Dasha Pynzar and children. Daria Pynzar: “I will have a girl! - He himself wanted to be at the birth next to you

Daria Pynzar is the brightest participant in the reality show "House 2", known to many viewers. As part of the project, she managed to successfully marry and give birth to two sons.

Dasha Chernykh (her maiden name) is a native of the small town of Yenakiyevo near Donetsk. She was born in 1986 on January 6th. Her childhood and youth were spent in the Saratov region in Balakovo, where the family - mother, father and two daughters - moved almost immediately after the birth of Dasha. But Chernykh suffered a terrible tragedy - the girls were left without parents very early, and in fact Dasha was raised by her older sister Natalya.

"House 2"

After graduation high school Daria entered the design faculty of the Moscow Institute of Economics and Culture. She studied without difficulty, but the idea came to her mind to take part in "House 2", she believed that it was there that she would pull out her lucky ticket. She went through a series of auditions in the most rated show in the country, in 2007 she got on the site of a scandalous project, and her career went up. She immediately declared that she was innocent, and intended to build a strong relationship only with a serious man. Everyone was delighted when Daria and Sergey Pynzar finally found each other, started a family and began to live together. After all, their path to happiness in the family was rather thorny, the process of "grinding in" took a long time.

Lap of honor at the start of the family

Daria married Sergei in 2010 and took his last name. Unusually and non-standard began their "career of the newlyweds", however, the life of celebrities cannot be considered commonplace. The main entrance to the Wedding Palace was closed. And Seryozha promised Dasha that he would bring her in his arms to the registry office. Pynzar is a strong guy, an athlete, he, without losing his head and without letting go of his bride, walked around the building, making a "lap of honor". Some might see this as a symbol strong family.

Later, at the site of "House 2", during the celebrations, Daria and Sergey released white doves, and then flew away for their honeymoon to Cuba - this trip was presented to them by their sister Natasha for the wedding.

Family and children of Daria Pynzar

In 2011, it became known that the couple was expecting a child. Dasha, being pregnant, won the project competition "Lady Grace". In general, carrying her son under her heart, Daria led an active lifestyle, traveled, did not stop playing sports and taking care of herself. On July 23, another "son of the regiment" appeared in "House 2". Pynzari decided to name the boy Artem. Papa Sergei was present at the birth.

After that, Pynzari actually stopped participating in the TV show, moved to a city apartment, played the roles of not participants, but co-hosts in "House 2". How so? Do they live in a living space paid for by the TV channel, do they receive a salary? The audience was outraged.

Two years after the birth of their first child, the couple got married. In May 2016, Daria Pynzar gave birth to her second son, David.

Today, Dasha and Serezha are planning to conceive a third baby, and they emphasize that they would like a daughter. The couple is very determined, the birth of a child is planned in 2018. They say that in order to realize her dream, Daria Pynzar has already applied to the perinatal center, where she should undergo genetic research prescribe special nutrition and taking the necessary drugs.

new chest

Once Dasha was proud of her bust, but when she finished feeding her son, she realized that her pride had become a big problem. Before the plastic surgery, Daria Pynzar's chest was dull, small and unattractive. After the operation, she became sexy and appetizing, even better than before.

At the same time, her husband and relatives were categorically against the operation, but dear Dasha insisted on her own, bringing weighty argument- A girl wants to be beautiful for her husband always. Even if he is against it.

Look at the photo of Daria Pynzar before and after the plastic surgery - the result is not bad, and thank God that everything "took root" as it should.


Being pregnant with her second son, Dasha, together with the daughter of fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin Galina and director Valeria Gay Germanika, took part in the second season of the show "Pregnant" on the Domashny TV channel.

In November 2016, Pynzari became guests of the show "Wedding Size" with Anita Tsoi - the couple expressed a strong desire to lose weight, and passed the test together with dignity. Pynzarey's career on TV is developing well, besides, Dasha leads a very vigorous activity in social media. Well, "House 2" provides good chances to start from anywhere in your life in the vent of popularity. The main thing is not to splash yourself on the rise, not to miss the right moment, not to stop warming up interest in yourself.


