French roulette. Description of the rate "neighbors"

Every year, in December, Yandex and Google compile topics and ratings of the year. But these are not the most popular queries, which reflect the choice of users for the whole year.

The Yandex blog says that “Themes of the year” is not what was asked a lot in general, but what caused the greatest surge of interest. In the lists of events, people and phenomena that have become signs of the outgoing year, for a number of years there will always be top news, new phenomena, championships, regular seasons of popular TV shows, etc.

This is clearly shown in the Google video - Year in Search 2018

"Events of the Year":

  1. Soccer World Cup
  2. Olympics
  3. Kemerovo
  4. Khabib vs McGregor fight
  5. Russian presidential elections
  6. Kerch
  7. Ice Hockey World Championship
  8. An-148
  9. Prince Harry's wedding
  10. Eclipse July 27


  1. Khabib Nurmagomedov
  2. Meghan Markle
  3. Nastya Rybka
  4. Pavel Grudinin
  5. President of Croatia
  6. Alexander Kokorin
  7. Alina Zagitova
  8. Elon Musk
  9. Conor McGregor
  10. coin

"How to become":

  1. blogger
  2. Model
  3. election observer
  4. programmer
  5. astronaut
  6. Judge
  7. Volunteer
  8. fitness trainer
  9. Photographer
  10. flight attendant

The lists are based on the search queries that saw the biggest increase in traffic this year compared to last year.

Features of Keyword Statistics

  • Wordstat.Yandex in its forecasts may take into account events that are no longer relevant for a given month. For example, in February, even compared to December 2017, a large increase in the number of impressions for congratulations on the New Year was expected, in March - for the holiday of February 23.
  • With the word "family" almost 30% of impressions are on the socio-political website "7x7" (family of seven) and the film "family of seven".
  • Most of the requests may refer to a completely different topic. For example, with the word "cure" most often searched for the film "The Maze Runner: The Cure for Death", "the sea" - the cartoon "Monsters on Vacation 3: The Sea Calls".
  • Instagram is searched mainly for the beginning of this word: "instagram", "instagram". Most Interest calls Instagram Buzova and Borodina.
  • Yandex considers the words "children" and "child" the same, the statistics for them are the same.
  • "Dom" - in the first place is the series "Dom 2", "Dacha" - radio dacha, listen to dacha, dacha online, etc.
  • Oddly enough, "YouTube" along with "youtube" is not even included in the TOP 10 most popular queries.
  • With the word "Internet" most impressions are for "online store".
  • The largest number of impressions is given not by "car", but by "auto"; not "dentistry", but "teeth"; not "social network", but "social network".
  • Judging by the statistics, many users want to get a computer, laptop, tablet for free.
  • More than a quarter of all requests with the word "fish" do not refer to its preparation: a horoscope of a fish, a photo of a fish, what a fish dreams of, etc.

User activity on the Internet depends on the time of year, current events and a number of other factors, and therefore the number of keyword searches is constantly changing.

Distribution of requests by time of day

People are looking for something on the Internet around the clock. In terms of the total number of requests, three topics almost always lead: school, cinema and porn.

Yandex identified characteristic topics - those that are more interested during the day than on average (for the period January - May 2017).

In the morning (after 6 o’clock), the first thing they do is ask about the weather, find out the meaning of their dreams and congratulate each other on different holidays. Between 8 and 9 they are still trying to deal with personal matters.

From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., working and near-work topics are most typical for the search - law, business, production (GOSTs, safety standards, product classifiers). Along with work, people are looking for answers to various questions related to money and government services - paperwork, payments, and more.

At about 15:00, the first non-working topic appears among the most popular search topics - games. After 17 hours, there are no more working topics. At this time, interest in games reaches its peak, and they also begin to look for culinary recipes and cartoons. Schoolchildren are accepted for homework.

At 22:00 there are requests for beauty and health, celebrities and sports. Before midnight, the most frequent search topic is cinema. At night, interest in cinema remains, but porn and intimate services become the most relevant - until 5-6 in the morning.

