What growth have us short. Andrei Bednyakov: Biography, personal life and wife

Anastasia Korotkaya is a presenter and actress from Donetsk. To date, Nastya is 33 years old, and she is married to Andrei Bednyakov. The height of the girl is 164 cm. According to the sign of the zodiac, she is Libra. This girl is not afraid to laugh at herself, it was with this that she bribed the creators of the Eagle and Tails travel show.

Biography of Anastasia Korotkaya

A girl was born in the autumn of 1985 in the city of Donetsk (Ukraine). A few years after the birth of their daughter, the parents decided to move to Mangush, and then to Mariupol. At school, the girl was an excellent student and loved literature. Teachers praised her and rejoiced at Nastya's success.

In the senior class, Anastasia Korotkaya decided that she wanted to become famous. But who exactly she wants to be - an actress, singer or dancer - did not yet know.

The further fate of Nastya

So, after graduation, the girl enters the choreographic institute in the city of Berdyansk. IN student years she was an active member of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club, took part in all holidays and events on the territory of the university. And after receiving a diploma, she did not work a day in her specialty.

In addition to KVN, the girl danced with the Mariupol team, and on weekends she worked as a seller. At that time, Anastasia Korotkaya had practically no free time, and she considered this the norm. In the KVN team once appeared new member- Andrey Bednyakov. Together with him, our heroine later left to conquer the capital.

In Kyiv, at the time when the guys arrived there, there was a casting for famous show"Big difference", where the girl went immediately. In parallel with this, she studied parodies. Andrew mastered the art of showing famous people even with KVN, and Nastya had to take lessons from him. Korotkaya considers Anastasia Prikhodko and Katya Osadcha to be the most successful of her parodies.

"Eagle and Tails"

In 2013, Anastasia Vladimirovna Korotka made her debut as a TV presenter. She passed the casting for the famous Ukrainian project"Eagle and Tails". The work was very exciting and interesting. In addition, the already experienced presenter Andrei Bednyakov, whom they had known since their student days, deserved her attention.

When the guy offered to try his hand as a host, Nastya gladly went to the casting. She passed the selection and began to work instead of Lesya Nikityuk.

According to Anastasia Korotkova, in "Eagle and Tails" she most often had to spend the weekend in a foreign city with a modest budget. As she claims, this is much more interesting than having a huge amount of money and not knowing where to spend it.

In 2014, Nastya and Andrey decided to leave the program and become the hosts of "Date with a Star" where they were invited by the creators of the project. Then the young couple began to lead the program "How the chip will fall." But after the release of the first broadcast, the program was closed. Reasons for this before today remain unknown.

Anastasia's personal life

As already mentioned, our heroine has known her current spouse since the days of student KVN. Photos of Anastasia Korotkaya and Andrey Bednyakov often appear in well-known publications with headlines talking about love.

Nastya received an offer to marry in New York in Times Square, when they were once again late for the plane. Andrey postponed this moment for a long time due to the busy schedules of both, but nevertheless he decided. In the summer of 2014, the couple played a modest wedding. And the lovers spent their honeymoon on the set in the city of Chelyabinsk.

Prior to this, the couple lived together for about 6 years, and the young people did not think about formalizing the relationship because of their employment. However, Nastya has recently begun to tell Andrei more and more often that all her friends are already married, many already have children, which, perhaps, it would be time for them.

Even today they remember the first acquaintance in Mariupol during the performance of the KVN team. Andrei was always a talkative and cheerful guy, and Nastya was the first beauty on the course.

As Anastasia now says, she feels good and warm when Bednyakov is just around. He doesn't have to do anything at all. This, according to the girl, is love. The motto of the Short Life: “Always, under any circumstances, remain a cheerful child. It helps to deal with many problems more easily.”

There is a tradition in the Bednyakov family - to eat fruit during the evening cartoon viewing session. In addition, the married couple leads healthy lifestyle life, does not drink alcohol and is not fond of cigarettes.

Today their daughter is growing up - Ksenia, whom Anastasia gave birth to in a private clinic in Miami.

Nastya and Andrey devote all their time to their daughter and give her a lot of love, affection and tenderness. According to the couple, this is much more important than buying a child expensive toys. Bednyakov in the role of dad still feels insecure, but he tries to take Xenia in his arms more often, talks to her, and also sings lullabies.

In the program "Eagle and Tails", Anastasia Korotkaya is still expected, but she does not think about it yet. Motherhood is now the most important thing in her life for her.

Andrey Bednyakov is a young talented actor who is filming in Russia and Ukraine. He is known for his participation in a number of high-rated television projects. The most striking projects with his participation are Eagle and Tails, Rich Man - Poor Man, Date with a Star.

The childhood of Andrei Bednyakov

Andrei Bednyakov's hometown is Zhdanov. Now it is Mariupol. He grew up in the most ordinary family. His mother worked in a hospital and his father worked in a factory.

As a child, Andrei did not shine with talents and did not seem to be a creative person. Bednyakov was like hundreds of boys in his city.

Early work of Andrei Bednyakov - KVN

Immediately after graduation high school the young man went to work at a metallurgical plant. He chose an ordinary profession - he became an electrician. Most likely, he would have worked to this day at the plant, continuing the family working dynasty, if he had not noticed the ability to joke. He was really good at it.

Thanks to this ability, Andrei was invited to the KVN team of the plant. These games continued for several years, until Alexander Maslyakov himself paid attention to Bednyakov. He ended up in the Higher League of KVN. It was real luck for a guy from a Ukrainian city.

Andrey Bednyakov on the show "Big Difference"

Work at the plant lasted three years. In parallel with work, Bednyakov studied in absentia at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the city of Kharkov. After graduating from university, the young man moved to Kyiv and got a job on the radio.

Around that period of time, a casting was held on television for the position of the host of the Big Difference project. Andrew decided to try his hand and took part. It was necessary to demonstrate several parodies. After the performance, Bednyakov was asked to show additional characters. The selection for Andrey was successful. According to him, that day on Earth there was no person happier than him.

Participation in the local version of "Big Difference" was an excellent start for Bednyakov's career. He was good at parodying voices since his participation in KVN, but everything else had to quickly learn from his more experienced senior colleagues.

Andrey Bednyakov at the Eagle and Tails project

Popularity came to Andrei Bednyakov during his participation in the television project "Eagle and Reshka", where he became a co-host, having passed a difficult casting. Thanks to the charisma, talent and charm of Bednyakov, the travel program has become even more interesting, its rating has literally shot up. The hearts of the audience were captivated by the new presenter. Thanks to this work, Andrei was able to visit many countries. By conservative estimates, he visited sixty states. The show "Eagle and Reshka" made possible the realization of Bednyakov's dream - he visited South America, and stayed there with the entire film crew for a month.

The host stopped his participation in the Eagle and Tails project in 2013. It should be noted that the audience was very upset by this message. Almost simultaneously with the departure from this project, Bednyakov began working on another television project that was on the same channel - this is "Date with a Star". Quite a bit of time passed, and Andrey again became the host of a TV show about travel, its name is “How the chip will fall”. This program was not destined to stay on television. The audience saw only one issue, after which it was closed for unknown reasons.

"Rich Man - Poor Man" is the name of a new project in which Bednyakov began working in 2014. It's perfect new format TV programmes. Bednyakov is so charming in it that he is often compared in popularity and demand with Ivan Urgant. He is interesting to the audience, they are waiting for his appearance on the screen. This ensures that Andrei receives more and more invitations to projects.

Personal life of Andrei Bednyakov

Andrei Bednyakov is one of the youngest and most promising TV presenters. In Ukraine, he was noted by the presentation of an annual award in the nomination "The most beloved TV presenter".

Andrey has an extremely busy schedule, which is why the presenter has practically no time to rest. The poor love most of all to travel, to visit different corners peace.

Andrei met his common-law wife while participating in KVN games. Later, they met at a casting when the selection of hosts for the Big Difference program was underway. Her name is Nastya Korotkaya. Both Nastya and Andrey passed this casting and together began working on the project as presenters. After a short cooperation creative ways young people in love with each other dispersed. When Nastya was accepted as the host of the Eagle and Reshka TV show, which was positioned as a family show, the idea immediately arose to make Andrei her co-host. Together, the couple in love traveled to many countries. Bednyakov made an offer to his beloved girl in his beloved city of New York.

Andrei's dream is to act in films. He already has little experience, he played a minor role in the film "Rzhevsky against Napoleon". Most likely, this young, talented and promising TV presenter has everything ahead - both significant roles in films and participation in interesting rating projects.

The biography of this charming and smiling guy is not too rich in stellar events, but this does not make it any less bright. Andrey Bednyakov gained popularity thanks to his participation in several high-profile television projects in Russia and Ukraine. The most rated of them is "".

Childhood and youth

Andrei was born and raised in a simple family in the city of Zhdanov. His father worked at a local factory, his mother worked in a hospital. Relatives did not even imagine that Bednyakov Jr. would soon become popular artist and will shine on the TV screen. Moreover, after school, he received the profession of an electrician and went to work at a factory.

Showman and TV presenter Andrey Bednyakov

So the simple guy Andrei Bednyakov would have continued to work in the metallurgical sector, in a provincial Ukrainian town, if not for his ability to joke easily. A sense of humor led the young man to the KVN team “And here we are”, with which he performed at one time, delighting the audience with bright performances and sparkling jokes. Thanks to his natural charm and ability to win over the audience, Andrey Bednyakov became one of the most memorable players major league KVN of Ukraine.

Andrey Bednyakov and the KVN team "And here we are"

True, it was not possible to leave work at the plant right away: nothing happens just like that, and for several more years Andrey worked in metallurgy in order to secure an income for himself. Performances in KVN had to be combined with work and study - he entered Kharkov University under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. After graduation, the young man left for Kyiv and got a job at a radio station.

A television

Soon he passed a test casting in Ukrainian show"Big difference", where he became a TV presenter. The project became a life-changing event in the life of the until then little-known radio station host. According to the selection criteria, each artist, whose height is 175 cm, and whose weight is not higher than 79 kg, had to perform a number of parodies. After completing the first task, Bednyakov was asked to improvise a few more numbers. Despite the excitement and stress, he completed all the tasks with honor and came out of the casting as a winner.

Andrey Bednyakov in the TV show "Big Difference"

From that moment began new stage in the artistic career of Bednyakov. While working on the show, he showed a brilliant ability to parody voices, grasped other necessary skills on the fly, listened to the advice of experienced colleagues and rapidly developed as a showman.

However, Andrei's real popularity was brought by participation in the show "Eagle and Tails". Casting turned out to be difficult, I had to give all the best. But the reward was worth it - after all, it was not just a project, but a fascinating travel program. The charisma and talent of Bednyakov helped him become one of the favorites of the viewers. The "bearded" image brought some zest to the program, refreshed the attention of the audience.

Andrey Bednyakov in the show "Eagle and Tails"

Thanks to Eagle and Tails, Andrey Bednyakov visited 60 countries and made his travel dream come true. These were Mexico, Cuba, Georgia, France, Greece, USA, Jamaica, Finland and other countries. On account of the TV presenter, participation in the seasons "Resort" and "Back to the USSR". In South America, he did spend a month with the film crew. Standing behind a metalworking machine at a factory, a simple young man from the provinces could not even dream that he would travel the world, giving smiles and joy to thousands of viewers who adore him, and even receive a tangible fee for this.

In 2013, the guy unexpectedly left the Eagle and Tails project (to the great chagrin of his fans) and immediately appeared in another program - Date with a Star. He did not stay there for long: longing for thrills led the TV presenter to another travel show - “How the Chip Lies”. However, the program never saw success - after the first and only release, it was closed.

2014 was marked by the participation of Bednyakov in new program- "Rich Man-Poor Man". There has never been anything like it on TV before. From now on, any viewer could meet their favorite TV presenter on the streets of their city. And besides, everyone could win from 1 to 25 thousand rubles by answering questions. At the same time, the correct answers were to be given by random passers-by, who were chosen by the main participant himself. Viewers got 3 opportunities at once: chat with Andrey Bednyakov, win money and, finally, see themselves and their friends on the Friday! channel.

Andrey Bednyakov in the show "Rich Man-Poor Man"

The audience of the program grew rapidly, among the viewers were people of different social and age categories. Bednyakov was compared with, proposals from standard projects poured in from all sides.

A bright project of Bednyakov was "I believe I do not believe." In it, the presenter explores the hidden corners of the planet, revealing age-old secrets and conducting exclusive excursions to places where no one has ever been. The TV presenter tells 5 stories about each place, one of which is a lie, and which one is for the audience to guess.

In 2016, the producers of "Eagle and Tails" pleased the fans of the show with the news: Andrei Bednyakov and his wife Nastya Korotkaya will return for the 10th season. The pilot episode was released on February 9th. An intriguing bonus: TV presenters set off to explore countries and cities in new tandems.

In the "Anniversary" 10th and 11th editions, dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the start of filming the project, TV presenters who participated in the program earlier joined the showman. In addition to the star couple, Zhanna Badoeva and others also returned to the program. Andrey Bednyakov visited this time in Guatemala, Naples, Seattle, Arizona, Orlando.

One of recent projects, in which Andrei Bednyakov appeared as a TV presenter, became the musical TV show "X-Factor". In the 7th season, he was his co-host, after which the artist already hosted the program alone. He commented on the performances of the members of the teams of stars Ukrainian stage- Dmitry Shurov.

During his television career, Andrei Bednyakov managed to take part in the filming of 3 comedies. In 2012, the artist appeared in an episode of the film "Rzhevsky against Napoleon", then there was a television series " big feelings". In 2015, the showman starred in the film "SOS, Santa Claus, or Everything will come true!", Where others also played.

Personal life

Speaking about the biography of Andrei Bednyakov, it is worth dwelling in more detail on his personal life. The TV presenter met Nastya Short, mentioned above, during the games in KVN. For the second time, fate brought the future spouses to the Big Difference show, where they got to work in pairs. Even then, sympathy for each other arose in their hearts, but soon the show ended, their paths diverged.

An amazing thing, but soon the couple met again - on the show "Eagle and Tails". Together they traveled half the planet. Andrey made a marriage proposal to his beloved in New York. The wedding took place on September 1, 2014.

They decided not to delay the children, so already in 2015 the family announced a joyful event - they have Ksenia. The girl was born in a clinic in Miami, where Bednyakov's wife left a couple of months before the birth. On the site of the channel "Friday!" congratulations appeared, where colleagues of the TV presenters admitted that, together with the fans of the show, they had been following their accounts on Instagram for a long time, waiting for replenishment.

Now the artist continues to replenish the page with bright original posts. At the beginning of 2018, Andrei first presented a photo of his grown daughter to subscribers. Soon there were shots of a TV presenter with a baby, his great-nephew. The message that now Andrei can be safely called grandfather amused the showman's fans.

Andrey Bednyakov now

In 2017 on the Friday! the broadcast of the author's program by Andrei Bednyakov "Bednyakov + 1" began. Each release of the project is a colorful trip of a TV presenter in the company of a Russian artist or screen star to a city they remember. Andrey visited Cappadocia with, in Miami with, in Berlin with, in Como with.

At the beginning of 2018, Andrey decided to create his own blog by registering a personal channel on YouTube video hosting. Already in the first hours, several thousand people signed up for the TV presenter's vlog. Also, the showman decided to try his hand at a new role. Andrei recorded the song "Sad Sadness", a video for which he shot in the Italian Bellagio. Fans spoke warmly about Bednyakov's vocal and composing talent and wished him not to stop there.

TV projects

  • 2009-2012 - "Big Difference"
  • 2011-2013, 2015 - Eagle and Tails
  • 2013 - "Big Feelings"
  • 2013 - "Hello, I'm your Friday!"
  • 2013-2014 - "Date with a star"
  • 2014 - "How the chip will fall"
  • 2014 - "Rich Man"
  • 2014 - "Blockbusters"
  • 2015 - "I believe - I do not believe"
  • 2016 - "Explorer"
  • 2016-2017 - "X-Factor"
  • 2017 - Bednyakov + 1

Member Name: Anastasia Vladimirovna Korotkaya

Age (birthday): 15.10.1985

Donetsk city

Family: married to Andrey Bednyakov, has a daughter

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Reading this article:

Nastya Korotkaya was born in the Ukrainian city of Donetsk, but her childhood was spent in Mariupol, where her family moved because of her father's work.

The future artist studied well, and after school she entered the Pedagogical University.

Perhaps we would never have known about the existence of this girl, but the KVN team “And here we are”, formed from students, completely changed Nastya’s life plans.

Studying at the institute Short received a professional choreographic education, it helped her to hold out for a long time in the team.

And thanks to the artistic data of Nastya in as soon as possible made a huge step forward in creative direction. After receiving a diploma, she went to Kyiv to try her hand at casting for the Big Difference.

Short presented a parody of Anastasia Prikhodko - the producers liked the result so much that they immediately enrolled her in the show. But a year later, the actress leaves for Moscow to take part in Russian version"BR".

The appearance on the screen in an instant made Nastya popular not only at home, but also in Russia.

Following the show of parodies, an offer to star in the TV series Big Feelings followed, which Anastasia gladly accepted. Work in the project was Nastya's debut in the cinema.

In 2013, the actress was offered to participate in an interesting program on the Friday channel, Eagle and Tails. Short and so loved to travel, and now she is offered to do it at someone else's expense.

Of course, she agreed, especially since she became a partner for her, with whom the girl had been dating for many years. Young people have known each other since their student days and together participated in the KVN team.

A year later, Nastya leaves the project and becomes the host of a show of a different format, Date with a Star. At the same time, Bednyakov organizes his own program, which intersects with Eagle and Tails, where Nastya played an important role. However, after the first release, she is frozen without explanation.

Short's personal life is directly connected with Bednyakov - despite the raging charm of both and the mass of temptations associated with their work, young people are very sensitive and gentle towards each other.

In 2014, their wedding took place, and in 2015, a daughter was born in the family. Both Nastya and Andrey are happy together - talented parents are sure that they will raise a worthy daughter who will certainly inherit their creative abilities.

Nastya's photo

On Instagram, Nastya Korotkaya has more than 300 thousand subscribers.