Fun quizzes for children 5 years old. The game "In the world of animals

KSU " high school No. 3"

State Institution "Department of Education of the Akimat

Zhitikarinsky district "

Abstract open class on ecology

Quiz "Connoisseurs of nature"

checkpoint educator


Educational area: Cognition

Chapter: Ecology.

Subject:"Connoisseurs of Nature"


* Consolidate knowledge about the life of wild animals and birds in winter, about how Live nature adapts to winter conditions;

* to generalize and clarify children's knowledge about nature, the lifestyle of wild animals, to consolidate the ability to distribute birds to wintering and migratory, ways to help them in winter time of the year;

*introduce children to the ecological food chain of animals. Convince children of the usefulness of all types of animals and plants, their interdependence from each other;

* to develop differentiated perception, the ability to compare, to educate in children the ability to think logically, correctly forming conclusions.

* to raise children who are able to understand nature, protect it, love it, improve environmental knowledge.

Bilingual component: hare-koyan; hedgehog- қірпі; fox-tulki; bear-ayu; autumn-kuz.

Materials: Illustrated material (wild animals of the forest, wintering and migratory birds, a picture of a winter forest, signs "What not to do in the forest", a picture "Animal interconnection chain"); game Lotto. Who lives where”, emblems for teams.

Equipment: recording of music from the TV show “In the Animal World”, soundtrack of the song “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”, calm music with birds singing.

Lesson progress:


Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches:

Birds learn to sing

Spider - patience.

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us how to work.

The sun teaches kindness.

Snow teaches us purity.

Nature all year round

Need to learn

All forest people

Teaches strong friendship.

Team greetings:


We are not simple bunnies,

We are mischievous bunnies.

We walk together, we play together

Let's study and relax together.

« Belchat":

We are funny squirrels,

There are boys and girls.

Run, sing and dance.

caregiver: Two teams will compete. Team "Hare" and team "Squirrels". Tasks will be given for each team. For fast and correct execution team tasks will receive chips "Hare" - a carrot, "Squirrel" - a nut. The team with the most chips wins. Let's choose a jury. (selected by a jury of 2 people).

We are ready to play today
All together talk about nature.
Well done guys, have a good time!
May luck meet you!

1 competition "Warm-up".

The Belchat team.

1) What animal has needles? (hedgehog).

2) Who sleeps in the forest in winter? (bear)

3) At what time of the year do leaves bloom on the trees? (spring)

4) Is the cow a wild animal or a domestic animal? (homemade)

5) How does the hare prepare for winter? (changes coat)

Team "Hares"

1) When is harvested from fields and gardens? (in autumn)

2) Does the swallow stay for the winter or not?

3) What is the name of a bird house made by human hands? (birdhouse)

4) Which pet has horns? (cow)

5) Soft paws, and scratches in the paws (cat).

2 competition "Find a home for each animal."

The teams are given envelopes with drawings of animals and their different dwellings. It is necessary to make pairs "the animal is its home."

3 competition "Select wintering and migratory birds."

There are pictures of wintering and migratory birds on the floor, one team collects wintering birds, the other - migratory ones.

Fizkultminutka. Bird flight game"(to the music of the program" In the world of animals ")

4 competition "Find and paint over the hidden beast."

Children should find animals, birds, fish, insects in the drawing and paint over them.

5 competition "Name the baby animals."

"To hares"

On a hot day through a forest path

The animals went to the watering place.

For mother elephant

Topal ... baby elephant.

For mother fox

Creeping ... fox cub.

For mother hare

Jumped ... hare.

For mother bear

There was ... a teddy bear.

For mother wolf

Weaving ... wolf cub.


One, two, three, four, five animals went for a walk.

Goat with ... goat,

Cow with ... calf,

Horse with ... foal,

Cat with ... kitten,

A pig with ... a piglet.

6 competition "Guess by the description."


“This is an amazing animal. His hearing is more subtle than that of cats and dogs. The sense of smell is extraordinary - the animal feels a beetle or a larva in the ground at a depth of several meters. But his eyesight is poor. Eats everything: berries, plant seeds, worms, mice, insects and even snakes.

Hint: Although he is small, he is not afraid of predators, he has protection from them.
Answer: hedgehog.

