Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich. Nicholas Roerich presentation for a lesson on the Moscow Art Theater on the topic A unique collection of Roerich paintings presentation

Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich was born in St. Petersburg in 1874.
He died in Himachal Pradesh, India in 1947.

Nicholas Roerich

N.K. Roerich was born into a famous family
notary Konstantin Fedorovich Roerich.
At the end of high school at the same time
enters law school
Petersburg University (graduated in 1898) and
to the Imperial Academy of Arts. From 1895
studies in the studio of the famous Arkhip
Ivanovich Kuindzhi. At this time it is closely
communicates with famous cultural figures of that
time - V.V. Stasov, I.E. Repin, N.A.
Rimsky-Korsakov, D.V. Grigorovich, S.P.

Nicholas Roerich

N.K. Roerich -
- painter,
- archaeologist,
- ethnographer,
- jurist,
- geographer,
- historian,
- Writer,
- philosopher,
- traveler.

Nicholas Roerich

April 15 all
Mira celebrates the day
conclusion of the Pact
N.K. Roerich about protection
values, as in
peaceful as well as
war time.

Nicholas Roerich

Signing of the Roerich Pact
leaders 20
Latin American countries and the USA.
Washington, White House, April 15
Nikolai Konstantinovich
belong to the words "to become
a man of culture, one must become
first educated, then
intellectual, then
intelligent and only then can
become a cultured person.
It is said: “Culture is reverence
Sveta. Light of knowledge - what can be
above? Culture lifts a person
over everything personal, petty,
selfish and brings into the world
supra-personal, where not
"I" but "we".
Precisely, for this desire to give
Light to man, darkness hates so much
culture. That's why she invented
mechanical civilization, driving
The light of the spirit in her darkness.

Nicholas Roerich

Thoughts on the Pact
are also reflected in
the art of Nicholas
Emblem "Banner"
Peace" can be seen
on many of his
canvases of the thirties
years. Specially
dedicated to the Pact
painting "Madonna Oriflamme".

Russian period

"Messenger" was bought
P.M. Tretyakov.
Like an artist
Roerich worked in
easel area,
(frescoes, mosaics) and
theatrical scenery

Theatrical work

"The Snow Maiden", "Peer Gynt", "Princess Malene",
"Valkyrie" and others. He was among the leading
ideologists and creators of the reconstructive
"Ancient Theater" (1907-1908; 1913-1914) -
notable and unique phenomenon in the cultural
life of Russia in the first quarter of the 20th century, and
N. Roerich participated in this historical and drama event and as
the creator of the scenery, and as an art critic. During
famous "Russian Seasons" by S. Diaghilev in
Paris in the design of N. K. Roerich took place
"Polovtsian Dances" from "Prince Igor" Borodin,
"Pskovite" by Rimsky-Korsakov, ballet "Spring
sacred" to music by Stravinsky.

Central Asian expedition 1924-1928

Series of canvases
Maitreya series,
"Sikkimese Way"
"His Country"
"Teachers of the East"

Himalayan Research Institute “Urusvati”

Nicholas Roerich

In India, Nicholas Roerich was personally acquainted with famous
Indian philosophers, scientists, writers,
public figures.
In India, the artist continues to work on the series
paintings "Himalayas", comprising more than two thousand canvases.
For Roerich, the mountain world is an inexhaustible source
inspiration. Art critics noted the new
direction in his work and called the "master of the mountains." IN
In India, the series "Shambhala", "Genghis Khan",
"Kuluta", "Kulu", "Holy Mountains", "Tibet", "Ashrams", etc.
Exhibitions of the master were exhibited in various cities
India and they were visited by a large number of people.
Immediately after the end of the war, the artist requested a visa for
entry into the Soviet Union, but on December 13, 1947 he leaves
from life, never knowing that he was denied a visa.
In the Kullu Valley, on the site of a funeral pyre, was
there is a large rectangular stone on which
carved inscription:
“On December 15, 1947, the body of
Maharishi Nicholas Roerich - a great Russian friend
India. Let there be peace."

Testament of Nicholas Roerich

Love Motherland. love the people
Russian. Love all peoples at all
the immensity of our country. Let be
this love will teach you to love and that's it
humanity.<…>Love the Motherland
with all her might - and she will love you. We
the love of the Motherland is rich. Wider road!
The builder is coming! The Russian people are coming!


Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich (Roerich) was born on September 27 (October 9), 1874 in St. Petersburg.

Father - Konstantin Fedorovich - was a famous notary and public figure.

Mother - Maria Vasilievna Kalashnikova, came from a merchant family.

Brothers - Vladimir and Boris Roerich. Among the friends of the Roerich family were such prominent figures as D. Mendeleev, N. Kostomarov, M. Mikeshin, L. Ivanovsky and many others.

Since childhood, Nicholas Roerich was attracted by painting, archeology, history and the rich cultural heritage of Russia and the East.

House on the University embankment in St. Petersburg, where N. Roerich was born

The building of the gymnasium K. I. May. Petersburg.

Years of study

Imperial University and Academy of Arts. Beginning 20th century Petersburg.

In 1893, after graduating from the Karl May gymnasium, Nicholas Roerich simultaneously entered the law faculty of St. Petersburg University (he graduated in 1898 with a diploma in “The Legal Status of the Artists of Ancient Russia”) and the Imperial Academy of Arts. Since 1895, he has been studying in the studio of the famous artist A. I. Kuindzhi. The discovery, preservation and continuation of the signs of primordial Russian culture for many years will become the credo of N. K. Roerich.

Start of scientific activity

Since 1892, Roerich began to conduct independent archaeological excavations. Already in his student years, he becomes a member of the Russian Archaeological Society. Since 1898 he began to cooperate with the St. Petersburg Archaeological Institute. Conducts numerous excavations in St. Petersburg, Pskov, Novgorod, Tver, Yaroslavl, Smolensk provinces.

From 1894 to 1902, Roerich traveled a lot to the historical places of Russia, and in 1903-1904 N.K. Roerich, together with his wife, made a big trip around Russia, visiting more than 40 cities known for their ancient monuments of antiquity. The purpose of this "trip through the old days" was to study the roots of Russian culture. The result of the trip was a large architectural series of paintings by the artist, a collection of photographs of antiquity, and articles in which Roerich was one of the first to raise the question of the enormous artistic value of ancient Russian icon painting and architecture.

“... It's time for a Russian educated person to get to know and love Russia. It is time for secular people, bored without new impressions, to become interested in the high and significant, to which they have not yet been able to give their due place, which will replace gray everyday life with a cheerful, beautiful life.

Roerich N. K. In the old days, 1903

“The so-called salvific essence of Beauty lies in the energy result that determines harmony in the universe and in man himself. Beautiful is the harmony, beautiful is the order that meets the natural laws of the inner life of man.

N.K. Roerich

"The Savior Not Made by Hands and the Holy Princes". Mosaic based on sketches by Roerich. Trinity Church, Pochaev Lavra, Ternopil region, Ukraine

In 1912-1915, Roerich actively participated in another major project for the revival of Russian art - the construction of the Fedorovsky town. At the same time, since 1907 he has been an employee of the Old Years magazine, from 1910 to 1914 he is the leading editor of the multi-volume publication History of Russian Art under the general editorship of Grabar, and in 1914 he is the editor and co-author of the large publication Russian Icon.

The emergence of interest in oriental art

Since 1905, in Roerich's work, along with the ancient Russian theme, individual oriental motifs begin to appear. Roerich, in addition to Russian philosophy, studies the philosophy of the East, the works of prominent Indian thinkers - Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, Tagore's work, theosophical literature. The ancient cultures of Russia and India, their common source, are of interest to Roerich as an artist and as a scientist. Collaborates with Agvan Dorzhiev and other Russian Buddhists.

"Treasure of Angels" 1905. Konstantinovsky Palace. Russia. St. Petersburg

"Holy Warriors" 1912.

Azerbaijan Art Museum

From 1906 to 1918, Nicholas Roerich was the director of the School of the Imperial Society for the Encouragement of the Arts, while also teaching. A peculiar report of the semi-annual activity of the icon-painting workshop was the act of presenting to Emperor Nicholas II on December 6, 1909, an icon made by students.

A new period in the work of N. Roerich

Since about 1906, a new period has been marked in Roerich's work. His art combines realism and symbolism, intensifying the search for a master in the field of color. He almost gives up oil and moves on to the tempera technique. He experiments a lot with the composition of paints, uses the method of superimposing one colorful tone on another. The originality and originality of the artist's art was noted by art criticism. In Russia and Europe, from 1907 to 1918, nine monographs and several dozen art magazines dedicated to Roerich's work were published. In 1914, the first volume of Roerich's collected works was published.

N.K. Roerich and sons Yuri and Svyatoslav

Roerich family

N.K. Roerich with his wife

Elena Ivanovna

In 1908, Roerich was elected a member of the Board of the Society of Architects-Artists, in 1909 - a member of the Council of the "Society for the Protection and Preservation of Monuments of Art and Antiquity in Russia" and Chairman of the "Commission of the Museum of Pre-Petrine Art and Life" at the Society of Architects-Artists. In 1909, N. K. Roerich was elected an academician of the Russian Academy of Arts.

