Beloved Solomon. Analysis of the work "Shulamith" (A.I.

July 11, 2018 at 12:41

King Solomon is the wisest of the wise, whose name is mentioned in the Bible, the ruler of a strong kingdom, an experienced commander who won many wars. It was during the time of King Solomon that the Jerusalem temple and palace were built - the grandest buildings of their time. It would seem that such a person should be subject to everything ... except for an eagle soaring in the sky and a snake in a crevice of rocks.

When Solomon accidentally met a simple girl named Shulamith in the vineyard, he already knew the love and passion of many women, including the famous Queen of Sheba. According to some sources, Solomon, who was considered not only the smartest, but also the most beautiful man of his time, had three hundred wives and concubines, according to others - seven hundred. But no matter how many beauties there were in the harem of the great king, only one was destined to leave her name next to his name for centuries. And not because, as some argue, the forty-five-year-old king was by that time tired of the whims and bright beauty of queens and concubines, but rather because this time it was a real feeling that most people overtake at least once in their lives. And one more thing: all these women knew who Solomon was, and loved in him not so much a man as a ruler endowed with unlimited power, and a king who owned untold riches.

However, the modest girl from the vineyard, before whom Solomon appeared in the guise of a shepherd, needed only him. And she gave him the treasures that she owned - her purity, her innocence, her mind and her body. I gave it away without bargaining, without asking for jewelry or other rewards.

Shulamith was only thirteen years old when they met Solomon, but women in biblical times grew up quickly. And the age at which girls were given in marriage - twelve years - she stepped over. Her brothers were already thinking about whom they should marry their sister, whom hard work in the vineyard had made slender, flexible as a reed and tanned, like most of those who were forced to work all day under the scorching sun of Palestine.

However, Shulamith sharply differed from the peasants and the shepherds in her internal appearance - it was not for nothing that she attracted the attention of Solomon himself, whose parables of wisdom survived the mortal ashes of both of them. Her mind was alive, and her language was figurative. And by the nature of Shulamith was a match for any king - magnanimous and resolute, dreamy and disinterested. Before her date with Solomon, she traded her only treasure - golden earrings - for incense to rub her body with them and bring joy to her beloved ...

Solomon took Shulamith to the palace, dressed her in the best clothes, surrounded her with unprecedented luxury and care. However, the love of Solomon and the girl from the vineyard did not last long - only seven days ... Seven long and seven short days. Seven nights filled with passion, caresses and mutual vows of fidelity. It would seem that nothing could overshadow the happiness of the king and his young lover, but ... where love takes root, the poisonous flower of jealousy will certainly bloom.

Shulamith was killed on the orders of one of the queens, killed mercilessly, right in front of Solomon. But, before dying, this fearless girl found the strength to smile at her lover and say words of gratitude for everything he did for her. For the love he gave her. For the happiness of being loved. For the joy when the world around suddenly blossomed bright colors. Until death clouded the eyes of his beloved, Solomon, kneeling in the blood of the one he loved more than life, did not let go of her hands from his ...

Shulamith swept through the life of King Solomon, like a dazzling comet, like a shooting star, swept - and melted. After her death, the king lived on long years. However, there were no more such bright moments in his life, such a complete unity of hearts and bodies that was between them - the almighty king and the young girl from the vineyard.

Solomon mourned, and his heart bled - as hot as the one that flowed through his body when he held his dying beloved in his arms. However, grief had to find a way out - and the king, who possessed the gift of not only a commander, but also a poet, wrote the Song of Songs, which has come down to our days and immortalized Shulamith. And up today the image of the girl from the Song of Songs is one of the most tender, deep and beautiful images of the Bible. The poetics of this image is so strong, piercing and sharp that the heart literally shrinks when you read the lines written by Solomon:

The closed garden is my sister, the bride,

imprisoned well, sealed source:

your hotbeds are a garden with pomegranates,

with excellent fruits, backgammon keepers,

backgammon and saffron, calamus and cinnamon with all sorts of

fragrant trees, myrrh and scarlet

with all the best flavors; garden

the source is a well of living waters and streams from Lebanon.

