Architecture of the first half of the 19th century presentation. Architecture of the first half of the 19th century

ARCHITECTURE of the first half of XIX century.

The leading style in Russia in the first half of the 19th century
Empire became a militant, victorious classicism.
The style developed during the period of the empire of Napoleon I
in France, where he was distinguished by ceremonial splendor,
monumentality of architecture and rich decor.
J.F.T. Schalgren
Triumphal Arch
B. Vignon
Church of Saint Madeleine
P.F.L. Fontaine
Triumphal Arch

Empire features:
Sample - the art of Imperial Rome
distinguished by pomp, devotion to
military topics;
in the decoration of buildings: swords, shields, helmets,
Triumphal Arch
O. Bove
the special role of sculpture, sculpture, as
would “talk” began to explain
design of an architectural structure;
Kazan Cathedral
A. Voronikhin.

Empire architecture
Avenue architecture
and squares
A.N. Zakharov
A.N. Voronikhin
Individual architecture
O.I. Bove
A.G. Grigoriev

Architectural ensembles appeared in St. Petersburg and Moscow
transformed both capitals. Large public buildings were built
buildings - theaters, stock exchanges, government and military institutions.
The customer state did not spare any effort or money for the construction
, which contributed to the extraordinary scope of construction in
empire style.

Kazan Cathedral
View of the Kazan Cathedral
Artist Fedor Alekseev

The author of the cathedral is the former serf of Count A.S. Stroganov-
A.N. Voronikhin
He studied architecture with famous architects V.I. Bazhenov and
The temple was built on the eve of the war of 1812.
Soon the cathedral became a monument to the victory of the Russian people in
Patriotic war. The architecture of the cathedral is worthy of this Glory.

The main decoration of the cathedral: majestic stone columns 144 - outside from Pudost stone and 56 inside from granite.
The temple is a brilliant example of the synthesis of art..
From the north, bronze statues of St. Vladimir are installed in niches,
Al. Nevsky, John the Baptist, Andrew the First-Called.
The outdoor sculpture was made by sculptors I.P. Martos,
S.S. Pimenov, I.P. Prokofiev
and V.I. Demut-Malinovsky.

The building is being decorated
suffocating Antaeus"
sculptor Pimenov,
And "The Abduction of Proserpina
Building of the Mining Institute
(1806-1808) arch. A.N. Voronikhin

Ensemble of the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island
in front of the building
Two Rostral
Thomas de Thomon (1805-1810)
Exchange Building

Exchange Building
The architect took as a model the form of an antique
a temple periptera, surrounded on all sides by columns. Important
sculpture plays a role. The god of the seas swims up to the course of the Neva
Neptune in
chariot drawn by sea horses.

Rostral columns - lighthouses,
personifying the sea
the power of Russia. They are decorated
anchors and prows of ancient ships, rostras.
At the base carved in stone
figures representing
Russian rivers: Volga, Dnieper,
Neva and Volkhov.

(1805-1823) A.D. Zakharov
The building consists of 5 parts:
central tower, two
wings and two hulls.
Spire - boat, crowning
tower, became

Sculpture plays an important role: here it is not
decoration, but part of a single whole. co-authors
Zakharov were: F.F. Shchedrin, S.S. Pimenov,
I.I. Terebenev, V.I. Demut-Malinovsky.
Sculpture enhances the value of the building as
monument of Russian naval glory.

The main idea of ​​the building: Russia is great
sea ​​power. Bas-relief above the Arch
"Establishing a Fleet in Russia": Neptune
presents Peter I with a trident as a sign of dominion
over the seas.

K. Rossi completed the half-kilometer
arc of buildings, and in the center designed
travel gate - the arch of the General Staff.

fan out
2 arches (view from Nevsky
The Rossi Arch resembles a triumphal gate.
Military armor is placed on both sides of the passage.
Between the columns are the figures of warriors.
The arch is crowned with a chariot in which the goddess stands
Victory. Its authors are sculptors - S.S. Pimenov,
IN AND. Demuth-Malinovsky.

