The power of the human eye. Programming with the eyes

With a glance, a person can convey his feelings: love and hatred, admiration or contempt, gratitude, regret, etc. Much has been said and written about the influence of the gaze, but there is little mention of the power of the gaze and its secret power.

About five years ago, I came across William Atkinson's book The Power of Thought in Business and Everyday life". Much in this book seemed interesting and useful to me, including the chapter (lecture) devoted to the power of the human gaze, the magnetic gaze. Surely many of you will find this knowledge useful, and you decide to use it ...

The gaze of a person is one of the most powerful means capable of impressing and influencing other people. It dazzles, attracts and enchants, makes it easier to penetrate manipulative influences. The power of the gaze is able to neutralize the aspirations that are directed at us with hostile intentions, whether it be an evil person or a wild beast. Such a view is usually called "magnetic", "odic" or "central view".

Surely you have met people whose focused and determined gaze is barely bearable - it seems that he is looking right through you. By the power of their gaze, such people subjugate everyone to themselves. They know what a powerful effect their eyes produce, but they do not know how this effect occurs, because they see that their eyes are also arranged like the eyes of other people. However, they don’t need to know this, but those who decide to pay attention to the development of the power of the gaze need it.

The magnetic gaze carries steady and unyielding thought waves that are directed straight to the human brain. And it’s not for nothing that I call such a look the central look - it should be directed to the central region of the person’s face, where the eyebrows converge and the nose begins. A person in this place has one of the most sensitive and receptive nerve centers, which is able to perceive energy impacts directed at him. This is what is called the “third eye”. If you direct your gaze to this point, and at the same time send mental orders to a person or experience the desires and feelings that you want to evoke in him, then they will be perceived by him and will certainly cause the reaction you need. But it must be more than just a glance into specific point, namely the magnetic central gaze, which requires certain skills in its execution.

Development and training of the power of sight

To train the magnetic gaze, do the following exercises:


On a sheet of white paper, draw a black circle the size of a fifty-kopeck coin and shade it. Fix the sheet on the wall, and stand up yourself or, better, sit down so that the point is at eye level at a distance of one and a half to two meters from the wall. Look at this black dot and imagine how your eyes radiate two rays that are parallel and join at this point. Be sure to imagine the movement of the outgoing energy that your eyes radiate. Try to hypnotize this black circle. It is equally important not to blink or look away from this point and look at it for a minute. After resting, spend a few more approaches.

You can vary your activities. Move the paper to the right and direct your gaze straight ahead, without turning your head, move your gaze to the right and also look stubbornly at the spot for one minute. Do this three or four times. Then, move the paper to the left of the original place, again look intently at the spot for one minute. Repeat this three or four times.

Do these exercises for three days, and then increase the time of looking up to two minutes. After another three days, increase the time to three minutes, and so on, increase the time every three days by one minute.

There are people who can stare stubbornly without blinking for 30 minutes, but I think it will be enough to bring this time to 10-15 minutes. One who can hold his gaze for 10 minutes will be able to direct his gaze with the same strong and intent gaze as one who has reached 30 minutes.


Stand or sit in front of a mirror and stare at the reflection of your eyes (same as in the first exercise). As before, the time should be increased gradually. As you do this exercise, you will notice the development of a characteristic expression in your eyes. Some people prefer this exercise over the previous one, but my opinion is that you will achieve the best results by combining both of these exercises.


Stand at a distance of one meter from the wall, on which a sheet of paper with a black spot is attached at eye level. Without taking your eyes off the spot, make circular movements with your head, left and right. By keeping your gaze fixed on one spot while your eyes roll along with your head, you develop the eye nerves and muscles. The exercise must first be done without tiring the eyes, very moderately.


This exercise is also designed to strengthen the nerves and muscles of the eyes. Stand with your back to the wall, looking straight at the opposite one, and start running quickly with your eyes from one point of the wall to another - to the right, to the left, up, down, in zigzags, in a circle (this exercise is similar to the usual gymnastics for the eyes, which must be done every day and which you can learn in detail from the article - “ Do your eyes hurt from the computer?» ).


Place a candle on the table and light it. Sit opposite. Put your hands on the table so that the candle is between them. Look at the flame. Unlike the first exercise, now your energy is no longer directed at the object, but the candle flame fills your eyes with radiant energy, nourishes your strength, gives your eyes power and warmth, strength and passion, rigor and tenderness. Through the same channels (rays), but only in the opposite direction, there is a tangible movement of energy. Your eyes, as it were, absorb a special kind of energy - plasma, which will be used by you in other circumstances in the future. Surely you have heard the expression "a light flashed in the eyes." It is this glow as a result of this exercise that your emerging magnetic gaze.

What do these exercises give?

Many rulers and leaders of the past owned this view and owed much of their success to it. When you acquire a solid magnetic look, you will not exchange this gift for any wealth. Your gaze will become firm and determined. You will be able to look directly into the eyes of anyone with whom you communicate confidently and without embarrassment.

You will be able to cast a gaze that few people can bear. Soon after regular practice, you will notice that people become confused and restless under the power of your eyes, and some will even experience signs of fear as soon as you focus your eyes on them for a few moments.

Whether you are a public speaker, a manager, an educator or a police officer, any activity will greatly benefit from this art of looking. The entrepreneur, if he possesses this view sufficiently, will easily overcome harmful competition, in relations with buyers he will achieve an advantage and receive much more benefit than his competitor with a shifty and nervous look. Not a single criminal can resist the trained power of the gaze of the investigator. The power of such a look is sometimes quite enough to bring an inveterate swindler to a frank confession.

Your gaze will become more expressive, and your eyes will appear larger by increasing the distance between the eyelids.

Warnings and parting words

Take your time to exercise, develop your strength gradually and take your time.

Performing exercises, you can not unnaturally expand the eyelids, blink and squint. And if your eyes get tired, then rinse them with cool water, and there will be relief. After three to four days of exercise, you will notice that your eyes will be less tired.

It is worth distinguishing a shamelessly impudent look from a calmly fixed one. The first is more characteristic of scoundrels than decent people, while the second indicates a person with powerful mental strength.

First you will find that your magnetic gaze confuses those you look at, confuses those with whom you come in contact, making them awkward and restless. But soon you will get used to the power of your own gaze, and you will use it carefully, without causing embarrassment to others, but at the same time, making a strong impression and impact on them.

The duration of the magnetic gaze largely depends on the situation in which you are, but it should not be intent and defiant, and certainly not too long. Remember that it is unlikely that anyone will be pleased with a very hard and intent look. Too long a central gaze can cause irritation, or your interlocutor may understand that you are trying to somehow influence him.

You can use the power of the gaze all the time, but basically it should be used in situations where you need to influence someone, evoke certain feelings and sensations in a person, inspire the desires and thoughts you need. To do this, directing your gaze to the bridge of your interlocutor's nose, you must experience those emotions and feelings that you want to arise in the one you are looking at. Therefore, the central gaze cannot always be the same. You can modify it, being in different situations, making it the most suitable for each specific case.

Avoid all kinds of talk about your exercises on the development of the power of the gaze, since this will only arouse suspicion in people and create a serious obstacle to your application of your knowledge. Keep your activities secret so that your strength will be shown in deeds and not in words.

You should not be satisfied only with the execution of the above exercises, it is possible to achieve complete perfection of the power of the gaze only through experiments with “living people”.

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At all times, people gave the look great value. The power of the attractive eyes of the beloved was sung in verse, and the gaze clouded by heavy thoughts or burning with rage can be seen in many male portraits.

The influence of people with a piercing gaze

Often we think about why some people have a strong influence on others. If they are endowed with power, wealth or power, then everything is clear - they rely on things that are obvious to everyone.

But often people listen to the opinion of those on whom absolutely no one and nothing depends on the issue under discussion. Sometimes even those who have the right to make decisions fall under their influence. But if you look closely at everyone who attracts the attention of others, you can see that they all have one thing in common - a piercing look. The eyes of a person are the first thing that the interlocutor pays attention to, they inspire trust or dislike, and nothing can change this impression.

What does "piercing gaze" mean?

Throughout human history Special attention has always been given to everything connected with them. In all world religions, there are ideas that higher powers are always watching every person throughout his life.

The sun was often referred to as the "Eye of God". All great people - rulers, figures of science and culture - have a piercing look in their images, whether it be a statue or a portrait. But the artists gave them different striving forward, wise awareness, anger or immense kindness, depending on their character and type of activity. This means that a piercing gaze carries powerful energy for various purposes - it can attract, repel, cause fear or delight.

Innate "magic" or acquired skill?

There is a type of people who are said to be: “he has charisma”, “she is so charming”, “he is a born leader” and so on. Someone, of course, was lucky to be born with such a gift.

A vivid example is the memorable face of an unknown girl who has a piercing look. The photo above makes a lasting impression on the viewer. But often people specifically work on themselves and make a lot of effort to highlight their strengths and hide imperfections. In particular, politicians and famous speakers take lessons acting skills improve diction and posture. They have a special culture of movements, many of them develop a strong, confident handshake, a sincere, endearing smile with the help of special exercises. The same can be said about the development of the power of the gaze.

How to learn a piercing look?

This gaze is also often called "central" because it is important to direct it to the center of the person's face, the top of the bridge of the nose, where the eyebrows meet and the nose begins. It is here that we have one powerful nerve center, which perceives the energy directed at it.

This place in various spiritual practices is called the "third eye". And when the gaze is directed to this point on the face of the interlocutor, mental orders or suggestions of certain emotions and desires will lead to the goal - they will cause an appropriate reaction. An important condition is that it is necessary not only to look at the bridge of the nose of a person, but to direct the magnetic “central gaze”. Of course, not everyone has such a skill; this requires the presence of certain skills. For their development, it is necessary to perform simple exercises every day.

How to make a piercing look?

In the morning, after all the daily procedures, you need to stand in front of the mirror and look at the central part of your face in the reflection. Then you should focus on your feelings and sincerely, mentally directing a ray of light into the "third eye", wish have a good day, success or achievement of some specific results during the day. Then “swap places” with the reflection and mentally accept, expressing your gratitude in return. To perform the second exercise, you will need a candle, any, tea or even souvenir, will do to decorate the cake. It is necessary in a quiet, calm atmosphere to look at the flame of a candle, mentally exchanging energy with it, staring at the fire. You can start with one minute, gradually increasing the time. These exercises will develop a piercing gaze and teach you to focus on the flow of outgoing energy to achieve results. The third exercise is aimed at developing the ability to hold the gaze for a long time at one point without blinking. It is necessary to draw a circle with a diameter of about 1 cm on a sheet of A4 paper, fix the sheet at the level of the face and look at this circle from a distance of 2 m. It is important to imagine how energy comes out of the eyes. You can not blink or look away from the circle for a minute, gradually increasing the time.

In what cases can a piercing gaze be used?

The ability to manage your gaze is useful in all areas of life. The seller can win over the buyer, draw his attention to his product and, finally, convince him to make a purchasing decision. You can instill a desire to possess some thing, experiencing the pleasure of it. Of course, this technique will be effective only in conjunction with competent sign language and a well-structured conversation. Parents, using a piercing gaze, can convey their emotions to the child: delight, admiration for his success or, conversely, dissatisfaction, even anger in case of bad behavior. This method in the family works the better, the stronger the emotional ties. And there is no opportunity to express feelings in words or deeds as often as it is necessary for the child. For example, a baby is worried at a matinee in the garden, his mother cannot take his hand and suggest the words that he forgot - but he feels piercing loving look and calms down. Or a schoolboy shouts too loudly while playing with friends, and to reprimand him means to undermine his authority in the company. One dissatisfied look - and the child behaves more quietly. Often the power of a piercing gaze is used unconsciously in important life situations.

The magic of a look in a relationship between a man and a woman

Folk wisdom says: "the eyes are the mirror of the soul." They reflect the true feelings of people, which is why they have been given such importance for a long time. In ancient times, it was considered indecent to look directly into the eyes of elders or strangers, and as a sign of respect, "keep your eyes down." Girls were forbidden to look at men; many nations still have a tradition of covering a woman's face outside the home. This is due to the great attractiveness of women's eyes. At all times, the piercing gaze of a girl meant sympathy, interest and an offer of acquaintance. There are whole rituals, “playing with the eyes”, which every daughter of Eve knows and uses from birth. For example, looking sideways, she intrigues a man, and a “shooting” look kindles his curiosity.

What does the gaze of a man mean?

Often, what means interest for a woman, the representatives of the stronger sex see as a challenge. They are accustomed to evaluate the world from the point of view of danger, and the direct piercing gaze of a man is often a manifestation of aggression since cave times.

But that doesn't mean they don't use it to get attention. Vice versa! A man is a hunter by nature, and a gaze directed at a woman is a kind of “declaration of intent”.

In order to effectively use the power of the gaze, you must learn to control your emotions. If a person experiences positive emotions, then there is nothing wrong with sharing them with others when his eyes radiate joy and warmth. But it is impossible to calm someone down with a look when they are angry, annoyed or afraid.

To express your emotions and feelings: gratitude, humility and humility, regret, admiration, love and everything else, not only facial expressions and gestures help a person, but also a glance.

A look can “say” a lot, but you can influence a look.
The influence of the gaze is described in many articles, books, etc., but little is mentioned about the strength and power of the gaze. In William Atkinson's book The Power of Thought in Business and Everyday Life, there is a lecture on the power of the magnetic gaze (the human gaze). Most likely, many will be interested in such knowledge and, perhaps, you will use it more than once.

  • The influence of the magnetic gaze

The human eye is a powerful tool that can influence other people or produce a different impression. A look can lure, charm, conquer, it can manipulate a person. The power of the gaze can neutralize the hostile intentions directed at us by an evil person or a wild beast. This gaze is called the "odic gaze", the "central gaze" or the "magnetic gaze".
Many of us, for sure, at least once met such people who, it would seem, see through a person with their resolute, concentrated look. Thanks to the power of their gaze, everyone obeys such people. They understand and see what a strong influence their eyes produce, but they do not know how such an influence occurs, because outwardly the eyes of such people are no different and are arranged in the same way as everyone else. If you still decide to pay your attention and develop the power of your gaze, then our information will come in handy.

The odic gaze acts with steady and inexorable thought waves directed directly at the human brain. This look should concentrate on the central area of ​​the person's face, in the area of ​​​​the beginning of the nose and the convergence of the eyebrows, because it is not for nothing that it is also called the central look. At this point, a person has the most receptive and sensitive nerve center, he is able to receive energy impacts directed at him. This place is called the "third eye". Impact happens in the following way: a look is directed to the place of the “third eye” and mental orders are sent or feelings are experienced that you want to evoke in a person, and they are perceived by him, as a result you get the desired reaction. Of course, the whole “trick” lies in the fact that this is not a simple look, but only a central magnetic one, which requires appropriate skills in execution.

  • The Development of the Magnetic View

You can learn the magnetic gaze with the help of some exercises to develop the power of the gaze.

Exercise 1

To complete this exercise, you will need dense sheet white clean paper, on which you need to draw a black circle (the size of the circle is a coin of 50 kopecks), paint over it. Then you need to fix the sheet on the wall and sit down (you can also stand, but it is more convenient to sit) at a distance of about two meters against the wall so that the point is exactly at eye level. Imagine that parallel rays are emitted from your eyes, which connect at a point on the sheet. Add to this the idea that the rays are filled with energy. While imagining this, look at the dot without blinking or taking your eyes off. Hypnotize the circle. The duration of one approach is one minute, rest and do a few more times.
For a change, you can move the paper. For example, move the paper to the right, but do not turn your head, only your eyes “turn” after the paper, and also look hypnotizingly and persistently at the circle for a minute. Do this four times and rearrange, now to the left, the paper, concentrate and look also for a minute. Repeat four times.
Such exercises are performed for three days for one minute, and then the concentration time increases - two minutes. With a frequency of three days, constantly increase the time by one minute.

Ten to fifteen minutes will be enough, of course, there are people who can not blink and stare intently for 30 minutes. If you can hold your gaze for ten minutes, then it will be as fixed and strong as that of a person who has reached thirty minutes.

Exercise 2

The principle of the exercise is the same as the first. The difference is that you stand in front of the mirror and look not at the sheet, but at the reflection of your own eyes. The same applies to time - increase the time gradually, with an interval of three days. In this exercise, you will notice a characteristic change in your eyes. Some prefer not to perform the first exercise, immediately starting with the second. However, for best results, do both exercises.

Exercise 3

Attach the same piece of paper with a circle on the wall, stand in front of the wall (distance meter), the circle is at your eye level. Now, fix your eyes on the spot and begin to rotate your head in a circle, then to the right and to the left. The gaze should not leave the spot, and the eyes should slowly rotate with the head, so the muscles and nerves of the eyes develop. At first, do not overwork your eyes, do the exercise in moderation.

Exercise 4

Like the previous third exercise, this is an exercise to develop and strengthen the muscles and nerves of the eye. Standing with your back to one wall, look at the opposite wall. Quickly running his eyes along the wall from an imaginary point to another imaginary point in different directions, as if drawing various shapes (square, triangle, circle, broken line, etc.). Such an exercise, like regular eye exercises, is useful to perform daily, especially if you regularly work at a computer.

Exercise 5

For this exercise you will need a candle. Light a candle, put it on the table and sit opposite, putting your hands on the table, so that the candle is between your hands. Look without looking up at the candle flame. In this exercise, the energy of the flame is directed at you, your gaze, which gives you strength, gives your eyes warmth and passion, power and strength, tenderness and severity. Unlike the first exercise, where you sent energy with your eyes, here you receive energy. That is, in the same way, but now in the opposite direction, the transfer of energy is felt. Your eyes absorb a special energy - plasma, which you will use in the future. As a result, your eyes should acquire a glow, according to the expression "a light flashed in the eyes."

  • The results of the exercises applicable in practice.

The result of all the above exercises is a magnetic look. Thanks to him in the past, many leaders and rulers had great success in government. With a solid magnetic gaze, you will not need any wealth. You will look confidently straight into the eyes of any interlocutor.
You will acquire a gaze that not everyone can bear. Soon, by practicing regularly, you will be able to notice that under the power of your gaze, people are restless and absent-minded. And some of them even experience fear after you focus your magnetic gaze.

It doesn’t matter what profession you have: a manager, a policeman, an educator, a journalist, any field of activity will benefit from such an art of looking. Being an entrepreneur and possessing a central magnetic look, you will easily and simply overcome competitors, and in relations with partners and customers you will gain great benefits and benefits, unlike a competitor with his nervous and shifty look. An experienced investigator has a trained strong look, which is difficult for a criminal to resist. The power of such a look is sometimes enough for the swindler himself to confess to the crime he committed.
Over time, the look will be expressive, and your eyes will visually appear larger due to the increased distance between the eyelids.

  • Tips and Cautions

To achieve a good result, do the exercises at a specially allocated time, do not rush, develop the power of your gaze gradually.
During exercise, do not greatly expand the eyelids, squint and blink, this will give an unnatural look to the eyes. rinse your eyes cold water when you feel tired while exercising, and you will immediately feel relief. The eyes will begin to adjust and the fatigue will be noticeably less after about three to four days.
Do not confuse a shameless and impudent look with a calm and intent look. The first one will characterize you more as a scoundrel, and the second as a person with powerful psychic power.
By applying your magnetic gaze, at first, you will find that it confuses people, they become confused, uncomfortable and restless. But then, gradually, getting used to the power of your gaze, you will use it more carefully, without embarrassing people and at the same time making a strong impact and impression on them.

The duration of your magnetic gaze depends largely on the situation, but, nevertheless, the gaze should not be defiant or too intense. It is worth remembering that a close and heavy look will not be pleasant to anyone. A very long odic look causes irritation or the interlocutor will understand that you are trying to influence him.
The power of the gaze can be used all the time, but it is worth using it in cases where you really need to influence someone, cause certain feelings, or inspire desires and thoughts that you need mainly. To do this, you need to direct your gaze to the central part of the interlocutor's face, while experiencing the feelings and emotions that your interlocutor should have. Depending on the feelings and desires conveyed by your gaze, the central gaze is constantly changing. It is different for each case.

It is not worth talking about exercises to develop the power of the gaze, because people may find this very suspicious and you will have a big obstacle to applying your knowledge. It is best to keep your workouts secret so that you show strength in deeds, and not in words.
Do the exercises as described above, but don't be satisfied with them alone. To improve the power of the gaze, it is necessary to regularly train on "living people" in various suitable situations.

How to develop an attractive look and achieve your goals? In this article, you will learn how to attract people with your eyes and how to stop them. You will also find two valuable exercises to rest and relax your eyes.

This secret recipe for a bewitching look is well known in the East, but in the West it is practically unknown. How to make your eyes attractive and alluring¹?

What do we have to do?

Tune in to a joyful state and cause a sincere smile on your face. When she appears, listen carefully to the sensations that accompany this smile, imprint them in your sensory memory.

How to develop an attractive eye?

To develop an attractive look, try to reproduce a smile in the back of your head! It is necessary to concentrate the sensations of a smile, warmth, affection and tenderness that accompanies it, in the area behind the eyes. After several attempts, everyone succeeds.

Ask your partner to watch your eyes change. If there is no partner, do all this in front of a mirror. The very reproduction of a smile in one's head changes the sensual content of the gaze, the expression of the eyes. Well, if you direct a smile from the back of your head into your eyes and feel how warmly it flows in your eyes, you will get the desired result. The look will be filled with tenderness, warmth, kindness and attractiveness.

How to develop a repulsive look?

Now imagine that you have a piece of ice in the back of your head. Cold flows into his eyes, and his gaze immediately becomes prickly, cold ... Sometimes you need to be able to direct such a look at a person in order to besiege him, stop him.

Pair training

One of the partners creates a warm, affectionate smile in the back of his head, and the other creates a piece of ice. They look into each other's eyes, and the one who generates a smile, with the warmth of his gaze, tries to melt the icy gaze of the other. Usually this can be done on the second or third attempt.

You will feel how your affectionate, kind and warm look is stronger than cold and alienation. Yes, and the partner will also feel how, along with the ice melting in the back of the head, the alertness and coldness of his gaze disappear. After eye exercises, the eyes tend to get tired.

Eye Rest Exercises

Let's learn a few exercises to relax the eyes. You can perform them in any conditions. Place your palms in front of your face at a distance of 30 - 40 centimeters from your eyes.

Create a smile in your eyes and look at your palms. In this case, the gaze should be unfixed, scattered. Very soon you will feel how the eye muscles and the eyes themselves relax, rest ...

Or you can just close your eyes and create a smile in the back of your head and in your eyes. The effect will be almost the same.

Another exercise to relax and rest the eyes

With the pads of your middle fingers, draw a line from the middle of the eyebrow up, about two fingers deep into the scalp. You will feel that the fingers stop at certain points. Press them down and hold for a few minutes. The palpable warmth from the fingers will relax the eye muscles and give rest to the closed eyes.

Try to keep a smile in the back of your head all the time. Very soon your look will become extremely attractive and inviting. People will be drawn to you like bees to the scent of nectar. You need to keep a smile in your eyes and the back of your head, even when something annoys you.

If you have the patience not to break loose at the first trifle, then a smile will help you quickly get rid of irritation, treat people kindly, with understanding. Main result such work will be that long-forgotten beauties of the surrounding world will open to your eyes. The greenery of trees, the freshness of flowers, and the whole world will become different - warm and inviting.

With a smile in your eyes, you seem to rediscover everything that surrounds you. You will suddenly realize that life is not limited to earning money. On the contrary, this problem artificially impoverishes life. Beauty comes out of it.

Try to keep a smile in the back of your head, in your eyes ... Your mood, attitude towards yourself and others, thoughts and feelings - everything will change! Try it, you will definitely like your new state!

Good day to all! With the help of eye expression, we are able to say and show more than if we used words, we can control the emotions of others, and sometimes behavior, suggesting the necessary actions, but this is if we hone the skill of hypnosis, namely the hypnotic look.


1.Glitter in the eyes

To begin with, you need to give liveliness and sparkle to your eyes, because the hypnotist does not look with an extinct and glazed look, then he would not be noticed at all. In his eyes, strength, power, energy and will. The technique is that you will practice the views of animals daily. Yes, yes, for example, have you seen the eyes of stoats? Like two burning coals. Here you need to feel the state when the eyes attract and frighten at the same time. Watch small furry animals, they seem to be laughing and at the same time very dangerous.

Hone this skill, move on to the next stage - cunning and arrogance. Have you met people who are used to always getting what they want and do not give up under any circumstances? Or capricious children, spoiled and intolerant of refusal? If not, look for a similar image in the movies. You will need to feel this feeling in order to look with a challenge, as if you have a secret power and power.

2. Transmission of emotions

Now you need to develop the ability to express and convey emotions so that a person, looking into your eyes, can feel the message that you intentionally broadcast to him. But this requires a test subject who agrees to be the object of your training. Stand opposite each other, at a comfortable distance for both, and without words, facial expressions and gestures, just look into each other's eyes. The challenge is to try to convey some feeling by talking to yourself about what you are experiencing right now. For example, anger. Say: "I'm very angry with you now, move away from me."

The duration is at your discretion, when you understand that everything was said and conveyed as best you could, stop and take an interest in the state of the so-called interlocutor, asking questions about what was happening to him at that moment, what he felt and what thoughts, desires arose . As they say, get feedback on activities. After when the assistant will give feedback that matches your suggestions, move on to the next step.

3. Eye training

Draw a circle on a piece of paper, small, about the size of a coin, and hang it on the wall so that it hangs at eye level when you sit. You can also choose some kind of stain or pattern on the wallpaper, a point on which you will rely in your workouts. And for a minute, stare at her without blinking. Then take a break, as your eyes may start to water out of habit. When you have a rest, move to the right about one meter from where you were sitting before and repeat the same. Only at first you need to look straight ahead, and then, without turning your head, look at this point, which is already on the side. Do a few approaches and change position, reseeding to the left side.

Every day you will notice that the eyes do not get so tired, so increase the time by one minute, gradually, as you get used to it. Those who have reached 15 minutes may well stop training.

4. Exercises with a candle

They differ from the previous ones in that in this case you do not give, but on the contrary, you try to take. AT this case energy. The instruction and technology are the same as I described in the article "". Only upon completion, a spark and a mysterious glow should appear in the eyes, because in the process you must not only relax and concentrate, but also set yourself the task of receiving the energy of fire.

5.Calm presence

Sit in front of a mirror and carefully look at the area between the eyebrows, it is also called the “third eye”, and the look itself is the “center”. Don't blink, but concentrate carefully until your eyes sting. Over time, if you practice daily, then there will be no need to purposefully concentrate, this process will improve in you so much that you will automatically look at the bridge of your interlocutor's nose.

Remember that too long a central gaze can cause irritation, so track emotions and facial expressions in order to pause in time. For example, between men, he can even provoke not just anger, but a skirmish with the use of physical force. Be careful. Better yet, check out this article. , this knowledge will only strengthen your hypnosis skills.

Also, sit in front of the mirror, only you should peer first into the right pupil for two or three minutes, then the same amount into the left. Try, as it were, to look into your brain. In the process, you may notice that the face begins to change, acquiring very strange features. Don't be scared, it's from tension, hold on for at least another 30 seconds and then take a break.

6.Training the eye muscles

It is important to have strong eye nerves and muscles, this will facilitate and enhance the effect of training, so do not forget about exercises and warm-ups in order to take care of your health. To do this, stand with your back to the wall to see its opposite four corners. And quickly “run across” with your eyes from one point of the corner to another. Or simply rotate the pupils left, right, up, down, clockwise, counterclockwise, in zigzags and vertical lines. Doing all of the above is worth as long as there is no fatigue or discomfort.

  1. You should not tell others about your aspirations and exercises, otherwise it will cause caution and tension in communicating with you.
  2. At the end of classes, wash your face with cool water, this will bring relief.
  3. Test your strength constantly, not just during targeted workouts. You can also try with animals, just avoid feeling angry so as not to provoke aggression.
  4. This ability does not appear immediately, so do not expect quick results, be patient, otherwise you risk only feeling annoyed instead of calm and relaxed.
  5. Mirror training is also good because you can control yourself. Because from a great desire to look with a hypnotic gaze, there is a temptation to intentionally squint or widen the eyelids. So pay attention to how it looks from the outside.
  6. When you learn - do not abuse your power, because remember, we talked with you that the evil that we cause comes back, only with an increase of 10 times, such is the law of the Universe.


That's all for today, dear readers! In addition to knowing how to develop a magnetic look, you also need to have knowledge about hypnosis, so read the article, in combination it will be much easier to achieve success and, in general, the first results. Subscribe to updates and you will not miss the release of new articles about the most effective and powerful techniques. Bye Bye.