Structural method of research in the literature. Method in literary criticism

The group of information and reference documents includes letters, reports (official) and explanatory notes, certificates, acts, telegrams, telephone messages, fax messages. These documents may also include the new kind- electronic documents.

The main purpose of this group of documents is the transfer of information from one addressee to another or the recording of any information.

Information and reference documents serve as a means of internal (in the organization) (reports and explanatory notes, reports, acts) or external communication links - with third-party organizations and institutions (letters, telegrams, telephone messages, fax messages, the institution's website on the Internet).

As examples of information and reference documents, the manual will consider letters, acts, memoranda (official) notes and reports.

Drafting official letters

The institutions and bodies of the penal system use different kinds official documents of an information and reference nature for the exchange of information in activities public institutions, other organizations and citizens. Depending on the methods of transferring business information (via postal channels or by means of electrical communication), documents are divided into the following types: a business letter, a telegram, an email (electronic message), a faxgram.

OFFICIAL LETTER - an information and reference document sent by an authority, an organization

tion, official to the addressee (authority, organization or person) but courier, postal service.

A service letter is used for operational communication between institutions and bodies of the penal system and other organizations, in terms of its content it can be proactive (request, clarification) or in the form of a response.

A letter as a type of document is used to transfer information between two correspondents: the addresser (the sender of the letter) and the addressee (the recipient of the letter), which can be both legal and individuals. This type of documents highlights the method of their transmission - sending by mail (including electronic), as well as using facsimile or telegraph.

The main functions of a business letter:

  • - informational (facts, information, opinions and other phenomena of practical and intellectual activity of people are recorded in letters);
  • - communicative (with the help of letters, external relations of the organization are provided);
  • - legal (the content of an official letter can be used as evidence of the activities of an organization or individual);
  • - organizational (impact through letters on people in order to organize and coordinate their activities).

Due to the mass use and wide variety of business letters, their clear classification is not possible. But the following types of business letters are distinguished by a functional feature.

Directive (circular) letter- a letter sent by a higher organization and informing subordinate organizations of certain information relating to their activities or having an administrative nature of the installation.

Letter of guarantee- a letter expressing a guarantee of the fulfillment of the obligations set forth in it. Such letters are sent to confirm the fulfillment of promises or agreed conditions (quality of work and services, payment for goods, terms of order execution, etc.).

Notification letter- a letter informing or asserting something. Typically, notification letters are a response to a request and begin with the words: “We inform ...” (“Notify”), “We inform you about your request ...”, “We inform you ...”.

Letter of offer (letter of offer)- a written statement on behalf of one enterprise (offerer), addressed to another enterprise (acceptor), about the readiness to conclude an agreement with him on certain conditions. The offer has a definite period of validity indicated in it.

Claim letter (complaint letter)- a letter sent to the guilty party in case of non-fulfillment by the latter of previously concluded agreements and obligations. The claim letter may contain a claim for damages. Complaints can be filed in relation to volumes, delivery times, packaging, labeling and payment for goods, quality and payment for services, etc.

promotional letter- a kind of information letter, sent to a specific addressee and contains detailed description advertised services or products. The advertising letter contains complete and clear information about the subject of advertising, the address of the organization and the telephone number for inquiries.

Transmittal letter- a letter informing the addressee about the direction of the documents or material values ​​attached to the letter.

Confirmation letter- a message about the receipt of any item (letter, telegram, transfer, parcels, goods, valuables, etc.) or that a previously drawn up document remains valid (for example, a contract, instructions, etc.).

Letter of request- a letter expressing a request to perform some action, obtain documentation or material values. It begins with the words: "Please ..." ("Please ...").

Reminder letter- a letter indicating the approach or expiration of the deadline for the fulfillment of any obligation or event.

Information mail- a letter informing the addressee about any fact or event. It can be considered as a kind of notification letter.

Types of official letters in the bodies and institutions of the penal system:

  • - answers on the fulfillment of instructions of the director of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, the first deputy (deputies) of the director of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, the head of the territorial body of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia;
  • - responses to requests from other organizations and citizens;
  • - responses to citizens' appeals on issues within the competence of the institution and body of the penal system;
  • - initiative documents, including information letters for institutions subordinate to the territorial body of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.

The letter is drawn up on a form specially designed for this type of document (letter form, see Annexes 6, 13) and contains the following details:

  • 03 - emblem of the organization;
  • 08 - name of the organization;
  • 09 - reference data about the organization;
  • 11 - document date;
  • 12 - registration number document;
  • 13 - reference to the date and number of the incoming document;
  • 15 - addressee;
  • 18 - title to the text;
  • 20 - document text;
  • 21 - a mark on the presence of an application (if any);
  • 24 - visa approval (on a copy of the letter);
  • 22 - signature;
  • 25 - print imprint;
  • 27 - mark about the performer;
  • 28 - a mark on the execution of the document and sending a copy of the letter to the case.

The rules for processing the details of the letterhead and the details of the "Address" are discussed in § 2 Ch. 3.

The date. The date of the service letter, as a rule, is issued on the day it is signed upon registration by the record keeping service. It is drawn up in Arabic numerals in the sequence: day, month, year. The day and month are drawn up with two pairs of Arabic numerals separated by a dot, the year - with four Arabic numerals.

The date in the corresponding requisite of the form is made out digitally. For example:

12.05.2013 №______

On No. 38 dated February 15, 2013

In the text of service letters, dates are also printed digitally, with the date first, then the number, for example: dated 05/12/2013 No. 609.

Throughout the text of the official letter, there should be a uniform spelling of dates - either digitally or word-numerically.

It is not allowed to break the date in a word-numeric way and transfer to another line the sign of the number and the number itself.

Registration number. The registration number of the official letter after it is signed consists of digital indices indicating the institution or body of the penal system that prepared it, the serial number of the document.

For example, No. 2 / TO / 1-55, where: 2 / TO / 1 - the index of the structural unit of the territorial body of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, which prepared the letter; 55 - serial number of the document.

The reference to the date and registration number of the document to which the response is given or on the basis of which the official letter is prepared includes its date, registration number and is indicated in a specially designated place on the form, as well as, if necessary, in the introductory part of the text of the official letter.

Title. The title to the text of the official letter should be brief, accurately convey the content of the document, answer questions about what? (about whom?) and begin with a capital letter: "On change ...", "On selection ...", "On cancellation ...", etc.

The heading is compiled for all official letters, with the exception of documents that have a small text (up to 4-5 lines).

The heading is located under the corner stamp of the official letter and is printed from the left border of the text field in lowercase letters (except for the first one) through a single interline

interval. The title to the text can take 4-5 lines of 28-30 characters per line. There is no dot at the end of the heading. The heading should be made in a single font with the text of the official letter.

Text. The text of the official letter is presented in Russian literary language, taking into account the peculiarities of the official business style, the type of document and its purpose in management activities. Contractors are required to formulate the text of an official letter in accordance with the following criteria:

  • - formality, business style of presentation, strict observance of subordination;
  • - specificity of the addressee, unambiguity, expediency and conciseness of formulations and terms, excluding their double interpretation;
  • - logical and compositional unity of individual parts of the text, due to the thematic specificity of official correspondence.

Business letters serve as a tool business communication therefore, when compiling them, one should adhere to the rules of business etiquette.

In written communication, business etiquette is expressed in the choice of wording: appeals - at the beginning of the letter, and requests, claims, refusals, instructions, etc. - in the main part of the letter.

The text of a business letter consists of the following parts:

1. Official appeal to the addressee. In accordance with business etiquette envisaged difficult handling to the addressee: “Dear Ivan Ivanovich!”, “Dear colleagues!”, when referring to the position of the addressee - “Dear Chairman!”.

A business letter almost always begins with an appeal, that is, an appeal to the personality of the addressee. This small part of the text is very important for both immediate and long-term purposes of communication. The main function of the appeal is to establish contact with the addressee. At the same time, it is an important means of speech etiquette. A correctly chosen appeal attracts the attention of the addressee, sets the right tone for the correspondence and helps to establish and maintain business relationships.

The most universal formula of address that can be used in any situation of business communication is the ego "Dear ...!".

2. Introduction. Includes an offer, gratitude to the addressee, motives and purpose of the official letter.

Confirmation: "Your letter dated 12.02.2014 has been received."

Justification for action: “In accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation..."

Acknowledgment: "We are grateful for the assistance."

Request: Please help...

Accompaniment: "We are sending a copy of the contract ..."

Reminder: "We remind you that the deadline for the execution of the control document ..."

Suggestion: "We propose to delete this paragraph..."

  • 3. The main part. It consists of several stylistically related sentences that formulate the essence of the issue.
  • 4. Final part. Includes a final courtesy formula. In accordance with the rules of etiquette, a letter containing a personal appeal to the addressee at the beginning of the text must be completed by a politeness formula, which, together with the appeal, forms the so-called etiquette frame. The final formula of politeness in its emotional tone should correspond to the appeal and the general mood of the letter.

The most common final politeness formulas are: "With respect ...", "With sincere respect ...", "With deep respect ...".

The text of the official letter is separated from the heading by three line indents (if there are words “Dear ...!”, then two indents from the heading to these words and from them to the text).

Official letters are stated in the first person plural (“Please provide information ...”, “We are sending a report in the form ...”, etc.), in the third person singular (“The Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Pskov Region does not consider it possible ... ”, “The Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Oryol Region proposes to consider the possibility ...”), on letterhead - in the first person

singular (“I ask you to provide data on ...”, “I consider it possible to take part in ...”).

Application. The attribute "Application" is separated from the text of the service letter by two line spacing. The word "application" is printed from a paragraph, with a capital letter, without underlining, followed by a colon. Application information text is printed with one line spacing.

The application named in the text of the official letter is drawn up as follows:

Application: for 3 liters. in 2 copies.

In the absence of the name of the attached documents in the text of the official letter, they must be indicated in the requisite "Appendix", then the number of sheets and the number of copies; if there are several applications, they are numbered, for example:

Appendix: 1. Report "..."

pa 10 l. in 2 copies.

2. Explanatory note to the report on 2 sheets.

In business letters that have several recipients, the attachment may look like this:

Application: pa 4 l. in 3 copies. only to the first address.

In bound applications, the number of sheets is not indicated, for example:

Appendix: program in 3 copies.

The appendix to the attached document is drawn up as follows:

Appendix: letter of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia dated February 10, 2011 No. 1-12-01 with annexes to it, 7 sheets in total.

Coordination. Coordination of official letters with the structural divisions to whose competence they belong, with the supervising deputies of the head of the institution or body of the penal system, is carried out by the executor. The second copy of the official letter is endorsed on the front side below last leaf.

orders (instructions) submitted for signature to the head of the institution or body of the penal system (the person performing his duties) must be agreed with the legal service (lawyer) of the institution and body of the penal system.

Signature. The requisite "Signature" is separated from the text by rattling line spacing. It includes the name of the position of the person who signed the document (abbreviated in a service letter issued on the letterhead of the institution and body of the penal system, full - in other cases), special rank (class rank), personal signature, decoding of the signature (initials, surname). The props are located as follows:


lieutenant colonel of the internal service I.O. Ivanov


A special rank (class rank) is indicated in the signature only if the addressee also has it.

A service letter prepared to one specific address is prepared in duplicate, visas are collected on the front side of the last page of the second copy.

Executor official letter indicates his last name, initials, telephone number (office phone) at the bottom on the back of the last sheet of each copy. In the case of sending an official letter by electric connection, the document is prepared by analogy with a review letter - in one copy, visas are collected on the back of the last sheet, the name of the performer and his phone number are indicated on the front side.

  • See: Instructions on office work in institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system.
  • See: Kryukova N.P. Documentation of management activities: A tutorial.

Information and reference documents are used both to transfer information from one addressee (official, structural unit, entire organization) to another, and to record some information.

Unlike administrative documents, these documents may not require execution. The information contained in these documents may prompt action, or may only be taken into account. Based on the resolution of the head, these documents can become the basis for making some decisions or preparing administrative documents.


There are the following types of information and reference documents:

memorandum (service) and explanatory notes;
telegrams and telephone messages.

Compilation and design

Service letters must be correctly drawn up and executed in accordance with the layout key accepted for this type of document, in addition, they must meet all the requirements of the ethics of business correspondence.

Service letters in most cases are issued on forms with a corner arrangement of details. Details are issued in accordance with the rules of GOST R 6.30-2003.

Differ letters by its content. The text of the letter should be short (usually the size of the letter does not exceed one page), complete (the issue is fully covered), accurate and objective. There are various classifications of business letters. Most often they are divided into two groups:

- letters requiring a response (letter of inquiry, letter of reminder, claim letter, letter of request, etc.);

- letters that do not require a response (letter of notification, letter of confirmation, circular letter, etc.).

Therefore, each type of official letter has certain standardized language turns.

For a letter to be legally binding, it must have a date, registration number, signature(s), some types of official letters are stamped by the organization.

Telegrams transmitted in the event that it is necessary to urgently deliver information to the addressee. The document is endorsed, signed and registered according to the rules for issuing official letters, but all telegrams must be certified with the seal of the organization. Telegrams are drawn up on one side of the sheet through two line spacing. The text is printed in capital letters abbreviated, without paragraphs, word wrapping and corrections.

telephone message transmitted over the phone. Usually they contain a request for the transfer of the necessary information or an invitation to a meeting. Telephone messages are drawn up in one copy, signed by the head of the organization or the responsible executor. When transmitting (receiving) telephone messages, it is necessary to record information about the sender and receiver (surname, position, telephone number).

References contain a description of the production activities of the organization and confirmation of any facts, events. The focus is on the help text, because often different decisions are made on the basis of the document. If a certificate is prepared for a higher organization, then it is drawn up on a form and signed by the head of the organization.

memorandum- a document informing management of the facts with conclusions and suggestions. Memorandums can be drawn up by employees of the organization after they have completed the instructions of the management, as a report on the work done, as a request or proposal based on the results of the current situation. External memorandums are drawn up on forms and signed by the head of the organization.

Explanatory notes in some cases, they explain the content of individual paragraphs of the main documents or are written as explanations of any facts, actions. In this case, the text of the document must be very convincing. Explanatory notes are signed by the authors of the document.

Information and reference documents include acts that are drawn up officials or commissions, both permanent and appointed by order of the head of the organization. There are a large number of varieties of the act: acts of writing off material assets, acts of acceptance and transfer of cases, acts of liquidation, inventory, etc. (Attachment 1). The facts included in the document must be precisely established by the members of the commission. Assumptions and opinions of commission members are not included in the acts.

Acts signed by all committee members. Some types of acts are approved by the head and certified by the seal of the organization. There are unified forms of acts, for example, the act of writing off fixed assets, the act of acceptance and transfer.

Protocol— a document that records the course of discussion of issues and decision-making at meetings, meetings, conferences and meetings of collegial bodies. The minutes, as a rule, are kept during the meeting by the secretary or a specially appointed person. The date of the meeting, and not the final execution or signing of the protocol, is affixed on the protocol. During the meeting, only a draft protocol can be drawn up. Within a five-day period, the protocol is specified, verified and executed. A fully prepared protocol is signed by the chairman and secretary.

Summary is a document containing generalized information on a subject. The summary contains information from various sources according to pre-established indicators (parameters) related to one topic. The summary does not have a unified form, but when it is drawn up, the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003 are followed. The text of the summary is usually presented in tabular form. The summary is signed by the compiler, and if it is sent to another organization, by the head or deputy heads.

The first of these methods can be recognized as the biographical method created by C. O. Sainte-Beuve, who interpreted a literary work in the light of the biography of its author. The cultural-historical method developed by I. Teng in the 1860s (“History English Literature” in 5 volumes, 1863-1865), consisted in the analysis of not individual works, but entire arrays of literary production based on the identification of the determination of literature - the rigid action of three laws (“race”, “environment”, “moment”) that form culture. To late XIX in. the comparative-historical method was established (at present, comparative studies based on this method are experiencing a new take-off).

Based on the provisions of the comparative historical method, A. N. Veselovsky developed the ideas of historical poetics.

In the first decades of the XX century. great influence on the science of literature sociological method, according to which literary phenomena were considered as derivatives of social processes. The vulgarization of this method ("vulgar sociologism") became a noticeable brake on the development of literary criticism. So-called formal method proposed by domestic literary critics (Yu. N.

Tynyanov, V. B. Shklovsky and others), singled out the study of the form of a work as the main problem. Anglo-American "new criticism" of the 1930s and 1940s, and later - structuralism, in which quantitative indicators of research were widely used, were formed on this basis. In the works of domestic researchers (Yu. M.

Lotman and others) a system-structural method akin to structuralism was formed. The major structuralists (R. Barth, J. Kristeva and others) in their later works moved to the position of post-structuralism (deconstructivism), proclaiming the principles of deconstruction and intertextuality1. In the second half of the XX century.

the typological method developed fruitfully. Unlike comparative studies, which studies contact literary interactions, representatives of the typological method consider similarities and differences in literary phenomena not on the basis of direct contacts, but by elucidating the degree of similarity of conditions. cultural life. The same period includes the development of the historical-functional method (in the center - the study of the features of the functioning of literary works in the life of society), the historical-genetic method (in the center - the discovery of sources of literary phenomena)1. In the 1980s, a historical and theoretical method was formed, which has two aspects: on the one hand, historical and literary research acquires a pronounced theoretical sound; on the other hand, science affirms the idea of ​​the need to introduce a historical moment into the theory. In the light of the historical-theoretical method, art is seen as a reflection of reality by the historically established consciousness in these and other historically established artistic methods and the school forms formed on their basis.

Proponents of this method strive to study not only the summit phenomena, the "golden fund" of literature, but all literary facts without exception. The historical-theoretical method leads to the recognition of the fact that at different stages and in different historical conditions the same concepts characterizing the literary process, 1) to realize the specifics scientific knowledge as reliable and verifiable (done in philosophy and exact sciences in the 17th - 18th centuries.

); 2) develop and master the principle of historicism (done by the romantics in early XIX in.); 3) combine in the analysis data about the writer and his work (done French critic Sainte-Beuve in the 1820s-1830s); 4) develop an idea of ​​the literary process as a regularly developing phenomenon of culture (done by literary critics of the 19th-20th centuries). By the beginning of the XXI century. the history of literature has the main features of science: The subject of study is defined - the world literary process; Formed scientific methods research - comparative-historical, typological, system-structural, mythological, psychoanalytic, historical-functional, historical-theoretical, etc.; Key categories of analysis developed literary process a - direction, flow, artistic method, genre and system of genres, style, etc. The pinnacle of the realization of the possibilities of the history of literature as a science at the end of the 20th century. can be considered the "History of World Literature", prepared by a team of Russian scientists (M.

Vipper, M. L. Gasparov, N. I. Konrad, D. S. Likhachev, Yu.

M.Lotman, E.

M. Meletinsky, B. I. Purishev and others.

8 volumes have been published, the publication is not completed.

Theory of Literature.

Literary theory as a discipline of literary criticism. Tasks, scope and subject of research.

Literary theory studies the patterns that govern literary creativity.

Criticism appeared earlier than literary criticism, even in the works of Belinsky, criticism was literary criticism.

In the second half of the 19th century and into the 20th century, there were discussions about criticism and its purpose. Criticism correlated differently with literary criticism. In our time, criticism is taken out of the scope of literary criticism. Literary criticism is a complex science, consisting of many disciplines that are interconnected and form a system.

Literary theory is a discipline that studies patterns literary creativity, the nature of literature, determines the methodology and methodology of literature, its social function, it is a theoretical discipline, with its own special subject - literature. In addition to cognitive functions. Literary theory performs a methodological function. This is her feature. It makes it possible to consider any phenomenon of literature from the angle of various literary patterns.

As a theoretical science, it defines concepts, knowledge of patterns as a research tool. The theory of literature is a system of regularities, which is based on the logical principle of connection between the general and the particular.

Literature is an ideological, ideological art form, and the theory of literature has a ideological character.

Literature is a secondary aesthetic reality, it is a reduced universe, according to Saltykov-Shchedrin. Literary theory studies the changing essence. The concepts of the theory of literature are also changing, the historical-logical principle is supposed to form the basis of the theory of literature.

Formation of the principle of historicism in the science of literature.

There was a desire to consider the theory of literature in historical aspect. It arises on the basis of historical consideration of literature. Its foundations are laid in the 18th century, in the era of enlightenment.

§ Herder is the main theorist of Sturm und Drang; he turned literature to the national soil, he objected to literature being imitative.

§ Works of Lessing and Diderot. Lessing defines the originality and originality of literature. They advocated for her identity

In the 19th century, the theory of literature triumphed over historicism as a science. All phenomena began to be considered historically. A genre is being created historical novel. Historical and literary concepts arise in literary criticism. In the middle of the 19th century, historicism comes to the fore in the writings of Hegel. Artistic works should be considered in relation to the era. Hegel considered many concepts of literature.

In the second half of the 19th century, academic schools of literary criticism arose: cultural and historical school considered historicism the main basis for the study of literary criticism.

Veselovskiy's comparative historical school also considers the theory of literature from the point of view of history. Veselovsky considered literary concepts that lead problems in historical understanding. The historical principle played a huge role in the development of literature.

The specifics of the methodology of literary criticism (in contrast to the methods of the exact sciences).

Methods - are determined by the essence of the subject to which they are directed, therefore, the features of the methods depend on the features of the subject. Literary methods are aimed at the study of literature, and this is a very peculiar subject. Literature is an aesthetic reality, a world of inaccuracies, in the center of which is a person in his unity. Man is a complex subject of research and the subject of literature has the same complexity. The accuracy of the methods lies in their inaccuracy ... - so said D.S. Likhachev.

4. Traditional research methods.

These are methods associated with academic schools. In the second half of the 19th century, academic schools were formed and methods were divided according to purpose, subject, etc.

1. Mythological.

In Russian science, it was headed by Buslaev and Afanasiev. Mythologists transferred the methods of studying folklore to literature. They considered the most important and most creative period creating myths, because the main forms of the art of the word took shape precisely then. They were engaged in the analysis of forms and used the formal genetic method.

2. Cultural and historical.

Led by Pypin. Reflection of the environment and life in which the work appears. The artistic side of the was not interested. Literary work was a monument to them. For them it was ethnography. But they themselves considered the successors of Belinsky. It was believed that the domestic environment should be reflected in a literary work.

3. Psychological.

Headed by Potebney. Poetry was seen as different ways thinking.

4. Comparatively historical.

5. Historical.

5. Structuralism and semiotics.

6. System and holistic analysis.

7. The concept of literary criticism. Tasks of modern literary criticism.

Readers change not only from epoch to epoch, but they are not equal among themselves. Readers of a narrow educated stratum and representatives of the so-called broad circles society, "mass readers". Literary critics are the vanguard of the reading public. Their activity is a very essential component of the functioning of literature in its modernity. The task of criticism is to evaluate works of art and justify your point of view. Lit.Kritika is an intermediary between readers and writers. It is capable of stimulating and directing writing activity. (example: Belinsky's influence on Turgenev, Dostoyevsky, etc.) However, criticism also affects the world of readers. Previously, criticism was predominantly normative. The works were clearly correlated with genre samples. The new criticism proceeds from the rights of the author to create according to the laws that he himself has recognized over himself. She is interested in the unique and individual appearance of the work, understands the originality of its form and content - i.e. is interpretive. Evaluating specific works literary criticism considers the literary process of modernity, as well as forms artistic and theoretical programs, directing literary development(Belinsky about Turgenev, Dostoevsky, etc.). There is also essay criticism that does not claim to be analytic and conclusive, but is an experience of subjective, emotional development of works.

8. Poetics: the meaning of the term. Basic concepts and terms of theoretical poetics.

From antiquity to Boileau, poetics meant the doctrine of verbal art, being essentially modern literary criticism. Today, poetics is a branch of literary criticism, the subject of which is the composition, structure and functions of works, as well as the types and genres of literature. There are normative poetics (based on one direction) and general poetics, which explores the universal properties of works.

In the twentieth century, Poetics is also called a certain facet of the literary process, namely, the installations and principles of individual writers carried out in the works, as well as artistic directions and entire eras.

Historical poetics is a science within literary criticism, the subject of which is the development of verbal and artistic forms and creative principles writers on the scale of world literature.

In our country, theoretical poetics began to take shape in the 1910s. and consolidated in the 1920s

In the past, poetics studied not the works themselves, but what was embodied and refracted in them, scientists looked, as it were, through the works. However, today it is clear that the main subject of the modern science of literature is the works themselves, while everything else is auxiliary and secondary.

Pereverzev's judgments in his book "Gogol's Creativity" of 1914 are significant. He complained that literary criticism and criticism go far from artistic creations and doing other things…”

Theoretical literary criticism of the 1920s is heterogeneous and multidirectional. The formal method (scientists led by Shklovsky) and the sociological principle, which developed based on Marx, Plekhanov (Pereverzev and his school), manifest themselves most clearly. But at that time there was also the first layer of the science of literature. It is represented by the works of Bakhtin, Askoldov, Smirnov. These scientists inherited the tradition of hermeneutics and, to a greater or lesser extent, relied on the experience of religious philosophy at the beginning of the century. The situation of the 1930s and subsequent decades was extremely unfavorable for the development of theoretical poetics. Legacy of the 10-20s began to be mastered and enriched only from the 60s. The Tartu-Moscow school, headed by Y. Lotman, was very significant.