The grown-up son of Olga Buzova, whom she hid for more than seven years, made a splash on the network. The opinion of a famous blogger

They say that Buzova had a stomach, but not at all because of food in Buzfut restaurants - attentive viewers noticed changes in her figure already when this heartthrob returned from Love Island.

The screen is of dubious quality, but on the air of this series of reality shows, many Olya fans noted with hope how their favorite heroine rounded in the sides. I don’t know why everyone is waiting for Buzova’s child so much, she seems to live well without children. But, in the light of the TV show "Marry Buzova" to any fold of the host of the TV project about love, natural questions arise: from whom is Olga Buzova pregnant? When will she have a family?

Who is the lucky future dad?

As you remember, in the third series of the show, there were 8 contenders for Olya's hand and heart, and if we add, according to rumors from the network, her ex-man, Roma, Vlada Kadoni (he is also credited with an affair with the singer) - how to understand from whom the child is, even if it is only a mockery of Buzova's career exploits?

I watched her a little and did not notice anything special for a woman of her age, Alexandra Cherno has a much larger belly and no children. Why suddenly Buzova predicted an early birth - I do not understand this impulse of Olya's fans. Who could become a happy future dad - I don’t see anyone in this role except Roman Gritsenko, and it would even be interesting if Olya becomes a mother.

Do you think Buzova is really pregnant or are there rumors again? Let's have some fun making our guesses!

Olga Buzova came to her first press conference in a formal suit from Yves Saint Laurent. “I am very worried, because today I am announcing the creation of my empire,” the star of Doma-2 began to talk about her plans.


“We live in the era of Olga Buzova, in the era of blockchain, in the era of digital media,” Buzova smiled. “I am the first girl in this country who launches her Buzcoin cryptocurrency and the Buzar communication platform. catering business I open beauty salons. Everything Buzova touches becomes gold."

Correspondent website asked about how she plans to combine business and stage. "I do not leave the stage, although many spiteful critics will not like it," Olga said. "Moreover, I have huge plans to conquer the world music market."

She also commented on the rumors that she would soon become a mother: “I’m not pregnant - I’m doing it Official statement through your publication. Do not believe in rumors and gossip. I have been alone for over a year. I forgot what sex is, so I direct all unrealized energy in a different direction. And today it's work, it's a desire to give all of yourself to people."

“I don’t have time for my personal life, so, alas, at 32 I don’t have a man,” Olga continued. “And I’m not a robot, I need a person nearby. But only a man without diapers. Strong and courageous. I’m even ready for that he will be less successful than me, less wealthy.And this summer I will take part in a romantic show on TNT, where I will look for my love.I want and wait for real sincerity, to be led by the hand, kissed.Moreover, I am the most enviable, the most popular bride in this country. And soon I will also become the richest!"

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Few people in our time have not heard of. In the past few years, she has not left the TV screens.

Olga is a model, TV presenter, singer, designer, socialite and DJ.

According to the latest data, Buzova ranks first in the ranking of stars' income from publications on the Internet.

The hero is not my novel

When, journalists and bloggers were waiting for a sensation and hoped that they would be the first to publish the news that the Tarabuziki were pregnant. At first, the couple simply laughed it off, saying that they want to live for themselves, enjoy youth and freedom, which is why they are in no hurry to have a child.

Later, the reason was Tarasov's eternal employment at the football training camp. Years passed, the press constantly appeared news that Olga was pregnant. But this has remained at the level of rumors. Buzova did not give birth, but instead a divorce from Tarasov followed.

Tarasov in an interview said the following: “I dreamed of children, and Olya had publicity and fame in the first place! She cannot imagine her life without media and hype. I'm tired of being in front of everyone."

Many friends and familiar couples cited Olga's unwillingness to have children as a reason for parting.

Revelation on air

After the divorce, Olga had a hard time. Almost every blogger wanted to find out the reason for the breakup. It seemed that Buzova would soon break down, but this did not happen.

Olya decided to candid interview on the First Channel. Yulia Baranovskaya and Alexander Gordon were the first presenters for whom the star opened her inner world.

