Lesson on the theme of satire in the works of Zoshchenko. Abstract of the lesson of literature "Funny in the stories of M. Zoshchenko"

Literature lesson summary


Goals :

    to acquaint with the work of the writer;

    reveal the satirical orientation of the story;

    improve your analysis skills literary work.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Examination homework.

III. Exploring a new topic.

1. Teacher's word.

Today we will get acquainted with one of the satirical stories of M. Zoshchenko. A writer once remarked: “For almost 20 years adults thought I was writing for their amusement. And I never wrote for fun. Humor presupposes cheerful, benevolent laughter, and in Zoshchenko's stories annoyance and sadness are mixed with laughter. The author ridicules the absurdity of life, the vulgarity and worthlessness of the existence of the inhabitants, depicts the heroes in a caricature. These are signs of satire. Ridiculing evil, the author affirms good.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko was born in St. Petersburg on July 28, 1894. His father is Russian artist Mikhail Ivanovich Zoshchenko. Mother - Elena Osipovna Zoshchenko - before marriage was a theater actress, published her stories in the newspaper. Mikhail Mikhailovich entered the law faculty of St. Petersburg University in 1913. At this time, Zoshchenko began to write his first stories. In 1915, he volunteered for the front of the First World War, where he commanded a battalion and became a Cavalier of St. George. In 1917, Zoshchenko returned to St. Petersburg and a year later volunteered for the Red Army, despite heart disease. In 1919, after civil war, Zoshchenko entered creative studio under the publishing house "World Literature" in revolutionary Petrograd, led by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. In 1920-1921. Zoshchenko's stories are published. The first book of the writer was published under the title "Stories of Nazar Ilyich, Mr. Sinebryukhov" in 1922. By the mid-20s. 20th century Zoshchenko becomes one of the most popular writers in Soviet Russia. Feuilletons occupy a significant place in Zoshchenko's work. The writer worked on the radio, in the Leningrad newspapers and the magazine "Crocodile". From the beginning of the Great Patriotic War Zoshchenko was evacuated to Alma-Ata, where he worked in the scenario studio of Mosfilm. In the spring of 1943, Zoshchenko returned to Moscow from evacuation and was a member of the editorial board of the satirical magazine Krokodil. He worked a lot for the theater.
Mikhail Zoshchenko died in Leningrad on July 22, 1958. The writer was buried in the city of Sestroretsk.

2. Reading an articletextbook (p. 205–207) about M. Zoshchenko.

3. Conversation.

What surprised you about the personality of the writer?

How can one explain the fact that Zoshchenko became famous almost immediately after the publication of his stories?

Who were its main readers?

Why did the writer believe that one should not only laugh at his stories, but also cry?

4. Work in a notebook.

Humor - an image of something in a funny, comic way; humor - laughter cheerful and friendly.

Satire - denunciation of human vices and shortcomings of life, negative phenomena of reality; ruthless ridicule.

5. Reading to the teachermstory"Trouble".

6. Questions session.

What is he, the hero of the story? What kind of person?

Why does he refuse to buy a horse from a peasant from a neighboring village?

How would you characterize the actions of the hero in the bazaar? Why did he act like this?

Remember how the hero went home with his purchase. What happened to him and why?

What in the text indicates the depth of his experiences?

What causes laughter, irritation, tears in this story?

Who is to blame for the fact that everything ended so sadly?

What do you think, what “philistine traits” should a peasant get rid of?

What language does the hero Zoshchenko speak?(There are a lot of vernaculars in the story, the so-called “reduced” vocabulary, grammatical irregularities: “and here it’s slanting”, “I doubt, dear, in the sense of horse color”, “let it go”, “splash”, “for what ... they sell wine.")

What role does language play in a story?(Speech says a lot about a person. For example, we understand that in front of us is a person who is narrow-minded and not very literate.)

What is the author laughing at and what is the author of the story grieving over?

What meaning does the writer put into the word "trouble"? Why did he name the story that way?

What do you think, are M. Zoshchenko's stories relevant today and why?

So what is typical for M. Zoshchenko's story: humor or satire?

V. Summing up the lesson.

M. Zoshchenko laughed in his stories at ugliness and stupidity in order to convince people to live smarter, more dignified. “It is not the malicious rubbing of hands at the sight of all sorts of absurdities noticed in life that drives him [the satirist] to the table, but love and pain. Love for people, pain for the imperfections of their lives,” said Yu. Tomashevsky. Ridiculing evil, M. Zoshchenko shows, teaches, explains, appealing to the mind and conscience of the reader.

