How to cook pork ham in the oven. Baked pork ham with garlic and herbs

Oven-baked pork ham in foil is something I rarely cook. But when I buy this part of the carcass, I never doubt that it will be delicious. Meat is a success, it doesn't work any other way. Unfortunately, this was not always the case. Remembering my first experience of cooking roast pork, I smile ironically. Of course, this was not a catastrophe of a universal scale, but I had to chew for a long time and without much pleasure. However, "working out the mistakes" and simple culinary tricks were able to melt an impressive layer of ice between me and the baked meat. And now I cook it with great pleasure.

To bake pork in the oven in foil, you will need (a glass - 200 ml)

How to bake pork ham in the oven

This part of the carcass is just perfect for cooking in the oven. Especially if with lard and on the bone. I had meat without the first and without the second, but it turned out excellent - soft, tender, juicy. So, prepare the pork ham for marinating. But why make unnecessary gestures if you can immediately immerse the meat in the marinade and wait for the allotted time? Of course, it will do. But if you want to shorten the marinating time, then soaking in an vinegar solution, which will soften the pork fibers, is indispensable. The ratio of water and vinegar (usual, 9 percent) in the solution is 1 to 1.

Soak for an hour and a half. It is not necessary to hide in the cold, let it stand right in the kitchen.

Prepare the marinade. Take lemon juice as a base. Squeeze it out and strain from the pits.

In a bowl, mix freshly squeezed lemon juice, mustard, spices, salt and mix well.

Peel the garlic and chop finely. But you can pass it through the press directly into the marinade and not fool your head with cutting. Who likes it better.

Add the garlic to the rest of the marinade ingredients and mix well again.

Remove the pork ham from the water-vinegar solution, blot dry and rub the marinade on all sides (massage movements). Put in a bowl, cover with something so that the surface is not weathered (food wrap, for example) and put in a cold place for 3-4 hours, or more.

When the specified time has passed, remove the remnants of the marinade with a napkin (overcooked garlic does not smell very pleasant and bitter) and fry the meat in very well-heated vegetable oil. A lot of oil is not needed, just so that it does not burn. Make a golden crust on one side.

And the second one too. Like this. Thanks to this simple procedure, the surface of the meat will be "sealed" and more juice will remain inside. Wrap the fried piece of pork in several layers of foil (there should be no holes, otherwise it will turn out dry) and place in a heat-resistant form or on a baking sheet. Preheat the oven (200 degrees is enough) and place the pork in it. Cook for 2 hours, then remove the foil (or just unwrap it) and return the pork leg to the oven. 20-30 minutes will be enough to form a flawless crispy crust.

What a beautiful piece of meat we got.

Everyone can finally try. Cut immediately, just pulling out of the oven, and immediately serve the ruddy pork ham, bursting with steam and exuding an incredible aroma, to the table.

A festive feast always obliges culinary specialists to invent something special, a dish that can amaze all guests without exception. This dish is a pork ham baked in the oven in foil, which today we will cook with you.

Such a culinary masterpiece will delight not only avid meat-eaters, but will surely appeal to even those gourmets who prefer vegetables.

Of all the parts of the pork carcass, the most appetizing, perhaps, is the ham. Most often it is cooked whole and used for this oven. However, this method of cooking requires some skills and patience from the cook.

  • It is best to use not frozen meat, but chilled. With such a main ingredient, the dish will turn out much tastier. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to find a fresh ham, then make sure that the product is completely thawed before cooking.
  • Even chilled meat requires preheating. Before sending it to the oven, let the piece stand for 30 minutes outside . During this time, the temperature inside and outside the piece will even out, and the meat will turn out to be very tasty.

  • You can bake the ham right away, but the pork will come out much more flavorful if it is marinated for several hours with spices and onions. Such a marinade will make the meat a little softer, and also save the dish from an unpleasant protein taste.
  • The flavor palette of the future dish depends entirely on what spices you use. So you can use more pepper and garlic if you like spicy meat, or use mustard and honey to create a sweet glaze.
  • Most of the fat will simply melt during cooking, but it's best to remove it beforehand. If you notice a significant amount of fat on the ham, cut it off, leaving only a layer of about 3-4 millimeters.
  • The juice that is formed during the roasting of meat and is collected in foil should not be poured out. You can use this concentrated broth for other dishes. For example, you can add it to baked potatoes or pour it into soup.

Baking time for ham in the oven

Baking time is the cornerstone of the cooking process for this dish. If you do not finish the meat, then it will remain raw in the center. This is dangerous because pork should not be left raw. By keeping the meat in the oven for too long, you run the risk of overdrying it.

Calculating the time required to bake a ham is very simple. To do this, you just need to find out the weight of the piece and add 40 minutes for each kilogram. It will also be necessary to let the meat stand a little in the turned off oven for 20 minutes.

For example, a whole piece of 2 kilograms will cook in total 1 hour 40 minutes.

Pork ham baked in the oven in foil, a simple step-by-step recipe


  • Pork ham - 3 kg;
  • A mixture of ground peppers - ½ tsp;
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • Paprika - 2 tsp;
  • Onion - 1 head;
  • Mustard powder - 1 tsp;
  • Basil - 1 tsp;
  • Salt - to taste.

