Presentation on the theme of the end of winter noon. The foreground of the painting

summary other presentations

"Biocenosis and its stability" - Centers for biotic stabilization. Carrying out certification. Nitrogen indicators. Properties of biogeocenosis. Morbidity. Poor quality water. Iron indicator. Indicators of water oxidation. Local biogeocenoses. Choosing the optimal location for a landfill for the disposal of household waste. The sustainability of the biosphere. Consequences of anthropogenic interference. Biocenosis and its stability.

"Components of biogeocenosis" - Oak forest biocenosis. Pond biocenosis. Environmental challenge. characterizing signs. groups of organisms. Eating chain. Terms. Product pyramid. Biogeocenoses. Necessary components of the ecosystem. Power network. Compare network and power circuit. Additional Information. Power circuit.

"The structure of biogeocenosis" - Biocenosis. The structure of biogeocenosis. Trophic structure of biocenosis. Biocenosis and biogeocenosis. Matryoshka of ecosystems. Project task. Community. Producers. Homogeneous area. The concept of the ecosystem and biogeocenosis. Consumers II and more orders. Knowledge about natural communities. Consumers of the 1st order. Organic destroyers. Vernadsky. Reducers. Biogeocenotic level.

"Connections in biogeocenosis" - Ways of obtaining food. Beneficial relationships. Types of connections and dependencies in biogeocenosis. Beneficial relationships. Biotic connections. Predation. trophic connections. Linden. Mutually beneficial relationships. Mutualism. Consider the types of relationships. Competition. Eagle. Mutually harmful relationships. Housing. Nutrition method. Symbiosis. Involving students in collective student-oriented activities.

"Preservation of the diversity of biogeocenoses" - These species have disappeared forever from the face of the Earth. Man is the king of nature. Human activity in agrocenoses. Preservation of the diversity of biogeocenoses. Landscape transformation. Feeling of malice. Tasmanian wolf. Forms of protection of BGC. A. Fet. The value of biogeocenoses for humans. Human impact on nature.

"Characteristics of ecosystems" - The biosphere covers the entire surface of the Earth. The concept of an ecosystem. Ranks of ecosystems. The history of the term. Temporal boundaries of the ecosystem. An example of the stage of autotrophic succession - a forest grows on the site of a fallow. An example of heterotrophic succession. Ecosystems have many states. Biomes. Concepts. Spatial boundaries of the ecosystem. Scheme of system homeostasis according to Yu. Odum. Y. Odum. Climate regime. The structure of the ecosystem (biogeocenosis) according to Reimers N.F.

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The work was done by the teacher primary school MKOU secondary school No. 4 village Andzhievsky, Mineralnye Vody Zhuravleva Natalya Nikolaevna

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To form the ability to write unstressed personal endings of verbs; Develop the ability to correctly build and use sentences; Instill a love for nature and take care of it.

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Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon was a native Muscovite, and only foreign surname recalls that the artist's ancestors come from Switzerland. Yuon began to draw at the age of eight and devoted his whole life to painting. He studied with such great artists as V.A. Serov, K.A. Korovin, I.I. Levitan. Yuon was very fond of spring and winter. He wrote: "I was looking for new colors in nature - in the Russian spring and winter." Nature in the works of the artist is in no way conceivable without a person, without animals and birds, which not only enliven the landscape, but also form a single whole with it. According to the art critic D. Argin, "Yuon is faithful to the great tradition of Russian landscape painting who managed to find her own clear and pure sounds for her native nature. "The artist succeeded best in landscapes, especially winter and spring ones. The bright sun, a winter road, white snow, on which multi-colored shadows lie, fresh frosty air, flocks of jackdaws in blue sky, thin birch trees covered with frost, peasant huts, sleighs, horses. Yuon's paintings contain a whole poem about the life of the Russian provinces.

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The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life. The day is coming. When does it happen? Spring - What signs of spring in nature can be seen now? The day got longer. The sun shines brighter. Capel. Sparrows began to chirp more cheerfully. There are thaw patches in the fields.

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What area did the artist depict? This is the outskirts of the village. Behind the house rise low hills, overgrown with forest. - Describe in more detail what the artist depicted? In the foreground is a wooden house. There is still snow on the roof. A fence stretches from the house. It's broken in places. Woodpile near the fence. The house is surrounded by tall slender birch trees. Blue shadows lay on the snow from the birch trunks. A little further, in the depths of the clearing, we see small house… Skiers rush to ride on the last snow.

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How did the artist convey the approach of spring? Everything is bathed in bright sunshine. Grayish porous snow sparkles. Long blue shadows stretched from the birches. The forest on the hills darkened. There are thawed patches along the edges of the path. The snow also melted on the roof of the house. The air is transparent. The sky is bright blue, bright. Such a sky happens in early spring at noon. - What colors prevail in the picture? Light: blue, pink. What mood does the painting evoke? Upbeat in spring.

