Who earns in online casinos. Online casino: is it possible to make money? How are we going to find clients?

A couple of months ago, we analyzed in detail how to compose . look at 6 simple steps, after which you can describe your goals in detail, allocate money for them, and even find out exactly when your desires are realized.

If you have completed these steps or are just about to take on your PFP (personal financial plan), the question before you is how to create it quickly and functionally.

You will no longer worry about the question: where to get the money? You will be wondering: Where to write even more goals? How to make the budget accessible to everyone in the family? Where to enter interest on investment? And in general, how to connect all this so that it is convenient and understandable? 🙂

You can make a LFP template yourself, use the formulas that are convenient for you. Or you can download my template. Use it as is or customize it according to your needs. Get creative, it's your money!

Since the template is stored in my Google Drive, you cannot change it. To use the LFP table, copy it to yourself. To do this, go to link and select "File" - "Make a copy" (or "File" - "Make a copy") from the menu.

Now let's look at all the tabs in detail and I will describe how to use the table.

Page One - GOALS

Of course, at the very beginning we have GOALS. This is done so that in the first place we see the desires for which we work!

Enter goals, consider how long it will take you to achieve them. How to enter goals correctly, as well as how to correctly calculate the time to achieve is described in detail in the article: “ ". Look at the article, in it you will find useful life hacks on what to do if the desire is delayed or vice versa, it is completed faster.

In the “Income” cell, enter your monthly income, in the currency in which you receive it. I have rubles everywhere by default.

We turn to the second page of the Template and see a sheet that often discourages people -


Only at first glance it seems that everything is complicated. But no, everything is simple and the table will count everything by itself 😉

Numbering: the first column, where percentages are shown at the bottom. I don't use numbering in the categories to be able to rearrange them as I see fit. But I put down percentages on desires and goals. It’s more convenient to navigate if the percentage for goals is different.

Monthly expenses: the categories of expenses you spend or save. Now the categories are by definition from the article , but you can change them.

Plan: planning your expenses. How to plan so that everything is enough is described in the article.

Fact: here the formula calculates the average value for all months.

Dates: now the table starts from November, 2017.

How to use:

Enter the income for the month in the cell below the date. In the first month, the formula is not worth it, but then be careful. You must enter the amount of income not in the cell itself, but in the line with the formula. Look at an example.

Now I have set an income of 34,000 rubles. And you, instead of the blue number, enter your income for the last month.

Fill in the lines with expenses. And in the last line you will seeremainder, which you have left for a month

It is automatically carried over to the next month and added to income.


We turn to the third and last tab of our table - Assets and Liabilities.

Assets- the money that brings us more money. Bank deposits, profitable investments, securities, an apartment for rent, etc. I filled in the line with one bank deposit so that you can see an example.

Enter the deposit amount, if any. Then enter the percentage and the table will automatically calculate the annual income for you.

Liabilities- the opposite part of your money to the asset. Here enter the currency (in rubles) in cash, real estate, car, savings that are stored at home, etc.

Total- the sum of assets and liabilities. That is the amount you own.

Life hacks for using a spreadsheet

Get creative! Set the design in your favorite colors, use google emoticons to label your categories. Bring your personality to the table and you will notice how you start using it with pleasure.

If you want to update the template usefunctions and formulas Google spreadsheets. Simplify your life and do not calculate everything manually!

If you did everything right, then you will not have a question: How to plan a budget? In just one evening, you will understand what, how much and where to put aside in order to achieve your financial goals.

Also, I have a recorded webinar on creating a Personal Financial Plan. In it, I tell personal life hacks, the experience of students and, of course, I give an updated LFP table. You can join the webinar at any time. Sign up via the link.

Most importantly, don't delay!

And that's not all! Do you want to participate in free trainings in finance and earnings marathons? Then subscribe to my Instagram. There, among other things, I tell and show how I achieve my goals with the help of a Personal Financial Plan and crazy motivation. AT join our Success Club and know that you will succeed!


Hello! In this article, we will talk about a personal financial plan.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is a personal financial plan.
  2. Why is it needed.
  3. How to make your own financial plan.

What is a personal financial plan

A personal financial plan is an important element of financial planning.

Personal financial plan - a project for managing money and its sources, designed to solve financial problems.

