Sincwine according to the story dark alleys. An open lesson in literature on the topic "I.A.

"Evaluation paper"

Evaluation paper





"Buninsky landscape"

"Continue the phrase"


"Portrait Sketches"


« creative competition»


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"Scenario of the quiz game"

Quiz game for high school students

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. Life, fate, creativity "

Target: increasing students' interest in the subject "Literature", in particular, in the work of the fellow countryman writer I.A. Bunin


Formation of cognitive activity, horizons;

Expansion of educational space;

Development of creative and intellectual abilities students

Equipment: task cards for each team, presentation

Preliminary task: each team is preparing a staging based on the work of I. A. Bunin "Natalie"

Event progress

Moderator: Good afternoon, dear lovers and connoisseurs of the work of the wonderful poet, wonderful prose writer I.A. Bunin. Today our meeting will be devoted to creativity, the fate of this remarkable literary figure. We will once again plunge into the works of the well-known author, recall the main points of his work and life.

There are several stages in our quiz game:

    Bunin landscape

    Continue the phrase


    portrait sketches


    creative competition


So, we begin our competition of experts on the life and work of I.A. Bunin

Host: Ivan Alekseevich lived away from the Fatherland for a long time, but never broke internal communications with Russia, lived and created with love for her. The world of native nature, native land were sources of inspiration for the writer when creating his works.

I competition "Bunin landscape"

(The guys are given cards with a record of poetic passages where epithets are omitted. The winner is the one who picks up epithets close to Bunin's). And for all those present, I. A. Bunin’s poem “Wild Flowers” ​​performed by Yana Nenasheva (Number 1) sounds

Forest, just a tower painted,

Lilac, gold, crimson,

Cheerful, colorful wall

Worth over bright clearing.

birches yellow carving

Shine in azure blue,

Like towers, Christmas trees darken,

And between the maples they turn blue

Here and there in the foliage through

Clearances in the sky, that windows.

Today on empty clearing,

In the middle of a wide courtyard

aerial cobweb fabric

Shine like a net of silver.

Playing all day today

In the yard last butterfly

And, exactly white petal,

Freezes on the web

heated sunny warmth.

Host: Our future poets have shown that mastery must be learned in order to achieve perfection in the word.

2 contest "Continue the phrase."

I don’t understand how people don’t get tired of it all their lives, every day: (lunch, dinner)

How I love this light and fresh morning hour, when people are still sleeping, and the earth: .. (already awakening)

I will be alive, I will always remember: (this evening)

You live, rejoice in the world, then: .. (come to me)

Everyone passes youth, but ... (love is another matter)

Everything passes: .. (everything is forgotten)

3 contest "Anagrams"

Before you are the titles of Bunin's works. Decipher these names. You have 3 minutes to complete the task. And we ask those present to listen to I. A. Bunin’s poem “Evening” performed by Neplukhina E.

Nagothian (Antigone)

Norvo (Raven)

Loduhos (Sukhodol)

RBAN (Swearing)

Aiell nymte (Dark alleys)

Rochkadu (Fool)

Siberian delonkepekin ( Clean Monday)

Nechsloy ore ( Sunstroke)

4 competition "Portrait sketches"

Here are excerpts from famous works I. Bunina. Try to answer the question: “Who are these passages talking about?”

1. "Everything was charming in her - her sweet, pretty face, her small figure, her freshness, youth, where femininity still interfered with childishness, her upturned shining eyes, her modest blue hat, in the bends of which there was elegant perkyness" . ( Katya "Mitina Love")

2. "After dinner, they left the brightly and hotly lit dining room on deck and stopped at the rail. She closed her eyes, put her hand to her cheek with her palm outward, laughed with a simple charming laugh - everything was charming in this little woman, - and said: - I , Seems..." ("Sunstroke")

3. "Without any of her worries and efforts, and somehow imperceptibly, everything that so distinguished her in the last two years from the entire gymnasium came to her - grace, elegance, dexterity, a clear sparkle in her eyes" (Olga Meshcherskaya "Easy breathing")

4. "She had some Indian beauty; a swarthy amber face, magnificent and somewhat sinister in its thick black hair, softly shining like black sable fur, eyebrows, eyes black as velvet charcoal; mouth captivating with velvety crimson lips , was tinted with a dark fluff. " (She is Clean Monday)

5th competition "Artists-illustrators".

Before you are illustrations for the works of I. A. Bunin, you need to choose three people from the team, going out one at a time to select illustrations for the work you need. And you will choose the work yourself: “The Gentleman from San Francisco”, “Light Breath”, “Sunstroke”.

Examination. And the rest of the illustrations to which work belong? (Additional question)

6 competition "Crossword". The themes of Bunin's work are mainly devoted to man, the secrets of the Slavic soul, the majestic Russian nature and selfless love. We invite everyone present to listen b musical composition to the verses of I. A. Bunin "Why and what to say ..."


6. The city in which Bunin was born
9. What is the name of the ship on which the gentleman from San Francisco traveled
11. Surname of the first wife of I.A. Bunin
13. For which collection Bunin was awarded the Pushkin Prize in 1901

17. In 2000 State Pedagogical Institute was renamed State University and received the status of Bunin
18. In which city is there a street named after Bunin
20. What was the name of Bunin's first wife
21. In which city in 1992. a monument to Bunin was unveiled

1. Traveling on which ship, Bunin visited the grave of T. Shevchenko
4. Bunin's first story
5. Occupation of Bunin

10. The work of which American poet, author of the song about gay avata in 1896. Bunin translated into Russian
12. Children's illustrated magazine where an essay on a seagull was published
14. Where Bunin spent his childhood and youth
15. What was the name of Bunin's father
19. On which island did the death of a gentleman from San Francisco occur?

7 competition "Creative"

The teams prepared a staging of I. A. Bunin's work "Natalie" in advance.

The jury evaluates stage skills.

8 competition "Sinkwine"

Compose a syncwine using the model:

Bunin - association word

Two words of definition

Three verbs

Offer - your attitude to it

One word (the essence of the first word of the association)

And in conclusion, I would like to say that each of us will have our own impressions, our own thoughts and feelings about the great writer, but no one's heart will remain indifferent when reading his works. And today we pay tribute to I. A. Bunin with great love and gratitude as an inspired singer of his native land, as an artist, whose work has resulted in a single, passionate, passionate song imbued with hot love about Russia, its people!

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Scene 1

The hero sits on a bench.

Soundtrack from the movie "Summer of Love"

“That summer, for the first time, I put on a student cap and was happy with that special happiness of a young free life that happens only at this time. Arriving home for the holidays, I decided that the time had come for me to be like everyone else, violate my purity, seek love without romance, and, by virtue of this decision, and the desire to show my blue band, began to travel in search of love meetings in neighboring estates, relatives and friends.
So I ended up on the estate of my maternal uncle, a retired and long-widowed ulan Cherkasov, father of my only daughter, and my cousin Sony...

(Meeting of the hero and Sonya.)

