Why does the baby cry a lot. Why does a newborn baby cry: what to do? Should I pick him up right away

The crying of a newborn baby is a normal phenomenon, every pregnant woman looks forward to it. However, when a baby cries constantly shortly after birth, parents do not know what to do with him and how to help the baby. First you need to find out why a newborn baby is crying, because there can be many reasons for the appearance of children's tears.

When you get to your car, your child will likely calm down and play with other things. If you are caring for another person's child who is experiencing separation anxiety, try distracting the child from an activity or toy, or with songs, games, or anything else that is fun.

Also, try not to mention the mother or father of the child, but answer the child's questions in a simple and understandable way. You could say: Mom and Dad will be back as soon as they have dinner. Remember this stage will pass. If your child has never been cared for by anyone but you, is naturally shy or experiences other stresses, separation anxiety may be worse than for other children.

A newborn baby may cry for many reasons, but the most common are hunger, pain, and fear.

Finding out why a baby is crying is not so easy, there are many reasons for this, and the child cannot explain anything. The main reasons for the crying of a newborn are related to his needs and some problems. These include:

If your child refuses to go to a certain babysitter or Kindergarten or shows other signs of tension, such as trouble sleeping or loss of appetite, there may be a problem with the childcare position. If intense depressive anxiety lasts for preschool institutions, primary school or beyond and interferes with daily activities, discuss this with your doctor. This may be a sign of a rare but more serious medical condition known as anxiety disorder.

Children with this fear disorder are lost from their family members and are often convinced that something bad is about to happen. Talk to your doctor if your child has signs of this, including. Panic symptoms or panic attacks before the parent leaves separation nightmares fear of sleep, excessive worry about being lost or kidnapped or going without the parent. For most children, the anxiety of being apart from a parent goes away without any medical help. But if you have concerns, talk to your doctor.

  • hunger;
  • pain;
  • fear;
  • thirst;
  • cold;
  • overwork;
  • desire to sleep.

The only way for babies to communicate their needs to their parents is to cry. Usually this is how the baby notifies the mother that it is time to feed him, put him to bed or change his diaper.

Sometimes children just want to attract the attention of adults, want to talk to them or be in their mother's arms. For this, they also have to cry. How do you know why your baby starts to shed tears? First of all, you should study all possible reasons this newborn behavior.

Why does a baby wake up crying

Reacting to a child's cry is biologically correct. Mothers are biologically programmed to give a nurturing response to their newborn cries and not hold back. Biological changes take place in the mother's body in response to the cry of their infant. Upon hearing the baby's cry, blood flow to the mother's breast increases with the biological desire to breastfeed. The act itself breastfeeding causes a surge in prolactin. Hormones that cause depletion of mother's milk bring a feeling of relaxation and pleasure; it is a pleasant release from the tension caused by the cry of a child.

At first, it is difficult for parents to understand why exactly the baby is crying, but soon they will learn to distinguish between the requirements of the crumbs. This will help them intonation, volume and duration of crying.

Learning to recognize the cause of baby crying

Are you faced with the problem of not being able to understand what caused your baby's tears? Do not worry, it will not be long, you can recognize this or that crying by the behavior of the baby and his intonation.

These biological responses help mothers communicate and meet the needs of their children. New parents sometimes feel guilty when their babies cry. Parents should not react to their children and try to help them feel safe in their world. The parent's job is to create a sympathetic environment that reduces the baby's need to cry, to offer a set of caring and relaxed hands so the baby doesn't have to cry, and to do as much detective work to understand why the baby is crying as possible.

The most common causes of newborn crying are hunger, pain, and fear. If your baby cries loudly for a long time, he may be afraid of something, want to eat, or be in pain. When children's tears appear due to fear, they disappear soon after mom or dad takes the baby in their arms.

Crying caused by hunger is always loud, persistent, drawn out, its intensity gradually increases and soon turns into a choking cry. If the feeling of hunger has just begun to disturb the newborn, crying will be invocative, so the baby persistently asks that his mother feed him. Take the baby in your arms, if he instinctively starts to look for the breast, then he is hungry.