For most people, financial goals are roughly the same:

  • Have a stable income.
  • Get big.

A financial plan does not help achieve these goals. It only allows you to see the ways to achieve them. For example, to buy a house that costs 2 million rubles, at the current level of income, it will take 15-20 years. This means that you need to find additional sources of income, as well as cut some items of expenditure.

Why you need a personal financial plan

A personal financial plan is one of the means of self-regulation. You can draw an analogy with . One of his main rules is to make a to-do list for the day. It's the same here, only with longer periods.

Personal financial plans differ depending on the term:

  • Short-term - up to 1 year.
  • Medium-term - from 1 to 3 years.
  • Long-term from 3 years and more.

How long it takes to make a plan depends on your goals.

Short term financial plan helps to achieve financial goals within one calendar year. You indicate the level of income and approximate expenses for daily needs. This way you can see how much you are getting from all sources and how that money is being spent. The plan allows you to see which items of expenditure prevail during the year, as well as to understand whether they can be reduced and how.

Medium term planning you need to buy something big: fundraising for a down payment, buying a car, an expensive gadget, etc. Such a plan is done on an annual basis. That is, the expenditure is planned for several years ahead. And based on the amount of available funds, a decision is made about what can be bought with them.

Long term financial plan focused on savings: how much will you set aside annually and what will you invest this money in (deposits, securities, investment funds). Long-term planning allows you to see how much income you can receive with a small investment each year.

A financial plan helps you take a good look at where you get your money from and how you spend it. Companies use such planning when they need to analyze the effectiveness of their activities. People often neglect to draw up financial plans. But, if you think about it, how in this sense life differs from doing business: the same income, expenses, various relationships, loans, selling your services, and so on.

Who needs a personal financial plan

Everyone needs a personal financial plan. To achieve your goals, it is difficult to do without money. It is in order to be financially independent that you need to draw up your individual plan.

And there are those who simply need a personal financial plan:

  • Businessmen.
  • Debtors.
  • Freelancers.
  • People prone to spontaneous spending.

Businessmen always clearly understand that the state of their company depends entirely on them. If the leader does not know how to manage his own money, then what can we say about the affairs of the company?

With debtors, the situation is somewhat different. Most people who find themselves in a debt hole simply do not want to get out of it. Such people need a clear plan for what can be spent and what funds can be used for.

- people who work for themselves. Online businessmen who provide their own one-time services. It is precisely because the stability of the financial condition of such people leaves much to be desired that they need a financial plan. It should include "volume of orders, amount, planned income". Minimum set actions you need to take every month in order to remain financially independent.

In general, a financial plan will help everyone. Being in control of your finances and being independent is a pretty valuable quality.

How to make a personal financial plan

We have prepared for you a brief guide to drawing up a personal financial plan.

Step 1. Set goals.

The most important thing is to understand why you are engaged in drawing up a financial plan. It can be either the usual financial stability with the formation of an airbag and saving the Nth amount for vacation, clothes, etc., or a more ambitious task, like or without a loan.

Step 2. Decide on the timing.

The main thing is to choose a time frame for which you can achieve your goal.

Step 3. Optimize income items.

Identify all sources. After that, figure out if you can earn more, and if so, how you can do it. Small example:

A person is engaged in a project, but does not want to leave the main job. His small business takes 4 hours a day and brings him 20,000 rubles. The main work takes 11 hours a day (8 for work and 3 for the road) and brings an income of 25,000 rubles. 4 hours a day bring - 20,000 rubles, and 11 - 25,000. Therefore, it is better to launch several projects, spending less time on it.

Step 4. Optimize spending items.

It is important to separate necessary expenses from unplanned ones. If you rent an apartment, then rent and utilities are necessary. But going to a cafe every weekend is an optional expense that can be reduced if necessary.

Step 5: Install.

After you understand what you want and how you can achieve it, it remains only to follow the plan.

There are several ways to create a personal financial plan. For example, you can keep records in an Excel spreadsheet. You only need to draw a small table and enter the necessary data into it. The program is good because it allows you to insert formulas into cells that will immediately show the balance and financial result. If you do not feel like working with the program, take a notepad or a special note book.

If you are engaged, then you can make a plan online. Several programs have been created on the Internet for this purpose.

