Two Ukrainian pop stars: Buchinskaya and Petrash about love, creativity, Kremenchug sausage and their social pages. Composer Nikolo: “Once, seeing that because of my passion for music, I had a quarter of nine deuces, dad grabbed an ax and wanted to chop up the piano

Journal "Modern Light" No.3 (6 6 ) 2010

According to a half-joking family legend, the fate of the musician to the Ukrainian composer Nikolo Petrash was prophesied by a friend of his mother, who saw how the child fingered in the air - as if playing passages on the piano. By coincidence, the boy received the appropriate name - like a virtuoso Italian composer XVIII-XIX centuries. Further developments in the life of the boy they confirmed that they called him so not in vain.
Carefree childhood and difficult student years
How often do childhood hobbies become a matter of life? Pretty rare. Rainbow dreams of flying into space or treating pets with age are replaced by pragmatic desires to become a successful lawyer or financier. But nevertheless, some lucky ones manage to find their calling in childhood or adolescence, and in the future turn it into a profession, a source of pleasure, moral satisfaction, pride, and at the same time a good income. Naturally, I asked Nikolo if he could be ranked among such people. It turned out that as a boy he was still that tomboy: he earned bruises and bumps, brought deuces from school, was naughty, and was in a hurry to grow up. But even then he had an inquisitive and inquisitive mind: in the absence of his parents, he could dismantle a TV for parts. So what, dear?! It's interesting how it's set up. A guy with such “manners” could probably go to techies. But fate prepared him a pleasant surprise.

- Nicolò, tell us in more detail, where does your passion for music come from?
- My older sister Larisa is seriously involved in music. As a child she studied at music school, then received two higher musical education. Somehow, her parents borrowed money and bought a luxurious piano "Ukraine" for her. Watching my sister, I was very interested in how she extracts such beautiful, mesmerizing sounds from this lacquered object ... and my sister became my first music teacher. This piano is still in my parents' house. To the instrument is very careful attitude.

- After school, you graduated from a vocational school with a degree in car repair mechanic. What prompted this choice? Did the parents want their son to get a profession and thereby “secure a reliable rear for himself” or did you want to “insure yourself” and have in your arsenal some kind of craft “just in case of a fire”, if you can’t make money with music?
- Of course, the desire of the parents. Then no one could have thought that I would become a professional musician. And what other prospects did I have in provincial town?! By the way, I was recently in Konotop, where I come from, went to my native school and was very pleasantly surprised that it educational institution flourishes. There are excellent conditions for students. And most importantly, all graduates are employed. The director of the vocational school Nikolay Petrovich Dotsenko has assembled a team of like-minded teachers who do their job with all their heart. When I studied there, the director of the school was Lyudmila Petrovna Danilenko, Strong woman a true leader. Now she runs a branch of the European University. I went to visit her too. I am proud of my countrymen and the fact that, despite all the difficulties in the country, there are fans of their work who live not only for themselves.

- It's wonderful that you don't forget your teachers. After vocational school, you went to conquer the capital. How did Kyiv meet you?
- It is very difficult for a simple guy from the provinces, without connections and acquaintances, relying only on his own strength, to make his way in the capital. But I concluded that the provincials are more purposeful than the indigenous inhabitants of megacities. I was confident in myself and that I would succeed in everything I planned. Entered the Kyiv Institute of Culture, got an education.

- As a student, you took on any part-time job: you were a waiter and even handed over bottles. Now, with an eye to the past, don't you consider these facts of your biography unattractive? Did you want to change something, change something?
No, I don't want to change anything. I am grateful to God for everything that happened to me and is happening. You should never be ashamed of your past, if it is not criminal.
It is not a shame to work, it is a shame to rob and sit with folded arms! I worked as a waiter in the cafe “Chumatsky Dvor” on Andreevsky Spusk, it was in this courtyard that Father Makhno once lived ... I took my duties so seriously that I had regular customers who came specifically to take my shift. At this time, my song “Free Bird” performed by Taya Povaliy was already sounding around. The cafe staff made fun of me: “Nikolo, Povaliy and Likhuta are coming!”. I, so that they would not see me, hid in the kitchen ... A few years later, I told Taya and Igor about this. They smiled and said that if they knew then who I was, it would not have affected our relationship in any way. After all, they also had to go a long way to musical Olympus. From my point of view, any experience in life will come in handy. No need to be afraid of work, no need to be afraid of change. And if in life it so happens that you are not doing what you aspired to, you still need to perceive it with gratitude, give yourself to your work. The main thing is to approach any occupation creatively, “with soul”, whether it is the profession of a janitor or a dentist, a cook or a teacher! Otherwise there will be no result.

