How to draw a butterfly with a pencil. How easy it is to draw a butterfly with a pencil - step by step photo

The talent for drawing can be not only given by nature - it is easy to develop if you train hard. Should start with simple pictures eg butterflies. It can be done in several techniques at once using a pencil or watercolor, if you need a brighter and more juicy drawing.

How to draw a butterfly step by step

Before you draw a butterfly, you need to decide on the steps, because it is much easier to do it in order, especially for beginners. The sequence for creating a picture of a colorful creation is as follows:

  • body;
  • upper wings;
  • lower wings;
  • patterns on the upper and lower wings.

An important point is the color of the insect. After drawing the patterns on the wings with a pencil, they begin this process. You can use paints, felt-tip pens or colored pencils. Although if you leave it like that, then the drawing will serve as a coloring book for children who can show their imagination. Another important nuance is the auxiliary lines that will help beginners in drawing, but they will need to be erased with an eraser at the end of the picture.


Pencil execution has several basic steps. Following a simple instruction, you will receive beautiful picture. Here's how to draw a butterfly with a pencil step by step (instruction for beginners):

  1. Draw a straight line in the center of the length of the body of the insect.
  2. From above, draw a circle that will serve as the head, and from it, on both sides of the straight line, make 2 wavy ones - they are the body of the insect. From the circle up symmetrically draw 2 smooth lines with curls at the ends - these are the antennae.
  3. Construct a rectangle, in the center of which will be the previously drawn straight line. Draw diagonals and center lines inside, and divide the bottom side into 12 parts. Count from both sides in 2 parts and connect these points with top corners- get a trapezoid.
  4. Place the upper wings in the 2 upper rectangles, placing them diagonally, while the side edge should coincide with the side of the trapezoid.
  5. Having chosen the shape of the lower wings, for example, in the form of a rose or a drop, draw them according to the same principle as the upper ones.
  6. Erase additional lines with an eraser, draw the contours of the wings at your discretion, and sketch symmetrical veins inside them.
  7. Outline the finished painting.


The picture can be left in pencil form or continue to paint with watercolors. To do this, you will need several tools:

  • watercolor paper of the desired format, A4 or A3 is enough for a larger picture;
  • jar for water;
  • watercolor paints;
  • palette;
  • squirrel brushes No. 3 and No. 8.

For watercolor drawing you will need a pencil base. To do this, use the instructions above. After completing the picture in pencil, you can start coloring it with watercolors. Here's how to draw a butterfly with paints:

  1. Watercolor drawings have a transparent structure, so erase not only the auxiliary lines with an eraser, but also a little basic so that you can easily distinguish the outline, but at the same time they do not show through the paint.
  2. With a larger brush, fill the wings with blue or any color you like.
  3. Take a smaller brush, dilute with water on the palette brown paint and cover the areas between the veins with it.
  4. In the same technique, fill in the body of the insect.
  5. Cover the head of the insect with brown, and outline the contours of the wings with it.
  6. Use a thin brush to make the antennae.
  7. With translucent brown, make strokes along the contour of the wings so that it looks like villi.
  8. Repeat again on the body of the insect to give it a hairy look.

Photos of butterfly drawings and sketches

It is no secret that many children like to draw bright creatures, creatures and animals, and that is why it will be fun for a child to draw a butterfly. Butterfly, painted with a simple pencil, looks great, but if you paint such a butterfly with paints, then it will become very bright and attractive.

Butterfly Drawing Sequence

I would like to tell you and show you how to draw beautiful butterfly step by step with your child. For beginners, this lesson will not seem difficult, because each stage is described in steps. We will draw in the following sequence:

  • butterfly body
  • upper wings
  • lower wings
  • Patterns on the wings

Well, let's draw a butterfly with a pencil.

Step 1

The first step in drawing a butterfly is very simple - you just need to draw a small line as long as the body of your beautiful butterfly will be.

Step 2

Now around this line we will draw two rounded lines - one is longer, the other is shorter, and on top we will draw a circle that will represent the head of a butterfly. From the head you need to draw beautiful antennae of a butterfly, thanks to which it can navigate in space.

Step 3

You can start drawing the upper wings. They can be any shape you want - both rounded and with sharp ends. It is desirable that they be the same size and shape, otherwise the butterfly pattern will turn out to be asymmetrical.

Step 4

And now draw the lower wings of the butterfly. Usually the lower wings are slightly larger than the upper ones, so if you draw them a little more, it will add realism to the butterfly drawing. Again, the lower wings can be any shape, for example, if you draw the upper wings rounded, then the lower ones can have sharp or straight ends and corners.