The development of a plan should only be done if you have a clear goal. If it is not there, find yourself the nearest landmark.

An example of a personal financial plan

To make it clearer, we have prepared a planning template for you.

Alexei has a stable job. His salary is 30,000 rubles per month + irregular bonuses of 10,000 rubles. Fixed expenses for housing and food are 15,000 rubles per month. Alexey set a goal - to buy a car worth 250,000 rubles.

If Alexei strictly follows his plan and saves 8,000 rubles a month, he will receive 288,000 rubles in 3 years. If, on a monthly basis, 8,000 rubles are placed at 7% per annum, an amount of 321,000 rubles will come out. The plan will be overfulfilled, and during this time, in the absence of unforeseen expenses, the airbag will amount to 40,000 rubles.

This ready-made personal financial plan shows that even with minimal investment, you can save large sums in a short time.

Investments as an element of financial planning

When accounting for their income and expenses, many Russians do not take into account such an element as investments. Investments allow you to form, which only increases over time.

In the US, about 80% of families have savings in securities. The amount of funds that America attracts is ten times more than that of banks in terms of deposits.

In Russia, the situation is exactly the opposite. Less than 1% of the population has shares in investment funds, and only a fraction keeps their money in banks. Let's look at the benefits of investments using the example of investments in the management company "Arsagera" (2nd place in terms of profitability in Russia). The company has a rate of return of 312% over 10 years. Therefore, a little more than 30% per year comes out.

If a family whose total monthly income is 45,000 rubles sets aside 10% of their income every month and buys a share in this mutual fund, then after 10 years:

  • The account will accumulate 545 thousand rubles.
  • Net profit for this period will amount to 817 thousand rubles.

That is, by saving 4,500 rubles every month, you can get an income of 817 thousand rubles over 10 years. It should be understood that this is a gradual replenishment, and already next year, with an income of 30% per annum, the family will receive “clean” about 160,000 rubles.

A person overestimates what he can do in a year, but underestimates what he can do in 10 years.

In the long term financial planning, investments are a very important element. They allow you to build savings that can serve as a source of passive income in retirement or a source for a big purchase. Even from 4,500 rubles, you can make an income of 12,000 rubles a month, simply by transferring money to a proven investment fund.

How to follow a personal financial plan

Making a good plan is not everything, it is also important to follow it. Remember how many times you were going to run in the evenings, made a training schedule, thought that you would still start to lose weight. But all these plans were inevitably frustrated, and you again found various excuses.

The situation is similar with the financial plan. Don't overspend if you can avoid it. Every time you leave the house, you need to have a rough idea of ​​how much money you can spend so that there are no difficulties later.

It is impossible to foresee all force majeure, and one should limit oneself only within reasonable limits.

Therefore, do not think about how to implement a personal financial plan, forgetting about other life components. More importantly, you are using a tool that optimizes your life.

2 financial planning mistakes

When people first start doing financial planning, they naively believe that everything will work out all at once. In the thinking of such individuals, there are 2 main errors.

Mistake 1. Impossible deadlines.

You cannot become a millionaire in 1 year if you receive 20,000 rubles. No investments, investments and loans will give you this. If you set ambitious goals, calculate your strength realistically or even underestimate them a little.

Mistake 2. Exorbitant amount.

This is the problem of those who receive not a salary, but an income. The latter can depend on many factors, and most people in financial planning take into account either too small or too large amounts. Be realistic. If you are within last year earned 300,000 rubles working in the sales department, then you do not need to write an average income of 25,000 rubles. Indeed, during the year you earned 18,000 - 20,000, and in the months of peak load - 40,000 rubles each.


A personal financial plan is a very important element of strategic planning of your activities. It allows you to set goals and see ways to achieve them. It is simply impossible to clearly follow such a plan, but despite this, it allows a person to form the concept of financial independence and responsibility for all the money that he receives and spends.

Today I will tell you how to make a financial plan for the year For example. Another year is coming to an end, a new one will soon begin, which means that it's time to sum up the financial results of the outgoing year and start financial planning for the next one. In this article I will describe how to draw up a personal financial plan for the year, as I see it, you can use my recommendations, make your own adjustments to them, etc.

The main thing is that you have a financial plan, and you try to stick to it - it will be much easier to achieve your goals.

