What does the inscription on the tank give. Features of the bonuses

FAQ \ Guide on the new system for customizing the appearance of vehicles.

Reworking the system of changing the appearance (2D customization) would not be complete without a revision of the pricing policy. To make the new customization system work like clockwork, we have created a single pricing model that will work with the new mechanics. Since this is the first time we've announced this feature, we've prepared answers to frequently asked questions in order to introduce you to the new mechanics as soon as possible. Be sure to read them and if you still have questions, ask us on the forum.

general information

Will the new mechanics be available for all vehicles in WoT?
Currently, new effects, paints, and purchasable styles are only available for Tier VIII premium vehicles and all Tier X vehicles. We are working on bringing this functionality to the low levels. Camouflage schemes, emblems, inscriptions and rental styles can be applied to any vehicle.

Will the new appearance change system become available for vehicles of other tiers?
Yes, we plan to introduce a system for changing the appearance of Tier VI–IX vehicles in World of Tanks in 2018.

What functionality of changing appearance will be available for Tier I-IX vehicles?
The appearance of Tier I–IX vehicles can be changed using different camouflages for the three parts of the tank, emblems and inscriptions (as before). You can also apply rental styles. The appearance of premium vehicles of Tier VIII will allow you to change the new mechanics.

Purchased appearance items

What will happen to already purchased appearance elements?
All camouflage schemes, emblems, and inscriptions purchased before the release of Update 9.21 will remain with you after the launch of the new mechanism. You spent money on them - they are yours by right. Temporary camouflage schemes will be retired, and their cost will be reimbursed in proportion to the remaining time of their action.

What will happen to the elements that the players already have?
They will remain if bought with gold. Purchased for silver, we compensate. Nothing will be charged or deducted from your account(with the exception of temporary camouflage schemes: they will be retired and their cost will be refunded).

What will happen to temporary camouflage schemes applied before the release of Update 9.21?
They will be removed and the cost for the remaining time will be refunded.


Will the cost of camouflage schemes, emblems and inscriptions change after the release of update 9.21?
Yes, we will reduce the cost of camouflage schemes, emblems and inscriptions. For example, for full training Vehicles for maps of the same type will now require three camouflage parts, each costing 50 gold, which is three times less than the price of a camouflage scheme before the release of Update 9.21. You can find the current cost in the game client.

Will the price difference before/after update 9.21 be compensated?
To compensate for any inconvenience following the introduction of the new mechanic, we will be providing each player with an exclusive nine-piece camo set. It will consist of three sets for each type of map for the hull, turret and gun. Unlike other national camouflage schemes, these can be applied to any vehicle.

Where can I find the new value?
In the game client.

New mechanics

Will it be possible to change appearance machines like or ?
No, for such machines, changing the appearance will not be available.

How will camouflage work? as a single element?
Now the camouflage will be applied separately to the hull, turret and gun of the vehicle.
Full camouflage for one type of map will consist of three parts. You will also be able to change the appearance of your vehicle using parts from different schemes, and customize the size of the camouflage patches (small, standard, and large) on the hull, turret, and gun.

How will the car disguise bonus work?
As before update 9.21. Simply apply camouflage to the hull to reduce the visibility of your vehicle.

Will it be necessary to apply camouflage to the entire vehicle in order to get a bonus to camouflage?
No, it is enough to apply camouflage only to the hull.

How many pieces of camouflage will be needed for machines with a fixed cabin?
Two: one for the hull and one for the gun.

What is the difference between historical and non-historical colors in WoT?
You can use non-historical paints for any type of cards (one can per machine part). With historical ones, things are different: you will need to buy paint for each type of card separately.

I bought and used the visual effect, but nothing happened. Why?
Check graphics settings. Visual effects not displayed at low settings. If this is the reason, you will see a notification prompting you to change your settings. Do this and check if the effects are displayed.

How often do you plan to add new styles?
It depends on many factors, but we plan to create many styles over the next year.

Will it be possible to change the monochromatic camouflage schemes?
Yes, tweaking and changing the base color will affect the final look of the solid color camouflage.

Will players be able to create and save their own styles, as well as apply them to other cars?
Right now this is not possible, but we will think about its implementation in the future.

Can I change purchased styles?
No, there is no such possibility now.

Can one emblem be used for all card types? Will the cost be for one item?
No, emblems are purchased individually. One purchased item can only be applied once. For three types cards need three elements.

Will it be possible to zoom in on the camera to view the elements of the appearance?

Can a style purchased with gold be used for vehicles of all tiers, similar to rented styles?
No, these styles can only be applied to Tier VIII Premium vehicles and regular Tier X vehicles.

What is the difference between camouflage and rental style?
The rental style contains camouflage schemes for all map types.

Will players be able to sell unused rental style battles or sell style parts?


The appearance of the car has been changed, but friends do not see the changes.
The "Hide non-historical items" option is enabled by default. Ask your friends to uncheck the settings (Game tab) so they can see the style you've created.

The "Hide non-historical elements" option is selected and my appearance elements are historical. Why are they not showing up?
Most likely, one of the applied elements is non-historical, and this is enough for nothing to be displayed. If you want all players to see your style, use historical skins.

How do you know if an item is historical?
Check out its description. Each element has a special icon and additional information.

What happens if you strip the paint off your car?
The washed off paint will go to the Warehouse.

The start is coming New Year's marathon in World of Tanks, which this year is called "New Year's Offensive 2018".

On the eve of this grand event, we reveal some of the secrets for you. Here's a spoiler for what's to come on New Year's Offensive.

New Year's inscriptions on tanks for World of Tanks

These inscriptions can be installed on tanks during the marathon. All inscriptions are divided by nation:

  • for Soviet tanks;
  • for British and American tanks (the same);
  • for Swedish tanks;
  • for Polish tanks;
  • for Japanese tanks;
  • for French tanks;
  • for Czechoslovak tanks;
  • for Chinese tanks.

Inscriptions on tanks for WOT on New Year 2018:

In total, along with the New Year Offensive 2018, 9 sets of inscriptions for vehicles in World of Tanks and 4 styles with New Year camouflages for tanks will be added to the game. The start of the event is scheduled for December 15, 2018 and will last until January 15, 2018.

How to get the inscription on the tank at the "New Year's Offensive 2018"

Each player will be able to receive these inscriptions on the first day of "offensive 2018" and install them on their tank in the New Year's hangar. To get an inscription on the tank, you need to collect Christmas decorations by participating in battles at the New Year's Offensive 2018. Gathering the right amount New Year's toys, you can exchange them for inscriptions for tanks. For each successful battle, players receive New Year's gifts. Gathering the right amount Christmas decorations you can get sets of inscriptions on tanks for different nations.

Even now, unnecessary inscriptions for tanks can be sold for silver. By selling 80 old inscriptions, you can get about 1,000,000 silver.

In 10.0, emblems and inscriptions on tanks will become more meaningful. Now they make it possible not only to stand out in appearance, but also to receive certain bonuses to the level of proficiency in the main specialty of the crew.

To get a bonus, you should put an emblem or inscription on the tank you are interested in. To do this, go to the new appearance screen and choose the images that suit you.

All emblems and inscriptions applied to vehicles before the release of Update 10.0 will remain on them. Moreover, after the release of Update 10.0, the emblems and inscriptions previously applied to your combat vehicles will begin to bring real benefits: they will increase the level of proficiency in the main specialty of the crew.

Each emblem or inscription gives a certain bonus to the main specialty of the crew (a description of the bonus can be found in the "Appearance" panel). Bonuses to the level of proficiency in the main specialty can be as general, i.e. to influence the entire crew, and individual acting on a particular crew member.

IndividualAnd are common There are two types of bonuses:

  • permanent - bonus to the level of the crew's main specialty is valid throughout the battle;
  • temporary - the bonus to the level of proficiency in the main specialty of the crew begins to operate when certain conditions are met (there are 10 in total).

You can find more information about the types of bonuses in the infographic:

How do bonuses to the level of mastery of the main specialty work?

Each emblem or inscription applied to the tank adds a certain bonus to the level of mastery of the main specialty.

Bonus sizes:

  • +1% for permanent general bonuses;
  • +2%* for temporary general bonuses;
  • +2% for permanent individual bonuses;
  • +3%* for temporary individual bonuses.

Activated bonuses will be displayed on the scale with the level of mastery of the main specialty on the "Appearance" tab.

Features of the bonuses

A maximum of two emblems and two inscriptions can be applied to the tank. Bonuses to the level of mastery of the main specialty work as follows:

  • Identical bonuses from different inscriptions and emblems are added together.
  • An emblem or an inscription that gives a bonus for a specific crew member will work for all crew members with the same specialty (two loaders in an IS-7 tank, for example).
  • If a crew member combines several specialties (for example, a tank commander and a radio operator at the same time), the bonuses are summed up with a specific specialty. Example:for installed inscriptions and emblems, there is a 2% bonus to the level of mastery of the main specialty of the commander, 1% to the mastery of the specialty for all tankers and + 2% to the radio operator's specialty. In total, the tank commander will receive +3% to the main specialty, this number can be seen in the scale with the level of mastery of the main specialty of the updated appearance panel.

The announced improvements to the system for changing the appearance are only the first step on the way to advanced options for customizing the appearance of combat vehicles.

Good luck in battles!

In the next update of the World of Tanks game, a system will be finalized that allows you to change the appearance of vehicles. Previously, emblems and inscriptions were applied to equipment solely for aesthetic purposes, in order to distinguish it from the general background. practical benefit brought only camouflage, increasing the stealth of vehicles during the battle. With the release of update 10.0, the situation will change radically.

What will change in update 10.0?

In 10.0, emblems and inscriptions on tanks will become more meaningful. Now they make it possible not only to stand out in appearance, but also to receive certain bonuses to the level of proficiency in the main specialty of the crew.

To get a bonus, you should put an emblem or inscription on the tank you are interested in. To do this, go to the new appearance screen and select the images that suit you.

All emblems and inscriptions applied to vehicles before the release of Update 10.0 will remain on them. Moreover, after the release of Update 10.0, the emblems and inscriptions previously applied to your combat vehicles will begin to bring real benefits: they will increase the level of proficiency in the main specialty of the crew.

Each emblem or inscription gives a certain bonus to the main specialty of the crew (a description of the bonus can be found in the "Appearance" panel). Bonuses to the level of proficiency in the main specialty can be as general, i.e. to influence the entire crew, and individual acting on a particular crew member.

Individual And are common There are two types of bonuses:

  • permanentbonus to the level of the crew's main specialty is valid throughout the battle;
  • temporarythe bonus to the level of proficiency in the main specialty of the crew begins to operate when certain conditions are met (there are 10 in total).

You can find more information about the types of bonuses in the infographic:

How do bonuses to the level of mastery of the main specialty work?

Each emblem or inscription applied to the tank adds a certain bonus to the level of mastery of the main specialty.

Bonus sizes:

  • +1% for permanent general bonuses;
  • +2%* for temporary general bonuses;
  • +2% for permanent individual bonuses;
  • +3%* for temporary individual bonuses.

Activated bonuses will be displayed on the scale with the level of mastery of the main specialty on the "Appearance" tab.

Features of the bonuses

A maximum of two emblems and two inscriptions can be applied to the tank. Bonuses to the level of mastery of the main specialty work as follows:

  • Identical bonuses from different inscriptions and emblems are added together.
  • An emblem or an inscription that gives a bonus for a specific crew member will work for all crew members with the same specialty (two loaders in an IS-7 tank, for example).
  • If a crew member combines several specialties (for example, a tank commander and a radio operator at the same time), the bonuses are summed up with a specific specialty. Example:for installed inscriptions and emblems, there is a 2% bonus to the level of mastery of the main specialty of the commander, 1% to the mastery of the specialty for all tankers and + 2% to the radio operator's specialty. In total, the tank commander will receive +3% to the main specialty, this number can be seen in the scale with the level of mastery of the main specialty of the updated appearance panel.

The announced improvements to the system for changing the appearance are only the first step on the way to advanced options for customizing the appearance of combat vehicles.

In the World of Tanks update, new gadgets for your tank became available: emblems instead of stars and crosses and inscriptions on the side of the tank, which will be visible to all players during the battle. Very big choice emblems will delight all tankers! Emblems for all nations are the same, they are not expensive: 30 gold - forever, 40k silver - for 30 days, 20k silver for 7 days.

The inscriptions on board for all nations, of course, are different. For an eternal lotion on board your favorite tank, you will have to pay 30 units of gold, for an inscription for 30 days - 40k silver, for 7 days - 20k silver. In principle, not so much for this pleasant little thing.

Also in the World of Tanks patch, the appearance of the research tree will change to a more convenient one. Of course, at first you will have to get used to it... The research tree turned out to be more colorful, but also too long, in order to get to the top tanks, you have to scroll through the list at the bottom of the screen. IMHO, it would be possible to make a smaller distance (arrows) between the tanks. But now the general tree has all the premium vehicles (for gold).

Overall impressions of the new WoT graphics are good! We hope you enjoy it too!