Mikhailovsky Palace
One of the most beautiful halls, Belokolonny, whose model
was sent to English

theater (1816-1834)
C.Rossi: “The dimensions of the alleged
my project
surpass those that the Romans
considered worthy for their
monuments Are we afraid
compare with them in splendor ... "

The theater building is an example of synthesis
arts. Sculpture reveals
purpose of the building:
antique theatrical masks,
laurel wreath garlands,
statues of muses in niches
magnificent quadriga
Apollo on the main attica
theater named after A.S. Pushkin

Rossi Street (1828-1834)
Recognized as one of
the most beautiful streets in the world!
consists of two long buildings built
for the directorate of theaters and for the Ministry of Education.

Senate building
and Synod
Ensemble of two equal buildings:
Senate - closer to the Neva and
Synod - closer to St. Isaac's Cathedral.

Senate and Synod united
arch thrown over the Galley

Elagin Ensemble
palace (1818-1826)
It currently houses a museum.
C. Rossi.

the cathedral
Height: 101m
Dome diameter25m
4th place in the world in size;
accommodates 12,000 people
Construction and decoration
cost the state
23 million 256 thousand rubles
"The lack of a cathedral" - an accusation of congestion
rare and precious
materials used for its construction.

It is decorated with:
112 columns
from granite monoliths
up to 114 tons each
About 400 reliefs and
bronze sculptures
Decoration of the cathedral: more than 150 works of monumental
painting; among them are the works of V. Shebuev, K. Bryullov, F. Bruni;
Over 300 statues, sculptural groups and reliefs made
I. Vitali; more than 60 mosaics made by Russian masters.

Mosaics of the cathedral in 1862. on the
world exhibition in
highly rated:
“The Russians have brought the production of smalt to such
perfection like nowhere else
The cathedral houses one of
the largest stained-glass windows in Russia
area of ​​28.5 sq.m

Many breeds are used in interior decoration
valuable stones: malachite, lapis lazuli, porphyry, marble.

"New Life" of St. Isaac's Cathedral.

Contemporaries of the 19th century:
“The view of the column is a real pleasure
a satisfied eye gazes lovingly
details and rests on the whole.

Column height-47.5 m
the highest monolith in the world, weight-600 tons.
Is a monument
Russian military glory, a symbol of victory in the war
The column is crowned with a 4.26 m figure.
angel trampling a snake
(Sculptor B.I. Orlovsky).
O. Montferrand, participant Napoleonic Wars, together with
Russian craftsmen erected a monument of glory to the winners
war with Napoleon. This is the highest triumphal
column in the world!

Moscow Empire
Its originality stemmed from the combination
new ideas of the 19th century with national traditions;
Before the war of 1812, the image of Moscow was created by M.F. Kazakov.
The building of the City Hospital arch. M.F.Kazakov.

Moscow after the fire
out of 9 thousand houses survived
2.5 thousand
In the capital in 1813-1830.
architectural ensembles,
the most important public
Created in 1813, the Commission for the construction of Moscow (from
students and followers of M.F. Kazakov), provided
stylistic integrity of the city's development.

O.I. Bove
The commission was headed by the architect O.I. Bove,
who created the architectural ensemble
city ​​center. He spent:
red square reconstruction
(shopping malls)
Breakdown of the Alexander Garden;
Created Theater Square, at the expense of
"burials" of the Neglinka River.
Rauch. " The Red Square"
Upper shopping malls

Theater Square(1816-1824)
arch. A.A. Mikhailov and O. Bove
The center of the square is the building of the Bolshoi
theater with a height of 37 meters,
along its axis was located 8-column
portico surmounted by a magnificent
figure of Apollo on a chariot
The hall could accommodate 3,000 people. spectators.
Moskovskie Vedomosti about
the birth of the Bolshoi Theatre:
"most beautiful building
charming noble
simplicity combined with
grace, majesty and
ease" January 17, 1825.

