MHC China India test. MHK test "artistic culture of China"

1. Pagoda is:

A) a mausoleum

B) residential building

C) a memorial tower.

A) a two-story building;

B) pavilion;

B) pagoda

A) treasured;

B) lost;

B) forbidden.

A) Deng Xiaoping

B) Qin Shi Huang

B) Sim Can

A) rivers - streams;

B) mountains - water

C) seas - oceans.

Test on the topic: "Artistic culture of China"

1. Pagoda is:

A) a mausoleum

B) residential building

C) a memorial tower.

2. The main form of religious and residential buildings in China is:

A) a two-story building;

B) pavilion;

B) pagoda

3. What is the name of one of the last cities built for the Chinese emperors?

A) treasured;

B) lost;

B) forbidden.

4. During the time of which emperor was the construction of the Great Wall of China laid?

A) Deng Xiaoping

B) Qin Shi Huang

B) Sim Can

5. One of the genres of Chinese painting is called:

A) rivers - streams;

B) mountains - water

C) seas - oceans.

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MHK grade 10

1. What not is a world religion?

a) Islam b) Buddhism c) Confucianism

2. world religion originated in India...

a) Taoism b) paganism c) Buddhism

3. What is the name of the state of enlightenment, detachment from earthly

passions, the achievement of a higher order absolute in Buddhism?

a) stupa b) yakshini c) nirvana

4. What country is called the Middle Kingdom?

a) India b) China c) Japan

5. Which country is called Country rising sun?

a) India b) China c) Japan

6. The civilization of India has

a) more than 5 thousand years

b) more than 6 thousand years

c) more than 7 thousand years

7. In Indian culture, all rituals, teachings, scientific knowledge, folklore,

mythology collected in ...

a) in the Bible

b) in the Vedas

c) in the Quran

8. Translated from Arabic, "Quran" means

a) reading together

b) reading together

c) reading aloud

9. How is the word "Islam" literally translated?

a) obedience

b) greatness

c) teaching

10. The only god of Muslims

a) Buddha

b) Vishnu

c) Allah

11. What not was center of attention of medieval masters of China and


a) nature

b) religious and philosophical currents

in) historical events

12. Match the names of countries and their distinctive features

13. Match the names of the gods with their image and essence

a) Keeper of the world from evil forces, holder

cosmic order; embodied in the form

beautiful young man, refined and kind.

2) Vishnu

b) The king of destructive and at the same time

creative energy - appears

dancing, while his hands (from 2 to 10)

writhe in the rhythm of the cosmic cycle


3) Shiva

c) God of life-giving light; portrayed since 4

heads facing the 4 cardinal directions,

and 4 hands.

14. Buddhist monasteries were built

a) in the center of noisy cities

b) along the edges of the carriageways

c) on the tops of mountains, in hard-to-reach places

15. main view art in China

a) architecture

b) painting

to the theatre

16. What country is it in golden pavilion ?

a) China b) Japan c) India

17. What is mortar ?

a) burial mound

b) a place for prostration

c) cave temple for prayer

18. What is the purpose of taj mahal ?

a) a madrasah b) a mausoleum c) a mosque

19. Pagoda is ...

a) a memorial tower erected in honor of the deeds of famous

of people

b) a medieval Chinese monastery

c) a medieval Chinese house

20. For what purpose did the ancient Chinese build Chinese wall?

a) wind protection

b) architectural decoration

c) protection from nomadic raids

21. The main form of religious and residential buildings in China and Japan


a) pavilion

b) pagoda

c) a monastery

22. The main purpose of Japanese gardens is ...

a) contemplation of nature, philosophical self-solitude

b) place of entertainment

c) meeting place

23. Netsuke is ...

a) Japanese engraving

b) miniature Japanese sculpture

c) type of Japanese jewelry technology

24. Which of the following not refers to the peculiarities of Chinese

landscape painting?

a) symbolism

b) painting from nature

c) monochrome

25. landscape painting Chinese "shan shui" means

a) mountain birds

b) bird-fish

c) mountains-waters

26. The phenomenon of artistic culture, philosophy, religious knowledge

in Japan - …

a) tea ceremony

b) garden

c) palace complexes

27. In what culture is it common Kufic script ?

a) Chinese b) Arabic c) Indian

28. Choose the main value of Arabic calligraphy

a) speed and quantity of writing

b) quality, "cleanliness of writing"

c) literacy

29. The Indians claim that this instrument is the goddess of eloquence,

patronizing science and art gave the human voice

a) sitar

b) harp

c) fault

30. One of the most significant phenomena in fine arts

is engraving ukiyo-e . It embodied bright and original

traits national art

a) China

b) Japan

in India

31. "Music for the eyes" is called ...

a) oriental ornament

b) Arabic calligraphy

c) handwritten Arabic books

Answer the questions in words

32. What is the second name of Islam?

33. What is the name of the main holy book Muslims?

34. The holy city of Muslims, facing which Muslims pray

worldwide, - …

35. In which country are saris worn?

36. What religion forbids depicting living beings?

37. Choose the odd one in the row: porcelain, compass, gunpowder, fractions, paper.

38. Add titles historical monuments

a) Terracotta...

b) Forbidden ... in Beijing

c) … Sky in Beijing

Test on the topic "Artistic culture of the countries of the East" MHK grade 10


"Painting of China" - Li Po's portrait is a generalized image-symbol. Many symbols, often incomprehensible to a European. I love the monotonous dream in the creations of Chinese artists. Medieval period reached a brilliant flowering Chinese art. Chinese masters have managed to embody the poetic beauty of nature. Ma Yuan. Li Qingzhao. Chinese artists conveyed not so much the outlines of mountains.