Homework: questions on p.216

The material contains a detailed development of a literature lesson in the 6th grade on the topic "Features of the story of M.M. Zoshchenko" Galosha "(according to the program of T.F. Kurdyumova). This is a lesson in studying new material, including the following methodological tricks :

  1. introductory speech of the teacher;
  2. reading a work;
  3. finding out the meaning of unfamiliar words;
  4. posing problem questions;
  5. conversations with students;
  6. research work of students;
  7. appeal to moral concepts.



Lesson topic : "Features of the story of M. M. Zoshchenko" Galosha "

Lesson type : learning new material

Type of lesson : a lesson in the analysis of a literary work, including the following methodological tricks:

  1. introductory speech of the teacher;
  2. reading a work;
  3. finding out the meaning of unfamiliar words;
  4. posing problem questions;
  5. conversations with students;
  6. research work of students;
  7. appeal to moral concepts.

Lesson Objectives:


  1. create conditions for acquaintance with the personality of M.M. Zoshchenko;
  2. to help school readers see the writer's skill in creating a satirical story;
  3. introduce some features of the writer's method (features of the genre, speech, composition)


  1. to continue work on the formation of the ability to analyze and compare works of art by different authors;
  2. repeat the definition of the concepts "story", "tale", "humor", "composition".


  1. continue the formation of personal qualities as activity, independence;
  2. to teach to see the beauty, accuracy of the writer's word, the author's attitude to red tape and bureaucracy.

Equipment and visual aids for the lesson:

  1. portrait of M. M. Zoshchenko;
  2. writer's book exhibition
  3. text of the work
  4. tables with basic concepts
  5. explanatory dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov
  6. the problematic question “How do the stories of M. M. Zoshchenko differ from the stories of A. P. Chekhov?” and an epigraph to the lesson:

“For almost 20 years adults thought I wrote for their amusement. And I never wrote for fun. M. M. Zoshchenko


  1. V. Akimov "Mikhail Zoshchenko and his books / / Zoshchenko M. Favorites." L., 1984
  2. V. P. Polukhin " Guidelines to the educational reader "Literature Grade 6" - M .; Enlightenment, 1992.
  3. A. N. Starkov "Mikhail Zoshchenko: The fate of the artist." -M.: Soviet writer, 1990.

Pre-lesson preparation

  1. Individual messages about the biography of M. M. Zoshchenko;
  2. From the memoirs of L. Utesov about Zoshchenko, write out quotes in a notebook that characterize the writer as a person.

During the classes

Teacher :

Guys, today we have another lesson - an acquaintance with a wonderful writer. This time we will talk about M. M. Zoshchenko,

  1. get acquainted with the work of this unusually talented writer;
  2. read his story;
  3. Let's try to reveal the originality of his works.

(recording the topic of the lesson)

Lesson motivation

Teacher :

The work of M. Zoshchenko is a unique phenomenon in Russian literature.

Once, even before the revolution, a strange story happened to him. Imagine: Night. A stuffy room in a provincial hotel. Young officers, stupefied with boredom, learn that a famous hypnotist and predictor of the future has stopped in the neighborhood, and go to him in search of at least some kind of entertainment. A man with sharp features is indignant and drives everyone out of the room. The atmosphere is heating up. Suddenly the black eyes of the hypnotist stopped on him, Zoshchenko.

“I won’t do anything for you, gentlemen. I am outraged by your behavior, and you will leave this number now ... But I am an artist, and among you there is a person who has interested me, and I will say a few words to him.

He walked up to Zoshchenko with a wide step and, putting a heavy hand on his shoulder, said, looking into his face: “You, young man, have remarkable abilities in the field of art. Don't give up on them. Soon you will become famous all over Russia.

Years passed, and indeed, M. M. Zoshchenko fell to the lot of fame, rare for the literary profession. It took him only 3-4 years of work to one day suddenly feel famous not only in writers' circles, but also among readers. Journals contested the right to print his new stories. His books, one ahead of the other, were published and republished by almost all publishing houses, and once on the counter, they were sold out with lightning speed. Zoshchenko was read from all stage stages to the enthusiastic laughter of the public ...

V. Mayakovsky, so captious and stingy with high praise, called M. Zoshchenko "a great, qualified and most popular writer." A. S. Yesenin wrote back in 1922 that “there is something from Chekhov and Gogol in him” and “the future of this writer is very huge.”


Let's get to know M. Zoshchenko better. Let's see how his life unfolded before he sat down at the writer's desk.

(student's story about his life)

? Guys, you already know the name of M. M. Zoshchenko. Which of his works have we already read?

("Golden Words", "Great Travelers").

? What is a story?

? What are funny stories called?


What is humor?