“This beast has two main ways to protect itself from enemies: disguise and legs. He jumps and runs very quickly and easily - so easily that he does not even fall into the snowdrifts. He does not just run away from danger, he chooses the shortest path to salvation. But it happens that neither cunning nor speed helps, then he falls on his back and defends himself with strong hind legs.

Hint: He is considered a big coward. Answer: hare.


“This is the most cunning and cautious beast. He knows how to perfectly disguise, he has sharp eyesight, hearing, smell. And how he dances! It rises on its hind legs and walks in this position with small steps. In humans, this dance is called "foxtrot". The beast feeds on insects, rodents, birds, and sometimes animals: hedgehogs, hares.

Hint: A red, fluffy tail helps to run away from pursuers (covers tracks). Answer: fox.

“This is a very large and strong animal, it can walk on four legs, sometimes it stands on its hind legs and roars throughout the forest. Many animals are afraid of him, he climbs trees well and even catches fish. In winter it hibernates.

Hint: loves honey and raspberries. Answer: bear.

Leading: - Guys, how handsome winter forest! Look at this picture, all the trees are covered with snow, someone's footprints are visible in the snow, and in the distance, between the trees, there is an elk! Take a closer look, maybe you will notice someone else! (A slow melody sounds with the singing of birds, the Old Man-Forester enters.)

Answers to Lesovik's questions:

What trees grow in the forest?

What animals, birds, insects live in the forest?

Didactic game "How to behave in the forest?" according to the signs "What can not be done in the forest?".

The song "A Grasshopper Sat in the Grass"(phonogram-backing track) at the request of the Old Man-Lesovik.

Children read poetry

sweet forest, good forest!

We say thank you

For your beautiful air

For rowan and viburnum,

For chamomile, St. John's wort.

On one big planet

We live together with you.

Let's be adults and children

Treasure this friendship!

The host at the end of the competitions shows the picture “Animal Relationship Chain” and says that all animals are necessary in nature, as they are food for each other and a necessary way of life (they hunt, coexist together, help coexistence).

Child: Love your native nature -
Lakes, forests and fields.
After all, this is ours, with you
Forever native land.
On it you and I were born,
We live with you on it.
So let's go, people, all together
We treat her kindly.

Summing up and rewarding teams.

Quiz №1 "Favorite cartoons"

1. What bridge was built in the cartoon "The Magic Ring"?

a) crystal +

b) silver

c) marble

2. With the help of what words did the flying ship from the cartoon of the same name take off?

a) "Earth, farewell! Good luck!" +

b) Let's go!

c) "Full speed ahead!"

3. Finish the phrase that Carlson said to Baby: “What are you yelling at? You give me all the fish ... "

a) stunned

b) scared +

c) made me laugh

4. “- And where does grandfather sleep?

“Grandfather is there, in the corner on the rug.”

What cartoon are these words from?

a) "Bobik visiting Barbos" +

b) "Shurik at grandfather's"

c) Knock-knock-knock

5. When Piglet visited the Rabbit, until what day was he "completely free"?

a) until Thursday

b) until Friday +

c) until Saturday

Favorite cartoons

6. Finish the phrase of the Engine from Romashkovo: “And if we don’t see this dawn, we will be late ...”

a) two hours

b) for a whole year

c) for life

7. Which cartoon sings about how "the guards get up early"?

a) “Bang-bang, ok-oh-oh!”

b) "The Bremen Town Musicians" +

c) "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel"

8. What island did the cartoon character "Return of the Prodigal Parrot" talk about?

a) "I'm flying to Tahiti somehow..." +

b) “I’m arriving somehow to the Canary Islands ...”

c) “I’m flying to the Bahamas somehow ...”

9. Who in the cartoon "80 Days Around the World" repeatedly asked: "Do you have a plan, Mr. Fix?"?

a) Passepartout

b) Mr Fogg

c) Mister Fix +

10. “After all, this does not happen in the world,

So that the children were lost!

What cartoon is this song from?

a) "Mom for a mammoth" +

b) "Don't be afraid!"

c) "Gift for the elephant"

Quiz No. 2 on the topic "Villains"

1. “Who helps people, he wastes time in vain,

Good deeds cannot be glorified! - sang...

a) Baba Yaga

b) old woman Shapoklyak +

c) Bastinda

2. According to Carlson, the best remedy for thieves in the world is ...

a) alarm

b) reliable locks

c) ghost +

3. “Where is the killer, where is the villain? I'm not afraid of his claws! What villain in question in a poem by K. I. Chukovsky?

a) about the Spider +

b) about the cockroach

4. Baba Yaga lives in a hut...

a) on chicken legs +

b) on duck legs

c) on crow's feet

5. The death of Koshchei the Immortal is at the tip of the needle, and the needle ...

a) in the stomach

b) in the egg +

c) in coconut

6. Who did Karabas-Barabas chase after?

a) for Pinocchio +

b) for Cipollino

c) for Arlekino

7. Where, disobeying their parents, did Tanechka and Vanechka run away from the poem "Barmaley"?

a) to Australia

b) to America +

c) to Africa

8. What did Pippi Longstocking want to be when she grew up?

a) housekeeper

b) sea robber +

c) chieftain

9. Who did the ogre not turn into in the fairy tale "Puss in Boots"?

a) into an elephant +

b) into a lion

10. Who constantly forced the cat Leopold to "go to battle"?

b) dogs

Quiz №3 "Brave men and superheroes"

1. Who freed the Fly-Tsokotukha from the Spider?

a) Komarik +

b) Firefly

c) worm

2. What animal did the heroes of the Brothers Grimm's fairy tale "The Seven Brave Men" run with a spear?

a) a tiger

b) on an elephant

c) on a hare +

3. What product did the brave tailor Hans from the Brothers Grimm's fairy tale "The Brave Tailor" use to demonstrate his strength to the giant?

a) curd cheese

b) oatmeal cookies

c) rye bread

4. What quality helped the cat from the fairy tale "Puss in Boots" to defeat the cannibal?

a) courtesy

b) cunning +

c) greed

5. "Eats for four,

Works for seven;

Until the light everything dances with him,

The horse will harness, the strip will plow ... "

What is the name of this hardworking hero of the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin?

a) Balda +

b) Elisha

c) Guidon

Braves and superheroes

6. How many heroes guarded the island in The Tale of Tsar Saltan, led by Uncle Chernomor?

b) twenty five

c) thirty three +

7. Which river did the three brothers from the fairy tale “Ivan the Peasant's Son and Miracle Yudo” go to?

a) on the river Kalina

b) on the Ryabina river

c) on the Smorodina River +

8. Adrey, the protagonist fairy tales “Go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what”, was ...

a) a fisherman

b) a carpenter

c) shooter +

9. What did the Thumb Boy steal from the Ogre?

a) an invisibility hat

b) walking boots +

c) magic ring

10. Who in the poem "Cockroach" saved all the animals from the villain and the monster?

a) sparrow +

b) crocodile

c) bat

Quiz No. 4 "Fairy-tale heroines"

1. What fabulous girl was born in a flower?

a) Thumbelina +

b) Snow White

c) Krasnozorka

2. Where did Cinderella dream of going?

a) to the ball +

b) to the fair

c) to the carnival

3. What was the name main character fairy tales of H. H. Andersen "Wild Swans"?

b) Eliza +

c) Krista

4. From whom did the brave and beautiful Belle from the cartoon "Beauty and the Beast" protect the owner of the enchanted castle?

a) from the villagers +

b) wild animals

c) from the gnomes

5. What kind of poisoned fruit did the stepmother treat Snow White to?

a) pear

b) an apple +

c) an orange

6. What stories did the Little Mermaid love to listen to?

a) about people living on earth +

b) about sunken ships

c) about outlandish flowers

7. What is the name of the princess from the cartoon "Flying Ship".

b) Fun +

c) Lyudmila

8. What was the name of the beautiful princess, the daughter of the Sultan from the cartoon "Aladdin"?

b) Ariel

c) Jasmine +

9. Peppy long stocking I decided to go to school because...

a) there are Christmas holidays +

b) there they study the multiplication table

c) there are many children

10. How were the halls of the Snow Queen illuminated?

a) northern lights +

b) moonlight

c) a million candles

Quiz No. 5 "Your Highness"

1. “On the golden porch sat the king, prince, king, prince ...”. This is...

a) a riddle

b) rhyme +

c) tongue twister

2. What is the most important piece in chess?

c) king +

3. The princess in Ch. Perrault's fairy tale "The Sleeping Beauty" fell asleep because she pricked her hand ...

a) spindle +

b) knitting needle

c) darning needle

4. How many trading cities were given as a dowry to Prince Elisha?

b) fifty

c) one hundred and forty

5. “- Ah, my miserable princess,

Soon foreign singers will be here.

Choose anyone - I'll pay for everything.

- I want nothing!!!"

What cartoon is this song from?

a) "The Bremen Town Musicians" +

b) "Flying ship"

c) "King L ev"

6. What is the name of the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin, in which one of the heroes was Tsar Dadon?

a) "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

b) "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"

c) "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" +

7. In one of the fairy tales of G. H. Andersen, the old queen was able to determine whether the real princess was in front of her, with the help of ...

a) potatoes

b) beans

c) peas +

8. What is the name of the fairy tale in which the ratchet was worth a hundred kisses of the princess?

a) "The Little Mermaid"

b) "Swineherd" +

c) "Flint"

9. The prince was able to find Cinderella with the help of her lost...

a) shoes

b) gloves

c) hairpins

10. In which fairy tale does the brave girl Gerda go in search of Kai?

a) "King Thrushbeard"

b) "The Snow Queen" +

c) "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors"

Quizzes for children in kindergarten

(questions with answers for DOW)

Children's questions about fairy tales (with answers)

1. Fulfilled three wishes,

But the old man is punished
For the old woman three mistakes
Took everything back (Gold fish)

He was made from dough
Wasn't afraid of anyone.
But Lisa fell into the clutches
thick round (Kolobok)

He brought it to the forest and left it under the tree.
Tears freeze in the cold
But the fairy tale has an unprecedented end -
Nastya was saved by the real (Morozko)

The animals lived together in the house
It was just unaware
They let the bear in vain -
fell apart (Teremok)

Old grandmother, old grandmother,
Black cat, bone leg
In Russian fairy tales, the villain is the first.
Children, this is (Baba Yaga)

2. Give the guys five cards with images fairytale heroes. For example, if there are 25 guys, then there will be 25 cards, five of the same for several guys. On cards:

Zmey Gorynych
Koschei the Deathless
Swan geese
Sister Alyonushka
The Little Humpbacked Horse

Cards should be signed.

The teacher asks questions, and the guys should raise a card corresponding to a particular character instead of answering. Questions:

1. Who from fairy tale characters three heads?
2. Who knows how to exhale fire if he is very angry?
3. Who ate little porridge in childhood and remained thin and spiteful for their entire long, long life?
4. Who cannot be killed unless the needle is found and broken?
5. Birds stealing children for Baba Yaga?
6. Which of the fairy-tale characters helps the evil old woman, flies through the air and is covered with feathers?
7. Which character loved his brother very much and warned him not to drink water from a puddle?
8. A brave girl who was not afraid to follow her brother to Baba Yaga?
9. Which character eats oats and can jump over a high mountain?
10. Who saved Ivanushka from death in a cauldron of boiling water?

It is better to ask questions at random in order to “confuse” the guys a little.

Mathematical quiz for the preparatory group of kindergarten

"Adventures of the cat Masha and her kittens"

1. Our cat Masha is a great mother
She has four daughters and one son.
Girls and boys, bend your fingers
How many kittens does she have? (five)

And now another problem about the cat Masha and her kittens. Masha has five kittens. Three of them are red, like foxes, the rest are gray. How many kittens does Masha's gray cat have? (two)

Two kittens drink milk, one plays. How many kittens sleep? (two)

3. Here came a huge dog,
He is bigger than Masha's cat,
And let him outgrow Masha,
She will show him!
The kittens are very scared.
Two under the porch hide their nose,
And three remained on the grass.
I'll ask the kids a question:
How many animals are in the yard? (seven - dog, cat Masha and five kittens)

4. Mistress of the cat Masha
The task was given
To catch mice
Faster than twice.

Masha caught five mice. Three kittens also caught a mouse, but two were not lucky - they did not come across anything. How many mice were caught in total?

5. The cat Masha has five kittens. The children came up with the idea to hang bows around their necks, but they argued which ribbons are more beautiful - blue or red. In order not to quarrel, the children decided that it was necessary to prepare ribbons of two colors at once. How many ribbons, red and blue, will the children need to prepare?

6.Game for children's knowledge of basic geometric shapes.


Masha the cat climbed onto the roof to watch her playing kittens from above. The roof was like this (shows the “house” with his hands). What shape does the roof look like? (triangle)

The kittens were playing ball. What shape does the ball look like? (a circle)

Suddenly the ball bounced, bounced and hit right in the window! What shape does the window look like? (Rectangle or square)

A grandmother looked out of the window and began to swear at the kittens: “Oh, you are so-and-so!”. But she quickly forgave them, and took out a saucer of milk into the yard. What shape does the saucer of milk look like? (a circle)

Grandfather came from the store and brought a box with a cake (shows a rectangle with his hands, because cakes can be round). What shape does the box look like? (rectangle)

Some questions are focused on the intelligence of a child under 5 years old.

The main part of the questions is focused on the information basis. When a child is not familiar with an object or phenomenon, he gets into an impasse, and the conclusion about the preparedness of the child may be formed not in his favor ... This is an unofficial list, so other questions can be asked ...
* - questions that insure the identification of the child are marked.

When determining the level of development of the child, the psychoneurologist asks and evaluates the sociability ...
If the child is prepared, then he does not hesitate ... When moving from nursery to kindergarten, from kindergarten to school ... When referring to him as a specialist ... Gradually, children learn about the world ...

You see the words: identification, testing, information basis! After reading the questions, and mentally answering some, I thought with a smile that some of them really are not so difficult. But, then I stalled on the classification, for example, on this one:
(28. What is superfluous in the group: chicken, crow, goose?) First I answered, crow! Because they don’t eat a crow ... Then, after thinking, she answered that it was a chicken! Why? Because a chicken can't fly! …That's the question! You might think that domestic geese fly. Those who kept domestic geese know how they clip their wings, and the chicken too ... So, in terms of my development, I do not reach 5 summer child!?) That's how she lived ... Maybe we need to test us, parents? Or maybe it's easier to look at such questions?

Let `s start?

A. Personal identification (know from an early age)

1.* State your last name, first name, patronymic.
2.* Full name, age.
3.* Name of parents.
4.* City where you live.
5.* Where do you live? Give me your address.
6.* What city do you live in, what country do you live in?
7.* Name the capital of our Motherland.

B. Time

8. Name the days of the week. What are the days off? What will start when the week ends? What day is after Sunday? (other options)
9. How many days are there in a week? What is the day before Saturday? Which lasts longer: a week or one day? A week or seven days?
10. Name the seasons. Which season follows which?
11. What seasonal phenomena do you know? Describe the seasons
their differences, natural changes, animal behavior… What season is it now? What will follow him? After what season does winter come?

12. What season is it now? Prove it.
13. How many months are there in a year? Which? Which is longer: a year or a month, a month or a week, a day or a week?
14. Name the summer months, winter ...
15. When the trees appear (leaves fall), fly in (migratory birds fly away). What birds visit in winter? What is leaf fall?
16. Name migratory (wintering) birds. Where do migratory birds fly?
17. What is a day? How are day and night different?
18. What time of day: do they sleep, have breakfast, have lunch… Is it morning now? Day? Evening? Night? What do you do in the morning, in the evening? What comes before lunch or dinner?
19. How to distinguish: today, tomorrow, yesterday ...

B. Comparative concepts

20. Parse examples into concepts: more or less; wider or narrower;
older or younger; above or below; faster or slower, lighter or heavier, right or left, up, down, sideways, front or back, earlier or later, evenly...
21. Will you be older or younger in a year? How old will you be in a year, in two years. How old were you last year?
22. Who has more paws: a dog or a rooster? How much?

D. Classification

23. What unites a group of objects? (appointment, the presence of similar features ...) Name 5 items of clothing (shoes, dishes, vehicles, animals ...)
24. Name the objects in one word: tools (saw, ax, screwdriver ...), clothes (coat, dress, trousers ...), transport (car, plane, train ...), etc.
25. Types within groups: transport - ground, underground, air water); animals (domestic, wild); furniture, clothing, electrical appliances.. .
26. Name domestic animals, wild animals. Why are they called that? Name the cubs of a sheep, horse, dog, chicken ....
27. Comparison of two groups of objects.
28. What is superfluous in the group: chicken, crow, goose? Monday, Tuesday, September? Why?…
29. Are there more pike or fish in the river? What is more in the closet: plates or dishes?