Search on computers, tablets and phones

Most searched queries on google

Click a line to find out more

A survey conducted in January 2016 by the fund " Public opinion” showed that 87% of Internet users use social networks, of which 51% have accounts in several online communities. 13% do not use social networks.

News on the Internet

80% of Russian Internet users for last month read the news on the internet.

Of greatest interest are events in the world, politics in Russia, the activities of the Russian authorities, international relations and family, children, home.

48% of respondents trust information messages received from the Internet.


According to Yandex search data (March - May 2017), the number of search queries about children depends on their age and ranges from 400 thousand per month (children under one year old) to 60 thousand (children 10 years old). Requests that indicate the age of the child and briefly describe the problem or question that has arisen, for example, [tantrums in a child of 2 years what to do] or [how to dress a child of 7 months in spring] are asked more than 1.7 million times a month.


The topic "health" is devoted to more than 4% of search queries, almost 7.5 million per day. Every minute Yandex is asked about health more than 5 thousand times. The three biggest medical topics are related to finding information about drugs, about diseases and symptoms, about clinics and doctors. Many topics intersect with each other - because they often ask at the same time, for example, about diseases and nutrition, pregnancy and vitamins, symptoms and medications.

Named one of the 25 most influential people on the internet by Time magazine.

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Does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the materials provided. Before making any decisions, check the information from official sources.
. On such sites, personal information may be collected or requested from the user, and other actions may also be performed.

The latest top ranking of Yandex queries was presented at the beginning of 2015. Based on it, we can conclude that Russians are most interested in porn and social networks, since requests related to the words "sex", "porn", "vkontakte" and "classmates" are leading in the top. But in addition to people who are preoccupied with sex and social networks, millions of other fellow citizens use search engines. What are the most searched on the Internet?

Usually the search engine is used in several cases. For example, some people use it as a navigator on the Web: the name of a service or site is entered in the search box, and after issuing the user goes to the resource. Hence the popularity of such requests as Avito, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki. A certain part of users use a search engine to find content on the Internet, then download video and audio files, etc. For some people, the search engine is a referral agency.

As for the type of content, the most search engine users are interested in videos. In second place in the top ranking of content search queries is music, followed by textual information (books, lyrics, articles).

But the frequency of certain requests also depends on the size of the settlement. So, for example, in large cities, users are more likely to be interested in places of recreation, various institutions and organizations, because they are more difficult to find in a metropolis. Moreover, residents of million-plus cities are more interested in services and goods, and citizens of small settlements are more interested in entertainment. This is due to the fact that people from metropolitan areas use the Internet mainly for work, while the interests of provincial residents are more focused on recreation and leisure.

However, the frequency of requests depends not only on the location of the user, but also on his gender. For example, women ask questions in the form of questions, using long sentences and question marks. At the same time, they make fewer mistakes, because they often simply copy a ready-made offer into the search line. Men, in turn, ask the search engine for a specific action without any additional words (how, why, what) and signs.

The interests of men and women in the top search rankings also differ. The male gender is more interested in "sports", "cars", "IT and computer games". Women are concerned about family issues, children and job search. At the same time, women often use city names and names of flowers in queries, while men use Latin and numbers. But the main difference between the sexes when searching for information is that men spend much less time searching than the beautiful half of humanity.

Recently, users are increasingly interested in making money on the Internet due to the unstable economic situation in the country. Also, a surge in requests may occur in connection with any event of a national and global scale. For example, in the winter of 2014, millions of Internet users were interested in the Sochi Olympics from search engines.

Every year search engines improve their algorithms. Search engines adapt to human requests and try to provide ready-made material immediately, and not a link to any site. Undoubtedly, this approach of the search engine allows users to save time when finding information. The war between the search giants flared up with renewed vigor in the 21st century, and no one knows who will emerge victorious from it.

