Purple color: meaning in a person's life. Purple color in clothes and psychology

One of the most mysterious and mysterious colors, no doubt, is considered purple. It is this color that is fanned by many tales and legends, it is in purple clothes that all magicians and wizards dress.

What does purple mean in real life? Is he really that special?

The symbolism of purple

The main symbol of the purple color in psychology is the owl, since it is the purple color that symbolizes wisdom and mysticism. For example, in medieval myths, purple has the meaning of remorse. But in many religions, as in Catholicism, this color is a symbol of abstinence, so all cardinals wear rings with purple amethyst.

The meaning of purple

Purple appeared as a result of the merger of red and blue. In fact, this color is a symbiosis of two colors that are completely opposite in their effect. The strength and energy of red is intertwined with the calmness and intelligence of blue, which cannot but affect the final result.

The value of each shade of purple will fluctuate depending on the predominant color. If there is more blue in the creation of purple, then dark purple is obtained, which is bright manifestation dominance and rudeness. But lilac, or light purple, can even calm down with a strong neurosis.

purple color characteristic

Violet has a positive effect in the development of global plans, great ideas, and contributes to the development of sensitivity. In psychology, purple is considered a source of artistry, it can have a mild, barely noticeable sedative effect.

In addition, this color is strongly associated with intuition, in such cases the line between reality and mysticism is really blurred. Violet color helps people suffering from astheno-neurotic syndrome, vegetative-vascular dystonia, as it can calm in case of sudden attacks of panic and anxiety. Also, if you like the color purple and are nearsighted, looking at the color continuously for several minutes a day can improve your vision.

The psychology of purple helps in finding inspiration, sensitivity. Those who consciously strive for the color purple want to charm members of the opposite sex.

The negative influence of purple in psychology includes excessive control of feelings, as well as extreme pedantry. And what does purple mean if there is more red in it? In this case, vanity and some immaturity, one might even say infantilism, are possible. Most often it is chosen by teenagers who have not yet found themselves in life.

purple color lovers

Purple is considered the official color of feminism, and it is also the color of idealism, which contributes to an immediate increase in self-esteem. It is also advised to wear it to pregnant women, as this color is both a mystery and hidden sensuality. At the same time, purple in psychology is generally considered a heavy color, young children are not advised to buy things of this color, as it can reduce the pulse.

I must say that the purple color increases sentimentality, in psychology it is called, to put sensitivity on the extreme line, which is why this color is chosen by homosexuals.

Each color, shade is unique in its essence, therefore, of course, you need to start from what it means in psychology, but focus more on yourself, on your feelings. Pass the color through yourself, listen to yourself, and then you will understand what benefits it has for you.

Painting - paint, color, it is embedded inside our body. Her outbursts are great and demanding.
Kazimir Severinovich Malevich

rainbow psychology

All of us in childhood rejoiced at the appearance of a rainbow in the sky after the last rain. Everyone tried to memorize the number and sequence of the colors of the rainbow. Who among us does not remember such funny phrases as:
  • To every O hotnik AND does W nat, G de FROM goes F azan
  • To ak O once AND ak- W vonar G tin FROM broke F onar.
  • And other options.
Where the first letters of the words mean the corresponding color name:
  • To each - red;
  • O hotnik - orange;
  • AND elaet - yellow;
  • W nat - green;
  • G de - blue;
  • FROM goes - blue;
  • F azan - purple.

But we did not think at that time that each color affects us, our character and our life to one degree or another.
And, now, having become adults, we can trace the psychological connection of a certain color we prefer with one or another trait of our character.

People who are annoyed by this color have an inferiority complex, fear of quarrels, a tendency to solitude, stability in relationships. Red color symbolizes excitement, energy. This color is also a symbol of eroticism.

Disgust, ignoring red reflects organic weakness, physical or mental exhaustion.

Prisoners of war, forced to live in life-threatening conditions for years, rejected him especially often.

Red color is most preferred by teenagers.

YellowIt symbolizes calmness, ease in relations with people, intelligence.

When he is loved, it means sociability, curiosity, courage, easy adaptability and enjoyment of the opportunity to please and attract people to him.

When he is unpleasant, then we are talking about a person who is concentrated, pessimistic, and difficult to get to know. Yellow is obtained by mixing green and red and is the color of energy.

The greatest preference for yellow is given by pregnant women who are expecting a successful outcome of childbirth, as well as people prone to changing places.