When asked why Olga does not want to have children, she answered the following: “Children? From whom? There is no decent man next to me. I would really like love, but, alas, I have not met it yet. To give birth to the public so that the society ticks the box "Child"? No, it's not mine."

Olga notes that there is no need to rush with the birth of a child. Telediva says that she is not afraid of age: “The years don’t scare me, I’m ready to become a mother both at 40 and at 60 years old. Look at foreign stars, does age stop them? I don’t try on labels, they say, I didn’t give birth before 30, which means you are old-bearing. Naturally, I want not only dogs to run around the house, but also children. I strive for this, but everything has its time!

The opinion of a famous blogger

Olga Buzova is a media personality. Of course, her life and problems are actively discussed by followers and fans on social networks. Recently, the well-known blogger Lera Miro published her vision of the situation.

Having studied the character and life of Olga, Lera made her own conclusion why she does not have children. There are several reasons for this:

  • Just not from anyone;
  • The star has health problems;
  • Buzova is annoyed by children, one might say she simply hates them.

The opinion of the blogger outraged many of Olga's fans, most of them stood up for their favorite star, wishing Miro to start taking care of their personal lives.

Opinion from outside

No matter what anyone says, only Olga herself knows why she still does not have a little peanut. Perhaps the reason lies on the surface: she's just not ready for children yet.

And does she need it now? After all, Buzova is at the peak of popularity, every month her new songs and videos are released, which occupy a leading position in iTunes. She is young and beautiful, she can afford to enjoy life the way she wants, without listening to other people's opinions.

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And, perhaps, she has every right to do so. After all Buzova made herself, spending a lot of time and effort on it. Remember which viewers first saw her on the project "House 2". A modest, stupid blonde who could only cry and pout her lips on other participants in the construction site.

And what did the divorce from Tarasov cost her? How much endurance, patience and perseverance you need to have in order to “not become limp”, survive the betrayal of a loved one and move on in life with your nose up high.

Olga strong character She always achieves her goals. Perhaps right now, she needs to feel the love of her fans, to be a popular and promoted star.

We are sure that the time will come and Buzova will know the happiness of motherhood, because family and children are always in the first place for a woman. But in order to understand this, there must be a loved one nearby who will always protect and substitute a strong male shoulder. Perhaps this gentleman will become, because social networks are now actively discussing with Buzova.

After breaking up with Dmitry Tarasov at the end of last year, TV presenter Olga Buzova changed her hair color, occupation, works hard, speaks out in conversations with the press and tries to forget that her husband exchanged her for another. The other day she gave another candid interview, in which she clarified the points that were not obvious to her fans.

So, the divorce for Olga was a sudden stab in the back. With Dmitry, she built not only a house, but also far-reaching plans for a life together. But her dreams did not come true. As one of the reasons for the divorce, Tarasov called Olga's unwillingness to be distracted from her career in order to create a real family.

“I had big plans for the future: a house, children, another dog. I can say that I was ready to give birth for a long time, I wanted a child from him and we planned it. Even the day before we parted. Therefore, my world collapsed overnight!.. On that October night, I was confronted with the fact that our family was no more. At the same time, they didn’t really explain anything to me, they didn’t let me come to my senses. And they immediately demanded to leave the apartment. I didn’t understand anything: really after six years life together I didn’t deserve to be talked to normally, ”the star retorted in an interview with the editor of the Caravan Stories Collection magazine ..

Posted by Olga Buzova (@buzova86) Mar 6, 2017 at 2:58 PST

Olga left her cozy apartment, taking her beloved dogs and suitcases with clothes. After the divorce, she was left with nothing, as she signed a marriage contract, in which she promised not to claim her husband's property. She called it "a humiliation that I just turned a blind eye to because I loved blindly."

Only now, almost six months after family life crumbled to dust overnight, Buzova spoke about what it cost her to survive the tragedy: for a long time the star could not eat, suffered from sleep disorders, spent the last money and time, which she almost did not have, on conversations with psychologists, who almost never brought relief. The exhausted TV presenter even had to make droppers. “When I was dying, I told my mother: “Does he really care? .. The connection is completely broken, the bridges are burned,” she summed up.