What do you need to recover documents.  What to do if documents are lost

And paperwork for the car. The legal system takes into account this opportunity. What to do. if you lost the documents for the car? How to recover lost documents for a car? We will talk about this in more detail later in our article.

As follows from clause 2.1.1 of the Rules traffic, the driver must carry the registration document with him and hand it over to the police for verification at their request. His absence entails administrative responsibility and the detention of the car. If the documents for the car are lost, it is recommended to follow the algorithm below.

Documents receiving

According to the rules, the time allotted for the completion of registration actions is no more than 60 minutes. This rule is valid when the documents for the car are lost. State registration marks do not change. Lost registration certificate ( technical certificate, vehicle ticket) is replaced with a new one.

Instead of a vehicle passport, if the documents for the car are lost, a new one is issued. In the "Special Marks" field, an entry is made about the details of the lost passport (number, date of issue, data of the customs authority that issued it, registration unit, etc.). Such an entry is certified by the signature of the official, as well as the seal of the traffic police unit.

Today we’ll talk about what to do if you lost your car documents.

Lost STS

To restore a vehicle registration certificate, you need to come to any convenient traffic police department with a PTS and a passport, fill out a standard application for a new STS, pay the state duty, wait about half an hour and get a new certificate. The state duty for issuing a STS is 500 rubles. Another 350 rubles must be paid for making changes to the TCP. Until January 1, 2019, you can save 30% if you pay duties through the public services portal.

Lost pts

In case of loss of the Title, you need, as in the previous case, to pay a state duty in the amount of eight hundred rubles for issuing a duplicate of the Title (through the public services website with a 30% discount), take your passport and a sales contract with you, come to any convenient traffic police department, write an application for the issuance of a title to replace the lost one and receive it.

Here, however, there will be one nuance. The issued TCP will be stamped “Duplicate” with the note “instead of the lost one”. There is nothing wrong with this for you, but when you start selling a car, some will look at you with caution. The fact is that there are several fraudulent schemes with duplicate titles and people are wary of buying such cars. Especially the relatively new ones.

Lost CTP policy

It's not at all scary. You just need to come to the office of your insurance company, show the documents for the car (if they are lost, then you first need to restore them, and then the OSAGO policy) and your passport. After verification, you will be issued a new policy absolutely free of charge.

Lost diagnostic card

Strictly speaking, the diagnostic card can not even be restored. Well, or at least do not rush to restore it, because the database of the insurance company contains information that the car passed a technical inspection, so you will be given an OSAGO policy without it. And the traffic police inspectors do not need to present a diagnostic card.

However, if you still want to get confused, come to any organization authorized to conduct a technical inspection and write an application for a duplicate diagnostic card. They must be issued immediately (the law says “on the day of application”). The cost of the service may differ, but it should not be more than one tenth of the maximum amount of the technical inspection fee established by the authorized body state power subject Russian Federation. Or, to put it simply, if the inspection costs 800 rubles, you should not be charged more than 80 rubles for issuing a duplicate.

Lost driver's license

Everything is a little more complicated here. It is usually impossible to get a new certificate on the same day. Therefore, the driver is issued a temporary permit for a period of one month during the restoration of the document. If necessary, it can be extended or get a new one for another month.

Although there are traffic police departments where new rights are ready to be issued almost immediately. You need to be prepared for both situations.

So, we go to any traffic police department. We take a passport with us or, for example, a military ID and a receipt for payment of state duty. The state duty is 2000 rubles. Or, if you pay through the public services portal, 1400 rubles (30% discount). In the traffic police department, we write a corresponding application.

From January 1, 2016, to replace the rights, you can contact not only the traffic police, but also the MFC. Medical help is not needed. But it should be borne in mind that a duplicate of the rights will be issued for the remaining period of validity of the lost driver's license. That is, if you have lost your rights today, and only a year is left before their expiration date, it makes sense to take a medical certificate with you so that you will be given rights valid for 10 years, and not for a year.


If you have not lost your documents, but they have been stolen from you (this is especially true for the TCP), you need to contact the police with a statement about the theft. True, in this case, the issuance of a duplicate may be delayed until the closure of the criminal case on the fact of theft.

One more nuance. If you have lost documents, it is better to leave the car at home while they are being restored. Otherwise, the inspector will not only fine you for “driving a vehicle by a driver who does not have registration documents for the vehicle” for 500 rubles, but will also have the right to detain the car and then move it to a special parking lot.

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Opening a car is a common and unpleasant incident. Quite often, documents are also taken out of the car, which becomes a real tragedy for the car owner. Dear car owners, do not leave your driver's license and registration certificate in the car. But, if it so happened that you lost the documents on the car, we will tell you what needs to be done to restore them.

How to recover documents for a car. The first reaction is what to do?

Most people keep all documents in one place: vehicle registration certificate, driver's license and CASCO policy. And if there was money along with the documents, then you can immediately forget about them. The disappearance of money is nothing compared to the torment that you will experience.

Without documents, you can drive to the first stop by the traffic police. From the car you will only have the TCP, hidden somewhere at home, but you can’t drive with it. Such a ride will end with a parking fine. For a motorist, this is a form of mockery.


You can immediately visit the police station and write a statement about the LOSS of documents. Let's see why the word "theft" should not be used in any case. If you report the theft, then the police will open a criminal case. This is bad, because at first they will be searched for several months and may not be found.

Return of documents

In most cases, the car owner is contacted and offered to return the documents for a financial reward. You will be told that the documents were lying on the road and they were picked up. The cost of documents is equated to several thousand rubles.

How to restore documents for a car - restore a TCP passport

Contact the traffic police department for recovery. Take your OSAGO policy, your passport and STS with you. Even if the registration certificate is lost, you will receive a new one.

You do not need to drive the car to the traffic police on the observation deck. However, if the car is old, then the employees can check the numbered units, which will help to avoid errors when issuing a duplicate passport. This procedure can be compared with the setting and removal of a car from the register.

For replacing the vehicle passport, you will be required to pay 500 rubles, and for issuing a duplicate of the STS - another 300. If you want to immediately deregister the car with restoration, then 500 rubles are paid for a duplicate of the TCP, as well as 100 rubles for deregistration.

Together with your passport, you must provide a certificate of termination of the criminal investigation into the theft of documents. If you just lost documents, then on reverse side statements of the traffic police, write the phrase “passport of the vehicle was lost under unknown circumstances. The fact of theft is excluded. Number and signature. As a result, you will receive a new STS and a new TCP, but marked "DUPLICATED".

How to restore documents for a car - application and explanatory

These documents must be drawn up in MREO:

  • Explanatory note. The form is issued by an employee of MREO. You need to write that you have lost your TCP. Do not write that it was stolen, otherwise you will be required to provide a certificate of termination of the criminal investigation into the theft of documents. Remember, they are lost under circumstances unknown to you.
  • Application for the loss of PTS. It must be written on a standard form, which will be provided to you by the MREO employee. In the application you need to specify the data from your passport and title.

How to recover documents on a car - recovery rules

Most car owners who are trying to recover documents for a car try to speed up this process by any means by contacting third-party companies. Please note that this can cause not only additional costs, but also serious problems with the law. When restoring documents, take into account the following rules:

  • Always check the information received from employees of any organizations.
  • In no case do not contact offices where they promise you to restore documents in 1 day.
  • Work only with government organizations and institutions.
  • Do not transfer your documents through third parties.
  • Don't rush things. Re-registration and issuance of new documents is a lengthy and complex process.

We hope that our article will help you recover documents for your car safely and quickly. Remember the main thing, any business needs time and effort. Treat the recovery process with some patience and understanding.

It happens even to the most attentive. Someone left a bag in the transport, someone did not notice a hole in his pocket, and someone washed his passport with clothes ... The main thing here is not to lose heart. Moreover, there is this material - a guide for those who are in a difficult situation. Follow the instructions and the documents will be restored.

What to do if your passport is lost

Let's assume that the bag in which there were all important documents, including the passport, was gone. How to start the recovery of papers? First of all, you need to get a passport. Since without it it will not be possible to obtain other documents (for example, a bank card or a driver's license).

If the passport was stolen, then first contact the police department, which is closest to the place of theft. Based on your application, a criminal case will be initiated.

Ask for a copy of the decision to initiate proceedings and the decision to recognize you as a victim. In addition, you will need a free-form certificate stating that the passport has been stolen and an investigation is underway.

If the passport was lost (and not stolen), then you must immediately contact the Federal migration service. True, in this case, the employees of this department will issue a receipt for a fine in the amount of 100 to 300 rubles.

The application to the migration service must be accompanied by a birth certificate or any other identity document, two photographs 35x45 mm in size (color or black and white). Next, you will be given a receipt, according to which you will pay the state duty in the amount of 500 rubles. By the way, you may not have to go to the bank. Indeed, in some branches of the FMS there are now terminals through which you can pay any duties and fines.

After submitting all the documents to the migration service, you will receive a temporary identity card in the form No. 2P. Himself new passport will be given to you later.

What to do if you discover that your bank card is missing

Having found out that the bank card is gone, immediately call the bank that issued it. You will be asked for passport data and a control word. After that the card will be blocked. By the way, you can do this at any time of the day or night. An alternative option is to block the card via the Internet (if you use Internet banking). This can be done around the clock.

After that, you need to write a statement about the loss and reissue of the card to the branch of the bank where the account is maintained. After some time you will get new map. Usually it is done in five to ten business days. But an accelerated reissue is also possible - it all depends on the bank's tariffs and the type of card. Of course, you can also contact another branch of the bank (for example, closer to home or work). But then there is a risk that you will receive a new card a little later than if you applied directly to where your account is opened.

What to do if the pension certificate is lost

FROM pension certificate everything is pretty simple. You can restore such a document through the employer. Just submit an application for a duplicate issuance to the accounting department insurance certificate in the form No. ADV-3 (given in the resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 2006 No. 192p). The accounting department will do the rest.

If you do not work or decide to quit, then go with your passport to the office pension fund at the place of residence. Foundation employee for computer base check to see if you have received a certificate before and give you a questionnaire. You may not even have to fill it out - all your data will already be indicated there, and you will only sign the document. You do not need to pay any fines or fees. Whether your certificate was stolen or you yourself lost it does not matter.

What to do if a medical policy is lost

In case of loss of the compulsory health insurance policy, contact the personnel department or the accounting department. They will tell you how to write an application. After the paper is drawn up, after some time you will receive a new policy.

By the way, from May 2011, uniform policies for the whole of Russia will begin to operate.

From that moment on, employers will no longer deal with issues of compulsory medical insurance. Accordingly, you will have to restore the policies yourself.

What to do if a certificate with a TIN is missing

Finding out your taxpayer identification number (in the event of a lost certificate) is not difficult at all. To do this, you just need to go to the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (www.nalog.ru) in the "Find out the TIN" section. After you fill in the personal data and click "Submit Request", your identification number will appear.

If you need a paper certificate of tax registration, then everything is somewhat more complicated. In the inspection at the place of residence will have to fill out an application. It is necessary to attach a copy of the passport to it, at the same time presenting its original, and a receipt for payment of the state duty in the amount of 200 rubles. After five working days, you will be issued a new certificate.

If you want to speed up the process, then the fee will be 400 rubles. But the certificate will be ready on the same day. Note that the TIN will remain the same in any case.