Rebuilt by an architect after a fire
A.K. Kavos (he enlarged
height, changed
proportions and
architectural decor).
The fire of the Bolshoi Theatre, 1853
Apollo quadriga
Sculptor P.K.Klodt

big theater is pride
Russian culture.
Since 1842,
Russian operas and ballets
In 1941, a broken German
the bomber dropped 500kg.
theater bomb.
Every year at the Bolshoi Fountain
theater veterans gather
Great Patriotic War.

The building of the Maly Theater of the "second Moscow University" is also located on Theater Square. Its opening took place in
1824. The architects were O. Bove and
A.F. Elkinsky (rebuilt in 1838 by the architect K.A. Ton).
This theater is also called "Ostrovsky's house",
47 plays by A.N. Ostrovsky were staged on his stage.
A.N. Ostrovsky about theaters on Theater Square:
“National theaters are a sign of the coming of age of a nation,
as well as academies, universities, museums.”

Alexander Garden
O. Bove designed the Alexandrovsky device
Garden to Troitsky Bridge. The best have been planted
trees and bushes, flowerbeds were laid out, a grotto was built.
It was supposed to arrange ponds with a cascade in the garden
and illumination. This idea of ​​O. Bove was brought to life
In the XX century during the reconstruction of Manezhnaya Square.
A separate exit from the Alexander Garden led to

Manezh building (1817).
Built for the 5th victory of the Russian
weapons in the war of 1812.
Intended for viewing
and teachings of the troops.
a unique engineering structure 166m long and 45m wide.
Without intermediate supports inside. AT
The arena could maneuver
infantry regiment of
2 thousand people. Built to
project of engineers A.A.Carbone,
and L.L. Betancourt.

Triumphal gates by O. Bove (1834)
Erected at the Tverskaya Zastava on
place of wooden erected in
1814 to meet the victorious
Russian troops from a foreign campaign.
In 1936, the arch was dismantled, its parts
kept in the Museum of Architecture
territory of the Donskoy Monastery. AT
1983 the arch was restored to
Kutuzovsky prospect. Sculptures
on the arch were made by I.T. Timofeev and
I.P. Vitali. At the heart of the project
the famous arch of Titus was laid.

temple buildings
O. Bove
In the cult architecture of the 20-30s, the temple
domed rotunda.
Church of All Who Sorrow
Joy on Ordynka.
Church of the Ascension near Nikitsky

O. Bove
House N.S. Gagarin on Novinsky Boulevard (destroyed
during the war)
Church of the Intercession

D.I. Gilardi (1788-1845)
D.I.Gilardi by origin
Italian. From 1810-1832 he worked in Russia.
Restored the building of the University (18171819)
A.F. Merzlyakov: “Temple of Minevra, rebelled
clothed in splendor that surpasses
even the one in which he was before the fire.
He kept the volume of the building,
Ionic portico of Kazakov
has been replaced by a larger
Doric. Used decor
in the form of masks, torches, wreaths.

The Lunin House on Nikitsky Boulevard
now the Museum of Oriental Art
This building showed a Moscow trait - a common
picturesque composition, dynamism,
imbalance. Asymmetric in construction
consisting of structures of various shapes and sizes,
the ensemble develops, as if following the direction of the street

A.G. Grigoriev (1782-1868)
The fame of the architect brought the construction of residential buildings.
Interesting among them are 2 houses on Prechistenka:
Khrushchev-Seleznyov (now the Museum of A.S. Pushkin, 1814)
Lopukhins-Stanitskys (now the Leo Tolstoy Museum 1817-1822)
Museum since 1920
A.S. Pushkin
Since 1968, the Leo Tolstoy Museum.