Before you draw up a financial plan for the year, it is highly desirable to have detailed financial results for the past year. In the previous article, I said - read and start with this, we will need this data for further financial planning.

Drawing up a personal financial plan includes two global areas: an income plan and an expense plan. The second direction (cost planning) is a much more complex and voluminous work, and the first (income planning) is more important, on which the success of the financial plan implementation largely depends. Let's look at both of these areas.

Step 1 . Income planning.

When thinking about how to make a personal financial plan, you should always start with income planning. It is income that will be your starting point, from which you will begin a more complex and painstaking process - planning expenses.

Income should be planned as realistically as possible, without overestimating or underestimating. For example, if you receive a salary, and you know for sure that next year you will be raised by some amount - plan for it, if you are not sure what they will increase - it’s better not to plan (if anything, it will be a “pleasant surprise”, which will allow you to better fulfill your financial plan).

If you have passive income, for example, from an existing one, they can be planned with a high degree of accuracy. If these are some difficult-to-predict incomes (from business, investment, etc.), plan for the most realistic, average value. Also, when planning income, it is necessary to take into account income from the sale of personal assets, if any is planned.

Step 2. Cost planning.

Once you have planned your income, you can move on to planning your expenses. To do this, it is very good to already have the current cost structure at hand in advance in order to know how much money is being spent on which cost items now.

Cost planning should be carried out in order of priority: from the most important and urgent to the most unimportant and non-urgent. In my understanding, the priority should be as follows (in descending order of importance):

  1. Repayment of debts (if any);
  2. Creation of financial assets ();
  3. Purchase of large tangible assets (real estate, cars, furniture, appliances, repairs, etc.);
  4. Mandatory fixed costs (utilities, etc.);
  5. Mandatory variable expenses (food, etc.);
  6. Unforeseen expenses (this item of expenses must be taken into account - at least 5% of all expenses);
  7. Recreation and entertainment.

That is, in your personal financial plan, you first need to arrange the most important and necessary expenses, then the less necessary, etc., distributing what remains to the least important cost items (and if there is nothing left, then nothing is needed for highlight them).

It is necessary to plan expenses in such a way that at the end of each month you have a positive financial result (income minus expenses). Moreover, on an accrual basis, that is, if at the end of the month there is a positive balance, it is taken into account further at the end of the next month. Thus, thanks to the transfer of the balance, you can save up money for some large expenses that cannot be carried out at the expense of one month's income.

Personal financial plan example.

And now let's look at how to make a financial plan for the year using an example. All that I wrote about above, I turned into real numbers in thousand units. and compiled a table in Excel with calculation formulas, which I bring to your attention (click on the image to enlarge):

Note that in the financial plan for each month and for the year as a whole, I made 2 columns: plan and fact. We will fill out the plan immediately, and the fact will be introduced as the plan is implemented. So we will always, at every stage, see how we “fit in” with the planned budget, with our financial plan.

In the example, we consider an ordinary family in which the main income of the husband and wife is wage. According to available forecasts, a slight gradual increase is planned, and in December, the husband traditionally receives a large bonus (almost double his salary). All this is included in the personal financial plan. The family also has a deposit in the bank, from which it receives a small passive income and which it plans to replenish with accumulating savings, small part-time jobs in the summer, and plans to sell the old car in June. We also include all these areas of income in the financial plan for the year, and sum up the income.

After that, we start planning expenses. As I already wrote, we do it in order of priority, and comparing with the data of the past year. AT this case we first of all plan the remaining repayment of the loan (the first three months will be enough for us), then the monthly creation of savings. It is also important for us to make a small repair at the end of the year (we will break down the cost of it by 4 months), and in August the family plans to spend a large amount on vacation - we also enter it right away (if it doesn’t “fit in” - then you can adjust it).

Then we begin to plan all current expenses: utilities, food, miscellaneous. At the beginning of the year, we plan for these cost items approximately as much as it took us in recent months last year, then gradually increase the amounts adjusted for inflation. We plan more utility bills during the heating season, less in the summer, we take into account the upcoming increase in tariffs.

We add mandatory contingencies (if there are none, great, our financial plan will be overfulfilled, but if they arise, funds for them will always be available), we leave small monthly expenses for recreation and entertainment. It remains for us to plan the purchase of clothes and shoes: we plan it for those months that allow us to do this, in which expenses on other items are minimal and a large funded balance is formed.