? Whose humorous stories have we learned this year?

(A.P. Chekhov)

At home, you read the memoirs of M. M. Zoshchenko by his contemporary L. O. Utyosov.

? How did the writer appear before you in these memoirs?

(abstracts from the textbook article are read).

Explanation of new material

Guys, look at the portrait of the writer.

? What kind of person is looking at us from the portrait?

(thoughtful, serious).


Look, guys, what a paradox turns out: on the one hand, this is a humorist writer, whose stories are sometimes unrestrainedly funny to read.

On the other hand, we see a person who looks at people attentively and compassionately. Zoshchenko does not laugh with us at all. His face is thoughtful.

What is he thinking about? We can understand this by reading his works.

Now sit comfortably. You have to listen to the story of M. Zoshchenko "Galosha".

You must listen very carefully so that after reading you can answer the question.

? Does the story of M. Zoshchenko "Galosh" look like the previously studied humorous stories of A.P. Chekhov? If similar, then what?

(the teacher reads Zoshchenko's story "Galosha". Then the students' answers).

  1. A humorous story, small in volume (the corresponding table is posted on the board).
  2. Simple, extremely short title.
  3. Traditional composition: plot - culmination - denouement (the galosh is gone - the galosh is not given without a certificate - the galosh was given out)
  1. Extremely short thread.
  2. Dialogue structure of the story.


Guys, if there is so much in common, then maybe there is a typo in the textbook, and the story was written not by Zoshchenko, but by Chekhov?

Problem question:How does Zoshchenko's story differ from Chekhov's?

Story analysis

? Guys, from what person is the story being told?

(from first)

? What is the name of the work, the narration of which is conducted from the person who directly participated in the event?


But Zoshchenko is not just a tale. it comic tale . It could be mistaken for an anecdote, a small scene.

(the corresponding sign is posted on the board, students write in a notebook)

In the tale, the narrator conveys not only personal impressions, but also speaks on behalf of the whole people.

Let's turn to the beginning of the story "Galosh". Its beginning cannot attract attention.

? What is special about it?

(begins with the introductory word "of course")


Nothing has been said yet certainly already sounded. The word "of course" in its meaning should sum up what has been said, but it is ahead of the situation and gives it a certain comic effect.

At the same time, the introductory word, which is unusual at the beginning of the story, emphasizes the degree of commonness of what is being reported - it is common to lose a galosh in a tram, this can happen to anyone.

The word "of course" is not the only word in the story.

Find introductory words in the text.

(the main thing, maybe, I look, I think, they say)

A large number of introductory words and brief introductory sentences - another feature of the stories of M. Zoshchenko.

Guys, in a tale, the narrator is a person with a special character and way of speech. The author is imbued speech features this person, so that the reader does not have any doubts about the truth of the fictional narrator.

(the corresponding sign is posted on the board, students write in notebooks)

? Is it possible to characterize the characters by their speech?

(yes, uncultured, the speech is wrong).

  1. Find vernacular, non-literary forms of words in the text of the story.

? Yes, Zoshchenko's heroes often have incorrect speech, sometimes there is rough vocabulary. Didn't the writer know good words?



And again you are right. This is another literary device - reduced, incorrect speech - causing our laughter at ignorance, lack of culture. Zoshchenko explained: “They usually think that I am distorting the “beautiful Russian language”, that for the sake of laughter I take words not in the meaning that life gives them, that I purposely write in broken language in order to make the most respectable audience laugh.

This is not true. I don't distort almost anything. I write in the language that the street now speaks and thinks”…

It is difficult to pass by such a feature of the story as the persistent repetition of the word "speak" - remarks that accompanies statements actors.

  1. Pay attention to the originality of the phrase. What sentences, simple or complex, does M. Zoshchenko use?


“I write very concisely. My sentence is short… Maybe that’s why I have a lot of readers.”

(M. Zoshchenko)

? Guys, why is the story called "Galosha"?

(one of the characters, because of her the whole "cheese forest")

? If they are looking for her, then she must be new, beautiful?

  1. Read its description.

What do we see?

A technique that is typical only for Zoshchenko's stories, which the writer Sergei Antonov calls"reverse".

(the corresponding sign is posted on the board, students write in notebooks)

? How do you understand this word?


Guys, I want to draw your attention to the epigraph to today's lesson.

“For nearly 20 years adults thought I was writing for their amusement. And I never wrote for fun.

(M. Zoshchenko)

? But if not for fun, then why did M. M. Zoshchenko write his stories?

? How did L. O. Utyosov answer this question?

? Guys, what do you think, how does the author feel about what is happening?