D.I.Giliardi and A.G.Grigoriev.
Board of Trustees building
The estate of the Usachovs of the Naydenovs (18291831)
Together they carried out the reconstruction of the Widow's House,
Sloboda Palace in Lefortovo, the Catherine Institute, in

D.I.Giliardi and A.G.Grigoriev
Mausoleum-rotunda in Sukhanovo
Ceremonial monumentalism
underlined by powerful columns
facades, clear rhythm
inserts and sculptural decoration.
equestrian pavilion
in Kuzminki

The crisis of classicism and the emergence of eclecticism.
In 30-40g, a single style that fastened
before all Russian architecture
falling apart, falling apart
architecture leaves its former grandeur and
simplicity. It's time for eclecticism
or historicism.
printing house
A. Balakirev
Temple of Christ

A. Grigoriev.
O. Bove
D. Gilardi
A. Voronikhin
O. Montferrand.
V. Bazhenov

Architecture of the second half of the 19th century

In the architecture of the second half of the 19th century
classicism finally outlived itself.
With the development of capitalism, changes have taken place in urban planning. Scientific and
technical discoveries in industrial production, construction of iron
roads, streamlining the transport network of cities, street lighting led to
the search for a new structure of cities and the emergence of new structures: railway stations,
factories, plants, administrative buildings, sports facilities, trade
buildings, etc.
Architects were looking for changes in the past, in styles: Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque. it
led to the dominance of the eclectic style.

AT mid-nineteenth- early XX centuries in palace architecture
a direction appeared that proclaimed the “Russian-Byzantine” style. For example, in the facades of the Bolshoi
Kremlin Palace in Moscow (architect K. Ton)
mechanically combined techniques of composition of that time
with details of ancient Russian and Byzantine architecture.

Facade of the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow

Central facade of the Moscow Polytechnic Museum

The third direction was based on
imitation of elegant Moscow
architecture of the middle of the 17th century, but created
dry, pretentious architecture, for example in
Moscow - building Historical Museum
(architects V. Sherwood, A. Semenov) with
complicated composition of the facade, in
whose architectural divisions
17th century decor motifs are mechanically introduced.

The building of the Historical Museum in Moscow

At this time, tent completions come into fashion,
turrets, patterned decorations, figured architraves. it
can be observed in the example of such buildings as:
City Duma in Moscow (architect D.N. Chichagov), and
Upper trading rows (architect A.N. Pomerantsev).

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Russian architecture of the 19th century

ARCHITECTURE OF ST. PETERSBURG Work on streamlining the center of the new capital began with the erection of the Admiralty building according to the project of AD Zakharov. The solemn rhythm of the Admiralty set the tone for the entire architecture of the city on the Neva

The construction at the beginning of the 19th century was of fundamental importance. the Exchange building on the spit of Vasilyevsky Island. It was this building that was supposed to unite all the ensembles that have developed around the widest section of the Neva channel.

Nevsky Prospekt acquired the form of a single ensemble with the construction in 1801-1811. Kazan Cathedral. Architect - A.N. Voronikhin.

In the 40-50s of the 19th century, bronze sculptures by P.K. Klodt “Horse Tamers”, installed on the foundations of the Anichkov Bridge across the Fontanka, adorned Nevsky Prospekt.

Forty years, from 1818 to 1858 St. Isaac's Cathedral was being built. The project was designed by the French architect Auguste Montferrand. In design appearance and interior decoration was attended by sculptor P.K. Klodt and artist K.P. Bryullov

According to the project of Montferrand, a 47-meter column of granite monolith was erected on Palace Square. Alexander Column

Karl Ivanovich Rossi (1775-1849), the son of an Italian ballerina, was born and lived in Russia. The final works on the formation of St. Petersburg ensembles are connected with his work. According to the project of Rossi were built.....

The building of the Senate and Synod

However, the architect did not take into account the daily needs of the people living in the city, and his creations began to turn into grandiose scenery, not very connected with the life taking place against their background. In the work of Rossi, Russian classicism crossed the pinnacle of its development. And yet, old Petersburg, left to us as a legacy by Rastrelli, Zakharov, Voronikhin. Montferrand, Rossi and other outstanding architects, is a masterpiece of world architecture


Moscow classicism was characterized by individual buildings, not ensembles. After the fire in Moscow, the Bolshoi Theater was built (architect O.I. Bove)

On the whole, Moscow classicism was not as monumental as Petersburg. Moscow is characterized by small estate-type mansions. One of the best Moscow mansions of that time is the Lopukhins' house on Prechistenka (now the Leo Tolstoy Museum)

Konstantin Andreevich Ton in his work tried to revive the traditions of ancient Russian architecture. In 1838-1849. under his leadership, the Grand Kremlin Palace was built.

