Red borscht: the secrets of the right color. How to cook red borscht with beets and cabbage

There are as many correct recipes for red borscht as there are housewives who undertake to cook it. There are especially many Ukrainian and Polish variants. Borsch is cooked on kvass, with meat, fish, mushrooms, beans, turnips, apples, dumplings in the form of tiny dumplings. But most of the technological secrets are associated with the main ingredient - beets.

Why is borscht losing its red color?

Borscht with beets should be red. Everyone who sits down at the table knows this. But anyone who has ever tried to cook it knows how quickly almost ready soup becomes brown and unappetizing.

The color of beets, and hence borscht, comes from the unique phytonutrient betacyanin.

It is quite rare in nature, only in rhubarb, several types of cacti and flowers. His beneficial features just going wild, the main actions are antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Unfortunately, this flavonoid is very unstable, it easily oxidizes and dissolves in water.

Therefore, once in the pan, the beets generously share their blush with all the products and with the broth. But, at the finish line, just before readiness, it itself becomes like boiled cabbage, without color and taste, and the broth loses color in a matter of minutes. The air bubbles that form in the actively boiling broth instantly destroy betacyanin.

Although the taste of borscht does not change, the dish loses its attractiveness and some of its useful properties.

How to make borscht red

Beets are a stubborn root crop. It takes longer to cook than all other ingredients, so it is often put into the pan first. it fatal mistake inexperienced hostess.

Another mistake is to boil the borscht for a long time so that all the vegetables are boiled until soft.

To preserve the betacyanin, the beets will have to be cooked separately, not allowed to boil, and put into the borscht last. For additional warranty, the environment into which the beets fall, that is, the broth, must be acidified.

Following these principles, housewives and professional chefs choose the right technological solutions. The properties of beets were taken into account in the original, ancient recipes.

  • One of the first tricks is to supplement the broth with beetroot kvass 1:1. Kvass will add piquancy, sourness and sweetness to the taste at the same time, while retaining the color of beets. This ancient technique can be used in the modern kitchen. Beetroot, filled with cold water, is aged in a warm room for eight days. Thanks to the work of the sugars contained in it and the yeast flying in the air, the process does not require intervention. In the old days, borsch was prepared almost daily and kvass was constantly updated. A modern housewife can freeze it in portioned packages and, as necessary, add it to the broth during cooking or to ready-made borscht along with beets.
  • An acidic environment can be created using pickled beets or sauerkraut. AT winter period this approach is in high demand. Pre-blanks are stewed or fried a little so that the vegetables become softer.
  • You can acidify the broth with vinegar or lemon juice.
  • A mild acid is found in tomatoes, they are added in a pureed form to the dishes where the beets are cooked.

To make beets soft and edible, suitable for adding to ready-made borscht, it:

  • cut into strips and stew in a small amount of water, not allowing to boil;
  • sauté separately or together with other vegetables;
  • baked in the oven as a whole, cut and put in the soup before cooking;
  • separately boiled whole in a uniform or without, and grated into the soup so that it gives up its color.

Often beets are divided into two parts: one is boiled in borscht, the other is cooked separately and added before cooking. Adding a small amount of sugar to stewed or sautéed beets, or straight into the broth, also helps preserve the color.

Classic red borscht with beets and cabbage

How to cook red borscht using technological tricks and get a 100% successful result? First of all, you need to observe a sense of proportion and often try the broth for the content of salt, sugar and acid.


  • rich meat broth;
  • beet;
  • cabbage;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • tomato paste;
  • garlic;
  • vinegar;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • a mixture of peppers and bay leaf to taste.

Beetroot is an important ingredient, but not the main one. The amount of vegetables should be about the same. Excess beets can spoil the taste of the dish.

  1. Pre-prepare dressing for borscht: saute carrots, onions and beets. Add salt and sugar to taste. Season with tomato paste and remove from heat.
  2. Add chopped cabbage to the broth. After 5 - 7 minutes - potatoes.
  3. When the vegetables are ready, pour in a couple of tablespoons of vinegar. It is better to use not alcohol, but wine or apple.
  4. Put the dressing, add crushed garlic, pepper and bay leaf.
  5. Remove from heat immediately and leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Borscht, like all soups with cabbage, tastes better the next day. Important point: you need to warm it up in small portions, avoiding boiling. Otherwise, with such difficulty, the color obtained will disappear along with the first bubbles.

Cooking in Ukrainian

Real Ukrainian borsch akin to a work of art. The three pillars on which it is based are juicy beetroot, rich broth and lard.

Other ingredients:

  • cabbage;
  • potatoes;
  • beans;
  • tomatoes;
  • carrot;
  • garlic;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • pepper.

The most successful borsch is obtained in summer time when the garden is full of fresh vegetables and herbs.

  1. Beets are prepared separately - stewed, fried or baked. There are copyright options here.
  2. Tomatoes need to be scalded and mashed. Be sure to remove the skin. Pour the tomato puree into the beets. Add salt and sugar.
  3. Saute carrots and onions together. You can add bell pepper if you wish.
  4. Young milk beans do not require soaking, but they are cooked longer than other vegetables.
  5. One potato can be put whole. When it boils, it is mashed into a puree and returned to the broth - so it will turn out thicker and denser.
  6. When the beans, cabbage and potatoes are cooked in the broth, passerovka is laid out in the borscht, beet kvass or vinegar is poured in, and only after that beets are added.
  7. Borscht is immediately removed from the fire.
  8. Garlic and lard are turned into a homogeneous puree using a blender. Previously, this dressing was carefully pounded in a mortar. It can be spread on bread and served separately. However, borsch requires a final chord - a couple of tablespoons of bacon with garlic should slowly melt in a saucepan, combining and softening all the flavors. After half an hour, borsch can be seasoned with herbs, sour cream and served with traditional donuts.

Delicious first course with beef

It is best to cook red borscht in beef broth with a sugar bone.

The broth will not be very greasy, but strong and fragrant. Just such a character suits borscht.


  • beef on the bone, such as ribs;
  • beets and other vegetables to taste;
  • salt, sugar, wine vinegar;
  • garlic.

Beef broth will require special spices- lovage, tarragon and thyme.

  1. Beef broth for borsch is cooked according to all the rules: the meat is loaded into cold water, the foam that has risen during boiling is necessarily removed. The broth simmers slowly for about 2 - 2.5 hours, it should not boil with a key. The finished broth must be filtered so that there are no small bones left in it. Cut the meat and return to the pot.
  2. Separately prepare borscht dressing from beets, carrots and onions. Be sure to taste it for salt and sugar before putting it in borscht.
  3. Boil cabbage and potatoes until tender. After the broth is acidified with vinegar, nothing will be boiled in it.
  4. Before being ready, put the dressing in the borscht. Taste the broth again, if necessary, at this stage the taste can be adjusted.
  5. Season with garlic and herbs. Remove saucepan from stove.

Red borscht with chicken broth

On the chicken broth you can cook borsch light, almost dietary.


  • chicken;
  • beets and other vegetables;
  • salt, sugar, lemon;
  • garlic.

From herbs, basil, marjoram and oregano are suitable for tender chicken meat.

  1. Broiler chicken is cooked for no more than an hour, be sure to remove the foam. The laying hen will have to be boiled for 2 to 3 hours, but it will give off more flavor and nutrients without turning into a rag. Usually the broth is recommended to filter. Salt it before readiness and be sure to try it. All the salt can be put in the borscht dressing, and the broth can not be salted at all.
  2. Cabbage and potatoes are added to the pan to the meat. To reduce the calorie content of the dish, potatoes can be left out or replaced with a young turnip, as Lithuanians and Ukrainians do.
  3. Separately, cook the beets, season them with salt and sugar. You can not add tomatoes to this version of borscht.
  4. Saute carrots and onions.
  5. Acidify the broth with lemon juice.
  6. Lay out the borscht dressing.
  7. Add chopped garlic and herbs.
  8. Leave the soup to steam under the lid, removing from the heat.
  1. Cut the beets into strips, simmer in a small amount of water until soft. Before being ready, add salt, sugar, tomato puree to it.
  2. Saute carrots, colored peppers and onions, avoiding the formation of a crust.
  3. Place beans, cabbage and potatoes in a bowl. Beans take longer to cook, so vegetables are laid at a short interval.
  4. When all the vegetables are cooked, lay out the passerovka and acidify the broth.
  5. Transfer beetroot to a saucepan and remove from heat.
  6. Season with garlic and herbs. Let rest covered for a quarter of an hour.

How to make red cold borscht

The summer version is prepared exceptionally quickly, pleases with a small amount of calories and a fresh taste.


  • beet;
  • potatoes (for those who are not on a diet);
  • eggs;
  • fresh cucumbers;
  • fresh greens;
  • lemon juice;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • sour cream.

Separately, beetroot broth and dressing from cucumbers and herbs are prepared. To make the dish more satisfying, you can cut lean boiled meat, sausage, fish.

  1. For a decoction, cut the beets into strips or grate.
  2. Season boiling water with salt, sugar and lemon juice to taste. Carefully lay out the beets. Depending on the cut, simmer it without boiling from 5 to 20 minutes. Cool and chill in the refrigerator.
  3. Boil potatoes and eggs separately. Cool and clean. Cut into small pieces or large slices. In Lithuania, hot boiled potatoes with herbs are served separately with cold borscht.
  4. Cucumbers and greens cut, arrange on plates.
  5. Pour beetroot broth and season with sour cream.

Borscht is a special soup, the main component of which is beets. The birthplace of this beautiful first course is, most likely, Kievan Rus. Currently, this dish is cooked in Ukraine and neighboring countries, including Russia. Each state has its own subtleties of cooking. On the vast territory of our country, borscht is prepared in extremely different ways. Here are some great recipes that are used in Russia.

Recipe for borscht with beets and cabbage

Cabbage is an almost indispensable component of red soup. It is rare to find borsch on the menu without this ingredient. Cabbage gives the red soup a rich, slightly sweet taste.

Step-by-step recipe for borscht with beets and cabbage:

This recipe for borscht with beets is very good. It suits every taste. Such a recipe for borscht with beets resembles our Russian cabbage soup, only there are more ingredients in the red soup. Consider another recipe for such a delicious first course.

thick borscht recipe

The next recipe for borscht with beets is with a photo that shows that the soup should turn out to be very thick.

Such a soup saturates the body like a second course, especially since it is served with rye bread and sour cream.

Ingredients for the recipe for borscht with beets (thick red soup): 300 gr. beef with bone, 4 medium potatoes, half a small head of cabbage, carrots, 2 onions, 1 - 2 beets, 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste or 2 fresh tomatoes, 3 cloves of garlic, parsley and dill, rast. oil, 1 - 2 bay leaves, 5 peas of allspice, salt, ground spices to taste.

The process of making thick borscht:

  1. Boil 5 liters of water. Dip the meat into boiling water in one large piece. Boil for 60 minutes, skimming from time to time.
  2. Clean vegetables.
  3. Remove the cooked meat from the dishes in which it was cooked, put it on a board and cut into smaller pieces, supporting with a fork.
  4. Put sliced ​​potatoes, thinly chopped cabbage, meat into the broth. Put salt, bay leaf, allspice.
  5. In the oil heated in a large frying pan, lower the finely chopped onion and ground spices. Grind carrots on a grater. Let her go to the bow. While the vegetables are fried, grate the beets, put them in a pan with the vegetables and hold on the fire for a little longer.
  6. Put tomato paste or tomatoes into a bowl with vegetables, which are first peeled and finely chopped. Simmer vegetables for about 5 minutes.
  7. If the potatoes and cabbage are cooked to softness, then you need to try the broth for the amount of salt. Salt if necessary.
  8. Put the roast in a saucepan. Add finely chopped garlic. Turn off the fire after 5 minutes. The dish is ready!

Serve the dish with sour cream and, preferably, fresh herbs. This borscht is eaten with rye bread.

This recipe for red borscht with beets is especially appreciated by those who like to eat a hearty meal.

Vitamin borscht

Dishes often turn out to be more useful, vitamin-rich, if their components remain raw, not processed by high temperature. Here is a recipe for borscht with fresh beets. It is always to the taste of raw foodists.

Ingredients for the recipe for borscht with raw beets: beets (possible with tops), carrots, 1 orange, 100 gr. zucchini, half a small head of cabbage, half an onion or green onion, 2 - 3 cloves of garlic, some greens, 1 tbsp. tablespoons linseed oil, black pepper, 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice, salt.

The process of making borscht from raw beets:

  1. Raw beets and grate carrots for Korean carrots.
  2. Squeeze orange juice.
  3. Next, prepare the broth with a blender: half of the grated vegetables, orange and lemon juice, garlic, pepper. Add the required amount of water to the mass.
  4. Finely chop the cabbage, mash with a crush.
  5. Cut the zucchini into cubes. Add chopped onion and herbs.
  6. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and pour over the broth.

Add vegetable oil as desired.

The above recipe is well suited for residents of the northern regions who suffer from a lack of vitamins in the winter. It is in this type of soup that there are many vegetables that are beneficial to the human body.

Red soup without cabbage

How to cook borscht with beets? There are many recipes. Real borscht is always made with beetroot and usually with cabbage and potatoes. Almost always dressed with sour cream. But Russian people love to experiment. The soup described below without cabbage is called borscht, because they put beets in such a first dish, which gives the broth a beautiful red color.

Step-by-step recipe for borscht without cabbage:

  1. Put the chicken to boil. Boil the beets in another bowl.
  2. To boiled meat for about 20 minutes, put the potatoes, divided into halves.
  3. Remove the cooked potatoes and mash with a potato masher. Then put the puree back into the pot.
  4. Add peeled and grated beets, browned onions and mushrooms.
  5. Salt the dish, put half a teaspoon of sugar, ground black pepper.
  6. Shortly before the dish is ready, put crushed garlic into the broth. Let the borscht brew a little.

This soup is suitable for those who do not really like cabbage.

Borscht with mushrooms and beans

Among the wide variety of beetroot soups, there is, of course, mushrooms that give beetroot soup a special unique taste.

The process of preparing borscht with mushrooms and hard beans:

  1. Put the meat in a saucepan to cook.
  2. At this time, peel 1 beetroot and carrots. Chop the beets into thin sticks, carrots into circles. Put the chopped vegetables in a small saucepan, pour over the meat broth and simmer in the oven for about an hour.
  3. Put pre-soaked dry mushrooms (6-7 pieces) and 3 tbsp into the broth with meat. spoons of beans. When the mushrooms and beans are cooked until half cooked, add 1 chopped potato and cabbage to the broth.
  4. A little later, put onions, sweet peppers, celery, parsley root.
  5. Combine beets and carrots from the oven with meat and season the soup with garlic (2-3 cloves) and bacon (50 gr.). Put out the fire. Let the dish sit for 10 minutes.

When serving, add sour cream and a lot of greens to the plates. The special taste and aroma of this soup are remembered for a long time.

Cold borscht

Borsch is not only hot, but also a special dish that is eaten cold.

Ingredients for making cold soup: 1 large beetroot, 200 gr. boiled meat or boiled sausage, 4 eggs, 2 - 3 fresh cucumbers, green onions, dill, parsley, sour cream, citric acid, salt, sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Finely chop the greens and mash with salt in a bowl. Cut cucumbers, meat and eggs into small cubes, mix with herbs and refrigerate for half an hour.
  2. Peel the beets, cook until tender, chop on a coarse grater and put back into the broth.
  3. Add citric acid (a few grains), salt, sugar (half a teaspoon) to the broth.
  4. Cool and combine with the rest of the products.

Sour cream is served with the dish.

Cold borscht is especially pleasant to eat in the summer heat. He is like a crumb. In winter, this dish can be served with pickled cucumbers.

What is classic borscht

Beetroot soup is usually cooked with meat. Meat broth gives borscht a bright taste of the first course. Mandatory ingredients are cabbage and potatoes. Sour cream is used as a dressing.

In the old days in Russia, soup made from hogweed, an edible but somewhat poisonous plant, was called borscht.

Borsch Ural

In the Urals, they prefer rich borscht with a lot of meat. Beef is preferred and better with bone. The bone marrow gives the soup its richness and flavor. The Ural Mountains do not end with the territory where borscht is a frequent dish on the table. In Siberia, they cook the same red soup, which in different houses may vary greatly in terms of ingredients. Sometimes vinegar is added.

Borscht in Ukraine

In Ukraine, they love tasty and hearty food. Therefore, borscht is cooked with bacon, garlic, and often with dumplings or dough ears with eggs.

They also prepare borscht with dumplings. Dumplings with vegetable oil and garlic are common, which are served separately with red soup.

Lithuanian borscht

Beetroot soup is also common in Lithuania.

It is often cooked with porcini mushrooms. Cumin is used as a seasoning. Soup ingredients are sometimes apples, turnips.

These are the recipes for borscht with beets that can be so diverse. Red soup can be cold and hot, meat or vegetable, as well as mushroom. Culinary experts prepare soup with beets, experimenting with various ingredients. They can cook the first course with or without cabbage, with or without potatoes. Each of the dishes is good in its own way, if the chef has a taste and put his soul into the art.

Borscht with fresh cabbage and beets is a traditional Slavic dish. The composition of this soup includes affordable and simple ingredients. At the same time, the dish has a pleasant taste and nutritional properties. The ideal borscht has a thick texture and a rich hue.


Borscht with fresh cabbage and beets has a unique combination of ingredients. It contains many vegetables. And this is not only red beets and white cabbage, but also carrots, potatoes, onions, garlic, bell peppers. This combination of components is beneficial. After all, vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition, they perfectly complement each other.

Cabbage, for example, improves the tone of our body, beets help cleanse the intestines. Carrots improve eyesight, and onions boost immunity. The main thing is to properly cook borscht with fresh cabbage and beets.


Preparing a delicious first course is not difficult. The main thing is to follow the technology. This will not only preserve useful components, but also the shade of the dish. So, we are preparing borscht with fresh cabbage and beets. This will require:

The process of making broth

To make borsch with fresh cabbage and beets tasty and rich, you need to properly prepare the broth. To do this, put the whole piece of pork in a pot of water. It should be cooked for 90 minutes. Pour the meat only with cold water. After the specified time, the pork must be removed from the broth, and then the flesh should be cut from the bones. Put the meat back into the pot.

We cook borscht

Potatoes need to be peeled, washed thoroughly and cut into strips. The slices should be large. After all, potatoes will cook for at least 30 minutes. Raw beets should be peeled, washed well and grated. It must be put in a pan with butter from cream and simmer. It takes about 15 minutes. In the process of stewing, you can sprinkle the beets with citric acid or vinegar so that the borscht is red. You need to add this component to the soup 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

How long to cook fresh cabbage in borscht? Before laying, this component should be chopped into strips. You need to add cabbage to the broth 10 minutes after the potatoes. Otherwise, it will remain slightly stiff. Boil cabbage in borscht for 20 minutes.

Onions and carrots should be peeled, chopped, and then fried in a pan with butter. In this case, the fire should be minimal. Vegetables should not be simmered for long. Onions should become translucent and carrots should be soft. Such processing will preserve the aroma and taste of the components. It is recommended to lay the fry together with stewed beets.

As for salt, garlic and spices, it is recommended to add them to the borscht about 5 minutes before it is ready. The finished dish should stand for about two hours. This will make it more flavorful. If there is not so much time, then you can wait half an hour. As a result, the dish will have a rich taste.

Classic Ukrainian borscht recipe

Components such as garlic and lard allow you to get a rich and fragrant borscht. By adding them to the soup, you can get an original dish. To prepare Ukrainian borscht you will need:

How to make broth

The classic recipe for Ukrainian borscht is quite simple. The first thing to do is to prepare the broth. Pork and beef in a whole piece must be poured with cold water and placed on the stove. When the liquid boils, it is worth reducing the heating temperature and boiling the contents of the container for an hour and a half. Periodically, foam should be removed from the broth. After the specified time, the meat should be removed from the pan and the flesh should be separated from the bones.

While the broth is cooking, you can prepare the vegetables. Potatoes must be peeled, washed and cut into large pieces. Cabbage should be cleaned of withered leaves and coarsely chopped. These components must be put in the broth and boil for 20 minutes.

What to do with the rest of the products?

To make borscht red, you need to properly prepare the beets. This vegetable is recommended to be peeled, washed and cut into medium-sized strips. Then the beets should be poured with a glass of broth mixed with one tablespoon of vinegar or one teaspoon of lemon juice. To the products you need to add tomato paste. You need to stew the beets for half an hour, covering the container with a lid.

Onions and carrots should be peeled, washed and chopped. Vegetables must be fried over low heat with the addition of butter. At the end of their preparation, it is worth adding a little flour diluted in 1/2 cup of meat broth. The contents of the container must be brought to a boil, and then removed from heat.

Final stage

Borscht with fresh cabbage and beets cooked according to this recipe turns out fragrant and red. After 20 minutes, add the rest of the vegetables and spices to the potatoes and cabbage. Borscht should be cooked until the components are fully cooked. 5 minutes before the end of the heat treatment, you need to add tomatoes, previously peeled and chopped, to the dish. Also, lard, pounded with salt and garlic, passed through a press, should be put in borscht. Bring the dish to a boil and then remove from heat.

In conclusion, the finished soup should stand for half an hour. This will bring out the flavor of the spices. Delicious borscht with beets and cabbage is ready. Serve it with chopped herbs and sour cream.

Recipe for borscht with fresh cabbage and beets on ribs

  • ribs - 500 grams;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • potatoes - 6 tubers;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pod;
  • white onion - one head;
  • beets - 250 grams;
  • cabbage - 600 grams;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • apple cider vinegar or wine - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • salt, spices.

Broth preparation

Ribs should be poured with water, preferably cold, and cook for 5 minutes after boiling. Then the liquid must be drained, and the beef should be washed, removing the remaining foam. Prepared ribs should be placed in a saucepan and pour two liters only cold water. When the contents of the container boil, you need to add the onion, previously peeled, washed and chopped. The heating temperature should be reduced. The ribs need to cook for 40 minutes. The onion should be fully cooked through.

Adding vegetables

While the beef is cooking, you can prepare all the vegetables. They should be cleaned, washed and chopped. After 40 minutes, add the rest of the ingredients to the pot with the broth. In this case, the sequence should be observed: coarsely chopped potatoes, grated carrots, chopped bell peppers, spices. At the end, you need to add beets to the soup. It should be cut into strips. At this stage, it is necessary to pour vinegar into the borscht.

You need to cook the soup for about 5 minutes. After that, cabbage should be added to the dish. It is recommended to carefully chop it. How long to cook fresh cabbage in borscht? AT this case it will take about 10 minutes. If, after adding this component, foam forms on the surface of the soup, then it should be removed immediately. At the end of cooking, add a little salt to the borscht. If the soup turned out to be sour, then you should add a little sugar to it, boil for 2 minutes and remove from heat, adding chopped greens.

The peculiarity of this dish lies in its rich and bright taste, as well as in crispy beets and cabbage. It is recommended to serve the dish hot, seasoned with a small amount of sour cream.

In conclusion

It is difficult to imagine a more tasty and satisfying dish than borscht made from fresh cabbage and beets. A well-prepared dish will please the whole family. The main thing is to follow the sequence and not violate the technology. On the this moment there are many borscht recipes. This allows you to diversify the diet with healthy dishes.

Red borsch with beets and beef is good at any time of the year. This hearty and colorful first course quickly satisfies hunger, warms and pleases with delicious taste. It is difficult to count how many versions of the traditional dish now exist: less high-calorie and faster, refreshing, etc.

This time, for pleasant, subtle sweet and sour “notes”, we will add vinegar and granulated sugar to the vegetable dressing, and otherwise we will act according to the standard recipe.

Ingredients per 5 liter pot:

  • beef on the bone - about 700-800 g;
  • fresh cabbage - 300 g;
  • potatoes - 2-3 pieces;
  • dill - ½ bunch;
  • garlic - 3-6 teeth;
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pieces;
  • salt, allspice peas - to taste.

For frying:

  • onion - 1 large;
  • carrots - 1 large for frying (+ 1 carrot for meat broth);
  • beets - about 300 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • sugar - 1-2 teaspoons;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil (refined) - 2-3 tbsp. spoons.

Red borscht with beets and beef recipe with photo

  1. Fill the beef to the top with water, boil. Remove the resulting foam with a spoon, load one peeled carrot into the pan. Cook the broth without salt for about an hour and a half (until the beef is fully cooked). 15 minutes before the end of cooking, throw in bay leaves and peppercorns.
  2. Carefully remove the boiled meat from the broth, put it in a separate bowl. Discard carrots and spices. We pass the broth through a fine sieve to get rid of small lumps and possible bone fragments. Pour into a clean saucepan and bring to a boil again. In the strained broth, we immerse the cabbage chopped into thin strips.
  3. Next - peeled and cut into equal cubes of potato tubers. We do not put salt yet, so that the vegetables boil faster. Cook at a low boil for 15-20 minutes.

    How to make a roast for red borscht with beets

  4. In the meantime, we make vegetable frying for borscht. In a frying pan, pouring vegetable oil, fry finely chopped onion for a minute or two.
  5. Next, add the remaining carrots, grated coarsely. Stirring, keep on fire for the next 3-4 minutes.
  6. To the carrot-onion sauteing, lay out the beets, peeled and grated with large chips. We simmer for another minute, and then pour in the vinegar, sprinkle the vegetables with sugar and add the tomato paste. Pour in 2-3 ladles of meat broth, mix and simmer the mixed vegetables under the lid until fully cooked (about 20 minutes).
  7. We shift the beetroot frying into a pan with already soft vegetables. The broth will immediately turn into a rich red color.
  8. We divide the boiled meat into portions and lay it in an almost ready-made borscht. Simmer at a low boil, do not allow active seething! Finally, salt, take a sample, flavor with spices if desired.
  9. At the end, we throw chopped garlic cloves and dill into the broth, after a couple of minutes we remove from heat.
  10. We serve freshly brewed red borscht with beets, flavored with sour cream or just like that, adding a slice of fresh bread. Enjoy a hearty and warming first course!

Red borscht with beets and beef is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Borsch is one of the most favorite dishes of the entire population of Russia and neighboring countries. There are a lot of recipes for its preparation, it is believed that every housewife has her own secrets that make the first dish unique. However, in order for borsch to be tasty, red and rich, you need to follow certain rules when cooking. Let's figure out what ingredients are needed to prepare everyone's favorite food, how the dressing is made, and what delicious secrets preparations are revealed by hostesses from different regions.

Although there are many varieties of red borscht with beets, the basic rules for its preparation remain unshakable. First you need to wash, peel and cut all the vegetables. Beets are processed separately, because they are the main ingredient of the first course. Its preparation takes place in several ways:

  1. Cook in the skin.
  2. Bake in the oven.
  3. Grind and stew in a pan.

To keep the color of the beets, add a little citric acid, juice or table vinegar to the cooking medium. As for the broth, it can be cooked from pork, lamb, veal, beef or pork bones, the pulp of any bird or mushrooms. For tasty borscht, the broth needs fatty, and in order for it to become so, you need to cook the meat after boiling for at least 2.5 hours over low heat.

Only after preparing the broth, peeled and chopped potatoes are added to the borscht, after 15 minutes - chopped cabbage, then beets, and then vegetable frying. This is a basic step-by-step guide to making red beetroot borscht, but each recipe has its own nuances and sequence that must be followed.

Step-by-step recipes for cooking red borscht with beets

Today, it is impossible to find a Russian person who knows how and loves to cook, but does not know how to cook red borscht with beets. Another thing is that there are many options for its preparation, but it is prepared differently in each region. For example, in the south they like borsch with fish, in northern Russian cities - with mushrooms, Belarusians cook without cabbage with smoked meats, Ukrainians - with beans and donuts. We offer to consider the most delicious recipes for cooking beetroot borscht.

Classic beef recipe with meat and fresh cabbage

To cook hearty, fragrant red borscht according to the classic recipe, you need to work hard, because this dish is not simple. But at least 2 days the whole family will be fed, and the next day the dish will become even richer and tastier. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe, and then you will get the result that you expected. Ingredients:

  • 800 g of beef;
  • 5 pieces. potatoes;
  • 0.5 kg white cabbage;
  • two beets;
  • two carrots;
  • two bulbs;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • one st. l. tomato paste;
  • one tsp vinegar;
  • two st. l. vegetable oil;
  • salt, herbs, spices.


  1. Rinse the beef, cut into medium pieces, cover with water, cook after boiling for 1.5–2 hours.
  2. Peel the beets, cut into thin strips, add vinegar to preserve the color, fry in vegetable oil for 5–7 minutes.
  3. Cut the potatoes, carrots and onions into cubes, chop the cabbage thinly.
  4. Fry onions and carrots separately with tomato paste, salt and spices.
  5. Load the potatoes into the broth, salt, after 5 minutes, load the cabbage.
  6. After 10 minutes of boiling, add the fried beets, and after another 10 minutes, fry.
  7. Garlic, passed through a press, is added at the very end a few minutes before the fire is turned off. When all the ingredients are ready, remove the dish from the stove, sprinkle the borscht with finely chopped herbs, let it brew for half an hour, and then serve it to the table.

Borscht with sauerkraut and pickled beets and carrots

The presence of sauerkraut in red borscht increases the amount of useful substances, because it contains vitamins C, K, B, minerals: sodium, silicon, sulfur, zinc, phosphorus and copper, as well as lactic acid useful for the human body. Therefore, the first dish with sauerkraut is not only very tasty, but also a healthy dish, but you will have to tinker with it. Pickled beets in sweet and sour sauce can be bought ready-made or pickled yourself. Ingredients:

  • 2.5 liters of chicken or any other broth;
  • 200 g sauerkraut;
  • two pickled beets;
  • one carrot;
  • two potatoes;
  • one bow;
  • two tomatoes;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • one st. l. Sahara;
  • salt, bay leaf, spices, sunflower. oil.


  1. In a boiled broth with chicken pieces, put the potatoes, peeled and diced.
  2. Cut the onion into cubes, and grate the carrots, then fry the vegetables in sunflower oil for 5 minutes.
  3. Add the fried vegetables to the stock pot.
  4. Cut the pickled beets into small cubes, and then lower them into the broth.
  5. Pour sugar into sauerkraut, then simmer for 5-7 minutes over low heat.
  6. When the potatoes are ready, put cabbage, mashed tomatoes, chopped garlic, spices, bay leaf, salt into the borscht.
  7. Simmer under the lid for 7 minutes, turn off the heat, let it brew for 15-20 minutes.

Delicious beetroot soup without cabbage

Red borscht without cabbage is called beetroot soup. It is delicious both hot and cold, so we love all Slavic peoples without exception. The composition of this dish includes a variety of products, but the beets remain unchanged. We will look at the recipe for making delicious beetroot on pork ribs. Ingredients:

  • 800 g pork ribs;
  • one large beet;
  • one carrot;
  • one bow;
  • two potatoes;
  • two st. l. tomato. pastes;
  • one tsp dried celery root;
  • 5 pieces. allspice peas;
  • two bay leaves;
  • one st. l. vinegar
  • two teeth. garlic;
  • salt, pepper, chopped herbs.


  1. Wash and cut pork ribs into small pieces, put in a prepared container, fill with water.
  2. Add the peeled onion head, celery root, allspice, laurel. leaf, put on the stove to cook the broth.
  3. Grate the peeled beets, simmer in a pan with water and vinegar for about 20 minutes.
  4. Peel potatoes and carrots, cut into cubes, put in broth.
  5. When ready, send the beets to the pan.
  6. Add salt, spices, finely chopped garlic to the borscht.
  7. Boil the beetroot with all the products for 5 minutes, then turn off the heat and add the chopped greens.

Red borsch is also eaten cold, it is especially relevant in hot summer days. Svekolnik is a traditional dish of Russian cuisine, which was originally prepared without meat, but over time, many recipes for cold soups on meat broths appeared. We'll consider classic recipe cold borscht on beetroot broth and bread kvass. Ingredients:

  • three beet roots;
  • two carrots;
  • two fresh cucumbers;
  • 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs;
  • 2/3 liters bread kvass;
  • 2/3 liters of beetroot broth;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of table or apple cider vinegar;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • salt, citric acid - to taste;
  • chopped fresh herbs.


  1. Wash, boil the beets and carrots, cut into strips.
  2. Slice fresh cucumbers.
  3. Pour vegetables with kvass, mix with beetroot broth.
  4. Add citric acid, vinegar, salt, sugar, herbs.
  5. Before serving beetroot, do not forget to put chopped eggs and sour cream.

Lean borscht without meat with mushrooms and green beans

For vegetarians and fasting people, lean borscht is perfect, and meat broth will successfully replace mushroom broth. Beans, as a rule, are put in a dish canned, but we will add more useful green beans, which are sold in supermarkets in frozen form. Ingredients:

  • 200 g of any fresh mushrooms;
  • 150 g of green beans;
  • 150 g cabbage;
  • one beet;
  • one bow;
  • one carrot;
  • two potatoes;
  • two st. l. tomato paste;
  • two st. l. for frying any oil;
  • herbs, salt, spices.


  1. Boil chopped mushrooms in lightly salted water (20 minutes).
  2. Add chopped potatoes to the mushroom broth, and after boiling, shredded cabbage.
  3. Peel the raw beets, sprinkle with vinegar, cut into strips, fry in oil, then add to the broth.
  4. Onions, carrots, peel, cut, fry in a pan, add a tomato. pasta, salt, spices.
  5. Combine the frying with the broth, bring to a boil, turn off the heat, add greens, let the borscht brew.

Delicious borscht with sorrel and tomato paste without vinegar

Borsch with sorrel is considered a summer dish, but in winter it will also be relevant if fresh sorrel is replaced with canned one. This beetroot will not require much effort to prepare, and you will definitely like it. Ingredients:

  • half a kilo of chicken;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • one beet;
  • one carrot;
  • one bow;
  • bunch of sorrel;
  • two st. l. tomato. pastes;
  • herbs, salt, spices.


  1. Wash the chicken, divide into pieces, put to boil.
  2. Peel the beets, chop, send to boil in chicken broth.
  3. Grate the carrots, cut the onion and potatoes into cubes.
  4. Send the potatoes to the broth.
  5. Saute onion and carrot. butter, add tomato. pasta, salt, spices.
  6. Add finely chopped sorrel to the borscht along with the frying, let it boil for 10 minutes, then turn it off.
  7. Serve to the table with greens and sour cream.

A simple recipe for chicken broth with tomato dressing in a slow cooker

A slow cooker will help you cook red borscht much faster. This unit is a real salvation for working people who do not have the opportunity to devote a lot of time to cooking. Consider the simplest recipe for a slow cooker, but no less tasty than on the stove. Ingredients:

  • half a kilogram of beef pulp;
  • 400 grams of fresh cabbage;
  • 150 grams of potatoes;
  • 100 grams of onion;
  • 300 grams of beets;
  • 100 grams of carrots;
  • three teeth. garlic;
  • three st. l. oils;
  • three st. l. tomato paste;
  • salt, laurel leaf, spices.


  1. Finely chop the onion, fry in a multicooker bowl with the "Baking" mode.
  2. Grate the carrots and add to the onion for 10 minutes.
  3. After put the tomato paste for 5 minutes.
  4. Peel the beets, chop them randomly, add a pinch of citric acid, send to vegetables, leave to stew for 15 minutes.
  5. Cut the beef and potatoes into small cubes, chop the cabbage.
  6. Add the remaining ingredients, salt, spices to the multicooker bowl, fill with water to the maximum, select the "Soup" mode and set for an hour.
  7. After the end signal, add chopped garlic and herbs to the dish.

How to cook seasoning for borscht for the winter from tomato

Borsch dressing is always useful in winter, so zealous housewives prepare it for the future. If the house has a large freezer, then vegetables can be frozen, but not everyone has such a luxury, so the seasoning is stored in jars without sterilization. Ingredients:

  • 2 kg tomato;
  • 1 kg rep. Luke;
  • 1 kg of carrots;
  • 10 pieces. bell pepper;
  • half a kilo of parsley;
  • half a kilo of dill;
  • 1 pack of non-iodized salt.


  1. Grate the carrot.
  2. Finely chop the peppers and tomatoes.
  3. Chop greens and onions.
  4. Sprinkle the vegetables with salt, spread over glass jars, store for several months in a cool place.

Video recipe: how to cook Ukrainian borscht with beets

Ukrainian borsch is the use of lard as fat, which is pounded in a mortar with garlic, onions and herbs until a thick mass is formed. Some Ukrainian recipes call for the addition of toasted flour to thicken the borscht. For a beginner, such a dish may not be able to do it. Even recipes with photos cannot convey the correctness and sequence of actions during cooking, so we offer a video that shows in detail how to cook classic Ukrainian borscht: