Quests for children in the museum is an example. Museum quest "The story of one hero, or the Chronicles of the Great Victory

MKOU OOSH, Sosnovka, Vyatskopolyansky district, Kirov region

District competition

"School Museum: New Opportunities"

Quest (journey game)

"The Fascinating World of the Museum"


head of the museum Sannikova V.V.


To spend our time interesting And for the benefit of ourselves and our friends, We do not need to choose a place for a long time - We are going to the museum together!

Invitation to participate in the game.

The museum invites students to take part in a thematic game-journey, which is built on the passage of exciting thematic routes around the museum, independent research and finding answers to the tasks of route sheets. Route sheets differ in a variety of contents. Along with the story about the exhibits of the museum, they contain materials that create a certain historical context and educate museum culture. Almost all sheets contain creative tasks.

Three main types of tasks:

Research. The player must look for information. Competitive. The participant is obliged to complete the task as quickly as possible. Crosswords. Puzzles. Quizzes and other tasks with questions and answers.

After going through all the stages of the game, you will become real connoisseurs. You can play as one team or separately, competing with each other. Play at a convenient time for you and absolutely independently.

Purpose of the game:

Teaching children the ability to perceive the objective world of culture, the formation of their value attitude to the world around them, the ability to take care of cultural heritage, education of aesthetic and moral ideals, patriotism and museum culture.

Game objectives:

Increasing motivation for cognitive activity;  Encourage students' interest in national history;  Formation of the skill of searching for the necessary information;

Development intellectual abilities and stimulation of creative initiative: acquaintance with the historical and cultural environment school museum

Location of the game: school museum.

Lesson form: museum-pedagogical lesson in the form travel games around the museum

Participants: 5-6 classes.

Game route:

1. "From the past to the present";

2. “Wonderful city, ancient city…”;

3. "Antiquities distant";

4. "Folk crafts".

Game conditions:

Participants of the event are given route sheets, independently completing the tasks of the game, the players will go on a journey through the main exposition of the museum. At each station, the guys answer the questions of an intellectual quiz, find museum exhibits according to the description, guess riddles and reveal the secrets of the museum. You can tell your friends about your discoveries.

Route sheet

"From Past to Present"

"My small motherland»

"Antiquities far away"

"Folk Crafts".

Evaluation criteria:

The number of routes passed;

Correctness and completeness of answers;

Summing up the results of the game is carried out by the jury, which includes members of the Board of School Museums. For the highest number of points in the game-travel "Museum Secrets", the winning classes will be awarded Diplomas.

Route number 1 "From the past to the present"

Exercise 1. A crossword puzzle is compiled from the guessing words, at the intersection of the lines there is a keyword that will indicate the topic of your task.

Solve the crossword. Guess the key by entering the answers horizontally, and the answer can be found in the highlighted squares vertically.

I’m lying in a school bag, how do you study - I’ll tell you. (Diary)

2 . There is, friends, such a bird, if you sit on the page, then you return home with a bowed head. (deuce)

3. The multicolored sisters were bored without water; and with water they will draw a big house. (paints)

4. There is a wonderful bench, it leads both of us from year to year, from class to class.. (desk)

5. He will tell and show everything, he will prove the theorem to everyone, he leads into the world of poetry, even though he is silent from year to year. (book)

6. The sea is there - you can’t swim, there are roads - you can’t drive, there is land - you can’t plow. What is this? (map)

7 . Zamarashka, a mischievous girl, suddenly sat down on the page. (blot)

8. In every book and notebook you can find these beds. (lines)

9. The white stone melted and left traces on the board. (a piece of chalk)

10. There is a house, whoever enters it will acquire a mind. (school)

11. Now in a cage, then in a line, write on it, manage to. (notebook)

Keyword - caregiver

Task 2.

Using the school history section of the museum, fill in the missing words in the following text:

School No. ... was put into operation __________ __________ 19 ... This is the first secondary school in Sosnovka. The first director of the school was _________________. The first graduation of the 10th grade took place in 19 .... year. The pioneer squad bore the name of the pioneer hero ____________________ and the first pioneer leader was _____________________. At 20 ... The school was converted into a mainstream school.

Route number 2 "Wonderful city, ancient city ..."

Exercise 1.

Quiz "Do you know your hometown?"

1. In what year was Sosnovka first mentioned in the annals? (1699).

2. In what year was the settlement of Sosnovka renamed into a city (1962)

3. When I was in the cityopenshipyard (1924) 4. Name our countryman the legendary Vyatka hero. (Vasily Babushkin)

5. Our fellow countryman is an honored master of sports in skiing, a champion Olympic Games 1980 (Belyaev E.P.)

Task 2. "Streets of our city"

1. The first streets arose along the roads that led to other cities and villages. Before the revolution, there were only three streets in the city. Which? ( Mitrovka, Zakutum and Village.)

2. Explain the name of the street "Teacher's".

3. Former DOK street. What do you know about the feat of the person in whose honor this street was renamed?

( The street is named after a remarkable citizen of the Soviet Union, police major, Kuimov P.V. Even before Kuimov's death, the street was called DOK Street, as it was defined from a tree - a processing plant. But in 1967, the street was named after Kuimov, in honor of the fact that he lived on this street)

Route number 3 "Antiquities of the distant"

Exercise 1. Participants of the game receive texts of riddles. Guess the objects and find them among the exhibits of the museum.

1. From the Russian stove

Bring the porridge.

Chugunok is very happy

What grabbed him ... (grab)

2. Down is narrow, top is wide,

Not a saucepan ... (cast iron)

3. Tie - they will go,

Untie - remain (bast shoes)

Task 2. What is a towel? Where in the museum do you see towels? How towels were used.

(A towel is a towel among the Eastern Slavs, usually with an embroidered or woven pattern.

Towels remove the red corner of the hut or hut, the shrines, door and window openings, and also decorate the walls.  A special role belonged to the towel in the wedding ceremony. According to legend, embroidery on towels was supposed to protect the newlyweds from damage and the evil eye. Towels were used to decorate the wedding train of horses, harness, clothes of the guests.  The bride and groom stood on the towel during the wedding.  The towel was an element of rituals.  To this day, the custom has been preserved to meet guests with bread and salt on a towel)

Route number 4 "Folk crafts"

Exercise 1. Use the cipher to determine the topic of the assignment:

(Vyatka folk crafts)

Where did the name come from: "Dymkovo toy".

( Famous all over the world Dymkovo toy was first born in the settlement of Dymkovo, which is located in the riverside part of the city of Kirov. In this area, for a long time, there were rich deposits of high-quality red clay and sand, which were mixed by local craftsmen and an excellent material was obtained for making a Dymkovo toy.)

Find similar toys among the museum exhibits .

Task 2. From the crafts listed below, select the crafts that the Kirov region is famous for:

A) Dymkovo toy;

B) Khokhloma painting;

C) Gzhel painting;

D) processing of burl and kapokorn;

D) pavlovo-posad shawls;

E) woodcarving;

G) weaving from a vine.

Find, if any, these items in the museum . (A, D, E, G)

Recently ordered from our agency quest for children in the hermitage, which was very successful and we decided that this idea is very good for both children and adults. Quest in the museum The Hermitage was visited by both adults and children, which made it possible to have an interesting family birthday.

Eexcursion quest in the Hermitage is an unusual celebration of a child's or adult's birthday, as well as an opportunity to get acquainted with largest museum in the world.

Description of the quest in the Hermitage Museum:

50 years ago, employees of one of the world's largest art, cultural and historical museums - the Hermitage - created a special collection of unique exhibits that have special meaning in art as carriers of information about time periods.

The name of the collection and a list of its exhibits were stolen by representatives of the Legacy Hunters criminal organization right from the museum.

No copies left!

No one knows what is in this collection!

Year after year, the Legacy Hunters try to stage the heist of the century in order to steal the X collection. All their attempts were unsuccessful until today… But not at this time! The criminals found out about the entire security system of the Hermitage Museum, and now they are aware that once a year, for 2 hours, all protective shields in the museum are turned off in order to restart the object protection program. And this is the best time to steal exhibits without resistance and go unnoticed!

Only 2 hours!

120 minutes to rob!

The criminals will not miss this moment. They prepared well and worked out the most convenient routes around the Hermitage.

We managed to intercept these routes, and now they are in front of you! But the "heritage hunters" turned out to be more cunning - they encrypted the names of all the exhibits and at least some clues.

You have a route and riddles about the exhibits that are going to be stolen. Get to work!

Your task:

– find out the name of the exhibits included in the collection by deciphering the riddles of the criminals;

- moving along the route, find the exhibits;

— fix the presence of the exhibit;

- find out the name of the collection (using the notes of criminals);

- to prevent the robbery of the century.

You only have 90 minutes to find all the exhibits!

Remember: you are on the heels of a dangerous group, so do not give yourself away: do not run, do not shout, do not attract attention, be invisible!

Addition: The adult team also has a map, but there are no hall names on it, only the general name of the zones: Italy, France, etc.

ECONOMY package (6900):

  • Leading
  • Necessary set of props for the quest in the museum


  • Professional presenter
  • A well-developed scenario, including the exploration of several floors in the Hermitage
  • Additional props

VIP PACKAGE (20,000):

  • Professional presenter
  • A well-developed scenario, including the exploration of several floors in the Hermitage
  • Individual changes to scenario elements in hints (for example, a birthday greeting or a surprise for one of the participants)
  • Necessary set of props for the quest in the Hermitage
  • Additional props
  • Extra task for knowledge of history
  • Actor as villain

Prices are for a group of up to 7 people. If there are more of you, then the cost is calculated individually by phone in the upper right corner.


Photos from the children's quest in the Hermitage from the holiday agency "Mafia SPb"

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Krapivena basic comprehensive school of the Shebekinsky district Belgorod region»

museum lesson

Topic: QUEST "In the labyrinths of the school museum"

Prepared by the teacher

history and social studies

Zakurdaeva Yu.Yu.


Development of the museum lesson "In the labyrinths of the school museum"

Lesson Objectives:


Implementation of knowledge control based on the exposition materials of the school museum;

The ability to perceive museum world culture;


To promote the development of students' interest in the school museum;

To promote the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice;

Promote the ability to work in a team;


To cultivate love and respect for the cultural heritage of their region;

Cultivate a culture of behavior in the museum.

Conduct form: travel game

Methods and techniques used in the lesson:

visual: demonstration of existing illustrations, layouts;

problem-search: performing various tasks, searching for objects of the school museum.

Equipment: school museum exhibitshandout - a set of cards.

Location of the lesson: school museum.

Rationale for the relevance of the museum lesson:

1. Development of interest in the museum subject.

2. Development of interest in visiting museums as a source of cognitive information and emotional and aesthetic impressions.

3. The manifestation of interest, emotionality during the tour.

Lesson plan:

    Organizing time

    Completing tasks



During the classes :

Organizing time: Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to the complex local history museum of MBOU "Krapivenskaya OOSh". Let's remember what we talked about in the past museum lessons and complete tasks.

Knowledge update: Divide into pairs and do the task

Year of foundation of the museum ___________

______________ flows through the village of Krapivnoe

The first mention of Krapivny refers to ______year

____________ the best sniper of the Stalingrad front, on his account 494 destroyed Nazis.

Who is in these photos?


Mutual verification.

The couples exchange papers and check each other.

During the execution of tasks in the museum, the lights go out, the door closes.

“Greetings, guests of my museum! You are trapped within its walls. I ask you not to panic, gather your thoughts! In the event that you can unite, collectively pass all the tests, the door of the museum will be open again. Good luck to you!

Under the door, you will find an envelope. It contains the first task. After completing all the tasks, you get the phone number of your savior. But everything is not so simple, you have to look not only for the numbers of the phone number, but also to guess the code word.

So, the game begins! Good luck!"

During the passage of the quest, you must collect the letters from which you can add the code word. The letters are scattered throughout the museum. Be careful!

Exercise 1:

How many classes were there at the Krapivenskaya school when one of the founders of the school's museum came to work there?

Answer: 8

The next task under the photo of the founder of the museum Linnik Maria Fedorovna

Task 2:

"Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword."

Answer: at the stand with gifts from veterans of the guard divisions

1242 the sum of all the digits will give us the number *

The next task on the envelope under the gift

Task 3:

What's in the beginning XXcentury women of the village used as an iron?

Answer: in one of the museum's rubles there is a number *

The next assignment for reverse side numbers *

Task 4:

What does Lieutenant General Gendrikov have to do with our village?

Answer: in 1761 the general built a saltpeter plant in the village.

Task 4, so we take the fourth digit of the year 1.

After completing 4 tasks, the museum keeper appears in the museum and offers to give the quest participants the next number in return, he asks to give one of the team members.

If the team agrees to such a condition, then the keeper takes one of the team members and thaws the next figure, if the team does not agree, then the keeper gives them the next task.

Task 5: You, a real close-knit team. I'm glad you didn't trade your comrade.

Four legs, two ears
One nose and belly.

Answer: Samovar (the number * in the samovar)

The next task under the samovar

Task 6:

Was Matrenin Vasily Ivanovich on the Revolutionary Dawn collective farm?

Answer: the first driver (figure* )

The next task under the stand "History of the collective farm"

Task 7:

Riddle: There is a tower, there is a box in the tower, a flour in the box, a bug in the flour

Answer: There is a hut, there is a stove in the hut, there is ash in the stove, and heat in the ash

Answer: the number in the jug that stands in the oven (*)

In the cast iron the next task

Task 8:

What in the old days was called the word "Good"?

Answer: things were called “good”, therefore, the number is on the chest (*)

Next task

Task 9:

What is the special place in the front room- is it?

Answer: "Holy corner", in which the icons were placed. There are 5 icons in the room.

The next task on the shelf

Task 10:

She saves from projectiles

From bomb explosions and blows

Answer: helmet. There are 6 in the museum.

Museum Curator: You have completed the last task. Are you ready to dial your savior's phone number? Have you forgotten that you need to name the code word?

The students, having completed all the tasks, dial the phone number, call the code word "HEIRS". The door to the museum opens.


Teacher: Guys! Congratulations on completing the quest "In the Labyrinths of the School Museum".

The teacher announces the time taken to complete the quest. Pupils talk about the tasks that caused the greatest difficulty in the process of passing.


Teacher: Guys! Let's evaluate our work in today's lesson.

If you think that everything worked out for you in the lesson and you are satisfied with yourself, stick a green sticker on the sail of our ship.

If you had difficulties during the lesson, but you were able to cope with them - a yellow sticker.

If you did not succeed in the lesson and you need the help of a teacher or classmates - a red sticker.

Teacher: This concludes our lesson. I hope you got a lot of new impressions from today's lesson. Goodbye! Until we meet again within the walls of our school museum.

Bibliographic list:

    Gromyko MM. The world of the Russian village. M., 1991

    Shop of forgotten things // "Rural school". - 2006. - No. 4.

    Materials of the School Museum of Military Glory

    Russians. Historical and ethnographic atlas. From the history of the people's dwelling. Decoration of peasant houses and clothes ( mid XIX-XX century) publishing house "Science". M.: 1970

    Internet sources

Museum Quest is a real-time adventure game in which you have to solve many logical riddles and complete exciting tasks. The peculiarity of the quest is that you will be in game form study the most famous masterpieces and exhibits, learn new facts and legends.

Quest Description:

Only a few pages of the diary - that's all that's left of it mysterious person. There are various legends - someone says that he was crazy, someone - that he was completely in his mind and lived a rather interesting and eventful life.

The fire destroyed all traces, and, most likely, we will never know who he was chasing so much, what he was hiding, and for whom he kept his mysterious diary so diligently, but one thing is clear - the traces lead to the Russian Museum ...

Availability: the quest is available during the opening hours of the museum.
Location: the main building of the Russian Museum (entrance from Arts Square). During the quest you will walk through the first and second floors and see the key paintings of Russian painting.
Duration: 2 hours, but it is better to come no later than 3 hours before closing time to play at a comfortable pace.
Price: 590 rubles (the price does not depend on the number of participants) + entry tickets for each participant.

How is the game going?

  • After payment on the site you will receive a link to the game.
  • All you need to play is a phone with internet and good company.
  • At a convenient time for you, come to the museum, open the link in the browser of your smartphone and click “start the game”.
  • You will receive your first task. By solving it, you get the following, and so on.
  • In each task, you need to find something, solve it or see it in one of the halls.
  • After each task, you will interesting fact, history or legend!
  • Tired? Would you like to stay longer at the exhibit? The quest can be interrupted at any time. Once you're ready, keep going!
  • When you solve all the tasks, we will show you the results!


Do you want to play with a big company or celebrate a birthday? Is a group of schoolchildren or tourists coming? Are you preparing a corporate event?

Our hosts will conduct this or any of our other quests for you at a convenient time for you in the traditional format - with props, additional tasks-stations and prizes at the end! At your request, we will add a treasure hunt to the quest and invite a photographer!

Contact us or leave a request and we will call you back!


Q: What other quests do you have?

We have developed more than ten routes around the city, suburbs and museums, and we are constantly creating new ones! city ​​center and Peter-Pavel's Fortress, the Russian Museum and the Hermitage, Tsarskoye Selo and Peterhof, quiet areas of the center and other museums - all of them are available on our website.

Question: Do I need to download some application?

No, you don't need to download anything. All you need is a phone with internet, at least one for your company. After registration and payment, you will receive a regular link, open it and understand everything.

Question: Is it difficult?

No, you do not need to have special knowledge and skills to play. Most of the tasks are for attentiveness and logic. If you still encounter difficulties, then it is possible to activate hints that will greatly simplify the passage.

Q: Who is this quest for?

Everyone. You can play the game alone, with friends, soulmate or family. The quest is also suitable for children, but persons under 16 must be accompanied by their parents. To make it interesting for everyone, we recommend taking the quest with a group of 2-5 people. A link to the game can be opened from any number of smartphones, and everything will work correctly. If you have a large company - contact us and we will arrange a small competition for you - you will divide into teams, we will create a game for you per team, and at the end we will automatically determine the winners!

Q: Can I buy the quest in advance?

Certainly! The link to the game is valid for three months, so the quest can be purchased the day before or, for example, on weekdays - and go on the weekend. If for some reason you decide to interrupt the quest, then nothing will happen to it and you can at any time continue from where you left off.

Forward, to fresh emotions, knowledge and adventures!

At the Museum Services Office Historical Museum you can take a special guide, with which you will see the exposition of the first floor in the format of a quest. The essence of the game is this: museum halls"lost" an important word, the letters scattered across different eras and hid in the names of exhibits. You need to travel back in time, complete tasks from the guide and find the lost word. At the end of the route, check out the internet room to check your answers and get a souvenir.

Red Square, 1

Quest "Mysteries of ancient Moscow" 0+

Take part in an interesting quest and get acquainted with the history and everyday life Moscow of the XII-XVII centuries invites the Museum of Moscow. Answering questions, the participants will move into antiquity, learn about the origin of the Slavs, the construction of fortresses, traditional crafts, folk games, trade and more. At the end of the game, a pleasant surprise awaits the participants from the museum.

Zubovsky Blvd., 2

Quest "Myth" 0+

In a playful way, get to know the main characters of myths Ancient Greece calling Pushkin Museum. Young participants will be invited to find images of ancient gods in the museum collection - Zeus, Athena, Hera, Aphrodite and others. During the quest, the guys will hear the most famous myths and learn a lot about their main characters.

st. Volkhonka, 12

Quest "Know yourself - know the world" 0+

What sounds does the Madagascar cockroach make? Is it true that each person has his own anvil and hammer? What tree seeds became the prototype for helicopter blades? Find answers to these and dozens of other questions in the interactive center Darwin Museum in quest format. Thanks to the latest technologies, the guys will plunge headlong into the secrets of nature, see the world from a bird's eye view, measure strength with an elephant and listen to the beats of their own hearts.