- Do you agree with the maxim: “God does not give trials beyond his strength”? And what test in life was for you the most difficult, insurmountable?
Yes, God tests his favorites. The main thing is not to lose faith. And, as my brother Ruslan says, do not betray your dream! The most difficult period I had was when my elderly mother received a severe leg fracture and ended up with unfortunate doctors. They mishandled medical care and hurt her even more. I understood that my dearest person was in trouble and I urgently needed to help her: take her to Kyiv for an operation. And I'm unemployed, without money, without housing. That was horror! Thank God I'm lucky good people. I found money, excellent doctors in the republican hospital.

- And where else did you work while studying at the institute?

- I created commercials for Kiev radio stations, made arrangements ... A lot of things.

- In the beginning you wrote music and songs for yourself. Have you performed somewhere? Have you forgotten your very first stage appearance?
- There used to be a club “Cinema” on Podil, where I performed twice a week as a solo artist Nikolo. I received 50 USD for this. and was happy that I was in demand.
And the very first appearance on the stage took place in school years, in my hometown of Konotop. I had friends with whom I founded VIA. We recorded songs, performed, of course, to the detriment of studies and school curriculum(laughs - author's note).

Fortune smiles on the stubborn!
Recognition and popularity come to a person in different ways. Someone, by chance, “wakes up famous one day,” while someone takes years to talk about him. One thing is indisputable: real talent will definitely “break through”, albeit not immediately. This is what happened to our hero. But ... before he had to overcome many difficulties and experience many disappointments. At first, Nicolò composed songs and performed them himself. Young, ambitious and self-confident, he did not want to depend on anyone. At that time, the only program on Ukrainian television was on which he could light up new artist- Territory A. Therefore, Nikolo decided to “storm” this peak: he shot a high-quality video for one of his compositions, invested a lot of money in it by those standards, and received a refusal in response. Now, recalling the events of those distant days, he thanks God for what happened. After all, many of those who then flickered on TV from morning to evening are now forgotten, and his songs have gained success.
Then he began to write music for others. But even here he was not lucky: the performers did not want to deal with the "fledgling" composer. At some point, Nikolo completely despaired: he packed the equipment and decided that he would no longer compose songs, since no one needed them. He was already planning to find a warm place for himself in some company or get a job somewhere as a manager, but there was a person nearby who did not allow him to give up his dream so easily. This man was the cousin of Nikolo Petrash Ruslan Lunga. Seeing the despondency on the face of a still not very successful relative, Ruslan burst into an angry tirade: “What, weakling, surrendered ?! I quickly took out an instrument and write a song for Taisiya Povaliy, for example! On the same evening, the words and music of the song “Free Bird” were born.

- Taisiya Povaliy liked your composition. What do you think attracted, “hooked” her in your work? Before that, she worked with accomplished, venerable authors, and here you are a young unknown guy ...
- When we offered “Bird...” to Igor Lihuta, Taya was already a Ukrainian pop star and was gaining good momentum. Some venerable authors tried to convince her that my poetry was unprofessional.
real, and the music is so-so. And Povaliy shot a beautiful video for this song, released an album of the same name. Can you imagine what that meant to me then?! Until now, for this hit, Taisiya Povaliy brings me diplomas, mainly from Russia. Later, I wrote for Taya "Borrowed", "Night-razluchnitsa" and other songs. Tayu Povaliy, I consider mine " godmother in show business.

- Now, probably, you are no longer looking for performers, but they are looking for you?
- Yes, now I can choose which of the artists I'm interested in, and with whom I don't want to work. I don't care who will sing my song.

- Working with which artists is most pleasant for you both in creative and just in human relation? How did you start working with some of them?
- I fall in love with the people I work with. But not always and not every artist develops friendship in the future. I think this is correct. Otherwise, you would have to give away songs. It is necessary to separate business and friendship. I have a very warm relationship with the Povaliy family - Likhuta, I Godfather grandson of Alla Kudlay, I have been friends with Natasha Buchinskaya for many years. By the way, Buchinskaya is also a landmark singer for me. I wrote for her, then still an unknown singer, the hits "Divchina-Spring", "That Love", "My Ukraine", which became her calling cards. And for me it is important that the artist brought the songs to the masses, they became popular.