Yellow is also interpreted as the color of illumination (halo/aura of Christ or Buddha).

GreenThe color of nature, nature, life itself, spring.

The one who prefers it is afraid of someone else's influence, looking for a way of self-assertion, since this is vitally important for him. Anyone who does not love him is afraid of everyday problems, the vicissitudes of fate, in general, all difficulties.

The green color contains hidden potential energy, reflects the degree of volitional tension, so people who prefer green color, strive for self-confidence and confidence in general.

Eccentric people, who achieve their goals not with purposeful volitional activity, but through emotions, reject the green color as unsympathetic.

Along with them, the green color is rejected by people who are on the verge of mental and physical exhaustion.

BlueThe color of the sky, peace, relaxation.

If you like him, then this speaks of modesty and melancholy; such a person often needs to rest, he quickly gets tired, it is extremely important for him to have a sense of confidence, the benevolence of others.

In the rejection of this color, a person is revealed who wants to give the impression that he can do everything in the world. But, in essence, he is a model of uncertainty and isolation. Indifference to this color speaks of a well-known frivolity in the field of feelings, although hidden under the mask of courtesy.

In short, the choice of blue as the most preferred color reflects the physiological and psychological need of a person for peace, and the rejection of it means that a person avoids relaxation.

In case of illness or overwork, the need for blue color increases.

BlackThe color of uncertainty, symbolizing a gloomy perception of life.

The one who prefers to dress in black often perceives life in dark colors, is insecure, unhappy, prone to depression, because he has no doubt that his ideals in life are unattainable.

The frequent change of a black suit or dress to another, brighter, catchy one, indicates that pessimistic moods are often dispelled. The constant choice of black indicates the presence of a certain crisis state and characterizes an aggressive rejection of the world or oneself (recall the black banners of anarchists).

Children who are acutely experiencing the lack of care and love often use black shading in the drawing. Normally, black is generally rejected.

Grey The favorite color of reasonable and distrustful natures, who think for a long time before making any decision.

It is also a neutral color that is preferred by those who are afraid to make themselves known too loudly. If you don’t like this color, then this is an indicator of an impulsive, frivolous character.

Often gray is also preferred in case of severe overwork as a barrier to irritants. outside world. In situations psychological testing this color is used as a means of protection against the penetration of another into the inner world of the subject.

A study of about two thousand young men in the situation of competitive examinations for substitution vacancies showed that 27% of the subjects put gray in first place instead of the usual 5% in a normal situation.

Video: Color Festival in India


Which of the flowers do you like the most? What color is your favorite?

In the survey below, choose 2-3 options for the colors you like most in life, and then, carefully read in the article what the colors you choose mean in personality psychology.

If your life has lost color, color it yourself! She's worth it.
author unknown

Hello dear readers. Today you will learn what purple is in psychology. Find out which people prefer it. Let's talk about its impact on human life.


If we consider the symbol of purple, then it is considered an owl. In the Middle Ages, it was considered as a sign of repentance. In Catholicism, it is a symbol of temperance. In medieval times, this color was perceived as mourning. With all this, only members of the king's family could wear it. The custom of combining this shade with sorrow has been preserved in Orthodoxy to this day.

When thinking about what this color means, it is worth considering what its origin is - the merger of the other two, blue, and also red. It brings together opposites that have completely different effects. The calmness and intelligence of blue are intertwined with the strength and energy of red. The value of purple depends on which shade prevails in it.

  1. When blue predominates, a dark shade of purple appears. Characterized by the manifestation of an imperious nature and rudeness.
  2. The color of light tones has a calming effect, even when there is a strong neurosis.
  3. Has a calming effect.
  4. Increases intuition, the border between other world and reality is erased.
  5. If a red tint predominates, vanity is possible.
  6. Violet color in the psychology of a woman is the desire to charm the opposite sex. It is recognized as a sign of idealism, feminism.
  7. If a person often dreams of purple things, this may indicate approaching cardinal changes in his life.
  8. Contributes to the manifestation of excessive sensitivity and sentimentality.

What influence does

Let's look at what effect purple things and objects can have.