Step 5

We remove the very first line so that it does not interfere with us. Now you can fill in the butterfly wings with patterns. Remember that butterfly wings are very delicate and even transparent. The drawings on the wings can be anything, you can draw whatever you want - circles, lines and other patterns. We move from the center of the wings to the edges.

Step 6

We continue to fill the wings with patterns. They may not be the same, so the butterfly will look even more interesting.

Step 7

Step by step we draw patterns to the end of the wings. Now you can move on to the bottom of the butterfly.

Step 8

On the lower wings of the butterfly, I draw very few patterns, and make them more geometric than on the upper ones.

Hooray, we drew a beautiful butterfly in stages! To make her even more beautiful, you can add shadows to her wings, color her with colored pencils or paints in the most unimaginable colors.

As you can see, drawing a butterfly is easy even with a child. Children can come up with any pattern for the butterfly pattern and choose the colors themselves. Hope, step by step lesson drawing was useful to you, and you learned how to draw a butterfly in stages with a pencil.

Hello, friends! Each of us tries to instill in his to kid love for creativity and respect for work. And we do it different ways. For example, we are looking for suitable mugs or we allocate time and deal with the crumbs ourselves. Therefore, today I will give a hint,. Of course, you can help your little one. This joint work will only bring you closer.

The value of home creative lessons

You know, while our crumbs are very small, they are 2-3 years old, or 4 years such classes are essential. This - The best way to get acquainted with colors, shapes and even with those whom we depict in the illustration. IN 5 years the little ones know all this, but they are just interested in drawing. And this is good.

But also in 8 years the creative process can teach. Only the lessons are more serious. For example, it is more accurate to mark the details of the original in order to be able to repeat them. So the baby learns to be attentive.

Today we are with our little one pencil made a butterfly. I will tell you in detail how we did it and show photo our creative process. You can use and repeat after us. But you can search Pictures And video in the Internet.

Master class on the production and animation of pictures

Tools needed for work:

  • simple pencil,
  • colour pencils,
  • eraser,
  • sharpener,
  • ruler,
  • paper,
  • good mood.

And I will show each stage of work clearly with the help of a picture.

  1. We draw a circle. This is the head of a butterfly. We measure its diameter. Body size - 3 head diameters. We draw down the auxiliary line.
  2. Draw an ellipse or oval around the line. This will be the body.
  3. We mark with points the places of the antennae, the beginning of the size of the wings (upper - 2/3 of the body, lower - 1/3). Their span is approximately equal to the length of the body, and lower by 2 cm. We draw auxiliary lines to determine the width of the wings.
  4. step by step draw the upper and lower wings. First we draw arcs.
  5. Then each part of the wing. We finish the bottom ones.
  6. Then the upper wings, antennae and "tail". It remains to wipe all the auxiliary lines and you can proceed to the next step.
  7. Now it's up to the pattern. It can be made arbitrary. You can trust this process to the baby.
  8. We direct each detail with our own color. The main thing is to do everything synchronously on the right and left sides. Also welcome brightness.
  9. Now let the baby do the coloring. I think this is a job for him! He will try to make everything bright, and the wings become especially beautiful.

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Finally, a video on how to draw a butterfly from Fish Whale:

You can diversify your leisure time by drawing. Master's advice will help you learn how to draw beautifully with a pencil. By carefully reading the instructions and following these instructions step by step, anyone, even a novice artist, can easily cope with the task. And the output will be a decent drawing.

Butterfly variety

Scientists today describe about 200 thousand (!) Species of butterflies. Outwardly, they are all very different.

The variety of sizes, body shapes and wings, colors is striking. Nature painted butterflies with amazing imagination, using all sorts of colors, shades and their combinations, strict geometric shapes and intricate patterns. Therefore, the painter can safely turn on the imagination "to the fullest" and paint his butterfly as he pleases. The main thing is colorful and pleasing to the eye!

But there is one important feature that an artist must take into account in order to know how to draw a butterfly beautifully. This is unusual, but absolutely symmetrical in size and identical in color - all patterns are exactly, to the smallest detail, repeated on each wing. Therefore, in the figure, one should try to decorate both wings with the most identical ornaments in shape and color.

How to draw a butterfly step by step with a pencil

We found out that the color of a butterfly is a matter of taste, and given the incredible variety of possible colors, there is no point in teaching this (there are endless examples). Therefore, it is important for the artist first of all to know the pencil. For a novice master, it will be right to study the drawing technique in stages, step by step.

The simplest and the basis of all future drawings is a butterfly with open wings.

We do not insist that the proposed drawing scheme is final. But in the process of mastering the skills of how to draw a butterfly step by step with a pencil, it will certainly give a solid foundation and become a good helper for you.