Sonya - Ah, the young man who is always and everywhere late!
Hero - Well, it's not my fault this time. It was not the young man who was late, but the train.
Sonya - Hush, everyone is sleeping. The whole evening they were dying of impatience, waiting, and, finally, they gave up on you. Dad went to bed angry, scolding you as a helipad, and Ephraim, who obviously remained at the station until the morning train, an old fool, Natalie left offended, the servants also left, I alone turned out to be patient and faithful to you. Well, undress, and let's go to dinner.
Hero - Thank you, dear friend. It is now especially pleasant for me to make sure of your fidelity - you have become a perfect beauty, and I have the most serious views on you.
Sonya - But, and at least you have matured a lot. In the two years that I haven't seen you, you've turned into an interesting impudent fellow. And this would promise us a lot of happiness, as our grandmothers said, if it were not for Natalie, with whom you will fall in love to the grave tomorrow morning.
Hero Natalie? Who is she?
Sonya - This is Natasha Stankevich, my friend from high school, who came to visit me. Imagine: a lovely head, black eyes. And not even eyes, but black suns, to put it in Persian. Eyelashes, of course, huge and also black.
Hero - Here, you say - Natalie ... No Natalie can compare with you. By the way, who is she, where is she from?
Sonya - Our Voronezh, from a wonderful family, once very rich, and now just a beggar. A very touching girl, slim, still fragile. Clever, but very secretive.
Hero - Very interesting. But back to business. Natalie, Natalie, what about our romance with you?
Sonya - Natalie does not interfere with our romance. You will go crazy with love for her, and you will kiss with me. You will cry on my chest from her cruelty, and I will comfort you.
Hero - But, you know that I've been in love with you for a long time.
Sonya - Yes, but then it was an ordinary crush, you were only ridiculous and boring. But, God bless you, I forgive you your previous stupidity and I am ready to start our romance tomorrow, despite Natalie. In the meantime, we go to bed, I have to get up early tomorrow to do housework.

We present to your attention a mini-performance based on the story of I.A. Bunin "Natalie".

Scene 2. (Hero, Natalie, Sonya)

The music of F. Liszt sounds quietly - Liebestraum

Sonya - I was afraid if you fell asleep in the sun, you could grab a blow, this happens at this time of the year. Are you not familiar yet? Meet Natalya Stankevich, for me - Natalie.
Hero (kisses his hand) - It seems to me that we have already met. The truth is so fleeting that I don't know if it was you or your shadow.
Natalie - It's just that I wasn't dressed to receive guests then.
Sonya - Natalie is awfully shy, you have to excuse her.
Natalie - True, I was in a dressing gown and did not expect to meet you.
Hero - Nothing, I wish I could be caught off guard like this every morning.
Sonya - See, I told you you'd like Natalie. How do you find my cousin?
Natalie - It will be hot, like yesterday.
Sonya - We'll go swimming, and then we'll meet in the garden.
(Natalie leaves)
Sonya - C today please pretend to be in love with Natalie, but beware if it turns out that you do not need to pretend.
Hero - But you know that I can only love you.
Sonya - Of course. Don't you dare love anyone else. Kiss my hand. Why waste time on stupid talk. As for Natalie, I repeat: beware of going over to pretense, my character is not as sweet as one might think. (Sonia leaves)
(Hero's monologue).
- A feeling of happiness suddenly fell on me and was the fulfillment of my expectations, which I associated with a trip to the Cherkasovs. But more and more often I thought about Natalie, still with great admiration followed her every movement, every gesture.

(Natalie enters)
Natalie - Are you bored without Sonya?
Hero - I only miss you when you are gone.
Natalie - We don't have to talk about it. Maybe it depends on the character, on upbringing, but with me it will not be easy for you. You have a simple relationship with Sonya.
Hero - Yes, Sonya is different, she perceives everything easily.
Natalie - That's right. But I'm not like that.
Hero - That's why I like you. Natalie, I'm leaving soon. I couldn't decide. I love you! Natalie, can I come to your parents? Can I?
Natalie - Yes, yes, come. Leave here tomorrow. I will come home in a few days.

(Hero's monologue)
I never saw her again. Natalie left at dawn, and I a few hours later. I still don't know how much of that was my fault. Or maybe it was fate? But, I know, I feel that I was close to something - something that slipped away, was very close, that I lost it irretrievably.

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2. Where Bunin immigrated in 1920
3. The first publication of the beggar's verse was in a magazine
6. The city in which Bunin was born
9. What is the name of the ship on which the gentleman from San Francisco traveled
11. Surname of the first wife of I. A. Bunin
13. For which collection Bunin was awarded the Pushkin Prize in 1901
16. Russian writer who spoke about literary creativity I. Bunina: “So it is written that Turgenev would not have written like that, and there’s nothing to say about me”
17. In 2000 State Pedagogical Institute was renamed State University and received the status of Bunin
18. In which city is there a street named after Bunin
20. What was the name of Bunin's first wife
21. In which city in 1992. a monument to Bunin was unveiled

1. Traveling on which ship, Bunin visited the grave of T. Shevchenko
4. Bunin's first story
5. Occupation of Bunin
7. Where you were destined to live most of your life and survive the second world war
8. What is the name of the first poem
10. The work of which American poet, the author of the "Song of Hiawatha" in 1896. Bunin translated into Russian
12. Children's illustrated magazine, where an essay on a seagull was published
14. Where did Bunin's childhood and youth go?
15. What was the name of Bunin's father
19. On which island did the death of a gentleman from San Francisco occur?

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Quiz game “Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. Life, fate, creativity "

Required knowledge:

    The name of the works of I. A. Bunin.

    Portrait characteristics of the heroes of the works of I. A. Bunin.

    Illustrations for the works of I. A. Bunin.

    Biographical information about the writer.

    Homework- staging.

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Quiz game for high school students

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin.

Life, fate, creativity "

Prepared by a teacher of Russian language and literature

Bogacheva L. A.

  • Bunin landscape
  • Anagram
  • portrait sketches
  • Continue the phrase
  • Illustrators
  • creative competition
  • cinquain



1. Bunin - word-association

2. Two words of definition

3. Three verbs

4. Offer - your attitude towards it

5. One word (the essence of the first word of the association)

Literature Grade 8, ballad Vasily Shibanov.
Prince Kurbsky fled from the royal wrath,
With him Vaska Shibanov, stirrup.
Doroden was a prince. The exhausted horse fell.
How to be foggy in the middle of the night?
But keeping Shibanov's slavish loyalty,
He gives his horse to the governor:
"Ride, prince, I'll become an enemy,
Maybe I won’t leave on foot.”

And the prince jumped. Under the Lithuanian tent
The disgraced governor sits,
Lithuanians stand around in amazement,
Without hats they crowd at the entrance,
He pays honor to every Russian knight;
No wonder the Lithuanian people marvel,
And their heads go around:
"Prince Kurbsky became our friend."

But the prince is not pleased with the new honor,
He is filled with bile and malice;
Kurbsky is preparing to count the tsar
Souls of the offended sweetheart:
“What do I hide and wear in myself for a long time,
Then I will write everything to the king at length,
I'll tell you straight, without bending,
Thank you for all your kindness."

And the boyar writes all night long,
The pen of his revenge breathes,
Read, smile, and read again,
And again without rest he writes,
And with evil words he stings the king,
And now, when the dawn broke,
Ripe to his delight
A message full of poison.

But who are the prince's daring words
Will you take John?
Who does not like a head on their shoulders,
Whose heart does not shrink in the chest?
Involuntarily, doubts were found on the prince ...
Suddenly Shibanov enters in sweat and dust:
“Prince, is my service not needed?
Look, ours didn’t catch up with me!”

And in joy the prince sends a slave,
Hurrying him impatiently:
“You are healthy in body, and your soul is not weak,
And here are the rubles in the award!
Shibanov in response to the master: “Good!
You need your silver here
And I will pass on for the torment
Your letter is in the royal hands.

Copper ringing rushes, buzzes over Moscow;
The king in quiet clothes is ringing;
Does he call back the former peace
Or does conscience bury forever?
But often and measuredly he beats the bell,
And the people of Moscow listen to the ringing,
And prays, full of fear,
So that the day passes without execution.

In response to the ruler, the towers are buzzing,
Calls with him and Vyazemsky fierce,
The pitch darkness calls the whole oprichnina,
And Vaska Dirty, and Malyuta,
And then, proud of their beauty,
With a girlish smile, with a snake soul,
The beloved is calling John,
Rejected by God Basmanov.

The king has finished; leaning on a rod, he goes,
And with him all the roundabout assembly.
Suddenly a messenger rides, pushes the people apart,
Above the cap holds a message.
And he hid from his horse hastily down,
On foot approaches Tsar John
And she says to him without turning pale:
"From Prince Andrey Kurbsky!"

And the eyes of the king suddenly lit up:
"To me? From a villain dashing?
Read, clerks, read aloud to me
Message from word to word!
Give me a letter here, impudent messenger!
And in Shibanov's leg a sharp end
He sticks his rod,
Leaned on a crutch - and listens:

“To the king, glorified of old from all,
But I am drowning in abundant filth!
Respond, insane, what for the sake of sin
Did you beat the good and strong?
Answer, not by them, in the midst of a difficult war,
Without counting strongholds of enemies slain?
Are you not famous for their courage?
And who is equal to them by fidelity?

Insane! Or think more immortal than us,
Deceived into unbelievable heresy?
Take heed! The hour of retribution will come
Foretold to us by Scripture,
And az, like blood in incessant battles
For you, like water, leah and leah,
I will stand before the judge with you!”
So Kurbsky wrote to John.

Shibanov was silent. From a pierced leg
Scarlet blood flowed like a current,
And the king on the calm eye of the servant
He looked with a searching eye.
A row of guardsmen stood motionless;
The lord's mysterious look was gloomy,
As if filled with sadness;
And everyone was silent in anticipation.

And the king said so: “Yes, your boyar is right,
And there is no more joyful life for me,
Correcting the blood of the good and strong with their feet,
I am a dog unworthy and stinking!
Messenger, you are not a slave, but a comrade and friend,
And there are many, to know, faithful servants of Kurbsky,
What gave you away for nothing!
Go with Malyuta to the dungeon!

The executioners torture and torment the messenger,
They replace each other:
“Comrades Kurbsky you catch,
Reveal their dog treason!”
And the king asks: “Well, what about the messenger?
Did he call the thief friends at last?
“King, his word is all one:
He praises his master!”

The day is fading, the night is coming,
The gates are hidden at the dungeon,
The masters enter again on the shoulder,
Work began again.
“Well, what, did the messenger name the villains?”
“King, the end is near for him,
But his word is all the same,
He praises his master:

"Oh prince, you who could betray me
For a sweet moment of reproach,
O prince, I pray that God forgive you
I will betray yours before the fatherland!

But in the heart of love and forgiveness,
Have mercy on my sins!

Hear me, O God, in my dying hour,
Forgive my master!
My tongue is numb, and my gaze is fading,
But my word is all the same:
For the formidable, God, king, I pray,
For our holy, great Rus',
And I firmly await the desired death!
Thus died Shibanov, the stirrup.

The workshops offered to you are included in the cycle of classes dedicated to the personality and creativity of I.A. Bunin. This cycle can be seen as a module within elective course or a special course for 11th grade students. The purpose of such a module is to create creative environment to enter the world of the author, far from the modern young reader.

First workshop"Memories" (2 hours) is dedicated to Bunin's lyrics. It is assumed that to
11th grade students have repeatedly turned to her. All existing programs include the works of Bunin, but, as experience shows, a true meeting with the poet does not occur. It is significant that the guys remember the name, even the facts of the biography are sometimes listed exactly, but they are not able to quote a single poem. Sometimes you hear: “I wrote something about nature…” To make the memory of students speak the language of poetry is the task of this workshop.

Second workshop mini-course (2 hours) again refers to the material "passed" - the cycle "Dark Alleys". It begins without the announcement of the name, this is one of the mechanisms for launching the creative process. At a certain stage, its participants will have to give their name to the workshop. Four or five stories not included in the programs are offered for reading. Students receive rather than new knowledge, but new meanings, that is, they perform the creative task of self-knowledge.

Workshop No. 1: "Remembrance"

Leading. Write the word "remembrance". What does it take to evoke memories? What helps to remember about an event, a person, about one's own state?

- Music, sounds, heard remark, question;
- photos, videos;
- meeting with a person; voice sound, gesture;
- book, note, postcard; diary;
- rainy weather; melancholic mood;
- thing, object;
- smell;
- similar space; situation…

Using the prompts available to you now, write the text "Memories of Bunin."

The task has a high degree of uncertainty, from which some participants in the workshop feel discomfort and irritation; partly it is designed for this reaction. Self-diagnosis of what is left of the previous experience of joining the author's work, and the realization: “Nothing! - I can’t even remember the name ... ”- painful for many. Some people immediately try to shout out two or three names of stories, often confusing them with Chekhov's or Kuprin's. For the teacher leading the workshop, it is important not to rush with his reaction, to refrain from hasty comments on erroneous statements. Already by the end of the first stage of the workshop, during the presentation of these memories, the first correction of the inaccuracies that have arisen will take place: as a rule, connoisseurs of Chekhov and Kuprin are in the audience, pointing out the mistake. But even if they are not found, it is worth delaying, but do not forget to enter some text related to the comparison of the mentioned works at the subsequent stages of the workshop. It is important to give the student a chance to correct their mistake.

The theme “Memories of Bunin” can be interpreted as a memory of the first meeting with the writer’s work, as a story about everything that evokes associations associated with the name of this author, as a review of memoirs, as an invitation to free fantasy, hypothetical meetings. Usually in the audience there are clarifying questions (what do you mean?). However, the master does not explain the task, but advises to write as understood. And that's what happens sometimes.

How can you write memoirs about a person whom you did not know personally, never met him? I have memories of this author - this is a memory of our school literature lessons, of a teacher who was in love with the Russian classics and who read the prose of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin with amazing artistry.

I see a gray book, on the cover of which there are birches, a path running along an endless field, and the words: “I.A. Bunin. Stories". The book is pretty shabby, not because it was carelessly treated, but because this volume traveled all over the Soviet Union in a briefcase, suitcase, and backpack of my grandfather, a bridge builder. Perhaps this is the first thing they took on any business trip. I recognized Bunin thanks to my grandfather, he did not tell anything about the writer, but simply read small pieces of text and fell silent, smiling. I liked those evenings at the dacha, with the sound of rain and wind, with the sparkle of lightning and the picture in the window frame, repeating the cover of the book. And so it remained for me: grandfather - Bunin, and Bunin - grandfather. (The physics teacher is a participant in one of the workshops.)

We had portraits of writers hanging in the classroom. It seems Bunin was wearing a hat. I can't remember anything else.

The only thing I can remember about Bunin is a few names: “Easy breathing”, “ Antonov apples"," The gentleman from San Francisco. By the way, I still can’t understand what the story “Antonov apples” is about, just boredom.

I do not like works that end badly, and Bunin does not have a single bright story, everywhere there is a tragic ending. Either the hero dies, or he and she part - I don't like that, he's not my author.

School Bunin walked past me, I fell ill. But recently I watched the movie "His Wife's Diary" on TV, and it became disgusting and disgusting. If everything was as shown in the film, then I will never read this writer: what could such a person create?

The text is read at the request of the participant.

Leading. You are invited to go outside, take a short solitary walk - the journey "In Search of Bunin". Go deep into the surrounding courtyards, focus on the task - “find Bunin”. The main condition is not to enter into communication with anyone from the group. You have half an hour for a walk.

Particular emphasis is placed on solitude, since it is quite clear that the task is designed to create conditions for getting out of the usual mode of study life. The task may seem ridiculous, sometimes it causes irony and even protest, which is expressed in a caustic comment, and sometimes in the refusal of the participant to go out. The master should refrain from unnecessary explanations and coercion, however, he may offer to simply go outside or stand by the window. In contrast to everyday bustle and a calm, albeit brief moment of concentration, a gaze at the sky, leaves underfoot, puddles, surrounding yards overgrown with trees and bushes, the background necessary for a contemplative mood is created. Everyone came to class from their day with their own worries. A walk helps to switch attention to oneself, bringing oneself into a state of readiness to listen and perceive poetry. Even the irritation that has arisen is beneficial, it makes you turn on your imagination, come up with something - stimulates the creative process.

Like the previous one, this task has a high degree of uncertainty, so the most anxious students, striving for guaranteed success, sometimes find the simplest way out of an uncomfortable situation - go straight to the library. First, there is a great desire to immediately check whether they correctly remembered the titles of works and biographical facts. Secondly, this is an attempt to get at least some authoritative information regarding the writer, to cling to someone's opinion - this is the stereotype of school literary education - "do not dare to have your own opinion." This is their choice. As a rule, at the next stage of the workshop, they realize that the choice was not made in the best way, although no one points it out to them and does not blame them.

The teacher himself also goes out into the street - and not only with the task of controlling the process, but also with the task of finding “his today's Bunin”. Well, if he also presents his text.

Upon returning from the street without discussing their impressions, the workshop participants are invited to continue the text of their memoirs. Here are excerpts from texts that appeared in different years.

At first, it seemed absurd to me to look for Bunin among the urban microdistrict with playgrounds and garbage cans. Moreover, the cool wind did not allow to concentrate at least on something. I walked around a puddle and suddenly saw the reflection of clouds running across the sky, blue and white under my feet. And so I froze in this puddle. What does Bunin have to do with it? “That's how many years have passed and will pass, but the sky, clouds, puddles, soggy ground, falling leaves - everything is as in his time. Everything is like his. All he is is his light breath” - such a thought came to me.

I went up to the old woman who was walking the dog and asked about Bunin, what did she know. She said, "I don't know, honey, I'm not educated." Then the guy, he thought that I was interested in some deputy. Then I asked a man of an intelligent appearance and was not mistaken, he said that Bunin was our first Nobel Laureate(by the way, I didn’t know about it), but it’s better to look for it in the library. I also decided to ask what the children know about Bunin. I came across two third-grader girlfriends, they were walking from school and chatting about something of their own, but they took my question seriously and remembered a poem about leaf fall, which they recently learned by heart in a reading lesson: “Forest, for sure painted tower... ”- two quatrains were smartly read in chorus. That's it sociological research. Conclusion: Bunin does not live for everyone. But the Russian language is what unites all of us. This is Bunin - his Russian language.

When I went into a small courtyard overgrown with bushes, it became clear that Bunin was everywhere: in autumn leaves, in the withered grass and even the liquid path that parted underfoot. I sat down on a bench and began to look closely at everything that fell on my eyes. Here a sparrow found a crust of bread, rejoices, chirps - a fool. He chirped a crow - took away the crust, and even squints with his eye, where something lies badly. A gust of wind tore off the leaves from the birch, and they flew up in a flock, not down, like moths speckled yellow. Then two or three leaves separated, smoothly glided to the ground and calmed down, decorating the puddle with themselves. Probably for the first time I so calmly and intently looked around and saw so much in front of my nose that I had not noticed before. Find Bunin, I realized, is possible if you follow his path, the path of contemplation. (The music teacher is a participant in the workshop.)

We were invited to autumn. Who has not written about her! Quiet. Chilly. I notice a huge, about a meter in diameter, stump, fresh cut. What was the tree? Maybe a linden? If you look closely at its pattern, you can read the writings of centuries. Bunin knew how to read it. However, the idyll does not work. The city rubbish heap bulges too brazenly at every turn - a hallmark of the rudeness of the plebeians who came to power. In the 18th year, Bunin saw this and was horrified. His civilization has gone like Atlantis under water. We are witnesses of a continuing decline. I see grey, gloomy, concentrated, obtuse faces of passers-by - my compatriots. I found Bunin: a huge broken branch of an old tree, waiting for his saw, under the window of our college - that's his image.

O frightened ones! O obedient ones! Oh ironic! O understanding ones! O smart ones! Oh, my various messengers, running, sliding, dragging "to look for Bunin." I hear your receding voices, I see your backs, in which doom is read. I catch a wave coming from you, similar to a cool shower: “Now we will bring a maple leaf, and we will find Bunin in it. What is the question - such is the answer. Hello to our writer!” I look after you and think: “Which of you later, after all our uncomplicated exercises, will take Bunin’s volume in his hands and not close it, barely scrolling through a few pages, but stop at some, read, read out, read out ... In that moment he will become his reader and, according to Y. Aikhenvald, Bunin himself - my precious find”. (The author of the workshop.)

I didn’t go out into the street, I think that this is a meaningless activity for me, I don’t know how to fantasize from scratch. I went up to the library and took Bunin's volume “Tales and Stories. 1892-1929". Thanks to what I managed to read in the afterword, I found out that Bunin died deep old man. For some reason, I didn't feel that way at school. That feeling of shame that arose when I could not remember a single name, except for " Garnet bracelet"(And even then it turned out that this story was written by Kuprin), spurred me to take Bunin's book. I don't think I'm taking it back to the library until I've read at least a few stories.

Texts are read aloud.

There are several headings on the board:

I saw)… ( picture, visual image, landscape detail)

I heard)… ( sound images)

I felt (a) ... ( something that evokes tactile, olfactory associations)

I felt)… ( state, mood)

I was surprised ... ( unexpected, vivid images, not assigned headings)

I thought)… ( thought, line-aphorism)

I understood)… ( answer to the question before)

The host offers to listen to I.A. Bunin and write down phrases-images that are most interesting for participants in accordance with one of the selected headings. Possible selection: "You can't see the birds...", " gray morning above me…”, “I went to her at midnight…”, “It’s also cold and cheese…”, “It smells like fields, - fresh herbs…”, “Leaves rustled, flying around…”, “Roses”, “Evening ”,“ Rhythm ”,“ Youth ”,“ We ​​walked side by side ... ”,“ Goldfinches, their ringing, glassy, ​​inanimate ... ”,“ This brief life eternal change…”, “And flowers, and bumblebees, and grass, and ears…”, “The bird has a nest, the beast has a hole…”, “I was alone in the midnight world…”. The selection of poems depends on the subjective choice of the author of the workshop, corresponds to his taste and provides an opportunity to complete the task. The teacher's reading should be restrained and intelligible, without acting effects.

Exercise. From everything that you managed to record by ear, emphasize one or three of the most striking images. Choose one of them and read for everyone. If you particularly like something that others have chosen, add to your entries.

Choose one image, one phrase, use it as a title and write a short text on this topic, trying to use as many of the words you wrote out from the poems as possible. Start it, for example, like this: “In the poems of I. Bunin, I saw (a) ...”, “... felt (a) ...”, etc.

Topics that emerged from the selection of citations: “Reflections”, “Voice of the Abyss”, “Aimless Aspiration”, “But our age is a moment”, “Three truths”, “Life is a delusion”, “Joy of lonely thoughts”, “Wandering”, “I was like God ...” .

For each desk, a selection of poems is issued: “The Word”, “The day will come - I will disappear ...”, “It pours without end. Fog in the forest…”, “Ring”, “Inscription on the bowl”, “Tonight someone…”, “Memory”, “Firefly”. This collection is compiled according to the thematic principle, encourages thought. Requires a lot of concentration when reading, so it is suggested first individual work followed by discussion in groups.

Exercise. Talk in pairs or groups about the poems you have read. What did you focus your attention on: the themes, the tone of the verses, images, metaphorical series, lyrical hero, meanings?

10–15 minutes are given for group work, after which each group (pair) needs to formulate one of the most important thesis that was voiced in the discussion and introduce it to everyone. According to the stated thesis, participants of other groups can comment or ask a question.

Individual task. Continue the text about Bunin's poems, developing the idea, including the considerations expressed during the discussion in groups.

“One like God...”

I hear all the time that Bunin is too sad, even a gloomy author. All about death and coffins, about eternity reasoning. For some, it causes a feeling of heaviness, melancholy. For me, in his poetry there are a lot of colors, sounds, smells - everything that makes up the brightness of the living, sensual perception of the world. acceptance of this world. I see in his favorite picture of autumn withering not grayness and fading tones, but on the contrary - bright strokes of the azure sky, I see how “dirt blackens in the lemon leaves” ... There is a feeling of joyful chill from the cool touch of fresh wind, which adds vigor.

I am surprised by this subtlety of the details noticed and assembled into a bundle of stanzas: “the white edge of the cloud”, “a flock of gray birds” - this chorus of voices of the world.

This is loving peering, listening, feeling, and the reward for everything is the marvelous simplicity of happiness to live.

“The voice of the abyss in the echoing silence...”

This line of Bunin's poem has a retrospective in the work of F. Tyutchev, the first poet who listened at night to the sound of world chaos. But Bunin, in my opinion, is more daring, even bolder - this sound does not frighten him, does not inspire horror, like his predecessor, but rather instills a proud sense of superiority of the creator. Since he is given to hear this, then he is, if not the author, then an accomplice of the night action. He, like God, is alone in the entire Universe, and the abyss does not send him its threatening signal, but dictates the music of the higher spheres. Him, who is both a man and a being of higher substance. Subtle sensations are available to his hearing, sight, smell: to hear how the grass grows, to see how the azure blinks, how the crazy eyes of a thunderstorm shine; to feel... And tomorrow, in the morning or in the evening, he will translate this music into a language accessible to us, mortals, and cast it into the only true lines. And we will know this new world see, hear, feel and admire.

In Bunin's poems there is a world that already existed, a world that seems familiar, but so new, bright, festive that you immediately believe and accept it: “I was like God ...” (Author of the workshop.)

“I'll disappear...”

I think that Bunin knew that he could not disappear anywhere. The unfading soul, its sorrows and sorrows are inescapable. But the completely scientific providence of the immortality of thought is also striking. Bunin, with all the outward gloominess, perhaps coming from the surname, in which I hear the sound of approaching thunder and see heavy lead clouds, inspires optimism. His world is a gift: a butterfly fluttering under the blue ceiling, the bottom of the sky peering through the window, the evening star, the flickering of the steppe fire, the silence of the fields, the sad prowess of someone's song. What a gift all this is to us, blind, deaf, insensible, tired and vain. “I see, I hear… - // Everything is in me” - to take everything and give everything is the guarantee of immortality.

Leading. Read for everyone the third part of the text with your name.

View the recordings made at today's workshop. Write down what questions you have while listening to the poems and texts of your comrades.

Questions are read. Here are the most frequently asked questions from workshop participants.

What is Bunin's relationship with God? Was he a believer?
Why are there so few poems about love for a woman? Did he write them?
Was he a gloomy man, lonely?
How to explain such a large number of references to cemeteries, death, crosses in his poems?

Reflection:“The main impression of the workshop is…” You may be given the task of correcting and editing your texts. Search for answers to questions raised at the end of the workshop. Independent reading of Bunin's poems.

Workshop No. 2: "Dark Alleys"

This part of the workshop is connected with the fact that in school curriculum usually include one or two stories from the "Dark Alleys" cycle, therefore, as a rule, young readers do not have an idea about the integrity of the cycle. Therefore, it seems to me possible to single out from the large cycle a small one, consisting of five stories, and at first only four are read. It is important to read the stories in their entirety in the lesson, interpret the texts, exchange your impressions, guesses and questions.

I draw your attention to the fact that the stories are not analyzed, but interpreted. This does not exclude careful attention to the text, highlighting significant details, working with the word, but all this will be of an auxiliary nature.

We have chosen the following four short stories, which you can have time to read and discuss within one lesson: "Wolves", "Guest", "One Hundred Rupees", "Swing". These four stories are a mini-cycle, in which all the essential properties and features of the collection as a whole are reflected in it. After working on the mini-cycle, students read the story "Dark Alleys" on their own.

The first task of this part of the workshop is connected with fixing the impressions deposited at the previous stage. It helps you tune in further work plays the role of a tuning fork.

Composition of syncwine, specific poetic form of five lines, vaguely reminiscent of Japanese haiku - the best way collect scattered sensations, judgments, images in a bundle. As a rule, students write down what is in “working memory”, without caring about the sound of the future poem. At first, they do not perceive it as a poem, the algorithm for its creation is too mechanistic. But if you use this technique systematically (without abusing, however), then you will soon get very interesting and completely original texts in the verbal sense.

Model for syncwine:

Bunin is an association word.

Two words - definitions (adjectives, participles, maybe a noun).

Three words answering the question: what does it do? (verbs, adverbs).

A sentence is your attitude to it (of four or five words).

The essence of the first association word (one word or phrase).

Here are some examples.

Love. Sad.
Awaken. Revive. They weigh.
I want to forget the past and live again.
The soil.

Deep. Tragic.
Sees. Hears. Happy.
I'm learning from him to accept the world.

Syncwines are read at the request of the participants. Then each group receives four stories: "Guest", "Swing", "Wolves", "One Hundred Rupees".

Leading. Before you start reading:

1) write down the associations that these words evoke in you, and briefly your assumptions about the content of each story, judging only by its title;
2) read the stories and write out from the text the most vivid description of the hero, heroine;
3) formulate yourself or find in the text a sentence that, in your opinion, contains the essence of the story;
4) ask a question that arose during or after reading the story.

All four short stories belong to the "Dark Alleys" cycle, what the participants of the workshop are not informed about. Work is carried out on an individual basis. In notebooks, approximately such entries may appear.

1) "Swing"- childhood, youth, play, entertainment; air whistling in the ears; breathtaking; scary and fun; it hurts to fall...
2) Characteristics of heroes. She: “looked intently, senselessly and joyfully.” He: "I'm happy, you're already in love with me."
3) The bottom line: "Let it be as it is."
4) Why don't they need more? What was and will be between them?

1) "Wolves"- beast, strong, ferocious, predator, danger, fear, flock, hunting ...
2) Her: “There is nothing cuter than a scar that looks like a thin permanent smile. Hot, desperate." He: "Looking for her lips."
3) Essence: “... looking at the bright instantaneous arcs of shooting stars”, “... So there was a light scar in the corner of her lips for life, and when she was asked why it was, she smiled with pleasure”, “... Those whom she had loved more than once in her life, they said that there is nothing sweeter than this scar, which looks like a thin constant smile.
4) If not for the wolves, what would be left of the schoolboy? What a story? Where did the hero go? Why did the young lady burn matches and shout that she was afraid of wolves?

1) "One Hundred Rupees"- coin, money; India; exotic.
2) She: “Beauty, intelligence, stupidity - all these words did not go to her in any way ... she was from some other planet.”
3) Essence: inhuman and human.
4) What could this phrase mean: "One hundred rupees, sir"? What did they ask for money for? Who's that girl? One hundred rupees - is it a lot or a little? Will the hero take advantage of this offer?

1) "Guest"- meeting, reception, stranger, invited to the house, friend, good acquaintance, desired or unwanted; gifts, offerings, compliments; embarrassment, excitement...
2) She: "Flemish Eve." He: Adam Adamych, “ piercing eyes scary eyes.
3) The essence: “... God willing, the masters will not be at home again ...”
4) What does "Flemish Eve" mean? What do long tears mean? What does the hero's name indicate? Why is she crying and waiting? Why did Bunin write this story?

When each participant has read all four stories, a group discussion begins: statements No. 3 are compared. The group tries to find answers to the questions that have arisen. Names are deciphered. The characters are characterized, attention is drawn to the details that seemed most significant to different readers. The meanings of the stories are formulated, which are “drawn out” from the written quotations. 20 minutes are given for this work.

Groups are asked to answer the question if these stories can be combined into one cycle. You need to justify your point of view.

As a rule, students quickly find reasons to combine these stories, pointing out that in each of them there are two: he and she, there is some relationship between them that is difficult to define unequivocally with the word “love”, but this is what is often called that. . In the process of discussion, the need invariably arises to find the most accurate words to designate the entire spectrum of relationships that arise on the pages of Bunin's stories. Sometimes you have to resort to the help of various dictionaries, interpret such words as “attraction”, “desire”, “passion”, “falling in love”, “flirting”, “love” ... It is this clarification that leads to the exposure of the essence, to building individual meanings of the texts read and reconcile them with other points of view. This discussion reveals many issues of an ethical and aesthetic nature. Some readers are ready to accuse the author of vulgarity, others of immorality, others of savoring the “dirty” aspects of life, cynicism and pessimism. To overcome such views and positions, in our opinion, is impossible either by discussion, or by acquaintance with literary works, or by invoking authorities, or by any other means, except for the creator. That is, one's own interpretation of the text. We made sure that in most cases, falling into the element of the Word, students imperceptibly overcome their own ordinary ideas about how life should be and does not happen on the pages of Bunin's short stories. They themselves fall under the magic of another reality, where there is another truth - the truth of art. The texts that they get often surprise the authors, they turn out to be close to Bunin himself.

It is proposed to name this cycle and comment on it: "Men and Women", "On the Oddities of Love", "Faces of Love", "He and She", "About It", "The Edges of Love". All suggestions are written on the board.

A picture appears before my eyes: ... (a visual image, only what can be seen with the eyes):

- Autumn time, a dark evening in a city park, rows of trees and a path going into the distance, somewhere at its end the silhouette of a lonely person ...
- Somewhere in a nineteenth-century manor. Centuries-old linden trees intertwined with crowns so that even on a sunny day it is gloomy and mysterious here ...
- A dark blue starry sky and against its background, like low black clouds, are thickets of lilac bushes. A bench - on it, clinging to each other, two people are sitting ...
- A park, a manor house in the distance shines with lights, but here it is dark, a thick shadow from mighty fir trees obscures the moonlight ...
- I see an overgrown old garden, like a grandmother in the village. There are narrow paths between the rows of apple trees, you can easily hide in the tall grass or climb a tree and hide in its branches - a favorite childhood game ...
- Fir or pyramidal poplars on both sides of the asphalt path and in the distance, below - the brilliance of the sea under the rays of the sun leaving the horizon ...

There is a feeling ... (what can be felt with the whole body, with all the senses):

- Excitement and fear, what if it doesn’t come? ...
- It smells of withered leaves and a fire. Dampness penetrates to the bones, but there is no strength to get up and leave this bench, as if it has grown, but there is no disappointment. No longer, because there was a feeling of freedom from this obsession: what did I find in her? ..
- It's mysterious here and therefore a little scary ...
- Enchanted starry sky, which, as in a window, appears through the branches of huge trees parting here and there.
- The warm sea wind barely touches the cheek ... The tart strong smell of arborvitae ...

Heard ... (sounds, melody, musical instrument):

- The rustle of steps on the gravel and quiet, muffled voices, almost a whisper ...
- The distant sounds of the village, the barking of dogs, the cry of roosters, the ringing of the church bell, but above all this choir - the evening chirping of grasshoppers ...
- From the open windows of the manor house you can hear the sounds of the piano, an old waltz ...
- The rustling of trees in the wind and the splashing of raindrops on the leaves ...
- The sound of an approaching rider, the slowing down of the clatter of hooves, the snorting of the horse, and the cautious voice of the rider, as if calling to someone.
- A thin, piercing, brittle, almost hysterical voice of the violin and a thick, viscous and sweet, like honey, voice of the cello ...

Fragments of phrases, individual words reach the ear ... (imagine a possible dialogue):

- ... I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly, as God forbid you be loved to be different!
- You quote everything, hide, play - tired! Go away.
“…Come here tomorrow, can you?”
- ... I'm scared, what if someone sees us together?
- I dreamed, searched, found, almost lost and again ...
- If the bride goes to another, then it is not known who was lucky ...
- Everything was and gone, nothing left, no one left, only memories.
- Let's go and tell everything right now, and everything will be decided!
- Farewell-ah-ah-ah...

I have read (a) four stories by Ivan Bunin from the cycle "Dark Alleys" ... (continue the text using the titles you have given, words written out from the stories, discussion materials at the workshop).

- How different they are from those that I remembered from reading this cycle at school. Then Bunin seemed to me a very romantic author. Love and blood rhymed in them... But only now the true meaning of the name of the cycle and all its stories has reached me. There are two poles: man and woman; everything that happens between them is a path along dark alleys, a path of random meetings and partings, quivering expectations and fatal mismatches. Dark alleys are a symbol of mystery, incomprehensibility ...

- Where are these alleys, in what latitudes, countries, cities? Where do they take off on the swing of the first love? Where is this light whistle heard in the ears, where bliss spreads from the proximity of HER, HIS, where is this chatter, jokes, hints? Where do they buy and sell beauty? Where do they surrender to the first attraction, where do they burn with passion? In Paris, Yalta, St. Petersburg, Constantinople - it doesn't matter. Wherever there is a man and a woman, he and she. Dark alleys of cypresses or maples, firs, lindens, palm trees grow everywhere. Everywhere this condensed aroma of love, suffering and separation. And it doesn't matter what language they mutter, shout out, exhale words - this is the universal language of love. Bunin's cycle of stories is a story of meetings and partings, fidelity and treachery, instant happiness and a long sizzling passion. This is an attempt to look into the innermost, to comprehend the incomprehensible, secret. This cycle is a wandering along the dark alleys of your own soul.

Texts are read aloud.

Reflection. Return to the syncwine written at the beginning of the workshop. What did you want to change, edit, add in it, taking into account the conversation that took place?

On house can give exercise: read the story "Dark Alleys" and correlate it with our mini-cycle, supplement or edit the text created at the workshop.

Sections: Literature

Class: 9

Lesson type: lesson in discovering new knowledge.

Lesson Objectives:

  • figure out what the mystery of love is according to I.A. Bunin;
  • analyze the story "Dark Alleys" by I.A. Bunin (content, images, language, idea).


  • formation of associative thinking;
  • training in goal-setting skills;
  • development of research skills;
  • training in group work skills;
  • development of semantic reading skills;
  • training in analysis and synthesis;
  • formation of reflection skills;
  • learning to express one's own opinion.

Technologies and Methodological Techniques: selection of associations, mini-research, analysis of an episode of a story, test, ICT, technology for the development of critical thinking.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, speakers, cards with proverbs, motivator and stickers by keyword, cards with "lost" text, cards for group work, test.

During the classes

1. Stage of motivation.

On slide 1 are the lyrics of the song fragment.

When the water global flood
Returned again to the borders of the coast,
From the foam of the outgoing stream
Love quietly got out on land -
And vanished into thin air,
And the term was - forty forty ...

And eccentrics - there are still such -
Breathe in this mixture
And no rewards await, no punishment, -
And, thinking that they breathe just like that,
They suddenly hit the beat
The same - uneven - breathing.

Let them sing in a dream and in reality! ..
I breathe, which means - I love!
I love, and therefore - I live!

A fragment of the song "The Ballad of Love" by V. Vysotsky sounds.

- Good afternoon guys. You, of course, recognized the unique voice of the bard Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky. We only listened to a fragment of the ballad, but I think you can easily determine its key word. (Love)

Right. ( The word LOVE appears on the board, written on the image of a rose)

What associations do you have with this word? (Children name association words). Write on petal sheets. (Write)

– I will place them to the left of our word.

Is there something in this concept that a person cannot recognize, but always strives to unravel? (Yes) What is this phenomenon called? (Secret)

(The word MYSTERY appears under the rose.)

The topic of the lesson appears on slide 2. “The secret of love in the story of I.A. Bunin “Dark Alleys”.

2. The stage of actualization and goal setting.

- Love is an incomprehensible feeling, not subject to scientific analysis. This eternal theme in literature. In the last book of Ivan Alekseevich, she became dominant. “Dark Alleys” is a collection of short stories in which the first story has the same name. When the book was released and readers were shocked by the “eternal secret” of love, the writer admitted in one of his letters: “It speaks of many tragic and many tender and beautiful things. I think this is the best and most original thing I've written in my life."

What are the goals you need to set for yourself today in the lesson?

On slide 3: Lesson objectives are added by students

3. The stage of primary consolidation with pronunciation in oral speech.

1) Problematic issues:

- Who is the main character of the story? (He and she, man and woman)

What happened at the inn? (Two people met who loved each other in their youth).

- What was the main reason for the breakup? (social position, she is poor, he is rich).

2) Mini-study:

Let's give the floor to our two groups. They will tell about our heroes at the time of their youth and tender relationships, i.e. until the breakup.

I. Hope - main character story. She was brought up in the master's house. We can assume that such maids were taught good manners in the presence of masters, taught to “behave themselves decently” in front of guests and gentlemen. She was probably pretty. It can be assumed that the gentlemen treated her well. And then, in order to somehow whitewash themselves, they gave her freedom.

II. Nikolay Alekseevich. Most likely, his relatives called him Nikolenka, perhaps in the French manner Nikola. He was definitely good-looking, fit, acquired importance and severity. His parents chose military career. He came to visit them, grandmothers, aunts. On one of his visits, he discovers a charming creature in the house. It was Hope. They spent together best minutes. He read to her Ogaryov's poems "An Ordinary Tale": It was a wonderful spring,

They were on the beach...

Upon learning of their son's passion for being a servant, the parents immediately sent their son to the regiment.

Analysis of the end of the story.

(On the tables at the groups there are cards with questions).

Thanks for your stories. And now let's move on to cross-examination: the group of Hope asks a question - the group of Nikolai answers, then the group of Nikolai asks a question - the group of Nadezhda answers. If you think the group's answer is incomplete, you can add.

Group questions "Nikolai"
  1. How was the fate of Nadezhda after parting? (She arranged her life in her own way, began to maintain an inn)
  2. Did she retain her love for Nikolai Alekseevich? (No matter how much time passed, she retained her love for the hero. She knew that he had not been the same for a long time, but she continued to love, she even wanted to lay hands on herself).
  3. Could you forgive the person who did this to you?
Questions from the "Hope" group
  1. How was the fate of Nikolai Alekseevich after parting? (He married, loved his wife without memory, and she cheated on him, left him. The son grew up, “had high hopes for him, and a scoundrel came out, without a heart, without honor, without a conscience”)
  2. Did he remember his childhood hobby? (He is married! He loved his wife and, of course, forgot about Nadezhda).
  3. What did the hero understand after talking with Nadezhda? (He realized that it was she who gave him the best moments in life. Therefore, something sad enters his soul with this meeting)

- And now, guys, questions for your groups. Together you will think about the issue, consult. Decide for yourself who will voice your answer.

On the slide 4 questions to the groups

4. The stage of independent work with self-testing according to the standard.

- You did a great job. And now, in order to fully understand what the secret of love according to Bunin is, I suggest that you restore the text in the course of independent work: in place of the gaps, entering the “dropped out” words.

(Students receive cards with "lost" text)

“Let's pay attention to the natural __________ of the story. The author draws attention to the cold ________________, to ________________ flooded with rain, to the pale low ______________, using such means of expression as _______________ ___________ creates a gloomy and sad mood. It is no coincidence that the author chose this particular time of the year: the time for love has passed, autumn symbolizes the sunset of ___________, the sunset of ____________.
However, in ______________ of the story, the light changes: the sun suddenly shines on __________ fields! And our hero suddenly realizes that ________________ gave him the only happy, magical minutes.
Thus, ____________ in Bunin's philosophy is a tense moment of being, which ___________ is the light of a person's whole life "

Let's test ourselves against the standard.

“Let's pay attention to the natural realities of the story. The author draws attention to the cold storm, to the roads flooded with rain in the pale low sun, using such expressive means as epithets.

Autumn creates a gloomy and sad mood. It is no coincidence that the author chose this particular time of the year: the time for love has passed, autumn symbolizes the sunset of life, the sunset of love.

However, at the end of the story, the light changes: the sun suddenly shines on empty fields! And our hero suddenly realizes that the only happy, magical moments were given to him by Nadezhda.

Thus, love in Bunin's philosophy is a tense moment of being, which illuminates the whole life of a person with light.

On the board on the other side of the rose, the petals appear "LIGHT", "Illumination", "A MOMENT OF HAPPINESS", "SAD FINAL"


  1. Name the means of linguistic expressiveness in the sentence: “On the goats of the tarantass sat a strong man in a tightly belted coat, serious and dark-faced, with a sparse resin beard ..”
  2. Name the means of linguistic expression in the sentence: “A woman immediately entered the upper room ... with a triangular belly, like a goose’s, under a black woolen skirt”
  3. Which of the characters says these words: “Ah! Everything passes. Everything is forgotten"
  4. Which of the heroes pronounces these words: “Just as I had nothing more precious than you in the world at that time, so then it was not”
  5. Which of the heroes pronounces these words: “And she, Your Excellency, kept looking out the window as we were leaving.”

Answers: 1 - epithet, 2 - comparison, 3 - Nikolai Alekseevich, 4 - Nadezhda, 5 - coachman Klim.

5. The stage of inclusion in the knowledge system.

- Guys, you will probably agree with the writer that the love of the heroes of the story is tragic, but it is also "something tender and beautiful." Love is the law of the universe. This is the poem of Bunin's contemporary Konstantin Balmont "Love". Read expressively.

(Pupils read the poem if they wish.)

Who did not love, did not fulfill the law,
By which the constellations move in the world,
Which is so beautiful sky.
He hears a dead ringing every hour,
He can't escape retribution.
Who loves is happy. Let him be crucified.

A fragment of Vysotsky's song sounds:

The fresh wind of the chosen ones intoxicated,
Knocked down, resurrected from the dead, -
Because if you didn't love
It means that he did not live and did not breathe!

6. Reflection.

- What did Bunin's story make you think about?

– What methods of text analysis were given easily?

- Which group's work can be singled out today?

- Try to write a cinquain on the theme "Love".

- I remind you the structure of syncwine:

  1. Slide 7.
  2. One word. A noun or pronoun that refers to the subject in question.
  3. Two words. Adjectives or participles that describe the features and properties of the selected item.
  4. Three words. Verbs describing actions performed by an object or object.
  5. A four word phrase. Expresses the personal attitude of the author to the subject or object.
  6. One word. Characterizes the essence of an object or object

Children at will read syncwines.

7. D / z.

Complete the task of your choice:

  • read one of the stories of I.A. Bunin from the book "Dark Alleys";
  • write your own understanding of this story;
  • write a cinquain on the topic of the story you read.

Technological map of the literature lesson

Teacher: Shakhno M.A.

MBOU secondary school №2

p. Krasnooktyabrsky

Maikop district

Item: literature

Class: 7

Type lesson: study lesson

WMC: V.Ya. Korovina and others (M.: Education, 2013)


Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. Life and art.


To acquaint students with the biography of the writer; emphasize the influence of nature and communication with peasants on the formation of the personality of the writer, consummate master the Russian language, the exact, simple, expressive language; determine the topics of creativity.


Tutorials: to form the skill of insightful and thoughtful reading, to develop the skill of working with text.

Developing: continue to form the ability to analyze and interpret a literary text; develop students' speech, the ability to express and defend their point of view; develop the ability to generalize and synthesize knowledge; develop expressive reading skills.

Educational: to educate an aesthetically prepared reader, to form the skill of working in a group.

Formed UUD

Personal: Accept and save the learning goal and task.

Regulatory: the ability to set new learning goals and objectives

cognitive: to promote the formation of analytical thinking and emotional potential, intellectual skills of comparison, generalization, structuring, development of speech skills.

Communicative: the ability to argue your point of view

Basic concepts


Space organization

Lesson stage

Teacher activity

Student activities

Tasks for students, the implementation of which will lead to the achievement of planned results

Planned results



1.Self-determination to activity.

Target: inclusion of children in activities at a personally significant level

Greets students, creates an emotional mood for the lesson, motivates them to the lesson

Teachers greet, tune in to the lesson.

2. Statement of the educational task.

Target: formulating the topic of the lesson

Work with A. Tvardovsky's statement.

Teacher's word.

Poetry and prose  …  - this is the lyrics of native places, motivesrustic And manor life, thin nature painting .

The proposal is written in advance on the board, but the name of the writer is not indicated.

Children reason on this statement by A. Tvardovsky. Find key words in the sentence to identify the writer's name.

After that, students formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Work with the statement of A. Tvardovsky.

Possession of skills of oral reasoned utterance

Ability to set goals and objectives

3. Call stage.

Target: recall what was studied earlier on the topic: The life and work of I.A. Bunin.

The teacher invites students to break into groups and gives the task: first, remember and write down in your notebook everything you know on this topic, this is a strictly individual work (duration 1-2 minutes). Then there is an exchange of information in groups. Time for discussion is no more than 3 minutes.Application No. 1

All information is briefly recorded on separate sheets of paper (without comments) and attached on a blank sheet of paper.

After which the teacher shows a short presentation to summarize the information received earlier.

Children complete the task, present the results of their work

Students are invited to break into groups and conduct independent research on a given topic.

Students are invited to report on the results of their research based on notes in their notebooks.

Search and selection of necessary information, comparison and generalization

Definition of primary and secondary information.

4. The stage of understanding a new topic. Inclusion of new knowledge in the knowledge system.

Target: the inclusion of new knowledge in the system of the studied material.

The teacher invites the students to read the information in the textbooks (Part 2, pp. 3-5).

After that, students are invited to draw up a table with columns in their notebooks: I know - I want to know - I found out (a). ("Table-ZHU") Annex 1

In the “Know” column, information is entered that is known on this topic (the result of a discussion in pairs).

In the column "I want to know" it is proposed to add controversial issues. Then the students reread the text, try to find answers to the questions they posed, for example:

How did the literary fate of Bunin develop? (He was praised, called "the singer of autumn, sadness and noble nests.")

What are the themes of his works? (Themes: nature, its withering, withering and ruin of "noble nests", poverty and wretchedness of village life.)

What is the peculiarity of Bunin's poetic language? (“The language is simple, almost stingy, pure and picturesque, but at the same time it is unusually rich in figurative and sound terms”).

Backup task. Application №2

To confirm the reasoning of the students, it is proposed to work with an excerpt from the poem "Falling Leaves".

The task of one of the groups is to color each line of the poem, depending on what mood, emotion it carries.

The other group answers questions 1 and 2. And the third group - on the 3rd question.

Pupils read and draw up a "table-ZHU" with subsequent reading aloud (demonstration) and discussion of several works.

Each group works with an excerpt from the poem "Falling Leaves".

Independent creative work

Creating a table, its presentation

To carry out cognitive reflection in relation to actions to solve educational and cognitive problems

5. Summing up the lessons. Reflection.

Target: students' awareness of their learning activities.

Reflection student and teacher.

Compose a syncwine. Annex 1

Evaluate your work in class.

Make up a syncwine.

Compilation of syncwine.

Formation of reflection skills

6. Homework

1. Prepare a message on the topic “Perpetuating the name of I.A. Bunin in the names of cities, streets, squares, and so on.

Record homework in a diary.

Record homework for the next lesson


This paper deals with the problem of using the technology of semantic reading in literature lessons. Highlighted and described characteristics reception of semantic reading, goals and objectives that the teacher achieves in the lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard, providing students with various tasks. In the context of the problem of applying semantic reading in the classroom Special attention is given to such techniques as conducting a dialogue with the text, learning to ask questions, working with keywords. The conducted theoretical research found a specific application in the literature lesson in the 7th grade on the topic “I.A. Bunin. Life and art".