  1. Helps in the presence of astheno-neurotic syndrome.
  2. Promotes calm, seizures.
  3. It has a positive effect on people with vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  4. It is believed that it is possible to improve vision with myopia by looking at purple objects for several minutes without interrupting your gaze.
  5. It is believed that it affects self-esteem.
  6. Helps to establish contact with the human subconscious. A person more often comes to insight, he has the ability to hear his needs.
  7. Allows you to enhance intuition, promotes greater attentiveness, allows you to notice the smallest details.
  8. It helps to enhance suggestibility, therefore it is often used by a hypnologist for. Do not forget that the same property can be used by charlatans. When this color is in excess, it helps to lull a person’s vigilance, he begins to fall asleep.
  9. Allows you to improve memory, awaken past memories that have long been suppressed in the subconscious.
  10. This color is able to enter into a state of deep trance. It is for this purpose that it is recommended to use it for relaxation, after there has been a severe shock or stressful situations.
  11. Helps reduce pressure.
  12. From an esoteric point of view, purple helps protect the mother and baby during pregnancy.
  13. This color helps to get away from everyday problems.
  14. It is worth considering the negative effect of this color - excessive control over your feelings, an extreme degree.

in clothes and

Due to the wide variety of shades of purple, people with any type of appearance can use it in clothes.

  1. Young ladies with pale skin are advised to wear violet or lavender-colored things, combine them with gray or black.
  2. Girls who have dark color skin, should choose warm tones of purple, such as amaranth. Combine such things with beige and pink.

When choosing lipstick, as well as shadows, you should also apply this rule. So, for example, a rich burgundy color suits brunettes, fuchsia - brown-haired women or blondes. Shades of this color when choosing shadows are recommended for festive or evening makeup. If it is necessary for everyday makeup, then you should choose a soft purple color. Purple in makeup and clothes allows you to create a mysterious image of a romantic woman. This color is suitable for people with non-standard interests and appearance. It allows you to attract attention, at the same time warns of the need for a special approach when communicating with its carrier. Therefore, this color will be in the hands of people who want to avoid communicating with annoying fans. This shade allows you to subconsciously draw a parallel with nobility. It is better to give preference to closed velvet dresses.

In the interior

  1. In the bedroom, it is preferable to choose a purple color. Promotes tenderness, intimacy. Perfectly combined with pink shades, enhances sensuality. Purple affects easy falling asleep, develops intuition.
  2. If you want to find a shade for personal account, ideal violet. But do not overdo it with its use, it is better to dilute it with white.
  3. In a social room, such as a living room or kitchen, it is not recommended to give preference to purple walls. However, you can pick up purple accessories.
  4. It is unacceptable to use purple items in the children's room. Here you can apply a lilac shade, which helps to improve the baby’s night sleep, develop it Creative skills and curiosity.
  5. Suitable for decorating rooms for meditation and yoga.

Who chooses this color

  1. People generally prefer things of this shade, without hesitation, acting at the behest of their hearts.
  2. Such individuals are open, easily make contacts with other people, but do not seek to reveal themselves to anyone.
  3. After talking with such a person, there is an understatement.
  4. Lovers of this color are individuals who are easy to convince, to captivate.
  5. Owners of purple things are predisposed to empathy, they sympathize with others.
  6. If a person wears purple clothes, it allows him to get rid of irritation, to balance the state of mind.
  7. Individuals with an unstable psyche, as well as those with neuroses, need it.
  8. This color may be preferred by people with, pedants.

Now you know the meaning in the psychology of purple. Remember that he is regarded as one of the mysterious, belongs to the most mysterious. It is accompanied by legends and various tales.

Violet color is undoubtedly the most mysterious and ambiguous. It has many shades and even more names. Amethyst, lavender, iris, violet, lilac, fig, prunes. How many things in nature have this wonderful and so many-sided color! In 2018, ultra violet was declared Pantone's color of the year. We did not stand aside and decided to explore the use of purple in the interior. It will be informative and interesting!

reference Information

Purple in the RGB system and in the hands of the artist is obtained by mixing red and blue colors.It corresponds to the shortest wavelength radiation that the human eye can perceive.

The meaning of purple

In the psychology of color, the following properties are attributed to purple: sensuality, mystery, power and depth. Purple is said to be calming and helps to focus. He is preferred by creative natures and extraordinary personalities. Purple color evokes associations with the words "mystic", "inspiration" and "unusual". It is also called royal. The thing is that in the days of Byzantium it was very difficult and expensive to obtain purple dye. For thirty grams of paint, it was necessary to get 250 thousand rare mollusks with an ink secret. The paint turned out to be very bright and resistant, but only truly powerful and royal people could afford such a luxury. In the 19th century, with the advent of synthetic dyes, the situation changed, but purple is still called the "color of monarchs."