It is thanks to such architects as Rossi, Zakharov, Voronikhin, Ton, Rastrelli, Montferrand that today we can admire the beauties of St. Petersburg and Moscow. Of course, I really want to hope that the legacy of the 19th century will delight us for many, many years to come....

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Russian architecture of the first half of the 19th century

Andreyan Dmitrievich Zakharov (August 8, 1761 - August 27, 1811), one of the most prominent Russian architects, creator of the Petrograd Admiralty. A native of Petrograd, Zakharov was sent to younger age academic school at the Imperial Academy of Arts, the course in which he graduated on September 3, 1782 with a large gold medal, production in the 14th grade and with a business trip abroad. Notable works: The building of the Admiralty in St. Petersburg.

Zakharov rebuilt the Admiralty almost completely, leaving only an elegant tower with a spire. The fortifications near the shipyard were destroyed, and a boulevard was laid out in their place (now the Alexander Garden is located on this site). Having retained the configuration of the plan of an already existing building, Zakharov created a new, grandiose (the length of the main facade is 407 m) structure, giving it a majestic architectural appearance and emphasizing its central position in the city (as mentioned above, the main highways converge to it with three beams). The architectural ensemble of the Admiralty consists of two U-shaped buildings (internal and external). Between them was the Admiralty ditch. The outer building was occupied by the administrative offices of the sea and river fleet of Russia, while the inner building still had production workshops.

Andrei Nikiforovich Voronikhin (1759 - 1814). The son of a serf. Andrey Voronikhin was born into a Russian-Permyak family of serfs of Count A. S. Stroganov, who for a long time was the president of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. He studied painting in the workshop of the Ural icon painter Gavrila Yushkov. The talent of the young man attracted the attention of Stroganov, and in 1777 the count sent Voronikhin to study in Moscow. Presumably Voronikhin's teachers were V.I. Bazhenov and M.F. Kazakov. From 1779 Voronikhin worked in St. Petersburg. Notable work: Kazan Cathedral.

Kazan Cathedral is one of the largest churches in St. Petersburg, made in the Empire style. It was built on Nevsky Prospekt in 1801-1811 by the architect A.N. Voronikhin to store the revered list of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Kazan. After the Patriotic War of 1812, it acquired the significance of a monument of Russian military glory. In 1813, commander M.I. Kutuzov was buried here and the keys to the captured cities and other military trophies were placed.

Carlo di Giovanni (Karl Ivanovich) Rossi was born (1775-1849) in Naples. Since 1787, together with his mother, the ballerina Gertrude Rossi, and his stepfather, an outstanding ballet dancer Charles Le Pic, lived in Russia, in St. Petersburg, where his famous stepfather was invited. Notable Works: Russian Museum with Art Square Palace Square General Staff Building

The main building of the museum is located in the city center, on Arts Square. It was built according to the project famous architect C. Rossi in 1819-1825 and is an outstanding example of a palace ensemble in the style of high classicism (or Empire style, as it is often called). The palace was intended for Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, the fourth son of Emperor Paul I.

Palace Square. The area is formed by monuments of history and culture of federal significance: Winter Palace, The building of the headquarters of the Guards Corps, the building of the General Staff with triumphal arch, Alexander Column. Its size is about 5 hectares (according to other sources - 8 hectares; for comparison, Red Square in Moscow has an area of ​​​​2.3 hectares). As part of the historical development of the center of St. Petersburg, the area is included in the World Heritage List.

