What are Russian singers and singers. The youngest, talented, beloved and scandalous singers of Russia

// Photo: Roman Galasun/ KINOSLOVO and Art Picture

1 place. Danila Kozlovsky

For the role in Duhless 2, Danila Kozlovsky mastered surfing almost to perfection. Filming took place on Uluwatu - a favorite place for experienced surfers
on Bali. Beginners do not climb there: there are reefs nearby! In the midst of shooting, rescuers reported: a swell is moving towards us - a big wave. The group was in a hurry. Only one frame was missing - how the hero gets up in full height On the desk. It was possible, of course, to do without him, but Danila always strives for the ideal. We waited for a favorable moment - a small wave. And finally Danila went to sea. Suddenly, a small wave rose and turned into a three-meter one. In this case, the surfer must dive under it on the board. But, being on the crest of a wave, Danila continued to work - and stood up! The film crew was dumbfounded with horror as they saw him blown off the board and spinning almost instantly. "Feels like I'm in
washing machine drum during spin cycle! Kozlovsky says. “And the next wave also threw a T-shirt over my face!” All new waves began to nail the actor to the reefs. He gathered his strength and rowed to the shore - and then he saw a drowning guy, almost unconscious. Risking his life, Danila swam to him and picked him up on his surfboard. So they and the tourist, who did not calculate their strength, held out until the boat arrived. “Australian rescuers, pulling us out of the water, said: “Crazy Russian!” Danila laughs. - I answered them: “I want it again!”

// Photo: Press service of Dima Bilan

2nd place. Dima Bilan

The singer says: “I try for my parents, I feel responsible.” The future Eurovision winner grew up in a poor family. But if he asked for sneakers, dad and mom bought with the last money. Now Dima helps the family, at his own expense he sent his younger sister Anya to study in America. “He remains a simple guy, no star fever,” actress Kristina Koles told StarHit. - Somehow I call him, and he is somewhere nearby, on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment. “See the chic restaurant on the water? - I see. Cross the road, I'm on the playground. Found. Sitting on a small rocker, eating a hamburger, around six huge bags of McDonald's ... "

// Photo: Yuri Samolygo / ITAR-TASS

3rd place. Maksim Galkin

Before filming the series “Kings Can Do Everything” (details on pages 40-41), where Maxim played a medieval duke, he had to learn horseback riding. “The Duke must definitely be able to stay in the saddle! – said Galkin “StarHit”. – Friends from the equestrian complex “ New Age»In New Riga, they called me to study for a long time, and I took advantage of the invitation. For several months I worked for an hour or two a day. Getting in and out was easy.
The hardest part was getting the horses to obey. I talked to them and tried to persuade me not to drop them. And the stuntmen taught me how to fall correctly and effectively.”

// Photo: Press service of Philip Kirkorov

4th place. Philip Kirkorov

The pop king of the Russian stage is kind to his fans, always ready to help them. Once Philip was told about a 15-year-old
Daniil, who is seriously ill with viral infections and diabetes. His grandmother turned to the singer: can you visit Danya? “Doctors believe that positive emotions will help to reverse the disease, and you are his favorite singer!” Kirkorov came on tour to St. Petersburg and stayed for another day - to call on the boy in the hospital. I talked with him, presented toys, wished: “Be sure to get well soon!” Recently, the artist received a call. Delighted: Danya remembered Philip every day and rejoiced. And the doctors said that his blood sugar returned to normal. Doctors say it's a miracle!

5th place. Sergey Zhorin

Last year, the lawyer saw a Honda flying along the Garden Ring hit a girl on a pedestrian zebra and disappeared. “A 25-year-old blonde was lying unconscious. I approached, there is a pulse - alive! – says Sergey. - The ambulance was delayed. I know that it is impossible to carry a person after an accident, but there was no way out. I carefully placed the girl in the seat of my car and drove her to the nearest clinic. I found a cell phone in her bag. I called the last number she dialed - it was my mother. Reassured, gave the address of the hospital. And when he left, he paid for the services. Next day
found out that her family had taken her home. Lena escaped with a broken arm. By the way, I was late to court then. And they wrote a complaint against me to the Chamber of Lawyers.

// Photo: Press service of Sergey Lazarev

6th place. Sergey Lazarev

The singer every month deducts money from shelters for homeless animals. Daisy, a pooch living in his house, he found exactly there a year and a half ago.

