How to draw Claudine step by step with a pencil. How to draw Claudine Wolf from "Monster High" (Monster High)? Preparation for work

Easter is coming soon, which means people will paint eggs and visit each other with them. Then we suggest you learn the new kind needlework - do-it-yourself eggshell mosaic, a master class is attached. Egg shells are a great crafting material. Today we will analyze a few master classes that will allow you to understand how to work correctly in this technique.

Preparation for work

We collect the eggshell, put it in a deep container. In the meantime, prepare a 5% solution baking soda. Fill them with shells and wait 5 minutes. Then we drain the liquid and wash the shell under running water.

It is best to use shells from raw eggs, because when cooked, they lose their rigidity. For example, any shell is suitable for children's crafts.

To make a picture using the eggshell technique, you must first remove the film from it. Leave it on the tray for a while to dry. Then you need to color in food coloring. After that, we clean them in plastic containers, having previously sorted them by color. Due to the fact that the shell is not always evenly stained, with it you can depict not only pictures, but also, for example, make beautiful decoupage on a bottle with any drink. It will not be a shame to present such a gift to your friends on any of the holidays.

egg painting

  • eggshell;
  • PVA glue;
  • Brush;
  • Cardboard (or any other surface, everything will depend on what exactly you want to do);
  • Tweezers;
  • Wooden stick;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Napkin for decoupage.

Step by step instructions for doing the job:

  1. First you need to make a template according to which the eggshell will be laid out. Draw it on a plain sheet of paper, or if you don't know how to do it, just take any drawing and print it out.
  2. On a sheet of cardboard it is necessary to glue a sheet with a pattern.
  3. We proceed to the application of the shell. Doing it in the following way: Lubricate a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe picture with glue and lay the shell on it. If the size of the shell is very large, then take a stick and press it on it. Because of what it will crack and crumble into several small fragments. The distance between the shells should be the same.
  4. With this action, we fill the entire drawing completely.
  5. We clean in a place inaccessible to children and wait for complete drying.
  6. After the drawing is completely dry, decorate it with paints.
  7. At the end of the work, it is necessary to cover it with varnish.

On this master class came to an end.

simple flowers

To work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Plain sheet;
  • Simple black pencil;
  • A set of felt-tip pens;
  • PVA glue;
  • Ready-made eggshell;
  • Watercolor paints;
  • A set of brushes;
  • Non-spill;
  • Wooden skewer.

The technology of work is as follows.

We draw a sketch on a regular sheet, in our case these are violet flowers.

After the drawing is completely ready, we move on to the technique itself. Lubricate the flower petal with glue, as shown in the photo.

Put the egg shell on it. For this action, it is better to use a whole shell. We lay it so that it covers the entire surface that was smeared with glue.

From a slight pressure, the shell cracks, thereby filling the pattern. Just be sure to see that the pieces of the shell are broken into more uniform pieces.

For a more even laying, you can use a wooden skewer.

We circle the finished petals with a bright felt-tip pen, we chose black. This is necessary so that the border of the petals does not merge.

Do the same with the other petals.

After the flower is completely ready, outline it with a contour.

We do the whole drawing in the same way.

Here, the picture is almost ready.

In a small small bowl, you need to grind the eggshell into a fine powder.

We coat all the details of the drawing with glue, and sprinkle with shell powder on top. Thus, we fill in the empty spaces that were formed during the work.

Let the painting dry completely. Then we move on to painting. This will require brushes, paints and a non-spill.

We color according to the sketch, which was originally transferred to a plain sheet of paper. We had it like this: one of the colors is yellow, the second is blue (purple). Let the painting dry completely. And we apply various shades on the petals themselves.

If your child is a creative person and likes to create all sorts of crafts from improvised means, invite him to make a mosaic of eggshell. This activity develops fine motor skills and develops in children the habit of being assiduous, which is undoubtedly a huge plus for young schoolchildren. Creating mosaics will be interesting not only for girls, but also for boys, if you choose the right picture.

In order to make such shell craft, you will need the simplest materials:

Shell from raw eggs.

PVA glue.

Any drawing.

Acrylic paints.

Fig.1 Mosaic from eggshell

eggshell mosaics are of two types:

1. The first easiest and most suitable for little craft lovers is when eggshell after sticking to the main picture, it is painted in different colors using acrylic paints. Or when the shell is painted before sticking to the surface. In this way, the main background of the image is preserved.

Fig.2 Mosaic from eggshell

2. The second method is more complex and suitable for older children. In this case, shells of different natural shades are taken. Thus, a mosaic of eggshells in pastel colors is obtained. It turns out very beautiful.

Fig. 3 Eggshell mosaic in natural colors

Instructions for making mosaics from eggshells.

1. First you need to prepare the shell.

1.1. We carefully break the raw eggs into two parts and immerse them in cold water for 10-15 minutes.

1.2. Then we remove the film from the inside of the shell, after which we dry it well.

As mentioned earlier, you can paint the shell at the very end, after sticking to the images.

2. When the egg shell is prepared, you can start choosing a pattern. It is recommended to choose images with large details and clear outlines. It is much more convenient for children to glue fragments with clearly visible edges.

Fig. 4 Mosaic from an eggshell in the form of a butterfly

3. After the drawing is selected, it must be pasted onto a cardboard surface or transferred through carbon paper. This is done so that the surface on which it will be glued eggshell mosaic did not swell or deform.