Step 1 Since both sides of the butterfly are exactly the same, let's turn to the geometry. Let's build a rectangle. Divide the rectangle into parts with lines:

  • a straight line will divide the rectangle equally vertically;
  • when dividing a straight line horizontally, the upper part of the rectangle must be made slightly narrower than the lower one;
  • draw two lines from corner to corner through the intersection point of the horizontal and vertical lines (as shown in the figure).
  • since the horizontal line does not divide the rectangle into 2 equal parts (the upper one is slightly narrower), the diagonal lines will not turn out to be straight, but will be slightly curved.

Step 2. At the base of the drawing we have 4 rectangles. Now we will work with the 2 lower ones. Divide their bases into 6 equal parts. Left and right mark 2/6 parts.

Connect the marked points with a straight line to the corresponding upper corners of the large (main) rectangle (as shown in the figure). We got an inverted trapezoid.

The basis for the lesson on how to draw a butterfly in stages is ready.

Draw the contours of the wings

Step 3. Draw the upper edge of the wings with a curved line from the point of intersection of the vertical and horizontal straight lines of the main rectangle. We form the side edge of the wings along the upper part of the sides of the trapezoid.

We also draw the lower wings of the butterfly with curved lines of the shape we need - in the form of a drop of water, a rose petal, or any other to your taste. You can diversify the ovals of the lower wings with additions in the form of spurs (similar wings with spurs in the swallowtail).

Step 4. Draw the body of the butterfly. To do this, draw a long, very narrow oval between the wings. Let's divide it into 3 sections. The upper section should be slightly thickened - this is the head, the 2 lower parts of the body should be left narrow - this is the abdomen. Draw eyes and antennae. We do not draw the legs, because in this position they are not visible.

Finding out step by step how to draw a butterfly step by step with a pencil, we got to the finish line. From the sketch it is already easy to find out what kind of insect it is. Now our task is to make a full-fledged drawing from a sketch.

Give the butterfly a natural look

Step 5, final. All auxiliary lines are removed with an eraser. The edge of the wings, at the discretion of the artist, can be given a smooth or jagged shape. Draw veins inside the wings (along the entire length) with barely noticeable curved lines. Try to make them symmetrical. Add a light shadow between the wings near the center of the body. Darken the edges of the wings a little.

Add embellishments to the wings. To make them as identical as possible, each element of the pattern is first drawn on one, and then right there on the second wing. If you decorate one wing completely at once, then it is difficult to repeat in detail the virtuoso drawing on the second wing. Feel free to decorate the wings with a variety of geometric shapes, curlicues, squiggles, divorces and lace.


If you did everything according to the instructions, then you should get a butterfly like in the last picture. Now you know how to draw a butterfly step by step with a pencil, and you can experiment with the size, shape and color of this amazing insect. Good luck!

Butterflies are, of course, one of the most beautiful insects that practically cannot leave anyone indifferent. They are quite widespread, so in summer period you can draw from nature a cabbage butterfly or, for example, a peacock eye. Every painter knows how to draw a butterfly, but for novice artists, drawing this graceful insect is often difficult. But in order to succeed, as a rule, it is enough to know the structural features of a particular butterfly, and also try to achieve symmetry in your drawing, that is, so that the right and left parts of the body, including wings, are almost the same. Explaining to a child how to draw a butterfly in stages is not at all difficult - after all, kids love bright and colorful objects and learn to draw this wonderful insect with pleasure.
Before you draw a butterfly with a pencil, and then color it, you need to prepare:
1). A sheet of paper;
2). multi-colored pencils;
3). Pencil;
4). Eraser;
5). A pen is best black gel.

If all the items that were listed just above are ready, then you can draw a butterfly in stages with a pencil, and then color it:
1. Draw a vertical line. Mark the beginning and end of the segment, And then divide it into two approximately equal parts;
2. Focusing on these marks, draw two rectangles, and in their middle outline the body of a butterfly;
3. Draw two large wings in the upper rectangle;
4. In the lower rectangle draw two more wings;
5. Draw the body and head of the butterfly;
6. With light lines, outline the outlines of the pattern on the wings. When learning how to draw a butterfly, remember that each variety is characterized by a certain color and pattern on the wings. IN this case this is a peacock butterfly;
7. Outline the sketch with a pen;
8. After erasing the extra lines with an eraser, start coloring the image. First, paint over the head and body of the butterfly, using, in addition to a black pencil, red-brown and light brown shades;
9. With a black pencil, draw a pattern on the upper wings;
10. With pencils in yellow, brown and black tones, paint over the edges of the upper wings;
11. After adding a blue pencil, continue to work on coloring the upper wings of the insect;