  1. Confirm with lines from the text!

? Are you familiar with these words?

(work with a dictionary).

? How does the writer ridicule red tape and red tape?


If the writer ridicules, exposes negative sides life by depicting them in an absurd, exaggerated, caricature form, then this is no longer humor. Since laughter can no longer be called good.

? What happens? So the story "Galosh" is not humorous. What then?

(the corresponding sign is posted on the board, students write in notebooks)

Lesson summary

So, we have found out that Zoshchenko's stories are significantly different from the stories of A.P. Chekhov. What do you think is the main distinguishing feature Zoshchenko's stories?



M. M. Zoshchenko was called the "king of laughter." And laughter is a great thing! - as N.V. Gogol argued, - A person is afraid of nothing more than laughter ... Afraid of laughter, a person will refrain from what "no force would have kept him from."

And the Latin poet Jean Baptiste de Santel believed that "laughter corrects morals." And people are becoming kinder, more tolerant of each other.

I would like to believe that today's lesson was not in vain for you. You have discovered a new, interesting writer, and by reading his stories, you will learn a moral lesson from them.


  1. expressive reading of M. M. Zoshchenko's story "Galosha";
  2. read the story "Meeting" on your own and find the features of the story in it. Zoshchenko.

Grade 11

Prepared by: teacher of Russian language and literature Pustograeva V.I.

Theme: Drama creative biography M. Zoshchenko

Lesson Objectives:

    prove that the stories of M. Zoshchenko are modern and relevant;

    improve the ability to analyze a literary work;

* arouse in students a steady interest in the work of M. Zoshchenko and in literature in general


    portrait of M. Zoshchenko;

    two caricatures for the portrait of the writer;

    an exhibition of reproductions of paintings depicting the era of building socialism;

    recording of the song “Wide country…”;

    objects (cake, glass, light bulb, number, airplane, tray);

    historical materials;

    mood images.

During the classes

Teacher's word.As an epigraph for today's meeting, I chose a poem

    « Free talk":

- Let's talk?

- About what?

- About miscellaneous and other things.

About what's good

And not very well.

You know something.

And I know something.

Let's talk? - Let's talk.

Suddenly it will be interesting

2 .Checking homework

I have my bag on the table. What do you think is in it? (Assumptions guys)

    It's not just items. ittest for knowledge of Zoshchenko's stories that you have read

1. a bitten cake, 2 broom or washcloth.3. Cup. 4. Galosh, 5. picture of a monkey with a tongue, 6. brush (nervous people), 7.Poster "Issue of corpses from 3 to 4" ("History of the disease"),8 .Paper number ("Bath"),9 . Bulb ("Guests")

Well done.

Today I would not like to list the stages of his life, to name figures, dates and quantities. I want you to discover Zoshchenko for yourself through his confessions, through his works.
- How do you think, who can best tell us about Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko?Of course, the author himself.3. Autobiography Reading “About myself, about ideology and something else”. Before doing the task, let's split into groups.

Division into groups. (satire-humor)

Creation of the cluster "Zoshchenko" -1 gr . - So we got to know a very interesting person and independent writer. Let's add to the cluster the main thing from his biography,what you wrote down in your notebooks after reading your autobiography (group 1)

    D double entry nevnik (they write in two columns: important-not important, interesting-not interesting, etc.)(Group 2)

    It's not for nothing that I gave your bands such names (satire-humor). Let's remember what humor is and what satire is (slide number)

5. “Oh, laughter is a great thing! There is nothing more afraid of a person than laughter ... Afraid of laughter, a person hold back from what no power could keep him from ».

How do you understand the words of N.V. Gogol?

/ A person is afraid of being ridiculed. And he tries not to do something that can cause ridicule of others./

6 - Work with the table

- Signs written on the board humor and satire.Draw a tableDistribute them, put them in the right column.( )

ridiculous situations, evils of society, ,

disadvantages of life, relationships between people

-What unites these two concepts? (laughter) But laughter is different. And which one exactly?




light, evil, cruel, funny


ridiculous situations

evils of society

individual human flaws

disadvantages of life

relationships between people

Compare the resulting columns, conclude how humor differs from satire.

The author ridicules the vices of society,

shortcomings of life, relationships between people

7. Learning new material.

Word about M.M. Zoshchenko

- Look closely at the portrait of Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko. The writer created humorous and satirical works.

BUTexpressioneyesomehowaboute? /sad, sad/

Why do you think?

8. Listen to a parable from L.O. Utyosov " Mikhail Zoshchenko in the memoirs of contemporaries ”(prepared students read the parable in roles. Appendix 1).