Since 1910, Roerich has headed the artistic association "World of Art". In 1914, Roerich was elected Honorary Chairman of the Council of Women's Courses of Higher Architectural Knowledge, in 1915 - Chairman of the "Commission of art workshops for crippled and wounded soldiers."

Cultural and educational activities of Roerich in Europe

In 1918, having received an invitation from Sweden, Nicholas Roerich held personal exhibitions of paintings with great success in Malmö and Stockholm, and in 1919 - in Copenhagen and Helsinki. Roerich was elected a member of the Artistic Society of Finland, awarded the Swedish Royal Order of the Polar Star, II degree. Leonid Andreev figuratively calls the world created by the artist - "Roerich's Power". In the public arena, Roerich, together with Leonid Andreev, organizes a campaign against the Bolsheviks who have seized power in Russia. He is a member of the leadership of the Scandinavian Society for Assistance to the Russian Warrior, which finances the troops of General N. N. Yudenich, after which he joins the Russian-British 1917 Brotherhood emigrant organization.

In 1920, N. K. Roerich received an offer from the director of the Chicago Institute of Arts to organize a large-scale three-year exhibition tour of 30 US cities, as well as to create sketches for costumes and scenery for the Chicago Opera. The Roerichs move to America. Roerich's first personal exhibition in the United States was opened in December 1920 in New York. After New York, residents of another 28 US cities saw Roerich's paintings. The exhibitions were an exceptional success. In America, Roerich made several trips to Arizona, New Mexico, California, Monhegan Island and created a series of paintings "New Mexico", "Ocean Suite", "Dreams of Wisdom".

"And we're working." Series "Sancta". 1922

Photo portrait of N.K. Roerich.

Chicago. 1921

“ True creativity is always full of optimism. The Creator cannot be discouraged.” “The builder is full of knowledge in choosing the best materials. A living heart understands how it is necessary now to give people the opportunity to BUILD.”

N.K. Roerich

Central Asian expedition

On December 2, 1923, Nicholas Roerich and his family arrived from Paris to India, where he established cultural and business ties. The Roerichs cover over three thousand kilometers, visiting Bombay, Jaipur, Agra, Sarnath, Benares, Calcutta and Darjeeling. In Sikkim, the Roerichs determine the future route of the expedition, and in September 1924, Roerich and his youngest son make a trip to America and Europe to obtain the necessary permits and documents (the expedition was officially announced as American). After Europe, at the beginning of 1925, Roerich visited Indonesia, Ceylon, Madras. And then the main stage of the expedition begins, which passed through Kashmir, Ladakh, China, Russia, Siberia, Altai, Mongolia, Tibet, through the unexplored regions of the Trans-Himalayas. The expedition continued until 1928.

During the expedition, archaeological and ethnographic research was carried out in unexplored parts of Asia, rare manuscripts were found, linguistic materials, folklore works were collected, descriptions of local customs were made, books were written (“Heart of Asia”, “Altai - Himalayas”), about five hundred paintings were created, on which the artist depicted a picturesque panorama of the expedition route, a series of paintings "The Himalayas" was started, the series "Maitreya", "The Sikkim Way", "His Country", "Teachers of the East" were created.

Routes of the Central Asian Expedition of N.K. Roerich. 1923-1928

Expedition to Altai

In the process of preparing the expedition, the Roerichs, together with the American businessman Louis Horch, created two business corporations in New York - "Ur" and "Belukha", which had the goal of conducting a wide business enterprise on the territory of the Soviet Union. Being in Moscow during the expedition, Nicholas Roerich wanted to achieve registration, in accordance with Soviet laws, of the Belukha Corporation for the development of deposits. The Roerichs visited Altai with a scientific, reconnaissance and ethnographic expedition, selecting places for the proposed concessions and studying the possibility of "organizing a cultural and industrial center in the area of ​​Belukha Mountain."

Altai. Mount Belukha.

Tibetan expedition

The first Central Asian expedition of N. K. Roerich took place in several stages. Upon arrival in Mongolia, it developed into an independent Tibetan journey, now known as the Western Buddhist Mission to Lhasa (1927-1928). By its nature, the Tibetan expedition was not just artistic and archaeological, but, according to its leader, Roerich, had the status of a diplomatic embassy on behalf of the "Union of Western Buddhists". Roerich was considered by his entourage on the expedition as the "Western Dalai Lama".

Completion of the expedition

In the autumn of 1927, under pressure from British intelligence, the expedition was detained by the Tibetan authorities on the outskirts of Lhasa and spent five months in snow captivity high in the mountains at sub-zero temperatures on the Changtang plateau. The expedition was never allowed into Lhasa and was forced, at the cost of incredible difficulties and losses, to break through to India. The Central Asian expedition ended in Darjeeling, where scientific work was launched to process its results.

