Is the Queen of Spades coming? Who is the lady of spades? Where did this mystical character come from? What does the Queen of Spades look like - the opinion of parapsychologists


Many believe that the night from the thirty-first of October to the first of November is unusual. The line between this world and the other world is thinning. As a result, various entities, both good and evil, can pass through it and appear to people. Of course, this is fraught with certain consequences, which modern filmmakers love to make horror films about.

However, this never stopped thrill-seekers. On the night when it is customary to celebrate, many are taken to seances and conduct various rituals with which you can or, for example, The Queen of Spades.

Queen of Spades: myth or reality?

It's no secret that the Queen of Spades is one of the card pieces. It is generally accepted that it is associated with Evil. Fortune tellers usually say that this card means the presence of an ill-wisher or even an enemy. It is traditionally associated with malice and other troubles. When they perform dark rites and cause damage, witches turn to her for help. And relying on this figure in good deeds is not worth it.

Many children and even adults sincerely believe in the Queen of Spades. There are many about her mystical stories which are breathtaking. They are loved to tell each other by kids and teenagers, sitting near fires or in dark rooms while relaxing in camps. Sometimes the guys even try to summon the Queen of Spades, using the most unexpected ways.

From time immemorial, it was believed that even an entity that does not exist in nature can be created by a collective consciousness. You just need to believe very strongly. Based on this belief, it can be assumed that now the Queen of Spades is absolutely real and really capable of responding to the call. Especially if her name is someone who initially has psychic abilities, or children who, by definition, have strong energy and are able to literally work miracles if they sincerely want to.

Thus, it is possible to call the Queen of Spades, for which there is a lot of evidence. Question: is it necessary?

How did the Queen of Spades come about? Legend of the Four Kingdoms

According to legend, there is a kind of fabulous card kingdom located in Through the Looking Glass. It consists of four great states. In the distant past, they lived in peace and harmony, traded and had strong diplomatic ties. At Tambourine, Clubs, Hearts And Peak had their own customs and traditions. And everything seemed to be going just fine, except for one circumstance.

The inhabitants of the Red Country and the inhabitants of the Peak State hated each other with every fiber of their soul. And although the kings tried to remain neutral and even called each other friends, the nobles and the common people weaved intrigues and plotted against those whom they called their enemies. And the reason for this hostility was that Hearts from time immemorial were considered the personification of Good. And it was they who believed that the Peaks were Evil in its purest form.

The Queen of Spades was not bad and had no evil thoughts. At least that's how it was in the beginning. But, like all her predecessors, she had to become the wife of the jack of her suit. The trouble is that her heart belonged to the handsome Heart, who was obliged to marry the Red Lady. Perhaps the girl could deal with it. But her betrothed, pursuing his own goals, advised her to kill her rival and find happiness.

After listening to the words that sounded too convincing, and with all her heart longing for love, the Queen of Spades made fatal mistake. She snuck into the palace where her rival lived and tried to commit murder. But the Jack of Spades betrayed his betrothed. He himself did not want to tie the knot with her, but dreamed of marrying a charmer living at the Court of Good. The failed murderer was captured and severely punished. How the Queen of Spades was killed is unknown. But, according to legend, in the morning they found the dead bodies of the Queen of Hearts and her Jack. They were both suffocated. This was the impetus for the start of the war, which broke out in all four countries.

So a young and beautiful girl who only wanted to love and be loved turned into a dark entity that cannot find peace until the end of time. Appearing at the call of a person from our world, she immediately sees her former enemies in the young men and women who dared to perform the ritual. Of course she wants to kill them. After all, it seems to the rushing spirit that this is the path to the desired and long-awaited peace.

What will happen if you call the Queen of Spades, and what are the consequences of the ritual?

Calling the Queen of Spades is quite simple, especially if there is someone with pronounced psychic abilities in the company of children or teenagers. It's not hard to send it back. It is much more difficult to respond adequately to any surprises, not to take the ritual too far and not fall into a stupor. If, along with the dark essence that was called, a couple of others appear, you need to remember that having banished to other world Her, you automatically get rid of her companions. To avoid the invasion of evil spirits, it is wiser to use a rite that does not use a mirror. True, there are few of them. After all, it is reflective surfaces that help to thin the edges and provide a passage between the worlds.

You can't let the Queen of Spades get close to you. She seeks to suffocate anyone who gets in her way. She must not be allowed to descend the stairs drawn in advance. We must not forget that sending evil spirits home may not work if you give them enough time to roam. In this case, they can stay in the house forever and cause a lot of trouble in the future.