- How much does your song cost the performer? I understand that income is a very personal, sensitive issue, but it would be nice to hear some indicative figures, based on which you can make a general impression of the financial side of your profession.
- Unfortunately, royalties in the West and even in Russia are much higher than in our country. An unknown boy who wrote one hit for Madonna can live comfortably until the end of his days. We are all different. The author must constantly work.
Each author evaluates his work individually. I am one of the most sought-after composers, therefore “not cheap”. In general, show business is an expensive pleasure: songs, videos, rotation ... Let's just say that the price for my song is no more than the fee of the stars to whom I give them.

- You said that you would also like to collaborate with Russian stars show business. If it's not a secret, with whom exactly and what are the successes in this direction?
- I like many Russian artists. I have already started working with one of these artists. This is Nikolai Baskov, a very charismatic, talented artist. And a good, decent person, which is a rarity for a star. I also really like Irina Allegrova.

- Many hits came out from under your pen. What should a song be like in order for it to become “folk” in the minds of people?
- Together with our co-authors poets Yuri Rybchinsky, Alexander Moroz, Lyudmila Ponomarenko, Vasily Ivanitsky, we created songs that quickly “went to the people”.
But I don't know any specific recipe. I think the most important thing is your attitude. I love what I create!

- Are you attracted by the idea of ​​writing music for films, serials?
- Yes, I really want to write music for movies. I already have beautiful musical sketches. If there is a good offer, with pleasure! I'm interested.

- In addition to composing, you also sing in a duet with your cousin Ruslan, who is also your producer. How do you get along in life and work? Who is the leader in your tandem? Do you criticize each other? Are you competing or is there no reason for this?
- I was incredibly lucky to have such a friend and like-minded person as Ruslan next to me. He always believed in me and helped me in everything. A very large part of my success is his merit. He is a talented manager and an unusually creative person. And most importantly, I can always count on him. His advice is the most important for me. Ruslan is the first listener and critic of each of my songs. Of course, it is not always easy for us to communicate, we are both very quick-tempered. Nevertheless, we learn to yield to each other. So far, Ruslan is doing better. Our duet with my brother is called "Radio Fresh" (RadioFresh). Now we are adding our debut album. Some songs from the forthcoming album are already popular with our country's radio listeners.

- At present, the work of the composer remains in the shadows, in front of the public - the performer. In this regard, the question is: would you like more fame, recognition?
- So it was at all times. The artist is a preacher. And it is logical that the artist is more known and loved. Of course, I have ambitions, otherwise I would not go on stage and probably would have been doing something else in life. But for me the main thing is that my name is associated with beautiful songs, so that the glory is well-deserved.

- And a few words to wish our readers.
- Dear friends! Be optimistic under any circumstances!
Take care of your parents! I wish each of you to find your favorite business, which will become your favorite profession!

Photos provided by NICOLO MUSIC & LUNGA Studio Prepared by Nadezhda Buchneva

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With a song for life

Composer NIKOLO:“Once, seeing that because of my passion for music, I had nine deuces in a quarter, dad grabbed an ax and wanted to chop up the piano!”

The author of hits Taisiya Povaliy, Irina Bilyk, Tamara Gverdtsiteli and others celebrated his birthday with a benefit performance at the Ukraine Palace Anna SHESTAK
"Gordon Boulevard"

At Nikolo Petrashathere were already two reasons for a benefit performance - the 10th anniversary creative activity and 33rd birthday. Therefore, even the financial crisis could not prevent the hitmaker from gathering artists singing his songs. But the weather did make adjustments to the plans of Nikolo and the company. Tamara Gverdtsiteli and Nadezhda Chepraga promised in the posters could not arrive.

Tamara Mikhailovna waited at the airport from seven in the morning until three in the afternoon, but she never flew out: there was fog over Kiev, the planes were not accepted. However, Gverdtsiteli's fans heard their star: the recording sounded a song dedicated to Valery Lobanovsky - "Come back, God of football, come back!" When frames from the film about the legendary coach went on the screen and Tamriko's quivering voice said: “The football pendulum froze without you, and a monument will not replace you,” the audience stood up. The author of the words, the famous Yuri Rybchinsky, hit the mark again...

It just so happened that we recognize composers not by their gait, but by their songs. Nikolo has more than enough business cards: "Borrowed", "Free Bird", "Night-razluchnitsa" performed byTaisiya Povaliy, "To friends" Alla Kudlay, "Divchina-spring"Natalia Buchinskaya. And of course, “Ye na sviti my kraina”, which is called the second anthem of Ukraine.