What is the meaning of the parable? What does she think about? /Laughter is hard work, not fun./

How is this parable, its meaning connected with M.M. Zoshchenko?

But let's not talk about sad things. Zoshchenko is indeed an amazing writer. And now his books are quickly sold out in bookstores, and are not stale on library shelves. Why? /They have a lot of laughter./

9. Interesting last name

- What do you think the name Zoshchenko means? ? your assumptions.

Good. And how it was actually tell us Snezhana.

10. Conversation with students .
- Tell me, could you say that in the stories “behind the verbal formal humor lies the tragic essence of today's Soviet reality”? What is the tragedy of this essence?

To understand this, let's look at what kind of events were taking place at that time. (video show)-his hidden behind the lines of stories you know? What is being satirized?Indifference, greed, malice, envy, lies, bureaucracy, ignorance, philistinism, swagger

People are indifferent to each other; their actions are controlled by envy, anger and other negative feelings, that is, people are placed in such conditions that they are forced to adapt through various tricks, sometimes making deals with their own conscience and even forgetting about conscience.
- So, in the story "Aristocrat"- vulgarity, limitedness of heroes, their pettiness, insensitivity.
- "Rabies"
- cruelty, the ability to see the bad in everything.
- "Love"
- boasting, cowardice, selfishness.
- "Bath"
- distrust, indifference, suspicion
It is these narrow-minded features that haunt M. Zoshchenko. Surely, these and similar features controlled people who later declared M. Zoshchenko "not a funny, but a terrible writer." From what? Why?
Nobody likes the truth. It was for this that the authorities disliked the writer.

11. Politics

The magazine "Bolshevik" (1944 No. 2) publishes a collective article that no one famous critics: “About one harmful story: Zoshchenko wanders through human garbage dumps like a rag-picker, looking for something worse .. How could Zoshchenko write this nonsense, which is necessary only for the enemies of our country ...”

The writer himself was perplexed: “Bad. Everyone is yelling, yelling. They are ashamed of something. You feel like a bandit and a crook." The question arises: whose writer is M. Zoshchenko? This is no longer literature. This is politics.

The writer, whom everyone knew, was branded as a vulgar, hooligan and scum of literature, mocking the Soviet people. He was expelled from the Writers' Union, stopped publishing, was constantly mentioned in devastating articles. Even Zoshchenko's wife is not hired, offering to change her last name. In 1946 Zoshchenko wrote a letter to Stalin. But the Soviet government has long needed not sincerity, but hypocrisy and pretense, not truth, but obedience, not servants of the people, but machine gunners of the party. “I have no one to blame. I fell under the inexorable wheel of history, ”explained Zoshchenko.

. 12. "Stage"
Let's conduct such an experiment. Imagine that you only know the literary language. Let's translate the story into literary language
"Aristocrat" Was it funny?
- What was fun about?
- You removed the form, and the content turned out to be unfunny. And nothing in the world made Zoshchenko so depressing as the fact that people laughed merrily when reading his stories. He believed that it was not necessary to laugh, but to cry.
- Are the stories of M.M. Zoshchenko for our time? Are there people in our time who look like the heroes of the writer?

13. The Return of the Writer .

Only in 1953, three months after Stalin's death, was Zoshchenko reinstated in the Writers' Union. He was preparing to release a new collection of short stories and novels. But in 1954 he was overtaken by a new misfortune, from which he was never able to recover until the end of his days.
In connection with the preparations for the congress Soviet writers A meeting of Leningrad writers was appointed. Zoshchenko was informed that he was included in the list of speakers and was expected to publicly acknowledge the correctness of the accusations that were directed against him earlier. Here, listen to excerpts from the preserved transcript: “For eight years now, it has been difficult for me, almost unbearably with those names that have hung on me, which have so humiliated my human dignity. I will briefly say now that it is not a matter of petty vanity that I am offended. This is not true. I understand the scale of the state and my small scale. That's not the point, that's not the question.
The question is that many of the accusations that were presented to me, I will prove point by point, with paper in hand, that this is not so ...
I have never been a non-patriot of my country. I cannot agree with this. What do you want from me? That I should confess that I am a swindler, a swindler and a coward?
I can say my literary life and fate in such a situation is over. I can't get out. A satirist must be a morally pure person, and I am humiliated like the last Son of a bitch! I have nothing further! I won't ask for anything!"

But Zoshchenko could not but return. It is possible to ban the publication of a writer, but it is impossible to ban the life that exists and about which he wrote. Those worries, troubles, and worries are gone. And we involuntarily compare, like Zoshchenko.

