A story on the topic of my patriotic deed. Composition reasoning patriotism

Dear readers! We have repeatedly argued that it would be nice for a person who is rooting for the fate of the Motherland to do something useful in real life in addition to discussions on the Internet. Raising children and paying taxes is, of course, right, but not enough. You agreed on this idea, but what we lack is living examples of such a patriotic initiative. We will talk about one of them below.

There is a small town in the Sverdlovsk region for 25 thousand inhabitants - Nevyansk, a city-factory. Its fate is not much different from the fate of similar single-industry towns throughout Russia - foundation, flourishing, stable work, restructuring, extinction. In 1979, the Soviet workers of the machine-building plant, at their own expense and on their own, erected a monument in the city - "To those who fell for the Soviet Motherland." good monument, sincere. But time passed, the plant rebuilt itself as much as possible in a market way, shrank to a modest size and forgot about the monument. Occasional cosmetic repairs could not overcome the force of time - the monument slowly but inevitably perished.

Parades thundered in Moscow, Topol-M installations rumbled on Red Square, strategic bombers roared in the sky, and good patriotic films were shown on TV. And the monument to the fallen in the outback crumbled, spread and was ready to fall at any moment itself, as the heroes once fell, whose feat it was designed to perpetuate.

And no one knew what to do with it. The monument did not belong to the city, and the plant was no longer up to it. They looked at him like a grey-haired veteran decorated with orders - respectfully, but without hope.

And suddenly, shortly before the next celebration of Victory Day, one caring person decided to spit on conventions and save this monument. At your own expense and with your own resources. Like once the workers of a machine-building plant. This man's name is Maxim, he is a hard worker, the founder and head of a company that provides funeral services and makes monuments.

The team supported the chef's idea, work began. Time was running out, there was very little left before Victory Day, and there was enough to be done. As it usually happens, in the course of work, the plans changed in the direction of increasing labor intensity. At first they wanted to use marble, and then they decided that if they were to do it, they would do it, and they took granite. But granite is much stronger, and very soon arose unexpected problem- drills have run out in Nevyansk. I had to follow them to neighboring Tagil - in total, 150 drills were used up during the work.

Victory Day was approaching, the guys worked from early morning until late in the evening, 12 people at a time. No one forced, no one urged or threatened with punishment, just everyone understood that this was their own little war. There was nowhere to retreat - behind his native Nevyansk, his own conscience and the memory of the heroes who were able to survive in a much more difficult test.

Exactly at 00-30 from May 8 to 9, the work was completely completed. Time, indifference and bureaucratic red tape signed an act of unconditional surrender to the stubbornness of our guys.

Thus, one thread was revived in the connection of generations - from the enthusiasts of our time through the workers of the Soviet factory to the heroes of the war and beyond - to such a depth that it is even scary to imagine. We are all beads on this thread, it will break - and we will crumble, each one will roll into its own corners and there we will stupidly decay.

Editor's note:

In addition to gratitude to the guys who restored the monument, I would like to note that this story clearly demonstrates the depravity of the couch position “I am for everything good, but let the state do the good.” If our heroes occupied it, the monument would inevitably perish. Therefore, for us, this is, first of all, a good example of practical patriotism. It is with such small efforts that we must strengthen the connection of times, which the author speaks of, because each of us has his own city, his own conscience and his own memory.

Pride in one's country and love for it is a manifestation of patriotism. A patriot is not only a person who blindly believes that his country is the best, but also soberly assesses all the positive and negative factors that can be changed for the better.

After all, over time, the concept comes that there are places in the world more picturesque and more beautiful. And people are kinder and more sympathetic, and this does not mean that love for the native land has disappeared, patriotism has faded away. On the contrary, it is necessary to look transparently at all problems and change all shortcomings for the better. When it happens that the country is in danger, then a true patriot will always protect it and, if necessary, give his life. People who value their land will never look from the outside at the enemies who seize their native country.