And yet, the most common consequence of summoning the Queen of Spades is nightmares. They dream of almost all participants in the action, and this is completely normal.

How to call the Queen of Spades in your apartment?

Calling the Queen of Spades in your apartment is quite simple. Like most summoning rituals, this one should be performed when the clock strikes midnight. Everything you need to prepare should be in advance. You will need a mirror, lipstick (necessarily red), a napkin, a candle made from natural wax without additives, and a deck of cards that was recently purchased and has not had time to visit the game.

When the cherished hour comes, you need to turn off the light, draw on the mirror with lipstick a staircase of thirteen steps and a door with a handle, and then light a candle. After that, the one who conducts the ceremony should ask the Lady of Spades to come. The next few minutes will be waiting.

After that, the light will fade, the mirror will become darker, the candle will begin to smoke and crackle loudly, there will be a rustle of steps and sounds resembling laughter. And in the reflective surface will appear the silhouette of a woman who will try to go down the stairs.

She will be in a hurry. The medium must not allow the guest to cross the stairs. Therefore, if the goal is to ask something from the otherworldly entity, this must be done quickly. The question must be formulated in advance. It must be remembered that there can only be one.

After the Queen of Spades is returned to her world, which requires erasing the pattern on the mirror with a napkin, the card will have to be torn. You don't need to throw it away right away. First of all, you should go outside and burn it. And then you can get rid of the ashes.

Calling the Queen of Spades using the Corridor of Mirrors

Another way to call the Queen of Spades at home is called a corridor of mirrors. It is considered more reliable. But you need to be aware that it is much more dangerous. It is not necessary to perform this ritual at midnight. Here the main condition is complete darkness. If there are thick curtains on the windows, they will have to be moved. The light must be off.

The medium takes two mirrors and places them opposite each other. This creates a corridor. A lit candle is placed between reflective surfaces.

To carry out the call, you will have to repeat the same phrase six times. It sounds like this: "Queen of Spades, the one that lives in the mirror world, come to the dim light of my candle." Then several minutes must pass before the shadows thicken, the mirror darkens, there is a rustle and laughter, and then She appears.

To end the session, one of the mirrors must simply be moved. But it will have to be done quickly.

Is it possible to call the Queen of Spades at school?

Most of the time the guys spend within the walls of their Alma mater. Therefore, the question often arises of how to summon the dark essence of the Queen of Spades to school. After all, it is more interesting to do this in good company, and not in splendid isolation.

There are a number of problems that will have to be solved if you call the spirit in educational institution almost in broad daylight. However, it is still possible to call the Queen of Spades in this case. For the ceremony, a toilet in which a mirror hangs is suitable. It is here that you need to deliver everything you need in advance.

The main difficulty is that you have to wait until dusk. And this means that you can carry out the ritual in the fall or winter on an after-school or in a break between additional classes. You need to figure out a way to close the window with something and find where the light turns off. Otherwise, the spirit will be frightened and will not come to the call.

If too many people gather for the ritual, one of the teachers suddenly appears or just people who are not involved in the process, the Queen of Spades will get angry and will definitely punish the violators. In addition, in the turmoil it is easy to miss the moment when the drawing on the mirror needs to be erased. As a result, in the school, in addition to not always good-natured teachers, an evil entity will appear, which will certainly begin to mischief everyone.

Summon the dark essence of the Queen of Spades on the street

Recently, more and more attempts have been made to call the Queen of Spades on the street. To carry out the venture, you need to choose any tall house that has more than three floors. We'll have to wait until dark, but it's better to start the ritual at midnight. Beforehand, you should strongly perfume yourself so that the smell is persistent and can attract attention.

The medium must look out a dark window on the third floor. Ideally, no one should live in the apartment. In the worst case, you need to choose someone else's house. And you certainly should never stare at your own windows, even if they are very well located.

* * *

Regardless of where and under what conditions the Queen of Spades is invoked, care must be taken. This spirit rarely causes great trouble, but all sorts of misunderstandings can arise. Besides, jokes with otherworldly powers are always bad. Therefore, it is better to heed the advice of sorceresses and not resort to seances for the sake of fun or thrills.

Note! This article is not a guide to action: the material is purely for informational purposes.