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How can you start writing? Painting by K.F. Yuona takes us to the outskirts of the village. Bright sunlight floods the snow-covered meadow, house, forest on the hills. What will you describe and in what order? Wooden house, firewood, fence, birches, skiers. - How do you finish your essay? relation to the picture.

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Painting by K.F. Yuona takes us to the outskirts of the village. In the foreground is a wooden house. There is still snow on the roof. A fence stretches from the house. It's broken in places. Woodpile near the fence. The house is surrounded by tall slender birch trees. Blue shadows lay on the snow from the birch trunks. A little further, in the depths of the clearing, we see a small house ... Skiers rush to ride on the last snow. Everything is bathed in bright sunshine. Grayish porous snow sparkles. Long blue shadows stretched from the birches. The forest on the hills darkened. There are thawed patches along the edges of the path. The snow also melted on the roof of the house. The air is transparent. The sky is bright blue, bright. Such a sky happens in early spring at noon. They stopped at the fence and watch with interest a beautiful rooster.

summary of other presentations

“An essay based on the painting “Winter Evening”” - Krymov Nikolai Petrovich. The works are striking in the perfection of the drawing. Pink winter. Autumn. Sample Plan. Landscape with a female figure in red. How are the trees depicted? Describe the village. Landscape painter. Painting work. Early morning. Summer day. Preparation for an essay based on the painting by N.P. Krymov “ Winter evening". Artist's palette. Landscape - a portrait of nature. Landscape. When the lindens bloom. Repetition. Equipment.

“An essay based on Plastov’s painting“ The First Snow ”” - Feelings. Swansdown. Consider the picture of A.A. Plastov. unity of life and inanimate nature. Balmont's poem "Light Fluffy". Glass rain. Preparation for the perception of the picture. Snow. Winter is coming. Composition based on the painting by Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov. Choose words. Painting essay. I. Bunin "The First Snow". Choose the best option. Earth. Children. Essay writing options.

The arrival of winter. Children are happy with the first snow. Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov. First snow. Snow fell like glass rain. Writing words. Winter signs. Spelling and speech training. It smelled like winter cold. Shepherd boy. Plastov.

“Composition“ The end of winter. Noon"" - K. F. Yuon, Domes and swallows. A graphic artist is a graphic artist. March sun. Foreground paintings. Yuon loved joy and beauty in nature and life. July. K.F. Yuon. Preparation for an essay-description based on the painting by K.F. Yuon. What are people going to do. "Dear Ligachevo". Basic vocabulary. KF Yuon, Feeding pigeons on Red Square. What serves as the background of the picture. K. F. Yuon, Blue bush. View of the Trinity Lavra.

“Description of Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn”” - Isaac Ilyich Levitan. The river surface seems motionless and cold. Autumn. Try to "enter" the picture. Painting. Viewer. Painter. gold autumn. The ground is covered with yellowing withered grass. A conversation between water and trees. Describe your feelings. Landscape "Golden Autumn".

“An essay based on the painting by Levitan “March”” - Spring began. Material for writing. Sad artist. Let's look at the big picture. A painting by a remarkable Russian artist. The mood of the picture. Highland. New painting. Wonderful artist. Picture "March". Snow. Piece of art. Ordinary landscape. Trees. Try to determine the color scheme of the picture. Take a look at the sky. Composition based on the painting by Isaac Ilyich Levitan "March".

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The view of the earth is still sad, And the air is already breathing in spring, And the stalk that is dead in the field sways, And stirs the branches with oil. Nature has not yet woken up, But through her thinning sleep, she heard Spring, And involuntarily smiled at her ... F. Tyutchev

Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon (October 12, 1875 - April 11, 1958) - Russian artist, graphic artist, stage designer. Landscape painter, portrait painter, genre paintings. Konstantin Yuon is a representative of symbolism and modernity, who organically continued these traditions in the Soviet era. KF Yuon from childhood loved Moscow and the Moscow region, their amazing beauty. He studied at the Moscow School of Painting. When he began to paint, he began to be called a master of landscape. The artist so enthusiastically depicted his native nature, and against its background he observed the life of the Russian people, that he was called the poet of the Russian city and Russian village. The favorite theme of the artist Yuon was the beauty of the Russian winter. Here is what he himself wrote about this: “The radiance of the morning and evening dawns and the whiteness of the snow covers of my native winter give me the most dear experiences and colors.” Landscapes of the late period of creativity are similar in the manner of execution more early work 1910s, in which elements of impressionism and "wandering realism" were closely intertwined. Filled with subtle lyricism, they are of the greatest value in the entire creative heritage of the master.

1921 New planet.

1899 Birches. Petrovskoe

What is a landscape? (Landscape (French) - a description of the nature of some area.) In the lesson we will improve the skill of describing a work of art, develop oral and written speech, and learn to see beauty in the ordinary. Read the task in the textbook on p. 178 (ex. 382). Interview on the painting Is it possible to determine that the Russian winter is depicted in Yuon's paintings? What signs show that this is the end of winter? What does this confirm? the main idea: Not everyone is able to see something beautiful, wonderful in the ordinary; but those who truly love their homeland will not be indifferent even to the most familiar landscape.