D. Colors

30. Name the colors of paints, including shades (gray, purple, pink, red, blue, ...)

E. Outlook and logic

31. What cities do you know? Countries?…
32. What is the difference between an airplane and a bird? Doll girl? Why does a car have brakes?
33. Why doesn't the tree fall?
34. My aunt has a daughter, Masha, a cat, Murka, and a dog, Druzhok. How many children does aunt have?
35. What is the best and fastest way to pick a watermelon from a tree?
36. Who will swim to the shore faster: a chicken or a duckling?

G. Development of speech

37. Read the poem by heart.
38. Make a riddle.
39. Make up a story from a picture or several pictures.
40. The game "on the contrary" (day - night, black - white ....)
41. Name one word
42. The girl is playing. Is it a word or a sentence?
43. Complete the sentence: "If it starts to rain, then ..."
44. Name the sounds and syllables in the words: chair, porridge, table, smoke, etc.
45. How many syllables are in the word Masha, car? How many sounds are in the word house?

Z. Arithmetic

46. ​​Direct and reverse counting from 1 to 20, as well as counting within the specified limits (from 3 to 7, from 7 to 3) ....
47. Name the neighbors of the number 3.
48. Which is greater than 8 or 5?
49. Tasks for plus and minus one (how much more or less?)
You had three cars. Mom bought another one. How many cars were there? More or less? How much?
You had 5 sweets, you gave one to a friend. How many candies have you got?
Has it become less or more? How much?
50. Composition of number 4, 5.
51. Equalize two numbers (how to make equal) in two ways: +1 and -1.
51. Four paws are visible from under the curtain. How many kittens behind the curtain?
52. Name the geometric shapes.
53. Grouping geometric shapes according to the presence of similar features.

I. Etiquette

53. Polite words and how they are used.

Quiz game for kids middle group on the topic: Professions.

Quiz "All work is good" for children 4-5 years old

Target: Expansion of ideas about professions.

Quiz progress:

Educator: Hello! Guys, in the morning your parents brought you to kindergarten, but where did you go? To work. Do you know where your parents work? What are their professions called? Children's answers.

I work in a kindergarten, and my profession is a teacher.

Educator: When you grow up, you will need to choose a profession for yourself. Today we will talk about some professions.

But, it will not be just a conversation, but a game - a quiz, where children will take part.

Our participants: 3 teams of children. Let's applaud our teams.

The quiz will consist of 5 rounds.

1. "Show your profession"

Educator: Now, our participants, namely the children, one participant from the team, in turn, must show the profession of a person, and their team must guess. (3 cards - doctor, hairdresser, cook)

2. “Who needs these things? »

Educator: And now, each team must guess which tool belongs to a certain profession, and which profession.

(Brush, plane, frying pan, hammer, comb, pipe)

3. "Fold the picture."

Teams receive four parts cut pictures. Teams assemble a picture to the music.

The team that quickly collected the picture and named the profession of the people depicted on them wins. (fireman, postman, cook)

4. "What's in the black box"

Team members must guess what the object is.

1. The black box contains a small metal object that people use several times a day.

2. This item is needed by the cook.

3.Used as a musical instrument.

4. Long-tailed horse

She brought us sweet porridge.

The horse is waiting at the gate

Open your mouth wider. (The spoon)

5. "Tell me a word."

    The facilitator asks a question, says a sentence that needs to be completed.

    In the store, we can buy milk, a doll, a bed, ...

    To feed people deliciously, the cook bakes, salts, ... (cooks, fries, washes, cleans,.)

    To cure the patient, the doctor makes a compress, gives. (medication, puts an injection, smears with ointment, looks at the throat)

What can you name?

    Flying an airplane (pilot)

    At school teaches us (teacher)

    Builds buildings (builder)

    Painted the walls (painter)

    Sings songs to us (singer)

    Trade busy (seller)

    Heals from diseases (doctor)

    Put out the fire in an instant (fireman)

    We catch fish (fisherman)

    Serves at sea (sailor)

    Carrying cargo in the car (driver)

    In a hot forge (blacksmith)

    Everyone who knows - well done!

Educator: Well done! It is impossible to determine the most important and necessary of the professions. All of them are necessary and useful. Friendship wins today! All participants receive soap bubbles.


How much is needed in the world

People do around:

They weave sea nets,

Those with dawn mow the meadow,

Boil steel, storm space,

They stand behind the machine in the workshop,

Millions of smart adults

Children are taught literacy

Enough daily work

For you and for me.

Everything will always be alright

If the Earth works.