General Staff building The central part of the building consists of two buildings connected by an arch, forming together an arc with a total length of 580 meters. The buildings, in addition to the General Staff, housed the War Ministry, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance (in the eastern building). After October revolution The building housed the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs, and later the police department. Currently, part of the building belongs to the Western Military District. In 1993, the eastern wing of the General Staff building was transferred to the Hermitage. On the side of Nevsky Prospekt, an outbuilding was attached to the building, where the Free Economic Society was located. Until the 1840s, there was an old building on the corner of Nevsky Prospekt. In 1845-1846, the architect I. D. Chernik built a new building on this site, the facade of which was decided in general forms with the Headquarters.

Osip Ivanovich Bove was born in St. Petersburg in the family of the Neapolitan artist Vincenzo Giovanni Bova, who came to Russia in 1782 to work in the Hermitage. The name Giuseppe given at baptism was later changed into the Russian manner in Osip Ivanovich. Shortly after the birth of Osip, the family moved to Moscow. He received his architectural education at the architectural school during the Expedition of the Kremlin Building (1802-1807) under F. Camporesi, then, even before the fire of Moscow, he worked under the guidance of M. F. Kazakov and K. I. Rossi in Moscow and Tver. Notable Works: Red Square Theater Square Triumphal Gates

Red Square is the main square of Moscow, located in the center of the city's radial-circular layout between the Moscow Kremlin (to the west) and Kitai-Gorod (to the east). From the square to the banks of the Moscow River leads a sloping Vasilyevsky Spusk. The square is located along the north-eastern wall of the Kremlin, between the Kremlin passage, Voskresenskiye Vorota passage, Nikolskaya street, Ilyinka, Varvarka and Vasilyevsky descent to the Kremlin embankment. The streets leaving the square further branch out and merge into the main thoroughfares of the city, leading to different parts of Russia.

Theater Square (in the 1820s Petrovskaya Square, in 1919-1991 Sverdlov Square) is a square in the center of Moscow. It is located northwest of Revolution Square, between Teatralny Proyezd, Petrovka and Kopyevskiy Lane. On the square are the Bolshoi, Maly theaters and the Russian Academic Youth Theater.

Moscow Triumphal Gates - built in 1829-1834 in Moscow according to the project of the architect O. I. Bove in honor of the victory of the Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812. Now located on Victory Square (Kutuzovsky Prospekt) in the area Poklonnaya mountain. The nearest metro station is Park Pobedy.

Konstantin Andreevich Ton is a Russian architect who developed the so-called. "Russian-Byzantine style" of temple architecture, which became widespread during the reign of Nicholas I, who favored him. Among the most famous buildings are the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the Bolshoi Kremlin Palace. Rector of the Imperial Academy of Arts. Brother of architects Alexander and Andrey Tonov. Notable works: Grand Kremlin Palace Leningrad Station Cathedral of Christ the Savior

Grand Kremlin Palace. The palace is 125 meters long and 47 meters high; the total area is about 25,000 m². The palace ensemble includes the Terem Palace, nine churches (from the 14th, 16th, 17th centuries), an entrance hall and about 700 rooms. The palace building forms a rectangle with a courtyard. Five halls of the palace (Georgievsky, Vladimirsky, Alexandrovsky, Andreevsky and Ekaterininsky), named after orders Russian Empire, are currently used for state and diplomatic receptions and official ceremonies, and the palace itself is the main residence of the President of the Russian Federation.

The Leningradsky railway station is an architectural monument, protected by the state. The station building was built in 1844-1849 according to single project architects K. A. Ton and R. A. Zhelyazevich. The construction was carried out by the Board of the IVth District of Communications and public buildings, the sole contractor was the merchant of the 1st guild A. L. Torletsky. Built for the St. Petersburg railway station in Moscow and the Moscow railway station in St. Petersburg, Peterburgsko-Moskovskaya railway, the movement of which began in 1851.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow - Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church, not far from the Kremlin on the left bank of the Moscow River (Volkhonka street, 15-17). The existing building is an external reconstruction of the temple of the same name, created in the 19th century, carried out in the 1990s. The names of officers of the Russian army who fell in the war of 1812 and other close military campaigns were inscribed on the walls of the temple.