What mood does the painting create for you? Winter is usually dormant. Winter has bewitched us. But here we see a feeling of cheerfulness, awakening, a bright light. We feel the clear, invigorating air. The artist gives us the opportunity to feel the beauty of life, the charm of awakening, in the bright sunlight of the day. What did you especially like in the picture of nature depicted by the artist? How did the artist show the awakening of nature? Where do we see the end of winter? By what signs can we determine that noon is depicted? Try to match the objects depicted in the picture with their signs that would help to see these objects brighter, more expressively: House .... Birches … Spruces … Snow …. Skiers ... Shadows ... thawed patches ... Chickens ... Sky ... Air ... Pile of firewood ... Hill ... Match the objects with verbs, phrases to make the picture come to life: Birches ... Snow ... Shadows ... thawed patches ... Chickens, rooster ... Sky ... Forest ... What can birch branches compare with ? What can you compare the dress of trees with? What can snow on a roof be compared to? Why are near and far objects so clearly visible? What colors prevail in the picture? - What is the mood of the artist? Painting interview

Discussion of the beginning of the composition, its structure. What sentence can you start your essay with? What will you describe and in what order? How many parts will the essay have? (three) -What is the name of the first part? -What can you write about? (Information about the artist, painting.) -What can you say about the second part? What will you describe in it? (micro-themes: snow, sky, sunlight, trees, people and birds in the yard, hills, forest) - What can you tell us about in the third part? (This is the conclusion. You need to express your attitude to the picture, the feelings that it aroused in us.)

Before us in the picture K.F. Yuon, a large snowy glade spread wide. To the left is a large wooden house with firewood stacked around it. A huge cap of snow is sliding off the roof, it is about to collapse down. Both the wall of the house and the woodpile are illuminated with golden light. In the snow near the house, hens and a rooster are importantly pacing. They were released outside for the first time after a long winter. They joyfully dig in the snow. They are trying to find last year's grains there. Tall birch trees grow near the house. Their trunks are dazzlingly white. Long dark blue shadows from birches fall on the snow. Beauties turn green in the distance - they ate. They are lush and beautiful even after winter. There are skiers near the fence. They rush to enjoy the last days of winter for skiing. But most of all in the picture we are attracted by spring snow. He occupies the most space in the picture. He's already melting. The snow became loose, wet, porous. It shines from the sky with mother-of-pearl shades, blue, green, pink, like a seashell. A dark forest is visible in the background. There is still a kingdom of winter. She is in no hurry to give way to spring. The artist, probably, when he painted this picture, wanted to show the beauty of nature in the first days of spring. I wanted to show the period when winter and spring reign equally in nature. I liked this picture. I wanted to ride in the forest with the skiers, breathe in the fresh spring air, listen to the birds singing.

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Composition A statement of your thoughts on a given topic Description An essay in which something is described

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    Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon (1875 - 1958)

    Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon is a Russian painter. The artist was born in Moscow in 1875. He spent his childhood in Lefortovo - the Moscow outskirts, rich in ancient palaces, parks, churches. In his family, everyone was fond of music, theater. They wrote the text themselves, made costumes, composed music. And the production of scenery was invariably entrusted to Konstantin. The future artist began to draw at the age of eight. In 1894 he entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Yuon constantly painted modest and beautiful Russian nature. His landscapes have always been distinguished by poetry, sincerity and cheerfulness. Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon was very fond of spring and winter. He wrote: "I was looking for new colors in nature - in Russian spring and winter." The artist's favorite theme was the end of winter, the beginning of spring, the joyful awakening of nature from its winter sleep.

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    Mood Dictionary


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    The foreground of the painting

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    Read an excerpt from a poem by Nikolai Brown

    Is it snow, flying from heights On forests, fields and thickets, Is it, like dead chalk, Only white, white, white? All needle-like from frost, At dawn it is soft pink. He is far away, in the shade, in the lowland Blue and even blue!

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    The foreground of the painting

    The snow is loose, soft, wet, porous, grayish-pink, bluish, lilac, in some places light yellow, as if absorbing the colors of the sky, it shines with shades of pink, blue, green, mother-of-pearl shades, like a sea shell.

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    The foreground of the painting

    Birch trees are sad, light, slender with thin bare twigs, hands-twigs from birch trees are pulled towards the sun. Blue shadows are casting long blue shadows. Skiers village skiers.

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    A village house a simple wooden hut, without decorations, snow is sliding from the roof, a fence stretches along the fence, firewood is stacked Chickens, motley chickens are busily digging snow, looking for grains in the melted snow, crosses of chicken paws

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    The background of the painting

    A forest in the blue gave a big dark realm of winter darkens on the horizon lush spruce Snow is white-white, like chalk the snow is not touched

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    The sky is gentle pale blue high pale pink bluish