Online test in foreign literature. Foreign Literature Test

History test The political system of the USSR in the 30s of the XX century for 9th grade students with answers. The test includes 2 options, each option has 7 tasks.

1 option

1. What was one of the results of the transformation of the Bolshevik Party in the 1920s and 1930s?

1) approval in the party of democratic principles of leadership
2) exclusion from the party program of the thesis about the possibility of building communism
3) transition to a multi-party system
4) merging of the party and state apparatus

2. What event triggered the mass repressions in the mid-1930s?

1) the murder of L.D. Trotsky
2) Kronstadt rebellion
3) the murder of S.M. Kirov
4) a peasant uprising led by A.S. Antonova

3. Which of the following characterizes the internal party situation in the CPSU(b) in the late 1930s?

1) the existence of opposition groups within the party
2) greater independence of local party organizations
3) an exclusively collective solution of the most important questions facing the party
4) the personality cult of the party leader

4. Which of the following refers to the consequences of the "great terror" of the 1930s?

1) prohibition of the activities of mass public organizations
2) rejection of the thesis about the possibility of building socialism in one country
3) grain procurement crisis
4) strengthening the atmosphere of fear in society, the search for enemies

5. to the Soviet state system late 1930s refers to the concept

1) Supreme Council
2) Congress of People's Deputies
3) State Council
4) Council of Ministers


“The first major trial of the late 1920s. over representatives of the scientific and technical intelligentsia, accused of sabotage and sabotage in the coal industry, received the name __________ case in history.

7. List at least two changes that occurred in national politics in the 1930s. in comparison with the former national policy of the Soviet state.

Option 2

1. Which of the following refers to the consequences of the victory of I.V. Stalin in the internal party struggle?

1) approval of intra-party democracy
2) criticism from the leadership of the Leninist legacy
3) split the party into Bolsheviks and Mensheviks
4) the establishment of a cult of personality in the party and the country

2. Which of the listed leaders of the Communist Party died during the Great Terror of 1937-1938?

1) A.I. Mikoyan
2) L.M. Kaganovich
3) N.I. Bukharin
4) M.I. Kalinin

3. To the Soviet state system of the 1930s. refers to the concept

2) Cheka
3) Congress of People's Deputies
4) Council of Ministers

4. One of the consequences of the mass repressions of the 1930s. - This

1) the growth of civic activity of the population
2) mass resistance to terror
3) the formation of people's readiness for submission
4) exclusion from the Constitution of the USSR of 1936 provisions on the rights and freedoms of the individual

5. Which of the following characterizes the situation in the USSR in the 1930s?

1) the existence of legal opposition to the Communist Party
2) freedom of the media, no censorship
3) party control over the spheres of education, science and culture
4) separation of the state apparatus from the party

6. Write down the word (term) in question.

“Considered a reserve of the Communist Party, the organization that united young people from the age of 14 had the abbreviation (abbreviated name) - __________.”

7. Indicate at least two differences between the Constitution of the USSR of 1936 and the former Soviet constitution.

Answers to the history test The political system of the USSR in the 30s of the XX century
1 option
7. Possible answers
- an attack on the Muslim religion
- the course for development was curtailed national languages And national cultures
- replacement of the national leadership with proteges from the Center, Russians by origin
Option 2
7. Possible answers
- a statement about the construction of socialism in the USSR
- Establishment of equality of political rights of citizens of the USSR
— expansion of rights and freedoms
- establishment of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR as the highest governing body

Verification test

Option I

1. The 10th All-Russian Congress of Soviets was held

A) March 1921

B) in December 1922

B) November 1923

2. The first step towards the NEP was the decision:

A) on the replacement of the surplus tax with a tax in kind

B) about freedom of trade

3. The position of General Secretary in the Party was held by:

4. The features of the NEP do not include:

A) free trade

B) nationalization of banks

C) transfer of enterprises to self-financing

5. On the issue of creating a unified Soviet state, Stalin proposed:

B) federation plan

B) autonomy plan

6. The USSR was formed:

7. The USSR originally included:

A) Russia, Belarus, Ukraine

B) Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia

C) Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan

8. First Five Year Plan:

A) was overdone

B) has been completed

B) was not completed

9. The reaction of the peasants to the complete collectivization ~ This:

A) mass voluntary enrollment in collective farms

B) mass action against Soviet power

C) exodus to the northern and eastern parts of the country

10. The result of dispossession was:

A) massive famine and pestilence of the people

Criteria for evaluation:

"5" - 10 correct answers

"4" - 7-9 correct answers

"Z" - 5-7 correct answers

"2" -< 5 правильных ответов

Sample answers:

1. B) 5. C) 9. B)

2. A) 6. B) 10. A)

Verification test

on the topic: "Russia in the 20-30s" (a - 2)

option P

/. Find the correct sentence:

A) One of the most likely successors to Lenin's power in the party at the beginning. 20s

was considered

B) The main struggle for political leadership in the party in the beginning. 20s unfolded

B) At the beginning 20s increased role in the party

2. Find the features of the NEP (group A) and the features of "war communism" (group B):

A) surplus

B) free trade

D) universal labor duty

D) nationalization of industry

E) the introduction of cost accounting

G) replacement of the surplus with a tax in kind

3. The policy of the NEP assumed:

B) gradual transition to a bourgeois state

C) the Bolsheviks gave up power

4. Combine the terms and their definition:

A) an autonomization plan 1) a plan to create a union of states that preserve

independence, but having all-union authorities,

foreign policy, army and navy.

B) a federation plan 2) a plan to create a single state with a strong center and

subordinate republics that are part of the RSFSR

on the rights of autonomy

5. Principles of equality, voluntary entry and freedom of exit of republics

characteristic for:

A) autonomy

B) federations

6. Lenin in his "Letter to the Congress" suggested:

A) keep Stalin as General Secretary

B) remove Stalin from the post of General Secretary

C) expel Stalin from the party for rudeness and intolerance

7. Real power in the USSR created in 1922:

A) belonged to the republics

B) belonged to the center

C) was evenly distributed between the center and the republics

8. The progress of dispossession offered:

A) agitation of the kulaks for joining the collective farms

B) confiscation of property and expulsion of kulaks

C) the transfer of part of the lands of the kulaks to the state

9. One of the main objectives of the first five-year plan:

A) overtake the United States in terms of output

B) turn the country into an industrial-agrarian

B) move to a market economy

10. By the beginning of the 30s. in the USSR, a course was taken for:

A) accelerated development of the socialist economy

C) accelerated development of a market economy

Criteria for evaluation:

"5" - 16-17 correct answers

"4" - 13-15 correct answers

"Z" - 10-13 correct answers

"2" -< 10 правильных ответов

Sample answers:

1. C) 5. B) 9. A)

2. A) c, f, g B) a, b, d. B) 10. A)

Test on the topic "The political system of the USSR in the 20-30s"

1. One-party politic system in the country was approved in a) 1917 b) 1918 c) 1921 d) 1923
2. During what period does the struggle for power unfold in the Bolshevik Party? a) 1923-1928 b) 1924-1930 c) 1925-1933 d) 1927-1939
3. In what year was the Gulag system formed? a) 1925 b) 1927 c) 1930 d) 1933
4. The concept of building socialism in one single country was put forward a) N.I. Bukharin b) L. Trotsky c) I.V. Stalin d) V.I. Lenin
5. What refers to 1934? a) the adoption of a new constitution b) the murder of S.M. Kirov c) the introduction of the death penalty d) "the case of doctors"
6. From 1930 to 1953 was sentenced to death a) 300 thousand people b) 400 thousand people. c) 500 thousand people. d) at least 800 thousand people.
7. In the early 20s, serious political decisions were madea) chairman of the Council of People's Commissarsb) Central Committee of the RCP (b)c) Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP(b)d) Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP(b)
8. Match Date to Event


9. Match the term and definition


1) an international organization that united the communist parties of various countries in 1919-1943;2) punishment, a punitive measure applied by state bodies in order to protect and preserve the existing order;3) social process opposite to the revolution; 4) head of some highly centralized non-democratic (totalitarian or authoritarian) states and parties;5) the form of exercising state power, in which all the fullness of state power belongs to only one political position, belonging either to one person; 6) military, political or economic interference by one or more states in the internal affairs of another state that violates its sovereignty;7) a set of measures aimed at bringing armed forces and state infrastructure to martial law due to emergency in it or in the world;8) appeal or appeal in a concise form, expressing the guiding idea, requirement;9) intentional disruption or disruption of work while maintaining the appearance of its observance;10) intimidation of their political opponents or the population, expressed in physical violence, up to and including destruction. For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

10. Match Date to Event


For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.
11. Establish a correspondence between the name of a politician and his statement

Political figure

1) “...Physical impact is allowed as an exception, and, moreover, only in relation to such obvious enemies of the people who, using the humane method of interrogation, brazenly refuse to extradite the conspirators, do not testify for months, try to slow down the exposure of the conspirators remaining at will, - therefore, continue the fight with Soviet power.2) “We have many parties. But unlike abroad, we have one party in power, and the rest are in prison.”3) “Get rich, develop your economy and do not worry that you will be squeezed. We must strive to ensure that the poor among us disappear as quickly as possible, cease to be poor ... "4) “Comrade Stalin, having become General Secretary, has concentrated immense power in his hands, and I’m not sure whether he will always be able to use this power with sufficient caution ...” For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.
12. Establish a correspondence between the stage of political struggle and its manifestation

Stage of political struggle

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.
12. Arrange in chronological order the time of eventsA) adoption of the constitution B) X Congress of the RCP (b) C) the trial of the Social RevolutionariesD) approval of a one-party systemE) the death of V.I. LeninE) the murder of S.M. Kirov
13. Name the main opponents of I.V. Stalin in the struggle for power 1) V.I. Lenin 2) F.E. Dzerzhinsky 3) L.D. Trotsky 4) G.E. Zinoviev 5) S.M. Budyonny 6) L.B. Kamenev 7) M.N. Tukhachevsky 8) N.I. Bukharin Answer: _________________
14. What are the provisions that reflect the causes of the internal political struggle for power in the 20s1) personal rivalry of political leaders for power in the party and the country2) difference of views on the path of development of the USSR3) pressure from the masses4) dissatisfaction with the results of the civil war5) lack of legal opposition6) dissatisfaction with the results of the revolution Answer: _________________
15. Name the provisions that are features of a totalitarian regime1) democratic freedoms2) mass repression3) strict censorship4) ideological pluralism5) cult of personality6) multi-party system Answer: _________________

1. d 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. b 6 d 7. b 8.

13. 3,4,7,8 14. 1,2,5 15. 2,3,5.


"Soviet Russia - the USSR in the 20-30s".

1. A hired worker in the countryside is




2. In what year was the USSR formed?




3. Insert the missing last name:

“So the cult of one person began to take shape in the country - the cult of personality ____________.”

4. Industrial development at an accelerated pace, the establishment of a large machine

production is

Five-year plan;



5. Insert missing date:

“In __________, it was announced that socialist transformations were to be carried out in the countryside. These transformations meant the creation of collective farms - collective farms and dispossession."

6. When was the new - the second Constitution of the USSR adopted?




7. Arrest, imprisonment, exile without trial is




8. What themes were the main ones in the 20-30s in the art of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics?

Beauty of nature;

Revolution and Civil War;

Love to the animals.

9. Decipher the concept of NEP?

The real era of the party;

New Economic Policy;

Our party screen.

10. Who stood at the head of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) after the death of V.I. Lenin?

I.V. Stalin;

Patriarch Tikhon;

A.N. Rykov.

11. Five-year plan is

Plan for the development of industry and the national economy for 5 years;

Education development plan for 10 years;

Sports development plan for 3 years.

Underline the correct answer.

12. What substance did S.V. Lebedev receive in the laboratory, from which they began to produce rubber wheels for cars?

Synthetic rubber;

Artificial capron;

natural polymer.

13. What was the name of the new Soviet Russia?

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics;

Country of workers and peasants;

Free country.

14. The cult of personality of I.V. Stalin is

Excessive exaltation of one person;

Partial humiliation of one person;

The complete annihilation of one person.

15. Komsomol ticket is

Vacation package;

Direction abroad;

Directing young people to work in industry and construction.

16. Connect with arrows the name of a person with his profession:

L.P. Orlova scientist

M.A. Sholokhov artist

S.V. Lebedev writer

17. What symbols were in Soviet Russia?

Flag and coat of arms;



18. Collective farming is




1. What caused the transition from the policy of "war communism" to the NEP?

1) a deep economic crisis in the country

2) the desire of the Bolsheviks for a world revolution

3) attempts by the landowners and the bourgeoisie to return the pre-revolutionary order

4) the need to adapt the economy to the needs of wartime

1) in expanding the public sector in the economy

2) in creating a mixed economy

3) in the transition to the rule of law

4) in the democratization of all aspects of society

3. NEP includes:

1) universal labor service 3) naturalization of wages

1) the Soviet Constitution was adopted; 3) V.I. Lenin died;

2) the Civil War ended; 4) the USSR was formed

5. The beginning of continuous collectivization was:

1) 1927 2) 1928 3) 1929 4) 1930

7. What event happened before the others?

1) collectivization of agriculture

2) Kronstadt rebellion

3) formation of the USSR

4) the beginning of the Stakhanov movement

8. First Constitution of the USSR

1) confirmed the unitary structure of the state

2) established general democratic elections

3) consolidated the dictatorship of the proletariat and peasantry

4) left most of the powers under the jurisdiction of the republics

9. Which of the following was one of the results of industrialization in the USSR?

1) lack of engineering industry

2) increase in exports of engineering products

3) creation of a powerful defense industry

4) the emergence of strict censorship

10) Establish a correspondence between concepts and their definitions. Match each element in the first column with the corresponding element in the second column.

10. Which of the following was one of the results of the signing of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact in 1939?

1) exclusion of the USSR from the League of Nations

2) postponement of the German attack on the USSR

3) entry of the USSR into the United Nations

4) postponing the German attack on Poland

11. In what year did the USSR and Japan clash near the Khalkhin Gol River:

12. Where did the Soviet delegation state the following? "The Russian delegation came here not to propagate their ... theoretical views, but for the sake of entering into business relations with the governments and commercial and industrial circles of all countries on the basis of reciprocity, equality and full and unconditional recognition."

1) at the II All-Union Congress of Soviets 3) at the Genoa Conference

2) at the negotiations in Brest-Litovsk 4) at the congress of the Comintern


14. Achievement national culture 1920s

1) creation creative association"World of Art"

2) opening Bolshoi Theater

3) plays by A.P. Chekhov's "Three Sisters" and " The Cherry Orchard»

4) films by S. Eisenstein "Battleship Potemkin"

15. Which of the cultural figures supported the Soviet government in the 20s?

1) I.A. Bunin 3) S.S. Prokofiev

2) F.I. Chaliapin 4) V.V. Mayakovsky

16. What was one of the important directions of the internal policy of the state in the field of culture in the 20s?

1) restoration of cultural monuments

2) introduction of a law on compulsory higher education

3) weakening of party control over the spiritual life of society

4) eradication of illiteracy

17. What is the name of the state-established mandatory payment levied on peasant farms?

18. What was the name of the international revolutionary proletarian organization that united the communist parties different countries?

19. The collection of journalistic articles published in Prague in 1921 by representatives of the Russian emigration was called ____________.

Who is eligible to wear this badge?

1) members of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union

2) young pioneers

3) communists

21. On March 2, 1930, the Pravda newspaper published an article “Dizzy with Success”, suggesting that local Soviet and party leaders eliminate “excesses in the field” that violated the main course of the Communist Party in agriculture.

b) What was the name of the course of the Soviet leadership in agriculture, carried out during this period of time?

22. You are instructed to write a detailed answer on the topic “ Economic development USSR in the 1930s. Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points. The plan should reflect the main events (phenomena) associated with the economic development of the USSR in the 1930s.

Test USSR in the 20-30s of the XX century.

Option II

1. The transition from the policy of war communism to the NEP was explained by the need:

1) win the Civil War

2) put into practice the ideas of Marxism

3) in as soon as possible create a command economy

4) overcome the political crisis of the power of the Bolsheviks

2. What was the essence of the new economic policy?

1) in accelerating the pace of the industrial revolution

3) in the democratization of the political regime

4) in the transition from command methods of economic management to market ones

3. The main content of Soviet foreign policy in the 1920s. was the desire:

1) to overcome diplomatic isolation

2) to the creation of a single anti-fascist bloc

3) to sever relations with capitalist countries

4) to confrontation with Germany and Japan

4. Establish a correspondence between the names of cultural figures and the scope of their activities. For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


A L.Orlova 1) science

B) D. Furmanov 2) cinematography

B) N.I. Vavilov 3) music

D) D. Kabalevsky 4) architecture

5) literature

5. In what year did the USSR annex the Baltic republics?

1) 1925 3) 1935

2) 1930 4) 1940

6. Which event happened later than the others?

1) transition to NEP 3) the beginning of industrialization in the USSR

2) the admission of the USSR to the League of Nations 4) the death of V.I. Lenin

7. Constitution of the USSR 1936

1) proclaimed the victory of state and collective-farm-cooperative property

2) destruction of civil liberties

3) freedom of enterprise

4) the transfer of power into the hands of many parties

8. Which of the following was one of the results of collectivization in the USSR?

1) the creation of a powerful defense industry

2) the creation of collective farms in order to accumulate funds for the needs of industrialization

3) introduced universal primary education

4) German diplomatic support for the USSR

9. When the Red Army clashed with the Japanese army at Lake Khasan:

1) 1938 2) 1939 3) 1940 4) 1941

10. During the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939 - 1940.

1) Soviet troops were unable to overcome the "Mannerheim Line";

2) England, France and the United States declared non-intervention in the conflict;

3) Germany provided military assistance to the Soviet Union;

4) England and France provided assistance to Finland with aircraft and artillery;

11. Which document contains the given words? “The German state and the RSFSR mutually renounce compensation for their military expenses, as well as compensation for military losses ... Similarly, both sides renounce compensation for non-military losses caused to citizens of one side by means of so-called exceptional military laws and violent measures government agencies the other side."

1) Treaty of Rapallo 3) Treaty on the formation of the USSR

2) Brest Peace 4) manifesto of the congress of the Comintern

12. Establish a correspondence between concepts and their definitions. Match each element in the first column with the corresponding element in the second column.

13. Achieving domestic culture in the 1920s

1) creation of a writers' union

2) holding "Russian Seasons" in Paris

3) adoption of the decree "On the elimination of illiteracy"

4) construction of the Yaroslavl railway station by Shekhtel

14. Which of the cultural figures left Soviet Russia after the Bolsheviks came to power?

1) V.V. Kandinsky 3) K.S. Petrov-Vodkin

2) K.E. Tsiolkovsky 4) V.V. Mayakovsky

15. What was one of the important directions of the internal policy of the state in the field of culture in the 30s?

1) the formation of one direction in art - socialist realism

2) expansion of styles and trends in art

3) the emergence of a new artistic association"World of Art"

4) the transformation of historical science into a leading industry scientific knowledge

16. Which of the following was a consequence of collectivization in the early 1930s?

1) termination of the export of grain abroad

2) a significant improvement in the material conditions of life of the peasants

3) a sharp increase in crop yields

4) alienation of peasants from property and the results of labor

17. Changes in the spiritual life of society, carried out in the USSR in the 20-30s. XX century, received the name ________________ revolution.

18. Write a term. What was the name of the process of establishing diplomatic relations of the USSR in 1923-1924? with Afghanistan, Great Britain, Iran, etc.

19. During the period of collectivization of agriculture in the SSR, the term denoting a prosperous peasant who single-handedly manages the economy became widely used.

20.Review the image and complete the task.

Please indicate the event to which this poster is dedicated.