Many philosophers and poets devoted a lot of time to patriotism and devoted many works and reasonings to it.

The philosopher Kolar, a Czech by nationality, explained his position in such a way that the main thing in patriotism is the people themselves, their customs, respect for their ancestors and for the language, and the land is just a territory that, without all of the above, cannot be anything.

Another famous composer Rachmaninov, being in Switzerland, created in reality a semblance of a Russian village, in which he lived for a certain time. This shows a different view of man on patriotism. Native places, although artificial, helped the creator and awakened inspiration.

The famous writer Bunin emphasized that it is much more difficult to create in a foreign land than in their native land, and many people yearn for their native land, even in places more beautiful and cultured than in their native country.

Examples of patriotism are also shown in the unique novel War and Peace. After the French attack, all people united, and each contributed to the struggle for freedom, forgetting all the misunderstandings among themselves.

Summarizing the opinions of many figures, we can say that in the concept of patriotism one cannot separate the people and the native land, since they complement each other and cannot exist separately.

Composition What is patriotism with arguments from literature

Life circumstances sometimes require the manifestation of such a quality as patriotism. Patriotism is a responsibility to the motherland, a warm love for it. This is a sense of duty necessary for every person living on Earth.

Atriots are not born, they become, instilling love for the Fatherland, cultivating a sense of beauty in their hearts. This quality requires determination from a person, responsibility for his actions. People should not betray their homeland, they are obliged to take care of it, while applying a share of their own strength.

Many writers portrayed patriotism in their books, urging readers to love their homeland. A clear example from the literature is the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin " Captain's daughter", where main character Pyotr Grinev served his father's command: "Take care of your honor from a young age." The character is a true patriot of his Fatherland, since his decisions in relation to his homeland are unshakable, he did not betray the oath of the Empress, being under the threat of death. So, Pyotr Grinev deserves admiration, because his actions are aimed at preserving his homeland, taking care of it.

Let us turn to another example: the work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Taras Bulba", where Taras Bulba himself is a patriot, who from childhood taught his sons (Ostap and Andriy) stamina and fighting spirit. He believed that one must give one's life for the salvation of the Motherland, so long as the Fatherland does not fall into the hands of the enemy. Unfortunately, he failed to fully instill a sense of duty in one of his children, because of this, Andriy, guided by the call of his heart, leaves his loved ones, going over to the wrong side. He made a choice that his father, Taras Bulba, could not forgive. For the cruel act of the hero towards his father, Andriy died at his hand, the last words that he heard from the lips of Taras Bulba: “I gave birth to you, I will kill you!” What happened, tragedy! But this is life, each person has his own views on it, so for some patriotism is above all, for others it is not perceived close to the soul.

Thus, a sense of duty and responsibility to the motherland should be brought up from childhood so that it does not disappear under any circumstances. Patriotism is a voluntary responsibility not only to the Fatherland, but also to people. This should not be forgotten. It's not easy being a patriot! But, if you instill this wonderful quality in yourself, then life will become easier. The choice, first of all, is up to the person himself!