Everything, our personal financial plan for the year is ready! To compose it, I needed no more than half an hour. Then it remains to follow the planned plan, enter the actual data for the results of each month, taken from home accounting, and implement the financial goals set.

Having implemented their personal financial plan in the example, our hypothetical family in the next year:

  • Completely pay off the loan (45 thousand den. units);
  • Will increase his savings (by 90 thousand den. units);
  • Make repairs (for 100 thousand den. units);
  • Goes to rest on vacation (for 200 thousand den. units);
  • Replenish stocks of clothes and shoes (for 80 thousand den. Units).

At the same time, she will always have the necessary funds for food, utilities and other current expenses. At the end of the year, a positive balance of 20 thousand den is formed. units And in the absence of unforeseen expenses, the financial plan will even be overfulfilled (in addition, up to 42 thousand more den. units will be released).

Now you know how to make a financial plan for the year. You can do this, like me, in Excel or another spreadsheet editor (this is convenient, because you can fill in all the necessary formulas to automate calculations), in your own, even just on paper, if all of the above is hard for you. Just in this case, you will have to spend more time on the calculations, but the financial plan will still be created.

I wish you successful financial planning, and most importantly, successful implementation of the financial plan drawn up. Remember that planning finances is always better than not planning: this way you can achieve more by spending less, achieve your financial goals, pay off your debts faster, create the necessary savings faster, systematize and streamline, eliminate situations of lack of money for something important and necessary.

Join the number of regular readers and get even more useful information which will teach you how to properly handle personal finances. Until we meet again on the pages of the site!

Successful business development largely depends on adequate planning. This is especially true for enterprises that are new market players. It is important for their founders, firstly, to competently occupy their niche, secondly, to form a sustainable business model, and thirdly, to ensure the investment attractiveness of the company, as well as high credit ratings. All these problems can be solved by competent planning. How is the financial plan prepared? What is the nature of this source?

Main components of a financial plan

A financial plan is a set of documents. In general, it consists of:

Forecast on sales volumes;

Balance of revenue and expenses;

Schedule of estimated profitability;

Accounting balance.

Of course, in the methodology of individual enterprises, the principles for the formation of the corresponding source may differ significantly from this scheme. But it is widespread among Russian businesses. Let us consider the specifics of each of the noted components of the financial plan in more detail.

Sales forecast

This document involves, in fact, a study of the market segment in which the company operates and the subsequent determination of the size of its share, which, most likely, the company will be able to occupy. As a rule, the financial plan in this part is drawn up for several years in advance - for example, for 3 years. At the same time, the expected growth for the first year can be calculated on a monthly basis (since in this case, forecasts based on a study of current factors are likely to be very close to reality).

Estimated Profit Graph

The financial plan is largely related to forecasts. If the relevant sales document is intended to help shape revenue expectations, then the source under consideration is directly related to profit. That is, when it is calculated, forecasts for costs are also made.

Balance of revenue and expenses

This document is important from the point of view that the leaders of the company need to know which expenses and at what point in time will assume a return within the framework of current activities, and which will pay for themselves over time. Another function of the balance of revenue and expenses is to estimate the amount of costs necessary to achieve the required turnover (for example, sufficient in terms of the company's current obligations - credit, management, etc.). As a rule, the document in question is supplemented by a table that reflects the ratio of costs and income.

There is an official name for the corresponding component of the financial plan - "Profit and Loss Statement". It is part of the financial statements that the company must submit to government bodies Therefore, its formation is mandatory for many businesses. At the same time, the corresponding document is the most important in terms of drawing up a financial plan. It contains valuable and informative information that reflects the effectiveness of the company's business model.

Of course, the development of a company's financial plan may involve the formation of a balance of revenue and expenses in forms that differ significantly from the "Profit and Loss Statement". It can be more detailed or, conversely, less complex. However, the official form of the Profit and Loss Statement is considered by many entrepreneurs to be quite logical and informative, and therefore is widely used in business.