“For a charity project helping homeless animals, I took a picture with a shelter pet - a funny black puppy with a white stripe on its face. And I liked him so much that I played with him for two hours. Then he gave it away: I had to go on tour, - says Sergey. - While performing, I caught myself thinking that I miss him. And when he returned, he took him home. Now this is my best alarm clock. At 8 a.m. sharp, Daisy sits up by the bed, thumps her paw on the bed, and whimpers. Of course, I immediately get up and take her for a walk.

7th place. Dmitry Nagiev

In the second season of the series "Fizruk" on TNT, the hero of Nagiyev will crush a car with an ax. During the filming, Dmitry was picked up by an understudy, who was supposed to smash the windshield of the car on a grand scale, not paying attention to the fragments. But the actor who really gets into every role chose to do the dangerous stunt himself. Nagiyev has sports skills: he is a master of sports in sambo. “Dmitry hit so hard that he broke not only the glass, but also broke the ax! – told “StarHit” on film set. - We were shocked: he played this scene without a single extra movement. The whole crew applauded!”

// Photo: Vlad Loktev for ELLE Russia

8th place. Vladimir Mashkov

The actor supported the desire of his adopted son Andrei to join the army. The guy graduated from the Moscow St. George Cadet Corps No. 6, was a squad leader and received the rank of vice-senior sergeant. “I like military affairs,” 18-year-old Andrei told StarHit. “Dad was there when I entered the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after Margelov.” Now Andrei serves in the intelligence unit near Vladivostok. Vladimir flew to him more than once for a short meeting and a heart-to-heart talk between men.

// Photo: Press service of Vyacheslav Malafeev

9th place. Vyacheslav Malafeev

The goalkeeper of Zenit forgave the commentator Dmitry Guberniev, who in August 2011 allowed himself to make public insulting remarks about him. Malafeev won the trial, received moral compensation. But only in December 2013, Guberniev matured - and called the goalkeeper to apologize. “And Slava invited him to his Vacation home, - says a friend of the football player Levan. - Dima talked with his family, congratulated him on the New Year. The men shook hands tightly. And Slava said: “To be vindictive is stupid, we are adults!”

// Photo: Press service of Denis Matsuev

10th place. Denis Matsuev

Long before moving to Moscow, in his native Irkutsk, the pianist played enthusiastically in the yard football team. In the capital, this unexpectedly came in handy. “I reconciled the local punks with the musicians from the Central Music School, whom they beat,” Denis said. - They waited at the exit from the school and beat. I realized that I need to create my own football team. We played against the local punks, showed them that we are not sickly players, and then became friends.

// Photo: Nikolai Baskov's press service

11th place. Nikolay Baskov

A year ago, while filming in the TV movie "Reverse Turn", Nikolai risked not getting on the "New Wave". Bad weather prevented filming of some of the episodes, and director Alena Semenova did not let the artist go. “It’s not in my rules to let people down,” Baskov says. - Persuaded the director to let me go. Igor Krutoy, who sent an SMS the day before: "Kolya, we are waiting for you!", I replied: "I'll be back soon!" Hired a private jet for the evening of the next day. After shooting, he flew to Jurmala on it, promising: “I will be in the evening!” At 17.00 the singer landed in Riga, at 19.30 he went on stage, and at 20.30 he was already flying back.

// Photo: Press service of Stas Piekha

12th place. Stas Piekha

Once, on the way to a rehearsal, the 34-year-old singer stopped at the store - he wanted to buy a bottle of water. An old grandmother, standing in front of him at the cash register,
for a long time I scooped out a trifle from the bag - I collected 24 rubles per loaf white bread. “I felt sorry for her, I suggested: “Let's cry!” And she refused
began to apologize that she was delaying the queue, she made excuses that she had not calculated the pension a little, - says Stas. “Then I took her by the hand and led her back to the trading floor.” After 20 minutes, they returned to the cashier with a full cart, which contained milk, cottage cheese, bread, vegetables, cheese, sugar, vegetables and fruits ... The singer paid for everything.

// Photo: TNT TV channel press service

13th place. Vitaly Gogunsky

In his frantic work schedule, the artist finds time for his daughter from his first marriage, 4-year-old Milana. “In my opinion, a real man is one who loves and does not hide his feelings,” Vitaly says to StarHit. - I remember how we performed with her in the show "One to One": I portrayed Leps, and Milan - Ani Lorak. And now I see my daughter, fearlessly standing on the stage in front of a thousandth audience - and with pride, a lump in my throat, I forgot the words, tears well up in my eyes, I can’t sing ... ”The artist’s daughter can not only sing, but even compose melodies, playing along yourself on a synthesizer.

// Photo: Gilles Bensimon for ELLE Russia

14th place. Ivan Urgant

“Ivan was lucky to be born in a family like ours, with a dad like me, and with a grandmother like Nina Nikolaevna,” Father Andrei Urgant told StarHit. “It must be won somewhere at the top!” Despite the status of the family, Ivan was not afraid of any work. “I studied at the institute and worked in a nightclub at the same time,” he says. - I shook out ashtrays, washed glasses in a bar ... "The future showman worked as a loader, and a janitor, and a leader in
strip club, played the guitar in a Spanish restaurant.

15th place. Daniel Strakhov

Daniil sought the location of his classmate Masha Leonova for all five years of study at the Shchukin School. But she was probably the only one among the students who did not go crazy "for this handsome man." Daniil got a job as a waiter, bought her expensive silver earrings.
But neither this, nor his desperate proposal - "Masha, marry me!" - did not change her attitude towards him. And she didn’t take a gift, and she didn’t marry him. After graduation, both ended up in the theater. Gogol. And only then, according to Maria, "everything somehow happened by itself." The couple have been together for 14 years.

16th place. Sergey Bezrukov

Once the actor was called by his former class teacher from school No. 402 in Veshnyaki, asked to help the 12-year-old daughter of his classmate with money. “The girl found an inoperable brain tumor, and the drug for chemotherapy was fabulously expensive. My son didn't have that much! – tells “StarHit” the father of the actor Vitaly Sergeevich. – But he organized in a week a charity concert, invited familiar businessmen. By the end of the evening, the amount was almost collected from donations.

// Photo: Press service of Vladimir Yaglych

17th place. Vladimir Yaglych

Traveling around Europe on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, Vladimir was transported by ferry from Italy to Greece. And suddenly I noticed a man who was looking around in confusion. “I asked what happened. It turned out that he left for a short time, but during this time money and credit cards were stolen from the car, – Yaglych told StarHit. - All that remained was that the gift to my son for his 5th birthday was a toy car. He did not know how he would get home: the gas in the car was at zero. I gave him money for gas and borrowed a laptop so he could Skype his wife.”

18th place. Nikita Presnyakov

At the end of June, Nikita's 17-year-old friend Alena Krasnova went to Bulgaria with her parents. “Nikita and I contacted every day, sharing literally everything,” the girl tells StarHit. - I liked Bulgaria, but this time my father and mother noticed that I was depressed. They suggested: maybe Nikita will come to us? I answer - he can’t, he has rehearsals, preparations for the New Wave ... In the evening, Nikita and I texted. I confessed that I missed him terribly. He is too. Well, then we communicate, already about something else. And a few days later he wrote: "I'm flying"
- and your flight number. We met him at the airport. How he freed those few days, I don't know. But when I saw him, I was happy!”

19th place. Alexey Makarov

In just four months, Alexey managed to lose 23 kg! When Makarov starred in the role of Porthos in The Three Musketeers in 2012, his weight was almost 100 kg. After finishing filming at home, I found the jeans I wore in my freshman year and decided to try to fit into them again. Was shocked! Two days later, a treadmill was delivered to the actor's house, he installed it himself. And 4 months every other day for an hour ran at least 10
km. He sat down on a salt-free diet, refused fried food and switched to boiled food. Today, Alexei Makarov is unrecognizable. Slim, fit. Running has become a habit now.

20th place. Maxim Averin

At the IV Trans-Baikal International Film Festival in Chita, Maxim hosted the opening ceremony, showed his play “Everything Starts with Love”, but is most proud of the fact that there is now his personal maple tree on the star alley. He had long dreamed of "planting a tree", but there was no time. Even in Chita, he managed to be late, appearing on the alley later than other stars. But he immediately put on an apron, took a shovel, singing “Chita-grita-chita-margarita ...”, dug a hole and lowered a seedling into it, covered the root with earth, watered from a watering can. Straightening up, he joked: “Well, now it remains to build a house and get an ostrich!”

// Photo: Press service of Evgeny Plushenko

21st place. Evgeni Plushenko

The passion of the Olympic champion in figure skating is fast driving. “My personal speed record driving a Maserati on the St. Petersburg ring road is 270 km/h,” says Evgeny. "But I'm not putting anyone at risk." The athlete graduated from extreme driving courses, so he does not lose control of the car. Plushenko loves Mercedes jeeps, and uses a minibus for family trips. And he dreams of a car race with friends around the country.

