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The 80s became the era" new wave"- when various genres of rock music appeared. Today, rock is still popular all over the world. Both adults and teenagers listen to it. The hits that appeared almost 40 years ago are still loved and occupy an important place in the soul of almost not every person.Rock will never die.We present to your attention the 13 most the best groups who gave our world amazing music.

1. Journey

journey- American rock band, which was formed former members Santana in 1973 Between 1978-1987 the band sold 80 million copies of their albums worldwide. Journey's most successful albums are "Escape" (1981) and "Frontiers" (1983). And the most famous hit, which is familiar to many, is "Don't Stop Believin" in 1981.

2. Metallica

Metallica is an American metal band that formed in 1981. This group became famous in 1983 after releasing their first album "Kill 'Em All". Their most famous hits "For Whom the Bell Tolls" and "Master of Puppets" will forever remain in our hearts.

3. The Cure

The Cure are a British rock band that formed in 1976. Throughout its existence, the members of the group have constantly changed and only frontman Robert Smith remained the only one permanent member team. The most famous singles of this British group are "Just Like Heaven" (1987), "Friday I'm in Love" (1992) and "Love song" (1989).

4. Bon Jovi

Bon Jovi is an American rock band formed in 1983. In the 1980s, the hits of this group sounded in every bar in America. The group achieved worldwide popularity after the release of their third album "Slippery When Wet" in 1986.

5. Foreigner

Foreigner is an American rock band formed in 1976. Some of the best hits of this group blew up the 80s. Among them were "Urgent" (1981) and "Waiting for a Girl Like You" (1981). And their most successful single appeared in 1984 under the name "I Want to Know What Love Is".

6. Depeche Mode

Depeche Mode is a British electronic rock band that formed in 1980. This one of the most successful groups peace. It is difficult to determine the best and most popular hits of this group, but still we will point out some amazing songs here: "Never Let Me Down Again" (1987), "Stripped" (1986), "Just Can't Get Enough" (1981).

7. Duran Duran

Duran Duran are a British pop rock band formed in 1978. The group became famous not only thanks to their unforgettable singles ("Hungry Like The Wolf" (1982) and "The Wild Boys" (1984)), but also the controversial video clips that became popular on MTV in the early 80s.

8. Def Leppard

Def Leppard are a British rock band formed in 1977. The group became popular in 1983 - 1989, when the platinum albums "Pyromania" (1983) and "Hysteria" (1987) were released. The most successful singles in their entire career are "Love Bites" (1987), "Pour Some Sugar On Me" (1987), "Armageddon It" (1987).

9. Guns N' Roses

Guns N' Roses is an American hard rock band that formed in 1985. The band rose to prominence after releasing the album Appetite for Destruction in 1987. Their most greatest hits, sounded all over the world - "Sweet Child O "Mine" (1987), "Welcome to the Jungle" (1987), "Paradise City" (1987).


AC/DC are an Australian rock band that formed in 1973. Despite the fact that the group appeared in the 70's, it did not become popular until the release of one of the best-selling albums in 1980 "Back in Black". AC/DC is the most successful and famous rock band in the world.

11. U2

U2 is an Irish rock band that was formed in 1976 by teenage musicians. Four years later they released their debut album Boy. But world fame and recognition brought them the album "The Joshua Tree" (1987), which is one of the greatest rock albums.

12. The Police

The Police are a British rock band that formed in 1977. The band became world famous in the early 80's and their album "Synchronicity" (1983) reached number one in the UK and US charts. The group broke up in 1984, but before that they managed to give the world such amazing hits as "Every Breath You Take" (1983) and "Don" t Stand So Close to Me "(1980).

13. Queen

Queen is a British rock band that formed in 1970. This band has become one of the most successful bands in the history of rock music. She rose to prominence in the mid-70s, but the group gained worldwide fame in the early 80s with the release of "The Game" (1980) and such a great hit as "Another One Bites the Dust" (1980).

All photographs were taken by the German journalist Petra Gall at the turn of 1980-1990, commented on their project curator Mischa Baster.
1. Dancing near the cafe "Margarita" on the Patriarchs, in a strange way still working. Patricky in the 1980s was already quite an advanced place, but since Valera Lysenko (Hedgehog) from Mister Twister moved there, it has become associated with rockabilly parties. Mavriky Slepnev, who was captured in the photo, did a lot for this - the grandson of the Papanin and the son of a ballerina, who famously danced at the concerts of the "Misters". And then he got sick with a motorcycle and was doing knee-highs, already driving around the underpass Pushkin Square. We called this transition "pipe".

2. By the end of the 1980s, when the clashes between rockers and lyubers had already died down - even the New York Times wrote about them - no one climbed out onto the streets of the Arbat. Including appeared Hare Krishnas, who, with their awkward appearance and with a bubnezhka they annoyed others no less than motor-walker gangs.

3. Typical Arbat picture of perestroika times, preserved to this day. Such tables with matryoshka leaders and other kitsch have nested next to the crowd since the late 1980s street artists. Moreover, it was like a facade, because there was also a brisk trade in deficit: foreign things, magazines, vinyl.