Balance sheet

This document, like the previous one, belongs to the official category. The enterprise must form it not only as part of the financial plan, but also as a necessary element of reporting provided to the Federal Tax Service. At the same time, the balance sheet is an important element of forecasting. Based on the figures that it reflects, management can analyze how effectively the company worked in the reporting period, and adjust the business development strategy if necessary. The balance sheet is one of the most detailed documents characterizing the activities of the enterprise. Through it, financial accounting is carried out. The chart of accounts of the balance sheet is an obligatory component of the activities of specialists of the relevant departments of the company dealing with monetary issues.

The document in question, as a rule, is created by enterprises without any special differences from the official form approved by the laws of the Russian Federation (although, as in the case of the profit and loss balance, the company has the right to determine its own criteria for the formation of the corresponding source). The legislator of the Russian Federation, therefore, has developed a fairly well-thought-out, logical and informative structure of the balance sheet, and companies are willing to use it not only in fulfilling reporting obligations, but also in the process of creating internal corporate financial plans.

It can be noted that the use of forms approved by the state is mandatory for budget institutions. So, every year, the relevant organizations, as a rule, are given the task of submitting a plan of financial and economic activity to a higher authority. It can be considered as an analogue of the corresponding document for private enterprises. Moreover, many businesses form a financial and economic plan based on the structure of the noted source developed by the state. But if reporting procedures do not require it, a private enterprise has the right to create documents according to its own concept.

So, the creation of a financial plan for the development of a corporation involves, first of all, the formation of four key sources. What is the best order to develop them? Let's try to form step by step instructions, which reflects the algorithm for creating a financial plan recommended by market experts.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing up a financial plan: main steps

Many specialists in the field of corporate governance consider it right, however, to start work not with the formation of any of the noted documents, but with another source - a financing strategy. It thus precedes the creation of any of the four components of the plan noted above, which in question.

The next stage, within which a financial plan can be drawn up, is the development of a sales forecast. The fact is that the calculation of revenue is a procedure based on information that is more accessible in most cases than an analysis of possible costs. As a rule, a new enterprise enters an already existing market segment, the dynamics of demand in which is generally known to all players. From here you can calculate what sales volumes can be in relation to certain terms.

Once you have your sales forecast, it's time to work on the estimated profitability chart. Thus, the organization's management will have to work to identify, in turn, the likely dynamics of the organization's costs in relation to a particular period.

Having at your disposal revenue and profit forecasts, as well as actual figures reflecting commercial activities, you can form a balance sheet that takes into account relevant indicators. This document is more statistical, it records financial transactions that have already been completed. A similar function is performed by the balance sheet. Most often, it is formed simultaneously with the document in which profits and losses are recorded - largely because both of them together form, as we noted above, the financial statements that the enterprise must submit to government agencies.

Stages of drawing up a financial plan

So, the preparation of a financial plan can be carried out within the following main stages:

1. Defining a funding strategy.

2. Formation of revenue forecasts.

3. Determining the dynamics of costs.

4. Fixing the results of the company's activities in the balance of revenue and costs ("Profit and Loss Statement"), as well as in the balance sheet.

Of course, the noted structure of the formation of the source in question may be different. Thus, it is logical to assume that the financial plan of an organization that has just entered the market will not initially contain data on profits and losses, as well as a balance sheet. Relevant components will be added to it later.

It may well be that the balance, reflecting revenues and costs, will be supplemented not only by statistical, but also by forecast data. An organization's financial plan may suggest such a need if, again, the firm is just entering the market, and investors have a need to obtain as much detail as possible about its business model.

What information should be reflected in the marked sources - documents that form the financial plan of the organization? Let's consider the aspect concerning its content.

What should a financial plan include? As we noted above, it can consist of four key sources. They are also complemented by a funding strategy. Let us consider the content of the plan in relation to the sources, the essence of which we have considered above.

The financial plan of the enterprise is recommended to start with a strategy for acquiring and distributing the necessary capital. What should be included in this document? Its recommended structure assumes the presence of the following main sections in it:

Determining sources of revenue;

Formation of the spectrum of necessary expenses;

Identification of channels for attracting additional capital (through loans, investments);

Formation of key principles of interaction with the state (selection and justification of the organizational and legal form, taxation regime).

The revenue forecast involves the preparation of a document that will reflect:

Identification of key profit channels (for example, the sale of specific types of goods that are in the highest demand);

Identification of factors affecting sales dynamics (season, currency fluctuations, regulators' policy);

Formation of a forecast for revenue in relation to certain periods (month, quarter, year and other periods).