"Architecture of Ancient China" - Landscape art. Cogs and road. Huanghe. every Chinese city. Territory. Architecture. Ancient Chinese. Pagodas. Yellow River. Dayant. The great Wall of China. River nutrition. Temples in Beijing. Ancient China. A building that has always stood alone. Yangtze. Round terraces of the altar. Forbidden city.

"The Artistic Culture of Ancient China" - Masters. Confucius. It was believed that everything that a person had during his life, he must have after death. Teachings of Lao Tzu. Ancient Chinese traditional orchestra. Which, according to Confucius, is a means of education. Doctrine. Copies of houses. China. Lao Tzu. control test. Path. Music of ancient China.

"Myths of China" - Questions: the god of war, the god of wealth, and also the patron of officials. Zhong Kui. myths Ancient China. Guandi. Huangdi. 2. God of war and wealth? Yu became the first emperor of the mythical Xia Dynasty. in ancient Chinese mythology, a female deity in the form of a half-woman, half-snake. Basxian. in late Chinese mythology, the lord of demons.

"Culture of Ancient China" - A huge number of precious items. Lacquer cup with lid. bronze item. The formal education system was started. Zhou and Zhangguo periods. Foot deformity. Architecture. Ceramic tripod. Clay model of a multi-storey building. Ritual vessel "gui". Underworld.

"The Great Theater of China" - The huge dome of the largest theater in the world made of titanium and glass rests in the middle of a shallow pond. Most Grand Theatre peace. The longest bridge in the world is just being built in China, and the largest theater in the world is already built in China and officially opened in 2007. Theater architecture. Scales. The smallest of the three theater Hall completely sheathed on the inside with silk: stripes of red, purple and orange.

Test on the topic "Artistic culture of the countries of the East"
MHK grade 10

1. What is not a world religion?
a) Islam b) Buddhism c) Confucianism

2. World religion that originated in India -
a) Taoism b) paganism c) Buddhism

3. What is the name of the state of enlightenment, detachment from earthly
passions, the achievement of the highest order of the absolute in Buddhism?
a) stupa b) yakshini c) nirvana

4. What country is called the Middle Kingdom?
a) India b) China c) Japan

5. What country is called the Land of the Rising Sun?
a) India b) China c) Japan

6. The civilization of India has
a) more than 5 thousand years
b) more than 6 thousand years
c) more than 7 thousand years

7. In Indian culture, all rituals, teachings, scientific knowledge, folklore,
mythology collected in
a) in the Bible
b) in the Vedas
c) in the Quran

8. Translated from Arabic, "Quran" means
a) reading together
b) reading together
c) reading aloud

9. How is the word "Islam" literally translated?
a) obedience
b) greatness
c) teaching

10. The only god of Muslims
a) Buddha
b) Vishnu
c) Allah

11. What was not the focus of attention of the medieval masters of China and
a) nature
b) religious and philosophical currents
c) historical events

12. Match the names of countries and their distinctive features

1) India
a) Tibet, Huang He, pagoda, Confucius

2) China
b) kimono, samurai, ikebana, tanka and haiku

3) Japan
c) Taj Mahal, Ganges, Mahabharata, stupa

13. Match the names of the gods with their image and essence

1) Brahma
a) Keeper of the world from evil forces, holder
cosmic order; embodied in the form
beautiful young man, refined and kind.

2) Vishnu
b) The king of destructive and at the same time
creative energy - appears
dancing, while his hands (from 2 to 10)
writhe in the rhythm of the cosmic cycle

3) Shiva
c) God of life-giving light; portrayed since 4
heads facing the 4 cardinal directions,
and 4 hands.