“I swore off writing songs about Ukraine,” Nikolo admits. - But fate decreed otherwise, and now I have 11 of them! I plan to release a separate CD. Recently I heard how in a Kiev school children were asked to sing the national anthem, and they: “Why wouldn’t I be with my retinue, you are with me, Ukraine ...”. I won't lie, I'm proud."

Nicolo comes from a non-musical family: dad is an electric welder, mom worked all her life as a manager in a restaurant. “My sister and I don’t know who we went to,” the composer laughs. - Both musicians! Because of the music, I hardly studied at school. I remember that dad, seeing that I had nine deuces in a quarter, grabbed an ax and wanted to chop up the piano! And when at the age of 16 I announced that I would leave Konotop for Kyiv and become a star, he said ... in rhyme. I didn't believe it, I mean.

Believe it or not, but on the stage of the Palace "Ukraine" the composers could not share four folk artists! Irina Bilykshared the song “In Half” with him and made him regret that she was married. “You have not collaborated with anyone for such a long time as with me. Three whole years!” - said Alla Kudlay. “No one has ever written as many songs for anyone as I have - 12!” - boasted Natalya Buchinskaya. " Best songs I don't care!" - insisted Taisiya Povaliy.

Actually, the composer's career began with Taya: 10 years ago, an unknown boy showed his recordings to her husband and producer Igor Likhute, and he immediately determined that "Lended" was a future hit. "There is no Lihuta without goodness!" - summed up the host of the concert "showman"Dmitry Kolyadenko.

Natalya Buchinskaya was given a benefit performance in a benefit performance: she sang about spring, and about Ukraine, and about first love - together with Dmitry Gordon. While the song was playing, I watched a touching picture in the hall: a five-year-old girl with a funny lush bow enthusiastically echoed the artists: "The first love will not be forgotten ...". God grant that it be so.

Journalists struggled for a long time over the question: “What is the relationship between Alla Kudlay and a pretty Ukrainian Hungarian named Nikolo, who starred in her videos?”. And they came to the traditional conclusion: just a novel! At the benefit performance, Alla Petrovna dismissed this version: “Nikolo is a friend of my son Maxim and the godfather of Kirill’s grandson. So, I’m also his godfather!” But, I must say, such a godfather will drive any godfather crazy! Once Alla Petrovna admitted: “I take care of myself all the time. If I really want to eat a chocolate candy, I ask someone to break it, then I bring it to my nose, sniff it - and put it back!

In addition to experienced artists, among whom were also Alexander Ponomarev, Pavel Zibrov, Vitaly and Svetlana Bilonozhko, Ekaterina Buzhinskaya, Freestyle group, Eleonora Skidanova, Vitaly Kozlovsky , the audience delightedMaxim Kudlay, duet "Domino", Marta Spizhenko and others.

The highlight of the evening was the band's performance"Radiofresh"- a family contract in which Nikolo himself and his cousin participateRuslan Lunga, and the appearance on the stage of the group's mascot - a red chow-chow named Fresh, who was applauded as an artist. “He is with me at home, in the car, and at the studio,” says Nicolò. “Thanks to Fresh, I easily get to know people, we named the group after him.”

Outrageous Dmitry Kolyadenko was most enthusiastic: “I don’t understand, is it a dog or is it a lion?” And he admitted that recently he also got a dog - a Pekingese: "When I fly somewhere, at least someone is bored, waiting ...".

“In my personal life - a disaster! - Dima confessed to Gordon Boulevard. - I'm just being torn to pieces! And not women, but filming, projects, tours, flights ... For me to sleep with someone, hug someone at night - this has not happened for a long time. I can't find a decent one... Abi sho don't need me, I know what a fiancé! So for now, I’m bastard from loneliness: I go naked at home and I’m glad that no one is controlling.

The outrageous Kolyadenko kept trying to call Nikolo a scandalous composer, and this made me think: what is the definition of a composer? “Non-scandalous,” Nikolo laughed. "Real," I chose. And that's why.

Composers, as a rule, do not tell the press how much the songs cost, no matter how you ask. Someone is afraid of scaring the artists, someone does not want to seem like a businessman, someone is generous, like Pavel Zibrov, who gave Ivar Kalninsh 11 songs and “Beloved Woman” in addition. Nikolo answered openly: “In Ukraine, music costs about four thousand dollars, lyrics - from 500 to a thousand, recording - a thousand dollars, backing vocals - 100-200. So count: five to seven thousand dollars, depending on the author. But it is much cheaper than in Moscow, where you have to pay tens of thousands for one song.