The graph showing the dynamics of expenses suggests a very similar structure:

Identification of key cost items (for example, wages, raw materials, transport services);

Identification of factors affecting costs;

Formation of forecasts for expenses.

In turn, the balance of revenue and costs, as well as financial statements, have a rather complex structure (if they are based on forms approved by the state). The purpose of these documents is to identify how effective the current business model of the organization is, to determine how profitable the company is in a particular billing period.

It is possible that the management of the enterprise will decide to use the official forms of the profit and loss account, as well as the balance sheet. In this case, to fill them out, you will need access to the records of the movement of capital in the company, to the postings. So, it will be necessary to examine the chart of accounts of the financial and economic activities of the company. The data for filling in the marked forms is mainly taken from there. The chart of accounts of financial activities must, of course, be correctly drawn up. This is guaranteed by its standardization - at the level of federal legal acts.

What to look for when drawing up a financial plan?

So, we have studied what a financial plan of an enterprise is and in accordance with what algorithms it can be developed. Let us now consider the key nuances that are useful to pay attention to when compiling the components of this source.

The first thing to note is that the financial plan is one of many documents that are drawn up in order to optimize the organization's development model. It can complement other sources. Most often, it is an integral component, and at the same time a very important, larger document - a business plan. Its main function in this case is to form an idea among the founders of the organization, investors or creditors about the prospects for the commercial activities of a particular enterprise. The financial activity plan, as we noted above, will include data on revenue, costs, as well as statistical data reflecting them. All this information is needed by business founders and their partners.

The main thing is to reflect in the document what will be the main factors affecting the receipt and distribution of capital, how to recognize them in a timely manner and adapt the business model of the enterprise to possible changes. The plan of the financial and economic activity of the company allows you to determine the so-called "break-even point" of the company - the moment from which the revenue consistently exceeds the costs (in another interpretation - when the return of the established part of the investment is made).

Forecasting income and expenses is usually formed for several years - most often for 3 years. As we noted above, in the first year, you can distribute the corresponding indicators monthly. In the structure of income and expenses, those that are characterized by high stability or, conversely, volatility can be additionally distinguished. For example, with regard to the costs of the first type, it could be rent in accordance with the contract. Volatile spending can be associated with the import of goods from abroad. Their value may change due to changes in the exchange rate of the ruble in the foreign exchange market.

When drawing up a financial plan, one should pay closer attention, according to some researchers, not to the production aspect, but to the marketing one. A company can develop a completely unique, technological product, but the company's business model will be ineffective due to an insufficiently capacious sales market for the corresponding product at the prices that are included in the business plan as guaranteeing the profitability of the enterprise. The solution of the corresponding problem may involve not only financial analysis, but also the involvement, as an option, sociological methods- surveys, communication with potential consumers on the Internet in order to identify their buying sentiment, demand potential.

In principle, when drawing up an algorithm for obtaining and distributing capital, one should not neglect promotion costs that are not directly related to production costs. It may well turn out that in order to occupy the necessary niche in the market, the enterprise will need to invest heavily in advertising - so that more target consumers know about the brand.

When drawing up financial plans, it is necessary to act in conditions of access to relevant sources of legislation. You need to be aware of the latest legal news. The legislator can quite significantly change, relatively speaking, the tax rate. The task of the company's management is to find out about this in time and make the necessary adjustments to the financial plan.

Also, you should not plan savings on staff salaries. Initially, it is recommended that, if possible, it is recommended to budget for the company, firstly, the size of the staff, which is larger than may be required, based on profitability criteria, in order to increase the overall productivity of the enterprise, if necessary. short time, and secondly, a sufficiently high amount of labor compensation. The organization must be attractive to the best specialists of the market segment in which it operates.

Who should develop the financial plan?

Who develops the organization's financial plans? In practice, it can be both ordinary specialists with the necessary competencies and managers. It is quite possible that the development of the corresponding plan will be outsourced. Which of the noted mechanisms for compiling an algorithm for obtaining and distributing capital is the most effective?