14 . Reflection suitcase-meat grinder-basket
On a green leaf
, which was then glued to a poster with the image of a suitcase, you must draw or write that important point, which he took out from work (in a group, in a lesson), is ready to take with him and use in his activities.
On a red leaf - something that turned out to be unnecessary, useless and that can be sent to the "trash can", i.e. attach to the second poster.
yellow leaf - this is something that turned out to be interesting, but not yet ready for use in your work. Thus, what still needs to be thought out, finalized, "twisted" was sent to the "meat grinder" sheet.

Technological map of the lesson.

Subject: Literature.

Theory of Literature. (According to the works of M. Zoshchenko)

Class: 6

Teacher: Schmidt L.N.

Lesson topic: "The world survived because it laughed."

Lesson Objectives:

1.Educational - to expand students' knowledge of the theory of literature, to introduce the concepts of satire and humor, to form the ability to find these concepts in the text;

2.Developing - develop interest in fiction, to form communication skills through the development of students' speech, to improve the degree of proficiency in the norms of the literary language.

3. Educational - to form a tolerant attitude towards people; develop a sense of camaraderie, kindness.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Technology: Personally-oriented education and upbringing.

Forms of work: frontal work, group, individual.

Teaching methods verbal: conversation, explanation;

visual methods: illustrated and demonstration;

practical: cards, work with text.

Reproductive, partially exploratory.

Technical support lesson: computer, projector, screen.

Handout: cards, text.

Basic concepts: humor, satire, hyperbole

Short description purpose of the lesson:

The lesson is built on the techniques of student-centered learning with game elements.

    Organizational - motivational moment - greeting students, emotional mood for the lesson, explanation of the topic of the lesson, goals. Epigraph work.

    Work on the topic of the lesson (learning new knowledge of satire, humor; find out what causes laughter?)

    Consolidation of concepts: 1. The story "Galosh and ice cream" - staged by students, frontal conversation. 2. The story "Glass" - work with cards, text, frontal conversation. 3. The story "Poker" - an acquaintance with the plot of the work. Working with word form. (Not only words can be funny, but also irregular shapes the words.)

    Summing up - why did laughter help the world survive?

    Reflection. Evaluation sheets.

During the classes

    Org. moment.

My friends! I'm very happy

Enter your friendly class.

And for me already a reward

Attention of your smart eyes.

I know that everyone in the class is a genius.

But without effort, talent is not for the future.

Cross the swords of your opinions -

Let's write a lesson together!

I won't judge you.

For a strange syllable do not blame me.

    Allow me to announce the purpose of my visit and read out my formal address to you 6th grade students. But what is it? What kind of jokes do you want to joke? Well, look, have adjectives rolled under the desks? Well, I'm looking for adjectives! Probably, on the road they got enough sleep from my text. How to get out of this situation? .. Maybe you can help me?

(Goal: To make you laugh from the unexpected, from the inconsistency of the adjective with the noun).

I, Schmidt Lidia Nikolaevna (beautiful, cheerful) _________________________

The teacher of the delicious Bolshebayanovskaya school has arrived in your smart class with the aim of giving a brave lesson in literature. I am glad to welcome the (heavenly) ________________ guests and happy to see the (blue) ______________ faces of the disciples. I am in a (cowardly)____________________ mood, and therefore I will not hesitate to announce that the topic of our lesson is: “The world survived because it laughed.”

Why are you guys laughing? What made you laugh? What is the name of the technique that made you laugh so much? So our goal is:

Try to laugh

(After all, laughing is not a sin.)

Laughing, get to the bottom,

Why are we so funny.

Of course, you have already encountered the funny in your life, but in the 6th grade you will have to look at the funny through the eyes of literary critics for the first time. After all, to cause our laughter, the writer uses special techniques, which are called artistic means.

    Work on the topic of the lesson.

Today's lesson on the theory of literature, but comic literature - precedes the study of the course of the 6th grade. You have already got acquainted with the work of Zoshchenko "Galosh". What do you think was funny about the story? What is the power of laughter? How do you understand the meaning of the epigraph of our lesson? ( The person is afraid of being ridiculed. And he tries not to do what can cause ridicule of others; Laughter keeps people away from bad things, and therefore makes them better.)

    What works make us laugh? ( humorous, satirical)

    What is humor, satire? Let's look at the writing on the board.

What is the nature of the comic? Why does laughter occur? one reason discrepancy - we have already named. Let's eat some more.

What do I see? I see a table.

Strange: it is empty and naked.

Not equipped lesson -

This is my main complaint.

(I drag the suitcase from behind the door)

    Now why are you laughing?

So it caused laughter...




    And what do we call the technique of exaggeration in literature?


    Consolidation of concepts.

Here's your first riddle:

What's inside there - bitter, sweet?

Or completely inedible?

Who will answer me in detail?

(children fantasize).

Opening the suitcase:

Galosh! Poker! Cup!

Well, what does it look like?

Poker, glass, galosh ...

And why the lesson

Did their teacher bring them?

    Yes, these are not just objects - these are the heroes of Zoshchenko's stories. I'm sure we can handle the artistic text as well. Today we will recall the work of the author, which you have already met in literature lessons in grade 5. What were the names of the great travelers with whom we laughed heartily? (Lelya, Minka).

    I will ask two guys to act out an excerpt from the story "Galoshes and Ice Cream." Moreover, we have a galosh!

“And then one summer Lelya and I were walking in our garden. And Lelya found a galosh in the bushes. An ordinary rubber overshoe ... So Lelya found this overshoe and put it on a stick for fun. And he walks around the garden, waving this stick over his head.

    Do you think this is humor or satire?

    What are we laughing at?

    Yes, the situation itself is funny and the associations it evokes. They wave a banner, a flag over their heads, and here - a galosh!

(I show the children a glass)

    Are you familiar with this subject? Imagine that you invited a friend to visit, he accidentally broke a glass during a tea party. How will you do it? How will he do it?

    I really like your sincerity, resourcefulness, goodwill. The heroes of Zoshchenko's story act quite differently. We listen to the story "Glass", analyze the situation, observe the speech of the characters (I explain in advance: brother-in-law- Brother husband).

    I am reading a story.

    You responded so vividly, sincerely, cheerfully to the story that you don't have to ask if you liked it. Laugh- your highest rating. What kind of works would you classify as humorous or satirical? What is the writer making fun of? (The pettiness of people, Such a trifle caused a quarrel).

    How do they speak, what words do they use? No culture!

    What do you think, guys, could this happen in real life? Why did the writer need such an exaggeration or, as we say hyperbola?

    True to make fun of human vices. The artist chose such a situation and presented it in such a way that we would laugh, condemning the unworthy behavior of people. The more we laugh at the rudeness, ignorance of the heroes, the ... continue my phrase!

    That's right, guys, well done! You noted that the laughter of condemnation was caused by the speech, the language of the characters. What can be said about them?

    (Their words are rude, they misuse them)

    Can you give examples? Do you remember these words?

    Yes, the heroes of Zoshchenko's speech is often incorrect, the vocabulary is rude. Didn't the writer know good words?

    And again you are right. It's another one literary device- reduced, incorrect speech, - causing our laughter at lack of culture.

    Now imagine that you are translators. Your task is to “translate” the words of neutral vocabulary underlined in the cards into conversational style vocabulary. At the same time, we will try to convey the language of Zoshchenko's heroes.

(Working with cards)

    Suggested word recklessly discussed, rejected or accepted. We rejoice when our findings coincide with the author's text.

With chagrin, we are convinced that modern vocabulary would not leave the writer without work even today, as we were convinced of by completing this task.

According to D. Swift, just as a person can be recognized by his society, so he can be judged by his language. Here we judge: that is evaluate person and in this case condemn. Zoshchenko's heroes are ugly and therefore ridiculous. And we have already seen: the more people laugh at a rude and stupid hero, the less they want to be like him.

Not only words can be funny, but also irregular forms of words. This technique was successfully applied by Zoshchenko in the story "Poker".

The essence of this story is that in one institution, a stoker accidentally burned the hand of an employee with a poker. To the director’s strict reprimand, he replied that he had only one poker for six stoves. go from stove to stove and injure employees. The director liked this simple idea, and he began to dictate to the typist the demand for the warehouse: “I urgently ask you to give five koches to the submitter of this demand ...” then the director broke off.

    How would you finish the sly word?

The director directly asked the stoker what he needed. “You know what,” the stoker replied gloomily. "Five stumps". The funny thing about this story is that soon the piece of paper from the warehouse was returned with a resolution: “Refuse for lack of stumps in the warehouse” (The correct option is the stump).

But back to the story Cup". We have already discovered with you the skillful, talented use by the writer of several devices that cause a comic effect. But they forgot about one thing. No one will tell?

- The molyar died, and the widow arranged a picnic for the 40th day.

    What a clever girl you are, of course, an absurdity: the occasion is sad, but a picnic is arranged, i.e. fun fun gathering. These things are incompatible. One denies the other. What are we talking about, what reception? And it was used only once: Strain your memory?

    The reason for the quarrel is trifling, but the matter went to court. The hero threatens the offenders no more, no less - with a tribunal.

    Still very funny antithesis:“I didn’t answer anything to this, I just say ...”

    Summing up the lesson.

    Thank you! We laughed a lot today. Why did laughter help the world survive? As the Latin poet Jean Baptiste de Santel stated, "Laughter corrects the nerves." And people are becoming kinder, more tolerant of each other.

Lesson time is up...

I am grateful to you guys

For being warmly welcomed

And they worked hard.

5. Reflection. Handing out score sheets .

Lesson application. (Cards)


"Translate" the words of neutral vocabulary to the vocabulary of conversational style, while trying to convey the language of the heroes of Zoshchenko's story.

And the brother-in-law is more than others resents.

"Translate" the words of neutral vocabulary to the vocabulary of conversational style, while trying to convey the language of the heroes of Zoshchenko's story.

To the people came .

"Translate" the words of neutral vocabulary to the vocabulary of conversational style, while trying to convey the language of the heroes of Zoshchenko's story.

On the sugar bowl, on the handle, I hit the device; No, father, a glass broke?

"Translate" the words of neutral vocabulary to the vocabulary of conversational style, while trying to convey the language of the heroes of Zoshchenko's story.

And the brother-in-law is more than others resents.

"Translate" the words of neutral vocabulary to the vocabulary of conversational style, while trying to convey the language of the heroes of Zoshchenko's story.

To the people came .

Goals: to acquaint with the life and work of M.M. Zoshchenko; enrich vocabulary students; to teach to analyze the actions of heroes, to determine the meaning of the story; develop speech, thinking, memory and sense of humor.

Planned results: subject: use different types reading (studying (semantic), selective, search), the ability to consciously perceive and evaluate the content and specifics of humorous texts, participate in their discussion, give and justify a moral assessment of the actions of characters; metasubject:

- formulating the learning task of the lesson based on the analysis of the textbook material in joint activities, planning, together with the teacher, activities to study the topic of the lesson, evaluating one's work in the lesson,

– analysis of scientific and educational text, highlighting in it main idea, - answers to the questions of the textbook based on artwork, discussion in a couple of answers to questions, proof of one's point of view; personal: fostering a sense of pride in their homeland, its history, people.

Equipment: an exhibition of books on the topic of the lesson, a portrait of the writer.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Speech warm-up

- Read it for yourself.

Learn from your act

View from the side

Good luck will come right away

And infidelities are visible!

And then their mistakes

You won't repeat

And reasonable and cultured

You can become a man!

- Read in the "bird market" way.

- Read with a questioning intonation, highlighting the last words of each line with your voice.

- Read with an affirmative intonation, highlighting the same words.

- Read with sadness (also: with joy, with an angry intonation, expressively).

III. Work on the topic of the lesson

Guys, how do you understand the meaning of this poem? Explain his lines.

- Read the topic of the lesson, determine its objectives. What will we learn in the lesson?

(Predicting the content of the text.)

- Read the title of the story. Look at the illustrations for it. What do you think it says?

— What do you know about him? What works by this author have you read? Our exhibition of books for the lesson will help you remember.

(See the school dictionary “Writers in educational literature"). Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko was born on August 10, 1894 in the artist's family in St. Petersburg (according to other sources, in Poltava). In 1913, after graduating from the gymnasium, he entered the Faculty of Law at St. Petersburg University. Without completing the course, he went to the front of the outbreak of the First World War as a volunteer; participated in battles, distinguished by courage and courage, for which he was awarded five orders; commanded a battalion; was wounded three times, was attacked by gases, ended the war with the rank of staff captain. Subsequently, the experience of the war years, knowledge of the soldier and officer environment was somehow reflected in his works. Since 1920, Zoshchenko took up literary work. It was in literature that he saw his vocation.

What feelings did you experience while reading?

IV. Physical education minute

V. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

- Let's follow the text, what events are the basis of the work.

- What character traits did Andryusha show?

How did he get the desire to change? Find support for your thoughts in the text.

- What other important qualities would you advise a boy to acquire?

- Explain the title of the story. Which episode reveals its meaning?

(Work in pairs.)

Discuss with a friend what qualities of character you value in people.

Courage, strength, kindness, pride, resourcefulness, modesty, shyness, courage, willpower, gentleness, benevolence.

What is the most important for you? What would you like to be yourself?

- What do you need to do for this?

VI. Reflection

Choose any beginning of the sentence and continue it.

Today in class I learned...

In this lesson, I would commend myself for...

After class I wanted...

Today I managed...

VII. Summing up the lesson

- Have you met such children whom for some reason everyone offends? How do you feel about them?


Prepare a creative retelling on behalf of a mother or a boy, complete task 5 on p. 126 textbooks.