The origin of mankind read Herman Wirth. New University

The death of Colonel General Dietl
Ron Gamage (translated by Eugene A. Stewart)

Many states have elite troops, most of which have their own battle cry. German mountain units in World War II also had this cry: "Hurra die Gams" or "Hurrah, chamois!" The chamois is an agile ibex whose habitat is isolated mountainous regions. She is able to move through the most difficult terrain. Comparison with it best characterizes the role of the mountain units, which were required to live and fight in the most inhospitable mountain conditions.
The main difference between the mountain rangers and the rest of the infantry formations of the German army was the areas in which they served. In Poland, Norway, France, the Balkans, Crete, Russia and Italy, mountain troops fought in their highest corners.
They formed in the Tyrol, where the borders of Germany and Austria meet. Their special training included climbing, climbing and skiing. Mountain rangers were provided with standard equipment, which was supplemented by an ice ax, rock crampons, ropes, and other special devices. The most notable element of their uniform was the edelweiss flower, which they used as their emblem and which distinguished them from other infantry units. They wore this sign on the sleeve of their uniform tunics. Its metallic variety was also worn on the front of the cap or on the side of their everyday cap. The clothing they wear, such as the reversible anorak and camouflage jacket, was copied in many countries after the war.

In 1989, a small political party in West Germany began to advocate that the name of one of the army barracks, the Bundeswerkazerne Dietl, be changed because it bore the name of the Nazi Colonel General Eduard Wolrath Dietl. This statement was based on the fact that in 1943 he was awarded the NSNRP badge in gold. Who was this Dietl? What did he do to be honored and remembered in this way? Was he a Nazi?

Dietl was born on 21 July 1890 in Bad Aibling and entered school at the age of six. Until the age of nineteen he attended a grammar school in Rosenheim. On October 1, 1909, he was enlisted as a cadet in the 5th Infantry Regiment in Bamberg. His successes in his chosen field were such that two years later he became an officer.

During World War I he was awarded the Iron Cross First Class in 1916 and the Wound Badge in Silver in 1917. After the end of hostilities, he remained in the army, continuing his promotion when in 1938 he was promoted to major general in command of the 8th Mountain Division stationed in Graz, Austria. Up to this point, he commanded and trained various mountain units, proving himself to be an outstanding rock climber. Although he demanded a lot from his subordinates, he managed to earn their admiration and respect through his ability, character, and loyalty. Each time he returned from rest, he brought tobacco and sweets for his troops on the front line.

After active service in Poland, in September 1939, Dietl and his men were sent to Norway, where all their hard work showed itself in a difficult victory at Narvik. The "Hero of Narvik" Dietl was awarded the Knight's Cross in May 1940. Being by this time a lieutenant general, Dietl two months later became the first person to receive the Oak Leaves to the Knight's Cross. His next promotion made him General of the Infantry. Now in command of the 20th Mountain Army, he and his mountain rangers fought in Finland and Lapland for the next four years. At this time, Dietl received the rank of colonel general and, as already mentioned, the gold party badge of the NSNRP in 1943.
Dietl died in a tragic and possibly unplanned air crash after visiting Adolf Hitler in Obersalzberg. Dietl wished to return by plane to Norway via Graz and Vienna. On June 23, he flew out of Graz along with several other military officers: General Karl Iglseer, General Franz Rossi, General Thomas-Emil von Wickede, Oberleutnant Kovalik, Oberleutnant Jakob, Oberleutnant Altfild, Oberfeldwebel Meyer and Feldwebel Huber. The aircraft they flew was a three-engine Junkers Ju-52. This car had a reputation for being reliable, although it was slow-moving.

The weather forecast from the meteorological station in Graz predicted cloudiness at an altitude of 500 to 2500 meters. As a result, the pilot was advised to go around the Alps and fly over the plain on my way to Vienna. This was sound advice, since Dietl's pilot, although an experienced pilot, still did not have sufficient qualifications to fly over mountainous terrain. Nevertheless, Dietl missed his mountains and instructed the pilot to take a direct route through the Alps, so unlike the plains of Finland. He stated that the clouds were high and that he was familiar with the area.
The pilot did as he was told. From Graz they flew over the valley to Judenburg and then along the Semmering railway line over the Mürzzuschlag. At the Mürzzugschlag, the terrain began to rise sharply, and as the cloud cover dropped, they flew much lower than expected. Ahead, the mountain peaks vanished into mist and clouds. Junkers 52 flew safely over one ridge, but then got into cloud cover. Flying blind, the pilot turned too late and the plane hit several trees. Everyone on board died.