1) new economic policy 3) Civil War

2) collectivization 4) the policy of war communism

21. Russia, an Orthodox country for nine centuries, in the 20-30s. XX century officially became a country of mass atheism.

1) Name the decree of 1918, which established the secular nature of state power, proclaimed freedom of conscience and religion.

2) What was the nature of the policy of the Soviet government towards the church in the 1920s? after the issuance of the decree?

3) How could involvement in religion affect the career of a Soviet citizen?

22. You are instructed to write a detailed answer on the topic “ Foreign policy USSR in the 1930s. Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points and must reflect the main events (phenomena) related to the topic "Foreign policy of the USSR in the 1930s."

Control work of the USSR in the 20-30s of the XX century.

Option 1




    Tax in kind


    Change of milestones

    a) Stalin.

b) Collectivization.

c) Violation of the principle of voluntariness committed locally during the organization of collective farms (forced collectivization, coercion to join collective farms).

    1) The state of the economy at the end of the 1920s.

2) reasons for collectivization

3) Methods of carrying out collectivization

4) Industrialization: its goals and results

5) Economic development of the USSR by the end of the 1930s.

Control work of the USSR in the 20-30s of the XX century.

Option II.




    cultural revolution

    "streak of recognition"


    a) Decree on the separation of church from state and school from church, 1918

b) Anti-religious propaganda, nationalization of church property, ousting the church from education, repressions against clergy, discrimination of believers.

c) No citizen openly believing in God could move up the career ladder.

    1) Admission of the USSR to the League of Nations

2) The struggle for the creation of a system of collective security in Europe

3) Collision with Japan on Lake Khasan and the Khalkhin-Gol River

4) Munich Agreement

5) Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

6) The Soviet-Finnish war and the exclusion of the USSR from the Nai League

7) The beginning of the Second World War and the policy of the USSR in the Baltics

Ministry of Education and Science of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

KSAEI SPO "Kansk Pedagogical College"

Control and measuring materials

Specialty 050301 - "Russian language and literature"

Specialty 050303 - " Foreign language»

Kansk 2011

Printed by decision of the College Board of Education

Reviewer: T.A. Menshchikova, teacher of the highest qualification category MBOU "Gymnasium No. 4", Kansk, honorary worker general education, Honored Teacher of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, winner All-Russian competition"The best teacher in Russia"

^ History of foreign literature: control and measuring materials / author-comp. V.A. Sazonova, rec. T.A. Menshchikov; KSAEI SPO "Kansk Pedagogical College". Kansk, 2011. - 29p.

The purpose of control and measuring materials is to control students' knowledge of the history of foreign literature

Control and measuring materials for the specialty 050301 "Russian language and literature" in the discipline "History of foreign literature", and can also be used in the study of the discipline "Foreign literature and literature of the countries of the language being studied" by students of specialties 050303 "Foreign language".

© KSAEI SPO "Kansk Pedagogical College"




XVII-XVIII centuries. 7


^ 19th century ROMANTISM 14









1. What determines the origin and development of medieval literature?

  1. Traditions folk art

  2. Cultural influences of the ancient world

  3. The science

  4. Christianity
2. What trends can be identified in the literature of the Middle Ages?

  1. Urban

  2. Feudal-knightly

  3. Folk

  4. Clerical
3. Who owns the theory of "primitive choral syncretism"?

  1. M.M. Bakhtin

  2. A.N. Veselovsky

  3. A.Ya Gurevich

  4. EAT. Meletinsky
4. Until what century does the period of literature of the tribal system and the emergence of feudal relations extend?

  1. 9th century

  2. 11th century

  3. XII century
5. Who are the druids?

  1. singers

  2. Singers-storytellers

  3. Caster Priests

  4. Priests
6. Who are filids?

  1. singers

  2. Singers-storytellers

  3. Caster Priests

  4. Priests
7. Who is the central figure of the Ulad cycle?

  1. Cuchulainn

  2. Conchobar

  3. Connaught

  4. Kuroi
8. In the image of what hero did ancient Ireland embody its ideal of valor and moral perfection?

  1. Conchobar

  2. Cuchulainn

  3. Connaught

  4. Kuroi
9. Who is the son of Finn, chief of the Fenni?

  1. Conchobar

  2. Cuchulainn

  3. Ossian

  4. Kuroi
10. Which story tells about the terrible monster Grendel?

  1. "The Song of Roland"

  2. "Nibelungenlied"

  3. "Beowulf"

  4. "Song of My Sid"
11. In what century was the Elder Edda compiled?

  1. 11th century

  2. 12th century

  3. 13th century

  4. 14th century
12. Supreme God Scandinavian mythology

  1. Mimiru
13. What song opens "Elder Edda"?

  1. "Speech of the High"

  2. "Voluspa"

  3. "Loki's Brawl"

  4. "Alvis' speeches"
14. What were the names of the squad singers of the Scandinavian kings?

  1. jugglers

  2. Huglars

  3. Skalds

  4. Druids
15. Most bright patterns medieval heroic epic

  1. "The Song of Roland"

  2. "Nibelungenlied"

  3. "Beowulf"

  4. "Song of My Sid"
16. What are the main themes of the French heroic epic?

  1. Protecting the homeland from enemies

  2. Loyal service to the king

  3. Protection beautiful lady

  4. Bloody feudal wars
17. When did The Song of Roland originate?

  1. 1100

  2. 1110

  3. 1120

  4. 1130
18. Genres of knightly lyrics

  1. Sirventa

  2. canson

  3. Sonnet

  4. Alba
19. The main cycles of Breton stories

  1. Arthurian novels proper (Round Table novels)

  2. Holy Grail Novels

  3. Breton le

  4. Novels of Tristan and Iseult
20. One of the favorite genres of urban literature in France

  1. Shvanki

  2. Fablio

  3. Novel

  4. Morality
21. Which of the following works are fablio?

  1. "Peasant Doctor"

  2. "Testament of the donkey"

  3. "About a dappled gray horse"

  4. "The Song of Roland"
22. Which of the writers turned to the traditions of the fablio?

  1. Dante

  2. F. Rabelais

  3. J. Boccaccio

  4. J.-B. molière
23. What language did the vagantes write in?

  1. French

  2. Spanish

  3. Latin

  4. German
24. Genres of medieval theater

  1. Miracle

  2. Pastorela


1. Literary directions XVII century:

  1. sentimentalism

  2. baroque

  3. romanticism

  4. classicism
2. The country that is the birthplace of classicism:

  1. France

  2. England

  3. Spain

  4. Germany
3. Translation of the term "classicism" in the literal sense:

  1. imitative

  2. exemplary

  3. classical

  4. excellent
4. Philosophical doctrine underlying classicism.

  1. rationalism

  2. idealism

  3. positivism

  4. gnosticism
5. The author of the statement “I think, therefore I exist”:

  1. Spinoza

  2. Aristotle

  3. Descartes
6. Features of the stage character of the classicists:

  1. tendentiousness

  2. versatility

  3. inconsistency

  4. static
7. The categories that make up the "rules" of the three unities:

  1. image

  2. time

  3. place

  4. action
8. "Spanish Homer" of the 17th century, the founder of the poetic school of "cultism" (or culteranism):

  1. Luis de Gongora

  2. F. de Quevedo

  3. Gracian

  4. P. Calderon
9. Representatives of conceptism:

  1. Luis de Gongora

  2. F. de Quevedo

  3. Gracian

  4. P. Calderon
10. The play by P. Calderon, which I.S. Turgenev described: “Wild energy reigns in her, a deep and gloomy contempt for life, an amazing courage of thought next to the fanaticism of an adamant fanatic”:

  1. "Steady Prince"

  2. "Life is a dream"

  3. "Salamey alcalde"

  4. "Doctor of Honor"
11. The character of the tragedy by P. Corneille, to whom the words are addressed“... you alone are worthy of my thoughts;

You are the most valiant of all, but you are not a king's son":

  1. Diego

  2. Rodrigo

  3. Sancho

  4. Gormas
12. Plays by J. Racine:

  1. "Phaedra"

  2. "Celestina"

  3. "Dorotea"

  4. "Iphigenia"
13. The name of the tragedy by J. Racine

“She is the wife of Hector, I am the son of Achilles,

And the ocean of enmity separates the two of us ":

  1. "Bayazet"

  2. "Andromache"

  3. "Atalia"

  4. "Britannic"
14. Poet-fabulist of the 17th century:

  1. J. St. Beuf

  2. M. Montaigne

  3. J. La Fontaine

  4. B. Johnson
15. The terms that define the genre of Moliere's works in literary criticism:

  1. comedy-ballet

  2. comedy cape

  3. high comedy

  4. petty-bourgeois drama
16. The author of the statement "High comedy is not based solely on laughter, but on the development of characters - and which often comes close to tragedy":

  1. I.A. Goncharov

  2. A.S. Pushkin

  3. L.N. Tolstoy

  4. I.S. Turgenev
17. Correspondence between Molière's plays and characters:

  1. "The tradesman in the nobility" Gargapon

  2. "Funny Pretenders" Sganarelle

  3. "Tartuffe" Madelon

  4. "Don Juan" Elmira

18. The hero of Molière's comedy "The tradesman in the nobility", defending the ideas of the extra-class value of a person:

  1. Jourdain

  2. Dorant

  3. Cleont

  4. Dorimena
19. The hero of Moliere, whose credo is "I believe that twice two is four":

  1. Alceste

  2. Don Juan

  3. Danden

  4. Arnolf
20. Comedy J.-B. Molière, written in prose:

  1. "Stingy"

  2. "Tartuffe"

  3. "Misanthrope"

  4. "Don Juan"
21. The character of Moliere's comedy, which is characterized by the lines

"When you listen to his moralizing,

Whatever you do, everything will be a crime ":

  1. Sganerelle

  2. Cleante

  3. Tartuffe

  4. orgone
22. Correspondence between authors and works:

  1. P. Calderon "Sid"

  2. Corneille "Life is a dream"

  3. Racine "Phaedra"

  4. Molière "The Misanthrope"
23. Author of The Book of German Poetry, which became "the main textbook of the entire 17th century" for German poets

  1. Logau

  2. M. Opitz

  3. P. Fleming

  4. A.Gryphius
24. To what work is this epigraph prefaced?

Like a Phoenix, I was born from a flame.
I soared up, but did not destroy myself,
I wandered through the countries, I have been to the seas,
Joy in wanderings knew little,
About the same thing that was done in my life,
Told the reader in this book.
May he now follow me in life:
Runs foolishness, tastes peace.

  1. "Simplicissimus"

  2. "The amazing and true visions of Philander von Sittewald"

  3. "Lost heaven"

  4. "Prometheus Chained"
25. Translation of the name Simplicius Simplicissimus:

  1. first of the first

  2. the stupidest of the stupidest

  3. the smartest of the smartest

  4. the simplest of the simplest
26. Founder of the poetic school of "metaphysicians"

  1. B. Johnson

  2. J. Donn

  3. J. Milton

  4. J. Bunyan
27. Works by D. Milton:

  1. "Prometheus Chained"

  2. "Anatomy of the World"

  3. "Lost heaven"

  4. "Samson the Fighter"
28. Chronological boundaries of the Enlightenment:

  1. 16th century

  2. 17th century

  3. 18th century

  4. 19th century
29. Works belonging to D. Defoe

  1. "Robinson Crusoe"

  2. "The Adventures of Gulliver"

  3. "Moll Flanders"

  4. "Roxanne"
30. A novel in which a grotesque image of a person is presented:

  1. "Confessions of a Son of the Century"

  2. "Robinson Crusoe"

  3. "The Suffering of Young Werther"

  4. "Gulliver's travels"
31. The name of the tribe of talking horses in the 4th journey of Gulliver:

  1. midgets

  2. guingmas

  3. giants

  4. Laputians
32. English writer XVIII century, whose novels were loved by the mother of Tatyana Larina ("Eugene Onegin"):

  1. G. Fielding

  2. L. Stern

  3. D. Swift

  4. S. Richardson
33. What Richardson’s work is preceded by the epigraph “If you want to know the mores of the human race, one house is enough for you”

  1. "Pamela"

  2. "Clarissa"

  3. "Grandison"

  4. "Amelia"
34. Author of Sentimental Journey

  1. fielding

  2. Smollett

  3. stern

  4. Richardson
35. Characteristic realism, formulated by G. Fielding “I do not draw an individual, but a species”:

  1. hyperbolism

  2. typing

  3. keynote

  4. detailing
36. The genre of the novel "The Stories of Tom Jones, the Foundling", defined by G. Fielding himself:

  1. adventurous and picaresque

  2. family and household

  3. comic epic

  4. adventure
37. French writer of the Enlightenment, who was called the "Patriarch of Ferney":

  1. F. Voltaire

  2. J. Rousseau

  3. D. Milton

  4. C. Montesquieu
38. The name of the French writer of the XVIII century, who led the publication of the Encyclopedia:

  1. D. Defoe

  2. N. Boileau

  3. D. Diderot

  4. J. Racine
39. Comedy P. - O. Beaumarchais:

  1. "Doctor in captivity"

  2. "Tricks of Scapin"

  3. "The Marriage of Figaro"

  4. "The Barber of Seville"
40. Writer - representative of sentimentalism in France:

  1. D. Milton

  2. S. Richardson

  3. J.-J. Rousseau

  4. D. Diderot
41. Years of existence of the literary association "Storm and Onslaught" in Germany in the 18th century:

  1. 10th – 20th

  2. 30th – 40th

  3. 50th - 60th

  4. 70s - 80s
42. German writers of the 18th century who glorified the city of Weimar:

  1. I. Goethe

  2. I. Grimm

  3. V. Gauf

  4. F. Schiller
43. The phrase, which, according to the agreement with Mephistopheles, was to mark the end life path Faust:

  1. "I call death, I can't bear to see"

  2. "Stop, a moment, you're beautiful"

  3. "Earthly life having passed to half"

  4. "O new wonderful, wonderful world"
44. Correspondence between authors and their works:

  1. Montesquieu "Robbers"

  2. J. Rousseau "The Suffering of Young Werther"

  3. F. Schiller "Persian Letters"

  4. I. Goethe "Nun"
45. Correspondence between works and characters:

  1. "New Eloise" Wagner

  2. "The Barber of Seville" Julia

  3. "Robbers" Karl Moor

  4. Faust by Figaro

46. ​​The tragedy that lay on the table of Werther before suicide:

  1. "Emilia Galotti"

  2. "Sarah Sampson"

  3. "Young Scientist"

  4. "Cunning and Love"
47. Ballad written by F. Schiller:

  1. "Ilmenau"

  2. "Forest King"

  3. "Glove"

  4. "Lenora"
48. Ballad written by J.-W. Goethe:

  1. "Song of the Bell"

  2. "Corinthian Bride"

  3. "Ivikov Cranes"

  4. "Polycrates ring"
49. Theoretical leader of the sturmers

  1. Klopstock

  2. Herder

  3. Wieland

  4. Lessing
50. The writer, who, according to F.M. Dostoevsky, "really entered the flesh and blood of Russian art"

  1. Lessing

  2. Schiller

  3. Wieland



1. Which writers do not belong to the Jena school?

  1. F. Schlegel

  2. Novalis

  3. E.T.A. Hoffman

  4. L.Thick
2. The image of the "blue flower", which has become a symbol of romanticism, belongs to:

  1. E.T.A. Hoffmann

  2. L. Tiku

  3. Novalis
3. Heidelberg romantics - collectors of folklore:

  1. F. Schlegel

  2. C. Brentano

  3. L.Thick

  4. A. von Arnim
4. "The most romantic of all arts" for E.T.A. Hoffmann:

  1. painting

  2. poetry

  3. music

  4. sculpture
5. Fairy tale "The Golden Pot" by E.T.A. Hoffmann consists of 12 vigils, what are vigils?

  1. insomnia

  2. the night Watch"

  3. dream

  4. morning watch
6. Fairy tales and short stories by E.T.A. Hoffmann:

    1. "Golden Pot"

    2. "Ligeia"

    3. "Rip Van Winkle"

    4. "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King"
7. Which of the poets is a representative of the Lake School?

  1. W. Wordsworth

  2. J.G.Byron

  3. P.B. Shelley

  4. J. Keats
8. Who was killed by the sailor from "The Tale of the Old Sailor" by S.T. Coleridge?

  1. seagull

  2. albatross

  3. penguin
9. P. B. Shelley expressed his poetic credo in an aesthetic treatise

  1. "Foreword to Cromwell"

  2. "Protection of Poetry"

  3. "Preface to" "Lyrical Ballads""

  4. "On Literature in Its Connection with Social Institutions"
10. In the poem "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" by J.G. Byron's beauty is sung

  1. Dulcinea of ​​Tobobo

  2. Maid of Sarogos

  3. corsair

  4. Abydos bride
11. The main characters of "Cain" and "Manfred" J.G. Byron have a lot in common with the hero

  1. "Hamlet" by W. Shakespeare

  2. "Don Quixote" by M. de Cervantes

  3. "Robbers" F. Schiller

  4. "Faust" I.-V. Goethe
12. Events in the novel "Ivanhoe" by V. Scott take place:

  1. in France in the 18th century.

  2. in Germany in the 10th century.

  3. Spain in the 14th century

  4. in England in the 12th century.
13. Heroes of the novel by W. Scott "Ivanhoe":

  1. Rob Roy

  2. Rebekah

  3. Robin Hood

  4. Quentin Dorward
14. Writers whose works are called "Don Juan"

  1. V. Hugo

  2. E.T.A. Hoffman

  3. W. Scott

  4. J.G.Byron
15. The poet, whom A. Pushkin called in the poem "To the Sea" "the ruler of our thoughts"

  1. P.B. Shelley

  2. J.G.Byron

  3. W. Wordsworth

  4. W. Irving
16. Works by V. Hugo

  1. "Notre Dame Cathedral"

  2. "Manfred"

  3. "Indiana"

  4. "Les Misérables"
17. Who was real historical figure in the novel by V. Hugo "Notre Dame Cathedral"?

  1. Louis XII

  2. Louis XI

  3. Esmeralda

  4. Claude Frollo
18. What does the Greek word "Ananke" inscribed in the corner of one of the towers of the cathedral in the novel "Notre Dame Cathedral" mean?

  1. rock, fate

  2. sadness
19. What sound could the "deaf" Quasimodo hear?

  1. the sound of a bell

  2. whistle sound

  3. ax sound

  4. no
20. Who are the heroines of J. Sand's novels?

  1. Indiana

  2. Cosette

  3. Consuelo
21. Writers whose works depict the life of American Indians:

  1. G. Longfellow

  2. F. Cooper

  3. R. Chateaubriand
22. In what novels does E. Poe act as detective C. Auguste Dupin

  1. "Murder in the Rue Morgue"

  2. "William Wilson"

  3. "The Secret of Marie Roger"

  4. "The Fall of the House of Usher"
23. Which countries in F. Cooper's novel "The Last of the Mohicans" are at war for the possession of American lands?

  1. England and France

  2. England and Italy

  3. England and Spain

  4. England and America
24. Who is the last of the Mohicans?

  1. Natty Bumpo

  2. Chingachgook

  3. Magua

  4. Uncas
25. What is the shortcoming of the hero of the novel by W. Irving Rip Van Winkle:

  1. gluttony

  2. aversion to work

  3. drunkenness
26. What is the name of Hiawatha's wife:

  1. Nakomis

  2. Minnehaha

  3. Ovini
27. Why did Hiawatha's wife die?

  1. disease

  2. hunger

  3. murder

  4. accident
28. What fairy tales belong to H.K. Andersen?