The most mystical color has great importance and in various religions.

In Hinduism, the seventh chakra, which is responsible for "connection with the cosmos" and "awareness", is attributed to the violet color. According to Feng Shui, it symbolizes spirituality and aristocratic spirit. In early Christianity, purple was the color of sadness and affection. Now - secret knowledge and silence. In Islam, purple is responsible for contemplation and mirage, and in Buddhism it is the color of the spiritual father, mentor.

Interesting facts about the color purple

  • Violet color is usually referred to as "cold".
  • AT medieval Europe when the king or any of the members died royal family, the courtiers wore purple clothes as a sign of mourning.
  • In 2003, at the Argentine Zoo, a doctor gave a polar bear an experimental drug for dermatitis, after which the polar bear changed color, becoming purple. As it turned out later - it was an allergic reaction.
  • In the Inca nodular writing, the quipu is purple (also called dark purple) - denoted the chief who would rule over the village, territory, people.

Various shades of purple

Speaking of purple, do not lose sight of its various variations. Take a closer look at the variety of purple colors and determine for yourself those shades that catch you more. It is useful to take with you to the store or to a meeting with the designer examples of your favorite shades. You can download them to your phone or take a thing of your favorite color with you, because our eyes perceive colors differently under different lighting conditions. It will be a shame not to get into tone or color temperature.

What can be combined with purple?

Pro general rules color combinations in the interior can be read.

Since purple is a rather complex color, it will look good on its own without additional accents. Favorable "background" for purple - white or gray.

If you are comfortable in a dark space, a deep, total purple will come to the rescue. Velvet armchairs and heavy curtains will create an enveloping languid mood - you just won't want to go to another room!

It can be light in an interior with purple accents!

For lovers of contrasts, there are complimentary combinations. Violet color is favorably emphasized by various shades of yellow. This color scheme sets you in a positive mood and charges you with a good mood for the whole day!

The combination of muted purple and azure looks interesting. Reminiscent of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur in France and gives a feeling of lightness and tranquility.

If you are comfortable in a dark space, a deep, total purple will come to the rescue. Velvet armchairs and heavy curtains will create an enveloping languid mood - you just won't want to go to another room! If you like "natural" tones, take a closer look at herbal and muted tones - olive and ocher.

Pure purple does not go well with warm and bright colors - red, orange, blue. Combining purple and gold, you can easily overdo it and get a “vulgar interior” instead of a luxurious palace atmosphere.

Purple color in the interior

purple living room

The purple color in the living room looks representative, if not luxurious. Opt for muted deep tones if you want to create an unusual yet cozy environment.

Bright flashy shades combined with contrasting colors will suit lovers and turn your living room into a real holiday!

Royal bedroom

The aroma of lavender has a relaxing effect on a person, and the lavender color in the bedroom is guaranteed to relax before going to bed.

If you are afraid that purple in the bedroom will quickly get bored, use it in doses, in decor elements.

Lilac kitchen

Purple color + kitchen = Provence style. Living violets or lavender in pots will come in handy. Don't you think it's obvious? Then look below.

Purple in the nursery

Purple in the nursery - why not? For girls, calmer tones are suitable. For boys - bright accents and "cartoon" decor. In any case, do not forget to consult with the child. Whatever your apartment is, if you really love purple, you should definitely use it in interior design! Don't be afraid to experiment. And if you want interesting things about color, light, zoning, in general, about everything related to design, subscribe to our newsletter, let's be friends.

The right combination of colors in clothes is an important aspect of drawing up a wardrobe. modern woman. The choice of color palette can tell a lot about inner world, the character and tastes of a person, to make one or another impression on others. This season, purple and all its shades are popular.

The meaning of color and its psychological perception

The name of the color comes from Latin word"viola" (violet). In fact, this is a symbiosis of 2 diametrically opposite colors: calm blue and energetic red. According to psychologists, the predominance of the first gives the image a certain power, and the second - reassurance.

Deep saturation with violet hues can cause depression of mood, and light ones can favorably affect it and vision. Among the variety of colors, this color is considered a symbol of respectability, greatness of wisdom, moderation, detachment from the ordinary.