The crash site Hartberg am Semmering is densely overgrown with pine trees and has steep cliffs. It is quite isolated and access to the wreck was a very difficult undertaking in those days. Today, a memorial has been erected at this place, and although there are road signs along the way, it is not so easy to get there.
The general returned to his city of Munich for burial and was posthumously awarded the Swords to his Knight's Cross on 1 July 1944, followed by a state funeral on 2 July. Today, his grave in the northern cemetery (Nordfriedhof), plot no. 114, is marked by a stone obelisk engraved with a shield beyond Narvik.

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early years

Activities in Nazi Germany

Theory of Hermann Wirth

In the 1920s Hermann Wirth is in close contact with representatives of the pro-Nazi circles of the German Weimar Republic. In 1925 he joined the NSDAP (party card No. 20.151), but left it the following year, later joined the Marxist party societies, but then, in 1926, he returned to the ranks of the National Socialists.

During these years, Wirth published several works, some of which were not recognized by the scientific community (in particular, he sought to substantiate the authenticity of the Frisian chronicle, which spoke of the death of Atlantis, the so-called "Chronicle of Ura-Lind"). At the same time, as the politician, political scientist and researcher of Wirth's work Alexander Dugin notes,

The theory of Hermann Wirth was an assumption about the polar, Nordic origin of mankind. In ancient times, in the north of the Earth, there was the continent of Arctogea, which was inhabited by supermen-Hyperboreans. A civilization appeared here, a kind of monotheistic proto-religion, a proto-language and other sources of world culture, which subsequently underwent desacralization, perversion and distortion. According to Wirth's theory, the cause of these destructive processes was the racial mixing of the Hyperboreans with bestial, underdeveloped representatives of the lower southern race, who inhabited another continent - Gondwana. Due to cooling and climate deterioration, the northern super-race began to move south, where it mixed. Those representatives of the super-race who remained in Arktogey for the greatest amount of time gave rise to the Nordic race in the Mesolithic and Neolithic period in the understanding of Wirth's contemporaries.

Wirth's work received a lively response in Völkisch circles, and in 1932 the Mecklenburg government organized for Wirth the "Research Institute for the Prehistory of the Spirit" (Forschungsinstitut für Geistesurgeschichte) in Bad Doberan. In 1934, Wirth was reinstated in the NSDAP and joined the SS (membership number 258.776). Hitler spoke approvingly of a number of Wirth's works, in particular The Signs and Soul of the Swastika, 1933, but also stated:

Period "Ahnenerbe"

In 1935 he became one of the founders and the first director of the Ahnenerbe society (he headed it until 1937). In 1938, due to ideological differences with Himmler, who, in particular, did not share Wirth's theories regarding matriarchy in German society (Das Mutterrecht), he was dismissed from the Ahnenerbe, while remaining a voluntary assistant to the society until 1945. After Wirth, the Ahnenerbe was headed by Walter Wüst (German. Walter Wüst).

After the war

In 1945-1947. was interned by American troops, after that he left for Sweden, but in 1954 he returned to Marburg, where he led the private life of a scientist. Wirth's ideas about the origin of the indigenous population of America in the 1970s acquired an unexpected resonance [[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] the North American Indians. In 1979, Wirth was visited by Willy Brandt, and the government of Rhineland-Palatinate offered the scientist to create a museum for his ethnographic collection.

Approximately where Canada and Scandinavia parted.

Traces ancient civilization Wirth found in Norway and Sweden, in Ireland, in Lower Saxony, especially in peat bogs along the lower reaches of the Weser River and around Bremen.

Heir to an ancient Frisian family, Wirth studied Frisian philology, the history of the Germanic languages, and music theory. To the first world war volunteered for the German army. In 1916 he became professor of philology at the University of Berlin.

Here he turns to the topic of the prehistory of mankind, which he explores through a multifaceted interpretation of calendar symbolism, for which he studied almost all the “dead languages” known by that time.

His unusual and profound research is widely and lively discussed both among specialists and in the circles of the German "populist movement" (Volkische Bewegung).