By the way, about Moscow. Get ready, Whitestone! Nikolo has many plans: to publish the album "Radiofresh" and to collaborate with Russian stars. With whom exactly - we will soon see. The main thing is that, having conquered Moscow, the composer should remain real, and not turn into just an expensive one ...

With a song for life

Composer NIKOLO: “Once, seeing that because of my passion for music, I had nine twos in a quarter, dad grabbed an ax and wanted to chop up the piano!”

At Nikolo Petrasha there were already two reasons for a benefit performance - the 10th anniversary of creative activity and the 33rd birthday. Therefore, even the financial crisis could not prevent the hitmaker from gathering artists singing his songs. But the weather did make adjustments to the plans of Nikolo and the company. Tamara Gverdtsiteli and Nadezhda Chepraga promised in the posters could not arrive.

Tamara Mikhailovna waited at the airport from seven in the morning until three in the afternoon, but she never flew out: there was fog over Kiev, the planes were not accepted. However, fans of Gverdtsiteli heard their star: a song dedicated to Valery Lobanovsky sounded in the recording - “Come back, God of football, come back!”. When frames from the film about the legendary coach went on the screen and Tamriko's quivering voice said: “The football pendulum froze without you, and a monument will not replace you,” the audience stood up. The author of the words, the famous Yuri Rybchinsky, hit the mark again...

It just so happened that we recognize composers not by their gait, but by their songs. Nikolo has more than enough business cards: "Borrowed", "Free Bird", "Night-razluchnitsa" performed by Taisiya Povaliy, "To friends" Alla Kudlay, "Divchina-spring" Natalia Buchinskaya. And of course, “Ye na sviti my kraina”, which is called the second anthem of Ukraine.

“I swore off writing songs about Ukraine,” Nikolo admits. - But fate decreed otherwise, and now I have 11 of them! I plan to release a separate CD. Recently I heard how in a Kiev school children were asked to sing the national anthem, and they: “Why wouldn’t I be with my retinue, you are with me, Ukraine ...”. I won't lie, I'm proud."

Nicolo comes from a non-musical family: dad is an electric welder, mom worked all her life as a manager in a restaurant. “My sister and I don’t know who we went to,” the composer laughs. Both are musicians! Because of the music, I hardly studied at school. I remember that dad, seeing that I had nine deuces in a quarter, grabbed an ax and wanted to chop up the piano! And when at the age of 16 I announced that I would leave Konotop for Kyiv and become a star, he said ... in rhyme. I didn't believe it, I mean.

Believe it or not, but four people's artists could not share the composer on the stage of the Ukraine Palace! Irina Bilyk shared the song “In Half” with him and made him regret that she was married. “You have not collaborated with anyone for such a long time as with me. Three whole years!” Alla Kudlay said. “No one has ever written as many songs for anyone as I do - 12!” Natalya Buchinskaya boasted. “I still have the best songs!” Taisiya Povaliy insisted.

Actually, the composer's career began with Taya: 10 years ago, an unknown boy showed his recordings to her husband and producer Igor Likhute, and he immediately determined that "Lended" was a future hit. "There is no Lihuta without goodness!" - summed up the host of the concert "showman" Dmitry Kolyadenko.

Natalya Buchinskaya was given a benefit performance in a benefit performance: she sang about spring, and about Ukraine, and about first love - together with Dmitry Gordon. While the song was playing, I watched a touching picture in the hall: a five-year-old girl with a funny lush bow enthusiastically echoed the artists: "The first love will not be forgotten ...". God grant that it be so.

Journalists struggled for a long time over the question: “What is the relationship between Alla Kudlay and a pretty Ukrainian Hungarian named Nikolo, who starred in her videos?”. And they came to the traditional conclusion: just a novel! At the benefit performance, Alla Petrovna dismissed this version: “Nikolo is a friend of my son Maxim and the godfather of Kirill’s grandson. So, I’m also his godfather!” But, I must say, such a godfather will drive any godfather crazy! Once Alla Petrovna admitted: “I take care of myself all the time. If I really want to eat a chocolate candy, I ask someone to break it, then I bring it to my nose, smell it - and put it back!

In addition to experienced artists, including Alexander Ponomarev, Pavel Zibrov, Vitaly and Svetlana Bilonozhko, Ekaterina Buzhinskaya, the Freestyle group, Eleonora Skidanova, Vitaly Kozlovsky, the audience was pleased Maxim Kudlay, duet "Domino", Marta Spizhenko and others.