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This story happened to my friend. I ask you in advance, never call the Queen of Spades, as Olesya did.
Before the events described here, we had a bachelorette party, where for some reason it occurred to me to tell about the Queen of Spades, I even offered to call her, but everyone refused. According to legend, the Queen of Spades can answer various questions, however, if she does not have a desire to kill you.
So, Olesya had a boyfriend, Pasha, whom she loved very, very much. On the Monday after the bachelorette party, our friend Luda asked us to meet after classes at the university. In the cafe, she said that it turns out that Pasha met with both her and Olesya at the same time, and today the guy made a choice in favor of Luda. Olesya instantly jumped out of the cafe, I followed her. But unfortunately, I couldn't catch up. I tried to call her, she didn't pick up the phone. Unfortunately, her parents left. I was already afraid that she would cut her veins or swallow pills because of Lyudina's lies. I myself did not know whether to believe Luda. But I could never have guessed what Olesya would come up with. Call the Queen of Spades to find out if Pasha cheated on her. I suppose that Olesya was in such pain that death did not frighten her. With scarlet lipstick, which Pasha loved so much, she drew on the mirror what was needed to call evil spirit. The Queen of Spades has arrived. Thin, pale, in some kind of white cassock, with sharp claws and jet-black hair. But the sight of Olesya did not frighten, she asked if the guy was cheating on her. The Queen of Spades answered yes. Olesya sobbed, covering her face with her hands. When she opened her eyes, the Queen of Spades was standing beside her. But Olesya was so hurt that she said:
-Kill me.
There was an ominous cold laugh. The spirit looked into the mirror. Olesya clearly remembered that only she was reflected.
“I will come in 3 days,” she said. And I will grant your wish.
The next day I met my boyfriend Dima. I've never seen him so upset. It turns out that Dima could not move away from the shock. Dima, like Pasha, lived in a hostel. And when he entered the washbasin, he saw a pool of blood in which Olesya's boyfriend was lying. Dima was told that Pasha went too far with shaving, touched the arteries and could not stop the bleeding. Pasha was proud and he would not call anyone for help. I did my best to comfort my boyfriend. I still couldn’t get through to Olesya, so I only managed to tell Lyuda about it, who burst into tears and began to talk about how little they had time with Pasha. I realized that she wasn't lying about the meetings. Luda and I had to go to the pool, before that she stood at the mirror for a long time, putting herself in order after tears.
That day we had to pass the standards, besides swimming is a great way to distract.
Luda has already prepared for the jump, adjusting the straps on her red swimsuit. Splash, she jumped into the water. Fast strokes, in the middle of the track her pace slowed down, and then I saw a thin line of some kind of red liquid. At first, I thought that it was either shedding the bathing suit, or Luda had her period. People's hands stopped rising above the water. The teacher jumped into the water after her. When they pulled her out, there was no pulse. Luda was dead. Bleeding into the brain.
In the evening I was able to see Olesya and told her everything. She was very pale and could not utter a word. I saw that among her golden curls, one gray-haired one appeared. That night I stayed overnight with her. I had a very strange dream about a girl in a mirror. The next day, Olesya bought herself a chic black dress, jewelry, asked me for my favorite shadows. She wanted to take her mind off everything. On the day of the funeral, Olesya wanted to linger at the cemetery. I could not understand my friend, but for a second I saw her smile. After this event, Olesya dragged me to the hairdresser's, where we had our hair done. Nobody was going to play that day. In the evening we sat in a cafe, where Olesya, who always watched her figure, ate two cakes, washed down with a milkshake. Her behavior surprised me, she refused to offer to stay the night with me.
I saw Olesya the next day, at the meeting she hugged me tightly and told me everything. That night the Lady came. Olesya was ready to die, but the Lady did not kill her. When Olesya asked why, she replied that if she did this, then Olesya's soul would be enclosed in a mirror. Once this lady was also a girl, and called the Queen of Spades. She also did it out of love. Becoming a spirit, she killed the guy who cheated on her. She decided to provide such a service to Olesya. Before leaving, she told Olesya to appreciate her life, and this gray curl will be an eternal reminder. The lady returned to the mirror, which immediately shattered into hundreds of small pieces.
Olesya's gray hair did not take any paint.
...Oh, I completely forgot: that spirit that appeared to my friend said that there were several Queens of Spades, so don't call anyone from the mirror, otherwise you might not be as lucky as my friend. By the way, she just got married...