22nd place. Konstantin Khabensky

The actor 5 years ago created a charitable foundation to help children with brain cancer. However, he does not refuse to help his friends. “A few years ago, one of our dressers was diagnosed with breast cancer,” StarHit was told at the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, where the actor serves. - Not to say that Kostya was friendly with her - so, they talked at work. But, having learned that she did not have money for the operation, he paid for everything himself. The woman was operated on, she is still
since it works for us. God forbid, more people like Kostya!”

// Photo: Press service of Denis Klyaver

23rd place. Denis Klyaver

Two years ago, Denis publicly admitted that he is the father of Eva Polna's eldest daughter, Evelina. For six years they kept their secret, but the older the girl got, the more clearly they understood that questions about her father could hurt her - and Denis decided to open up. Yes, we have a daughter, she
definitely the fruit of our love. Look what a beauty is growing! – he told the editor of “StarHit” Andrey Malakhov. Denis continues to take care of his daughter, goes to school, knows her teachers ... In addition to Evelina, his sons Timofey and Daniel are growing up, and he is also a godfather three times.

24th place. Igor Petrenko

The actor admitted that he took on the image of Sherlock Holmes with fear. But the more he got used to the role, the less fears remained in life. He even tamed a tarantula, which, according to the plot, lived with the detective, and after filming he took the spider home and settled it in an aquarium. “The children were delighted: what a fluffy, beautiful, let's call him Snowflake! – says “StarHit” Igor. We feed him crickets and cockroaches. And watch him change his skin."

25th place. Pavel Priluchny

“After the birth of my son Timosha in January 2013, my husband and I took a three-month maternity leave, – says “StarHit” actress Agatha Muceniece. - We were then short of funds, and Pasha, having sent me and my son to my relatives, made repairs with his own hands. Demolished unnecessary partitions with a crowbar. In the living room and hallway, he tore off the wallpaper, removed the plaster and left bare brick walls. From morning to evening, covered with orange dust, leveled them, and then covered them with transparent varnish. Friends did not even believe: “Pasha, are you all this yourself ?!”

In this article, you will learn about the most famous, popular and sought-after pop artists in our country. They are very different - young or rejuvenating, beautiful and original, talented or not. But the public loves them, no matter what, whether it's a new hit or long legs.

Variety centenarians

These are the "oldest" singers in Russia. Photo divas regularly throughout years appear in the yellow press, and crowds of fans still hunt for their autographs. This list includes: Alla Pugacheva, Sofia Rotaru, Larisa Dolina, Kadysheva, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Irina Allegrova and Valeria. Of course, this is not a complete list, only those pop artists who are currently able to gather full houses at their concerts are included here. Note: even though Alla Pugacheva left the stage, she can return at any moment and gather a whole crowd of fans.

The most beautiful singers in Russia

This list includes those pop divas who do not even need to sing. It is enough just to go on stage, and millions of men's hearts freeze from such unearthly (and barely covered) beauty. Well, if they are also talented, they have good voice nothing can stand before this crushing force. So, the most beautiful singers in Russia are Vera Brezhneva, Pletneva, Zhanna Friske, Nyusha, Tatyana Kotova, Tanya Tereshina (Yin-Yang group), Sati Kazanova, Svetlana Svetikova, Valeria, Yulia Kovalchuk, Anna Semenovich. It is these divas who not only sing well, but also invariably attract male gazes. Many of these singers starred for men's magazines: Playboy, Penthouse and other similar publications. And this once again serves as proof of their beauty.

The most popular singers in Russia

You can be both beautiful and talented, but only the desire of the audience to get to a particular singer at a concert or get her to a corporate or private party is a real objective indicator of the demand for a star. And demand always creates supply, and the most sought-after artists receive the highest fees. However, I would like to note the fact that Russian singers, like their foreign colleagues, often overestimate the amounts they receive for their performances. There are several reasons: firstly, the thought - "what if they give just that much", and secondly, self-promotion - "look how popular I am." And, of course, the expectation of a purely psychological effect - for many people who "order" stars for themselves, the status of the performers is important, and not the quality of the songs at all. This is what many Russian singers use, asking for hundreds of thousands of dollars for a half-hour performance to the phonogram. Alla Pugacheva is considered the most expensive: she asks for €250,000 for 5 songs, and only on the condition that she does not need to travel more than 500 km from Moscow. Next comes Elena Vaenga - she asks "only" € 200 thousand for a forty-minute performance. Among the younger generation, the singer Elka can be noted - she takes € 100 thousand Zemfira can be ordered for € 150 thousand. But the whole group "Brilliant", wholesale, will cost only €20 thousand.

As a result, we can conclude: Russian singers still do not reach world celebrities in terms of fees. And none of our stars yet can compare with Rihanna, who earned $ 8 million in one night, Beyoncé ($ 2 million for her performance at private party on a yacht) or Christina Aguilera ($1 million in one hour).

I suggest you take a look at the following Top 17the most beautiful Russian singers , which presents the singers of the national stage. When compiling this rating, I took into account external data, photogenicity, charisma, not paying attention to the merits of men in the professional field.

17. Alexey Chumakov(born March 12, 1981, Samarkand, Uzbek SSR, USSR) - Russian singer and musician of Bulgarian-Armenian origin. Competition finalist "National artist" on the TV channel "Russia". Official website: http://www.chumakoff.ru/

16. Abraham Russo(born July 21, 1969, Aleppo, Syria) - Russian pop singer. Discography: "Tonight", "Just to love", "Engagement", singles: "Love that no longer exists", "Just to love you", "Color of Love", etc. Official website: http://avraamrusso.net

15.Valeriy Meladze(born June 23, 1965, Batumi, Georgian SSR, USSR) - Russian singer, Honored Artist Russian Federation(2006), People's Artist of the Chechen Republic (2008). Discography: "Sera", "The Last Romantic", "Samba of the White Moth", "Everything Was So", "Real", "Nega", "Ocean", "Contrary". Official site: http://www.meladze.ru/

14. Nikolay Baskov(October 15, 1976, Balashikha, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian pop and Opera singer(tenor) and TV presenter. People's Artist of Russia (2009). Discography: "Dedication", "Encore", "Masterpieces of the outgoing century", "I'm 25", "Never say goodbye", "Let me go", " Best songs"," For you alone "," Sudden love "," One in a million "," Romantic Journey ". Official website: http://baskov.ru/

13. Irakli Pirtskhalava(born September 13, 1977, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian singer and radio host, former member "Star factories. Albums: "London-Paris", "I'm with you", "Take a step". Official site: http://iraklimusic.com/

12. Philip Kirkorov(born April 30, 1967, Varna, NRB) - Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer and producer People's Artist of Russia (2008). Eight-time award winner "Ovation", five-time award winner World Music Awards like the most popular artist Russia, multiple award winner "Golden Gramophone Award", "Stop hit", "Silver galosh", Laureate annual festival "Song of the year". At the film festival "Kinotavr" in 2002 became the winner in the nomination "Best Actor" for a role in a musical "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka". Discography: "Oh, mother, shikadam!", "Stranger", "Duets", "DruGOY", etc. Official website: http://www.kirkorov.ru/

11.Vasily Kireev(born April 7, 1987 in Saratov) - soloist of the group "Prime Minister". In 2005, as part of the group "March 8" took part in a musical project "The secret of success". After the end of the project, he became the soloist of the group "Prime Minister". Official website of the group: http://www.premier-ministr.ru/

10. Alexander Astashenok(born November 8, 1981, Orenburg, RSFSR) - Russian musician, actor, singer, composer, former soloist groups" Roots"(in 2002-2010) and the winner of the first Star Factory. Official site: http://astashenok.ru/

9. Dmitry Fomin (Mitya Fomin)(born January 17, 1974, Novosibirsk, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian singer, TV presenter and producer. Award Winner "Golden Gramophone Award" and festival "Song of the year". In 1998 - 2009 pop group soloist HiFi. Studio album: "So it will be." Singles: "Everything will be fine", "Gardener", etc. Official website: http://www.mityafomin.ru/

8. Vladislav Topalov(born October 25, 1985, Moscow) - Russian singer, ex-soloist of the group "Smash!!". Albums: "Evolution", "Lone Star", "Let the Heart Decide", "I Will Give It All To You". Official site: http://vladtopalov.ru/

7. Stanislav Piekha(born August 13, 1980, Leningrad) - Russian singer and poet. Winner of music awards and prizes: MTV Russia Music Awards/ « Best Composition» "Soundtrack" - "Duet of the Year"- “You are sad” (duet with Valeria), Muz-TV Award 2008 - "Best duet"“She is not yours” (duet with Grigory Leps), “In the palm of your hand is a line”. God of Ether Award: Radiohit- duet "She is not yours" 2009, "Radio favorite" 2010. Golden Gramophone 2011"The best duet" "Me and you" (duet with Slava). Albums: "Albums", "One Star", "Otherwise", "TBA". Official site: http://stas-pjeha.ru/

6. Alexander Berdnikov(born March 21, 1981, Ashgabat) - Russian singer, member of the group "Roots", won musical project "Star Factory".

5. Anton Makarsky(born November 26, 1975, Penza, USSR) - Russian actor theater and cinema, singer. After the army, having learned about the musical "Metro", he came to the casting, where he was accepted by the selection jury. Since May 2002, he has also been busy in the musical Notre Dame de Paris. He played one of the main roles - Captain Phoebus de Chateauper. Starred in the video for the Russian version of the main theme music from the musical - "Belle". In the summer of 2003 he recorded a solo album. Official site: http://www.makarsky.ru/

4. Sergey Lazarev(born April 1, 1983, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian singer and voice actor, former soloist of the group "Smash!!", theater actor, film actor. The repertoire is predominantly in English. Solo albums: "Don't be fake", "TV Show", "Electric Touch". Official website: http://sergeylazarev.ru/

3. Alexey Vorobyov(born January 19, 1988, Tula, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian musician and actor, representative of Russia at the competition Eurovision 2011. Album: "Vorobiev's Lie Detector", singles: "Tosca", "Forget Me", "Bam Bam", "Get You". Official website: http://alekseyvorobyov.ru/

2. Alexander Lominsky(born January 9, 1974 in Odessa) - Ukrainian and Russian singer. In 1995-2000 he was a soloist of the popular Ukrainian boy band "Lomi Lom / Lomy Lom". Then started solo career. Since 2000 he has been living in Moscow. Notable songs: "Tear", "Stolen Happiness", "Sweet Deception", "Love in the Photo", "You Knew", "Vulnerable Heart". Official site: www.lap.ru/story

1. Dima Bilan(real name Viktor Belan; born December 24, 1981, Moskovsky settlement, Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Okrug, USSR) - Russian singer. Represented Russia at the song contest "Eurovision" twice: in 2006 with a song "Never let you go", taking second place and in 2008 with the song "Believe", taking first place and becoming the first Russian artist who won the song contest "Eurovision". He is Honored Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria (2006), Honored Artist of Chechnya (2007), Honored Artist of Ingushetia (2007) and People's Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria (2008). Discography: "I am a night hooligan", "On the bank of the sky", "Time-river", "Against the rules", "Believe", "Dreamer". In autumn 2012 the album "Vitya Belan" is expected. Official site: http://bilandima.ru/

Singers from Russia do not enjoy world popularity, but in Russian-speaking countries their success surpasses many Western stars. The secret is simple - they, like no one else, understand the tastes and preferences of the Russian-speaking audience. So we present to you Top 10 popular singers in Russia. Pay attention to the 10 most popular female singers of 2015.

Like a hurricane that sweeps away absolutely everything in its path, the singer Zemfira burst into our lives. Deafening, unbridled, hard vocals, caustic words, and at the same time the image of a charming girl. All this could not but attract attention to her. Zemfira bewitched us with a mirror-like glow of her eyes from under her dark hair.

Znamenia is a Russian folk-rock singer, soloist and founder of the group " ". She naturally has a very pleasant voice with a wide range. Pelageya sings Russian folk songs.

An amazing choice for such a young girl, given that now folklore not at the peak of popularity among her peers.

Famous Russian singer. She writes lyrics and composes music for them. its beginning musical career served as a victory in the project " Star Factory - 4". She is now a judge on the show herself.” X factor". Irina often calls herself " man with cleavage”, because she is used to solving problems with male perseverance and onslaught.

Tall brunette with kind eyes. The unimaginably charismatic singer Slava won the hearts of millions after her first appearance on stage. A bright and unique image, a sparkling sense of humor, all this instantly raised the ratings of television and radio programs, as soon as she appeared there.

To date, it has received national recognition. The owner of one of the most significant music awards in Russia - the Golden Gramophone, which she received in 2005 for the song " Cool».

The take-off of a career began with a victory in a music competition " New wave 2003 ". Her songs " Veins of the river”, “Cool”, “You say”, “Give me five minutes", for a long time took a leading position in all charts. As a child, Anastasia danced, played the piano, trumpet and even wooden spoons?

The real name of the singer is Marina Maksimova. Born in Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan. Her older brother and friends, with whom she spent a lot of time and gave her the nickname - " ". At the age of 14, Marina graduated music school in piano and immediately began writing songs.

Subsequently, they entered her debut album. Even while studying at school, she participated in many city music competitions. The singer made her first attempts to record her own songs together with the group " Pro Z". These were the songs Passerby”, “Alien” and “Start". The latter enjoyed great popularity on local radio and became a hit in Kazan.

After the release of the song Oh god what a man", Natalie's star rose again in the firmament of Russian show business. However, according to the singer, she never felt forgotten. All these years she has been touring and participating in various shows. However, we still miss her tender and lyrical song " Wind was blowing from sea”, with which many fond memories are associated.

Elvira's story is reminiscent of the plot of the classic fairy tale about Cinderella. Elvira Tugusheva was born in Saratov. Since childhood, she dreamed of performing on the big stage. Her first song All is decided has gone viral on the internet. Now Elvira's songs are played on almost all television and music radio channels in the country. She received an award Fashion People Awards» in category « discovery of the year».

Often, in show business, a young and charismatic performer can capture the hearts of an audience of all ages at once. Her songs are greeted with joy by a young audience, and the older generation rejoices at the opportunity to make a nostalgic journey into the past with their help. Nyusha is included in the top 10 most beautiful women in Russia in 2015.

« I could describe my life in one sentence: the race for popularity"- Said the singer once. Become a winner at any cost. To always remain the most beautiful, talented, charming and attractive was the main goal of her life.

She is not only a singer and figure skater, but also an actress. Your first hit On the seas"She recorded together with the singer Arash.

Russian singers are not only talented and successful, but also beautiful. A selection of the most beautiful Russian singers.

Turning on the TV, we watch all sorts of shows, performances of our favorite artists without even guessing about their nationality. All the heroes of our article are Jews, and this is not bad at all, just looking at these artists it is very difficult to guess that they were born in a Jewish family, or at least one of the parents was a Jew. We present to your attention a list of famous artists, about whom you would never think that they are Jews.

Leonid Agutin (Leonty Nikolaevich Chizhov)

Soviet and Russian singer, songwriter, composer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Born in Moscow, in a Jewish family of musician and tour manager Nikolai Petrovich and a teacher primary school Lyudmila Leonidovna (nee Shkolnikova).

Angelica Varum (real name Maria Yurievna Varum)

Born in Lvov in the family of the composer Yuri Ignatievich Varum and theater director Galina Mikhailovna Shapovalova. Tinned artist of the Russian Federation.
Father Yuri Ignatievich (Itskhakovich) Varum recalls: "My grandfather's surname is Robak, he comes from Warsaw, where my father was born. When the Second World War, his brothers and sisters, forced to flee Poland, decided to take a rare surname "Varum" for themselves, so that after the war it would be easier to find each other. Stuck in Warsaw, my grandfather Yudka died in the ghetto along with his entire family. A deeply religious man, he enjoyed great authority, they came to him, like a rebbe, for advice, for resolving controversial issues.

Larisa Alexandrovna Dolina (Larisa Alexandrovna Kudelman)

Soviet and Russian pop and jazz singer, actress. People's Artist RF. She was born in Baku in a Jewish family of builder Alexander Markovich Kudelman and typist Galina Izrailevna Kudelman (née Dolina). AT three years old moved with her parents to Odessa, her parents' hometown.

Oleg Mikhailovich Gazmanov

Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer and poet, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Father, Major Mikhail Semyonovich Gazmanov, was a professional military man, a Tatar by nationality; mother, Zinaida Abramovna (1920-2006) - a cardiologist in a military hospital, Jewish by nationality.

Tamara (Tamriko) Mikhailovna Gverdtsiteli

Soviet, Georgian and Russian singer, actress, composer, Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR (1989), People's Artist of Georgia (1991), People's Artist of Ingushetia, People's Artist of the Russian Federation.
"I am a man of the world. I grew up in an international family. My father is Georgian. I am as emotional as he is. And my mother is Jewish. Here I am in her mind. For Georgians, I am Tamara Gverdtsiteli, and for Jews - Tamara Kofman - Gverdtsiteli I was born and raised by a Jewish mother, and over the years I feel more and more of my Jewish genes. can only be explained by the feelings that I have towards my mother and the closest people ... My grandfather Vladimir Abramovich, whom I remember very well, belonged to the Kaufman family. After the revolution, part of the family emigrated from Russia. "


Russian pop singer, actress, model, TV presenter. Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan. She was born into a family of Mountain Jews. My great-grandmother lives in Israel.

Leonidov Maxim Leonidovich

Born in a family of actors of the Leningrad academic theater comedies, honored artists of the RSFSR Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Lyulko and one of the founders of the famous skits Leonid Efimovich Leonidov ( real name Shapiro). The famous Russian singer lived in Israel for six years, recorded two music albums(in Hebrew and Russian), played in a musical, starred in a movie. And then he returned to his native St. Petersburg, recorded his hit about “Vision Girl”. Now Maxim lives in Russia, but continues to love Israel

Lolita Markovna Milyavskaya (Lolita Markovna Gorelik)

Russian pop singer, actress, TV presenter and director. Mom, singer, worked in a jazz band. My father worked with my mother as an entertainer, conducted the orchestra. During the tour of her parents, little Lolita was brought up by her grandmother. In 1972, the parents divorced, in 1974, the father emigrated abroad to Israel.

Boris Mikhailovich Moiseev

Soviet and Russian dancer, choreographer, pop singer. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
In the English wiki there is a hint of nationality, in the Russian one there is not. He was born in prison, as his mother, dissatisfied with the authorities, was a political prisoner in those years. He spent his childhood in a small Jewish ghetto in the provincial Mogilev.

Marina Arnoldovna Khlebnikova

Soviet and Russian pop singer and TV presenter.
Khlebnikova was invited to the Jewish theater "Sholom" "- Why do you think you were invited to play in this performance?
- I do not know. The reason was probably the fact that I was a student of Joseph Davydovich Kobzon. Second, now I have a name. And for the theatre, this series of performances would be a bright spot. Perhaps the recommendations of Clara Novikova also played a role. And most importantly, of course, the roots.

Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky

Russian singer and conductor. Founder, artistic director and art director of the art group Turetsky Choir and Soprano 10. People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Born into a Jewish family of immigrants from Belarus. Father - Boris Borisovich Epshtein. She bears her mother's surname, since all relatives on her side died during the Holocaust and, moreover, she looks like a Russian.

Mikhail Zakharovich Shufutinsky

Russian pop singer, pianist and composer. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
Born into a Jewish family of war veteran and doctor Zakhar Davidovich


Alexander Nikolaevich Uman and Igor Mikhailovich Bortnik - both left for Israel, Bortnik served in the army.

Elena Vorobey (real name Elena Yakovlevna Lebenbaum)

Russian pop actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Born in a Jewish family of Yankel Movshevich Lebenbaum and his wife Nina Lvovna.

Clara Novikova

Born in Kyiv, in the family of a front-line soldier, director of a shoe store in Podil, Boris Zinovievich Herzer. The Jewess Klara Novikova reigns supreme among women in the kingdom of the colloquial genre in Russia. The Russian surname Novikova came from her first musician husband.

Maxim Alexandrovich Galkin

A popular Russian parodist, humorist, TV presenter, film actor and singer. Currently married to Alla Pugacheva. A family from a small village near Chelyabinsk. I even managed to write down something from my grandmother's memoirs. On my father's side, there were Larins in our family. According to my mother - Odessa Jews

Alexander Viktorovich Kutikov

Famous Soviet and Russian musician, composer, vocalist, music producer. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Born into a Jewish family.

Valery Miladovich Syutkin

Russian singer and musician, author of lyrics for the rock and roll band Bravo. Honored Artist of Russia, artistic director of the pop department of the Moscow State University for the Humanities. M.A. Sholokhov.
Mom was born in Moscow, on Samoteka. Her maiden name is Brzhezidskaya, she is of Polish and Odessa blood. To put it bluntly (laughs). So I'm a normal Polish Odessa citizen. I have Jewish roots. From my mother… I am familiar with Jewish traditions.

Ukupnik Arkady Semyonovich

Born on February 18, 1953, Kamenetz-Podolsky, Khmelnitsky region. Composer, pop singer, producer of the CAR-MAN group, director of the Galla and Alla studios. "I was born in Ukraine. There, from the age of 5, I learned what it means to be a Jew, to be" a stranger among my own " "When I arrived in Moscow as an adult, I immediately noted that there is no such harsh attitude towards Jews as in Ukraine. Since then, I have achieved a lot in my life. And much has changed in the country. And, nevertheless, I am very worried about that there is MEOC, and that here I am always "one of my own".

Vladimir Natanovich Vinokur

Soviet and Russian humorist, singer and TV presenter. Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of the RSFSR. Born into a Jewish family of builder Natan Lvovich Vinokur.