The highlight of the evening was the band's performance "Radiofresh"- a family contract in which Nikolo himself and his cousin participate Ruslan Lunga, and the appearance on the stage of the group's mascot - a red chow-chow named Fresh, who was applauded as an artist. “He is with me at home, in the car, and at the studio,” says Nicolò. “Thanks to Fresh, I easily get to know people, we named the group after him.”

Outrageous Dmitry Kolyadenko was most enthusiastic: “I don’t understand, is it a dog or is it a lion?” And he admitted that recently he also got a dog - a Pekingese: "When I fly away somewhere, at least someone is bored, waiting ...".

“In my personal life - a disaster! Dima confessed to Gordon Boulevard. "I'm just being torn apart!" And not women, but filming, projects, tours, flights ... For me to sleep with someone, hug someone at night - this has not happened for a long time. I can't find a decent one... Abi sho don't need me, I know what a fiancé! So for now, I’m bastard from loneliness: I go naked at home and I’m glad that no one is controlling.

The outrageous Kolyadenko kept trying to call Nikolo a scandalous composer, and this made me think: what is the definition of a composer? “Non-scandalous,” Nikolo laughed. Real, I chose. And that's why.

Composers, as a rule, do not tell the press how much the songs cost, no matter how you ask. Someone is afraid of scaring the artists, someone does not want to seem like a businessman, someone is generous, like Pavel Zibrov, who gave Ivar Kalninsh 11 songs and “Beloved Woman” in addition. Nikolo answered without hiding: “In Ukraine, music costs about four thousand dollars, lyrics - from 500 to a thousand, recording - a thousand dollars, backing vocals - 100-200. So count: five to seven thousand dollars, depending on the author. But it is much cheaper than in Moscow, where you have to pay tens of thousands for one song.

By the way, about Moscow. Get ready, Whitestone! Nikolo has many plans: to publish the album "Radiofresh" and to collaborate with Russian stars. With whom exactly - we will soon see. The main thing is that, having conquered Moscow, the composer should remain real, and not turn into just an expensive one ...

Magazine "Suchasna osvita" 3 (6 6 ) 2010

History of success. Composer Nikolo Petrash

According to a half-joking family legend, the fate of the musician to the Ukrainian composer Nikolo Petrash was prophesied by a friend of his mother, who saw how the child fingered in the air - as if playing passages on the piano. By coincidence, the boy received the appropriate name - like a virtuoso Italian composer of the 18th-19th centuries. Further events in the boy's life confirmed that they called him so not in vain.
Carefree childhood and difficult student years
How often do childhood hobbies become a matter of life? Pretty rare. Rainbow dreams of flying into space or treating pets with age are replaced by pragmatic desires to become a successful lawyer or financier. But nevertheless, some lucky ones manage to find their calling in childhood or adolescence, and in the future turn it into a profession, a source of pleasure, moral satisfaction, pride, and at the same time a good income. Naturally, I asked Nikolo if he could be ranked among such people. It turned out that as a boy he was still that tomboy: he earned bruises and bumps, brought deuces from school, was naughty, and was in a hurry to grow up. But even then he had an inquisitive and inquisitive mind: in the absence of his parents, he could dismantle a TV for parts. So what, dear?! It's interesting how it's set up. A guy with such “manners” could probably go to techies. But fate prepared him a pleasant surprise.

- Nicolò, tell us in more detail, where does your passion for music come from?

- My older sister Larisa is seriously involved in music. As a child, she studied at a music school, then received two higher musical educations. Somehow, her parents borrowed money and bought a luxurious piano "Ukraine" for her. Watching my sister, I was very interested in how she extracts such beautiful, mesmerizing sounds from this lacquered object ... and my sister became my first music teacher. This piano is still in my parents' house. The instrument is very caring.

- After school, you graduated from a vocational school with a degree in car repair mechanic. What prompted this choice? Did the parents want their son to get a profession and thereby “secure a reliable rear for himself” or did you want to “insure yourself” and have in your arsenal some kind of craft “just in case of a fire”, if you can’t make money with music?
- Of course, the desire of the parents. Then no one could have thought that I would become a professional musician. And what other prospects did I have in a provincial town?! By the way, I was recently in Konotop, where I come from, I went to my native school and was very pleasantly surprised that this educational institution is flourishing. There are excellent conditions for students. And most importantly, all graduates are employed. The director of the vocational school Nikolay Petrovich Dotsenko has assembled a team of like-minded teachers who do their job with all their heart. When I studied there, the director of the school was Lyudmila Petrovna Danilenko, a strong woman, a true leader. Now she runs a branch of the European University. I went to visit her too. I am proud of my countrymen and the fact that, despite all the difficulties in the country, there are fans of their work who live not only for themselves.