As children, and sometimes not even as children, we loved to get together in the evening and scare each other with horror stories. The heroes of these horror films were unimaginable characters. But one of the scariest was queen of spades. And no one will even explain why. But in the meantime, everyone was afraid of her. The bravest ones told how they communicated with her personally and what would happen if the Queen of Spades was summoned to our world. Based on their feedback, we have compiled a small instruction for you on how to do this.

Where did the legend come from?

Surely everyone is wondering where this legend came from and why exactly the card of this suit became a “black” sign.

There are two versions:

  1. According to one of them, it all started with Tarot cards. It was in them that her image first appeared. Here it had two meanings. The first is a symbol of a strong war queen, who can always solve any problems. The second is a cold, angry and cruel woman. It all depended on who was guessing and what. If a person was optimistic, then he was given a positive interpretation. If the subject showed a solid negative, then he received the corresponding result.
  2. The second legend is even scarier. There once lived a lonely lady. She opened an orphanage for small orphaned children, but not with the aim of helping the unfortunate, but with the aim of earning money. When she received an allowance for their maintenance, she killed the kids. Over time, people found out about what was happening and terribly punished the villain. They beat her severely and buried her in the ground. Black dress what was on it was torn during the torture. For this, she was called the Queen of Spades. She has become very similar to the heroine of Tarot cards.

There are probably more versions.

How to call the queen of spades at home?

Some believe that for such a ritual, a visit to a knowledgeable magician, a psychic is required. No, all legends describe home rituals and there is no need to go anywhere else. You just need to know how it's done:

  • Lay a white sheet on the floor, put it in the middle iconic map. Light a candle at her head. Turn around three times and repeat the words 13 times: " What seems lifeless, let it be alive. Who lives in the black map, will fall into this world". After the last time, close your eyes and wait. Everyone gets it differently, someone sees it, and someone does not. But you can repeat it no earlier than 7 days later.
  • Most often, the dark lady appears in a dream. To let her know that you want this, put a glass of red water under the bed (you can stir the paint), put a card on it. To protect yourself, leave a light, a small lamp. If something bad starts to happen to you in a dream and you wake up, she will not follow you here anymore, the light will frighten her.

In this video, the esoteric Marat Gavrilov will tell you what can happen if you call the Queen of Spades with the help of a magical ritual:

What can happen when the lady comes?

Nobody knows exactly what it threatens. But they all say depends on your intentions and her mood:

  1. If you want to find out for yourself a question, then she can answer it and leave. But if you show your doubts in her answers or in her reality in general, she may get angry and curse you;
  2. It is said that the black queen even inflicts physical injuries. For example, she leaves bruises from her hands or bloody smudges on her neck if she doesn’t like something;
  3. Often she starts to scare, telling that you or your loved ones will die soon. Thus, people lose their minds and commit suicide;
  4. And some argue that nothing terrible happens when it appears. Main think positive, show no fear and then there is nothing to fear.

In any case, there are ways to protect. Before starting a conversation, stock up on amulets and prayers from the unclean.

And it is also known that the Queen of Spades is afraid of the light, in extreme cases, just move the curtains or turn on artificial lighting.

How to summon a black lady?

Many have already tried to bring the Queen of Spades into reality. Everyone's motives are different, mostly simple interest . Some have done it, according to them. They share their experience, tell how they performed the ceremony. Everything must be done, of course, at night and preferably with a full moon.

This is more efficient:

  • Buy a new deck of cards, like here without it;
  • Put a mirror on the table, draw a spade sign on it at the top with lipstick;
  • At the bottom, write your name and date;
  • Hold a card with her image in your hand;
  • Say a few words now: Black Queen of Spades, be kind to me, come. Prove that you exist, show me».

Do not wait for a living embodiment to appear before you. Look into the mirror. There is her silhouette. When you hear a knock, a creak, a rustle, perhaps a door will slam somewhere. So she came. You can ask a question. She is very good at predicting the future.

To drive the lady away, tear up the card and cover the mirror with a cloth.

There are other rites, if these suddenly do not work. Just don't abuse it, maybe it's for the best that she didn't show up today.