4. When the drawing and the eggshell are prepared for work, you can proceed directly to gluing the mosaic. To do this, PVA glue is applied to a small fragment of the image.

5. Then a large piece of eggshell is taken and gently crushed on a flat surface. Thus, the details of the mosaic will turn out to be the most suitable for each other. They should be glued with a small indent from each other (about 1 millimeter). For convenience, it is recommended to use tweezers and a thin wooden stick. With their help, it is much easier to pick up and move fragments eggshell mosaics.

Eggshell can act as a material for making unique works of art. This skill can be the perfect solution for starting your own business.

eggshell mosaic

Earlier in the East, eggshells were used to incarnate creative ideas. Talented craftsmen turned this waste into a one-of-a-kind material from which they created masterpieces. The shell is a very fragile material; when working with it, original cracks form. This allows you to create patterns with the effect of antiquity, which are called "crackle", and the cracks themselves - "craquelure".

The creation of such a mosaic refers to scrupulous work and requires high skill. Although the pattern is created from fragile material, final result Its workmanship is quite durable, can last for many years. Any person who expresses a desire to perform a simple mosaic can create a real miracle if he takes this creative matter seriously, taking the time and showing accuracy and diligence.

Eggshell is an excellent material not only for creating mosaics on flat surfaces, but also for decorating household items that have a variety of shapes - vases, dishes, stationery stands, plates.

Just imagine that you can create unique masterpieces from this "garbage". This facing material has a unique decorative property and most of all resembles ivory on the finished product.

Materials that will be needed for work:

shell of chicken eggs;
base (plywood, chipboard, thick cardboard);
PVA glue or "Moment";
paste made from flour;
tracing paper;
cloth for cleaning shells from glue;
solid wooden stick with an absolutely smooth cut.

Technological process

To do a beautiful job, you need to have enough material available. The shells are thoroughly cleaned of egg residues, degreased in soda solution and then dried. In this form, they can be stored in dry and clean cardboard boxes until a sufficient amount has been collected to allow experimentation in the creative process.

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It is necessary to decide on the choice of glue. As mentioned, you can use PVA or "Moment", but in each case there are some nuances. Both adhesives will firmly bond the shell to the surface you place it on. But, using PVA, it will be enough to apply glue only to the shell or to the base. And when working with Moment glue, it will be necessary to spread both the shell and the base, and only then connect them. The second option, like the first, will provide high strength of the finished product, but you will have to endure a pungent odor.

The next step in the work is flattening and smoothing. Examining the eggshell, you can see a thin film on its inside, which serves as a bonding material. This means that if you crush the shell, it will not crumble into small fragments, but will only break into particles connected by this film. It is very good to work with the shell glued to any base, for example, to a paper sheet. It is convenient to cut such particles with ordinary scissors into the necessary pieces - the shell does not crumble.

The work of fixing the shell is a very long and monotonous process. Its essence is to sort the source material by color, separating each shade, gluing the shells on separate sheets. For example, we lay out the snow-white shell and glue it on one sheet, with a yellowish tint on the other, and brownish on the third.

Such a color distribution will allow in the future, when compiling a mosaic, to quickly choose exactly the shade that is needed. When the gluing work is over, it is necessary to cover each sheet with plywood and press on it without applying much force. Under pressure, the shell will crack and flatten. It is necessary to continuously press the plywood onto the sheet for one minute in the case when gluing was carried out using PVA glue, and only a few seconds if Moment glue was used.

Before starting a business in this business, it is necessary to study the points of sale well and calculate the final income from the products. It should be noted that it is recommended to take on such work for those people who have a well-developed creative potential. Having gained initial experience and skills in this area, you can implement your work around the world. The profit from such goods is quite high, and a person who opens his own business will not regret that he devoted time and money to this kind of creativity.

Examples of photos with works from eggshells:

Master Class. Autumn DIY crafts. Working with natural material

Master class: Autumn still life. eggshell mosaic

Target: to teach how to make an eggshell mosaic according to the plan, to be able to design the work.

Application: The material is designed for children in grades 4-5, making birthday gifts, decorating a room, crafts for an exhibition.

Equipment: gouache paints, brush, PVA glue, colorless varnish, toothpick, black marker, thick cardboard, eggshell, paper napkins.

Step by step workflow

Eggshell is one of the most accessible and simple materials for creativity. With its help, you can decorate the interior of any home with a surprisingly beautiful mosaic. Such work will not leave anyone indifferent.

It might break

It can also weld

If you want, into a bird

Can turn. (Egg)

1. We use the shell from raw eggs. They must be thoroughly rinsed before further use. cold water, carefully remove the films from the inside and dry.

2. We transfer or draw a picture on the finished base (I use thick cardboard). For clarity, the drawing can be circled with a black marker. Let there be in our still life autumn flowers, rowan twig, ripe pear, spikelets and maple leaves.

3. The shell is easily glued to PVA. We smear a small area with glue, break it off and lay it, picking it up in shape - as in a regular mosaic.

4. After applying the shell to the drawing, grease the entire surface well with glue and let it dry.

5. We lay out the whole drawing with the shell.

6. I decided to fill the free places on the sheet not with a shell, but with an ordinary napkin, creating the effect of unevenness and roughness.