So briefly, but so selflessly loving him, the girl personified for the king all the best and most precious: incense and spices, then valued at their weight in gold, water in the desert - the source of life, a garden cherished by a diligent gardener ... Shulamith left, and everything lost its value: the garden dried up, the source was lost in the sands, the withering wind dispelled the smell of incense, mixing it with the dust of centuries ... But the Song of Songs remained, and love is alive with it.

Oh, you are beautiful, my love, you are beautiful!

your eyes are dove.

Solomon and Shulamith

By the time of the famous meeting in the vineyard, Solomon was about 45 years old. By this time this mature husband was already burdened big family- 700 wives (in some sources a more modest figure is called - 70), 300 concubines. Behind him was a difficult and bloody struggle for the throne, many wars and the expansion of the borders of the state.
Under the sultry sky of Palestine, children quickly grow up, and Shulamith, who was only 13 years old, was a fully formed girl "of marriageable age". Hard work in the vineyard, the bright rays of the southern sun, made her figure flexible and strong, and her skin dark.

On the southern slope of Mount Baalgomon, the king had a vineyard, where he liked to retire during hours of reflection. So it was this time: the king ordered at dawn to carry himself to the mountain. Leaving the stretcher, the king sat in splendid isolation. Suddenly he heard somewhere near clean and clear female voice ok, humming some tune. Soon a girl in a light dress appeared in front of him, but she did not see the king, busy with work. Suddenly, the king comes out to her and says: "Girl, show me your face." He learns that her name is Shulamith, and she helps her brothers guard these vineyards.
When the king takes her hand, a shiver runs through her body, and when he imprints a sweet kiss on his lips, the girl understands that only he can be her lover.

Solomon arranges a date for the next night at the walls of the girl's house. In the evening, she sold her only piece of jewelry to a jeweler - festive earrings and bought from the seller of incense with the proceeds. Shulamith, this beautiful thirteen-year-old girl, wanted her body to smell of the sweetness of myrrh when her lover touched it. In fear and hope, she ran to the vineyard, her happiness knew no bounds: the king was waiting for her and stretched out his hands to her. Their lips meet in a kiss.

In the morning the king takes Shulamith to the palace. For seven days and six nights they enjoy love with each other. For seven days the king illuminates joy, and he showers Shulamith with jewels from head to toe. At this time, Queen Astis, the high priestess, is planning a dirty deed. Since the king cooled off towards her, hatred settled in her heart. Astis calls Eliav, the head of the royal guard, to her, she orders him to kill Shulamith. He goes to Solomon's palace and hides at the door of the royal bedroom. On this seventh night, sadness gnaws at the soul of the girl, she tells the king that death is next to her. Suddenly, there is a rustle, jumping up from the bed, Slamith is pierced by a sword. Solomon orders Eliav to be killed and Queen Astis to be sent to Persia. Solomon himself sits near the body of Shulamith and no one knows what thoughts visit him ....

Oh, you are beautiful, my love, you are beautiful!
Your eyes are dove.
Oh, you are beautiful, my beloved, and kind!
And our bed is green, the roofs of our houses are cedars,
our ceilings are cypresses.
Like a lily between thorns
then my beloved is among the maidens.
Like an apple tree between forest trees,
then my beloved is among young men.
Place me like a seal on your heart
like a ring on your hand: for love is strong as death...

(from the book "Song of Songs" by King Solomon)

There is an opinion that the work of A.I. Kuprin "Shulamith" contains elements of child porn. The heroine of the work was only 13 years old when she fell in love with the king. In the story we are talking it is about love, and so strong, which the world has never seen.

"Shulamith" is not something obscene, but is a classic of the world fiction. Even though the boundaries of classifying a work as pornographic change in different eras and among different peoples, "Shulamith" has never been attributed to prohibited content. Because the goals of this work are different from the goals of pornographic texts.

The plot itself is based on the book "Song of Songs" from the Bible. But in a rather free retelling of Kuprin. The Song of Solomon, the Song of (All) Songs, is a canonical book of the Old Testament written in Biblical Hebrew and attributed to King Solomon. At present, it is usually interpreted as a collection of wedding songs without a single plot. Kuprin tried to build a single plot out of all this. Approximately as if from dozens of Russian folk songs someone made up a story about the love of some Alyonushka and the goodness of the young man Ivan, including quotes and plots from different songs.

The name Shulamith is mentioned in the Bible only in passing and only in one verse. According to some interpretations, the name Shulamith is just a derivative of the area in the neighborhood. Like, for example, the common name of a girl is "Moskvichka" (from Moscow) or, for example, "Smolyanka" (from Smolensk).

There are no such details of love in the Bible as there are in the plot of "Sulamith" by Kuprin. According to the Orthodox interpretation, in the book "Song of Songs" for example strong love between a man and a woman, higher matters are discussed, which we will not go into now. in short, on the example of such a strong love between a girl and a king, readers are given a chance to comprehend Divine Wisdom (God is Love)

In the work of Kuprin, before meeting with Shulamith, the king had success with the female. Quote:

Whatever the eyes of the king desired, he did not refuse them, and did not forbid his heart from any joy. The king had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines, not counting slaves and dancers. And Solomon enchanted all of them with his love, because God gave him such an inexhaustible power of passion that ordinary people did not have. He loved the white-faced, black-eyed, red-lipped Hittites for their bright, but instantaneous beauty, which blooms just as early and charmingly and fades just as quickly as a narcissus flower; swarthy, tall, fiery Philistine women with coarse, curly hair, who wore ringing golden wrists on their hands, golden hoops on their shoulders, and wide bracelets connected by a thin chain on both ankles; gentle, small, flexible Amorites, built without reproach - their fidelity and humility in love have become proverbs; women from Assyria, who lengthened their eyes with colors and etched blue stars on their foreheads and cheeks; educated, cheerful and witty daughters of Sidon, who knew how to sing, dance well, and also play the harps, lutes and flutes to the accompaniment of a tambourine; yellow-skinned Egyptians, indefatigable in love and mad in jealousy; voluptuous Babylonians, whose whole body under their clothes was as smooth as marble, because they destroyed their hair with a special paste; the maidens of Bactria, who dyed their hair and nails fiery red and wore shalvars; silent, shy Moabites, whose luxurious breasts were cool in the hottest summer nights; careless and wasteful Ammonites with fiery hair and a body so white that it shone in the darkness; fragile blue-eyed women with flaxen hair and a delicate smell of skin, who were brought from the north, through Baalbek, and whose language was incomprehensible to all living in Palestine. In addition, the king loved many of the daughters of Judah and Israel.
But all of them were overshadowed by a young girl with her beauty and sincere love. Seven days lasted their joint happiness, only seven days they belonged undividedly to each other. And why they broke up, you will find out if you want to read Kuprin's work itself. The general idea of ​​exceptionally strong mutual love, which stronger than death, the writer conveys well.

Numerous inserts from the Bible and accurate indications of historical data make this work even more powerful. Here is an example of an insert from the "Song of Songs" that Kuprin has:
"... strong as death, love; fierce, like hell, jealousy; her arrows are arrows of fire; she is a very strong flame.
Great waters cannot extinguish love, and rivers will not flood it. If someone gave all the wealth of his house for love, he would be rejected with contempt ... "

Post on a similar topic.

The book of great traditions and legends. They are poetic and wise, beautiful and rich. Like ships, legends roam the waves of time and carry precious cargo to future generations - they teach you to believe, love and not give up. Solomon and Shulamith, Knight Roland and King Arthur, Tristan and Iseult ... Camelot Castle, Merlin the Wizard and Morgan the Fairy. On the pages of the book, these images will come to life in their original freshness.

“Sitting under the scorching sun, the boy watched as the young man concentratedly chipped off pieces from a large rock block.

Why are you doing this?

“Because there is an angel hidden inside and he wants to come out.” Michelangelo replied.

This book was suggested to me by my eight-year-old daughter: she really liked unusual stories, legends and fairy tales. And for Arina’s mother and for me, this book was a help, a faithful comrade, when the evening came and I had to tell Arina something fascinating and beautiful ...

Albert Einstein was once asked how we can make our children smarter. His answer was simple and wise. If you want your children to be smart, he said, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be even smarter, read them more more fairy tales. He understood the value of reading and imagination.

I hope that I have been able to pass on to our children a world where they will read and will be read to, where they will imagine and understand.

The legends and traditions collected in this book are a kind of writing written by people of the past for future generations. They were born many centuries ago and absorbed the wisdom, thoughts, dreams of man. Legends told about true love and unbreakable friendship, called men to perform feats, to protect their lands and their loved ones.

Legends passed from generation to generation in songs, stories and in literary processing - in poems and novels. Each of the great legends lives its long and wonderful life, captivating and inspiring with its beauty and magical, fabulous fiction of poets and writers, artists and composers.

In this book, I acted as the compiler of legends and traditions that have become popular, instructive and educational for children.

The legends in this book are not translations. medieval works or later literary adaptations. This is an arrangement of legends for children (allowed - and for adults), in them I tried to retell the ancient traditions in a simple and clear form, accessible for pleasant reading, and at the same time preserving, as accurately as possible, the original meaning.

Travel the river of great legends! This river is poetic and wise. It will bring streams of magical sensations into the world of your life realities. Live and bright.

And to be continued...

Chapter 1. Solomon and Shulamith - the story of eternal love

“All life on earth is just a myth

I see how far

Shulamith walks through the flowers

With an amber bunch in his hand.

Basalt profile of the king -

And kissing him on the lips

Rises on the bed of dawn

last day mine."

…Like a skilled jeweler, life set the diamond of the ancient manuscript and A. Kuprin’s creation into a filigree setting…

Solomon and Shulamith- not just one of the biblical stories. This parable, and the Song of Songs that follows it, attributed to King Solomon, who immortalized his love for a modest girl from the vineyard - this is love for all time.

She survived centuries and millennia, she survived to our time, and this means that the feelings of King Solomon and the simple girl Shulamith were deep and sincere. What was between them has the right to be called true love. The words of Solomon on the deathbed of his beloved turned out to be prophetic: I swear to you, Shulamith, your name for many centuries will be pronounced with tenderness and gratitude "

King Solomon was known for his intelligence, courage, kindness, and insatiable desire for knowledge. Before meeting with Shulamith, he unsuccessfully searched for the meaning of life in philosophical books and divine rites, in wars, but all efforts were in vain. Thanks to his mind and wise government, he made the country rich and prosperous, but he could not find loved one. About a thousand concubines, wives and dancers were not called in it strong feelings, although he bathed in their love and attention.

Solomon found his love by chance: "G olos ... clear and pure, like this dewy morning, sings somewhere not far away, behind the trees,....and its unpretentious graceful charm causes a quiet smile of tenderness in the eyes of the king.

This union seemed strange to everyone: ordinary girl from poor family and ruler! But love and happiness are independent of age and prejudice.

The feeling pierced the hearts of both, and from that moment they could no longer live without each other.

Song of Songs of Solomon:

“As a lily among thorns, my beloved is among maidens.

As an apple tree is between forest trees, my beloved is between young men. in her shade I love to sit, and her fruits are sweet to my throat.

He led me into the banqueting house, and his banner over me is love.

Under the sultry sky of Palestine, in a grape garden, they met - the gardener's daughter Shulamith and King Solomon.

Like pure overflows of a forest stream, like a breath of fresh cool air in a hot desert - a meeting with Shulamith. In her simplicity and naturalness, she gives herself entirely, undividedly, without looking back to her chosen one. It does not bargain, does not look for benefits or possible profit. Isn't such an impulse, such crystal purity and naturalness worthy of love?

The love of Solomon and Shulamith is accompanied by colorful legends and traditions. The king tells his beloved about the Queen of Sheba, about his campaigns and adventures, about how he came to power. When the king met the girl, he wanted to do only one good to those around him: “ Solomon did not want to see anyone unhappy that day. He distributed as many awards, pensions and gifts as he sometimes did not give out in a whole year.". Truly, true love makes a person better, shows him the way God created him!

She quickly straightens up and turns around to face the king. A strong wind breaks at that moment and ruffles her light dress and suddenly wraps it tightly around her body and between her legs.

And the king for a moment, until she turns her back to the wind, sees all of her under her clothes, as naked, tall and slender, in the strong flowering of thirteen years; he sees her small, round, strong breasts and the eminences of the nipples, from which the matter radiates apart, and the round, like a bowl, girlish belly, and the deep line that divides her legs from bottom to top and there diverges in two, to convex hips.

She comes closer and looks at the king with awe and admiration. Her swarthy and bright face is inexpressibly beautiful. Heavy, thick dark red hair, into which she stuck two scarlet poppy flowers, covers her shoulders with countless elastic curls, and scatters along her back, and flares, pierced by the rays of the sun, like a golden purple. A home-made necklace of some dry red berries touchingly and innocently wraps her dark, tall, thin neck twice.