Manchurian expedition

In 1930, Roerich went on a long-term expedition to Manchuria and northern China in order to collect plant seeds that prevent the destruction of fruitful soil layers.

The expedition started on April 28, 1934 from Seattle to Yokohama (Japan), from where Roerich and his eldest son left for Kyoto on May 24, 1935.

On May 30, 1934, Roerich and his son arrived in Harbin, from where the scientific part of the expedition, consisting of two routes, started. The first route included the Khingan ridge and the Barga plateau (1934), the second - the Gobi, Ordos and Alashan deserts (1935). The artist painted many sketches, conducted archaeological research, collected materials on linguistics and folklore.

The route of the Manchurian expedition of N.K. Roerich in 1934-1935.

Yuri and Svyatoslav Roerich

On May 30, 1934, Roerich and his son arrived in Harbin, from where the scientific part of the expedition, consisting of two routes, started. The first route included the Khingan ridge and the Barga plateau (1934), the second - the Gobi, Ordos and Alashan deserts (1935). As a result of the expedition, about 300 species of drought-resistant herbs were found, medicinal plants were collected. 2,000 parcels of seeds were sent to America. The expedition was prematurely terminated in Shanghai on September 21, 1935.

Roerich's concept of culture

In his philosophical and artistic essays, Roerich creates a new concept of Culture based on the ideas of Living Ethics. Culture, according to N. K. Roerich, is closely connected with the problems of the cosmic evolution of mankind and is the "greatest pillar" of this process. "Culture rests on Beauty and Knowledge," he wrote.

Indian period

Since the end of 1935, Roerich has been living permanently in India. This period is one of the most fruitful in Roerich's work. For 12 years, the artist has written more than a thousand paintings, two new books and several volumes of literary essays. In 1936, the books "Gate to the Future" and "Indestructible" were published in Riga, and in 1939 one of the largest monographs on Roerich's work with essays by Vsevolod Ivanov and Erich Hollerbach was published. In 1936, the first doctoral dissertation on Roerich's pedagogical method was defended in New York.

Roerich family. Kullu valley. India

The Second World War

While in India, Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich from the very first days of World War II uses every opportunity to help Russia. Together with his younger son Svyatoslav Roerich, he arranges exhibitions and the sale of paintings, and transfers all the proceeds to the fund of the Soviet Red Cross and the Red Army. He writes articles in newspapers, speaks on the radio in support of the Soviet people.

During the war years, the artist again turns to the theme of the Motherland in his work. During this period, he creates a number of paintings - "Igor's Campaign", "Alexander Nevsky", "Partisans", "Victory", "Bogatyrs woke up" and others, in which he uses images of Russian history and predicts the victory of the Russian people over fascism.

Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Nicholas Roerich, M. Yunus (Roerich Estate, Kullu)

Attempts to return home

Since 1936, Roerich has been striving to return to his homeland. In 1938, Roerich applied to the USSR Committee for Arts with a request to accept three paintings as a gift. In the same 1938, Roerich wrote a letter to the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR: "...Me and my family members are striving now to bring their knowledge and creativity to the borders of the Motherland." However, all the efforts made were unsuccessful. Roerich did not receive a response to the appeals sent. Roerich's last appeal with a request to return to his homeland was in 1947 - a few weeks before his death.

Elena and Nicholas Roerich

Roerich's concept of culture

In the broad concept of Culture, N. K. Roerich included a synthesis of the best achievements of the human spirit in the field of religious experience, science, art, and education. Nicholas Roerich formulated the fundamental difference between Culture and civilization. If Culture is related to the spiritual world of a person in his creative self-expression, then civilization is only an external arrangement of human life in all its material, civil aspects. Identification of civilization and Culture, Nicholas Roerich argued, leads to a confusion of these concepts, to an underestimation of the spiritual factor in the development of mankind. He wrote that “wealth in itself does not yet give Culture. But the expansion and refinement of thinking and the feeling of Beauty give that refinement, that nobility of spirit, which distinguishes a cultured person. It is he who can build a bright future for his country.” Proceeding from this, humanity must not only develop Culture, but must also protect it.

last years of life

In India, the artist continues to work on a series of paintings "The Himalayas", comprising more than two thousand canvases. The exhibitions of the master were exhibited in various cities of India and were visited by a large number of people.

After the end of the war, the artist asked for a visa to enter the Soviet Union for the last time, but on December 13, 1947, he passes away without knowing that he was refused a visa.