14. Buddhist monasteries were built
a) in the center of noisy cities
b) along the edges of the carriageways
c) on the tops of mountains, in hard-to-reach places

15. The main art form in China
a) architecture
b) painting
to the theatre

16. In which country is the golden pavilion located?
a) China b) Japan c) India

17. What is a stupa?
a) burial mound
b) a place for prostration
c) cave temple for prayer

18. What is the purpose of the Taj Mahal?
a) a madrasah b) a mausoleum c) a mosque

19. Pagoda is

a) a memorial tower erected in honor of the deeds of famous
of people
b) a medieval Chinese monastery
c) a medieval Chinese house

20. For what purpose did the ancient Chinese build the Chinese Wall?
a) wind protection
b) architectural decoration
c) protection from nomadic raids

21. The main form of religious and residential buildings in China and Japan
a) pavilion
b) pagoda
c) a monastery

22. The main purpose of Japanese gardens is
a) contemplation of nature, philosophical self-solitude
b) place of entertainment
c) meeting place

23. Netsuke is
a) Japanese engraving
b) miniature Japanese sculpture
c) type of Japanese jewelry technology

24. Which of the following is not a feature of Chinese
landscape painting?
a) symbolism
b) painting from nature
c) monochrome

25. Chinese landscape painting "shan shui" means
a) mountain birds
b) bird-fish
c) mountains-waters

26. The phenomenon of artistic culture, philosophy, religious knowledge
in Japan -
a) tea ceremony
b) garden
c) palace complexes

27. In what culture is the Kufic script common?
a) Chinese b) Arabic c) Indian

28. Choose the main value of Arabic calligraphy
a) speed and quantity of writing
b) quality, "cleanliness of writing"
c) literacy

29. The Indians claim that this instrument is the goddess of eloquence,
patronizing science and art gave the human voice
a) sitar
b) harp
c) fault

30. One of the most significant phenomena in the visual arts
is an ukiyo-e print. It embodied bright and original
features of national art
a) China
b) Japan
in India

31. "Music for the eyes" is called
a) oriental ornament
b) Arabic calligraphy
c) handwritten Arabic books

Answer the questions in words
32. What is the second name of Islam?

33. What is the name of the main holy book of Muslims?

34. The holy city of Muslims, facing which Muslims pray
worldwide, -

35. In which country are saris worn?

36. What religion forbids depicting living beings?

37. Choose the odd one in the row: porcelain, compass, gunpowder, fractions, paper.

38. Add the names of historical monuments
a) Terracotta
b) Forbidden in Beijing
c) Heaven in Beijing

Test on the topic "Artistic culture of the countries of the East" MHK Grade 10












1 in

2 a

3 b

1 in

2 a

3 b


a - army (army)

B - city

When did hieroglyphic writing appear in China? How many characters should a modern educated Chinese know?

What is the place of calligraphy and philosophy in Chinese art?

What is Chinese painting? What are its schools and genres?

What are the laws of Chinese painting?

Why and how did Chinese painting fulfill the tasks of moral perfection of the individual?

What place did music and theater play in Chinese culture?

/7, pp. 260-269/; /15, pp. 235-237/; /22, p.329-335/; / 6 , p.143-151/.

4.2.4 Message topics

    Confucius is the founder of the first major religion in China.

    Chinese poetry.

    Chinese holidays.

    Chinese Great Wall.

    Features of Chinese painting.

    Peking Opera.

    Traditional Chinese medicine.

Control tests

1. A characteristic feature of Chinese culture is…

a) the desire for change and progress;

b) the fundamental impossibility of social advancement;

c) the desire for constancy and stability;

d) the dominance of one religion.

2. The concept that the Buddha introduced into his teaching is called ...

a) samsara;

c) reincarnation;

d) nirvana.

3. The main principle of Taoism is ...

a) the principle of non-action;

b) the principle of the rule of law;

c) the principle of punishments and rewards;

d) the principle of an ideal state.

4. “The country of wise men” was called in ancient times…

b) Greece;

d) India.

5. The essence of "oriental despotism" is ...

a) in the dominance of traditions, rituals;

b) in the dominance of one religion;

c) in the denial of individual freedom, the freedom of the individual;

d) rejection of progress, rejection of change.

6. The basis of __________ culture is the postulate that the meaning of human life is to solve the riddle of being, to get out of the wheel of births, to stop the path of suffering.

a) Chinese;

b) Antique;

c) Indian;

d) Russian.

7. A symbol of Eastern culture is a man ...

b) in a boat without oars;

c) the blacksmith of his own happiness;

8. A characteristic feature of Indian culture is ...

a) high social mobility;

b) extraordinary musicality and danceability;

c) monotheism;

d) religious intolerance.

9. The concept of "avatar" in Indian culture means ...

a) the doctrine of rituals and ceremonies;

b) respect for the son;

c) the doctrine of the incarnation of the gods;

d) a kind of yoga.

10. Confucius believed that the state should be arranged on the principles ...

a) the despotic power of the ruler;

b) a large patriarchal Chinese family;

c) democracy;

d) harsh exploitation of the population.

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When and where did Islam originate? What are its origins?

Name and describe the main tenets of Islam. What is the essence of Islamic doctrine?

List the pillars or commandments of Islam. What impact did they have on the daily life of Muslims?

How did Islam influence the way of life, manners and customs of Muslim peoples? Name specific examples

What is the role of the family in Islamic culture? What are the principles and norms for regulating family relations?

Describe the main Muslim holidays.

Who are Shiites and Sunnis? Tell me about the Sufis?

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