Yandex started in the late 1980s. And today it is one of the most popular among search services. The main feature of the named search engine is that it searches keywords without taking into account the number of parts of speech and prepositions used in them. Gives sites on demand, based only on keywords. For users, this feature is very convenient, but the analysis of requests in Yandex becomes more problematic.

In addition to the currently popular Google and the named search engine, Rambler is also used. It is more accurate in terms of search queries, but less popular.

What is "Yandex Wordstat"?

This special service was created by Yandex for webmasters and optimizers. This system helps to create the semantic core of the site and choose the right keywords for each new article that you publish on your site. And this significantly increases the number of visits.

In addition, Wordstat helps to assess the competitiveness of your online resource.

By registering in the mentioned system, you will be able to find the most popular queries by selecting keywords.

The system provides information about requests within a month. By entering the word and phrase you need in the thematic field, you can filter the results by region.

During the selection of queries, you can use special operators that facilitate the search.

Most wanted

In 2012, a list was created of the top five topics that people most often search for on the Internet. Ryan Dube, an SEO with a decade of experience, helped compile this list.

These results cover the entire world population. Let's take a look at them:

  1. So, in the first place were the requests of children and adolescents. Here are questions why parents forbid something, and how to kiss a girl for the first time. Many topics that children and teenagers are embarrassed to discuss with adults. However, this is quite a healthy interest, and you should not be afraid of it, experts say. Although kids should think about how to clear requests in Yandex before parents find out what questions are swarming in the heads of their children.
  2. The next topic raises doubts about mental health most people. These are scenes of rape and torture. As they say, no comment.
  3. In third place is the question "How?" with many variations. How to build, plant, cook?
  4. In fourth place are purely female questions: how to seduce a man, lose weight, remain attractive and desirable?
  5. And of course, many people read articles on the topic of certain diseases. Many of us prefer a quality doctor's consultation text. Symptoms that seem to us to be a manifestation of a non-serious disease, we usually look for on the Internet.

These query statistics in Yandex help you decide on the choice of content if you are looking for a topic to create and develop your own project. It is worth focusing on it when choosing a topic for a new blog.

The most frequent request in "Yandex"

Probably, many Internet users once wondered: what queries are entered into search engines? People work with sites of various subjects, develop online stores and companies, and, as a rule, their search activity is based on this. The special Yandex system helps to track which issues most often concern users. So, what is the most frequent request in Yandex?

A large number of users decides working moments. The rest are mainly concerned with urgent matters that are related to personal petty needs - to eat, play, watch and, of course, talk. Below are the results obtained within one month.

world online

Nowadays, people do almost everything on the Internet - work, study, shop. Fortunately, their percentage is not so great that the streets of cities are empty. But at the same time, the most popular query in Yandex contains the word "site". This includes mainly website promotion (as many as 146,000,000 requests per month!). Some are looking for specialists to promote their own sites, while others are trying to master this skill on their own. After all, a well-developed site brings a good income.

This is especially true for online stores. And they are next on the list. Users actively make purchases via the Internet, ranging from underwear to large appliances. The number of online stores is growing steadily. Many create their own and work only through the Internet, others increase the number of sales by creating a catalog.

Ad sites are no less in demand. Among them, the leader is OLX, formerly called "Slando".

Facebook and VKontakte

Facebook is also one of the most frequent queries in Yandex. It is one of the ten most popular social networks in the world. He was accompanied by YouTube, VKontakte, Twitter, Weibo and others. The number of users is about 1.4 billion. At the same time, 160 million are citizens of the USA, Brazil, Turkey, Great Britain, and Mexico.

With the decline in the popularity of VKontakte, which Russian-speaking users used to like much more, the demand for Facebook has increased significantly. But at the same time, VKontakte is trying not to give up its positions. This is the only Russian site that took 8th place in the top ten most popular social networks in the world. More than 228 million users from many Russian-speaking countries are registered here. Despite the ban on VKontakte in Ukraine, many Ukrainians continue to actively visit this site. Therefore, one of the most frequent queries in Yandex looks like "my page" VKontakte "".