Purple is one of the most mysterious, mystical colors in the many-sided color palette.. It is no coincidence that he was present in the attire of cardinals, wizards, magicians. In real modernity, according to psychologists, colorists, he appeals to creators with non-standard imagination.

People who intuitively choose this color seem to send a signal to others about their character, aspirations, and fantasies. His worshipers, along with the desire to be enchanted, crave possession, sorcery.

And the rejection of purple tones indicates a desire for a clearer, more earthly relationship. Proper use of this mystical, impressive color allows others to associate its wearer with aristocracy, creativity, elegance, and high spirituality.

Ignoring the individual nuances of the selection of colors can cause negative emotions of others and be perceived as arrogance, pretentiousness, sadness.

Who suits purple according to the color type of appearance

Using purple in clothes, makeup, you should consider how it combines with I with specific human characteristics. This refers, first of all, to the color type of appearance, which is determined by the color of the skin, eyes and hair.

Each of them, following the laws of nature, according to stylists and designers, must match the color palette of the wardrobe. Following these rules allows you to profitably use a wide range of purple shades, to make the most favorable impression on others.

Features of combinations according to the color type of appearance:

Important to remember! The saturation of the color should be directly opposite in relation to the color of the skin and hair.

The main popular shades of purple

The "temperature" of purple depends on the degree of combination of its pigments with other tones, both in clothing and accessories. The predominance of blue paint puts it among the cold tones. With more red - the color "warmers".

The same proportions of staining allow you to achieve neutral shades. It should be remembered that it is precisely the shades, halftones, whimsically mixed colors often make the weather in creating a harmonious image.

This color has the richest range of more than 200 tones, ranging from soft pastel to rich dark. Among this variety, the most popular can be conditionally identified.


This light transparent color of lilac with a delicate, soft palette is associated with spring, summer time of the year. Its neutral hue is the result of a mixture of blue and red, with the latter predominating.


The color is defined as a moderate purple. The name of this pragmatic shade comes from the name of the most expensive variety of quartz - amethyst. Translated from the Greek language means "prudence, sober thinking." He, like the stone of the same name, is able to play with shades in different conditions of day and evening lighting.


A rich, deep shade reminiscent of the color of common vegetables - eggplant.

It is a kind of reflection of sensitivity, vulnerability, dependence on outside opinion.


This shade is on the color spectrum between purple and blue. It owes its name to a plant native to India.


It is distinguished by special sophistication, romance, as if emphasizing the tenderness, sophistication of the natures of its fans. It has direct associations with the fragile, but resistant to all adversity, mountain lavender.


The synonym of this word in the Old Russian language is "crimson". This color saturated with energy has long symbolized the greatness of the spirit, the highest power and at the same time - depravity, lust. This color is perfect for evening wear. Robes in this tone appeal to strong and daring natures.

Purple as a base, and as an addition to other colors

It is important to correctly determine which color will be the base in clothes, and which will be complementary (additional, contrasting) and how organically it combines with purple. After all, this expressive deep color requires a sense of proportion. Its redundancy can look pretentious, unnatural, inspire melancholy, and the incompatibility of tones can be eclectic.

Creating a classic, noble look is possible by complementing purple with other tones. It can be various accents in clothes, shoes, accessories (scarf, handbag, belt, jewelry, etc.).

Depending on the intended purpose of clothing, their proportions must be observed. Among the most successful compositions is the combination of basic purple with additions in light tones.

Combination with light colors:

  • white color is a win-win option for business and romantic outfits;
  • neutral light beige color helps to soften the purple brightness;
  • the yellow palette should be used carefully as accessories (bracelet, belt, headband, ring);
  • black color, like white, can act as an absolute base and addition;
  • rich blue, turquoise tones of accessories are suitable for outfits of dark-haired girls.

Rules for combining purple with others in color

Dressing in purple tones alone can create a dull, gloomy look. Therefore, it is very important to know which color it combines best with. The most popular are the following combinations.

Purple and white

The violet-white variation is distinguished by brightness, contrast and, at the same time, restraint and calmness. It is very relevant for business people. It can be a colored bottom and a white top.

Newlyweds also use purple accessories interspersed in snow-white outfits and it looks very festive!

purple and black

Such an elegant tandem is not only a great combination for going out, but also a classic style office workers. It fits into the dress code rules, suitable for business meetings, dinner at a restaurant, etc.