How to quickly and easily cook a pork leg wrapped in aluminum foil

First, defrost our piece of pork, if it is frozen. Chilled meat is simply washed under running water and lightly blotted with napkins.

  • Next, cut off the excess fat, and also remove large films, if any. We make small cuts on the surface of the ham. Transfer the piece to a deep bowl.
  • Peel the onion from the peel and cut it into fairly large rings. We divide them into separate rings and shift to the meat.
  • Remove the skin from the garlic cloves and pass them through a press, or simply chop finely with a knife. Add to bowl.
  • Now pour all our spices, and also put salt in a bowl. We rub the piece well with all the spices with our hands, and also knead the pork along with the onion. Cover the bowl with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. Here the meat should stand for at least 3-4 hours, and it is better to leave it at all for the night.
  • We take out the meat and let it warm up to room temperature. In the meantime, set the oven to warm up to 250 degrees.
  • Carefully peel the onion rings from a piece and place it on a sheet of aluminum foil. We crease its edges so that the piece is completely closed. You can add another sheet if you wish.
  • We remove the meat in a preheated oven. Reduce the temperature to 180 degrees. We mark 2 hours and forget about meat for a while.
  • After the specified time, turn off the oven, but do not open the door. We wait another third of an hour and take out a fragrant delicacy from the oven.

Open the foil carefully, trying not to spill the precious aromatic juice. Ready ham can be eaten immediately or cooled and used, for example, for .

The recipe for glazed ham with honey

Surely you have seen more than once on the pages of culinary magazines a baked ham with a golden brown crust and a beautiful grid on the surface. In fact, you can easily make such beauty yourself, you just need to follow this step-by-step instruction exactly.


  • Pork ham - about 3 kg;
  • Honey - 200 ml;
  • Brown sugar - 50 g;
  • Grain mustard - 50 ml;
  • Butter - 4 tablespoons;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.

Do-it-yourself cooking leg pork meat in the oven

  • We prepare the ham in the same way as we did in the previous recipe. This time we will not marinate the meat, so we immediately rub the piece with salt and pepper and set it aside for half an hour.
  • When the pork is at room temperature, put it on a double sheet of foil. We lay a sheet of parchment on top - it will dry the upper part of the meat and close the juice inside. We turn the edges of the foil and tightly close our piece inside.
  • We heat the oven to 180 degrees and then put the meat inside for 45-50 minutes.

While the pork is baking, prepare the glaze for it. Pour honey into a small saucepan, add sugar, mustard and butter. We put the dish on a small fire and stirring, we wait for the dissolution of the sugar crystals. We take it off the fire.

By this time, the ham should already be baked. We take it out of the oven, immediately set the temperature to 230-240 degrees. Remove the top layer of foil and parchment.

We leave the meat open and with the help of a sharp knife “draw” a grid of cuts. Lubricate the piece with part of the glaze and put it back in the oven.

After 15 minutes, take it out again and again grease it with a little glaze, then set the pork to bake further. Repeat this procedure every 15 minutes until all the glaze is used up. Usually it takes 1-1.5 hours. During this time, the pork acquires a dense crust and has time to bake inside.

When all the mixture is spent and baked, take the meat out of the oven. Such a pork ham baked in the oven in foil should stand for another 15-20 minutes at room temperature, and then it can be cut into thin slices and tasted.

Pork ham baked in the oven - general principles cooking

For processing in any way, the ham is taken from the uppermost thigh of the pig. The ham from the anterior shoulder region is fibrous and less fatty, it is suitable for roasting, making rolls and diet recipes. The back meat or bacon part of the piglet has more juicy and fatty meat with layers of fat of different thicknesses. For this meat, the most successful cooking option is roasting.

Roasting is usually preceded by preparing the ham for heat treatment.

The meat must be rinsed under the stream cold water thus, possible small fragments of stones, bristle hairs and the remains of gore are washed off.

Most often, before baking, the ham is aged in brine or marinade, this procedure significantly reduces the time of its preparation in the oven.

Recipe 1. Pork ham baked in the oven in foil (with oranges)


1-2 kg. fatty ham;

4 oranges;

Spices to taste;

Salad greens (for decoration).


Scrap the skin of the ham with a knife to clean and open the pores. Make cross-shaped incisions around the entire perimeter of the ham. Season with salt and pepper.

Cut oranges with peel into circles.

Line a baking sheet with foil so that the edges hang off the sheet.

Put slices of citrus on the foil, place the meat on them. It, in turn, is lined with a layer of oranges and covered with foil is not very tight.

The ham is baked in an oven heated to 180 degrees for 80 minutes.

The finished meat is released from the foil and cut into portions, they are laid out on a dish covered with lettuce leaves. Oranges are placed on top.

Oranges in the recipe can be replaced with pineapple or papaya.

Recipe 2. Pork ham baked in the oven in foil (with apple sauce)


A piece of ham - 2 - 2.5 kg .;

Carrot - 2 pcs.;

head of garlic;

Spices, bay leaf;

Lean oil (any) - 40 ml.;

Apples (unsweetened variety) - 5 pcs.;

Dessert wine (red) - a glass;

Lemon zest;

Spices and salt.


The meat is washed, dried and stuffed with garlic, bay leaves and carrots.

Salted meat should be salted, rubbed with red hot pepper and coated with olive or other oil. A piece treated with spices is covered with a lid and put in the refrigerator for a day.

After 24 hours, the meat is removed from the refrigerator, dipped in a paper towel to remove excess juice and wrapped in foil.

The pork ham is baked in an oven over medium heat (180-190 degrees) for about 2 hours.

Preparation of the sauce: peel the apples, cut into segments, add water and boil until soft. After boiling, the apples are pureed, diluted with wine and grated lemon zest.

The finished ham is cut into pieces, which are laid out in a greased refractory dish and poured with apple sauce. Before serving, the dish must be warmed up in the oven (not having time to cool) for 5-7 minutes.

Recipe 3. Pork ham baked in the oven (in dough)


Ham - 1.5-2 kg;

100 g of cheese;

According to 4 tbsp. spoons of sour cream and mayonnaise sauce;

Salt, spices;

½ cup flour;

1 teaspoon of aromatic herb seasoning.


Cut the skin and fat from the ham. Boil the meat with salt and spices in water for about 1.5 hours and put in a colander to drain the broth.

Mix sour cream, mayonnaise, chicken eggs, grated cheese and flour. Add dried herb seasoning and knead the dough. Coat the slightly cooled boiled ham with this mixture and place it in a baking pan. You can add a spoonful of mustard to the dough to enhance the spicy aroma and taste.

So cooking the ham in the oven is much faster than in other options, since the meat was pre-boiled. It is baked until the dough crust is browned at 170-180 degrees.

Recipe 4. Pork ham baked in the oven in portions


Pork thigh (pulp with fat) - 2.5 kg.;

Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;


Flour or starch - 1 tbsp. a spoon;

1 glass of water;

1 teaspoon paprika;

Cream (10%) - ½ cup;

Honey mushrooms (canned) - 200 g;

A glass of broth;

Pepper, salt.


The meat is cut into large pieces about half the size of a palm and lightly fried. After browning, you need to transfer the pork pieces to paper and dry.

Chop onion and fry with paprika. Pour flour and salt into the pan and continue frying for another 1 minute. Next, pour in the broth and wine. Simmer the mixture over low heat until it starts to thicken. 2 minutes before turning off the stove, add cream to the sauce.

Put the toasted pieces of ham into a mold along with mushrooms. Pour the sauce over the meat and place in the oven for 35 minutes. Set the temperature - 160-170 degrees.

To pork leg, baked in portions with mushrooms, it is better to serve rice as a side dish, it compensates for the excessive fat content of meat.

Recipe 5. Pork ham baked in the oven (with kvass)


Pork meat (thigh) - 3 kg;

Onion - 10 pcs.;

Allspice - 10 peas;

Carnation - 3-4 umbrellas;

Garlic - 2 heads;

Kvass - 1 l.


Kvass is poured into a basin or bowl, spices, onions and salt are added. The meat is placed in liquid to marinate for 2 days. Dishes with marinade are cleaned in a cold place.

After 2 days, the ham is removed from the marinade, dried with napkins and stuffed with garlic.

A stuffed piece of pork is placed in a baking sheet with sides and roasted in the oven for 80 minutes.

After this time, the liquid remaining from marinating is poured into the pan, the meat continues to bake for another 1 hour. From time to time, pork should be watered with juice from a baking sheet.

Peeled potato tubers can be added to the baked ham. Then, along with the meat, a side dish will be prepared.

Kvass in the recipe can be replaced with beer.

Recipe 6. Pork ham baked in the oven in the sleeve (with juniper berries)


1 kg. pork pulp (shoulder or thigh);

300 g prunes without bones;

100 l. dry wine (white);

50 g cow's butter;

A handful of juniper berries;

150 ml. broth;

A spoonful of ground crackers.

Spices, salt.


Crush juniper berries and bay leaf in a mortar. Grate the pork with spices, salt and crushed mixture. After half an hour, brush the meat with melted butter and pour over the wine.

Place a piece of ham in a baking bag and send to the oven for 2 hours. The oven temperature is 200-210 degrees. From time to time you need to turn the sleeve over for even roasting of the meat.

While the meat is cooking, prepare the sauce. Prunes are soaked in hot water, and then passed through a meat grinder.

Crackers are fried in oil, prunes and broth are added to them. The sauce is salted and simmered for several minutes over medium heat.

Half an hour before the end of baking, the sleeve is cut, then in the remaining 30 minutes the juice will evaporate and the ham will brown.

The finished ham is cut into pieces and poured with sauce.

Recipe 7. Pork ham baked in the oven (with liquid smoke)


A piece of ham (without bone) - 1.5 kg .;

Red hot pepper - 1/3 teaspoon;

2 cloves of garlic;

Salt - 40 g;

7 art. spoons of liquid smoke;

1 l. water.


First, the meat must be kept in brine for about 6 hours. The pickle is getting ready in the following way: 1.5 tablespoons of salt and liquid smoke dissolve in a liter of water.

After 6 hours of aging, the meat can be baked; first, it should be rubbed with pepper and garlic gruel mixed with a small amount of oil. Baking temperature 150 degrees. The required time is 3 hours.

Recipe 8. Pork ham baked in the oven (in soy-mustard marinade)


A piece of ham on the bone - saw cut about 10 cm wide;

Mustard paste - 1 tbsp. a spoon;

Soy sauce (classic) - 1 tbsp. a spoon;

Granulated sugar - ½ teaspoon;

Balsamic or wine vinegar - 15 ml;

Dried dill greens - 10 g.


On the pork skin, make cuts every 2 cm and sprinkle the meat with vinegar. Keep pork at room temperature for 2 hours.

Mix soy sauce with mustard, sugar and dill. Coat the ham, trying to get inside the cuts. So hold the pork for another hour.

The ham is first baked for 15 minutes at 200 degrees, after which the heat is reduced to 180 degrees and the meat is cooked for another 40 minutes.

Recipe 9. Pork ham baked in the oven (economical way)

This recipe is called economical, because its implementation requires a minimum food set.


Meat from the hip part (with layers of fat) - 2 kg .;

Coarse salt -1.5 kg.


The ham needs to be prepared for baking. For this, a saline (hypertonic) solution is prepared. The ratio of water and salt in the solution is 1 to 4. It is not advisable to add more salt to the water, because the meat will take the missing salt from the substrate. At your discretion, ground pepper powder or other spices can be diluted in the solution. With the help of a large medical syringe, this brine should nourish the piece as much as possible.

Salt is poured at the bottom of the baking sheet, a ham is placed on it and sent to the oven for 3 hours. The temperature is -160 degrees.

If the meat surface begins to burn, the ham should be covered with foil during the baking process. 20 minutes before the end of frying, the foil is removed.

Ham cooked on a bed of salt has a juicy and natural taste. Many, having tried this option, prefer it.

Recipe 10. Oven-baked pork ham (Welsh recipe)


Ham (shoulder part) - 1.2-1.5 kg;

Onions - 2 pcs.;

Potatoes (young) - 1 kg.;

Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons;

Flour - 1 tbsp. spoons;

Apples (green) - 1 pc.;

Broth - 1 glass;

Greens and olives - for decoration.


Medium-sized potatoes are washed and scraped off (you can not peel off the skin from young potatoes). The tubers are placed on the bottom of a cauldron or patch and poured with oil. A ham is placed on top, previously grated with salt.

The roaster with the contents is placed in a hot oven (230-250 degrees) and kept in it until the meat is browned.

Peeled and sliced ​​apple fruits are fried to a golden hue. After that, onion and flour are sautéed in this oil.

Put the pot with the broth on the stove, add the roast, apples and reduce the liquid by 1/3.

Pour the broth into the roaster, cover with a lid and continue to cook the ham with potatoes for another 25 minutes.

Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped herbs and garnish with olives.

Recipe 11. Pork ham baked in the oven in the sleeve (with lingonberry mixture)


Pork ham (without bone) - 1 kg .;

Orange juice - 100 ml;

Cowberry berries (200 g);

Honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;


Lingonberries, honey and orange juice are whipped in a blender.

The skinned meat is cut into 4-5 parts and salted.

Pieces of pork are placed in the sleeve, and lingonberry mixture is poured there. The baking bag is tied and shaken to evenly distribute the liquid.

The meat in the sleeve is sent to roast in the oven for 50 minutes. The temperature is 200 degrees.

Recipe 12. Pork ham baked in the oven (breaded)


Pork ham - 1-2 kg .;

Basil greens (bunch);

Kernels of pine nuts - a handful;

Bun (white);

A spoonful of butter;

50 g cheese (hard);

80 ml. vegetable oil;

Garlic - a few cloves;

Spices, salt.


White roll is better to take not the first freshness. The crust is cut off from it, and the bread pulp is ground in a blender.

The crumbs are quickly fried in butter and cooled.

The next step in the blender is chopped nuts (part), cheese, garlic and herbs.

Spices, salt and oil are added to the mass. Everything is beaten well, and then mixed with fried crumbs.

In the ham, a deep incision is made wide along the entire piece. The recess moves apart a little and part of the oil-nut liquid is poured into it, the remaining nuts are poured.

To close the hole, a piece of pork is wrapped with threads.

Before sending the ham to the oven, it is coated with a breading mixture.

Baking takes 2 hours and a temperature of 200 degrees.

To avoid burning, the pork is first covered with foil, and after 60 minutes it is removed so that a fragrant and fried crust forms on the ham.

Oven Roasted Pork Leg - Tricks and Tips

Dishes prepared from fresh meat are distinguished by the best taste and health benefits. However, it is not always possible to purchase a pair of pork, therefore, if you buy a frozen ham, a piece should be thawed in a natural way, and not in water: valuable juice, which contains protein, is washed off with it.

Cuts on a piece before baking are made so that the finished meat is juicy and not tough. For a more thorough impregnation of the ham, marinade can be poured into these incisions with a spoon or using a medical syringe.

Tough meat from a middle-aged pig will become soft if, in the process of preliminary boiling the ham, add 1 tbsp to the broth. a spoonful of alcohol or ½ tablespoon of vinegar (9%).

Milk can serve as a good alternative to brine, which gives the meat piece a spicy taste and softness. The ham is aged in it for several hours before baking. Mustard, often found in pork ham recipes, has the same properties.

Since the ham itself is a fairly nutritious and high-calorie product, it is better to choose vegetable side dishes as additives to it. This combination will be the most successful and healthy.

Pig meat is popular almost all over the world, with the exception of those countries where its use is prohibited by religion.

Mankind began to eat even before our era, and the word ham, for example, came from Ancient Russia, where it was cooked in the oven, it is also loved to this day, especially baked in foil.

Pig meat has a delicate texture, thin fibers, and is easy to cook, fry, and stew. It is used for cooking kebabs, cutlets, dumplings, semi-finished products, sausages and various delicacies. The pork carcass is cut into different pieces, depending on the location, the very purpose of the piece also changes. Tenderloin, neck, shoulder blade, ham, loin, brisket, but this is not the whole list. A specialist in his field can easily distinguish one type of meat from another.

This product is distinguished by a high content of protein, vitamin B group and useful trace elements such as iron, iodine, zinc. Opponents of pork talk about its fat content, but it is mostly concentrated in, but it is quite simple to separate it from meat.

Pork meat differs from other species in its unique composition, it is able to act beneficially on the properties of the body. One of its main advantages is the ability to lower blood cholesterol levels. And the constant use of pork reduces the risk of manifestations of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Some believe that lard contains a lot of calories and cholesterol, but in fact, animal fat is vital for the body in small quantities.

It is also worth pointing out that pork is perfectly absorbed and digested by the human stomach, so he can easily get all the necessary and useful substances from it. Pork meat has a positive effect on male potency. Doctors even often recommend to their problem patients that they introduce as much as possible into their diet.

The maximum benefit of substances is preserved in boiled, stewed and baked meat.

Marinating pork ham

The ham is a fleshy pork buttock, the uppermost part of the hind leg, popularly called the "back". It is used in boiled, baked, smoked and boiled-smoked form. A good housewife will cook anything from a ham, since its qualities allow it, but most of all it is suitable for baking in a large piece and for cooking boiled pork.

There can be a lot of cooking options, everything converges in one thing - it is better to marinate the meat beforehand. This is done for the reason that the ham has big size, and even pepper and salt it on top, the spices will not penetrate inside. As a result, the core of the piece will be tasteless. Pickling is also used to soften, make it even more tender.

The first marinade

How to marinate pork ham? A variety of additives to the marinade will help make the taste unique and special every time. Spices can be chosen very different, according to your taste, but are best suited for pickling:

  • Garlic.
  • Black pepper.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Caraway.
  • Rosemary.

For the marinade, boil water, salt and let it cool slightly. Then add your favorite spices and cool the water to room temperature. If garlic is added, finely chop it.

The meat is pre-prepared: a bone is cut out, optionally removed. Then the ham is placed in the marinade, and remains there for at least a day, a maximum of three days. Keep pickled meat in the refrigerator, occasionally turning it over to the other side.

If for some reason there is no time for exposure, you can use a method such as extrusion. It consists in the fact that the same brine is injected into the layers of meat with a syringe. The calculation of the marinade is 100 ml per 1 kg.

Second marinade option

Lovers of a delicious golden brown crust can use a marinade of sour cream, mayonnaise and mustard. The housewives also add spices to this mixture.

Deep dishes are taken, the ingredients listed above are mixed, spices are added to taste. The pork ham is completely coated with this mixture, wrapped in polyethylene and put in the refrigerator in this form. With this preparation, meat can be aged less, but without fail for at least 3 hours.

The third version of the marinade

For hunters of even more original tastes, another option is possible, with the addition of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol softens the meat, it melts in the mouth after that. It is worth recalling that during heat treatment, alcohol evaporates in order to prevent non-drinkers from doubting the use of such a product.

For this marinade, it is also necessary to boil water, put the necessary ingredients there: ginger, peppercorns, herbs, honey or sugar, bay leaf. Bring to a boil, simmering for a few minutes.

After the time has passed, remove the pan from the heat, pour in the bite and let the liquid cool. Then soy sauce and dry white or dry red wine are added to the marinade. Pork ham is poured with cooked marinade and left overnight in the refrigerator.

In addition to pickling, other methods of preparing ham are also used:

  • Ham stuffing. Forcing allows you to make the taste of meat even more intense, and the cooking process becomes faster due to cuts. This method will also help out those who did not have time to marinate the meat in advance. Cuts are made on a piece of meat, where cloves are placed, spices are poured. Forcing may be the only way to process meat before cooking, or one of the components in the chain.
  • Pre-roasting. After the time has elapsed, the hostess takes the meat out of the marinade, pats it dry with paper towels, and it's time to pre-fry. This roasting is called "sealing". It is necessary so that fat and moisture do not evaporate from the meat, and the crust becomes appetizingly golden. The frying pan for this type of frying must be preheated well and greased with oil. The ham is fried on each side for several minutes, until golden brown. It should be ensured that the crust covers the entire surface of the meat, if you skip at least one area, all the juice will run through it.
  • Glazing meat. This method of additional processing, in addition to a beautiful color, will give a magical sweetish taste. To create the glaze, honey or syrup, mustard, vegetable oil and your favorite spices are used. The resulting mixture is coated with meat after “sealing” and sent to the oven.

Roasting meat in the oven

Meat prepared in all these ways is wrapped with foil in several layers. It is important to make sure that the whole pork leg is covered before putting the meat in the oven. This way, the pork will be in an airtight foil bag, and all the steam and juice will remain inside, enhancing the heat treatment.

The oven must be preheated to a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Put the pork in foil on a baking sheet and place inside. Cooking time may vary depending on the weight of the ham. Its average duration is taken at the rate of 1 kg of meat for 60 minutes of time.

To make the crust ruddy, 25 minutes before the end of cooking, the foil should be slightly opened. When the ham is ready, it must be pulled out of the oven and closed again. In this state, let the meat stand for 15-20 minutes.


Pork ham -1.5-2 kg

First option:

  • Water 500 ml.
  • Garlic 4-5 cloves.
  • Bay leaf - 5 leaves.
  • Black pepper - half a teaspoon.

Second option:

  • Sour cream -1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • Mayonnaise 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • Mustard 2 teaspoons.
  • Spices - to taste.

Third option:

  • garlic 5-6 cloves
  • water 1 thousand ml
  • soy sauce 140 ml
  • wine vinegar 20 ml
  • honey 1 g
  • black pepper 5 g

Garnish for ham

Pork ham is an independent dish and does not particularly need a side dish, as it is high-calorie and satisfying in itself. But if there is a big holiday ahead, where there will be a lot of people, you can cook it too.

The palm in the struggle of side dishes for meat, without any doubt, is occupied by potatoes. It perfectly sets off the flavors of meat. main reason when choosing potatoes as a side dish, is that there are no people who do not like. At the same time, he looks advantageous on festive table, especially if cooked with mayonnaise and spices. In this case, the slices will turn out ruddy and juicy.

Second place rightly goes to vegetables. These are cabbage, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, eggplant, turnip, etc. The more original the vegetable mixture, the better. Since the ham is rich in calories, a light side dish will come in handy.

As a side dish, even dishes such as pasta and cereals are suitable for pork. Their only drawback can be called a non-holiday look. But if the ham was prepared only for home gatherings, then such side dishes will be simple, satisfying and, most importantly, appropriate.

Potatoes and other vegetables can be cooked together with the ham, right in the foil. In this case, they will be soaked in juice and marinade too. The second way to prepare a vegetable mixture is to stew in a pan. Each hostess will decide for herself which cooking she likes best.

There is no shortage of meat on the trading floors at the present time, it is for every taste and for almost every budget. Modern housewives are not very versed in the anatomy of a pig and how this or that piece of meat should look like. If you become adept at this, you can not only win in the family budget, but also greatly surprise your household in the culinary skills, because different pieces are suitable for different dishes.

Pork ham in the oven (ham) - on the video:

Traditional Slavic cuisine has always been characterized by the preparation of any meat in the form of large pieces. They were boiled and baked in pots, cast irons and over an open fire.

This method was considered simple and reasonable.

In the last century, the open fire of ovens has been replaced by ovens, where large pieces are evenly fried from all sides without prejudice to appearance and taste qualities.

Ham (back) - the fleshy hip or shoulder part of the pork carcass, which is most often subjected to heat treatment by baking.

Ham meat is consumed hot, and also as cold appetizers (ham, prosciutto, boiled pork, jamon). For baking, you can choose the meat fillet of the femur part of the ham, or the ham with fat on the bone. Some prefer lean flesh, while others cannot imagine a ham without a layer of fat. All types of pork ham have their own cooking methods.

Pork ham baked in the oven - general principles of cooking

For processing in any way, the ham is taken from the uppermost thigh of the pig. The ham from the anterior shoulder region is fibrous and less fatty, it is suitable for roasting, making rolls and diet recipes. The back meat or bacon part of the piglet has more juicy and fatty meat with layers of fat of different thicknesses. For this meat, the most successful cooking option is roasting.

Roasting is usually preceded by preparing the ham for heat treatment.

The meat must be rinsed under a stream of cold water, thus, possible small fragments of bones, bristle hairs and the remains of gore are washed off.

Most often, before baking, the ham is aged in brine or marinade, this procedure significantly reduces the time of its preparation in the oven.

Recipe 1. Pork ham baked in the oven in foil (with oranges)

1-2 kg. fatty ham;

Spices to taste;

Salad greens (for decoration).

Scrap the skin of the ham with a knife to clean and open the pores. Make cross-shaped incisions around the entire perimeter of the ham. Season with salt and pepper.

Cut oranges with peel into circles.

Line a baking sheet with foil so that the edges hang off the sheet.

Put slices of citrus on the foil, place the meat on them. It, in turn, is lined with a layer of oranges and covered with foil is not very tight.

The ham is baked in an oven heated to 180 degrees for 80 minutes.

The finished meat is released from the foil and cut into portions, they are laid out on a dish covered with lettuce leaves. Oranges are placed on top.

Oranges in the recipe can be replaced with pineapple or papaya.

Recipe 2. Pork ham baked in the oven in foil (with apple sauce)

Spices, bay leaf;

Lean oil (any) - 40 ml;

Apples (unsweetened variety) - 5 pcs.;

Dessert wine (red) - a glass;

Spices and salt.

The meat is washed, dried and stuffed with garlic, bay leaves and carrots.

Salted meat should be salted, rubbed with red hot pepper and coated with olive or other oil. A piece treated with spices is covered with a lid and put in the refrigerator for a day.

After 24 hours, the meat is removed from the refrigerator, dipped in a paper towel to remove excess juice and wrapped in foil.

The pork ham is baked in an oven over medium heat (180-190 degrees) for about 2 hours.

Preparation of the sauce: peel the apples, cut into segments, add water and boil until soft. After boiling, the apples are pureed, diluted with wine and grated lemon zest.

The finished ham is cut into pieces, which are laid out in a greased refractory dish and poured with apple sauce. Before serving, the dish must be warmed up in the oven (not having time to cool) for 5-7 minutes.

Recipe 3. Pork ham baked in the oven (in dough)

According to 4 tbsp. spoons of sour cream and mayonnaise sauce;

1 teaspoon of aromatic herb seasoning.

Cut the skin and fat from the ham. Boil the meat with salt and spices in water for about 1.5 hours and put in a colander to drain the broth.

Mix sour cream, mayonnaise, chicken eggs, grated cheese and flour. Add dried herb seasoning and knead the dough. Coat the slightly cooled boiled ham with this mixture and place it in a baking pan. You can add a spoonful of mustard to the dough to enhance the spicy aroma and taste.

So cooking the ham in the oven is much faster than in other options, since the meat was pre-boiled. It is baked until the dough crust is browned at 170-180 degrees.

Recipe 4. Pork ham baked in the oven in portions

Pork thigh (pulp with fat) - 2.5 kg .;

Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;

Flour or starch - 1 tbsp. a spoon;

1 teaspoon paprika;

Honey mushrooms (canned) - 200 g;

The meat is cut into large pieces about half the size of a palm and lightly fried. After browning, you need to transfer the pork pieces to paper and dry.

Chop onion and fry with paprika. Pour flour and salt into the pan and continue frying for another 1 minute. Next, pour in the broth and wine. Simmer the mixture over low heat until it starts to thicken. 2 minutes before turning off the stove, add cream to the sauce.

Put the toasted pieces of ham into a mold along with mushrooms. Pour the sauce over the meat and place in the oven for 35 minutes. Set the temperature - 160-170 degrees.

For pork ham, baked in portions with mushrooms, it is better to serve rice as a side dish, it compensates for the excess fat content of meat.

Recipe 5. Pork ham baked in the oven (with kvass)

Allspice - 10 peas;

Carnation - 3-4 umbrellas;

Kvass is poured into a basin or bowl, spices, onions and salt are added. The meat is placed in liquid to marinate for 2 days. Dishes with marinade are cleaned in a cold place.

After 2 days, the ham is removed from the marinade, dried with napkins and stuffed with garlic.

A stuffed piece of pork is placed in a baking sheet with sides and roasted in the oven for 80 minutes.

After this time, the liquid remaining from marinating is poured into the pan, the meat continues to bake for another 1 hour. From time to time, pork should be watered with juice from a baking sheet.

Peeled potato tubers can be added to the baked ham. Then, along with the meat, a side dish will be prepared.

Kvass in the recipe can be replaced with beer.

Recipe 6. Pork ham baked in the oven in the sleeve (with juniper berries)

1 kg. pork pulp (shoulder or thigh);

300 g prunes without bones;

100 l. dry wine (white);

50 g cow's butter;

A handful of juniper berries;

A spoonful of ground crackers.

Crush juniper berries and bay leaf in a mortar. Grate the pork with spices, salt and crushed mixture. After half an hour, brush the meat with melted butter and pour over the wine.

Place a piece of ham in a baking bag and send to the oven for 2 hours. The oven temperature is 200-210 degrees. From time to time you need to turn the sleeve over for even roasting of the meat.

While the meat is cooking, prepare the sauce. Prunes are soaked in hot water, and then passed through a meat grinder.

Crackers are fried in oil, prunes and broth are added to them. The sauce is salted and simmered for several minutes over medium heat.

Half an hour before the end of baking, the sleeve is cut, then in the remaining 30 minutes the juice will evaporate and the ham will brown.

The finished ham is cut into pieces and poured with sauce.

Recipe 7. Pork ham baked in the oven (with liquid smoke)

A piece of ham (without bone) - 1.5 kg .;

Red hot pepper - 1/3 teaspoon;

2 cloves of garlic;

7 art. spoons of liquid smoke;

First, the meat must be kept in brine for about 6 hours. The brine is prepared as follows: 1.5 tablespoons of salt and liquid smoke are dissolved in a liter of water.

After 6 hours of aging, the meat can be baked; first, it should be rubbed with pepper and garlic gruel mixed with a small amount of oil. Baking temperature 150 degrees. The required time is 3 hours.

Recipe 8. Pork ham baked in the oven (in soy-mustard marinade)

A piece of ham on the bone - sawed off about 10 cm wide;

Mustard paste - 1 tbsp. a spoon;

Soy sauce (classic) - 1 tbsp. a spoon;

Balsamic or wine vinegar - 15 ml;

Dried dill greens - 10 g.

On the pork skin, make cuts every 2 cm and sprinkle the meat with vinegar. Keep pork at room temperature for 2 hours.

Mix soy sauce with mustard, sugar and dill. Coat the ham, trying to get inside the cuts. So hold the pork for another hour.

The ham is first baked for 15 minutes at 200 degrees, after which the heat is reduced to 180 degrees and the meat is cooked for another 40 minutes.

Recipe 9. Pork ham baked in the oven (economical way)

This recipe is called economical, because its implementation requires a minimum food set.

Meat from the hip part (with layers of fat) - 2 kg .;

Coarse salt -1.5 kg.

The ham needs to be prepared for baking. For this, a saline (hypertonic) solution is prepared. The ratio of water and salt in the solution is 1 to 4. It is not advisable to add more salt to the water, because the meat will take the missing salt from the substrate. At your discretion, ground pepper powder or other spices can be diluted in the solution. With the help of a large medical syringe, this brine should nourish the piece as much as possible.

Salt is poured at the bottom of the baking sheet, a ham is placed on it and sent to the oven for 3 hours. The temperature is -160 degrees.

If the meat surface begins to burn, the ham should be covered with foil during the baking process. 20 minutes before the end of frying, the foil is removed.

Ham cooked on a bed of salt has a juicy and natural taste. Many, having tried this option, prefer it.

Recipe 10. Oven-baked pork ham (Welsh recipe)

Ham (shoulder part) - 1.2-1.5 kg;

Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons;

Greens and olives - for decoration.

Medium-sized potatoes are washed and scraped off (you can not peel off the skin from young potatoes). The tubers are placed on the bottom of a cauldron or patch and poured with oil. A ham is placed on top, previously grated with salt.

The roaster with the contents is placed in a hot oven (230-250 degrees) and kept in it until the meat is browned.

Peeled and sliced ​​apple fruits are fried to a golden hue. After that, onion and flour are sautéed in this oil.

Put the pot with the broth on the stove, add the roast, apples and reduce the liquid by 1/3.

Pour the broth into the roaster, cover with a lid and continue to cook the ham with potatoes for another 25 minutes.

Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped herbs and garnish with olives.

Recipe 11. Pork ham baked in the oven in the sleeve (with lingonberry mixture)

Pork ham (without bone) - 1 kg.;

Orange juice - 100 ml;

Cowberry berries (200 g);

Lingonberries, honey and orange juice are whipped in a blender.

The skinned meat is cut into 4-5 parts and salted.

Pieces of pork are placed in the sleeve, and lingonberry mixture is poured there. The baking bag is tied and shaken to evenly distribute the liquid.

The meat in the sleeve is sent to roast in the oven for 50 minutes. The temperature is 200 degrees.

Recipe 12. Pork ham baked in the oven (breaded)

Basil greens (bunch);

Kernels of pine nuts - a handful;

A spoonful of butter;

50 g cheese (hard);

80 ml. vegetable oil;

Garlic - a few cloves;

White roll is better to take not the first freshness. The crust is cut off from it, and the bread pulp is ground in a blender.

The crumbs are quickly fried in butter and cooled.

The next step in the blender is chopped nuts (part), cheese, garlic and herbs.

Spices, salt and oil are added to the mass. Everything is beaten well, and then mixed with fried crumbs.

In the ham, a deep incision is made wide along the entire piece. The recess moves apart a little and part of the oil-nut liquid is poured into it, the remaining nuts are poured.

To close the hole, a piece of pork is wrapped with threads.

Before sending the ham to the oven, it is coated with a breading mixture.

It takes 2 hours to bake and the temperature is 200 degrees.

To avoid burning, the pork is first covered with foil, and after 60 minutes it is removed so that a fragrant and fried crust forms on the ham.

Oven Roasted Pork Leg - Tricks and Tips

  • Dishes prepared from fresh meat are distinguished by the best taste and health benefits. However, it is not always possible to purchase a pair of pork, therefore, if you buy a frozen ham, a piece should be thawed in a natural way, and not in water: valuable juice, which contains protein, is washed off with it.
  • Cuts on a piece before baking are made so that the finished meat is juicy and not tough. For a more thorough impregnation of the ham, marinade can be poured into these incisions with a spoon or using a medical syringe.
  • Tough meat from a middle-aged pig will become soft if, in the process of preliminary boiling the ham, add 1 tbsp to the broth. a spoonful of alcohol or ½ tablespoon of vinegar (9%).
  • Milk can serve as a good alternative to brine, which gives the meat piece a spicy taste and softness. The ham is aged in it for several hours before baking. Mustard, often found in pork ham recipes, has the same properties.
  • Since the ham itself is a fairly nutritious and high-calorie product, it is better to choose vegetable side dishes as additives to it. This combination will be the most successful and healthy.