In the Kullu Valley, on the site of a funeral pyre, a large rectangular stone was erected, on which the inscription was carved:

“The body of Maharishi Nicholas Roerich, a great friend of India, was burnt at this place on the 30th Maghar 2004 of the Vikram era, December 15, 1947. OM RAM (Let there be peace).

House-Museum of N.K. Roerich in St. Petersburg

  • During the life of N.K. Roerich created about 7,000 paintings, many of which are in famous galleries around the world, and about 30 literary works, including two poetic ones.
  • The author of the idea and initiator of the Roerich Pact, the founder of the international cultural movements "Peace through Culture" and "Banner of Peace".
  • He is the organizer of the Trans-Himalayan expedition for the purpose of historical and topographic study of Central Asia.



Russian artist, stage designer, mystic philosopher, writer, traveler, archaeologist, public figure. During his life he created about 7,000 paintings, many of which are in famous galleries of the world, and about 30 literary works, including two poetic ones.

The presentation was made by Alexandra Gromovetskaya

11th grade student

Creativity of Nicholas Roerich

Nicholas Roerich was formed as an artist and public figure of culture in the late XIX - early XX century. N.K. Roerich’s peculiar worldview was based on the conviction that by raising the spiritual culture of the masses one can transform life on earth, defeat ignorance, vulgarity, wars: “Where there is culture, there is peace ... As long as culture is only a luxury, ... it will not yet rebuild life . Culture should enter into the immediate, everyday life of both the hut and the palace.

Painting "LEADING"

Nicholas Roerich, with his work entitled “The Host”, shows the important quality that is inherent in wives in the lives of husbands. After all, he dedicated this picture to his life partner, Elena Ivanovna. If you delve into the biography of the artist, it becomes known that his wife was for him a kind of mentor in life.

Painting "Himalayas"

"Himalayas" is an idealized, song image of the mountains, in which they appear mysterious, majestic, legendary. Not just a place located in a particular country, at a particular latitude and longitude. It seems that they are transferred to the canvas directly from the legends, in which heroes cross rivers and mountains, in which heroes grow up to their waists into the ground, in which maidens eat people, and cunning is valued on a par with military prowess.

Painting "Agni Yoga"

Agni Yoga is a teaching that combines the features of Eastern teachings with some features of purely Western teachings, it is also called "Living Ethics". It was created by Roerich's wife, he himself took part in the creation, helped write the book, and the Agni Yoga painting expresses what this teaching was for the artist. And it was a light in the darkness, a guiding beacon in a raging menacing world.

Nicholas Roerich - a man of the world

"The awareness of Beauty will save the world," Roerich repeated with a slight correction of Dostoevsky's words. And beauty is known to man only through culture. Nicholas Roerich convinces us that where culture was born, it can no longer be killed. You can kill civilization. But culture, as a true spiritual value, is immortal. Civilizations came and went, emerged and collapsed, while the eternal spirit of culture, the bearer of which was humanity as a whole, remained, passing its development cycles through many generations.

slide 1

Nicholas Roerich

I believe that gradually educated mankind will accept the Teachings of the Roerichs as a global ethical system. President of the Ecological Academy, Academician R.A.N. Yanshin 1966

Presentation for the lesson "What is spiritual culture?"

Performed by students of 11 "A" class MOUSOSH No. 1 of Ivanovo Rysina Anastasia, Mustafina Anisa

slide 2

The well-known Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences D.S. Likhachev, who has now passed away from us, wrote in his letter to S.N. Roerich in August 1989: the life of our country."

planetary phenomenon

A. Ya. Golovin. Portrait of N. K. Roerich. 1913. Collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery.

slide 3

P - Genus, E - if P - born, And - the history of X - keeps. 10/9/1874 - 12/13/1947 N I K O L A Y - "rich in glory" (Scandinavian); "winner" (Orthodox faith). Name interpretation

From the history of the family?

Why such attention to the personality of Roerich

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According to Nikolai Konstantinovich himself, from the age of 16 he began to think about entering the Academy of Arts. But at the same time, Roerich could not allow the thought of refusing to acquire knowledge in other areas that seriously interested him - history, archeology, philosophy. And he decided to simultaneously enter the Academy of Arts and the Faculty of History of the University. However, the father told the graduate of the gymnasium that he, a St. Petersburg notary, intended to give his son a legal education, to make him the successor of his business, capable of arranging his fate and being useful to the fatherland. The Academy of Arts, according to the father, should be completely excluded.


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1. The main building of the university ("Twelve Colleges"). Photo from the "Literary collection of works of students ...", St. Petersburg, 1896. 2. N. K. Roerich in a university uniform. Photo 1897-1898, made in the workshop of Elena Mrozovskaya. Original in MSSSM.

Time to explore the world

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The daily routine of Roerich as a student went something like this: getting up at nine o'clock in the morning, from ten to one - classes at the Academy, from one to three - university, from three to five - work on sketches, from five to nine evening classes and practical classes at the Academy , from nine to twelve at night - reading, literary work, meetings with friends and acquaintances, participation in student circles.

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Roerich's range of interests seems to have been unlimited. He studied books about Persian burials, South American alligators, read the classics of Hellas, the works of Balzac, A. France, L. Tolstoy, works on jurisprudence, general history, art history, musicology, and literary criticism. A. Kuindzhi invites the young artist to work in his studio.

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On October 30, 1895, Nikolai Konstantinovich wrote in his diary: "A big event! I'm in Kuindzhi's workshop. One of the most important steps was taken as easy as shelling pears. Arkhip Ivanovich became a teacher not only of painting, but of all life."

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In November 1897, the Academy hosted a competitive exhibition and a solemn act of awarding diplomas for the title of artist. This title was also awarded to Nikolai Konstantinovich for his painting "Messenger. Rise of clan against clan" or, as it appeared in the "Reports of the Academy of Arts", "Slavs and Varangians".

creative steps

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Roerich continues to study in the workshop of Fernand Cormon. "Original! Characteristic! Curious! Goes well! He Feels the character of his country! He has a special point of view!" - so said Kormon, considering Roerich's works.

N. K. Roerich. Herald. 1914. Meeting of the State Russian Museum.

N. K. Roerich. London, 1920. Photograph by E. O. Hoppe from MSSSM.

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The East attracted Roerich. He considered it the most mysterious edge.

N. K. Roerich. Boris and Gleb. 1942. Meeting of the State Russian Museum.

N. K. Roerich. Herald. 1922. Bolling Collection, Michigan, USA, Grand Haven.

N. K. Roerich. Herald. 1946. Collection of the GIMV.

N.K. Roerich. Tibet. 1933

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In 1903, the young artist makes an equally interesting journey through the ancient Russian cities.

Antiquity is what matters...

N. K. Roerich. City. Sketch for the mural of the prayer room in Nice. 1914. Collection of the State Art Museum.

N. K. Roerich. Youth-successors. Sketch for the mural of the prayer room in Nice. 1914. Collection of the State Art Museum.

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City - sky, earth and underworld

They created two loves, two cities: the earthly city - love for oneself to the point of contempt for God, and the city of heaven - love for God to the point of contempt for oneself. Blessed Augustine. About the City of God.

G - form, fence, fortress, helping to survive; O - Cosmos, opposing Chaos, humanized space; P - a way of drawing a boundary separating space from chaos, culture from barbarism, one's own and others', life and death, being and non-being; O - an attempt to restore the lost paradise; D - reproduces the model of the world of a given culture, makes visible the structure and levels of the universe.

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“What a glorious place! - Nikolai Konstantinovich enthusiastically wrote in his travel diary. The ancient one lived widely and felt widely. If he wanted to spread himself freely, he climbed to the very top of the terrain, so that a free wind hummed in his ears, so that it sparkled under his feet.

Roerich and Ivanovo land

Shekshovo. Church of the Holy Trinity. Photo from the beginning of the 20th century

a fast river, so that the eye does not know the limit in the blue, alluring distances. And the white towers shone proudly on all sides. N.K. Roerich in 1903 visited not only Suzdal, but also the outback, where he found pieces of antiquity. The artist visited the villages of Torki and Shekshovo in the Suzdal district.

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In 1928 he went to Roerich in India, where, together with his wife, they founded the Urusvati Himalayan Research Institute, which attracted the attention of many prominent Scientists (it ceased its activities due to the Second World War.) From Kullu, Roerich made a trip to America and Europe, and then goes on an expedition. These efforts lead to the signing in 1935 of the Roerich Pact, the International Treaty for the Protection of Artistic and Scientific Institutions and Historical Monuments in Wartime and Peacetime.

Founding of the institute

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“My idea is about the preservation of artistic and scientific values,” wrote N.K. Roerich, - first of all, consisted in creating an international impulse for the defense of all the most precious things that make humanity alive .... the sign should tell humanity about beautiful treasures. ? How to interpret the emblem

N. K. Roerich. Madonna Oriflamma. 1932. Private collection, USA.

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Explaining his motive for choosing this particular sign, in a letter to Baron M.A. Traube (1932), N.K. and more authentic than the Byzantine concept, which goes back to the mists of time to the first generalized Christianity and is so beautifully embodied in Rublev's icon "The Holy Life-Giving Trinity" in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra. It was this symbol - the symbol of ancient Christianity, illuminated for us by the name of St. Sergius, that suggested our sign to me. Considering themselves Orthodox people, Nicholas Roerich and Helena Ivanovna Roerich raised their children in veneration of Orthodox shrines. Patriotism was also deeply inherent in the entire Roerich family. Despite their wanderings around the world, the Roerichs carefully kept Russian passports, dreaming of returning to their homeland and bequeathed all their spiritual heritage to Russia. “We worked for the Russian people. We bring knowledge and achievements to him,” Nicholas Roerich wrote in 1942.

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He again and again refers to the fate of Russia, noting in his notebook: "Two themes were combined everywhere: Russia and the Himalayas." Therefore, such paintings as "Svyatogor", "Heroes wake up", "Nastasya Mikulichna", dedicated to the feat of the Russian people in the Great Patriotic War, appear.

Since 1935, Roerich has been living in Kullu, doing a lot of painting, journalism, conducting a huge correspondence, extensive public work, meeting with progressive Indian figures (D. Nehru, I. Gandhi were guests of his house).

last years of life

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Roerich is amazingly efficient. The total number of his paintings ranges, according to art historians, from five to seven thousand. Roerich's literary heritage is no less great: ten volumes were published during his lifetime, but this is far from a complete collection of records, essays, articles, letters and speeches scattered around the world. December 13, 1947 in the Kullu Valley N.K. Roerich passes away. At the place of his cremation, a monument was erected with the inscription: "The body of the Great Saint (Maharishi) Nicholas Roerich, the great friend of India, was burnt at this place on the 30th Maghar 2004 of the Vikram era, corresponding to December 15, 1947. Om Ram."

Departure from life

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“Culture is the veneration of Light. Culture is love for man. Culture is a fragrance, a combination of life and beauty. Culture is a synthesis

sublime and refined achievements. Culture is a weapon of Light. Culture is salvation. Culture is the engine. Culture is the heart."

Collection "Fiery Stronghold" N. Roerich

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N. K. Roerich. Autograph of the poem "Guard at the gates". 1916. OR of the State Tretyakov Gallery.

N. K. Roerich. Intro to N. Speransky's poem "The Nightingale". From the "Literary collection of works of students ...", p. 391.

Roerich's wife Elena - Virgin of Light

N. K. Roerich. Stone woman. From the "Literary collection of works of students ...", p. 13641.

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Roerich Nicholas Konstantinovich 1874-1947

The artist is a scientist, the artist is a writer, the artist is a philosopher. His work is an exceptional phenomenon in the history of Russian and world art. His canvases are attractive with the originality of themes and plots, their poetry, deep symbolism. Nikolai Konstantinovich

Born in St. Petersburg on September 27 (October 10), 1874. From Roerich’s memoirs: “A house on Vasilyevsky Island, summer trips to the city of Ostrov in the Pskov province and to the country estate of Izvara near St. Petersburg, where he joyfully came into contact with gray-haired antiquity during the excavation of the mound, his father’s stories and grandfather about the ancestors of the ancient Scandinavian family of the Roerichs, the landscapes of the harsh Russian north, beloved for life, all surprisingly, as if in focus, gathered in the soul and memory of the future artist. Essay on life and work...

He was a man with a clear and thoughtful face. His purple-blue eyes could turn completely dark at times. He always had a calm voice, he never raised it, and the whole expression of his face reflected that amazing restraint and self-control, which were the basis of his character. he was never in a hurry, and yet his productivity was amazing. Under all circumstances, the most difficult for the situation, he remained calm and self-possessed and never wavered in his decisions ...

Roerich traveled a lot. He started his career in Russia, went through Europe and America, and finished it in Asia. During this time, he created more than seven thousand paintings, which were sold around the world. There are collections of the artist's works in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Riga, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, New York, Paris, London, Bruges, Stockholm, Helsinki, Buenos Aires, Benares, Allahabad, Bombay and many other cities. Roerich - artist

"Messenger. Rise against clan.” In 1897, the first painting by Nikolai Konstantinovich appeared. The picture takes the imagination to distant times. Deep night. In this picture, the penetration into antiquity is striking, the understanding of the spirit of the historical era with its characteristic features: the types and feelings of people, the tense moments of their lives, the landscape.

"Idols" (1901) One of the artist's early works, executed in France.

"Shadow of the Teacher" Painting painted by Roerich in 1932. Unusual figurative solution of this canvas. The folk tales of the East often tell of people who have left their shadow. It can appear unexpectedly anywhere and remind a person of duty.

"Nastasya Mikulichna" In the 20s - 40s, Roerich began to be interested in the heroic images of women, widely known in history and art, who called for a feat. One of the paintings of this time "Nastasya Mikulichna"

“Remember” (1945) All Roerich's love for the Himalayas is expressed in the masterpiece of his work, in the painting “Remember”, which he gave twenty years later, in 1945, in an even more majestic version.

"Madonna Oriflamma" (1932) ("Fiery Madonna") The painting depicts a calm, majestic image of the Madonna. On her hands is a cloth with the symbol of the Banner of Peace. At one time, this work was widely known to the world community.

“The Elders Converge” (1898) In 1898, Nicholas Roerich, in the summer estate of the Roerich family in Izvara, creates the painting “The Elders Converge”, which was presented at an exhibition at the Academy of Arts in 1899.

"OVERSEAS GUESTS" (1902) Acquaintance with the philosophical thought of the East was reflected in the work of Nicholas Roerich. In the early paintings of the artist, ancient pagan Russia, colorful images of the folk epic were the defining subjects.

"Krishna" (1929) From the middle of 1905, many of his paintings and essays were devoted to India. One of these paintings is Krishna, 1929.

“The Last Angel” (1942) Roerich expressed his disturbing forebodings in symbolic images on the eve of the First World War. They show the theme of the struggle of two principles - light and darkness, passing through all the work of the artist, as well as the responsibility of a person for his own destiny and the whole world.

The multifaceted talent of Nicholas Roerich also manifested itself in his works for theatrical productions: The Snow Maiden, Peer Gynt, Princess Malene, The Valkyrie, etc. He was among the leading ideologists and creators of the reconstructive Old Theater (1907-1908 ; 1913-1914) - a noticeable and unique phenomenon in the cultural life of Russia in the first quarter of the 20th century, and N. Roerich participated in this historical and dramatic event both as a set designer and as an art critic. Roerich - art critic

In the secular environment of St. Petersburg, a passion for spiritism was widespread, and since 1900 Nicholas Roerich participated in spiritualistic experiments. Since the spring of 1920, seances have been held in the Roerichs' house, to which friends and high-ranking dignitaries have been invited. The method of "automatic writing" was mastered. According to some Soviet researchers, Roerich developed a sharply negative attitude towards spiritualism after attending séances, and Roerich's worldview has no roots in occult-spiritual "revelations". Roerich himself did not consider himself a mystic, he did not consider himself (as well as some of his colleagues), believing that the desire for "knowledge of the subtlest energies" is not mysticism, but the search for truth Roerich - scientist, philosopher

Roerich spent the last years of his life in India. In India, Nicholas Roerich was personally acquainted with famous Indian philosophers, scientists, writers, and public figures. The artist continues to work on a series of paintings: "The Himalayas", comprising more than two thousand canvases. For Roerich, the mountain world is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. The following series were written in India: The Last Years of Life


"Genghis Khan"


"Holy Mountains"


Immediately after the end of the war, the artist requested a visa to enter the Soviet Union, but on December 13, 1947, he passed away without knowing that he had been refused a visa. In the Kullu Valley, on the site of a funeral pyre, a large rectangular stone was erected, on which the inscription was carved: “On December 15, 1947, the body of Maharishi Nicholas Roerich, the great Russian friend of India, was set on fire here. Let there be peace." …

During his life he created about 7,000 paintings, many of which are in famous galleries of the world, and about 30 literary works, including two poetic ones. The author of the idea and initiator of the Roerich Pact, the founder of the international cultural movements "Peace through Culture" and "Banner of Peace". Testament of Nicholas Roerich “Love the Motherland. Love the Russian people. Love all peoples in all the vastness of our Motherland. May this love teach you to love all of humanity. Love the Motherland with all your might - and she will love you. We are rich in the love of the Motherland. Wider road! The builder is coming! The Russian people are coming! Merits of Roerich

On June 5, 2013, Roerich's painting "The Works of Our Lady" was sold at Bonhams auction house in London for 7.88 million pounds. This is a world record for a painting by a Russian artist In honor of Nicholas Roerich, the ship "Artist Nicholas Roerich" was named. In 2003, the international Nicholas Roerich Prize was established in honor of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, and since then it has been awarded annually. Memory of Roerich

In 1974, the 100th anniversary of Nicholas Roerich was included by UNESCO in the Calendar of Commemorative Dates of Great Personalities and Events (1973-1974). One of the streets in the center of Riga was named after Nicholas Roerich. In the village of Izvara, Leningrad region, where Nicholas Roerich lived for a long time, since 1984, the Museum-estate of Nicholas Roerich has been operating. In 1999, the Bank of Russia issued two commemorative coins dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of Nicholas Roerich. In 2007, a new Aeroflot airliner was named after Nicholas Roerich. …

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