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Russian architecture in the first half of the 19th century Presentation prepared by: Zhenya Romanova Zhenya Tanacheva

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At the beginning of the 19th century, public interest in works of art increased significantly, which contributed to the development artistic culture. An important feature of the development of art of this period was the rapid change artistic directions and the simultaneous existence of different artistic styles.

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In the architecture of the first half of the century, classicism lingered longer than in other areas. artistic creativity. He dominated almost until the 40s. Its peak at the beginning of the 19th century was the Empire style, expressed in massive forms, rich decorations, and the severity of lines inherited from imperial Rome. An important element of the Empire was also sculptures that complemented the architectural design of buildings. Palaces and mansions of the nobility, buildings of higher government institutions, noble assemblies, theaters and even temples were built in the Empire style. Empire was the embodiment of the ideas of state power and military strength.

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Early XIX in. was a time of rapid development of the capitals - St. Petersburg and Moscow. As well as the central part of large provincial cities. A feature of the construction of this period was the creation architectural ensembles- a number of buildings and structures combined into a single whole. In St. Petersburg during this period, the Palace, Admiralty and Senate Square. in Moscow - Teatralnaya. Provincial cities were rebuilt according to special plans. Their central part now consisted not only of cathedrals, palaces of governors and mansions of the nobility, buildings of noble assemblies, but also new institutions - museums, schools, libraries, theaters.

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The largest representatives ZAKHAROV Andreyan (Adrian) Dmitrievich, Russian architect. Empire representative. Creator of one of the masterpieces of Russian architecture - the Admiralty building in St. Petersburg (1806-23).

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Zakharov created a monumental building in strict forms of the Russian Empire according to the traditional three-axis scheme: a tower surrounded by a colonnade at the top and crowned with a dome with a spire, and two wings, each of which has a central portico and two side six-columned loggias. Numerous statues (allegorical figures) and reliefs of facades and interiors by V. I. Demut-Malinovsky, F. F. Shchedrin, I. I. Terebenev and S. S. Pimenov are organically connected with architectural forms building. The Admiralty, to the tower of which three highways of the city converge, is the center architectural composition Petersburg.

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VORONIKHIN Andrei Nikiforovich (1759-1814), Russian architect, representative of the Empire style. His works in St. Petersburg - the Kazan Cathedral (1801-1811), which laid the foundation for a large city ensemble on Nevsky Prospekt, the Mining Institute (1806-1811) - are marked by monumental and strict solemnity. Participated in the creation of architectural ensembles of Pavlovsk and Peterhof.

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BOVE Osip Ivanovich (1784-1834), Russian architect. Empire representative. The chief architect of the Commission for the restoration of Moscow after the fire of 1812. With the participation of Beauvais, Red Square was reconstructed, Theater Square with the Bolshoi Theater (1821-24), Triumphal Gates (1827-34) was created.

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MONFERRAN August Avgustovich (1786-1858) - Russian architect, decorator and draftsman. A representative of late classicism, his work marks the transition from classicism to eclecticism. French by origin. From 1816 he worked in Russia. Such buildings of Montferrand as St. Isaac's Cathedral and the Alexander Column played a significant role in shaping the ensembles of the center of St. Petersburg.

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Ton Konstantin Andreevich - (1794-1881), Russian architect, "Russian-Byzantine" style in Russian architecture. In 1838-1849, the Grand Kremlin Palace was built under his supervision. In 1837, according to his project, the construction of the grandiose Cathedral of Christ the Savior began in Moscow in memory of the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812. In 1839, the architect designs the Grand Kremlin Palace and the Armory of the Moscow Kremlin (1843-51) and becomes their main builder. In Moscow, Ton also built the first railway station in Russia, the Nikolaevskaya Road (now Leningradsky Station, 1849; in St. Petersburg - now Moscow, 1844-51).

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