The combination of a brightly saturated violet / lilac top and a black bottom looks spectacular, or vice versa. Dilute dark shades you can wear yellow, blue shoes, as well as accessories made of silver, gold. A light scarf of these shades looks quite elegant.

purple and red

Spectacular purple-red is a contrasting combination of tones. Red color enhances the effect of feminine lilac shades.

Their combination adds to the image of mysterious sexuality. It highlights a person and attracts the attention of others. Therefore, it is often chosen by femme fatales who want to look charming and seductive.

purple and green

The combination of cold purple and warm green shades is the unity of opposites. This combination is often found in nature.

When choosing a range of clothes, you should focus on the color type of appearance. For "Spring", "Autumn" it is worth choosing warm green shades (young foliage, green apple etc.). And "Winter", "Summer" are impressed by cold tones of emerald, jade, dark green shades.

Purple and brown

These 2 colors are very harmonious, due to a single color base. However, brown also has a yellow tint.

The most exquisite combination of blueberry and chocolate shades. This duet is suitable for all color types of appearance.

Purple and beige

Thanks to beige shades, purple visually acquires special tenderness, warmth, and comfort. Their combination is suitable for business wear, evening, cocktail dresses. Variations with reddish shades of purple look especially interesting.

Such a tandem will find a place in the wardrobe of even those who consider purple to be rather gloomy. The mix of these tones can be used both in individual items of clothing (jackets, capes, cardigans) and accessories.

Purple and orange tone

This couple looks very cheerful and quite popular, especially among young people.

The brightness of the orange hue is enhanced next to saturated and pastel colors. purple tones. When choosing an orange color, attention should be paid to light shades.

purple and yellow

This combination also echoes nature, demonstrating the warmth of the sun and the restraint of violets, similar to "pansies". Brightness yellow color able to favorably emphasize various purple hues.

At the same time, the saturation of yellow and purple should be equivalent. A similar mutual combination is allowed in clothes, and if it is uniform, in accessories, shoes in the warm and cold seasons.

purple and blue

Harmony with a related color is calm and balanced. This combination goes well with white, beige details.

Bright blue, blue together with purple tones is appropriate for everyday and festive clothes. With a lower brightness, the combination of colors looks organic during business meetings, interviews, etc.

Purple and pink

This combination helps to create feminine, romantic images. Outfits with a variety of ruffles, frills, puffy skirts look organic. Such a catchy, bright solution is a great youth option for summer walks.

Products of light purple tones look harmoniously along with pink, coral, orange additions. Bright pink tones are well combined with amethyst, dark blue shades.

Purple and gray

The addition of purple accents adds mystery and piquancy to neutral gray outfits. These cold tones can be varied in different proportions. In this case, it is better to give preference to gray shades without greenery, yellowness.

The combination of dark purple shades with light gray looks most favorable. The addition of bright accessories gives this pair a certain charm, liveliness. For evening dresses, combinations of purple with silvery gray are great.

Accessories and shoes

Along with determining the dominant colors and different accents, you should consider what occasion the outfit is chosen for. Suitable options should fit into the color combination rules.

An evening dress made of purple flowing fabric should be complemented with accessories from the gamma of the outfit. Jewelry made of gold and silver will help to give integrity to the image during a party, a dinner party.

With a casual outfit of this tone, more diverse additions that “play” with light are suitable. Here you can use jewelry that imitates precious metals, or from natural wood, leather.

When putting on a purple dress, you should be careful when adding various elements and accessories to it. It is quite enough to complement a long luxurious outfit with a string of pearls and a clutch, shoes of the appropriate shade.

Based on the rules for combining colors, the handbag and shoes must be the same color. Shoes of different purple shades must be complemented by accessories that harmonize with them (handbag, scarf, etc.).

What does purple not go well with?

To give the image of mystery and eccentricity, it is important to know what color in clothes is combined with purple - this is a kind of reminder to those who want to make their own image. The versatility of shades makes it necessary to combine them with one bright or neutral color, and not several, in order to be stylish and unique.

Too expressive tones should not be excessively added so that the image is harmonious. A proportional selection of colors will allow you not to dress in purple from head to toe, but to find an individual finished unsurpassed image.

Rules for using purple in the wardrobe

10 examples of how to combine purple shades in clothes:

How and with what to wear purple things - color rules: