Alexandra Strelchenko what's wrong with her. Alexandra Strelchenko - biography, photos

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Which of the couples on the reality show "House 2" attracts attention and increases watchability? Of course, scandalous couples or couples consisting of freaks. Rarely, extremely rarely, the viewer watches adequate, balanced couples with the same pleasure as non-standard ones.

But the couple, and surprisingly, won the attention and respect of viewers.

Not immediately, gradually, a calm, reasonable, relatively balanced couple attracts interest in their fate. How did they find each other? How did their union appear on the Dom-2 television project?

Before his appearance, each of the guys went his own way. Igor was in a serious and controversial relationship with. An eccentric and capricious, beautiful and impudent girl turned the head of a serious, restrained, self-confident boxer Igor Tregubenko in earnest. He, as in the case of Ella Sukhanova, started a relationship with a girl much more status than himself.

Anna Yakunina is a Muscovite with an apartment, a car, and so on. Igor Tregubenko is an educated and hard-working guy who is used to achieving everything on his own. Social inequality made itself felt in relations with Anya and the guys often quarreled.

But the dignified behavior of the restrained Igor caused great respect and sympathy for the guy. Anna, although she loved to test him nervous system but I didn't want to give it to anyone. Until Ella Sukhanova drove into the clearing on October 24, 2014 in a premium car.

A 29-year-old girl from high society did not come to him. She really liked it at first. But since he was literally up to his head in a relationship with Ella, there were no options for Ella to approach the “mushroom” of the project.

Looking around, the girl saw an interesting young man - Igor Tregubenko. Sympathy arose almost immediately! Ella was much lighter in character than Anna Yakunina, and most importantly, she knew how to hear arguments and analyze her own behavior too.

With prudence and seriousness, she greatly won in the eyes of Igor Tregubenko, the clear leader of the men's bedroom of the reality show "Dom-2". He, after a little reflection, made an unequivocal decision - to build a relationship with Ella. He spoke honestly and to the face about his break with Anna.

But it was not there! Anya is not one of those who quickly gives up and gives her to another! Rude began, on the verge of not only insults, but also obvious thunderstorms, between two predators, equal both in position and status. Again, the calm, balanced and reasonable Ella won.

The guys began to build stable and confident partnerships which both liked very much.

It rarely happens on a project when young people, once meeting, immediately stick to each other. When the guys started talking about a possible wedding just a few months later, few of the participants in the reality show and viewers doubted it.

But, as it should be at Dom-2, the project managers and hosts decided to send them to the islands so that Ella Sukhanova and Igor Tregubenko would check the strength of their relationship there. To the surprise of everyone, the guys lived together there too and, as they say in such cases, looked in almost all moments in the same direction.

It was then that they decided to add spice to their reliable and strong relationship in the form of Ella Sukhanova's mother. That's when the trash started! Let's remember that Ella comes from a family of very wealthy businessmen who have everything in this life, and the future son-in-law in the person of a simple, albeit very educated and educated lawyer and boxer Igor Tregubenko did not suit them very well.

All releases while Ella's mother was on the islands, the audience did not come off the TVs, watching both Sukhanovs test the patience and nerves of the guy. But he didn't flinch! He, like a real man and a fighter, withstood the crazy onslaught, and the capriciousness of two spoiled ladies, and lived with dignity for the entire period while his mother lived on the island of love.

Of course, my mother liked such a son-in-law! He was extremely courteous, bought gifts for both of them, looked after them and put up with their "jokes" in his address.

When it was time to leave, the businesswoman said goodbye warmly to both of them: to her beloved and only daughter, the princess, and the steadfast tin soldier, Igor Tregubenko. The approval and blessing of the mother was received, the young people continued to live in peace, not taking dirty linen out of the hut, and jointly solving all problems.

Returning to the clearing, a strong couple is again waiting for tests, the former boyfriend of the magician and sorcerer reminded of his existence. At one of the shows, he demonstrates with great pleasure a photo and video report of their relationship with Ella.

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It seemed that the guy's pride would jump, and he would lose his temper! But it was not there! Igor said that this is the past, and he has no right to be jealous of him. But he immediately warned that if the magician and the wizard suddenly had the idea to approach his girlfriend, then he would have to conjure, then there would be nothing! And in the hospital, where he ends up with broken arms, preference is still given to official medicine.

The guys, thanks to sports hardening (Igor is a boxer, Ella is a professional tennis player), won almost all the competitions that the organizers of the reality show arranged every now and then. Ella Sukhanova and Igor Tregubenko easily won the Wedding for a Million contest. Viewers almost unequivocally gave their votes and sympathy to this couple.

Having taken a prize of one million rubles, the guys signed and almost immediately left the reality show "Dom-2", but from the field of view of the viewers, among whom there are many of their fans, they did not disappear and did not disappear.

They gladly showed their love nest in which they lived, a joint vacation, and so on ... But rumors appeared that after a year and a half, Ella Sukhanova and Igor Tregubenko filed for divorce.

No one believed them until the guys themselves on social networks posted posts about the breakup. However, they remained true to themselves. Even during a divorce, not one of them said a bad word about his soulmate, albeit a former one.

Alexandra Ilyinichna Strelchenko. She was born on February 2, 1937 at the Chaplino station in the Dnepropetrovsk region (Ukrainian SSR). Soviet singer. People's Artist RSFSR (1984).

Alexandra Strelchenko was born on February 2, 1937 at the Chaplino station in the Dnepropetrovsk region (Ukrainian SSR).

Father - Ilya Evgenievich Strelchenko (1911-1941), died at the front.

Mother - Polina Pavlovna Strelchenko (1916-1945), died at the end of the war.

In total, the family had three children. The elder sister Valentina was taken in by her aunt. And Alexandra, who was left an orphan at the age of 8, and her younger brother Anatoly were sent to Orphanage.

FROM early years sang well. Her idol and role model was the great one.

After leaving school, she worked as a nanny in kindergarten. Later she entered the correspondence department of the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute. Herzen at the Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy.

In 1958 she got to the concert of the Voronezh Folk Choir, after which she decided to devote her life to musical career. She began to beg the leader of the choir: "Take me to you." She was listened to and accepted. However, a misfortune happened very soon: “I had no idea then that my voice could get tired, so I didn’t take care of it. There was a non-closure of the ligaments, I couldn’t sing. I was expelled from the choir. I had to go back to kindergarten.”

From 1959 to 1962 she worked at the Lipetsk Philharmonic.

In 1961, the provincial Philharmonic received news that the All-Russian Creative Workshop of Variety Art was opening in Moscow. Young talents from all over the USSR were invited to audition. Alexandra Strelchenko decided to act at all costs.

After a one-year internship at the All-Russian Creative Workshop of Variety Art, since 1963 she worked in Moscow.

In 1962, she was lucky to meet Lidia Ruslanova herself. The most famous Soviet singer received student Strelchenko in her Moscow apartment. She recalled: “Everything was shaking when I saw her. Lidia Andreevna was so important, stately, well, just like from the cover ... She asked me to sing something, she was embarrassed to perform her songs and dragged out folk songs, I don’t remember what Ruslanova had a lot of crystal at home, and when I sang, it rang, and the singer began to cry ... She came up to me and said: "You will sing! Only you need to pick up a repertoire." from my idol, whom I have looked up to all my life."

1971 for Best Radio Recording folk song"Bela Zorenka" on international competition in Bratislava she was awarded the 2nd prize and a silver medal - "Silver Ear".

From 1976 to 1980 she studied at the Gnessin Musical and Pedagogical Institute.

Since 1964, Alexandra Strelchenko has been a soloist of the Mosconcert and artistic director Workshop folk art in the Concert Association "Estrada".

She rarely leaves the house, but regularly visits the hospital. However, sometimes she finds the strength to visit holy places, she was, in particular, in a monastery in Dmitrov.

The people's artist has not given interviews for many years, the doors of her house are closed to everyone: "I want to be remembered as beautiful," she explained.

Filmography of Alexandra Strelchenko:

1965 - New Year's calendar
1965-1967 - War and Peace - vocals (uncredited)
1971 - A soldier came from the front - vocals (uncredited)

Discography of Alexandra Strelchenko:

1972 - Alexander Strelchenko sings
1973 - Alexander Strelchenko sings
1984 - Native tunes
1998 - Two flowers on the window
2005 - Autumn is knocking on the window
2005 - Lacemaker

The songs "When I had golden mountains ...", "Give me a handkerchief" and many others immortalized the name of their performer Alexandra Strelchenko in the history of Russian music. The soulful voice and strength of the performance of the singer made even the legendary Lydia Ruslanova cry, the leadership from the Kremlin liked it, and among the people the songs performed by this singer even more so became the musical accompaniment of any festive feasts at long years. Despite the fact that the folk song repertoire no longer enjoys such love among the modern public, the singer still had and still has loyal fans who want to learn as much as possible about personal life of Alexandra Strelchenko, especially since she herself kept silent on this topic for a long time.

The biography of Alexandra Strelchenko began shortly before the war, from which the singer suffered no less, and maybe even more, than many residents of our country. In this war, while still a little girl, she lost both her mother and father. The family had three children, but this tragedy separated them for a while. The older sister Valentina was taken in by her aunt, and the younger children, Alexander and Anatoly, had to be placed in an orphanage. FROM early childhood she dreamed of the stage. Lidia Ruslanova became an idol and a vivid example for the singer. Despite childhood dreams, after graduating from school, she chose a completely earthly profession of a teacher. preschool institutions and even managed to work for several years in a kindergarten after graduating from the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute. True, over time, the love of singing nevertheless took its toll and the biography of Alexandra Strelchenko turned in the right direction. The singer gave the stage 50 years. Her biography also includes pedagogical activity- Since 2002, she has been the head of the Department of Solo Folk Singing at the Capital University of Culture and Arts.

Two husbands of Alexandra Strelchenko - Vladimir Chekalov and Vladimir Morozov

The personal life of Alexandra Strelchenko was tragic. She has been married twice. For the first time - for the KGB officer Vladimir Chekalov. This marriage, unfortunately, did not last long - only two years. Love story ended after the death of her beloved husband on a mission. The second husband was the drummer Vladimir Morozov, who took over the duties of the director of an already established star. The singer did not have special feelings for him, and the marriage rested on mutual convenience. Alexandra Strelchenko has no children, because, by her own admission, she did not have time to give birth to her first husband, and she did not want to give birth to her second. A little over 20 years ago, the singer and her second husband had an accident, which caused big problems with the spine and hip joint. It is for this reason that Alexandra Strelchenko practically does not appear anywhere and does not give interviews. Each step is given to her at the cost of unbearable pain. In the fall of this year, a scandal erupted around the honored singer. It turns out that last year she signed a life annuity agreement with one of her students. However, the girl, who took upon herself the obligation to care for the seriously ill Alexandra Strelchenko, does not fulfill her obligations. In this regard, the singer wants to terminate the signed contract. The case took on such proportions that it even reached the studio of Andrei Malakhov. The performer herself, as a result of experiences, ended up in a hospital bed with a stroke.