There are many times when parents cannot understand why their baby is crying. Regardless of the reason for a baby's crying, holding offers safety and can soothe the baby. Babies enjoy repetitive, rhythmic movement such as rocking, rocking, wiggling, and shaking. Many parents rock when they have a fussy baby because it calms the baby down. Sometimes a child can be soothed by white noise that is continuous and uniform like a pulse, rain, static between radios, and a vacuum cleaner. Some alarm clocks even have white noise. Let the music soothe the child. Soft, calm music calms some children. Give your child a massage. to touch and stroke, so massage is one way to calm a fussy baby. A variation of the massage is to pet the baby, many babies love a gentle rhythmic pat on the back or bottom. Swaddle the baby. During the first three or four months of life, many babies feel like holding on tight reminds them of the womb. Distract the child. Sometimes a new activity or a change of scenery calms down. Perhaps a walk outside, dancing to a song, or a splashing bath can help turn a fussy baby into a happy one. Let the child have something to suck on. The most natural nipple is the mother's breast, but pacifiers and teething can also work. It is important that everything is clean that goes into the child's mouth.

  • Lactation.
  • Baby care is as convenient as food.
  • Most babies are calm when breastfeeding is offered.
  • Provide movement.
Diagnosis – The art or act of identifying a disease by its signs and symptoms.

Tears in pain are plaintive in nature, the intensity of crying does not change. If the pain arose abruptly, which is observed with intestinal colic, the child will cry loudly and loudly.

Because of fear, the baby begins to cry suddenly and loudly, hysterical notes can be traced in his voice. At the same time, the baby can just as suddenly calm down if the source of his fear disappears. If you hear such crying from your child, do not wait for the baby to calm down. To such a restless childish behavior you need to respond immediately: create comfortable conditions in which the baby will feel safe and comfortable.

Harvey Karp technique and other methods

A hormone is a chemical messenger secreted by a gland or organ and released into the bloodstream. It travels through the bloodstream to distant cells where it has an effect. Hypersensitivity is a condition characterized by an excessive response of the body to a foreign substance. In individuals with hypersensitivity, even a small amount of an allergen can cause a severe allergic reaction.

Swaddling - to put the baby safely on clothes or blankets; for comfort and control. As babies grow, they gradually learn other ways to communicate with us. They make better eye contact, make more noise, and even smile, all of which reduce the need to cry. The most common reasons why babies cry are listed below. If you have a child who is difficult to soothe, try working your way down the list. This way you can reassure yourself that you were trying to meet her needs as well as possible.

Why do babies cry while breastfeeding?

Many babies cry during breastfeeding because they have difficulty latch-on.

Breastfeeding women often turn to pediatricians with the problem that the baby is crying during feeding. Most often, the baby cries at the breast if he has difficulty grasping the nipple. Recognizing this is easy: the baby takes the breast, and then throws it, while crying in displeasure. This problem occurs in the following cases:

I need food. Hunger is the most common reason for crying new baby. The younger your baby is, the more likely it is that she is crying because he is hungry. The exception is the first day or two after birth, when some babies feed very little. If you are breastfeeding, you may be aware of this as the very concentrated early milk, colostrum, is produced in small quantities and you will notice when the milk "comes in" on the third day. A baby's small belly can't hold on very tightly, so if your baby is crying, try offering her some milk, as it's possible she's hungry.

  • a woman has a too flat nipple, so the child cannot capture it with her mouth;
  • the breast is overfilled with milk;
  • the child has a short frenulum of the tongue.

If the mother has a really flat nipple, and this is the reason for the crying of the baby, it is recommended to use special pads during feeding. Sometimes children refuse to breastfeed with such devices, then it remains only to express milk and feed it to the baby from a bottle. If the breast is full, milk should be expressed a little before feeding, after which it will be easier for the child to suck it. If the reason for crying during breastfeeding lies in a short frenulum, the help of a surgeon may be needed to solve the problem.

She may not stop crying immediately, but let her feed if she wants to and she will gradually calm down as her stomach fills up. If your baby has been fed and is still crying, she may be expressing another need. I need to be comfortable. Babies very sensibly object if their clothes are too tight or if a soiled diaper bothers them. Some babies don't mind if their diapers are full - they just feel warm and comfortable for them, while others will turn to an immediate change, especially if some delicate skin gets irritated.

Babies may also cry because they swallow air while feeding. If this happens, the baby drops the breast and starts crying. The position of the column will help to improve the condition of the crumbs, the air will come out of the stomach and the baby will get rid of discomfort. To avoid the occurrence of aerophagia, because it is this term in pediatrics that refers to the process of swallowing air by the baby, do not allow the child to starve for a long time and watch how he takes the nipple.

What to do if the child constantly cries from pain in the tummy?

Checking your baby's diaper and changing it may suit her needs, so it's always worth a try. It also gives you a chance to check that the diaper tab is not too tight or that there is nothing else in her clothes that makes her uncomfortable.

Overwork, overexcitation and sleep

I need to be warm - and not too hot or too cold. Some newborns hate having their diapers changed or bathed - they are not used to the feel of air on their skin and many prefer to be tied up and warm. If your child is like this, you will soon learn how to quickly change diapers to calm her down again. Take care not to overdo the baby so that she becomes too hot. A good rule of thumb is that she needs to wear one more layer than you are comfortable with.

A baby can also cry during feeding with another, more serious problem associated with otitis media. With the development of the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the ear during swallowing, the baby's ear hurts a lot. Pain when swallowing also occurs in the case of the development of the inflammatory process of the larynx. To get rid of crying, you need to spend effective treatment emerging diseases.

In a crib or basset, try using a baby sleeping bag as bedding rather than a duvet. You can check if the baby is too hot or too cold by feeling her belly: if she is too hot, remove a layer of clothing, if she is cold, add it. Do not touch with your hands or feet, as it is normal for them to feel a little cold. Keep your baby's room at a temperature that's comfortable for you and get her to sleep on her back.

I need to be. Some children need a lot of cuddles and comfort. An older child can be reassured by seeing you in the room or hearing your voice, but newborns often need physical contact for comfort. If you've breastfed your baby and changed her diaper, you may find that now she just wants to be held. Some parents fear that they will "spoil" their child if they hold her too tightly, but during the first few months of life, this is not possible.

Babies cry not only during feeding, but also after it. They are often worried intestinal colic, which usually occur 30-40 minutes after feeding. You can recognize colic by the following signs: the baby raises its legs, the face becomes red, and rumbling can be heard in the tummy.

You can calm the baby with the help of special actions on the part of the parents, in this they are helped by tummy massage, bathing the newborn in warm water and laying it on the stomach. If the pain is strong crying baby only anti-colic medications will soothe.

While some children don't need that kind of physical contact, others want to be held almost all the time. If your baby needs a lot of holding, you might like to try a baby sling that allows you to keep your baby safe while leaving your hands free for other tasks, this could be a solution that will make you happy.

Is the pin in his diaper loose?

I need a rest. It's easy to assume that kids will sleep when they need to, wherever they are, simply because so many of them do. However, if your child gets a lot of attention - you may have had a busy day with hordes of visitors around - it can become overused and then difficult to "turn off" and sort out. Newborns may find it hard to handle too much stimulation all at once - lights, noise being passed from one adorer to the next - and may become overwhelmed by it all.

Other possible causes

Teething in babies is a painful process that causes children to cry.

When the baby is hot or cold, he also starts to cry, so the baby shows his displeasure and calls on his parents to help him. At first, the baby whimpers and is naughty, but if he is not dressed or undressed, he may have a tantrum. To understand if your baby is comfortable, check the skin on the back and face. Children's nose and handles do not allow you to accurately determine whether the child is cold or hot.