4. Sheremukha, aka Sharik: Sheremetyevo-2 Airport was a traditional place of night pilgrimage for rocker columns that started either from the backyard of the Moscow Art Theater or from Luzhniki. The purpose of the visits was to show oneself and scare foreigners. Plus be sure to visit the local cafe. The route to the airport often ran through the Badaevsky brewery and ended in the morning at the exit from the restaurant of the Moskva Hotel. There, paying 1 p. 50 kopecks, motorcyclists took out helmets from the buffet, stuffed to the brim with food.

5. Before the advent of special units to catch rockers, traffic cops on motorcycles caused outright laughter from hooligans. They couldn't keep up with motorcyclists, they rode awkwardly, and looked, let's say, much less fashionable than motorcycle police officers in helmets and leggings of the 1960s. Aesthetics sagged in these years on many fronts.

6. Backyards of the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky is a place that became popular in 1987, when local trendy guys got on motorcycles and created an isolated hangout. Unlike the concert-rocker associations that cultivated heavy metal, she, as if opposed, preferred the rockabilly style and was inspired by the film Streets on Fire.

7. In 1987, Petra Gall met in Moscow with the Surgeon (Alexander Zaldastanov - founder of the Night Wolves motorcycle club), Edom (Eduard Ratnikov - president of the T.C.I. concert agency, in the photo on the left), Rus (Ruslan Tyurin - founder of the Black Aces motorcycle club, on photo) and Garik (Assa, Oleg Kolomiychuk - character of the Moscow underground, died in 2012). She immediately fell into the epicenter of the rocker movement. As you can see from this picture, Ed and Roose's outfit combines the aesthetics of 1960s London street racers with sketchy ideas of 1950s American motorcycle gangs. The guys wanted to look the coolest, like in the movies and on the covers of foreign magazines.

8. Ratnikov in the night dumplings. These are unforgettable establishments, which, together with kebabs and sandwiches, were held under the general term "risers". At night, rockers and taxi drivers dined here, during the day - employees and visitors.

9. Another photo from the stand-up. In one of these, on Herzen Street, an Arbat lyuber Shmel, who was looking for mythical fascists, found a trainee job, but instead of them he found us punks and fed us dumplings for free. After the collapse of the USSR, Shmel was renamed Pelmenya and, not finding the Nazis, became one himself, joining some Black Hundreds in the early 1990s.

10. The night center of Moscow in the late 1980s, filmed during some regular motorcycle tour with stops on Gorky Street for hot bread just brought from the factory to the Filippovskaya bakery. Now such a deserted Moscow immersed in darkness with crooked streets has been preserved extremely locally. Together with the mixed smell of wet asphalt and boulevard poplars, with strange passers-by, since all the non-strange ones were cut off before the next labor feat, it can be safely called “Moscow that”.

11. Near this monument on Kaluga Square, skaters first appeared in the early 1980s - on the Riga "rules" and boards near Moscow. 10 years after the powerful rock wave of perestroika, the theme returned again, but in a different fashion. Wide pants - pipes and pyramids, heavy boots and hoodies rushed past against the backdrop of the same Soviet idols frozen in stone.

12. Sasha the Surgeon morally humiliates a randomly encountered lover on Pushka. There came a turning point for the rock movement, when the persecution of everything informal sharply intensified and lovers appeared. It was a collective movement under the auspices of bodybuilding near Moscow in Lyubertsy. Bodybuilders went to Moscow before, but they did not engage in frank social pressure. But those who mowed down like Lubers practiced a small gop-stop with might and main, for which they were merchandised. Sasha played an important role in this process, but, despite the fact that clashes between amateurs and rockers were overgrown with legends, more often such meetings ended in skirmishes and comical numbers.

13. Night departure of motorcycle hooligans in the spring of 1989. In such gangs, in the spirit of the movie "Mad Max", they rushed through the deserted streets of the city, having previously removed the silencers from their "Yav", "Chezets", and sometimes "Dnepr" with "Urals". For the most part, Moscow rockers were ordinary guys, whom the more advanced called "body warmers". By 1988, the movement had become so massive and noisy that in the USSR they began to make horror stories about them such as "Accident - the daughter of a cop."

14. In contrast to the previous Gothic: here is exaltation in Luzhniki in 1989 - at the Peace Festival. Despite the subsequent larger Monsters of Rock festival in 1991, the Peace Festival is remembered as the peak of the 1980s. There was no such atmosphere even at the first local concerts of Uriah Heep and Pink Floyd. Top stars were brought to Moscow, including Ozzy Osbourne, and for some reason they put Moscow new wavers from Stas Namin's pool on the same stage with them.

15. This is probably 1992. Difficult to establish, because in the 1990s the rocker theme was finally replaced by a biker one with heavy motorcycles, long forks and the first Russian bike clubs. In the photo - Tanya (Eremeeva. - Approx. ed.), a friend of the founder of one of the first motorcycle associations "Сossacs" Oleg, he is Kim Il Sung (Oleg Goch. - Approx. ed.). At the very beginning of the 1990s, he managed to go abroad and bring more or less modern Harleys.

16. Late 1980s, Gallery - as they called it Gostiny Dvor stylists hanging out there. A shabby, graffiti-covered, gothic-decadent piece of the Moscow Empire, filled with legends about the KGB cellars. In those years, an absolutely deserted corner of Moscow, in which the ominous silence was destroyed only by some kind of deaf rhythmic sound from the unit that worked in the courtyard of the Gostinka.