There are many points of view on this matter. Some researchers believe that the long-term part of the plan should be trusted to those employees who have access to strategic information. For example, this may be information about the specifics of the company's loans. Most likely, such employees will be people from among the top managers of the enterprise. In turn, the monthly periods of financial plans, perhaps, can best be worked out by specialists who understand in detail the specifics of specific production sites. They will not need to know information of a strategic nature. But their competence in terms of detailing business processes will probably be even higher than that of the company's management.

What is better - when the financial plan of the institution is developed by full-time specialists, or a scheme in which the solution of the corresponding task is outsourced? It depends on many factors. Many enterprises do not trust outsourcing schemes too much due to the use of secret technologies, drawings, and materials in production. Those firms that see their competitive advantage not in unique developments, but in an effective business model, in many cases willingly agree to such cooperation mechanisms. Thus, competent, experienced specialists are involved in the preparation of business plans - albeit freelance ones. So, if these are accountants, then they, in particular, will always be able to properly take into account the chart of accounts of financial and economic activities, with which an unprepared specialist may have problems.

How to make money in an online casino and withdraw real money what profitable strategies exist. Efficient bankroll management, the right approach to betting.

For the time being, gamblers have fun playing in demo mode without depositing their own funds. But soon many begin to want to receive prize money. Then the question arises of how to make money in a casino. There is a chance to get big rewards both for those who closely monitor their results and adhere to a strategy, and for those who change the bet solely under the influence of intuition prompts.

In which online casino on the Internet you can earn money?

When choosing a club, pay attention to its reputation. So, the free casino Vulkan is distinguished by the fact that it regularly pays prize money and has an impressive set of online slots in its assortment. You can choose another club, but it is important that he honestly follow the rules that can be found on their website. And these rules themselves should allow gamers to win.

The main answer, if you are interested in how to make money in a casino, is to leave on time. Even a small win is preferable to the amount you came with (if it was less), and even large prizes are easy to lose if you don't stop in time. This is what allows experienced gamblers to generally remain in the black.

Thinking about how to make money in a casino, you can detail this approach. So, if you are ready to spend a certain amount, then it is not necessary to do it on one machine. You can set a limit for yourself, which can be "wasted" spent on one slot. And if this threshold is passed, move on to another emulator.

If you are interested in playing with a progressive jackpot, then start when its amount has grown enough. As long as the prize is very small, it is useless to spend large amounts by setting the maximum bet. Start when the jackpot is already approaching a million. At this moment, the answer to the riddle of how to make money in an online casino will be closest to you.

Effective ways to make money at the casino

Beginners especially want to find out how to make money in online casinos. After all, it is at first that you can lose quite significant resources. At the same time, at the very beginning there is a chance to win a lot. Not everyone, but many experienced players note that the words that “beginners are lucky” are not so far from the truth. Many of the experienced gamblers started their gambling history with large prizes, which tied them to the world of excitement for a long time.

Therefore, for those who are taking the first steps, you can start by simply setting a limit on the amount that you cannot lose and start. How to make money in an online casino, you will learn by gaining some experience. But right now, while your experience is minimal, there are chances to hit the big jackpot. Again, don't get carried away. I managed to win - it's time to stop.

One more important point– master any slot machine, poker or blackjack for free. Knowing the rules will help you understand what is happening on the screen, make the right moves and make the right decisions.

The gambling establishment itself also has its own characteristics. It doesn't hurt to know more about them. Find out how the withdrawal takes place, what is needed to wager the bonus, so that it does not turn out that it was won in Totem Island or another machine large sum, but it is not yet possible to remove it.

There are many strategies that answer the question of how to make money in online casinos. The "Up the stairs" approach is one of the most popular. Its essence is to determine the minimum value below which the rate will not fall. You should start with him. Managed to win - double the expense. Reduce your bet if you lose. This method is good for a wave of luck when you get winning combinations several times in succession.

Another strategy on how to make money in online casinos involves not mathematical basis. Based on the fact that "beginners are lucky", bet a lot in the very first game. Many people think that the first launch allows you to win big.

If, when choosing ways to make money in an online casino, you chose the maximum bet on the first run, then still consider the amount of funds on hand. It is desirable that there is enough for several machines. In other strategies, the amount of the bet should not exceed 3-5% of the entire bankroll.

It's very important to experiment. That's the only way to understandhow to make money in online casino without investmentand stay in the black after making a deposit.