Strong crying in the baby

Many parents have found that their baby cries more than usual when relatives come to stay, or sometimes just towards the end of each day. If there seems to be no particular reason for the baby to cry, she may simply say, "I've had enough." If you can take her somewhere calm and quiet, gradually releasing the stimulation, she can express her feelings by crying a little and then finally calming down.

I need something to make me feel better. If you've been feeding your baby and checking that she's comfortable, but she still continues to cry, you may be wondering if she's sick or sick. It is often difficult for the original parents to tell if their child is crying just because she is an unhappy child by nature or if there is something really wrong. A child who is sick often cries in a different tone to his usual cry - it may be more urgent or high pitched. a child who usually cries a lot, unusual silence may be a sign that she is not doing well.

Frequent crying of a child that occurs in the afternoon, while not having obvious reasons, may indicate the development of certain pathologies nervous system. To determine the cause of children's crying, you need to seek help from a neurologist. If this behavior is intermittent, it may be due to overexcitation of the child. Usually this happens when changing the situation, moving, communicating with new people. Relaxing games before bed or taking a warm bath with soothing herbs can help soothe your baby.

Reluctance to go to bed may be the reason why the baby cries in the evenings. If you started to lay the baby, and he is naughty, sorting out his legs, trying to throw off the blanket, spinning in bed, then he does not want to sleep.

Diaper rash is another serious reason for children's tears. Irritation of the skin brings pain to the baby. To avoid this, it is important to properly care for the children's body.

The period of teething in infants is not complete without tears, because it is very painful and unpleasant. If the baby's gums are reddened and swollen, it means that soon he will have teeth. Help to alleviate the condition of the child special means intended for use during teething.

A cry accompanied by tears during urination or defecation may indicate the development of an inflammatory process in the urinary tract or anus. Only a specialist can confirm the diagnosis and prescribe treatment. His help will also be needed if you have not been able to find out what is causing your baby to cry.

For every mother, the crying of her baby is a real test! It seems to a young mother that at first she will not be able to orient herself and correctly determine why the baby is crying ...

Moreover, the baby cries in different ways. Every mom knows that her baby's crying can sound like a light whimper (usually before falling asleep) and shake the walls with a loud scream for several hours. It is understandable that when your baby cries long and hard, you are excited and scared. And without any advice from outside, you understand that in the case of a long and strong crying you need to show the child to the doctor.

However, every parent should understand that while the child cannot speak, crying is the only way by which he can attract attention to himself.

Treat crying as normal, natural. It is difficult to keep calm and composure in a situation where the baby is restless and crying. But how quickly you find the cause of crying and the child calms down directly depends on the calmness of the parents.

You must tell yourself once and for all that children's crying is huge help parents. And how else could you learn about needs, well-being and bad mood your baby?

Often, children's crying has no purpose, but indicates emotional overload and exhaustion. During the day, the child, like any person, accumulates stress. And it must find a way.

To find out the reasons for dissatisfaction, just be attentive to your child and soon you will learn to understand him.

And also to help young parents, recommendations from an experienced pediatrician Elena Nechunaeva are given below.

For more on this topic, read the article on our website in which some of the causes of crying are described in more detail.

What's happening?

How to find out what is bothering the child?

What to do?

Baby wants to eat

Hungry crying begins with a call (from alternating periods of crying and pauses). But if the baby does not receive food, the cry becomes angry, and then turns into a choking cry.

This reason is easily eliminated: give the baby a breast or formula.

Lack of milk

The baby shows anxiety towards the end of feeding, twists its legs, turns its head, sucks greedily at the breast.

After making sure that there is no milk left in this breast, you can try to attach the baby to another breast.

Baby is hot

Touch the baby's nose (in such cases, you need to touch the baby's skin with the back of the hand, since the skin there is sensitive). In case of overheating, the nose is hot, the baby's skin is red, sweaty.

One layer of clothing must be removed from the child. If you are at home, undress the baby, give him a drink.

Baby is cold

If the baby's nose is cold, then the baby is cold. In case of hypothermia, the child may hiccup.