Who called the Queen of Spades: reviews

For greater persuasiveness, we will give you examples of reviews left on the Internet by those who have already decided on this. Here are some of them:

  1. Maria, 17 years old: “Guys, I tried to call the Queen of Spades. It is very interesting. Did the ceremony with a sheet on the floor. She closed her eyes, and on the balcony at that time something loudly knocked. I stood and didn't move. Then everything calmed down. Then again the roar. Terrible, goosebumps running through the body. I felt uneasy, and I turned on the flashlight that I held in my hand. I looked at the balcony, nothing fell there, everything, as it was before, stood in its place. Believe it or not".
  2. Maxim, 20 years old: “All this is a lie and fiction teenage. Everyone went through this as a child. We also called, but apart from the fact that we frightened ourselves, we saw nothing. But there was something to remember in the morning, and sometimes we still laugh together ”;
  3. Anyuta, 18 years old: “My friends and I decided to have some fun too. No one believed, and everyone giggled stupidly as they performed the ritual with a mirror and lipstick. But when the bathroom door suddenly opened, and the shower fell off its holder with a crash, everyone was not funny. One of the friends asked aloud: “Who is there?” Then the mirror suddenly fell. I grabbed the card and tore it up. Couldn't stand it. Now I no longer laugh at magic and do not practice it.

These are the stories that users leave on different sites. No one can check the veracity of this information, but there is no reason not to trust. Why would people write all this when you can just keep silent.

How to protect yourself?

If you are afraid, but really want to perform the ceremony, just use protective magic. For example:

  • It seems to you that you called her, and she did not go back, throw out the cards that you used, and break the mirror;
  • The king of spades is an old enemy of the lady, keep it on hand during the ceremony. If anything, put it on top of it. She will disappear;
  • You can open the door and say: “Everyone, leave the house”;
  • Remove all jewelry if you think she is still in the house. Put them under the bed. She will take the gifts and disappear;

The best defense is not to disturb any forces, even if you really want to. Maybe you are a big fan of fairy tales, horror and science fiction, then read books in this genre. This is much more interesting and useful. And most importantly, it's safe.

So, we told what would happen if you call the Queen of Spades and misbehave with her. We compiled these probable events based on the feedback of people who have already tried it. They differ, someone believes in the legend, and someone does not. But meanwhile, she has been living for many years and is attracting more and more attention.

Video: the real challenge of the Queen of Spades

In this video, three young people conducted an experiment and called the Queen of Spades to their home, what came of it, see for yourself:

Walks a lot different stories about a mysterious black woman whose name is the Queen of Spades. Probably, each of us in childhood heard more than one chilling story about this strange woman. But legends remain legends... Does the Queen of Spades exist? Why is she so scary? Let's try to answer these questions in our article.

No one knows exactly where the story of the Queen of Spades originates from. However, those wishing to call her - more than enough! The most interesting thing is that people were not stopped by all the warnings about what consequences they could face! Who is this black woman? Some say that this is the ghost of a fortune-teller who was killed in young age because of their terrible predictions. Others claim that it all started with an ordinary deck of playing cards...

Peak Lady. Legend one

As we know, any card deck contains cards of four different suits: hearts, clubs, diamonds and spades. Each of them has a lady. It is from the deck of cards that the legend of the Queen of Spades originates. Interestingly, the queen of spades in almost any game meant a loss, failure, or significant trouble. But cards, as you know, are used not only for gambling. In fortune-telling, the lady of spades also does not bring anything good, one grief, misfortunes, various vicissitudes of fate. Soon, the Queen of Spades began to be personified with a witch. By the way, over time, this legend is so strongly and firmly overgrown with rumors and superstitions that today the question is: "Does the Queen of Spades exist?" - seriously excites and excites the minds of many paranormal people!

Legend two

Some skeptics mistakenly believe that the image of this woman came from the Pushkin story of the same name. This is not entirely true, since the legend of the black woman has its roots deep in antiquity. It was then that reality and magic were closely intertwined. Since then, the Queen of Spades has been the ghost of a woman who comes to the person who calls her from behind the looking glass - an otherworldly portal.

Specialists in paranormal activity, relying on the theory of the materiality of human thoughts, they generally believe that all the legends associated with this woman and constantly overgrown with an aura of mystery are more and more saturated with negative energy. "In the end, a human thought can be realized in reality," they say. In general, there is a risk of translating our thoughts into reality! Be that as it may, it is believed that these facts gave impetus to the emergence of certain legends about this black woman.

Does the Queen of Spades exist?

Despite the legends described above, today there is not a single officially recorded case of a meeting of a living person with this ghost. The video footage allegedly capturing the ghost of this lady is nothing more than a simple montage; photographs are also fake; there were also no real deaths during this divination.