And since our population loves to communicate with foreigners (including through special dating sites), the next most frequent request is "translator". By the way, many foreign students are registered on the VKontakte network who communicate with Russian-speaking friends. Both interlocutors in this case are forced to use an interpreter.

Cause time - fun hour

The most interesting thing is that the number of requests with the word "game" totals 75,984,283 times a month. Most of the requests relate to the popular game "Tanks", which is especially fond of men, and to children's online games for boys and girls. They allow you to keep the child busy during household chores.

Slightly less than games, they look for movies to download or watch online. It is noteworthy that when you enter the word "love" into the search engine, it immediately gives out films in the genre of drama or melodrama. Mostly Turkish.

What do people prefer to watch? A greater number of requests in Yandex indicates that they most often watch shows (like "Kitchen" and "The Bachelor"), as well as American films. Most often they belong to the fantasy genre. Series are no less in demand - both Russian and Ukrainian, as well as American.

Urgent problems

The following requests in "Yandex", according to statistics, relate to news, calculation of the amount on the calculator, weather forecast for tomorrow. The weather forecast, by the way, is often correct.

And of course, the horoscope. "Yandex" provides a huge number of sites with horoscopes for today, tomorrow and for a month. Not far from the horoscopes, according to the frequency of requests, there is also a dream book.


Fortunately, not only films are downloaded, but also literature. And not only swing. It is often read online. I am glad that reading literature is still a popular activity for young people. Currently, you can read books online on several sites for free - Litmir, Loveread, Knizhnik, etc.

It is noteworthy that the top three most popular genres of literature are women's novels about love. These include historical, modern and even fantasy. The number of love-fiction novels is growing every day.

The Russian detective is also very popular. If foreign ones are rarely read in our country, then Russian detectives, including female ones (many of them have a fair amount of humor), are searched in Yandex very often. They are read online, downloaded, bought in online stores.


The question "why" is one of the most popular queries in Yandex and Google. Most are interested in why this or that organ hurts. A huge number of requests in "Yandex" while focused on headaches, back pain and swelling of the legs.

a little less people not interested in health, but in relationships with the opposite sex - "why is he ..." or "why is she ...". And here the variations of questions differ - these can be betrayals, difficulties in mutual understanding and unpleasant situations in which the partner showed himself from the worst side. The history of requests in Yandex shows that such issues are usually discussed on the forums.

In addition, the following questions are often driven into the search engine:

  • "Why am I stupid?"
  • "Why can't I lose weight?"
  • "Why am I an idiot?"

Usually discussion of such problems takes place on the forums.


The search history in Yandex is incredibly voluminous, and it is incredibly difficult to cover all popular topics. But we tried to describe the most popular queries that are of interest to the Russian-speaking population in the Internet space. We hope the information was useful to you.

Of all the events in 2017, Google users searched for the 2018 FIFA World Cup draws the most. On December 13, Google introduced the "Year in Search" project, in which it collected information about the fastest growing user queries in the outgoing year.

Events and phenomena

Among the events and phenomena, in addition to the draw for the 2018 World Cup, there are several other sports topics - the Ice Hockey World Championship, last summer the football Confederations Cup and the sensational boxing match between Floyd Mayweather and Conor McGregor. The entire top ten looks like this:


Internet users often respond to death famous people. So this year, many personalities who have made a huge contribution to art, music, theater and cinema have passed away. Most of all, Google users searched for information about Vera Glagoleva, Dmitry Maryanov and American rock musician, Linkin Park vocalist Chester Bennington.

How to start a new life

Internet users use a search engine to keep up with life and keep abreast of all new trends. That is why very often this year they looked for the meaning of words such as "hype", "bitcoin" or "eschkere" (you will still find it in the top 10 memes).

