Evenings of the Bolshoi Theater in Nesvizh are an unprofitable event. Best things to do in nesvizh Events in nesvizh

For the fourth year in a row, the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater is holding a large-scale three-day event "Evenings Bolshoi Theater in the castle of the Radziwills. The festival of opera and ballet, which takes place these days in one of the main tourist sites of the country, attracts an increasing number of fans of real art.

In the year of the 80th anniversary of the Bolshoi Theater, the best artists of the country, real stars of the Belarusian opera and ballet, perform in the inner courtyard of the Radziwill Castle and in its theater halls.

the courtyard of the castle is waiting for the first visitors

Nesvizh is like the Louvre

If for the first "Palace Ball", which took place in the Nesvizh Palace last autumn, tickets cost more than a million, then the price range of the "Evenings of the Bolshoi Theater" was much more modest: the ticket price ranges from 70 to 410 thousand rubles. Moreover, the atmosphere of "Evenings" is much less pretentious and truly festive. Without fanfare and horsemen on the red carpet, but with anticipation of a real miracle.

“There will be a lot of people, I assure you, we will be forced to make additional tickets. Interest in this event is high, which cannot but rejoice us,”- share expectations CEO Big Vladimir Gridyushko at a press conference held at Nesvizh Castle on June 21.

“This is the fourth time we are holding Opera and Ballet Evenings at the Radzivilov Castle. This event is costly - art cannot be cheap. We are not at a loss from this event, Gridyushko continues. - Together with our sponsors, we are reaching a level called “fifty-fifty”.

It is important for us not to take a penny from the state budget, but at the same time pay off ourselves. To date, ninety percent of the stalls have already been sold. If four years ago we started with a hundred seats, today we have expanded the stalls to one and a half thousand spectators. And this is despite the fact that this year all our “Evenings” can be seen in full on TV in the recording.

Director of the Museum-Reserve "Nesvizh" Sergey Klimov also optimistic. He, of course, is glad to have guests from the Bolshoi, but he is happy to share with journalists that the Radziwill Castle is doing well even without Evenings:

“Despite the fact that we have been open for a long time, the excitement for the tour does not subside. On Saturday and Sunday we receive ten thousand visitors! People do not want to listen to our wishes and come on weekdays when we do not have so many visitors.

We earn a lot and invest in the development of the museum. We do not stand still, we develop. There was talk that we would be transferred to self-sufficiency, but so far state funding has been left. As a result, we reach the level of “50 to 50” - about the same amount of funds as we receive from the budget, we earn ourselves and invest them in the museum.”

Klimov emphasized that “Today, the museum is reaching the level of payback of 70 percent. This is the world standard, the Louvre, the Hermitage, the museums of Prague work at the same level.”

"Swan Lake" in the sixth edition

The rich program of "Evenings" began with a concert of the leading soloists of the Belarusian opera Tatiana Tretyak and Vladimir Petrov with the participation of the string quintet "Serenade".

As part of the concert "Summer Evening ..." diploma winner international competitions Tatyana Tretyak and National artist Belarus Vladimir Petrov performed well-known romances. The Serenade String Quintet played the music of Glinka, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Shostakovich and other famous composers.

When twilight was gathering over the Radziwill Castle, the guests of the impromptu parterre, which was located in the courtyard of the castle, enjoyed the legendary ballet of Pyotr Tchaikovsky "Swan Lake". The role of Odette-Odile was played by People's Artist Belarus Olga Gaiko, Siegfried was danced by People's Artist of Belarus Igor Artamonov. The performance was conducted by the Honored Art Worker of the Republic of Belarus Nikolai Kolyadko.

“It is not by chance that we show this particular ballet known to everyone,- Vladimir Gridyushko said during a conversation with reporters. - This is a permanent classic of ballet. In addition, in November last year, the sixth edition of “ swan lake", so we have something to surprise the viewer."

Today there will be a concert of choral and sacred music in the Nesvizh Church of the Body of God, the conductor will be the People's Artist of Belarus Nina Lomanovich. On the theatrical stage of the inner courtyard of the Radziwill Castle, national opera"The Gray-haired Legend" by composer Dmitry Smolsky to a libretto by Vladimir Korotkevich. The leading roles will be performed by the stars of the Bolshoi Theater Oksana Volkova, Anastasia Moskvina, Sergei Frankovsky, Stanislav Trifonov.

The Evenings of the Bolshoi Theater will end with the comic opera Rita, or the Pirate Triangle by Gaetano Donizetti - June 23 at theater hall Urshuli Radziwill.

The audience will also enjoy a grandiose gala concert of Belarusian opera and ballet stars.

The museum-reserve "Nesvizh", confirming the status of the hallmark of Belarus, never ceases to amaze guests with interesting programs and events dedicated to the holidays and solemn dates. Christmas and New Year 2018 is no exception. Realizing that in modern world the museum cannot attract the public with just a static display of its expositions, Nesvizh museum workers figure out how to revive history for their guests. So, we have compiled a list of five reasons for you why you should devote at least one of the days off during the Christmas and New Year holidays to a trip to the most magical and mysterious museum in Belarus.

In anticipation new year holidays An exciting program, pleasant surprises and a Christmas atmosphere await the guests of the Nesvizh Museum-Reserve. The palace will be filled with the sublime Christmas music of past eras, the smell of fir branches and treats, laughter and surprises.

In the central courtyard at the main spruce of the palace, the honorable guests will be met by a club-footed pupil of the Smorgon Bear Academy, a favorite character of adults and children, and in the palace itself - the princely family, headed by Prince Michal Kazimir Radziwill Rybonka with his wife and children, as well as with the musician Schreter from the Nesvizh Chapel congratulate the guests with a musical surprise. For the youngest, a children's creative workshop will be organized, where the kids will be able to do it themselves under the guidance of experienced craftsmen make a souvenir and take it with you.

2018 is a busy year like no other. anniversaries. 500 years ago, the Radziwills first received the title of princes of the Holy Roman Empire. 435 years have passed since the construction of the Nesvizh Castle began. Finally, the Nesvizh Museum-Reserve was created 25 years ago! Each event deserves to be adequately celebrated within the walls of the former princely residence, which today is open to everyone who wants to join the glorious past of our country.

In the first days of January, museum guests will have a fascinating historical journey to different eras. Passing through the halls and rooms of the palace, they will sequentially find themselves in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, where they will meet with representatives of the princely family - Nikolai Christopher Radziwill the Orphan, Michal Kazimir Radziwill Rybonka and Anthony Wilhelm Radziwill. Although they all lived and acted in different times, all these men have one thing in common: they repeatedly took up arms. They had to participate in battles, plan military campaigns, fortify residences, experience the joy of victory and the bitterness of defeat. It is these interlocutors who can tell what you are unlikely to hear on a regular excursion.

3. Traditional quest "Secrets and mysteries of the Radziwill Palace" - January 3.

Those who arrive in Nesvizh on January 3 will be able to take part in an exciting quest. Guests are waiting for a meeting with musicians, actors and dancers of the Classics Music House. The quest "Secrets and mysteries of the Radziwill Palace" is almost the only opportunity to visit the places of the complex closed for tourists. For example, go down into the dungeons, look behind closed doors and find clues from ancient times in order to go to new level games. Tickets can be purchased in advance on the website kvitki.by or on the day of the quest at the museum box office.

4. Magical souvenir shop"Credence".

Have you ever visited small Western European shops on the eve of Christmas? Then you know firsthand what a fabulous atmosphere reigns there at this time of the year. It seems that the Christmas spirit itself comes to life here and gives a feeling of a magical holiday. Now it is not necessary to go to England or Germany to touch this magic. Right in the dungeon of the Nesvizh Palace, this year the Credens souvenir shop opened its doors. Everything you need to celebrate Christmas and New Year is here: exquisite dishes made of glass and porcelain, Christmas decorations, sweets, warming drinks, and most importantly - the atmosphere of fabulousness and warm, cozy magic.

5. Child Education Centre and a children's cafe "Salodkaya Batleyka".

New Year's first children's holiday, so little visitors are definitely the most welcome guests of the museum. Which of us did not want to see the real prince or princess in childhood, to touch the history that seemed to come to life before our eyes and left the pages of children's books and frames of historical films? Impressions will last a long time! Well, after the experienced emotions, it is worth having a proper meal, and for this, the children's cafe, open for the little guests of Nesvizh, is perfect. Here you can try branded sweets and cocktails, play in the games room for free and look at unique collection real vintage children's toys.

And if you decide to stay in Nesvizh for more than a day, the museum offers you a comfortable cottage, which has everything for a calm and measured rest. It is suitable both for companies that want to devote more time to the Radziwiłł town than is obtained in the case of a standard excursion program, and for families with children who wish to have a rest in a calm atmosphere before returning home after a day full of adventures.

If Nesvizh itself cannot be called a very and, in principle, a city rich in entertainment - its small size affects it, the palace and park ensemble itself can offer a lot to its visitors. Moreover, both adults and children.

Of course, first of all, this is a standard set of entertainment offered in all major tourist centers - riding in a horse-drawn carriage past the Nesvizh Castle, a walk in an old costume or a photo in it, as well as a photo on magnets with court ladies already dressed up or gentlemen. But there is something that adds a special charm to this place. So, for example, right opposite the entrance to the castle itself, you can rent a bike and ride through the picturesque surroundings, stopping at another shady park alley, admiring sculptures by famous masters or enjoying the view of the surrounding ponds. In general, this is an amazing opportunity to spend time not only pleasantly, but also usefully.

But in addition to such "commercial" entertainment, the Nesvizh Museum offers more highly artistic entertainment that will appeal to connoisseurs of beauty. After all, here, on the territory of the castle, various concerts and festivals are regularly held. Moreover, their focus is striking in its versatility.

The most famous and popular events held in Nesvizh are "Evenings of the Bolshoi Theater in the Radziwill Castle" and "Art-fest Urshuli Radziwill". The first project began its countdown in 2010, when for the first time the presentation of the production of the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater of the Republic of Belarus took place in the castle courtyard. Since then, every summer, for three days, here you can see the best opera and ballet performances of famous playwrights and musicians. And it is no coincidence. After all, it was in the Nesvizh Castle that for the first time on the territory of Belarus arose professional theater, it was thanks to the efforts of the Radziwills that the fame of Belarusian theatrical art thundered throughout Europe ...

Concerning international festival theatrical art "Art-fest Urshuli Radziwill", then it usually takes place at the end of June, gathering famous theater groups from different countries. In addition to the Nesvizh Palace Ensemble, theater stage at this time, the Nesvizh town hall also becomes. So in different parts of the city you can enjoy beautiful and often very original performances.

The exact time and programs of these festivals usually become known about a month before the start, and even then you need to book places and clarify the necessary information. By the way, you can do this by calling 8 01770 20602 or +375 29 5518051.

In addition to festivals dedicated to theatrical art, famous for Nesvizh and held on its territory jousting tournaments. During their days, you can plunge into the atmosphere of a medieval city, watch the battles of experienced warriors or try yourself in ancient dances. The atmosphere at this time, I want to say, is indescribable... Crowds of people are everywhere, music is playing, craftsmen presenting traditional crafts, the aroma of old traditional dishes is wafting, and the air itself is saturated with a sense of celebration.

If you are unlucky and you don’t get to one of the famous performances or holidays in Nesvizh, you don’t need to be upset. You can look, for example, at the local local history museum (Leninskaya St., 96), offering its guests not only to get acquainted with the exposition dedicated to the Belarusian village or the life of the townspeople in the old days, but also to see the relics and valuables saved by customs officers, found during an attempt to illegally export abroad, and also to watch the work of a potter or a blacksmith in specially created workshops.

To the south-west of Minsk is the small town of Nesvizh, which attracts tourists from all over Belarus and neighboring countries every day. Of interest are historical and architectural monuments located on small area cities. One of the attractions is a large cultural value– The Nesvizh Castle in the status of a museum-reserve has been protected by UNESCO since 2006.

History of Nesvizh Castle

To the north of the modern castle, where the Old Park is now located, by the beginning of the 16th century there was a wooden possession. It was the castle of the Kishki family, whose representatives ruled over Nesvizh. The Radziwills who came to power rebuilt and fortified the house. But the next owner, Nikolai Radziwill (Orphan), decided to build a stone impregnable residence - a fortress that would give protection to his master and his subjects from numerous enemies.

The foundation date of the stone Nesvizh castle is considered to be 1583. The name of the architect is mentioned only presumably, perhaps it was the Italian J. Bernardoni, but the description of his biography confuses such an assumption.

A large rectangular stone castle with dimensions of 120x170 m was built on the banks of the Usha River. To protect the castle, the usual methods for that time were used: earthen ramparts were poured along the perimeter, which turned into deep ditches up to 4 m deep and 22 m wide. did not crumble, they were reinforced with masonry 2 m thick. Since the Nesvizh castle was built on the high bank of the Usha and its water level was below the ditches, it was necessary to create a dam, dam and ponds to fill them. By raising the water level, the engineers were able to direct it into the moats, which gave the castle additional protection.

Weapons for probable defense were imported from other fortresses or cast right in the castle. So, during the Russian-Polish war in the 17th century, the fortress was already armed with 28 guns of various calibers, which helped to withstand the repeated sieges of the Russian army.

The defense against the Swedes in the Northern War in March 1706 ended just as successfully, but still in May the already tired garrison and civilians asked the commandant of the fortress to capitulate. In two weeks, the Swedes ravaged the city and the castle, took away and drowned most of the cannons and other weapons. According to one of the legends, cold or firearms can lie at the bottom of the moat even today.

AT late XVIII century, the castle became the property Russian Empire, but the Radziwills were allowed to live there further. During the war of 1812, Dominik Radziwill took the side of the French, he provided the Nesvizh castle to accommodate the headquarters of Jerome Bonaparte (Napoleon's brother). During the flight of the French army, the manager of the castle, on the orders of the owner, hid all the treasures, but under torture he revealed the secret - he gave out the place of their storage to the Russian general Tuchkov and Colonel Knorring. Today, parts of the treasures of the Radziwills are exhibited in Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian museums, but it is believed that a significant proportion of the treasures were lost, their location is still unknown.

In 1860, the confiscated Nesvizh Castle was returned to the Prussian general Wilhelm Radziwill. The new owner expanded the castle, transformed it into a luxurious palace, laid out huge parks with a total area of ​​90 hectares, which delight everyone who comes here with their coolness and beauty. During World War II, all the representatives of the Radziwill family hiding in the castle were taken to Moscow, although they were later released to Italy and England. During the German occupation, the headquarters was again located in a huge empty castle, this time the headquarters of the "tank" General Guderian.

After the end of the war, the Belarusian authorities founded the Nesvizh sanatorium in the castle building, which was subordinate to the NKVD (KGB). Since the collapse of the USSR, restoration began in the Nesvizh Castle to establish a museum in it. Its doors opened to the general public in 2012.

Museum "Nesvizh Castle"

In order to walk around the large territory of the palace and park complex without haste and fuss, you should come to Nesvizh on weekdays. In this case, sightseeing will be more thorough. On weekends, especially in the warm season, there is a large influx of tourists, so often at the box office at the entrance a queue accumulates.

In the courtyard of the castle and inside the premises and rooms, overflow is prohibited, therefore, to serve everyone, the time of excursions is reduced to 1–1.5 hours. At the entrance, for a fee, an audio guide service is offered, including on foreign languages. In this case, you can walk around the castle on your own without joining tour groups. On sunny days, walks in the parks are especially pleasant, where alleys of trees, beautiful shrubs, as well as flower beds are planted. The parks are most beautiful in spring and autumn.

In addition to traditional museum services, Nesvizh Castle offers unusual events:

  • Marriage ceremonies.
  • Event "Hand Offer", "Birthday Day".
  • Wedding photo and video filming.
  • Costumed photo sessions.
  • Theatrical tours.
  • Historical quests on different topics for children and adults.
  • Museum lectures and school classes.
  • Conference room rental.
  • Restaurant rent for banquets.

In total, the museum has 30 exhibition halls open to the public, each of which is unique, has its own name, close to the original design. Always during excursions, guides tell the legends of the castle, for example, about the Black Panya, the poisoned lover of the Polish king. The supposedly restless soul of Barbara Radziwill lives in the castle and appears before people as an omen of trouble.

In addition to daily excursions, the castle periodically hosts jousting tournaments, colorful festivals, carnivals and concerts. Tourists arriving for several days stop for the night both in the city itself and in the Palace Hotel on the territory museum complex. A small cozy hotel can accommodate 48 guests.

How to get there, opening hours, ticket prices

The easiest way to get to Nesvizh Castle on your own is by private car. Minsk and Brest are connected by the M1 (E30) highway, you need to move along it. The distance from Minsk to Nesvizh is 120 km, from Brest to Nesvizh - 250 km. When you see the pointer to the P11 highway, you need to turn onto it. You can also get to the museum from Minsk by regular bus from bus stations or by taxi. Another option is the Minsk train, but in this case at the station. Gorodeya will have to change by taxi or bus to Nesvizh. Official address museum administration: Nesvizh, Leninskaya street, 19.

The Museum-Reserve is open to the public all year round. In the warm season from 10 am to 7 pm, in the cold season the schedule is shifted 1 hour forward. In 2017, the cost of tickets in terms of Belarusian rubles into Russian rubles is approximately:

  • Palace ensemble: adults - 420 rubles, schoolchildren and students - 210 rubles. (on weekend tickets are more expensive by 30 rubles).
  • Exposition in the City Hall: adults - 90 rubles, schoolchildren and students - 45 rubles.
  • Audio guide and photo in historical costume - 90 rubles.
  • Museum classes for a group of up to 25 people - 400–500 rubles.

Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the 20-30s of the last century and shoot the best video about your unusual promenade along Nesvizh in ancient city next Saturday May 13th.

Every year on the "Night of Museums" the excursion route in the palace becomes super non-traditional even for regular visitors to the museum. The night of May 13 is no exception! You will visit places in the palace where ordinary tours do not lead on ordinary days. closed doors palace rooms will be hospitably open before you. And only on this night you will be met by the owners of the Nesvizh Palace Albrecht Anthony Radziwill and his daughter Elzbieta. By the way, the real Elzbieta Radziwill will be 100 years old this year! But on this night you will see a young one in front of you, beautiful girl, who came to visit her father, leaving Paris and London for this. And in the cellars of the palace you will meet with an alchemist doctor.

big evening Promenade along the Nesvizh in the style of the 20-30s. XX century: KINEMO, ASTROFIZYKA, JAZZ» will start at 17.30 and will last until 22.30. During this time, you will have time to move to Western Belarus in the first half of the last century and feel the interwar life of the Nesvizh people, find out what the Nesvizh Palace was like at that time.

The event starts at 17.30 in the city hall of Nesvizh. The special surroundings of that time, personal acquaintance with the city magistrate, the opportunity to visit the photo studio of a famous photographer, as well as enjoy live music and sweet treats in Moishe Tsynman’s coffee shop… Such little trip in the past will be remembered for a long time!

The festive atmosphere of the evening will continue on the territory of the palace. Entertainer and Promenade Chief Viktor Shalkevich, Dixieland JuicyJazz led by the famous saxophonist Vitaly Yamuteev. The band will perform American and Western European music. And the special guests of the holiday - w american dance cola KACHELI- they will show how to dance swing, jazz, blues, as well as hold master classes and teach foreign dances to the guests of the promenade.

In the evening in the courtyard of the palace you can see program from the golden fund of silent cinema with the participation of great comedians - Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton and Harold Lloyd. Attention! All tapes are accompanied by live music performed by a real pianist-tapper.

The partner of the event - the travel company "Viapol" - will test your knowledge in the field of history and geography at the activation site under the extraordinary name "Great Depression". But fear not, as this is where you get your antidepressants! All guests of the promenade are also welcome: a car made in 1931, a themed photo zone "Balloon" and a buffet with sweets and drinks.

The theme and style of the “Night of Museums” in Nesvizh this year is closely connected with the 20-30s of the last century, also because a large and extremely interesting exhibition dedicated to those times. On May 13, you can become the first visitors to this exhibition and completely immerse yourself in the life of the inhabitants of Western Belarus during the interwar period. Coming in showroom, you will find yourself on a city street where there is a post office, a bank, a pharmacy, a school, shops, you can look into a cinema and a fashion tailoring studio.

All the brightest impressions of the festive evening, shoot on video and enter the video contest! The authors of the three most interesting will receive gifts from the Nesvizh Palace, the travel company "Viapol" and the music house "Classic". Videos can be sent to: [email protected]

The winners will be determined from 15 to 25 May 2017 by voting on the official page the Radziwill Palace on Facebook.