Croatian names. The most beautiful Croatian baby names

Man in his desire to improve nature is moving further and further. Thanks to modern achievements in genetics, farmers are getting more and more unusual and interesting hybrids that can satisfy the most daring desires of consumers.
In addition, globalization leads to the spread of plant species that are not typical for a given climatic zone. We have long gone from the exotic pineapples and bananas, hybrid nectarines and miniols, etc. have become familiar.

yellow watermelon (38 kcal, vitamins A, C)

Outside, it is the usual striped watermelon, but at the same time bright yellow inside. Another feature is the very small number of bones. This watermelon is the result of crossing a wild (yellow inside, but completely tasteless) watermelon with a cultivated watermelon. The result is juicy and tender, but less sweet than red.
They are grown in Spain (round varieties) and Thailand (oval). There is a variety "Lunar" bred by the breeder Sokolov from Astrakhan. This variety has very sweet tastes with some exotic notes like mango or lemon or pumpkin.
There is also a Ukrainian hybrid based on watermelon (“kavun”) and pumpkin (“garbuza”) - “kavbuz”. It is more like a pumpkin with a watermelon flavor and is ideal for making porridges.

purple potatoes (72 kcal, vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium, iron, magnesium and zinc)

A potato with a pink, yellow or purple skin no longer surprises anyone. But scientists from Colorado State University managed to get a potato with a purple color inside. The basis of the variety was the Andean highland potato, and the color is due to the high content of anthocyanins. These substances are the strongest antioxidants, the properties of which are preserved even after cooking.
They called the variety "Purple Majesty", it is already actively sold in England and begins in Scotland, the climate of which is most suitable for the variety. The popularization of the variety was facilitated by the English culinary specialist Jamie Oliver. These purple potatoes with the usual taste look great in the form of mashed potatoes, an indescribable rich color, baked, and of course french fries.

romanesco cabbage (25 kcal, carotene, vitamin C, mineral salts, zinc)

The unearthly appearance of this close relative of broccoli and cauliflower perfectly illustrates the concepts of "fractal". Its pale green inflorescences are cone-shaped and arranged in a spiral on a head of cabbage. This cabbage comes from Italy, it has been widely sold for about 10 years, and Dutch breeders contributed to its popularization, slightly improving the vegetable known to Italian housewives since the 16th century.

Romanesco has little fiber and a lot of useful substances, due to which it is easily digested. Interestingly, when cooking this cabbage, there is no characteristic cabbage smell, which children do not like so much. In addition, the exotic appearance of the space vegetable makes you want to try it. Romanesco is prepared like ordinary broccoli - boiled, stewed, added to pasta and salads.

Pluot (57 kcal, fiber, vitamin C)

From the crossing of such plant species as plums (plum) and apricots (apricot), two hybrids were obtained pluot, which looks more like a plum, and aprium, more like an apricot. Both hybrids are named after the first syllables of the English names of the parent species.
Outwardly, the fruits of the pluot are colored pink, green, burgundy or purple, inside - from white to rich plum. These hybrids were bred in the Dave Wilson Nursery in 1989. Now in the world there are already two varieties of aprium, eleven varieties of pluot, one nectaplama (a hybrid of nectarine and plum), one pichplama (a hybrid of peach and plum).
Plows are used for making juice, desserts, homemade preparations and wine. The taste of this fruit is much sweeter than both plums and apricots.

watermelon radish (20 kcal, folic acid, vitamin C)

Watermelon radishes live up to their name - they are bright raspberry on the inside and covered with a white-green skin on the outside, just like a watermelon. In shape and size, too (diameter 7-8 cm), it resembles a medium-sized radish or turnip. It tastes quite ordinary - bitter at the skin and sweetish in the middle. The truth is more solid, not as juicy and crispy as usual.
It looks wonderful in a salad, simply sliced ​​with sesame seeds or salt. It is also recommended to make mashed potatoes from it, bake, add to vegetables for frying.

Yoshta (40 kcal, anthocyanins with antioxidant properties, vitamins C, P)

Crossing such plant species as currant (johannisbeere) and gooseberry (stachelbeere) gave the joshtu berry with fruits close to black, the size of a cherry, sweet and sour, slightly astringent taste, pleasantly reminiscent of currants.
Michurin also dreamed of creating a currant the size of a gooseberry, but not prickly. He managed to bring out the gooseberry "Black Moor" dark purple. By 1939 in Berlin, Paul Lorenz was also breeding similar hybrids. In connection with the war, these works were stopped. And only in 1970 Rudolf Bauer managed to get the perfect plant. Now there are two varieties of yoshta: "Black" (brown-burgundy) and "Red" (faded red).
During the season, 7-10 kg of berries are obtained from the yoshta bush. They are used in homemade preparations, desserts, for flavoring soda. Yoshta is good for gastrointestinal diseases, for removing heavy metals and radioactive substances from the body, and improving blood circulation.

Broccolini (43 kcal, calcium, vitamins A, C, iron, fiber, folic acid)

In the cabbage family, as a result of crossing ordinary broccoli and Chinese broccoli (gailana), a new cabbage similar to asparagus on top with a head of broccoli was obtained.
Broccolini is slightly sweet, does not have a sharp cabbage spirit, with a peppery note, delicate in taste, reminiscent of asparagus and broccoli at the same time. It contains many nutrients and is low in calories.
In the USA, Brazil, Asian countries, Spain, broccolini is commonly used as a side dish. It is served fresh, drizzled with butter or lightly fried in butter.

Nashy (46 kcal, antioxidants, phosphorus, calcium, fiber)

Another result of crossing plants is neshes. They got it from an apple and a pear in Asia several centuries ago. There it is called Asian, water, sand or Japanese pear. The fruit looks like a round apple, but tastes like a juicy, crunchy pear. The color of nashi is from pale green to orange. Unlike ordinary pear, nashi is harder, so it is better stored and transported.
Neshi is quite juicy, so it is better to use it in salads or solo. It is also good as an appetizer for wine along with cheese and grapes. Now about 10 popular commercial varieties are grown in Australia, the USA, New Zealand, France, Chile and Cyprus.

Yuzu (30 kcal, vitamin C)

Yuzu (Japanese lemon) is a hybrid of mandarin and ornamental citrus (Ichang papeda). Fruit the size of a green tangerine or yellow color with a bumpy skin has a sour taste and a bright aroma. It has been used by the Japanese since the 7th century, when Buddhist monks brought this fruit from the mainland to the islands. Yuzu is popular in Chinese and Korean cuisine.
It has a completely unusual aroma - citrus, with floral hints and notes of pine needles. Most often used for flavoring, the zest is used as a seasoning. This seasoning is added to meat and fish dishes, miso soup, noodles. Jams, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, desserts, syrups are also prepared with zest. The juice is similar to lemon juice (sour and fragrant, but milder) and is the base of ponzu sauce, also used as vinegar.
Has and cult value in Japan. On December 22, on the winter solstice, it is customary to take baths with these fruits, which symbolize the sun. Its aroma drives away evil forces, protects against colds. Animals are dipped in the same bath, and plants are then watered with water.

yellow beets (50 kcal, folic acid, potassium, vitamin A, fiber)

This beet differs only from the usual one only in color and in that it does not get your hands dirty when cooked. It tastes just as sweet, fragrant, good baked and even in chips. Yellow beet leaves can be used fresh in salads.

But a person is only learning to transform plant species, and nature has long been creating

Interspecific hybridization of animals is not so frequent, and therefore quite interesting. Interspecific hybrids of animals are usually unable to produce offspring, as the process of formation of germ cells is disrupted. But they themselves, in addition to their unusual appearance, sometimes show qualities that are superior to their parent species (larger, more hardy, etc.). This phenomenon is called hetero about sis.

I bring to your attention a selection of the most famous animal hybrids. An additional task is at the end of the article.

Mule - a hybrid of a donkey and a horse. This hybrid is already several thousand years old, it has long been used in agriculture in Central Asia.The main suit of the mule is determined by the suit of the mares. There are two types of mules according to their working capacity - pack and draft mules. Mules can be light, medium heavy, or even, when crossed with a draft horse mare, moderately heavy. M Uls are more patient, steadfast, hardy and live longer than horses, and less stubborn, faster and smarter than donkeys. In addition, mules are less susceptible to diseases and are undemanding in terms of feed and care. Their only drawback is sterility, i.e. inability to produce offspring (although this is not absolute for females).

Zebroid - a hybrid of a zebra and any other horse. Usually, male zebras and females of other horses (horse, donkey, pony) are used to obtain such hybrids. The first such hybrids appeared in the 19th century. The color of the hybrid usually repeats the color of the mother, and "paternal" stripes appear on the neck and legs, although not always. Most hybrids are born weak and underdeveloped, living only a few days. In cases where the animal reaches adulthood, withthey read that it is more convenient to ride a hybrid, but its character is unpredictable, it is difficult to train.Therefore, such crossover is inappropriate.

Dzo (hainak)- a hybrid of a yak and a cow. Larger and stronger than the parent species. In Mongolia and Tibet, such animals are bred for the purpose of obtaining milk and meat. males are sterile, females in rare cases can bring offspring.

Nar - a hybrid of a one-humped (dromedary) and two-humped (bactrian) camel. It has two low and merged humps on its back. This is a well tamed, hardy and strong animal that combines the virtues of its parents. nar may have offspring, but in the second generation there may be individuals of little value. From the crossing of the Nara with the Bactrian, the Kospak is born, with the Dromedary - the Kochert.

bazl - gi breed of sheep and goat. In 2000, a ram and a goat were accidentally crossed in Botswana. The animals were simply kept together. The new animal was named "Toast of Botswana". Sheep and goats have different numbers of chromosomes - 54 and 60. Therefore, their offspring are usually stillborn. But the surviving hybrid was able to inherit the signs of both of its parents at once. He has long wool, like a sheep, and goat's feet. The outer hair was coarse, while the inner part of the coat was soft. The animal turned out to have a heavy ram's body. At 5 years old, it weighed 93 kilograms. The animal had 57 chromosomes, which turned out to be the average between the number of its parents. The hybrid turned out to be very active, with increased libido, although sterile. That is why at 10 months he was castrated. Cases of obtaining such a hybrid were noted in New Zealand and Russia.

bison - a hybrid of bison and American bison. The breed was created to combine the characteristics of both animals and to increase beef production. Bison give fertile offspring both when crossing between themselves and with representatives of the original species.

The creation of bison has proved to be a serious problem for the conservation of the wild American bison population. Most modern bison are already genetically bison, as they appeared as a result of crossing two species.

Beefalo - a hybrid of a cow and an American bison. the breed was bred in order to get the best source of meat. In bifalo, it is bright red, which is important, because. such meat contains less cholesterol than traditional beef. Breeders also claim that bifalo meat has a more delicate and delicate taste and aroma, but so far the general public has not been able to appreciate it - the meat is sold only in a few US stores.

camel - a hybrid of a llama and a camel, first obtained in 1995 as a result of artificial insemination. The animal has short ears and a long camel tail, double hooves, strong and long legs. The camel is a strong, but medium-sized animal. It does not have a hump, the coat is soft and fluffy.

Grolar (polar grizzly) - a hybrid of a grizzly bear and a polar bear. Found in captivity and wild nature. It is distinguished by thick creamy white fur, long claws, a humpbacked back, dark spots around the eyes and nose.

orca dolphin - a hybrid of a bottlenose dolphin and a small black killer whale. A rather rare hybrid, currently only two specimens live in a marine amusement park in Hawaii. The size of the hybrid is average between a killer whale and a dolphin; the difference in the number of teeth is interesting: the dolphin has 88, the killer whale has 44, and the hybrid has 66.

Liger and tiger . A liger is a hybrid of a lion and a tigress, a tiger is a hybrid of a tiger and a lioness. Ligers are very large, they know how and love to swim, they are sociable. Their males are sterile, but the females can bear offspring. Tigerlions are smaller.

hybrids of hybrids

We are talking about crossbreeds between a male tiger and a female liger/tiger lion or a male lion and a female liger/tiger lion. Female ligers and tigers can give birth. Such second-level hybrids are extremely rare and are mostly privately owned.

Levopard -a hybrid of a lioness and a leopard. The body resembles a leopard, there is also a characteristic color. The spots are not black, but brown. But the head is more like a lion's. The size of the new hybrid exceeds the size of a leopard. Leopard loves to climb trees and swim in the water. The first documented mention of this animal is found in 1910 in India. The most successful experiments on the removal of levopard were carried out in Japan. The lioness Sonoko from the leopard Kaneo in 1959 gave birth to two cubs, and three years later three more. Male hybrids were infertile, the last of them died in 1985. But one of the females was able to give birth to offspring from a hybrid of a lion and a jaguar.

Savannah - a hybrid of a wild serval and a domestic cat.The servakot turned out to be a beautiful and strong animal.The unusual species became popular with breeders in the late 20th century, and in 2001 the International Cat Association registered it as a new registered breed. Savannahs are much more outgoing than regular house cats and are often compared to dogs due to their devotion to their owner. They can be trained to walk on a leash and even fetch items thrown by their owner.According to the standards, the servakot should have black or brown spots, silver or black. Usually these animals have high erect ears, a long thin neck and head, and a short tail. Servakot's eyes are blue in childhood and green during adult life. These cats weigh from 6 to 14 kilograms. They are not cheap, as for pets - from $ 600 and above.

wolfdog - a hybrid of a wild wolf and a dog. A fairly common hybrid. Usually a wolf is crossed with a dog of similar appearance- German Shepherd, Husky, Malamute. However, the physical and behavioral characteristics of hybrids do not always meet expectations.

Pig from the iron age - hybriddomestic pigs of the Tamvor breed with wild boars. So it turns out a pig from the Iron Age. This hybrid is much more tame than the wild boar. However, it is not as malleable as ordinary domestic pigs. The resulting animals are raised for their meat, which is used in some specialty sausages and other products.

Fish red parrot. In Asia, they love aquarium fish, constantly creating new species. This species was bred in Taiwan in 1986. How such a mutation was obtained is still a secret. After all, this allows local breeders to continue to maintain a monopoly on these fish. Rumor has it that the midas cichlid was crossed with a red cichlid. Their fry are gray-black, but by 5 months they become bright orange or pink. We learned this fish in the 90s, they bring it here from Singapore and other countries South-East Asia. If a red parrot is placed in an aquarium, then the fish can grow up to 10-15 centimeters there. The color can vary greatly, in addition to orange, yellow is also possible. At some point in their lives, parrots can be crimson, purple, and bright red. However, over time, they all acquire an orange color. Experts advise feeding this fish with special food with carotene, this will help enhance the bright red color of their body. The resulting hybrid also has some pronounced anatomical deformities. For example, the mouth looks like a narrow vertical slit. Because of this, these fish are very difficult to feed, which is why many of them die prematurely.- hybridgolden pheasant and diamond pheasant. As a result, the new bird received a unique coloring of its plumage.

And now a bonus question for 11th graders:explain why interspecific hybrids of animals are sterile and how this sterility can be overcome? (in comments)

Traditional Croatian female names: origin

The national female names of Croatians date back to the Middle Ages and have Slavic roots. Before the adoption of Christianity, the religion of the Croats was paganism. Pagan traditions of worshiping various deities, natural phenomena, left their mark on the personal names of the people. The girls were called beautiful names plants, fruits, flowers (for example, Dzhurzhitsa - “lily of the valley”, Dunja (Dunya) - the Slovenian, Croatian and Serbian name for the quince fruit), in honor of the seasons (Spring), Slavic gods(Morena (Morena) is the name of the Slavic goddess of winter and death).

Sometimes the name meant an attractive "feminine" character trait (Tihana - "quiet"). Often sonorous Croatian names for girls, wishes had the character of Moika (“beloved”), and from the Slavic root -drag (“dear”) several female forms of names with the same meaning were formed - Draga, Dragana, Drazhenka. The ancient Croats chose affectionate, soft names for their daughters - Milica ("fragrant"), Ljubica (from the word "love").

Often, Croatian female names were formed from male forms names, keeping their meaning: for example, Jasenka (Ash) - female form male name Jasen (Ash) - "deciduous tree", Gordana "proud" - from the male Gordan, etc.

Borrowed female Croatian names

Over time, the list of Croatian female names was constantly replenished - first with Christian names, then with names borrowed from other languages ​​and countries.

Since the 7th century, Christianity has been spreading in Croatia, and with it the religious names of Catholic saints. Moreover, female names were borrowed both in a “ready-made” form (for example, the Greek name Clara - “bright, clear”), and were formed from male ones: for example, Filipa (Filipa) - from the male name Philip (Croatian version of the Greek name Philip - “loving horses"), Josipa (Josip) - from the male Joseph. Biblical Christian names also changed (for example, Estera - the Croatian version of the biblical name Esther - Esther, Esther).

The period of the conquest of part of the country Ottoman Empire also did not go unnoticed for the anthroponymy of the people: along with Islam (now there are approximately 1.5% of Muslims in the country), Muslim names also came to Croatia (for example, Turkic first name Alma(Alma), meaning "apple"). Also Croatians often use Slavic names, common in Serbia - for example, Mirna (derived from the word "peace").