And having learned a lot of new things, people thought about how to change their lives. As Google research shows, these plans are often quite ambitious. After learning what bitcoin is, people begin to wonder how to mine it or how to start their own business. However, there are among the requests and eternal themes, for example, how to start a conversation with a girl.

Internet memes

Every year the Internet gives birth to new memes. At the beginning of 2017, Zhdun became the most popular Runet character. Margriet van Brevoort, a Dutch artist who created a sculpture with the head of a sea elephant, did not think that her creation would be so famous in Russia. The phrase "This is a fiasco, bro" became popular after the publication of a viral video in which a Shiba Inu dog falls into the water. The phrase has become synonymous with failure.

The other seven items on this list are also very interesting stories origin.

Rap artists

And of course, summing up the year, it's hard not to mention rap culture. This genre is actively gaining popularity, many people know the names of rappers even though they have not heard a single song and have not seen a single battle (if you don’t know what it is, right now type the phrase “What is a rap battle” into the search bar) . The battles themselves are gaining tens of millions of views. And this is what the top ten most popular rappers according to Google search users look like.

The Yandex search engine receives more than one hundred million requests every day. What are they looking for on the Internet? About half of these requests are entered in ten cities of Russia: these are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk. Users of these cities launch 18.5 million search sessions, the duration of which, in general, would be 100 years.

On average, a person spends two minutes creating a query and viewing search results. Queries consisting of three or more words have become more popular, much less often a query consists of one word. The most verbose Yandex queries are five-word queries.

Most often, users turn to the Yandex search engine - 82.7%, then to Search Mail - 36.3% and Rambler - 20.3%. Users different cities and regions are most often requested by large portals of the region, unknown in other cities.

What are the most searched on the Internet? In the search engines Yandex, QIP and Search Mail, the most popular requests are requests for social networks. The majority of users visit them constantly. In terms of popularity, requests with the word “porn” follow, the number of such requests is clearly not decreasing.

Top 10 search queries on Yandex:

  1. In contact with
  2. Classmates
  4. Porn
  5. Vkontakte entrance to the site
  6. Vkontakte input
  7. Auto RU
  8. porn online
  9. My world
  10. Games for girls

Google also has its own TOP 10 search terms:

  1. Download
  2. Classmates
  3. In contact with
  4. Free download
  5. In contact with
  6. Yandex
  7. Weather
  8. Interpreter
  9. Programs

There are Yandex.Wordstat and Google.Adsense resources where you can view and estimate the number of ad impressions in Yandex.Direct, all information is based on user requests. The service works to identify popular topics: the more popular the topic, the more users will be interested in it.

What are they looking for on the internet right now?

What questions are asked most often? Most often, users start a question query with: how much, what, or who. Such questions are used most of all, they are asked every day to all search programs: why do we need men, how to kiss properly, where to go to study, what is love, where do children come from, where to buy, whose phone number, when will they open, how much does a wedding cost, why Putin is a crab , what a holiday today, who wants to become a millionaire.

About 10% of requests have clarifications or direct instructions - to sell, buy or receive something.

The most common clarifications by far are requests to download and free of charge.

Every year the number of Internet users is growing inexorably, so there is always a question of how to interest and attract people, what resources are popular and in demand. Studies have shown that, first of all, queries in various search engines depend on the age of the user.

What are often searched on the Internet

For example, young people aged 12-17 are most often interested in programming, computer technology, games, payment systems, cars, cell phones, and various opportunities. modern technologies and earning at home. In the age category of 18-24 years old, social networks, chatting, website development and optimization, games (strategies, quests), music and mobile devices are added to all this.

Unlike guys, girls are interested in curricula, fashion, music, social networks, cosmetics, series, TV projects, nail extensions and other things.

In the older age group, the Internet is used as widely as among young people. What are people looking for on the internet? Many are interested in dating, with the help of which they are looking for a mate for a serious relationship. Some are looking for new movies, listening online music, online shopping is also popular.

Regardless of position and age, users often request the social networks Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte.