Pictures of dried grass and leaves. Oshtbana - Japanese dry leaf art

We have prepared for you a selection of patterns and descriptions for knitting New Year's toys. Every home has holiday traditions that are customary to observe every year. Even if you never thought about it, the annual rituals are rarely violated.

  • Someone likes to put up only a live Christmas tree, goes to the Christmas market, chooses a fluffy spruce or a prickly Christmas tree, or maybe buys a tree in Ikea and then sells it for processing.
  • Someone cares about environment and keeps an artificial tree under the bed every year, and then lovingly takes it out and dresses it up.
  • Someone does not have a place for a big Christmas tree, and they are content with this or a wall installation.

But any tree, whether artificial or living, large or small, traditionally needs to be dressed up. In addition to the descriptions that we have collected in this collection, the Christmas tree can be decorated with knitted birds, sweets, Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens, openwork snowflakes and icicles, as well as symbols of the coming year.

If you create 1-2 decorations every year, then you will accumulate a whole collection of vintage toys. It can be passed on to children or grandchildren. Just imagine how nice it would be now to get the New Year's toy that decorated your grandmother's Christmas tree! I would definitely give a lot for this extraordinary opportunity.

This year, we invite you to start collecting a collection of DIY Christmas toys. Christmas tree in our family soft toys, without the participation of glass dressed up twice: a year when my daughter grew up and began to walk, and then when we took a kitten. Since then, every year I try to knit or buy one hand-made toy.

Christmas toys, descriptions and knitting patterns from the Internet

We have several descriptions of toys on our site, we also give links to them, but the most interesting ideas we got on the internet.


  • - 5 stocking needles;
  • - yarn;
  • - the basis for the ball;
  • - hook;
  • - jacquard knitting pattern;
  • - glue;
  • - tape measure;
  • - fastening for a ball.

interesting selection on the site Trend of the season

New Year special holiday and preparation for it must begin in advance. The coming year 2018 eastern horoscope- the year of the dog, so souvenirs with the symbol of the year are relevant. I propose to tie a Christmas tree toy - a hemisphere with a puppy.

  • Types of creativity: Knitting
  • Difficulty: medium
  • Working time: 2 hours

To knit a toy, you will need materials and tools:

  • white and yellow wool (200-250 m per 100 grams);
  • white and yellow yarn cotton-stretch Kamteks for dogs;
  • some black yarn for embroidering the spout;
  • holofiber;
  • stocking knitting needles No. 2, 5;
  • a pair of plastic eyes;
  • tapestry needle, scissors, hook No. 2, Moment-Crystal glue.

“Christmas tree in mittens” - the work of Anna

I am Anna. I live in the Kosromskaya region. Once in childhood, my mother taught me perseverance and taught me to hold a hook and knitting needles in my hands. Now I can't imagine myself without them. I present my work “Herringbone in

New Year's costumes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden for Barbie - Larisa Vladimirovna's competitive work. A description of Santa Claus is given, on the costume of the Snow Maiden, dial 4 loops more. We collect 22 loops and knit: 1 p: 1 kr, 4

Santa Clauses are different: red, blue, silver and not so much. But most often they stand under the Christmas tree or serve as decoration for our New Year's interior. Such things create a festive mood. This unusual Santa Claus will not only decorate your home, but also keep you warm. . Detailed description you will find in the diary.
You will need: 5 stocking needles No. 2.5 - 3.0, the remains of red, white, pink-yellow and black (gray) yarn, stuffing material.

Christmas ball knitting

Knitted fly agaric

Even a beginner knitter can knit this fly agaric, you just need to be able to knit the front and back loops and make yarn. For work, we need threads - white and red, toe knitting needles, a little synthetic fluff for stuffing, a piece of lace and a ribbon for hanging.

See MK for knitting toys.

Knitted Christmas decorations - bell

Material: leftovers of white, red, green and yellow yarn; spokes Nr. 3. Basic Pattern: RS: knit stitches in knit rows, purl stitches in purl rows, Garter Stitch: knit stitches in knit and purl rows. Description of work: knitted bell A: Starting from the bottom

Bunny - Christmas toy - rattle

Polirinka will tell you how to tie this Christmas tree toy or rattle. You will need: angora thread, tennis ball, satin ribbon, beads, groats. Bunny rattle can be a girl or a boy. It will take no more than 2-3 hours to make it. fantasize and

New Year's girl - knitting snowflake

Translation from Maria Mashuliyas. Toys can be tied separately and hung on a Christmas tree.

The height of each doll without a hat is 12 cm. Spokes: 3 mm. Density: 26p = 10cm.

For knitting, you will need the remnants of white, red, yellow and green yarn, knitting needles number 3.

Beautiful schemes, only the balls turned out not quite round. You should probably use a plastic ball for a perfect round shape.

Knitters gather a huge number of small balls of a variety of threads. I propose an idea how to make an original and warm souvenir for the New Year and Christmas out of them.

For work you will need:

  • Knitting;
  • knitting needles;
  • scissors;
  • hook;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • satin ribbons;
  • sewing needles and threads;
  • lighter or matches;
  • your imagination and fantasy.

I will knit a toy in the shape of a heart with a jacquard pattern.

Video tutorials on knitting New Year's toys

According to good video tutorials and master classes, it is much easier to knit this or that thing, especially for beginners. Another video perfectly stimulates you to tie the started thing to the end. This is a special kind of test of strength, when the author of the video knits his thing or a toy, and you must keep up with knitting exactly the same! Try it, the process is addictive.

Knitted Christmas ball, detailed master class

A ball for a Christmas tree or for decorating a room. The ball is soft and safe. YarnArt Baby red and white yarn (100% acrylic, 50gr/150m), knitting needles No. 2.

How to knit a toy Christmas tree

On the eve New Year holidays we begin to knit Christmas trees. Very cute and cozy Christmas trees can be easily knitted, I offer one of the options, I came up with them myself, I hope you like them.

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Christmas tree toy with knitting needles, Christmas tree for a Christmas tree)

In this video, the author shows in detail how to knit a Christmas tree with knitting needles. A beautiful piece in the form of a simple triangle. It can be used as a garland, pendant, keychain on a bag or backpack. For work, we need green acrylic yarn (for example, Yarnart Baby in 2 threads), filler and knitting needles of the right size.

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Christmas toy Star knitting

For knitting, you will need stocking needles, yarn of suitable thickness. The toy is knitted from the edge to the center.

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Christmas ball with oblique knitting needles

To create this ball, you will need: a foam ball with a diameter of 10 cm, yarn (100% acrylic), a ball mount, hosiery needles and a little effort and patience.

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It is necessary to think about the celebration of the New Year in advance, especially when there are children in the house. They will not give the opportunity to shirk from this event, you will have to install a Christmas tree, think about how to decorate it, update the home nomenclature Christmas decorations. Parents furrow their brows about New Year's expenses. This is generally a costly holiday: to install a Christmas tree, and decorate, and for children to buy carnival costumes or, in extreme cases, build them themselves and prepare all sorts of delicacies for the holiday. And also - a corporate party, you also won’t go in an old dress, and in general - there are only expenses and chores. But the grumbling of parents is mostly feigned, because New Year's chores are the most pleasant of the year, and this feeling has been going on since childhood.

An idea came up to replenish the arsenal of New Year's toys using family knitting skills. It has come to the rescue more than once in difficult times. And now, it will not only save money, but perform a more important intra-family function: it will allow you to involve children in the preparation of the holiday, at the same time strengthen their knitting skills, and most importantly, it will allow you to prepare for the holidays with a wide family front. And common work, as you know, unites the team, makes it friendly and active.

How great it will turn out! Dad and son install and secure the Christmas tree, create a safe illumination with the help of garlands and various lanterns, and mom and daughter take old balls and knit a new shell of colored threads for them.

Knitting should be done with thin stocking needles, of which there are 5 in the kit. Any threads will go, better - acrylic with wool, you can choose the colors yourself. You just need to remember that the patterns are jacquard, that is, two colors will go to each ball, which should be effectively combined with each other. And, most importantly, a pattern, guided by which, you can start knitting.

We offer you 8 samples of patterns that are easy to perform and will give a beautiful ball in finished form. All these patterns are shown in the appendix.

Each diagram shows one rapport (an element of repetition). The canvas of one ball contains 4 rapports.

So, we knit the first ball.

We collect 12 loops on the knitting needles, 3 loops for each of the four repetitions - rapports. We distribute these loops on 4 knitting needles, 3 loops on each, and close the ring.

We knit 14 rows according to the scheme, along the way adding 2 loops through the row at the ends of each next repetition - rapport.

In the center of this canvas we knit a jacquard pattern according to the pattern.

Then we perform the reverse process - reducing the loops. We do this in exactly the same way as we added: we remove 2 loops from each end of the rapport, and we do this through one row, and in total we knit 14 rows in this way.

We tighten the remaining loops, form an eyelet in order to make it convenient to hook the ball onto the spruce paw.

The balls are extremely decorative and fit perfectly into the needles. Here it is convenient to take as a basis White color, against its background, red, blue, green and even black will look great.

Ready-made balls, again, we place the whole team on the Christmas tree. She becomes homely and habitable. Due to the white base color of the balls, snow will be added to the Christmas tree, and it will stand fluffy and beautiful. And most importantly - no one will have such a Christmas tree!

Interior decor is a fun activity, especially if you know how to do something with your own hands. The wall panel will become a real decoration of the living room, kitchen or bedroom. Depending on the season, you can change the subject for your painting. In this article, you will learn how to make a leaf panel on an autumn theme.


- leaves of different trees;

- foil;

- spray paint;

- the basis for a panel made of chipboard or a canvas stretched over a frame;

Panel of autumn leaves, a step-by-step master class

Collect fallen leaves outside and clean them of dirt and dust. After that, wipe them well from moisture with a napkin. Prepare the basis for the panel and attach the leaves to it. Immediately think of how your composition should look like.

After that, you will need to glue the surface of the base, as well as the leaves, with glue. You need to glue the leaves with the front side to the panel so that the veins are on top, and the craft can be given a relief texture.

Also read: Applications from autumn leaves. A photo

Now glue the leaves again with glue and attach the foil. Cut off a large piece of foil in advance so that it is enough for the entire base. Decorate the foil nicely so that it fits snugly against the wood base.

Take black paint in a spray can and apply on top of the foil. After the paint has dried, you can begin to create shades. To do this, begin to erase the paint with a scraper. Try not to damage the foil itself, but don't worry too much, you can fix everything with a black felt-tip pen or marker. Do-it-yourself autumn panel is ready.

See the photo of the leaf panel:

An autumn panel of leaves will harmoniously blend into any interior and become an original gift for loved ones. By the same principle, you can try to make a winter panel using Christmas tree needles. With their own hands, modern needlewomen create real masterpieces, but why are you worse? Experiment and you will also get beautiful handmade decor items.

My daughter Katya in this wreath became the "Queen of Autumn" in 2007!

It is my deep conviction that our education, starting from Soviet times, is built on the following principle:

“If you did not complete the task of the teacher in childhood, you will still do it when you help your child” :-).

So, dear mothers, since we met on this page, it means that your child was given the task to bring autumn crafts. Guessed?

I'm sure you'll breathe a sigh of relief now! I collected a bunch of ideas, and your craft from autumn leaves will definitely please the teacher! 🙂

In order not to interfere with the whole experience of mankind in this matter, I tried to combine collages and applications that are similar in meaning.

Let's start!

Autumn leaves portrait

I did not find many examples of little men of their natural materials, but enough for inspiration. The face can be glued together from several fragments and an oval of the desired shape can be cut out.

For hairstyles or hats, choose coarser plants. You can use spikelets or stalks of dry herbs.

Here are some very cute characters "with a mood." Moms. Do not try to find leaves of the desired shape. To make a head, simply cut a circle or an oval from any sheet. If there are no dried narrow blades of grass for hair, cut a large sheet into thin strips.

I also found children for them, though not from leaves, but from acorns. For their fast manufacturing You will need a glue gun and a permanent marker. A scarf can be made from scraps of felt or any other bright fabric. Incredible kids!


This is the most common type of autumn creativity. We make up from dry leaves of different colors and shapes of cute animals and insects. Leaves of contrasting colors are hardest to find, as almost everything turns yellowish-brown after drying.

To have a choice, dry not only autumn, but also green leaves too, then the color palette will be much wider and you will definitely get something from this. By the way, dry rose petals look great on a peacock's tail, take note:

Here are simple and expressive birds. By the way, leaves with small flaws look quite harmonious, there are always a lot of unexpected spots in the plumage of birds. a couple of lines with a pen, and the beak becomes like a beak. Chickens are made in a minute, you can make a whole brood.

Impossible handsome ... Apple bit off :-). This collage is made using colored cardboard parts. My version of the hedgehog is on the right in the frame. We are still there semolina sprinkled on PVA glue in some places. I hope the teacher enjoys...

Here is another option for those who can draw these simple drawings. Draw the head of a lion and a fish large - on the entire landscape sheet. Cardboard is preferred. The rest is clear from the illustration!

Information for educators and teachers! , there is a lot of useful and affordable!

More from ash seeds…

Here is our latest craft. This is a beautiful owl in a frame of autumn leaves. On a sheet of A3 cardboard along the perimeter with an overlap, the leaves were pasted on PVA. They didn’t try hard, because then they cut off the excess along the edge, and another sheet was glued on the inside with an application of an owl from ash seeds, so you also don’t need to try on the ruler. Our beak is from half an acorn. I think it's good...

From these seeds, you can come up with a lot of interesting things (application) - the roofs of houses, a field of dry grass, an animal skin or bird feathers. The work is long and painstaking, but if you did not have time to collect and dry the leaves - the way out. They plucked it from a tree and glued it right away.

Here are some more examples for inspiration.

A mosaic of dry leaves and flowers can be added to the picture. This one looks really nice:

dry leaf hairstyle

In these pictures of their leaves, lips, eyes and even cilia are cut out, but the face can simply be drawn, not laid out with thin branches, but we make a shock of hair not just from individual leaves, but from whole branches with dry leaves. The fact that they are dried not in one plane, but in volume, gives our work a special charm. Well, what a beauty ... I found it in my favorite social networks, I decided to post it here so that the idea would not be lost.

Cut out shapes from fallen leaves

I have highlighted these collages separately, as autumn leaves are used a little differently - it is just a material for cutting out simple figures and letters. Need to do it BEFORE the leaf is dry, otherwise it will crumble . First cut out, then dry in the usual way in old book or between sheets of newspaper. So you can cut out whole words and phrases.

In order for the letters to turn out neat, print them on a printer of the desired size.

Now we put carbon paper on the autumn sheet, on top - your printout. We circle so that the drawing remains on a yellow sheet. It remains to cut!

This way you can make not only letters of the alphabet, but also simple silhouettes (animals, houses, clouds).

Interesting examples of paintings from autumn leaves:

Thuja twigs are used here, and the desired shape for application is cut out of dry leaves. For the house you will need thin dry twigs, but you can also collect from matches.

RA from this picture you can take the idea. The female profile is simply drawn, but the leaves in her hair may be not paper, but real ! Is it difficult to find them in different sizes and shapes to make such a beauty?

Here are some cute owls. A silhouette is cut out of paper, then we glue the leaves, as shown in the figure, and at the end of the work we cut all the protruding excesses along the contour of the cardboard blank. We make eyes out of paper in a contrasting color.

colorful collages

Autumn leaves are so beautiful on their own that they look great in frames and without any plot. Look how beautiful! The first layer is dark leaves, then put the contrasting and most beautiful ones, so the volume will be felt. Everything is framed.

I also liked the idea: we put a sheet of thick cardboard on a collage of leaves, in which a letter or a simple figure is cut out with a clerical knife.

More unusual technique which for some reason is called "iris folding" , I found on the site "Country of Masters". Detailed master class right here:

Photo frame

For the autumn exhibition, you can make frames for photographs and for the design of essays and poems on the theme of autumn. Here are the options I found. I think it's very simple and effective.

interior decoration

Autumn leaf crafts can be very romantic.

To get such a tree, you need to dry the leaves in advance, and only then reattach them to a beautiful branch with a transparent adhesive tape.

Working with a hammer...

Unusual technique. I saw on an American site, translation and. The point is that fallen leaves are placed between watercolor paper and a napkin, carefully tapped over the entire surface with a hammer so that the coloring pigment remains on the paper.

Roses from autumn leaves - master class

Use of natural materials in crafts and fine arts is gaining more and more popularity every year. Pressed floristry (oshibana) is an ancient Japanese technique for creating pictures from dried flowers. Using various dried plants, decorators create unique paintings and stories, and the whole process takes place without the use of any paints.

In order to create an image from dry flowers, no special tools are required. In fact, all working raw materials can be collected in a field, a nearby park, forest, or grown on a windowsill. Turning on the fantasy, the materials can be found anywhere: drying the peel of a banana or eggplant, opening tea bags with hibiscus or other tea, as well as drying the peel of a tangerine, cucumber, or removing it from an onion.

Leaves, flowers, fluff, peel and other materials are dried different ways including standard press drying, vacuum drying and iron drying. Usually, after treatment, the plants lose their natural color and turn pale or darken by several shades. Materials such as a banana turn dark brown after drying, so before starting work, you need to roughly imagine what result the author wants to achieve, and then choose the plants of the desired color scheme.
After selecting materials, dried plants are attached to a fabric or paper canvas, forming a unique composition.
As an illustrative example, we recommend following the process of creating the painting "Lady with a Bouquet" performed using the technique of mistaken.

1. Getting started, in addition to dry materials, you need to prepare the following tools:
Colorless glue (PVA can be used);
Small scissors;
sharp object;
Glue gun (for gluing large plants);
White cardboard (if necessary - color)

2. The following materials are needed to create a painting:
Dried rose petals or bluebells;
Violets petals;
Any yellow leaves;
Dry banana peel;
Dry corn stigmas (in other words, hair from corn);
Other decoration materials that will be on hand.

3. Before starting work, you should make a small sketch of the future picture on paper;

4. Apply a few rose petals to the finished sketch. We attach the leaves to each other so that the result is a skirt, at least slightly repeating the drawn silhouette;

5. We apply glue to the entire length of the skirt and glue the petals with tweezers;

6. Let's move on to the sleeves. We cut them out of the petals of a lighter shade and glue them in the same way. Previously, sleeves can be drawn on the petals, and then cut out. The result should be like this.

7. We make out the neckline. Cut out a bust of the required shape from the peel of a banana and glue it onto the drawing;

9. From yellow leaf cut out the hands and glue them to the lady;

10. We make out the face from small flower particles and use a gun to apply a drop of glue to the head area. We fix a bunch of corn hair, holding it with a sharp object for a while so that the hair sticks well. Immediately decorate with dry violet;