Some time ago, the TV presenter and blogger could still boast of something. Two studios of Daria Pynzar, specializing in manicure and pedicure, successfully worked on Novy Arbat and in South Butovo.

According to Daria, she came to the salons every day and followed the employees. I personally hired staff, tested them for professional suitability, and checked their work on myself. Dasha opened studios from scratch, and she had to make a lot of efforts to get people to go there. Daria Pynzar is very scrupulous and demanding, the reputation of the salon was above all for her. Therefore, employees were not recruited at a very high pace.

Due to disagreements with partners, the girl had to refuse to cooperate with them. Daria decided not to quarrel with anyone, but simply to stop business cooperation. She is a peaceful girl, why these quarrels.

Salon owner

Daria and Sergey Pynzarey have another business of their own - an online clothing store, they personally deal with its advertising. In 2012, the couple opened their own boutique, now it is a fashion chain. The Pinzar franchise is all about cute everyday wear that will never go out of demand.

But in this type of business, peaceful Dasha also did not do without conflicts - a cat ran between the Pynzarys and the Gusevs, with whom they were very friendly at one time. Both families were competitors in this business, they didn’t share something to such an extent that the Gusevs even wanted to change their baby’s godmother (she was Dasha). It seems that the conflict has subsided, but the families do not communicate.

How long this brand will be alive is unknown, time will tell. Today the couple Pynzarey is seriously going to leave Russia.

Sunny Alanya

Former members"House-2" Daria and Sergey Pynzar some time ago with both sons settled in Turkey. According to media reports, the family plans to buy housing by the sea.

Why did they decide in favor of Alanya? Dasha and Sergey say that here all year round incredibly beautiful and warm. A small town located on the coast. The sea on one side, mountains and rivers on the other, Dasha had never seen anything like it. All the locals are very positive, they speak Russian, Dasha says that she does not feel a language barrier. More than enough mothers with children.

In addition, according to Dasha, the local population loves children, they are always ready to help, help out, she says that there is no such thing in Russia.

Artem - the son of the Pynzarey couple - goes to the local Kindergarten Mom loves everything. He is learning English - his mother does not read fairy tales to him at night, but repeats English words with him.

Well, let's wish them good luck!

Daria and her husband Sergei for seven years (from 2008 to 2015) were bright residents of Dom-2. There they got married and became parents for the first time. Unlike many couples that have developed in the project, young people managed to maintain a relationship and left it. Although there were no crises.

Photo Artur Tagirov

When for several years you have been filmed 24 hours a day and you can’t even take a shower without thinking that someone is watching now, then later you want to exhale and just live for yourself, - Daria begins the conversation with this confession. - Sergey, for example, immediately began to refuse all photo shoots, interviews and shows. And even to participate in the project "Pregnant" (Daria starred in two of its seasons on the Domashny channel. - Approx. "Antennas") I had to persuade him for a long time. Now my husband and a friend have their own construction company. And he, like an ordinary person, goes to work five days a week.

After the project, the “breaking” began

It was harder for me. I'm used to the fact that Sergey and I are together 24 hours 7 days a week. He literally became a part of me, and then I realized that this “part” separated and began to live an independent life. I fell into a terrible depression. I missed him so much that I wanted to call him every hour. I cried, I freaked out. And she was terribly jealous of Seryoga for everyone. It seemed to me: he is so smart, handsome, wonderful, someone will look after him right there. I even simply missed some of his remarks ... After all, then, on the site, no matter what I did, Sergei somehow commented on it. Praise, criticize. What helped me deal with it? Fortunately, I also had many projects of my own. And Temochka (the eldest son Artem is 6 years old. - Approx. "Antennas") needed constant attention. In general, after a month I got used to the fact that we see each other in the evenings and at night, and in the morning we go about our business. Another question is that in ordinary life it is easy to go into everyday life and routine. At home - diapers for the younger Davidik ( younger son 1.5 years. - Approx. "Antennas"), running around shopping, at work - a hassle. This is not a TV project where every week there are dates by the pool with strawberries.

Life is not a TV project where every week there are dates by the pool with strawberries

But I'm not one of those women who screams: "Get me a star from the sky!" I think that a man should get stars when he achieves a woman, but in marriage the opposite is true. The lady is responsible for the atmosphere and the same romantic dates. After all, it is easier for us girls to switch from work to leisure. These men can walk all evening loaded and think about business.

So, it is important to distract, surprise your loved one. How? For example, we can leave the kids for the night with a nanny, and go to the hotel ourselves. Take a room with a huge bathroom overlooking Moscow at night, order a delicious dinner. The kids are sleeping, and we are having a little adventure.

Sergei is more of a mom than me

Photo Artur Tagirov

My only whim, with which I stunned my husband and which he still remembers with a laugh, is this: I sent him to a lingerie store. I was pregnant with Davidik, swelled up to the size of SpongeBob, and one morning I realized that I simply didn’t fit into anything. And my husband went to the store and brought me a huge bag of underpants, all two sizes too big.

Now it sometimes seems to me that Sergey is more of a mother than I am. For example, I am now giving an interview, and he took Theme out of the kindergarten and sits with the younger Davidik. And I am completely calm! Husband and diapers will change, and feed.

And when both of our little boys were very small, I went to small female tricks. She asked Seryozha to get up at night, as I am a nursing mother. And when she stopped feeding, she said that I needed to look good in the morning. And you need to sleep. And so, gradually, I crawled onto that part of our bed, which is near the window, and David's cradle turned out to be next to Sergey. And when my son cries at night, I say: "Beloved, well, you're closer."

Temochka same we can not wean to sleep with us. He used to fall asleep between mom and dad when he was little. And he still jumps into bed. Although already an adult guy! Going to school soon... Therefore, Davidichka and I, learning from our own mistakes, immediately put up the cradle.

But our boys are completely different in character. Theme, although he was born on a TV set, is calm, reasonable. He doesn't like being photographed at all. If he agrees, he immediately issues an invoice in the form of a toy from the store. And I think it's right. He is a man, so from childhood he must know the value of money. Did the job - got a new typewriter as a fee. Davidik is a small motor that never gets tired.

I honestly say that I made a breast

Photo Artur Tagirov

I am such a person that in my life I don’t build anything out of myself, I don’t get out. And I'm not trying to be better than I am. At 31, it’s already stupid to flirt and blink your eyes, saying: “You know, my breasts are real, so I took it and grew.” I do hair extensions, I do eyebrow tattoos, I tried to do lips, but in the case of the latter, I realized that it was not for me. And yes, six years ago I had a breast augmentation.

Now I would hardly have decided on this operation, but at the age of 26 I wanted to have a magnificent bust. Sergei was against. And when I heard about it for the first time, I started screaming that it was complete nonsense. And he always told me that he was a fan of small breasts. And that's the only thing that stopped me. But what I want to tell you now is that all men who say they like small breasts are lying. Sergei, seeing the result of the operation, was so delighted that it is impossible to describe.

At 31, it's stupid to flirt and flap your eyes

Of course, all this is very painful. Moreover, the operation itself in my case was quick and successful. And for the first three days in the hospital, I didn’t feel much either. Terrible pain started on the fourth day. I stopped taking painkillers and on the way home, it seems, I felt every bump. I'm not a whiner, but here I was biting my tongue so as not to moan. It felt like my skin had been literally torn off.

Also, any girl who decides to have an operation should understand: after it, a week and a half of rehabilitation will follow. I could only lie down, and even sitting down on my own was painful as hell. All this time she wore awkward vests and men's T-shirts, as she could not even dress herself. And Seryozha looked after me like a baby.