A frozen baby should be covered or dressed warmer.

Wet and dirty diapers

Usually, before the very moment of urination or defecation, the child makes a sound similar to a squeak or whimper, and after the action itself, if the mother does not provide assistance, such sounds of displeasure can turn into a cry.

You need to change the diaper or diaper.

Skin irritation

Redness, the appearance of a rash on the skin of the buttocks, perineum of the baby. The child becomes irritable, cries, especially when changing diapers.

It is necessary to thoroughly clean the skin of the child, wash the newborn at least 8 times a day. Before putting on a diaper, lubricate the affected skin with cream BEPANTEN or other means as advised by your pediatrician . In cases of severe irritation, consult a pediatrician.


The age of the baby is 4-6 months. The child is naughty, cries, saliva constantly leaks, the baby takes fists and rattles in his mouth. The temperature may rise, loose stools may appear.

You can use special teething rings with coolant. You can stroke your gums with your finger. If this process has led to an increase in temperature and a violation of the stool, gum gel can be used on the recommendation of a doctor.

Inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media)

Crying during feeding (swallowing provokes pain), piercing crying can occur suddenly, the baby is worried when pressing on the tragus.

You should immediately consult a doctor. Before the doctor arrives, put a cap on the child, press him to you with a sore ear. Without a doctor's prescription, put a compress, etc. do not do it!

Boredom, loneliness, need for physical contact with mom

Take the baby in your arms, pat on the back, on the head, smile at him, talk. You will immediately understand that this is exactly what your baby was waiting for.

Bloating and abdominal pain (colic)

Most often occur before 3 months. The baby cries, kicks his legs and pulls them up to his stomach, his sleep is disturbed.

If intestinal colic is daily, prolonged, resumes even after passing gases and feces, if the child's stool is changed (how to "recognize" it, read the article Child's stool: norm and pathology) or colic occurs at an older age (after 4 months), it is necessary start with a doctor's consultation.

During and after feeding, hold the baby upright to give him the opportunity to burp air. If your baby is bottle fed, make sure the nipple is firmly on the nipple and the hole is not too large. If the child is breastfed, dairy and gas-forming products should be limited or excluded from the mother's diet - cabbage, especially sauerkraut, onions, tomatoes, apples, pears, watermelons, mushrooms, black bread, kvass, etc.

If the baby receives mixtures, then you should check whether they are diluted correctly. When the baby begins to worry, it is necessary to give the opportunity to move away the gases: massage the stomach in a circular motion clockwise; put the child on the stomach, bend the legs at the hip and knee joints (frog position); you can put a gas outlet tube into the rectum, lubricating the entrance to the rectum and the tip of the tube with petroleum jelly or petroleum jelly, insert the tube into the anus by 3 cm with a slight twisting motion. You can put a soft warm cloth on the baby’s stomach, take it in your arms and press it belly towards you - heat will relieve colic. You can use children's tea based on dill, which promotes the release of gases.

Headache or infantile migraine

It occurs more often in newborns with the syndrome of perinatal encephalopathy (PEP), in which there is also an increase or decrease in muscle tone, increased excitability. Such children often react to changes in atmospheric pressure, changes in the weather. They behave restlessly in windy, rainy, cloudy weather. With a headache, a general malaise may occur: nausea, vomiting, indigestion.

You should definitely contact a specialist who will select the right treatment. Children with increased excitability can be given a pacifier before falling asleep, but after the onset of sleep, it must be carefully removed from the child's mouth.

Violations of the daily routine, changes in the usual course of life, the baby wants to sleep, violation of the principles of care, negative, conflicting atmosphere

These reasons can be identified by analyzing the baby's daily routine, changing the situation in the family.

Sometimes you need to change the situation, move with the baby to another room. The bath has a calming effect on babies.

Try playing melodic, calm music.

Perhaps the cause of crying is some disease.

If you can't stop crying within a few hours, see your doctor.

In any case, keep your composure, try not to get annoyed.