City of falcons, Czech Republic. City Hall -Historická radnice

A fortified residence on the site of the current Sokolovsky Castle was created at an important crossroads of regional roads, of which the so-called. Erfurt road leading from central Germany through Kraslice and Svatava to Cheb and further through Loket to Prague itself.

Sokolovskaya Fortress performed its military role in the defense of the city throughout the Thirty Years' War. In Sokolov, both estate and imperial troops, the Saxon and Bavarian armies, and, finally, the Swedes, who looted and burned the city of Sokolov and the already damaged fortress in 1648, changed each other or passed. The Sokolovskaya fortress was completely destroyed during the military battles, so its owner, Johann Hartwig Nostitz, decided to rebuild it in the late Renaissance style, turning it into a comfortable castle. Construction lasted from 1659 to 1663.

In the fifties, the Czechoslovak army was located in the castle, which largely destroyed it. Some of the furniture was stolen, some was destroyed, and many items were transferred to other cultural institutions. They burned part of the castle library, as well as all the equipment and decoration of the chapel. In the sixties, the castle began to be gradually repaired, the district library was transferred to it, and in 1960 the Sokolovsky District Mining Museum was opened. In the seventies, the facades were renovated; the interior and the first floor of the castle were changed, turning it into a hall of solemn events and representative premises of the city. However, the repair was done poorly and rudely, if we remember the historical significance of the building.

In 1982, the museum became a city museum, and in 1984 acquired the status of a regional museum. In 1993-1994, a general reconstruction of the castle took place. This latest update has fully taken into account the classic architectural style the beginning of the last century. The facades of the castle were returned to the characteristic brick color, and White color windows and portals sets them apart from the walls. During the repair of the castle, archaeological excavations took place, which brought discoveries that greatly expanded and influenced our understanding of the development of the noble estate in Sokolov.

The city of Sokolov (emphasis on the first syllable) or the former Falkenau an der Eger is located in the west of the Czech Republic near the famous resort. For most Czechs, it is associated with coal mining, but upon closer acquaintance, the city impresses with its architecture and beautiful landscapes.

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For the first time, Sokolov was mentioned in documents dating back to 1279 as the property of the Notafts family. The rather fertile soil near the Ohře River was cultivated for centuries by the Slavs, who founded a number of settlements here. During the German colonization, the number of settlements increased, the area of ​​cultivated land expanded and the extraction of ores developed.

Modern archaeological research has proven that in the 13th century, on the site of the current Sokolovsky Castle, its stone predecessor already stood, around which a small city was formed. In the 15th-17th centuries, the manor and the town belonged to the powerful Schlick family. In 1662 Sokolov became the property of Count Jan Nostice. During the Thirty Years' War, the city and the castle were burned and devastated several times.

In the 18th century, Sokolov experienced a craft boom, and hop processing was also actively developing. Then in the immediate vicinity of the city there were hop gardens with an area of ​​more than 100 hectares. The end of the same century is characterized by a departure from agriculture, which was replaced by the extraction and processing of brown coal. Sokolov's last hop factory was closed in 1880. The new industrial era was also marked by the opening of glass, chemical and ceramic factories.

Promising prospects for the development of the city in the second half of the 19th century slowed down two major fires in 1873 and 1874. Other catastrophic events befell the Falcons during World War II, when most of the buildings were destroyed as a result of air raids. Nevertheless, the city has recovered and flourished, and a number of city attractions, fortunately, have been preserved for future generations.


Old Square

The central square of Sokolov is decorated with an old fountain, which has been standing here since 1717. In the center of the composition is the legendary founder of the city - a falconer with a bird of prey on his arm and a hunting dog sitting at his feet. A branch of hops is wrapped around the stone fountain, reminiscent of the city's agricultural past. Not far from the fountain is the Marian Column, installed on the square in early XVIII century. The Sokolovsky plague column is decorated with statues of saints and reliefs of angels.

City Hall -Historická radnice

The one-story Renaissance building, built in 1540, got its modern look with elements of classicism after a major fire in the 30s of the last century. Above its entrance, an old city coat of arms has been preserved, on which a falcon is depicted sitting on the branches of a stump.

Sokolovsky castle - Sokolovský zamek

Close to Old Square there is a castle whose history began in 1663. After the Thirty Years' War, it was completely destroyed and rebuilt in the late Renaissance style. Around 1730, a French garden with rich sculptural decoration was laid out near the castle.

In the 1960s, reconstruction began in the building, and its premises were occupied by the district library. Later, it was planned to open a city museum of mining here, but the current expositions are devoted primarily to the history of the region and the stages of development of its industry. Part of the exhibition is represented by samples of porcelain, glass bottles and musical instruments. Recently, an exposition dedicated to the history of the Nostice family, who owned the Sokolsky Castle in 1622-1945, was opened in the museum.

Mountain house - Hornický dům

The mountain house, built in 1923-1925 according to the design of the architect Rudolf Wels, is an important center of social, political and cultural life Sokolov. Its façade is decorated with a thematic relief "A day in the life of a miner". Currently, the building houses the office of the Municipal House of Culture and the Information Center.

Churches and monastery

Church of St. Jakub Většího (Kostel sv. Jakuba Většího) is a baroque building with a large frontal tower. In the interior of the church, also made in the Baroque style, of particular interest are the main and side altars, as well as statues of the 16th-17th centuries and original furniture.

The Capuchin Monastery (Kapucínský klášter) was built in the second half of the 17th century on the initiative of Jan Nostice. It consists of several buildings and a square courtyard with a well, and the dominant feature of the complex is the church of St. Antoninus of Padua (kostel sv. Antonína Paduánského) with a high triangular baroque shield.

AT postwar period The premises of the complex served as a warehouse. Currently, the church has been restored and is used as concert hall and galleries, and a brewery is open in the monastery.

The baroque chapel of the Virgin Mary the Crowning, standing in front of the Capuchin Monastery, originally belonged to the old city cemetery. At the initiative of Archbishop Karel Müller in late XVIII century, it was rebuilt in the late baroque style. After a fire in 1874, the building was restored, and the city cemetery was turned into a park, on the site of which parking is now organized. Today the chapel is used Orthodox Church and is called the Church of the Holy Trinity.

evangelical church

AT late XIX century, due to the growing number of Sokolsky evangelists, it became necessary to build a new church. So, in 1904, a small building was built in an eclectic style, using elements of neo-romanticism and art nouveau. The church is crowned with a pointed tower with high shields and a copper roof. The interior is rather laconic, as is customary in Protestant churches.

The Renaissance castle and the museum known throughout the area, as well as a large number of architectural monuments make Sokolov an attractive place for travelers who have had enough of tourist centers and want to get to know the history and culture of one of the Czech towns in a relaxed atmosphere.

Just 16 km from Karlovy Vary is the town of Sokolov, which attracts thousands of tourists. They are mainly interested in visiting the local castle, which was once the residence noble family Nostitsky. The castle was built in the Renaissance style, or rather, rebuilt from a Gothic fortress around which the city was founded. However, the Sokolov Castle attracts not only lovers of historical interiors, all those who are interested in the development of mining in the Karlovy Vary region come here. The fact is that now the castle houses a museum known throughout the Czech Republic, dedicated to the extraction and processing of ore.

There is also something to do in the town of Sokolov. You can visit the main square, standard for many Czech villages, where all the main attractions are concentrated. So, there is a plague pillar here, symbolizing the happy deliverance of the city from the plague. It was built in the 18th century. A little earlier, the town hall appeared on the square, which burned several times, but was restored in its original form.

In front of the town hall, you can see the fountain of 1717, which beats the legend associated with the founding of the city of Sokolov. It is said that a certain knight Sebastian, having arrived from the Crusade, did not find any of his family alive. Then, in sadness and thoughtfulness, he wandered along the Ohře River until he decided to make a stop. He liked the local places, he built a hut and stayed here forever. He often went hunting and was famous for his talent for taming birds of prey. A falcon always sat on his arm. That is why the town that arose here was called Sokolov. And the figure decorating the fountain is a knight with a dog and an indispensable bird.