- I didn't notice you! she says softly, and her voice sounds like the singing of a flute. “Where did you come from?”

Song of Songs of Solomon.

“Look, look, Shulamita! look around, look around, and we'll look at you.

Oh, how beautiful are your feet in sandals!

The rounding of thy thighs, like a necklace, is the work of a skilled artist;

your belly is a round cup in which fragrant wine does not run dry;

your womb is a heap of wheat, surrounded by lilies;

your two breasts are like two goats, the twins of a chamois;

your neck is like a pillar of ivory;

your eyes are the lakes of Esevon;

the hair on your head is like purple; the king is infatuated with your curls.

How beautiful you are, how attractive, beloved, by your good looks!

This camp of yours is like a palm tree, and your breasts are like clusters of grapes.

Only seven days lasted their joint happiness, only seven days they belonged undividedly to each other. And after these days, Shulamith died, perished at the instigation of a jealous envious woman.

“In rapture, the king kissed his sweet lips. But Shulamith suddenly stood up on her bed and listened.

– What is the matter with you, my child?.. What frightened you? Solomon asked.

“Wait, my dear… they are coming here… Yes… I hear footsteps…” She paused. And it was so quiet that they could hear the beating of their hearts. A slight rustle was heard behind the door, and suddenly it swung open quickly and silently.

- Who's there? Solomon exclaimed.

But Shulamith had already jumped off the bed, with one movement rushed towards the dark figure of a man with a brilliant sword in his hand. And immediately, struck through and through by a short, quick blow, she fell to the floor with a faint, as if surprised cry...

The senior doctor said:

“Tsar, neither science nor God will help now. When we remove the sword left in her chest, she will immediately die.

But at this time Shulamith woke up and said with a calm smile:

- I'm thirsty.

And when she had drunk, with a gentle, beautiful smile, she fixed her eyes on the king and no longer took them away; and he knelt before her bed, all naked, like her, not noticing that his knees were bathed in her blood and that his hands were stained with scarlet blood.

Thus, looking at her beloved and smiling meekly, the beautiful Shulamith spoke with difficulty:

- Thank you, my king, for everything: for your love, for your beauty, for your wisdom, to which you allowed me to cling to my lips, like a sweet source. Let me kiss your hands, don't take them away from my mouth until the last breath leaves me. There has never been and never will be a woman happier than me. Thank you, my king, my beloved, my beautiful. Remember from time to time about your slave, about your sun-burnt Sulamith.

- As long as people love each other, as long as the beauty of the soul and body is the best and sweetest dream in the world, as long as I swear to you, Shulamith, your name will be pronounced with tenderness and gratitude for many centuries.

By morning Sulamith was gone.”

Song of Songs of Solomon:

« Oh, you are beautiful, my love, you are beautiful! Your eyes are dove. Oh, you are beautiful, my beloved, and kind!

Place me like a seal on your heart, like a ring on your hand: for love is strong as death ... "

And Solomon still lived and ruled the country for many years, setting out his happy and joyless thoughts in the wise and bitter lines of Ecclesiastes.

Twenty-five centuries... How many men and women have met during this time? How many oaths and explanations were sounded, how many love delights and how many words of love were there? But where are the names of these people, where are the stories of their wonderful and wonderful relationships? They are not here.

Only Solomon could perpetuate his love and his beloved forever...

Solomon and Shulamith loved each other intensely and selflessly, and each was ready to give his life for the other. Dying, Shulamith thanked God for giving her the opportunity to love. To die in the arms of a loved one, to be washed by his tears - this was the last happiness for a girl. But the story of this great love remained in the memory of mankind: “The love of the poor girl from the vineyard and the great king will never pass away and will never be forgotten, because love is strong as death, because every woman who loves is a queen, because love is beautiful!”

Let true love be doomed, let it be short-lived, but it is better to die like Shulamith, in the hands of Solomon, than never to experience this great feeling.

Wise Solomon… Happy Shulamith…

“There are sixty queens and eighty concubines and maidens without number. But the only one is she, my dove...” “Song of Songs” by Solomon, ch. 6.8-10

Solomon, the tenth son of King David, was born in 1033 BC. Traditionally, he is considered the author of some books of the Tanakh, including the Song of Songs. This book is the 30th part of the Tanakh.

1 Kings states that Solomon composed 1,005 songs (1 Kings 4:32). The name of Solomon is present not only in the title of the book, but is also repeatedly mentioned in the text. The narration is conducted, including on behalf of Solomon. The heroine of the book, the beauty Shulamith, directly addresses the hero by name.

Solomon ruled the Kingdom of Israel and Judah from 965-928. BC e. In the Tanakh, he is depicted as the greatest sage of all time, the hero of many legends. His name is translated into Russian as "peaceful", "blessed".

Already at the birth of Solomon, "the Lord loved him," and David appointed him heir to the throne, bypassing all the older sons. God, who appeared to the king in a dream and promised to fulfill his every desire, Solomon asks to grant him "an understanding heart to judge the people." And for the fact that he did not ask for any earthly blessings, God endows Solomon not only with wisdom, but also with unprecedented wealth and glory.

The throne of Solomon was decorated with golden lions, which came to life and subsequently did not allow any conqueror to sit on this throne. According to Jewish tradition, Solomon asked for the hand of Wisdom, the daughter of the King of Heaven, and received the whole world as a dowry. The wisdom of Solomon was sought by people, beasts and spirits. At the courts, Solomon read the thoughts of the litigants, and did not need witnesses. Animals, birds and fish appeared at the judgment of Solomon and did his will.

King Solomon owned a wonderful ring ("Solomon's seal"), with which he tamed the demons and subdued even their head Asmodeus. He later helped Solomon build the Temple. A fragment of the sacred stone from Orion was inserted into the frame of the ring.

The "Song of Songs" of King Solomon is essentially a hymn to the unity of the Human Principles. The book is built in the form of a dialogue between two loving hearts and reveals the meaning of this powerful creative force. It is interesting to note that the name Shulamith is female version the name of Solomon. Many modern names also have two options, for example: Valery and Valeria, Yan and Yana, Alexander and Alexandra, Eugene and Evgenia, etc.

The origins of such a polarity, of course, go back to the distant past, when a person was an androgynous whole, i.e. a person endowed with external signs of both sexes, combining both sexes, or devoid of any sexual characteristics.

Currently, the Song of Songs is most often interpreted as a collection of wedding songs without a single plot. However, it can also be interpreted as the love story of King Solomon and the girl Shulamith. This is a subtle lyrical opposition pure love Shulamith to the shepherd and the fate of women in the harem of King Solomon.

The main characters of the Song of Songs are the simple girl Shulamith and the wise Jewish king Solomon. The king is about forty-five years old. The fame of him, of his wisdom and beauty, of the splendor of his life, by this time had already spread far beyond the borders of the Israeli-Jewish kingdom.

Solomon is very rich and generous. So much so that silver in those days was valued no more than a simple stone. And for those who surrounded the king and took care of his peace, he spared nothing - the shields of five hundred of his bodyguards were covered with gold plates.

King Solomon had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines, and in addition, countless slaves and dancers. Among them were white-faced, and black-eyed, and tall, and stocky, and round, and slender - the king charmed everyone with his love.

The Almighty gave him such an inexhaustible power of passion, which ordinary people did not have. Well, in addition to all this, King Solomon shared his bed with the Queen of Sheba, the most beautiful and wise woman in the world. But most of all loved Solomon Shulamith, poor girl who worked in his vineyards.

Tradition says that the king had marble skin, his lips were like a bright scarlet ribbon, his hair was black and wavy, and his hands were so tender, warm and beautiful that with one touch the king healed headaches, convulsions and black sadness.

The Lord of heaven made King Solomon able to understand the languages ​​of animals and birds. And more importantly, the king understood the essence of human actions, good and bad. That is why a great multitude of people came to him, asking for judgment, advice, help, resolution of the dispute. Such was King Solomon, and this is how the historians of those days described him.

Close to royal palace on the southern slope of the mountain was the royal vineyard. Solomon liked to retire there during the hours of great reflection. One day he was sitting alone on a simple wooden bench and was thinking about something that was only subject to his mind. Suddenly the tsar listened: somewhere nearby there was a sweet, clear and clear female voice, singing some kind of melody.

Soon a girl appeared before him. light tunic. Tying up the vines, she did not notice the king, and continued to sing charmingly. Meanwhile, her voice is increasingly mesmerizing Solomon. His ears enjoyed the singing of the girl.

Unexpectedly, the king stood up and said: “Charmer, show me your face!” The girl turned towards Solomon. Suddenly a gust of wind tightly covered her slender figure with a dress. And the king saw her all, as if naked under her clothes, all her beautiful and slender body, all her roundness and hollows.

The girl went up to the king and looked at him with delight. She saw how handsome and majestic he was, and froze with excitement. Solomon invited her to sit next to him on the bench and give her name. "Shulamith" - the girl answered. And then she added that she helps her brothers to protect and cultivate these royal vineyards.

And then the king of the Jews took Shulamith by the hand. A shiver of delight runs through her body. And when Solomon kissed the girl with a sweet kiss, she immediately realized that only he could be her lover, only he would give her virginity.

Solomon introduced himself as the royal cook and arranges a date for the next night at the walls of Shulamith's house. On this day, Solomon was especially bright and joyful, and he did especially a lot of good when he sat on the throne in the courtroom.

Shulamith spent the whole day in voluptuous languor, waiting for a nightly meeting with her lover. In the evening, she sold her only piece of jewelry to the jeweler - her festive earrings. With the proceeds, she bought myrrh (aromatic resin) from an incense seller.

Shulamith, a beautiful thirteen-year-old girl, wanted her body to smell like the sweetness of myrrh at the moment when her lover touched it. For a long time she lay on her bed, waiting, until she heard footsteps. When Shulamith looked out, there was no one near the house.

In fear and hope, the girl ran to the vineyards, where in the morning she met the one whom she managed to love with all her heart. When Sulomith ran to the vineyards, her happiness knew no bounds: Solomon was waiting for her and stretched out his hands to her.

Their lips merge in a kiss, and after a while the king asked: does she regret it? Shulamith, with a smile of embarrassment and happiness, answers him: “My brothers appointed me to guard the vineyard, but I did not save my vineyard”

That night, Solomon confesses to the girl that he is the king of the Jews. And in the morning Shulamith was brought to the palace. She was bathed in a pool of fragrant water, her beautiful body was dressed in the lightest Egyptian fabrics, and her hair was wrapped in pearls.

For seven days and six nights they enjoy love with each other. For seven days the face of the king illuminates joy. For seven days Solomoe showered his beloved Shulamith with jewels from head to toe. And at this time, in the temple of Isis, a great secret action is performed.

Once upon a time, the Mother of the gods, Isis, lost her husband, Osiris. The evil Seth stole it, hid it in a coffin, and then, when Isis found the body, he stole it again and, tearing it into fourteen parts, scattered it all over the world. Thirteen parts were found by the goddess Isis, except for one - the sacred phallus.

The priests lashed themselves with whips, tearing their skin and tearing their mouths in furious ecstasy, while one of them, a tall and thin old man, with a cry of delight, makes some kind of movement and throws a shapeless piece of meat at the feet of the goddess.

There is an instant silence. The sacrifice has been made. And Queen Astis, the high priestess of the temple, is thinking about a dirty deed at this time. Since the king cooled off towards her, black hatred settled in her heart. And now, when she learned that the most beautiful Solomon spends days and nights with a certain Shulamith, Astiz conceived a black evil.

She called to her, the head of the royal guard Eliav. He has been passionate about her for a long time. And Astiz gives him a promise that she will give him her love if he kills Shulamith. Without a word, Eliav exits the temple.

He goes to Solomon's palace. There he hides at the door of the royal bedroom. But on this seventh night, Shulamith cannot fully surrender to her immeasurable all-absorbing feeling of love for Solomon. The fact is that the girl’s soul is gnawed by sadness. She confesses to her lover that she feels that her death is somewhere nearby.

Suddenly there is a rustle. Shulamith managed to jump up from the bed. But too late, she falls, pierced by the sword. Eliav runs away. However, King Solomon orders to seize him and kill him. On the same day, Solomon demands that Queen Astis be sent to Egypt, so as not to see her again in Judea. The king himself sits near the body of Sulamith until the deep evening shadows, and no one knows what thoughts visit him.