In the symbolic chain of identifications between the pentagram (five-pointed star), the pole (swastika), the Arctic, the Indo-European peoples, the symbolism of the raised hand, the fundamental sacredness of the middle of winter (New Year) and the female deity, Wirth embodied his main idea: humanity at the dawn of its history was at the pole , its socio-political structure was matriarchy (the cult of the White Goddess), and writing developed from calendar signs, which, in turn, are metaphysical and geometric shapes observed throughout the polar year. The main conclusion was that the symbolism of all religions and traditions can be reduced to a single fundamental principle.

In 1928, Wirth met Ludwig Roselius, the wealthiest Bremen coffee merchant and philanthropist. Together they decided to build the "House Atlantis" palace to house the archaeological collections of the "Ahnenerbe" museum.

The building, the construction of which was completed in 1931, was designed in ultra-modern forms of steel frame architecture, but from the facade it was decorated with a giant totem - a wood-carved image of the Tree of Life, a sun wheel and a cross superimposed on it with the crucified shaman god Odin; the totem was covered with runic signs.

Runes are an ancient alphabet of twenty-four characters, the twenty-fifth is empty. Their study was certainly included in the training of the SS, regardless of the degree of their initiation into the "secret doctrine" of Hitler. The Nazis attributed them to a mythical origin. According to the saga, they were handed down by the Scandinavian warlike god Odin. The wounded Odin hung on the World Tree, tormented by hunger and cold, until he saw the runes on the trunk of the tree.

Before falling, he collected them and then brought them to Earth. In people, the runes have become an oracle, a set of magical symbols. They were used for ritual purposes, for divination and poetic creativity. Two runic S's are depicted on the esov's buttonholes. The double sign should feed the internal energy, denote the inflexibility of their strength and will. The mythological content of the runes was drawn from the postulate "In the beginning was the Word." And since the word was the basis of everything created, its integral part, the letter, must also have sacred power. The sources of the runes were the ancient sagas, which were rethought by the Nazi runeologists. The texts were copied from inscriptions throughout their area of ​​existence, from Greenland to Yugoslavia.

In 1928, Wirth published the book The Origin of Mankind. He proved that two protorases stand at its origins. the Nordic, spiritual race of the North, and the Godvanic, possessed by baser instincts, the race of the South. Wirth argued that the descendants of these ancient races are scattered among modern peoples.

The essence of the teachings of Hermann Wirth was as follows. The first people allegedly arose in the south of Godwana, the land of night, hausa, wild instincts, unbridled emotions and wild beliefs that have nothing to do with true religion. The inhabitants of Godwana were entirely of the "third" blood group. Their remains have survived, and are sometimes found by modern archaeologists.

But at the same time, in the Far North there was Arctogea, a huge island and a whole continent. There, too, primitive man appeared, in the country of the Sun, reason, order, balanced instincts and true Faith, which he received from the Son of God, the manifestation of the cosmic God. His blood type was "first".

Illustration from Linda's Chronicle of Cheers

In general, Wirth quite cleverly used the scientific discoveries of his time to confirm his own hypotheses. He did not refer to the frozen dogma and the "ossified" Christian religion. The year in Arktogey was clearly divided into two equal parts (Vedas), which is fully consistent with the spirit of the Nordic man.

Here arose a proto-language and a comprehensive true faith, which explained everything - from the microcosm to the infinite expanses of the Universe. The people inhabiting Arctogea were Cro-Magnons, whose remains were not preserved due to the fact that they probably burned the dead, as they do in Northern India, or gave them to be eaten by vultures, as is done in Tibet, partly in the same India.

As the writer and traveler orientalist Mikhail Demidenko describes, “I saw such towers of death and the burning of corpses on the Ganges in Varanas, the place where, according to legend, the enlightenment of the Buddha took place nearby. Thousands of pilgrims stand on the marble white steps descending to the Ganges. They enter the waters of the Sacred River, perform ablutions, many brush their teeth with special sticks.

Immediately, on specially designated steps, men - laundresses (only men do this work) wash clothes; upstream, the widow sets fire to the logs, on which the corpse of her husband lies in a white towel. When the fire burns out, the ashes of the deceased are allowed to flow along the Ganges, so that no traces remain.

And even higher - the tower of death. Vultures sit on it ... The waters from the Ganges flow from the Himalayas, they flow through rocks rich in silver ores. Maybe that's why the Ganges heals, and its water, which is carried away by pilgrims in special bronze vessels, does not go bad for years.

