Eurovision results list of winners. Salvador collected won and changed Eurovision

13-05-2017, 11:09

Today in Kyiv will begin the final competition of musicians.

The world community with bated breath awaits the final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 and today, at 22:00, representatives of 26 countries of the world for the victory will begin their competition on the Kiev stage. This year, the preparation and holding of the competition itself were marked by many scandals: the SBU ban on participation in the song contest for the representative of Russia Yulia Samoilova, a record amount of money spent on Eurovision 2017 (30 million euros), as well as bookmakers' bets on the winner. Let's talk about everything in order.

Who ended up in the final?

2017 was the period when a record number of contestants applied for Eurovision - 42. Even those countries that had refused to participate in it years earlier (Romania and Portugal) returned to participate in the contest. Five participants went to the final automatically, they were representatives of the so-called founding countries: Germany, Spain, France, Great Britain and Italy. The finalists were representatives of Belgium, Bulgaria, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia, Australia, Cyprus, Croatia, Hungary, Azerbaijan, Greece, Sweden, Portugal, Poland, Denmark, Israel, Romania. The finalists also included representatives of the host country - Ukraine.

All spectators can vote, the only condition is that you cannot cast your vote for a compatriot contestant. It is worth noting that for the second year in a row at Eurovision, the conditions for determining the winner have changed. The jury can give points from 1 to 12, and the viewers vote in a separate order. After the judges announce their scores, the screen displays the number of votes cast for a particular participant. The scores of the jury and the votes of the audience are added up, and the result is obtained. The hosts announce the number of points, starting with the lowest score. The contestant who receives the most points becomes the winner. The country he represented, respectively, becomes the host of next year's competition.

This year Russia will not take part in the voting for the participants of the song contest. The reason for this was the well-known scandal with sanctions against Yulia Samoilova. Channel One, in turn, refused to broadcast the music competition, and the contestant from the Russian Federation will be sent to represent the country next year.

Who will be the winner?

Back in April of this year, many bookmakers made bets on the victory of Italy's representative Francesco Gabbani with his composition Occidentali's Karma. Previously, the singer had already become the winner of song competitions, in particular, in 2015 he took first place in music competition in Sanremo. In the same year, his song Amen went platinum. Occidentali's Karma became gold (within a week) and platinum (in a month) in a record amount of time. To date, 10 million Web users on YouTube have viewed the video for the composition.

The bookmakers are sure that the representative of Portugal Salvador Sobral with the song Amar Pelos Dois will be on the second line of the rating. During his performance in the semi-final, the main focus was on the composition. From the show, he had only a light show and the audience shone in the hall mobile devices. The contestant suffers from a heart defect, therefore he did not take part in the rehearsals of the show and his performance was seen only at the competition itself. In his message, El Salvador Sobral asked Europe to take care of the refugees.

The third place, according to forecasts of bookmakers, will be taken by the representative of Bulgaria Christian Kostov with the song Beautiful Mess. The 17-year-old performer tried his hand at Russian show business, taking part in the 2004 Voice.Children project in the team of Dima Bilan (who, by the way, was once the winner of Eurovision). The boy successfully reached the semi-finals. This performer found himself at the epicenter of a scandal after the SBU found a recording from Kostov’s speech in Crimea in 2014. The singer performed at the concert dedicated to the Day protection of children in the Artek camp. However, representatives of the department said that the artist was not subject to a ban on entering the country, since at the time of his performance on the peninsula he was not an adult. Also in 2014, the law of Ukraine on the prohibition of entry into Crimea without the permission of the Kiev authorities was not valid, which is a reason not to deport the singer to his homeland. The Ukrainian media themselves have repeatedly written about such a statement.

What to expect in the final?

Ruslana Lyzhychko, the winner of Eurovision 2004, is scheduled to perform at today's concert in Kyiv. As part of the final event, the singer intends to present her new musical work It's Magical, which was the result of her creative tandem with Julia Lord and Andrei Oniskevich. Ruslana at a press conference held yesterday announced that she intended to perform no worse than Justin Timberlake and promised that her show would be a real explosion of emotions.

The name of the winner and the overall results of the contest remain a mystery. Under the new rules of the competition, the intrigue will continue until the end of the event. Despite this, in a few hours the world will be able to find out the name of the new winner of Eurovision 2017 and the country where the Russian woman Yulia Samoilova will go to perform next year.

Alena Ivanova - Correspondent of RIA VistaNews

That's something, and no one expected victory for anyone unknown person in the Eurovision Song Contest. The entire Internet is now torn with requests for “Eurovision 2017 who won”, but most of all they are surprised when they already see the result. Yes, indeed, the Russian Bulgarian was in the lead, many predicted the victory of the Italian singer, but no one expected him ...

Silent song Portuguese Salvador Gathered about the love of two allowed him to win Eurovision 2017. The 27-year-old singer with a heart defect scored 758 points in total from the audience and the jury. In second place was Moscow's Christian Kostov, representing Bulgaria, with 615 points. But the Moldovans shot up thanks to the team Sun Stroke Project, who scored 374 points and finished third.

Thus, Portugal won Eurovision 2017 and took first place.

Salvador Sobral is the winner of Eurovision 2017
Moreover, already after the second semi-final, the bookmakers predicted victory for the Portuguese, who performed with a simple song without any light shows and dancers. Perhaps this fact prompted the audience to vote for El Salvador. But no less important is the fact that Sobral is a man with handicapped who, due to a heart defect, needs a transplant of this organ. And here we recall the fact that our Yulia Samoilova, also with disabilities, did not go to the competition.

You can watch the video of the song of the Eurovision 2017 winner Salvador Sobral, (Salvador Sobral - Amar Pelos Dois) below:

On November 26, Tbilisi hosted the annual children's competition Eurovision songs. It was won by a participant from Russia. The representative of Belarus Helena Meraai is in fifth place.

Russian participant Polina Bogusevich won first place with 188 points for the song "Wings". The girl was born in July 2003 in Moscow. The first fame came to her in 2014 after participating in the show “Voice. Children" on Russian Channel One. There, the girl got into the team with Dima Bilan. Now Polina is a student of the Igor Krutoy Academy of Popular Music.

In second place is the representative of Georgia Grigol Kipshidze, who sang the song "Voice of the Heart".

Video: Junior Eurovision Song Contest

He has 185 points. Grigol was born in Tbilisi in August 2005 and is currently in the seventh grade at school. He recently graduated from the Tbilisi art school in piano, and two years ago the National School of Folklore. In addition to music, his hobbies are playing the piano (Grigol took part in numerous competitions, including piano tournaments) and guitar, as well as dancing. In 2017, Grigol competed in the X-Factor show, where he reached the final.

In third place is the singer from Australia Isabella Clark with the song "Say!".

The girl was born in May 2004. Only the bathroom walls knew about her good vocal abilities, where she copied the songs of Beyoncé and Michael Jackson. But from the age of nine she began musical career. Isabella has performed as a vocalist on the Australian Spectacular and has won first place in numerous competitions.

In fourth place is FOURCE from the Netherlands with 156 points.

Belarus at the contest 14-year-old Minsker with the song "I'm the best". She placed fifth with 149 points.

We are followed by Armenia (148 points), Ukraine (147), Poland (138), Malta (107), Serbia (92), Italy (86), Macedonia (69), Albania (67), Portugal (54), Ireland (54) and Cyprus (45).

According to the results of this year's contest, Georgia continues to be in first place in terms of the number of victories among the countries participating in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest. For all the years of the existence of the competition, representatives of this country won the first place in it three times (taking into account the victory of Miriam Mamadashvili). Now Belarus shares the second place with Malta and Russia. For 13 years young performers from our country twice took the first place, once - the second and two more times - the third. Russia has also already won Junior Eurovision. In 2006, the first place was taken by the Tolmachev sisters.

This year, 50% of the total scores were determined by the audience vote, another 50% were the professional jury's scores.

The audience voting opened on the evening of November 24 and was available before the start of the show (and this is not about a telephone line, but about voting on the Junior Eurovision website). After all 16 contestants performed on the stage, it opened a second time for 15 minutes. Users could choose from three to five favorite performers (including - for the first time! - and a representative of their country). However, the organizers seem to have underestimated the number of fans. The site soon stopped opening, unable to withstand the influx of views (although mobile version continued to work).

Curiously, the national jury different countries determined Belarus to the fifth place (80 points), and according to the audience vote, the performer from our country became the fourth (69 points).

Recall that the next Junior Eurovision Song Contest will be held in Belarus.

Strong, full of bright events and unexpected twists Eurovision 2017 in Ukraine came to an end. May 13 Grand Final, which was attended by participants from 26 countries. And only for one country there was a place in the first line of the best. And this place was taken by Salvador Sobral! Portugal is the winner of Eurovision 2017!

But before proceeding to the discussion of the winner, it is worth saying a few words about the show itself.

United Kingdom delighted with an excellent song. Spain pleased with light, life-affirming motives. Germany didn't fail either. And here Italy and France worth mentioning separately. Francesco Gabbani from Italy sang the song perfectly "Occidentali's Karma", which has already managed to fall in love with millions, and Alma fell in love with herself not only with her appearance, but also with a gentle and beautiful composition Requiem. No wonder these performers took the leading places in the version of the site Reviewer.

The Ukrainian group presented an interesting idea that formed the basis of the meaning of their song « Time". The huge head opened its eyes and looked not only at the hall, but also at millions of viewers. Bright and dynamic, and most importantly - the only alternative performance at Eurovision 2017.

True, the behavior of one of the visitors to the IEC, who came to the live broadcast, was upset. During the speech Jamals, after the last of the participants in the final showed his number, one young man, armed with the flag of Australia, ran onto the stage and showed everyone the fifth point. The identity of the person has already been established (he, of course, was immediately taken from the stage), but we will not name his name, because he is only trying to draw attention to his person with such an unworthy method, and when the fifth point of a person is like below the waist, and instead of the head - he is simply not able to think of a more acceptable way. Let's just say that the citizenship of this prankster has nothing to do with Australia.

Let's skip that, because it's time to move on to the most important - the winner of Eurovision 2017!

Celebrate Diversity- this is the slogan that was chosen for the 62nd Eurovision Song Contest, and it was he who became prophetic. A phrase that literally means "Long Live Diversity", perfectly emphasizes how unpredictable and diverse the compositions of the Eurovision winners have become. Song of the year 1944 , full of pain pouring from the heart, performed by Jamala overshadowed all the bright and expensive numbers of other contestants. In the same year the composition Amar pelos dois, once again turned the idea of ​​​​many about the Eurovision format and the "template" of a successful performance.

The winner of Eurovision 2017 - Salvador Sobral was not chasing points from the jury and did not want to do a grandiose number in pursuit of audience ratings. He just went out and sang the song he considered worthy, in the language he wanted, and the way he wanted it. The sincerity of this speech was duly accepted, and as a result, - Portugal is the winner of Eurovision.

Interestingly, just a day before the final, bookmakers changed their minds about El Salvador, suddenly believing in his chances of getting the title Eurovision 2017 winner. And here they turned out to be right, albeit belatedly (before that, bets were made on the representative of Italy - Francesco Gabbani, who took 6th place at Eurovision).

From the start of the voting, Portugal pulled ahead. By the way, this year there have been changes in how the voting results are announced. First, live broadcasts take place, in which points are distributed from national juries. After that, the presenters read out the total scores based on the results of the audience voting, starting with the country that received the minimum number, ending with the country that they liked the most. These points do not grow evenly, so the intrigue has been preserved, although it was more interesting to watch the previous voting format.

According to the results of the jury voting, Portugal took first place. The time has come to find out the results of the opinions of viewers. And here Salvador Sobral also turned out to be the best. As a result - 758 points (379 according to the old system) and for the first time in the history of the competition Portugal becomes the winner of Eurovision 2017!

Results of the Eurovision Final 2017:

  • 1st place - Portugal (758 points)
  • 2nd place - Bulgaria (615 points)
  • 3rd place - Moldova (374 points)
  • 4th place - Belgium (363 points)
  • 5th place - Sweden (344 points)
  • 6th place - Italy (334 points)
  • 7th place - Romania (282 points)
  • 8th place - Hungary (200 points)
  • 9th place - Australia (173 points)
  • 10th place - Norway (158 points)
  • 11th place - the Netherlands (150 points)
  • 12th place - France (135 points)
  • 13th place - Croatia (128 points)
  • 14th place - Azerbaijan (120 points)
  • 15th place - Great Britain (111 points)
  • 16th place - Austria (93 points)
  • 17th place - Belarus (83 points)
  • 18th place - Armenia (79 points)
  • 19th place - Greece (77 points)
  • 20th place - Denmark (77 points)
  • 21st place - Cyprus (68 points)
  • 22nd place - Poland (64 points)
  • 23rd place - Israel (39 points)
  • 24th place - Ukraine (36 points)
  • 25th place - Germany (6 points)
  • 26th place - Spain (5 points)

Finally, it became known who became the winner of Eurovision 2017. The bookmaker's forecast of the winner of Eurovision 2017 came true and the first place in the song contest was taken by the Portuguese performer Salvador Sobral, which was written by his sister Louise. Almost every second country generously gave Portugal 12 or 10 points, so the gap from other participants was noticeable from the first minutes. However, it cannot be said that in social networks the entire Russian-speaking audience strongly disagreed with the verdict, singling out Moldova, Sweden, Hungary and Bulgaria as favorites.

Bookmakers were sure that the possible winners of Eurovision 2017 are Portugal (represented by Salvador Sobral), Italy (Francesco Gabbani) or Bulgaria represented by 17-year-old Christian Kostov. The six weakest performers were to include Austria, Belarus, Ukraine, Greece, Spain and Cyprus.

Judging vote:

The final assessment of the audience and the jury:

The final of Eurovision 2017 brought a lot of surprises: Verka Serdyuchka, who personally announced the start of voting, and new songs of both Ukrainian winners of previous years: Ruslana, who won first place back in 2004, and Jamala, winner of last year's contest. It was not without: one of the spectators of the hall with the Australian flag climbed onto the stage during the performance of the singer Jamala, took off his pants and bared his buttocks in front of all of Europe.

Next year the song contest will be held in Portugal, but we will find out who will be in a year!