Speaking essentially, her whole existence is based only on talking about her, and on trying to call her by drawing a staircase on a mirror or building a corridor out of many mirrors. Psychologists say that the very fear of calling the ghost of this woman sometimes provokes the play of the human imagination. Here a person involuntarily betrays to him quite natural natural and everyday rustles, creaks, knocks begin to seem. Sometimes the weather changes outside. Well, change yourself - and let it change! Same

So, today nothing is known for certain about the existence of a black woman. Despite the legends and stories about this terrible woman, today it is generally accepted that superstition or myth is whatever you like. However, this does not prevent each of us from believing in her... Do you think the Queen of Spades exists?

The Queen of Spades is identified as bringing bad luck, she is compared to a witch.
Thus, the Queen of Spades became, not only an image on a playing card
but also the image of a bad, evil spirit. How to summon the Queen of Spades?
But remember that calling a creature not from our world is not
safe entertainment. And it's not a fact that the called entity
turns out to be a lady, and not a spirit wanting revenge
for disturbing his peace.

Well, first of all, the Queen of Spades is just a woman from a deck of cards. However, either she was depicted on the cards somehow ominously, or the suit of spades with its black color symbolizes unkindness, but it has become customary to identify the queen of spades with a witch who brings bad luck. And so the rumor about this terrible woman went around the world. People even began to invent legends about the Queen of Spades, as a spirit that lives in the looking glass, which can even kill. This is how the image of the Queen of Spades gained mystery and unfavorable energy from hundreds of conversations and legends. Thought, as they say, is material, so you should not think that children are lying when they say that they saw the Queen of Spades (especially since children's energy is the strongest). After all, if you do not believe in it, this does not mean that it does not exist at all. It exists for those who believe in it. And they are able to see it. How else can you explain the following story, I don’t remember who told me.
Once, two girls decided to call the Queen of Spades, for which they put a card with her image on the floor, put 2 chairs opposite each other and tied them with a thread. Then the girls joined hands, sat on chairs and began to repeat “Queen of Spades, come to us”, after which one of them itched her leg, in order to scratch which the girlfriends had to unhook their hands. When they again held hands, they noticed that a bright spot was running along the thread, which, having reached one girl, jumped over to her, then the friends saw that the clothes had been burned in place of this spot, and there was a small burn on the skin. After a few seconds, burns began to appear on the bodies of the girls, and they rushed to the street, where they met the grandmother of one of them. Grandmother explained to them that it was impossible to disturb the queen of spades, for which it was impossible to unhook the hands, thereby allowing the lady to leave her circle, and whoever did this would face a long and painful death. When they returned to the room, it smelled of burning, and all the walls were brown incomprehensible stains.
Whether it is worth believing in the authenticity of this story is not for me to decide. However, this is not the only proof that the woman from the deck of cards exists. The Internet is full of options on how to call the Queen of Spades. It is believed that it mainly comes from the mirror, and for it to come, you don’t need much, in some cases lipstick and candles are enough, in some a few sweets, the main thing is that it should be midnight and, of course, sincere faith in her existence. However, it is highly recommended to stop calling the mysterious stranger as soon as you notice her appearance. So you can try, if you are not afraid, of course.
The legend says that whoever owns the three magic cards owns luck and wealth. Once rich, and now almost ruined due to bad luck at the card table, the countess, who lives in a mansion on a hill, decided to take possession of these cards at all costs. She made a dubious deal with Saint Germain, the greatest magician and illusionist of the time, and ended up with three magic cards that will always win in card games. Time passed, the countess became very rich again and even richer than ever before. However, people began to suspect something was wrong, and the rumor about the countess, who had made an agreement with the sorcerer, began to spread around the city ...

It was said that the Countess obtained these three magical cards by selling her soul. People tried to bypass her house, and, in the end, the countess, who had untold wealth, died alone in her mansion. Those who had the courage to cross its threshold disappeared without a trace.

Miss Verna is the fifth person to go missing in the past month. She was last seen on her way to the Countess's mansion. The townspeople are in a panic, there are rumors of a dark curse and an evil creature living in the mansion, and the police refuse to deal with this case after Lieutenant Pierre Disparu disappeared in the mysterious mansion. Chilling fear gripped the entire district, and police captain Gerard Fryussard, in desperation, turns to you for help.

Dare to enter the cursed house, conduct your own investigation, uncover the secret of the magic deck of cards and stop the Countess's curse before it calls for a new victim. Is there a ghost of the Queen of Spades, or is the curse just a legend? Terrible secrets, a mysterious plot, great graphics and a unique atmosphere await you in the new mystical game "Ghost Legends. The Queen of Spades!