Hermann Wirth at work in the Ahnenerbe library

According to Wirth, the North has a direction to the South, from Light to Darkness. Arctogea first froze, and then sank. The Aryans were forced to move to the South, some of them lingered in the northern regions of the continent, which, in turn, in the Paleolithic era, is torn to Antarctica and the grandiose massif of Eurasia.

The first wave of Aryans came to Europe, Iran and then swept to the East, to China and Japan. The skin, due to climatic influences and because they mixed with the local population, turned yellow. The fact that the blood of some samurai belongs to the "first" group, according to Wirth, proves their Aryan origin.

The northerners, a Nordic race, came to the areas inhabited by the Godvans, the inhabitants of the South, with the "third" blood group. They mixed with them, and a "second" blood group arose. In fact, the Nordic blood of the "first" group diverge from the North in fading rays to the South and Southeast ..

The infusion of the "first" group was repeated when Atlantis sank and its population flooded into Europe. At the same time, those who lingered there came from the North. Wirth confirms his theory by the fact that the Indians of North America did not mix with the Neanderthals of Africa, so they completely have the “first” group.

The “fourth” blood group is the most mysterious in origin, it is most common among gypsies, Hungarians and Ukrainians.

In 1933, in Munich, historical exhibition entitled " Ahnenerbe”, which means “ancestral heritage”. Its organizer was Professor Hermann Wirth. Among the exhibits were the oldest runic and proto-runic writings. Wirth estimated the age of some of them at 12 thousand years. They were collected in Palestine, the caves of Labrador, in the Alps - all over the world. Interest in the exhibition was shown by the racist soilist Richard Darre and the pagan occultist Friedrich Hielscher, who is known to have enjoyed great authority in the NSDAP, although he was never a member of this party.

Hermann Wirth on an expedition to Scandinavia in 1936

Attention to the exhibition was shown by the leadership of the SS, which was gaining strength. By that time, this organization had evolved from the small security detachments of the party into the role of the guardian of the leaders. Here they have already tried to take over the functions of protecting the Nordic race in genetic, spiritual and mystical terms.

Wirth's exhibition was visited by Heinrich Himmler himself. He was struck by the "visibility" of the conclusions about the superiority of the Nordic race. They were based, in part, on Wirth's analysis of Linda's Ur Chronicle. This book, found in the 17th century, tells about the history of the Germanic tribes. Some experts called it a fake. Wirth believed that, written in Old Dutch, it was a translation of an immeasurably older manuscript. The leaders of the Reich were ready to accept such a conclusion on faith.

The Reichsführer offered Wirth cooperation. So the organization "Ahnenerbe" was created.

In 1937, Hermann Wirth became one of the founders of the Ahnenerbe organization (Ahnenerbe - Ancestral Heritage), where he headed the study of writing and worldview (Pflegestatte fur Schrift- und Sinnbildkunde).

She was assigned to study the heritage of her ancestors in a broad sense. At one time, Hermann Wirth led this department of the SS, enjoyed authority among his colleagues and had a huge impact on Hitler's doctrine. Hitler supplemented his research with the Hollow Earth theory, the Great Demigods of Tibet, and the Hinges of Time. See other sections for these concepts.

However, his works do not receive recognition, and in 1938 he was expelled from his post under pressure from A. Rosenberg, a supporter of the Aryan patriarchy.

Interestingly, Wirth sympathized with communism, believing that the era of patriarchy as the suppression of the original Nordic sacredness of the White Lady ended in 1917, thanks to the successful Bolshevik revolution.

After the fall of the 3rd Reich, he was interned by the Allied forces and released only 2 years later (in 1947). Leaves for Sweden, where he receives financial support for his research; also receives financial support from the University of Göttingen (Germany). In 1954 he returned to Germany, to Marburg, where he taught privately. Since 1963, he has been participating in archaeological excavations in Externsteine(Externsteine). Shortly before his death, he is deprived of an almost finished manuscript of a gigantic book " Palestinebuch”(Stolen under unclear circumstances), on which he has been working in recent years.