- It's wonderful that you don't forget your teachers. After vocational school, you went to conquer the capital. How did Kyiv meet you?
- It is very difficult for a simple guy from the provinces, without connections and acquaintances, relying only on his own strength, to make his way in the capital. But I concluded that the provincials are more purposeful than the indigenous inhabitants of megacities. I was confident in myself and that I would succeed in everything I planned. Entered the Kyiv Institute of Culture, got an education.

- As a student, you took on any part-time job: you were a waiter and even handed over bottles. Now, with an eye to the past, don't you consider these facts of your biography unattractive? Did you want to change something, change something?
No, I don't want to change anything. I am grateful to God for everything that happened to me and is happening. You should never be ashamed of your past, if it is not criminal.
It is not a shame to work, it is a shame to rob and sit with folded arms! I worked as a waiter in the cafe “Chumatsky Dvor” on Andreevsky Spusk, it was in this courtyard that Father Makhno once lived ... I took my duties so seriously that I had regular customers who came specifically to take my shift. At this time, my song “Free Bird” performed by Taya Povaliy was already sounding around. The cafe staff made fun of me: “Nikolo, Povaliy and Likhuta are coming!”. I, so that they would not see me, hid in the kitchen ... A few years later, I told Taya and Igor about this. They smiled and said that if they knew then who I was, it would not have affected our relationship in any way. After all, they also had to go a long way to the musical Olympus. From my point of view, any experience in life will come in handy. No need to be afraid of work, no need to be afraid of change. And if in life it so happens that you are not doing what you aspired to, you still need to perceive it with gratitude, give yourself to your work. The main thing is to approach any occupation creatively, “with soul”, whether it is the profession of a janitor or a dentist, a cook or a teacher! Otherwise there will be no result.

- Do you agree with the maxim: “God does not give trials beyond his strength”? And what test in life was for you the most difficult, insurmountable?

Yes, God tests his favorites. The main thing is not to lose faith. And, as my brother Ruslan says, do not betray your dream! The most difficult period I had was when my elderly mother received a severe leg fracture and ended up with unfortunate doctors. They mishandled medical care and hurt her even more. I understood that my dearest person was in trouble and I urgently needed to help her: take her to Kyiv for an operation. And I'm unemployed, without money, without housing. That was horror! Thank God, I'm lucky for good people. I found money, excellent doctors in the republican hospital.

- And where else did you work while studying at the institute?

- I created commercials for Kiev radio stations, made arrangements ... A lot of things.

- In the beginning you wrote music and songs for yourself. Have you performed somewhere? Have you forgotten your very first stage appearance?
- There used to be a club “Cinema” on Podil, where I performed twice a week as a solo artist Nikolo. I received 50 USD for this. and was happy that I was in demand.
And the very first appearance on the stage took place back in my school years, in my hometown of Konotop. I had friends with whom I founded VIA. We recorded songs, performed, of course, to the detriment of studies and the school curriculum (laughs - author's note).

Fortune smiles on the stubborn!
Recognition and popularity come to a person in different ways. Someone, by chance, “wakes up famous one day,” while someone takes years to talk about him. One thing is indisputable: real talent will definitely “break through”, albeit not immediately. This is what happened to our hero. But ... before he had to overcome many difficulties and experience many disappointments. At first, Nicolò composed songs and performed them himself. Young, ambitious and self-confident, he did not want to depend on anyone. At that time, the only program on Ukrainian television was on which a new artist could appear - “Territory A”. Therefore, Nikolo decided to “storm” this peak: he shot a high-quality video for one of his compositions, invested a lot of money in it by those standards, and received a refusal in response. Now, recalling the events of those distant days, he thanks God for what happened. After all, many of those who then flickered on TV from morning to evening are now forgotten, and his songs have gained success.
Then he began to write music for others. But even here he was not lucky: the performers did not want to deal with the "fledgling" composer. At some point, Nikolo completely despaired: he packed the equipment and decided that he would no longer compose songs, since no one needed them. He was already planning to find a warm place for himself in some company or get a job somewhere as a manager, but there was a person nearby who did not allow him to give up his dream so easily. This man was the cousin of Nikolo Petrash Ruslan Lunga. Seeing the despondency on the face of a still not very successful relative, Ruslan burst into an angry tirade: “What, weakling, surrendered ?! I quickly took out an instrument and write a song for Taisiya Povaliy, for example! On the same evening, the words and music of the song “Free Bird” were born.

- Taisiya Povaliy liked your composition. What do you think attracted, “hooked” her in your work? Before that, she worked with accomplished, venerable authors, and here you are a young unknown guy ...
- When we offered “Bird...” to Igor Lihuta, Taya was already a Ukrainian pop star and was gaining good momentum. Some venerable authors tried to convince her that my poetry was unprofessional.
real, and the music is so-so. And Povaliy shot a beautiful video for this song, released an album of the same name. Can you imagine what that meant to me then?! Until now, for this hit, Taisiya Povaliy brings me diplomas, mainly from Russia. Later, I wrote for Taya "Borrowed", "Night-razluchnitsa" and other songs. Tayu Povaliy, I consider my “godmother” in show business.

- Now, probably, you are no longer looking for performers, but they are looking for you?

- Yes, now I can choose which of the artists I'm interested in, and with whom I don't want to work. I don't care who will sing my song.

- Working with which artists is the most pleasant for you, both creatively and simply in human terms? How did you start working with some of them?

- I fall in love with the people I work with. But not always and not every artist develops friendship in the future. I think this is correct. Otherwise, you would have to give away songs. It is necessary to separate business and friendship. I have a very warm relationship with the Povaliy family - Likhuta, I am the godfather of the grandson of Alla Kudlay, I have been friends with Natasha Buchinskaya for many years. By the way, Buchinskaya is also a landmark singer for me. I wrote for her, then still an unknown singer, the hits "Divchina-Spring", "That Love", "My Ukraine", which became her calling cards. And for me it is important that the artist brought the songs to the masses, they became popular.

- How much does your song cost the performer? I understand that income is a very personal, sensitive issue, but it would be nice to hear some indicative figures, based on which you can make a general impression of the financial side of your profession.
- Unfortunately, royalties in the West and even in Russia are much higher than in our country. An unknown boy who wrote one hit for Madonna can live comfortably until the end of his days. We are all different. The author must constantly work.
Each author evaluates his work individually. I am one of the most sought-after composers, therefore “not cheap”. In general, show business is an expensive pleasure: songs, videos, rotation ... Let's just say that the price for my song is no more than the fee of the stars to whom I give them.

- You said that you would also like to collaborate with Russian show business stars. If it's not a secret, with whom exactly and what are the successes in this direction?
- I like many Russian artists. I have already started working with one of these artists. This is Nikolai Baskov, a very charismatic, talented artist. And a good, decent person, which is a rarity for a star. I also really like Irina Allegrova.

- Many hits came out from under your pen. What should a song be like in order for it to become “folk” in the minds of people?
- Together with our co-authors poets Yuri Rybchinsky, Alexander Moroz, Lyudmila Ponomarenko, Vasily Ivanitsky, we created songs that quickly “went to the people”.
But I don't know any specific recipe. I think the most important thing is your attitude. I love what I create!

- Are you attracted by the idea of ​​writing music for films, serials?
- Yes, I really want to write music for movies. I already have beautiful musical sketches. If there is a good offer, with pleasure! I'm interested.

- In addition to composing, you also sing in a duet with your cousin Ruslan, who is also your producer. How do you get along in life and work? Who is the leader in your tandem? Do you criticize each other? Are you competing or is there no reason for this?

- I was incredibly lucky to have such a friend and like-minded person as Ruslan next to me. He always believed in me and helped me in everything. A very large part of my success is his merit. He is a talented manager and an unusually creative person. And most importantly, I can always count on him. His advice is the most important for me. Ruslan is the first listener and critic of each of my songs. Of course, it is not always easy for us to communicate, we are both very quick-tempered. Nevertheless, we learn to yield to each other. So far, Ruslan is doing better. Our duet with my brother is called "Radio Fresh" (RadioFresh). We are currently writing our debut album. Some songs from the forthcoming album are already popular with our country's radio listeners.

- At present, the work of the composer remains in the shadows, in front of the public - the performer. In this regard, the question is: would you like more fame, recognition?

- So it was at all times. The artist is a preacher. And it is logical that the artist is more known and loved. Of course, I have ambitions, otherwise I would not go on stage and probably would have been doing something else in life. But for me the main thing is that my name is associated with beautiful songs, so that the glory is well-deserved.

- And a few words to wish our readers.
- Dear friends! Be optimistic under any circumstances!
Take care of your parents! I wish each of you to find your favorite business, which will become your favorite profession!

Photos courtesy of NICOLO MUSIC & LUNGA Studio Prepared by Nadezhda Buchneva

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