territory, Berezovsky district, we are asking you to help us preserve our rural house of culture, since we are no longer counting on anyone else's help. For many years it has been the center of life in the village.

The club hosts various events, holidays, children's and adult discos to which residents come, summer period on the basis of the club there is a summer health Camp where the children go different ages. Organized joint work of the library, school and club. Frequent guests with their activities in the club are our neighbors-colleagues from Klyapovsky SDK. The entire staff of the club remains without work, it is difficult to find a job in our area!

How to live on - is unknown! We appeal to you for help! We, the staff of the Zerninsky Palace of Culture, residents of the village of Zernino and nearby villages, are categorically against the closure of our club. We are satisfied with the conditions in the club, the team that works there.

We understand the situation in the country, but we and our children are not to blame for this. And why should we sacrifice our children and ourselves to save money? The concern of officials is to ensure normal funding, but not to close cultural object, you need to save on anything, but not on people. Officials say there is no money, and the club will be closed anyway.

We ask officials not to close the club. With the club there is life in the village. The school and the club are the future of the village. Closing the club and “squandering” the building is very simple, but building it again is difficult and difficult.

The closure of the club, and in the future of the school, will lead to the disappearance of the village and nearby villages. People are placed in such conditions that in native village life becomes unbearable. It's enough that the state farm was plundered, leaving the youth who had to leave without work. No one thought about the pensioners who worked in the military and post-war years.

And where are we going? What are we ordinary people to do? But we believe that the entrepreneur who came to our lands will be able to revive the village. Jobs will reappear, people will return.

But no one will go where there is no club, school or kindergarten. We cannot reach the hearts of our local authorities, they remember us only before the elections, when percentages are needed to count the votes. Please help us in resolving this issue regarding the preservation of our club. Hear us!

Save our Zerninsky House of Culture! Don't skimp on people! The team of the Zerninsky DK, residents of the village of Zernina and near the lying villages of Malyshi, Machino-2, Misilyata, Epishat, Perm Territory, Berezovsky District.

Residents of the village of Fishnevo and other nearby villages are appealing to you with an urgent request to sort out the situation that has currently developed in our village of Fishnevo, Bezhanitsky district, Pskov region, and threatens to close the village house of culture.

House of Culture Fishnevo is one of the best village clubs in the area. A lot of theatrical and entertainment events are always held here: Interactive holiday for children from 1 to 14 years old (weekly during school holidays); Autumn Ball; Day of the elderly; New Year; New Year's parties for children; Defenders of the Fatherland Day; International Women's Day; Victory Day; Day of Russia, etc.

In the club, the district administration and local authorities hold annual meetings and elections.

Clubs organized by residents have been working in the club for a long time: the dramatic "Mask", the vocal "Flow Song", the children's "Sunshine", the dance "Illusion".

With different concert programs the team of the club travels to perform not only in the rural clubs of the Bezhanitsky district, but also in Pskov.

On their own, with the support of the villagers, the team makes repairs and updates the interior of the club using the money earned. The clubhouse is warm and in good technical condition.

The local population is more than 360 people, and in summer the population doubles due to visiting summer residents. All these people will lose the opportunity to celebrate public holidays, because in fact cultural and entertainment activities in the village will cease to exist, and beautiful building will be broken and destroyed. The building of the house of culture cannot be sold (a good example is the school building) and it will remain to rot and collapse.

The proposal to visit the district club, which is located in the village of Bezhanitsy, does not stand up to criticism, since many residents do not have their own vehicles, or are low-mobile (elderly citizens and families with small children). After all, even providing additional transport will be more expensive than maintaining our club.

In the same building there is also a library, which is also closed along with the club.

We want the local authorities to hear our opinion, take it into account and reconsider their decision. We ask you to save the rural house of culture in the village of Fishnevo. We hope that the district administration will meet the needs of citizens in their desire to exercise their rights to cultural life.

We sincerely request that our appeal be considered in as soon as possible and the district administration found a way to save our village club.

We reserve the right to appeal to higher authorities.

In Russia, the Year of Culture. That is, it is assumed that during this time local officials will “wake up the culture in the regions”, and those responsible for financing this most important state direction will “increase budgets, highlight the accumulated problems and outline plans for the future”.

So, the “Year of Culture” has begun. The first thing that the officials of the Bagrationovsky district did was to close the House of Culture in the village of Pyatidorozhnoye. The insanity of the authorities is symbolic and in the spirit of the time

1. The story of the local club is not new, and, unfortunately, this is not the first facility of its kind that has recently been closed. The main difference with the Houses of Culture in other villages is the reaction of the residents. In Pyatidorozhny, there is a real war of local thieving officials with people who have been taken away from them, in fact, the only place where you can take your children or organize some kind of event yourself.
The Far Far Away Region newspaper recently wrote about the situation in detail, and I, in turn, will express my own opinion.
It was like this - the director of the club sat quietly and stole the money allocated to her for the development of culture in a single village. The money was allocated by local deputies, most of whom are members of a well-known party of crooks and thieves. Naturally, the lady was on excellent terms with the latter, and everyone knew that 50% of the money allocated for the club was “lost” along the way. But they were silent, because it is customary. It's a tradition of thieves to cover their own

2. At some point, a new employee came to the club and saw this whole scheme from the inside. The active girl Katya began to ask unnecessary, uncomfortable questions, from which the director of the club felt uneasy. The questions were mostly about weird situations where cash that was supposed to go into concrete work, sawn in half and confiscated by the director of the club. What happened to them next, no one knows. Even the prosecutor's office, which conducted the check, could not find out anything (because, most likely, there was no check).
As a result, the director sensed something was wrong and decided to survive the active girl Katya from her new job. They stopped paying her salary, fire safety checks and other bureaucratic actions began at the club, which in no way contribute to the development of culture in the village.
Naturally, Katya began to turn to the director. But lady, best traditions asshole officials, first went on sick leave, and then took a vacation. That is, she deliberately left the club in a crisis situation and in every possible way avoids appearing there.
In general, my aunt was actively fed from the budget of the rural settlement, and when they began to poke her with a stick, she decided to completely eliminate her feeder. No club no problem

3. In this moment the building is closed. The fire alarm, to which there were claims, is in good order (shield on the wall)

4. The club itself looks quite normal and even now it is ready to accept children

5. The recreation center cannot work, because it is necessary to solve small household problems that the inspectors pointed out (change the ceiling lamps on the lamps, replace the window in the back room, tint the batteries), but it is impossible to solve them. the director is actually hiding from the active girl Katya

6. Has its own, though not the most expensive, but still equipment

7. The club is heated, but the hired stoker is not paid. A person sits for hours in a dark basement and, by and large, simply heats the air in a closed recreation center so as not to unfreeze meager communications. Communications is a German plumbing system that was dug up and put in order. With the money that was allocated from the budget, the club got such a pump. This thing can, for example, wash a car, but it is clearly not capable of supplying water to a building

8. And this is a club toilet. It is worth noting that polling station No. 1 is located in the closed club

In general, in Pyatidorozhny the “Year of Culture” was set right away. I won’t be surprised if the recreation center will soon be allowed through a vote in the local Council and sold with the motivation “It’s hanging on our balance sheet, let’s give it to a private owner and save budget funds!”. And again, it would be logical if the current director of the Palace of Culture turns out to be the new owner of the building, who will arrange a commercial warehouse for some garbage in it.

PS: According to the most daring estimates (which were carried out by Ekaterina), 300 thousand rubles a year are needed for the normal functioning of the House of Culture.

Thank you for attention. Take a walk along Pyatidorozhny and see what it has besides closed house culture, you can