Rotation and Year as World Order
There is no greater mystery in human existence than the mystery of life and death, dying and becoming. Nothing can fill the soul of a “one-part” (not yet “two-part”) person with a feeling of a higher Power, except for the eternal rhythm of the natural year (Lebensjahre), in close contact and in complete harmony with which human life unfolds. Year (1) for man is the highest Revelation of divine action in the Universe. It is the expression of the cosmic law given by God, in accordance with which the formation of the world takes place in an endless and imperishable return. A magical, deepest image appears to us in nature, this is the Year of God. Many days make up a Year, and in each of the days the image of the Year is revealed again: the birth of Light, from which all life comes, its ascent to the highest peak, and its descent, death, descent to rise again. That which is morning, noon, evening and night in the day corresponds in the Year to spring, summer, autumn and winter. In the spring, the "Light of the World" awakens all life again, straightens, develops, until it reaches its full unfolding and the limit of growth in midday-summer time, in order to begin again the path to night and winter, poisoning itself to death, which will inevitably be followed by a new birth. Nordic man contemplated the way of his existence every year and every day: early morning childhood, late youth, midday and summer growing up, full maturation, then the withering of life, old age leading to winter death, and through it to new life, to rebirth and new becoming, embodied in offspring. The cycle of the day develops in its constant continuous repetition the cycle of the Year, and the Year human life. Circulation, movement in a circle, rotation in itself is the highest cosmic law of God, the ethical Foundation of the Universe of all being. Every experience of God and every sense of justice is based on this principle. The law of perpetual rotation, whose revelation is space and time, and especially in the Year, was realized by the Atlanto-Nordic (2) race in the symbol of the Yearly and World Tree, the Tree of Life. We can trace this original concept to all Atlanto-Nordic languages ​​and cultures. It is associated, among others, with root t-r and with his back r-t version, which are present in words denoting rotation ("drehen", "Drehung" "twirl", "rotate", "rotate" (3), "Dorn" "tree" (4), etc.). From here t-r connection and r-t with the Tree (as well as with the Cross, the Gallows), and the Wheel as an image of the World Tree, the Tree of Life. It also means the "non-evening" law of the cosmos, "law", "ethics", "the basis and source of all being", and, accordingly, "origin", "conception". The cosmic symbolism of words with this root is preserved in the word "Art" ("type"), in the sense of "origin", kind", in Latin "ritus", i.e. "custom", "established procedure", and also " art", "science", and especially in the ancient Indian rta. The ancient Indian "rta" of the Rig Veda, "asa" of the Avesta, "Order", "Law", was the "great institution" of the "two-part God, Mitra-Varuna," ur-ana ", which is the true rotator "rta". A twelve-spoke wheel "rta" runs across the sky, which never gets old. The Sun, the founding fathers of the World, "starting from rta, threw it into the sky"; The sun, the revelation of Agni as the incarnation of the Son of God, is called "a bright visible face, and Agni himself is the "offspring of rta", "born in rta". In the affairs of people, "rta" operates as a moral law; "rta and truth" are closely connected. sense of "not true", the expression "anrta" is often used, i.e. "that which is not". Right is that which "thinks in accordance with", "follows the path of rta", "takes care of rta, thinks about truth."

Modern Man and God's Year
These fundamental considerations, however, are completely alien to modern urban man. For him, a year is only an abstract, temporary concept, which does not differ in any way from all other periods of time with which modern "economic and scientific" life operates. The year is known to him from the desk calendar, business notebooks and some wardrobe changes. With the rhythm of creation, such a modern city man is no longer connected in any way. His contact with God's Year in nature occurs sporadically, during holidays or natural disasters. To return to the experience of the Year, modern man must be "healed" from its civilized existence, tearing away from the experience of being, despite the fact that the pace of work and life is becoming faster and faster, and the gap with the great human Year of a person's fate-life is increasing. It is precisely the “healing” that modern “social” people should be, freed from all the natural laws of God-Year, turning night into day, and day into night, looking for “optimal use of time”, while time, in fact, uses them, destroying them. God's Year in nature would give them renewal, but they can no longer find the inner way to it. If they still understood their own meaning, they would never have set off in a mad pursuit of Mammon, making money the goal of life, they would not have begun to consider the senseless industrialization and enlargement of cities inevitable, they would not have wallowed in deep materialism, which sealed their poverty, weakness and the insignificance of their souls, the souls of "modern humanity." So clearly seen is the destruction of bodily strength, which is a consequence of " modern life cities. They try to overcome weakness and resort back to God's Year when other means no longer help. But the reasons for this, remaining intact, they do not notice and do not want to notice. main reason in their falling away from the eternal life rhythm of God's Year. Therefore, they do not live by themselves, but they are lived by something extraneous, alien; they rot in body and soul, grow old already in their youth.