Croats actively borrow foreign names, while sometimes changing their sound: for example, the most popular in Croatia woman's name Mia is derived from the Hebrew name Maria, and in neighboring Italy it is considered Italian and translates as "mine, belonging to me." The name Nadezhda, which came from Russia, changed to Nada, Nadica (Nada, Naditsa).

New female names in Croatia

The list of Croatian female names is regularly updated due to borrowing from other languages ​​and cultures, as well as the peculiarities of the Croatian formation of proper names.

Recently, short names have become especially popular in the country - borrowed or shortened to 3-4 letters full names. So, Iva (Iva) is a short form of the name Ivanka (Ivanka), Lara (Lara) - Larisa, etc. Often newly formed names are the endings of borrowed foreign names (Ena, Eni are independent names formed from the ancient Greek name Irena - “peace, tranquility”).

Among the Croats, national names with Slavic roots and Catholic Christian names are still relevant. At the same time, the naming of the people is very similar to the European system: in last years borrowed foreign and European names are most in demand (German Karla - “courageous”, Spanish Dolores, etc.).


Croats, Serbs, Bosniaks, Macedonians, Montenegrins - Balkan Slavs, who once made up one large country called Yugoslavia. These peoples, separated from each other in different countries, have common historical events, neighboring territories, a lot in common in culture and traditions. Despite belonging to different faiths, Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian surnames are often difficult to distinguish by affiliation.

Who are the Croats

Croats are Slavic tribes that settled in the Balkans around the 7th century, after the collapse of the empire. Presumably they came from Galicia. In their genetic structure, Croats are related to the Slavs and the North Germans, or Goths. Croatian tribes were divided into white, black and red Croats. Whites are the ancestors of the population of Galicia (Western Ukraine), blacks (Czech Croats) come from Moravia and Slovenia. Red Croatia is called the area of ​​present-day Dalmatia and some areas of neighboring Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Most people of this nationality live in the territory of the current surname and are also often found in all the former republics of Yugoslavia, in Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Romania, Poland, and Hungary. Small groups of Croats can be found in many parts of the world.

Pre-Christian names

The ancient tribes - the ancestors of the Croats - were pagans, like all Slavs. The name of the Slavs was given great importance. It was believed that the name gives a person the quality that it carries in itself. Yes, this is how it is in modern times: "Whatever you call a boat, so it will float." Croatian surnames, like those of other nations, arose only with the advent of the need to document citizens. An interesting belief existed among pagan tribes regarding naming. Very often, a permanent name was given to a child when he was already growing up, and his character traits and inclinations became clear, then they called him Slavko (glorious), Goran (man-mountain), Vedrana (funny). Girls in general were often given the names of plants and flowers. So among Croatians, the names Cherry, Yagoda, Elka are not uncommon. Before receiving a permanent name, in order to hide the child from evil spirits, he was simply called Naida, Momche (boy) or was given an affectionate name for an animal, a piglet, for example (Gush).

Religion and surnames

The need to add surnames to the name appeared among the Slavs with the adoption of Christianity, since church books of births, deaths, and population censuses were recorded. Croatian names and surnames form a full-fledged name of the person. Patronymics, like those of the Serbs, are not accepted. Actually, most of the original surnames are the changed names of the fathers, which later began to be passed down by genus. This type of surname is akin to the patronymics of the Eastern Slavs: Petrovich, Markovich, Yakovich.

Forms of Croatian surnames

Surnames derived from the name of the father or occupation, with the endings -ich, are the most common among the Serbs, and only the second among the Croats. The pronunciation of Croatian surnames, as well as Serbian ones of this kind, practically does not differ, because they have one language - Serbo-Croatian. Kovachevich, Vukovich, Shumanovich - this form is also common among Poles and Western Ukrainians. Thus, in these regions, mostly townspeople and merchants called themselves. Russians with a similar ending formed patronymics, but the stress in Croatian surnames, unlike Russian patronymics, is on the first syllable in most cases, or on the third from the end for long surnames.

Popular surnames

Not distinguished by particular modesty, the surname Horvat leads the list of the most common. The second most popular Croatian surnames with endings - ich, of which the championship belongs to the Kovacevics. The following are surnames ending in -a to: Novak, Dvorak, and formed from the diminutive name of the father with the ending - ik Yurek, Michalek. Next on the popularity list are family endings- uk: Tarbuk, Biyuk. Less common are groups - rts, -nts, -ar, -sh (Khvarts, Rybar, Dragos). There are separate surnames that are peculiar only to certain regions or that make up two-root combinations (Krivoshia, Belivuk). There are also Oreshanin, Grachanin, Tsvetanin in Croatia. Surnames with such endings are about 5 thousand inhabitants of the country.

Geography in surnames

Croatian specialists in anthroponymy have done a colossal job of describing the surnames of their region. Scientific works on this topic describe not only how Croatian surnames are pronounced, how they were composed and what they mean. Linguists have collected and classified the prevalence of their native surnames by regions of Croatia and beyond. Knowing these patterns, it is possible to determine approximately from which region the ancestors of one kind or another originated. So, the most numerous surname Horvath, it turns out, is concentrated in the region of a small northern territory, which once belonged to Austria-Hungary, apparently, once foreigners called the natives that way.

There are many Croats in Gorni Kotar, these areas also have the largest number of group surnames - to, -ets, -ats, -sh. In Slavonia, the forms -ich, -atz predominate. Dalmatia has a regional form of surnames, with the ending - itza(Kusturica, Pavlitsa, Cinnamon).

Famous Croats

Many Croatian prominent people glorified the names of their ancestors throughout the world. The first of them was the famous geographer and traveler Marco Polo. The parachute was invented by Faust Vrancic, the Theory of Natural Philosophy was compiled by the physicist, mathematician and astronomer Rudzher Boskovic, and the method of fingerprinting was introduced to the world by Ivan Vucecic. Widely known outside the country are the architect and sculptor Juraj Dalmatinets, the artist Yuliv Klovich, the politician Josef physicist Nikolai Tesla. This is just a small list of famous surnames of Croats who have made a significant contribution to the development of world history.

Male and female Croatian names have much in common with the European naming system. It is impossible not to note the great similarity of naming. In general, modern Croatian names for boys and girls are very diverse. Many of them are both traditional and quite exotic, borrowed from other languages ​​and cultures.

Origin of male and female Croatian names

Most traditional male and female Croatian names are of Slavic origin. They began to appear as early as the seventh century. The value of traditional Croatian names and surnames is still very high. They continue to be actively used in our time. However, there are popular Croatian names for girls and boys, borrowed from the Catholic calendar. The tradition of naming children according to the calendar in Croatia is quite common.

Among the male and female Croatian names, there are those that were taken from other cultures and languages. Many of them appeared quite recently, under the influence of globalization processes. Among these, completely contrary to the Croatian traditions of naming.

Top most beautiful Croatian names for boys

  • Bronislav. Translated into Russian = "fighter for glory"
  • Branimir. From the Old Slavonic "protecting the world"
  • Goran. Translated into Russian, this Croatian name means “high” / “mountainous”
  • Casimir. From Old Church Slavonic "peace preacher"
  • Lubomir. Name of Slavic origin. Meaning = "loving world"
  • Marco. The form Latin name Mark
  • Miroslav. Production from "peace" and "glory"
  • Mladen. Translated into Russian, this Croatian name of a man has the meaning = "small"
  • Radomir. From the Old Slavonic "fighter for peace"
  • Tikhomir. Croatian name for a boy, created from the words "quiet" and "peaceful"
  • Tomislav. From Old Slavonic "tormented by glory."

List of the most beautiful Croatian names for girls

  • Bogdan. Name of Slavic origin. Meaning = "given by God"
  • Borislav. Means "she who fights for glory"
  • Power. from Slavic "homeland"
  • Dragan. Translated into Russian, this female Croatian name has the meaning = "dear"
  • Dubravka. From Old Church Slavonic "strong as oak"
  • Gold. Croatian girl name meaning "golden"
  • Ivan. Translated from Hebrew, this Croatian girl's name has the meaning = "given by God"
  • Kvita. From Slavic "flower"
  • Militsa. South Slavic version of the name Melisa = "honey"
  • Mirka. Production from Mir or Miroslav = "glorified for the whole world"
  • Slavik. From Old Church Slavonic "glorious"
  • Stanislav. Name of Slavic origin = "to become glorious"

The most popular female and male Croatian names

To date, the most common male and female Croatian names are Ivan, Marko, Josif, Stepan, Tomislav, Maria, Anna and Ivana. However, in recent years, the inhabitants of Croatia are increasingly naming newborns in a foreign manner. In this regard, in the near future we should expect a sharp increase in the number of names borrowed from other languages.