But these are still flowers. I didn't know at the time what I was going through with my second pregnancy. When waiting for Davidika, her breasts increased to the fifth size. And given that I myself am small (Daria's height is 162 cm - Approx. "Antennas"), it was literally hard for me to wear such a chest. My back was tired, my legs hurt. Yes, and the bust for my proportions became too large - I had to wear slimming underwear in the summer, which at the end of pregnancy I began to call shackles.

But the worst thing happened after the birth. On the third day, I returned home with my sons, and I forgot the breast pump in the hospital. And then at night I have milk. I thought I was going to explode from the inside. The temperature rose under 40, I could not even move. Frightened, Sergey went all over our area to look for a breast pump. I found some ancient model and manually sucked this milk for me.

If we talk about the minuses of the chest, now on TV and in photographs I seem to myself more than I really am.

Once I tried to persuade Sergey to get Botox - to remove a wrinkle on his forehead. But in the end, he not only refused himself, but still does not give me an injection. And I still remember there was funny situation when the beautician persuaded me to do cheekbones in the salon. I come home, and he: “Come here! What is this Mongolian woman? And the next day I ran to the salon to clean it all up as much as possible.

When I want to eat, I eat garlic

And during the day I generally eat whatever I want: both fish and meat. The main thing is that all dishes are relatively properly prepared: everything is not fried, but, say, baked. The oven is my salvation. When guests come, I again bake Peking duck or make sea bream in foil.

I cook salmon for children. At the same time, I do not dwell on the stove. I think it’s better to cook one dish, but aptly and surprise your men with it, than every day to make it your duty to fry cutlets after work - to get tired and be irritated.

Besides, I don't go home much. Recently I voiced the cartoon "Once upon a time there was a cat", where I speak for a kitten named Rudolf. Also starting from September new project on the Domashny TV channel, where I will be the host. This is a project about mothers and for mothers: about the problems they most often face and about ways to solve them. Problems, for example, are: whether to vaccinate, how to choose the right stroller.

By the way, in the project I will be filming with Theme and Davidik. I already feel that both of them will begin to twist ropes out of me. And half of the salary will go to them on cars.


Daria Pynzar

Education: Moscow Institute of Economics and Culture (Faculty of Design and Equipment).

Career: participant in the projects "Dom-2", "Pregnant" (1st and 2nd season), TV presenter of the channel "360" (program "Little big news”), model, shop owner women's clothing and a beauty salon.

Family status: married. Children - Artem (6 years old) and David (1.5 years old).

Sergey Pynzar

Education: School of instrumentation and automation.

Career: participant in the projects "Dom-2", "Pregnant" (1st and 2nd season), co-owner of a construction company.

Family status: married. Children - Artem (6 years old) and David (1.5 years old).

Most of us know that there is a TV project called "House 2". There, young people meet, get acquainted, build relationships, and some get married and have children. One of the brightest participants in the show is Daria Pynzar. Her biography is very interesting. The girl had to go through a lot before she got on television. But now she is a happy wife and mother of a wonderful toddler. Interest in her person from the fans of the TV set does not subside. After all, Dasha lives here with her family. And at the same time, she not only flaunts on the screen, but is for many of our girls an example of an ideal wife and the best mother in the world. The viewers have a lot of questions that they would like to get an answer to. For example, how old is Daria Pynzar, what is known about her childhood, where she likes to relax, and so on. You can read a lot in this article. interesting facts about this member of "House 2".

Girl's family

Little is known about the childhood of the participant of "House 2". Here are just a few facts. Daria Chernykh (that's what the girl's maiden name sounds like) was born on January 6, 1986 in a small Ukrainian town. Later, her family moves to Balakovo, which is located in Samara region. It was there that she spent her childhood and youth. The girl was raised by her mother and older sister. Unfortunately, Daria's parents died. It was sister Natalya, who currently lives in Moscow and is engaged in business, who gave the girl the most great support. In fact, she replaced her mother. It is known that Natalya helped Dasha's family to buy an apartment and a car. Now the sisters maintain the warmest relations.

The appearance of a blonde on a scandalous TV project

The seductress appeared on the scandalous television project on December 28, 2007. At that time, Dasha was 20 years old. A beautiful blond charmer immediately told the residents of the TV set that she was still innocent, explaining that she had not yet met the man of her dreams. The participants of the project "House 2" reacted with great irony to her words. Daria Pynzar (Chernykh) soon proved with her unequivocal behavior that they knowingly doubted her innocence. She wore the most revealing outfits with pleasure, allowing the boys of the TV project to see their beautiful forms. Short skirts, tight dresses with a deep neckline - these are the blonde's favorite things. Dasha recklessly flirted with young people. The host of "House 2" Ksenia Sobchak (now former) somehow quipped towards the girl, saying that she was more like a dancer from a strip club than an innocent angel.

Development of events at "House 2"

Having come to the project, the blonde declared her sympathy for Rustam Solntsev (Kalganov). At the same time, she was not at all embarrassed by the 10-year age difference. The first experience of building relationships on a television set for a girl was unsuccessful. The young man often complained about Dasha's mismanagement. The peak of his dissatisfaction was the episode when the blonde washed his jeans in a typewriter along with mobile phone. The couple broke up. Soon another participant, Andrey Cherkasov, was already courting the blonde. But Daria Pynzar could not build a relationship with him either. Her biography is replete with episodes of failures on the love front. After parting with the womanizer Andrey, the young charmer did not grieve alone for long. A merry fellow from Ukraine soon appeared on the project, who at the same time drew attention to a charming blonde. Their relationship lasted two years before the couple decided to get married. May 5, 2010 Sergey and Dasha got married. She became one of the most memorable and beautiful events at "House 2".

Personal life of Daria Pynzar

Almost four years have passed since then. All this time the couple lives on the project. A year after the wedding, their son Artem was born. After his birth, Sergei rented a house in the suburbs for three months, so that the child could live in a calm environment away from noisy Moscow. But their family idyll did not last long there. Soon, the project organizers persuaded the couple to return to the perimeter, giving her a separate room. Having reappeared on the television set, the couple surprised all the participants with the mutual understanding and trust that reigned in their family relationships. Many viewers are asking questions: how old is Daria Pynzar? Are the couple planning to have more children? If so, how much? Dasha is not yet thirty years old. The couple are in no hurry to have a second child, although they, of course, have it in their plans. Fans of this show have repeatedly watched scenes in which Sergey persuaded his wife to give him a daughter. Daria says that this will definitely happen soon, but not right now.

Secrets of a great figure from a famous beauty

Spectators of the project "House 2" have the opportunity to observe how well Daria Pynzar dresses. Her biography is replete with facts that clearly demonstrate the blonde's love for exquisite toilets. The Pynzar family owns several clothing stores in various cities. Therefore, the choice of outfits for Daria is not a problem. But, in order to wear all these fashionable little things, you need to have impeccable forms. The figure of the beauty is excellent. What helps her to remain feminine and attractive? After all, as you know, after giving birth, many women begin to rapidly gain weight. More than once, Dasha admitted that the main reason for her slimness is good heredity. Her family doesn't have too fat people. In addition, the blonde often goes on diets and, if possible, visits the gym. And Dasha is a frequent visitor to beauty salons. Her favorite service here is a hardware massage, which makes the skin soft and velvety, prevents the appearance of cellulite. It also became known that the beauty had breast augmentation surgery, the result of which she did not fail to demonstrate by wearing dresses with a deep neckline.

Secrets of female attractiveness from Dasha

Fans of the TV show "Dom 2" have been watching for several years how wonderful Daria Pynzar always looks. 2013 was a successful period for her in all her endeavors: the business of a young married couple is flourishing, their son Artem is growing up, and they themselves are constantly traveling the world. Regular vacations in warm countries are the key to the attractiveness of a blonde, fans of the show are sure. But Daria herself admits that the services of beauty salons help her look 100%, where she constantly visits. Plus, it is worth noting that the young mother carefully takes care of herself, not allowing herself to appear in public without makeup, unkempt or casually dressed.

Secrets of a strong family from Daria Pynzar

The TV show "Dom 2" has been on the air for almost 10 years. In the entire history of the project, there were only a few couples who got married and kept their relationship on long years. The Pynzar couple is perhaps the only family here that all lovers without exception should be equal to. What is the secret of the strength of such an alliance? Daria Pynzar will answer it best. The biography of her childhood and youth suggests that for her family is the most precious thing in the world. No one can replace mother, father, sister or brother. You need to take care of your loved ones. It is on this principle that the Pynzar family lives. Daria believes that it is necessary to support her husband in any situation, even when others consider him wrong. Sergei himself has repeatedly stated that he is henpecked. But this only means that he respects the opinion of his wife and always listens to him. If all couples tried to do the same, there would be far fewer divorces.

Likes to paint oil paintings.

Crazy about cats.

The growth of Daria Pynzar is 167 centimeters.

Favorite food is spicy sushi.

She loves action movies and thrillers.

Favorite pastime, it is also a cure for any stress - shopping.

Daria Pynzar's weight is 51 kg.

What's new in the life of a TV personality today?

Currently, the Pynzar couple lives on the project. It's hard to say what keeps the guys here. After all, they have two apartments. One of them belonged to Dasha before her marriage. Rumor has it that her older sister gave her a living space, who has her own business in the capital and lives securely. And more recently, the family purchased their second apartment in Odintsovo. Pictures of the living space immediately hit the net. They say that Daria Pynzar herself posted them. Photos of these apartments are presented here. Also, the spouses have a good car - Toyota Land Cruiser. They also bought it recently. And the Pynzar family also has a network of clothing stores for women in various cities, including Moscow. Apparently, the couple's family business is booming. The couple travel frequently. They visited Cuba, the Maldives, Turkey, Mexico, and other countries. Recently, rumors have spread that the couple is going to leave the project. But Dasha denied them. Therefore, you can be sure that this exemplary family will delight its fans for a long time to come.

This article was dedicated to one of the participants in the scandalous television project called "House 2". The career growth of Daria Pynzar can be easily traced here. She came here as a simple, unknown girl. And today half of the country knows it.

Bought property in Turkey. Since then, the TV blonde has been with her children - 7 years old Artem and 2 year old David- lives in Alanya, occasionally visiting Moscow, and the head of the family lives in the capital. Internet users often criticize Daria for leaving her husband alone. Moreover, in Turkey, the 32-year-old ex-participant of the reality show leads a carefree lifestyle. Daria decided to dot the i's and explained why her husband was not against this scenario.

« What makes you think that your ideas about a happy life suit me and my family? I live as I want and my husband gives me this opportunity! I want to live by the sea and for this he works every day and tries to achieve more and more success every day! He makes my dreams come true! I dreamed of living by the sea, I live there, I don’t work hard, I don’t iron his shirts, I go to clubs with my girlfriends and he allows me all this because he loves! Take care of me, as soon as possible, immediately drops everything and flies to me, gives all the best to the children and me! Even separation, I’ll tell you, is good for you, when we are together we always have passion and the feeling of a “honeymoon”, you can live your measured life as much as you like, and I want to get high from every day! Thank you for this to my husband!” - Pynzar wrote in her microblog on Instagram (the spelling and punctuation of the author are given unchanged. - Note. ed.).

Sergey and Daria Pynzari

By the way, the eldest son of Daria and Sergey went to first grade this year. Artem will study Turkey. The choice of spouses is due to the fact that the Turkish education system impresses them more. According to Pynzar, local teachers approach the educational process more responsibly. So, Artem began to speak confidently in six months. English language.

Sergey and Daria with their eldest son Artem

Daria Chernykh married Sergei Pynzar in 2010 and took his last name. In the fall of 2010, the couple announced that they were expecting a child, which caused an unprecedented stir in wide circles TV show fans. To spite all her ill-wishers, Daria continued to wear mini-skirts until the last months of her pregnancy and did not gain a single extra kilogram. In addition, Dasha participated in the Lady Grace competition, where she competed in fitness art with other participants in Doma-2 and won first place, receiving a cash prize of 300 thousand rubles.

On July 23, 2011, their first-born Artem was born. Sergey was present at the birth and said that there is no happier person in the world than he is. A year after the birth of his son, Sergei began to ask his wife to give birth to his daughter, but Dasha was not ready. In 2015, the blonde delighted her husband with a message about her second pregnancy. After that, the most famous couple of "House-2" left the TV set and prepared for a significant event outside the cameras. In May 2016, Pynzari had a second son, who was named David.

On May 15, one of the strongest couples of the Dom-2 television project, Sergey and Daria Pynzar, became parents for the second time. Their son Artem had a brother, David.

Woman's Day caught happy family on vacation in the Crimea and took an exclusive interview with Daria about what has changed with the birth of her second baby, how she manages to stay in shape and how interesting it was to star in the reality show Pregnant.

Photo by @darya_pinzar86

about new sensations

– Firstly, congratulations on the birth of your second child. You have been in the role of a twice-mother for more than a month (less than two, right?). How does it feel?

- Thank you very much. Everything is fine, everything is fine, we are already used to each other, we are used to each other, we are doing well.

- And how does dad feel?

- Dad is great, he helps. The only thing is that at night I would get up more to the child. But so, in general, the help from him is invaluable, of course. I myself would probably go crazy ... Because I want to go in for sports and do some business, so at these moments dad helps a lot.

- Do you have a nanny?

- Temochka has a nanny. But she can sometimes look after David when he is sleeping, and then we can go, for example, to a restaurant or somewhere else nearby. But only for two hours because I'm breastfeeding.

About breastfeeding

By the way, about breastfeeding. Was it your principled position - to breastfeed?

“I just enjoy breastfeeding. I also fed Temochka. I feel at this moment some incredible and inexplicable connection with the child. This is such an indescribable feeling ... I urge all mothers: before giving up breastfeeding, try at least. This is real pleasure. Therefore, for those who are considering whether to breastfeed or not to breastfeed, doubting because it can spoil the breast, I will say this. Firstly, this will not necessarily affect the beauty of the breast, for example, nothing has changed for me. And secondly, everything can always be corrected, and at the age of 70 you will not care how your breasts look, but you will know that you gave your child what you could and should have.

About pregnancy and childbirth

Was the pregnancy different from the first? Lighter, harder?

- Yes, the second pregnancy was easier. I didn’t lie on conservation, I didn’t have toxicosis ... Everything went on somehow naturally, and then once - and gave birth!

- And by the way, were the births different?

-Oh yeah. I am very grateful to the doctors who took the second birth. Once again I will say thank you to Tatyana Olegovna Normantovich. She is just a bomb. I gave birth at a spa! There were a couple of painful moments in labor before anesthesia and already before the birth itself, when there was a big opening. But somehow insignificantly. And fast. That is, I prepared, remembering my first experience, saved my strength, but in the end I gave birth, and I still had the strength to give birth three more times.

Did your dad attend the birth?

Yes, both first and second. But on the second, he went further - he cut the umbilical cord. He liked everything very much, it seems to me that the surgeon died in it. Of course, I do not urge all women to drag their husbands to childbirth, everything is very individual, and some men should not see all this.

- He himself wanted to be at the birth next to you?

Yes, he wanted to. Moreover, it was as a matter of course that he would be there, would support. That is, we didn’t even have conversations about whether you would go or not. This was a natural step for us, and if, relatively speaking, he gave birth, then I would go. True, we agreed that he would stand at my head and help me with words, and in the process he ended up where he should not have been, after which I cursed a lot.

About the relationship between brothers

- How does Artem develop relations with his younger brother?

“Very good, I'm surprised. I thought that there would still be some kind of jealousy, but, I swear, not a drop of jealousy! He hugs him, kisses him and even says “I am his dad”, while he calls me “our common mother”. She tells him “you are my sweetie, my pretty one” ... But I think that when the toys begin, then they will start to fight and swear. But for now... For now, David only needs his mother's boobs, so there's not much to share.

- Are you involved in the care of the baby?

- He doesn’t change diapers, no, they throw diapers with Sergey. But here he gives a pacifier. A couple of times he tried to pick him up, which caused our horror, because he still does not understand how to do it right.

- And who does Artem want to become in the future?

– Tema wants to be a boxer. First he wanted to be a builder, now he wanted to be a boxer. Dad's dream of becoming a football player did not seem to pass to his son. But we still have David, so there are chances ... But in any case, we will support any interest of the child, we will help financially, but we will definitely not force him to do anything.

Are you going for the third one?

“Someday, of course. Here we will raise two and be sure to give birth.

Do you want a girl now?

“To be honest, I don't care. When I didn't have kids, I wanted a girl, then I had a boy, and now I like boys. But by and large, Sergei and I do not care. They are all sweet and pretty - both girls and boys.

About maternal intuition

- Do you read books on education, psychology? The same Komarovsky?

- Unfortunately, no, I still did not have the time and opportunity. But it is in my plans.

- So you always act on intuition and maternal instinct?

– Yes, plus doctors, of course. And we also have a chat of mothers - these are friends who gave birth and share their experience. We will return to Moscow, we will do massages. But so we are not alarmists at all. If I see that the baby is doing well, he is healthy, then I don’t worry again. I'm not one of those moms who thinks they should know everything in advance. In the end, I have friends with experience, and if anything, I am interested in all sorts of children's issues with them. Thank you very much for having them!

About participation in the reality show "Pregnant"

- Many viewers watched the last weeks of your second pregnancy and childbirth in the reality show Pregnant. Did you immediately agree to participate or did you still doubt?

- I not only agreed, I imposed myself on them! I watched the first part and was delighted with it. When I got pregnant, we left the Dom-2 project, and I decided that I wanted to participate in the second season. Then she wrote a letter to the Domashny TV channel. But no one answered me, and we went to rest in Thailand. Then we return to Moscow, and I suddenly find out that the second part of “Pregnant” is being filmed, but they didn’t take me! As a result, through my acquaintances, I contacted the editors, and they tell me that they did not receive my letter and that the season was filmed and remained literally latest episodes where everyone gives birth. But I, apparently, got everyone so tired of my pressure that the TV channel still asked to shoot me. Moreover, if all the girls were filmed from the sixth month, then I was filmed already in last month. So it might seem like I'm the biggest one out there. In general, my message to space was heard.

- Your family, your couple looked the most organic in front of television cameras, but this is not surprising, knowing your history with life at Dom-2. Is it really just a habit? Or do you generally easily let other people into your family life?

– I love this show. Yes, for some it may be too frank, but for me it is acceptable. It seems to me that it is very beautiful, cool and a memory for life. I am very pleased that I participated. As for the habit - yes, we just don’t notice the cameras anymore, so we didn’t hold back, we weren’t shy, we didn’t try to be who we are not. We just launched operators to ourselves and lived our normal lives. And now, together with Sergey, we are taking part in a new project, but about losing weight, on the Domashny TV channel.

About postpartum recovery

How do you manage to do everything? At the same time look fresh and cheerful?

- Yes, some mothers like to whine that they do not have time to take care of themselves, having a baby. But in principle, it is in her nature to take care of herself with a woman, so these are all excuses. A woman must be a woman anyway. Of course, we all, sometimes, get tired at home and cannot always afford to dress up as before. But basic self-care is essential.

What about sports or fitness?

- Preferably, of course, but I'm lazy in this regard. Now I started to pump a little press, to do. I really want to be fit. But the problem is that I have never played sports and my muscles are completely unprepared for sports. And I still don’t love him ... But I’ll have to make friends! I will deal with other girls, I hope I will be useful. Because I will share my experience.