God's Year as a Nordic Experience
The whole spiritual culture of the Nordic race once developed from the unity and vital rhythm of the God Year: the Year lay at the basis of its experience of God and knowledge of God, and from its imprinting in hieroglyphs, the signs of the "sacred Yearly Series", all writing systems in the world developed. Just as today we transmit knowledge through writing, so once writing itself arose as a transmission of the highest Knowledge about the Divine Revelation in the Universe, Knowledge about the annual path of the "Light of the World" coming from God. But nowhere in our world is the experience of Light so deep as where the opposition of Light and Darkness, Day and Night is most distinct. Only the Far North knows God's Year in the full unity of its opposites, in the law of its return, in the infinite, eternal richness of its movement, in which life is constantly renewed. Neither the eternal summer of the tropical regions, nor the pale compromises of the southern, Mediterranean climate know this experience. Only one single Nordic Winter, when the Light of God descends deeper and deeper in its daily path, the day is shortened, the night is lengthened, until at last the Light is completely drowned in mortal darkness. winter night in order to come again to a new upsurge and awaken all Life from death. The Mystery of the Winter Solstice is the most sacred and highest experience of the Nordic soul. It reveals the great, divine law of eternal return, the Law, according to which, every death is becoming, and death leads to Life through the Light of God.

1 - Russian word"year" originally etymologically meant "suitable", "worthy", hence the words "suitable", "suitable", "suitable", "profitable", "suitable"; related to the Gothic "guots", the Old High German "guot" - "kind", "good", "good". Consequently, the idea of ​​the Year as a Good was originally laid in the Russian language, i.e. as an ethical, qualitative concept, and not a quantitative unit of time. It is also striking that the expression "Gottesjahr" - "God's Year" often used by Wirth - is contained in one Russian word "year", if, of course, we accept the etymologically controversial, but self-evident parallel between the words Gut ("good") and Gott ( "God"). - A.D.
2 - For more details on the racial theory of Hermann Wirth and his views on the meaning of runes as primordial ideograms of the Holy Year, see A. Dugin "Hyperborean Theory", Moscow, Arktogeya, 1994 - A.D.
3 - Pay attention to the fact that the Slavic root of the word "twirl" is related, on the one hand, to the ancient Prussian "wirst" ("become"), whence the German "werden", becoming, and on the other hand, it contains the same combination consonants - r-t, and even the hyperskeptic scientist Vasmer etymologically brings this root closer to the Greek "ratane", where the consonant v or w is absent. By the way, the origin of this v (or w) may be a consequence of the hardening of the vowel "u", which in the ritual sound combinations of the oldest Nordic cult formulas often appeared together with "r". The famous formula "ur", the name of the most important winter solstice rune (horseshoe). Wirth himself elevates the German "werden" precisely to "ur", and consequently, the Russian "v" in "twirl" (as well as in Latin "verto", Lithuanian "virsti", etc.) turns out to be quite primordial and cult-based. From the same ancient root came the Russian "time", related, in turn (according to Vasmer) to the ancient Indian "vartma" ("rut", ruts, "road", "gutter"), in which "t" is preserved. the most important for the Russian tradition word "genus", from the Proto-Slavic "*ordъ" and etymologically close to the word "grow", *ordъ clearly resembles the German "Ordnung" ("order") and the Sanskrit word rta itself. Again, the proximity of concepts. "Time", "formation", "growth" ... At the same time, it should be remembered that time in Tradition is understood cyclically, and therefore, the concept of "Kin" in the Slavic mentality meant not just a horizontal movement of the hereditary, family chain in history, but some kind of single, a superhistorical reality, as if deliberately closed on itself, like a circle.The genus is not just a cult of ancestors, but also a cult of descendants, as well as a cult of the ethnic present, carrying out the sacrament of connecting the two poles of being.-A.D.
4 - With regard to "Dorn" (in modern German "bush", "bush"), the correspondence is even more strict (recall the phonetic identity of "d" and "t", voiced and voiceless pronunciation of the same sound). The Russian word "tree", "tree" goes directly to the Indo-European root d-r, t-r. - Greek "doru", Old Indian "daru", "dru-", Gothic "triu", English "tree", etc. Thus, in the Russian language there are several most important, fundamental sacred concepts related to ritual formula r-t, t-r, make up etymologically related words - "Time - Tree - Rotation - Genus". It is easy to imagine what conclusions can be drawn from this simple observation for the study of the sacred semantics of Russian customs, texts, folklore phrases, ritual complexes, calendar types, etc.