  1. "Flint"

  2. "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

  3. "Swineherd"

  4. "Ole Lukoye"



1. German poet who called himself "the last romantic."

  1. G. Heine

  2. G. Buchner

  3. K. Gutskov

  4. F. Gobbel
2. The first collection of lyric poems by G. Heine:

  1. "Again at home"

  2. "Book of Songs"

  3. « winter fairy tale»

  4. "North Sea"
3. Russian poet - the author of the most famous translation of the poem by G. Heine "In the wild north":

  1. B.L. Parsnip

  2. V. A. Zhukovsky

  3. M.Yu. Lermontov

  4. E. A. Baratynsky
4. The author from whom G. Heine borrows the second part of the title of the poem "Germany":

  1. W. Shakespeare

  2. P. Ronsard

  3. F. Petrarch

  4. F. Rabelais
5. The philosophical basis of realism.

  1. materialism

  2. positivism

  3. idealism

  4. sensationalism
6. The main genre of realism

  1. story

  2. epic

  3. novel

  4. short story
7. Parnassian poets

  1. C. Lecomte de Lisle

  2. G. Heine

  3. T. Gauthier

  4. C. Baudelaire
8. The author of the statement “Apply the techniques of mathematics to the human heart and put this thought as the basis creative method»:

  1. Ch. Dickens

  2. F. Stendhal

  3. G. Flaubert

  4. W. Thackeray
9. The image used by F. Stendhal, defining the essence of the realistic method:

  1. road

  2. tower

  3. mirror

  4. flower
10. The subtitle of the novel by F. Stendhal "Red and Black":

  1. "Chronicle of the 19th century."

  2. "Diary of a Hero"

  3. "Confessions of a Son of the Century"

  4. "History of a Generation"
11. Historical figure whose portrait was secretly kept by Julien Sorel (“Red and Black”):

  1. Robespierre

  2. Murat

  3. Wellington

  4. Napoleon
12. Correspondence between the characters and the works of F. Stendhal:

  1. Julien Sorel "Red and White"

  2. Fabrizio del Dongo "Parma Convent"

  3. Missirilli "Vanina Vanini"

  4. Lucien Leven "Red and Black"
13. The hero of the "Human Comedy" by O. Balzac, which is a cross-cutting for the novels of the cycle:

  1. Scraper

  2. Raphael

  3. Rastignac

  4. Vautrin
14. A novel by O. Balzac with a fantastic plot-forming image:

  1. "Colonel Chabert"

  2. "Shagreen leather"

  3. "Father Goriot"

  4. "Eugenia Grande"
15. The author of the statement “No matter where you start from, everything is connected, everything is intertwined with one another. Causes make us guess the effect, and every effect allows us to go back to the cause”:

  1. P. Merimee

  2. P. Beranger

  3. B. Constant

  4. O. Balzac
16. Part-studies into which O. Balzac divided the "Human Comedy":

  1. physiological

  2. manners

  3. philosophical

  4. analytical
17. The hero, characterized by O. Balzac as "Napoleon of penal servitude":

  1. Rastignac

  2. Derville

  3. Grande

  4. Vautrin
18. The hero of O. Balzac, who says about himself: “I appear as retribution, as a reproach of conscience”:

  1. Bianchon

  2. gobsek

  3. Lucien

  4. Raphael
19. Novels by P. Merimee:

  1. "Tamango"

  2. "Shuans"

  3. "Colomba"

  4. "Carmen"
20. The French writer who depicted the world "the color of mold, in which wood lice crawl":

  1. O. Balzac

  2. P. Merimee

  3. G. Flaubert

  4. F. Stendhal
21. The subtitle of the novel by G. Flaubert "Madame Bovary":

  1. "Provincial manners"

  2. "History of a Provincial Woman"

  3. "Young Lady's Album"

  4. "Diary of the 19th century"
22. The place where the declaration of love of Emma and Rodolphe takes place ("Madame Bovary"):

  1. overgrown alley in the garden of the monastery

  2. agricultural exhibition

  3. deserted shore of the raging sea

  4. charity evening at the mayor's
23. Classic literary hero, which can be compared with Mr. Pickwick:

  1. Sancho Panza

  2. Don Quixote

  3. Mephistopheles

  4. Don Juan
24. A writer in whose work the theme of childhood is multifaceted in his work:

  1. Ch. Dickens

  2. F. Stendhal

  3. A. Radcliffe

  4. W. Thackeray
25. The character about whom in the novel "The Adventures of Oliver Twist" they say: "This boy will end his life on the gallows":

  1. Monks

  2. Fagin

  3. Sykes

  4. Oliver
26. The subtitle of W. Thackeray's novel "Vanity Fair":

  1. "A novel without a hero"

  2. "Morals of the Province"

  3. "Chronicle of the Century"

  4. "Theatre of Life"
27. The character who performs the function of the narrator in W. Thackeray's novel "Vanity Fair":

  1. Lord Stein

  2. Rawdon Crowley

  3. Puppeteer

  4. John Dobbin
28. English writer, from whose works W. Thackeray borrows the image of a vanity fair:

  1. T. Smollett

  2. D. Bunyan

  3. O. Goldsmith

  4. L. Stern
29. The heroine of W. Thackeray's novel "Vanity Fair", which owns the words "Perhaps I would be a good woman if I had five thousand pounds a year":

  1. Emilia Sedley

  2. Miss Pinkerton

  3. Bute Crowley

  4. Rebecca Sharp
30. Correspondence of authors and works:

  1. Charlotte Bronte "Emma"

  2. Emilia Bronte "Wuthering Heights"

  3. Ann Bronte "Agnes Grey"

  4. D. Austin "Jane Eyre"
31. Correspondence between authors and works:

  1. O. Balzac "Shagreen leather"

  2. Ch. Dickens “Germany. Winter fairy tale»

  3. G. Flaubert "Salambo"

  4. G. Heine "Dombey and Son"
32. Author of the poetic theory of "correspondences":

  1. V. Hugo

  2. J. Laforgue

  3. A. de Renier

  4. S. Baudelaire
33. Works by G.Melville

  1. "Taipi"

  2. "Shagreen leather"

  3. "Moby Dick"

  4. "Dombey and Son"




  1. Founder of naturalism:

    1. Flaubert

    2. T.Mann

    3. T. Hardy

  2. Thanks to his acquaintance with which Russian writer E. Zola published his works on naturalism in the Russian journal Vestnik Evropy

  1. A. Chekhov

  2. I. Turgenev

  3. L. Tolstoy

  4. F. Dostoevsky

      1. Which novel became the prologue of the Rougon-Macquart epic, "a powerful work in which the seeds of all other Zola novels are laid."

  1. "Belly of Paris"

  2. "The Career of the Rougons"

  3. "Nana"

  4. "Trap"

    1. The novel that brought Maupassant fame

  1. "Yvette"

  2. "Pyshka"

  3. "Uncle Milon"

  4. "Mademoiselle Fifi"

    1. The heroine of Maupassant's short story "Mother of Freaks" gains prosperity

  1. trading

  2. prostituting

  3. married well

  4. deliberately giving birth to crippled children and selling them to fair booths
6. main character novel "Life" by Guy de Maupassant

  1. Anna de Vaux

  2. Rosalie

  3. Countess Fourville

  4. Jeanne de Vaux

    1. Who was one of the first French critics who wrote about Russian literature?

  1. R. Rolland

  2. A. France

  3. G. de Maupassant

  4. E. Zola

    1. A. France's first novel

  1. "Tais"

  2. "The Crime of Sylvester Bonar"

  3. "Queen Crow's Feet Tavern"

  4. "Penguin Island"

  1. Which of the French writers was awarded in 1915 Nobel Prize for "sublime idealism" and "sympathy and love for the truth"?

  1. A. France

  2. R. Rolland

  3. G. de Maupassant

  4. E. Zola

  1. What work is defined as a “roman-river”, “four-part symphony”?

  1. "Rougon Macquart"

  2. "Buddenbrooks"

  3. "Jean Christophe"

  4. "Penguin Island"

  1. What hero does R. Rolland endow with "pantagruelism", an invariable sense of the beauty of the world, the ability to rejoice and enjoy life?

  1. Jean Christophe

  2. Olivier Janin

  3. Cola Breugnon

  4. Pierre Aubier

  1. With whom does the existence of Belgian literature begin?

  1. Emil Verhaern

  2. Camille Lemonnier

  3. Charles de Coster

  4. Maurice Maeterlinck

  1. Which of the following collections of poems belong to E. Verharn?

  1. "Flemish"

  2. "The Kingdom of Silence"

  3. "Black Torches"

  4. "Octopus Cities"

  1. What concept was created by M. Maeterlinck?

  1. "theater of ideas" (Ibsen, Shaw)

  2. "theatre of silence"

  3. "intimate theater" (Strindberg)

  4. "People's Theater" (Rolland)

  1. What plays belong to G. Ibsen?

  1. "Wild duck"

  2. "Blue bird"

  3. "Freken Julia"

  4. « Dollhouse»

    1. The writer who introduced the term "intellectual novel" into literature

  1. Rolland

  2. G.Mann

  3. T.Mann

  4. Kafka

    1. Genre of T. Mann's work "Tonio Kroeger"

  1. novel

  2. story

  3. short story

  4. story
17. Subtitle of the novel by T. Mann "Buddenbrooks"

  1. family life story

  2. ballad about a family

  3. family death story

  4. hymn to one family
18. Which of the French writers is depicted in the portrait?

19. Who is depicted in the portrait?

  1. E.Verharn

  2. M. Maeterlinck

  3. G.Ibsen

  4. J. Galsworthy
20. Representatives of the "new drama"

  1. B.Show

  2. G.Ibsen

  3. R. Rollan

  4. G. Hauptman



1. The literary movement, whose representatives responded to the death of A. Frans with the pamphlet "Corpse", where they announced"feast of the funeral of realism".

  1. expressionism

  2. Dadaism

  3. surrealism

  4. futurism
2. The title of the final book of M. Proust's novel In Search of Lost Time.

  1. "Under the shadow of girls in bloom"

  2. "Time Recovered"

  3. "Captive"

  4. "Towards the Guermantes"
3. The writer who introduced the term into literature"intellectual novel".

  1. R. Rollan

  2. G.Mann

  3. T.Mann

  4. F. Kafka
4. Literary movement, the head of which insisted that works must be created"quickly, without a predetermined topic", freeing himself from "control by the mind."

  1. existentialism

  2. surrealism

  3. expressionism

  4. realism
5. A writer who believed that “instinctive memory” should occupy a central place in the mechanism of creativity.

  1. M. Proust

  2. W. Faulkner

  3. Du Gard

  4. Exupery
6. A work that has the subtitle "Platoon Diary".

  1. "A Farewell to Arms!"

  2. "Seventh Cross"

  3. "Fire"
7. A work in which one of the main characters is the German writer I.W. Goethe

  1. "Lotta in Weimar"

  2. "Magic Mountain"

  3. "Success"
8. Literary movement, the name of which, according to its creators, "means nothing"

  1. futurism

  2. surrealism

  3. Dadaism

  4. expressionism
9. The writer who started his own famous work with the words: “I have long been accustomed to going to bed early”

  1. R. Rollan

  2. F. Kafka

  3. E. Hemingway

  4. M. Proust
10. Mobile Maker student theater"Balaganchik" ("La Barraca")

  1. B. Brecht

  2. G. Ibsen

  3. G. Lorca

  4. B. Show
11. The country where expressionism received greatest development is

  1. England

  2. Germany

  3. France

  4. Austria
12. The writer who initiated the creation of the international association "Klarte"

  1. Rolland

  2. France

  3. Brecht

  4. barbus
13. A work, one of the parts of which is called "Death of one world"

  1. "Enchanted Soul"

  2. "The Thibaut Family"

  3. "The Forsyte Saga"

  4. "Success"
14. French writers

  1. Becher

  2. Saint-Exupery
15. Historical novels German writers

  1. "The Ugly Duchess"

  2. "Tonio Kroeger"

  3. "On Western front no change"

  4. "The Young Years of King Henry IV"
16. Works of F. Kafka

  1. "Transformation"

  2. "Lock"

  3. "Process"

  4. "Ulysses"
17. Novels, dedicated to the image fate of the "lost generation"

  1. "Fiesta"

  2. "Three Comrades"

  3. "Process"

  4. " A Farewell to Arms!"
18. Heroes of the novel by E. M. Remarque "Three Comrades" -

  1. Jake Barnes

  2. Robert Lokamp

  3. Otto Kestner

  4. Paul Bäumer
19 Works that end with the execution of the main characters

  1. "Process"

  2. "Outsider"

  3. "For whom the Bell Tolls"

  4. "American tragedy"
20. The works of E. Hemingway -

  1. "The Old Man and the Sea"

  2. "For whom the Bell Tolls"

  3. "Fiesta"

  4. "All Quiet on the Western Front"
21. The playwright who called his theater "epic" and "non-Aristotelian"

  1. Brecht

  2. Feuchtwanger

  3. Lorca
22. Literary movement, the name of which comes from Latin word"existence"

  1. surrealism

  2. realism

  3. existentialism

  4. futurism
23. The place of action in the play " a kind person from Sezuan" is

  1. France

  2. China

  3. Japan
24. The action of the novel "Ulysses" takes place in

  1. paris

  2. Dublin

  3. London

  4. Lyon
25. The writer who discovered such a social phenomenon as “snopesism” -

  1. Galsworthy

  2. Faulkner

  3. Lorca

Original layout and computer layout:

A.P. Afanasiev, T.N. Igoshina, E.N. Fedorov,