Grade 9 With arguments from the literature. 15.3

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Once upon a time there lived a Boy. He was a perfectly ordinary child, no different from others. Just like everyone was walking, playing with other guys, getting good and bad marks. Although no, one small difference still existed. He did not like the place where he was born. He did not like his hometown and the vast country where he lived. Neither adults nor children paid much attention to this oddity.
Meanwhile, the Boy grew up, but his point of view did not change. On the contrary, he was more and more affirmed in it, cognizing the world. AT high school he, along with his classmates, got acquainted with the meaning of the word patriotism. However, the Boy did not like this word, he considered it ridiculous. And I did not consider myself a patriot in any way.
The Boy's native country bordered on another, completely different country. Long ago, his uncle went there with his family and lived there for many years. All the newspapers, magazines, books, films brought from there by relatives said how good life is for those people. They always smile and greet everyone. That life seemed to him beautiful and fabulous extraordinary. It was so different from those boring everyday life that he lived here. It seemed to him that where he lives, there is nothing interesting and cannot be. He always wanted to go to that country and often imagined how he would live there. extraordinary life. After all, when he wakes up, the window will not see a dirty old street with a broken lantern, but a clean and well-groomed one with brand new lanterns along the edges of the road. And everything will be different.
Time passed without being distracted by strange boys. The boy grew up, graduated from school, college, got a job. The dream of leaving here did not disappear, and he began to gradually save up for the move. The hostility from the homeland increased so much that it seemed that a little more, and he would begin to hate the place where he was born.
It happened on one of those gray monotonous Mondays. The morning began as usual. The same pale sun lit up the shabby street and peeped in passing into his bedroom. He was sleepily getting ready for work. No signs of trouble. But suddenly a siren blared throughout the street, penetrating the houses and the astonished ears of the inhabitants. Everyone started leaning out. Someone whispered "war" and the word passed from house to house as if by chain. Soon the whole area, and then the city was in a panic. The civilians did not know what to do. The military tried to quickly evacuate them all. However, as soon as the people moved towards the bomb shelters, planes appeared in the air like kites. They began to bomb everything that came to hand. Before the eyes of the Boy, houses collapsed, people fell dead and most of them did not get up. After a couple of minutes, the horror stopped, but the same black people took the place of the black planes. And they all had a red emblem on their chests. The emblem of the very country where people smiled and lived without knowing the hassle. His mind was confused. He woke up only a couple of hours later with a gun at the ready. With a wild animal roar, he ran along with other similar daredevils to the black mass.
It took a long time before the war stopped. Both countries lost a lot of people. And yet the homeland of the Boy emerged victorious from the war. Countries have concluded a peace treaty for many decades.
The boy found a family and never left for a foreign country. Subsequently, he often told his grandchildren about the war and each time, smiling bitterly, added:
- I would never have thought that patriotic feelings could wake up in me.

Every day in Russia, ordinary citizens perform feats who do not pass by when someone needs help. The country should know its heroes, so this collection is dedicated to brave, caring people who have proven by deed that heroism has a place in our lives.

1. An unusual incident with a miraculous rescue occurred in the city of Lesnoy. A 26-year-old engineer named Vladimir Startsev saved a two-year-old girl who had fallen from a fourth-floor balcony.

“I was returning from the sports ground, where I was training with the children. I look, some kind of pandemonium, ”recalls Startsev. - People under the balcony were fussing, shouting something, waving their arms. I raise my head up, and there a little girl, with the last of her strength, grabs the outer edge of the balcony. Here, according to Vladimir, he turned on the climber's syndrome. Moreover, the athlete has been engaged in sambo and rock climbing for many years. The physical form allowed. He assessed the situation and intended to climb the wall to the fourth floor.
“Already prepared to jump to the balcony of the first floor, I raise my eyes, and the child flies down! I instantly regrouped and relaxed my muscles to catch her. This is how we were taught in training, - says Vladimir Startsev. “She landed right in my arms, she cried, of course, she got scared.”

2. It happened on August 15th. On that day, my sister and nephews and I came to the river to swim. Everything was good - heat, sun, water. Then my sister says to me: “Lyosha, look, the man drowned, out, swims by. The drowned man was carried away by a fast current, and I had to run about 350 meters until I caught up. And our river is mountainous, the cobblestones, while running, fell several times, but got up and continued to run, barely overtook.

The child turned out to be the victim. On the face all the signs of a drowned man - an unnaturally swollen stomach, a bluish-black body, veins swelled. I didn't even know if it was a boy or a girl. He pulled the child ashore, began to pour water out of him. The stomach, the lungs - everything was filled with water, the tongue kept sinking. Asked for a towel next door standing people. No one filed, they disdained, they were frightened by the sight of the girl, they took pity on her for their beautiful towels. And I'm wearing nothing but swimming trunks. Because of the fast run, and while I was pulling her out of the water, I was exhausted, there was not enough air for artificial respiration.
About resuscitation
Thank God, my colleague, nurse Olga, was passing by, but she was on the other side. She started screaming for me to bring the baby to her on the shore. The child who swallowed water became incredibly heavy. The peasants responded to the request to carry the girl to the other side. There, Olga and I continued all resuscitation actions. They drained the water as best they could, did a heart massage, artificial respiration, for 15-20 minutes there was no reaction, neither from the girl, nor from nearby onlookers. I asked for an ambulance, no one called, and the ambulance station was nearby, 150 meters away. Olga and I couldn’t afford to be distracted even for a second, so we couldn’t even call. After some time, a boy was found, and he ran to call for help. In the meantime, we were all trying to revive a little girl, five years old. From despair, Olga even began to cry, it seemed that there was no hope anymore. Everyone around said, leave these useless attempts, you will break all her ribs, why are you mocking the dead. But then the girl sighed, the nurse who came running heard the sounds of a heartbeat.

3. A third-grader rescued three young children from a burning hut. For the heroism shown, 11-year-old Dima Filyushin was almost flogged at home.

... On the day when a fire broke out on the outskirts of the village, the twin brothers Andryusha and Vasya and five-year-old Nastya were alone at home. Mom left for work. Dima was returning from school when he noticed a flame in the neighbor's windows. The boy looked inside - the curtains were ablaze, and next to him, on the bed, three-year-old Vasya was sleeping. Of course, the student could call the rescue service, but without hesitation, he rushed to save the kids himself.

4. A young 17-year-old girl from Zarechny, Marina Safarova, became a real hero. The girl pulled the fishermen, her brother and the snowmobile out of the hole with a sheet.

Before the onset of spring, young people decided to visit the Sursky reservoir for the last time, in the Penza region, and after that “tie up” until next year, since the ice is no longer as reliable as a month ago. Without going far, the guys left the car on the shore, and they themselves moved 40 meters from the edge and drilled holes. While her brother was fishing, the girl drew sketches of the landscape, and after a couple of hours she froze and went to get warm in the car, and at the same time warm up the engine.

Under the weight of motor vehicles, the ice could not stand it and broke through in the places where the holes were drilled, as after a perforator. People began to sink, the snowmobile hung on the edge of the ice by the ski, the whole structure threatened to break off completely, then people would have very little chance of salvation. Men clung with their last strength to the edge of the hole, but warm clothes instantly got wet and literally pulled to the bottom. In this situation, Marina did not think about the possible danger and rushed to the rescue.
Having seized her brother, the girl, however, could not help him in any way, since the balance of forces of our heroine and the superior mass turned out to be too unequal. Run for help? But not a single living soul is visible in the area, only a company of the same fishermen can be seen on the horizon. Go to town for help?
So while time passes, people can simply drown from hypothermia. Thinking like this, Marina intuitively ran to the car. Opening the trunk in search of an item that could help in the situation, the girl drew attention to the bag of bed linen, which she took from the laundry. - The first thing that came to mind was to twist the rope from the sheets, tie it to the car and try to pull them out. - Marina remembers
The pile of laundry was enough for almost 30 meters, it could have been longer, but the girl tied an impromptu cable with a double calculation.
- I've never braided so fast, - the rescuer laughs, - I twisted thirty meters in three minutes, this is a record. The remaining distance to the people, the girl ventured to drive on the ice.
- It is still very strong near the shore, I moved out onto the ice and quietly went backwards. The door opened just in case and drove off. The cable from the sheets turned out to be so strong that in the end, not only people, but also a snowmobile were taken out of the hole. After the rescue operation was completed, the men took off their clothes and climbed into the car.
- I don’t even have rights yet, I handed it over, but I’ll get it only in a month, when I turn 18 years old. While I was taking them home, I was worried, suddenly traffic cops would come across, and I would be without a license, although in theory they would have let me go, or helped to deliver everyone home.

5. little hero Buryatia - this is how 5-year-old Danila Zaitsev was christened in the republic. This kid saved his older sister Valya from death. When the girl fell into the hole, her brother held her for half an hour so that the current would not drag Valya under the ice.

When the boy's hands were cold and tired, he grabbed his sister by the hood with his teeth and did not let go until a neighbor, 15-year-old Ivan Zhamyanov, arrived in time to help. The teenager was able to pull Valya out of the water and in his arms carried the exhausted and frozen girl to his home. There, the child was wrapped in a blanket and given hot tea to drink.

Having learned about this story, the leadership of the local school turned to the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations with a request to reward both boys for their heroic deed.

6. 35-year-old resident of Uralsk Rinat Fardiev was repairing his car when he suddenly heard a loud knock. Having run up to the scene, he saw a sinking car and without thinking twice jumped into the icy water and began to pull out the victims.

“At the scene of the accident, I saw a confused driver and passengers of the VAZ, who in the dark could not understand where the car they crashed into had gone. Then I followed the tracks of the wheels down and found the Audi in the river with the wheels up. I immediately entered the water and began to pull people out of the car. First I got the driver and passenger who was sitting in the front seat, and then the two passengers from the back seat. They were already unconscious at the time."
Unfortunately, one of the people rescued by Rinat did not survive - the 34-year-old Audi passenger died of hypothermia. Other victims were hospitalized and this moment already written out. Rinat himself works as a driver and does not see much heroism in his act at all. “The traffic cops told me at the scene of the accident that they would decide on my promotion. But from the very beginning I did not seek publicity and receive any awards, most importantly, I managed to save people, ”he said.

7. A Saratovitian who pulled two little boys out of the water: “I thought I couldn’t swim. But as soon as I heard the screams, I immediately forgot about everything.

The screams were heard by a local resident, 26-year-old Vadim Prodan. Running up to the concrete slabs, he saw Ilya drowning. The boy was 20 meters from the shore. The man, wasting no time, rushed to save the boy. In order to pull the child out, Vadim had to dive several times - but when Ilya appeared from under the water, he was still conscious. On the shore, the boy told Vadim about his friend, who was no longer visible.

The man returned to the water and swam towards the reeds. He began to dive and look for the child - but he was nowhere to be seen. And suddenly Vadim felt his hand caught on something - diving again, he found Misha. Grabbing him by the hair, the man pulled the boy ashore, where he gave him artificial respiration. A few minutes later, Misha regained consciousness. A little later, Ilya and Misha were taken to the Ozinsky Central Hospital.
“I always thought to myself that I don’t know how to swim, only to stay on the water a little,” Vadim admits, “But as soon as I heard the screams, I immediately forgot about everything, and there was no fear, there was only one thought in my head - I need help.
Rescuing the boys, Vadim hit the rebar lying in the water and injured his leg. He later received several stitches in the hospital.

8. Schoolchildren from Krasnodar Territory Roman Vitkov and Mikhail Serdyuk rescued old woman from a burning house.

On their way home, they saw a burning building. Having run into the yard, the schoolchildren saw that the veranda was almost completely engulfed in fire. Roman and Mikhail rushed to the shed for the tool. Grabbing a sledgehammer and an ax, knocking out a window, Roman climbed into the window opening. An elderly woman slept in a smoky room. It was possible to take out the victim only after breaking the door.

9. A in Chelyabinsk region priest Alexei Peregudov saved the life of the groom at the wedding.

During the wedding, the groom lost consciousness. The only one who did not lose his head in this situation was Priest Alexei Peregudov. He quickly examined the patient, suspected cardiac arrest and provided first aid, including chest compressions. As a result, the sacrament was successfully completed. Father Aleksey noted that he had only seen chest compressions in movies.

10. In Mordovia, Chechen war veteran Marat Zinatullin distinguished himself by rescuing an elderly man from a burning apartment.

Having witnessed the fire, Marat acted like a professional firefighter. He climbed along the fence to a small barn, and from it he climbed onto the balcony. He broke the glass, opened the door leading from the balcony to the room, and got inside. The 70-year-old owner of the apartment lay on the floor. The pensioner, who was poisoned by smoke, could not leave the apartment on his own. Marat, opening the front door from the inside, carried the owner of the house to the entrance.

11. Roman Sorvachev, an employee of the Kostroma colony, saved the lives of his neighbors in a fire.

Entering the entrance of his house, he immediately figured out the apartment from which the smell of smoke comes. The door was opened by a drunken man, who assured that everything was in order. However, Roman called the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The rescuers who arrived at the scene of the fire were unable to enter the premises through the door, and the uniform of the EMERCOM officer did not allow them to get into the apartment through the narrow window frame. Then Roman climbed up the fire escape, entered the apartment and pulled out an elderly woman and an unconscious man from the heavily smoky apartment.

12. A resident of the village of Yurmash (Bashkortostan) Rafit Shamsutdinov saved two children from a fire.

Rafita, a fellow villager, lit the stove and, leaving two children - a three-year-old girl and a one-and-a-half-year-old son, went off to school with her older children. The smoke from the burning house was noticed by Rafit Shamsutdinov. Despite the abundance of smoke, he managed to get into the burning room and carry the children out.

13. Dagestan Arsen Fittsulaev prevented a disaster at a gas station in Kaspiysk. Later, Arsen realized that he actually risked his life.

An explosion suddenly thundered at one of the gas stations within the boundaries of Kaspiysk. As it turned out later, a foreign car driving at high speed crashed into a gas tank and knocked down a valve. A minute of delay, and the fire would have spread to nearby tanks with combustible fuel. In such a scenario, casualties would not have been avoided. However, the situation was radically changed by a modest gas station worker, who skillfully averted the disaster and reduced its scale to a burned-out car and several damaged cars.

14. And in the village of Ilyinka-1, Tula Region, schoolchildren Andrey Ibronov, Nikita Sabitov, Andrey Navruz, Vladislav Kozyrev and Artem Voronin pulled a pensioner out of a well.

78-year-old Valentina Nikitina fell into a well and could not get out on her own. Andrey Ibronov and Nikita Sabitov heard cries for help and immediately rushed to save the elderly woman. However, three more guys had to be called in to help - Andrei Navruz, Vladislav Kozyrev and Artem Voronin. Together, the guys managed to pull an elderly pensioner out of the well. “I tried to get out, the well is not deep - I even reached the edge with my hand. But it was so slippery and cold that I could not grab onto the hoop. And when I raised my hands ice water stuffed into the sleeves. I screamed, called for help, but the well is far from residential buildings and roads, so no one heard me. How long this went on, I don’t even know ... Soon I began to feel sleepy, I raised my head with all my strength and suddenly saw two boys looking into the well!” – said the victim.

15. In Bashkiria, a first-grader saved a three-year-old child from icy water.

When Nikita Baranov from the village of Tashkinovo, Krasnokamsk district, accomplished his feat, he was only seven. Once, while playing with friends on the street, a first grader heard baby crying coming from the trench. In the village, gas was supplied: the dug pits were flooded with water, and three-year-old Dima fell into one of them. There were no builders or other adults nearby, so Nikita himself pulled the choking boy to the surface

16. A man in the Moscow region saved his 11-month-old son from death by cutting the boy's throat and inserting the base of a fountain pen there so that the choking baby could breathe.

An 11-month-old baby had a sunken tongue and stopped breathing. The father, realizing that seconds were counting, took a kitchen knife, made an incision in his son's throat and inserted a tube he made from a pen into it.

17. She closed her brother from bullets. The story took place at the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

In Ingushetia, it is customary for children to congratulate their friends and relatives at this time in their homes. Zalina Arsanova and her younger brother were leaving the entrance when shots rang out. An attempt was made on the life of one of the FSB officers in a neighboring courtyard. When the first bullet pierced the facade of the nearest house, the girl realized that it was shooting, and her younger brother was in the line of fire, and covered him with herself. The girl with a gunshot wound was taken to the Malgobek Clinical Hospital No. 1, where she underwent an operation. Surgeons had to collect the internal organs of a 12-year-old child literally in parts. Luckily everyone survived

18. Students of the Iskitim branch of the Novosibirsk Assembly College - 17-year-old Nikita Miller and 20-year-old Vlad Volkov - became real heroes of the Siberian town.

Still: the guys tied up an armed raider who was trying to rob a grocery kiosk.

19. A young man from Kabardino-Balkaria saved a child from a fire.

In the village of Shitkhala, Urvan district of the KBR, a residential building caught fire. Even before the arrival of firefighters, the whole district came running to the house. No one dared to enter the burning room. Twenty-year-old Beslan Taov, having learned that a child was left in the house, without hesitation, rushed to his aid. Having previously doused himself with water, he entered the burning house and a few minutes later came out with the baby in his arms. The boy named Tamerlane was unconscious, in a few minutes he could not be saved. Thanks to the heroism of Beslan, the child survived.

20. A resident of St. Petersburg did not allow the girl to die.

A resident of St. Petersburg, Igor Sivtsov, was driving a car and saw a drowning man in the waters of the Neva. Igor immediately called the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and then made an attempt to save the drowning girl on his own.
Bypassing a traffic jam, he approached the parapet of the embankment as close as possible, where the drowning woman was carried by the current. As it turned out, the woman did not want to be rescued, she tried to commit suicide by jumping from the Volodarsky bridge. After talking with the girl, Igor convinced her to swim to the shore, where he managed to pull her out. After that, he turned on all the heaters in his car, and sat the victim to warm up until the ambulance arrived.

"It's time to bring down those who say 'It's time to bring down'" - famous song Zakhara Prilepina was clearly conceived as a manifesto of patriots loyal to the state, but, as often happens, there were many who wanted to sing along among critics of the existing government in Russia. The fewer dissatisfied people remain in Russia, the more satisfied people remain - this simple formula explains why the Russian despotism is becoming even stronger, which means that the responsibility for despotism falls on those who fled from it instead of resisting it inside Russia.

It is difficult to say what would threaten Putin and his system if those hundreds or thousands () who left for last years would have remained on the inside of the Russian border perimeter. More ? More protesters? More viewers at the fashion show "Black Russian"? Russian lifelessness public life in the conditions of Putin's reaction - the best argument in favor of leaving. You will not miss anything, and if you do, tomorrow it will turn out that there is nothing to regret.

The verb “to bring down” does indeed have several meanings, among which are “leave” and “kill”, but this is not the only confusion that prevents a meaningful conversation about modern emigration from Russia. Maybe some new word is needed in general, so that behind everyone who crosses the border with a one-way ticket, the shadows of the White Guards of the twentieth year, the displaced persons of the forty-fifth and the Jews of the seventy-seventh loomed. The rate in most cases is less than life, and the pathos should reduce the permeability of borders in both directions.

Emigration is in our cultural tradition it’s still something like a flight to another planet, and if you were sitting at a computer in Moscow and swearing at in social networks, then by dragging your computer to Vilnius or Berlin, you can behave in such a way that no one will notice how geotags have changed in your posts. What is this emigration?

It is worth remembering that the possibility of long-term existence in the countries of the first world in our country since Soviet times (and nothing has changed in this sense, only worsened) is perceived not so much as a refugee, but as the highest manifestation of prestigious consumption. Modern Russians, who spend most of their lives in the European Union or the United States - for every political refugee in this environment there are a hundred ministerial or governor's children who may not return to Russia for years - are they emigrants or not?

Putin's oligarchs with their houses in the Alps, London - are they emigrants? People with tattoos on their fingers last clip Robbie Williams, veterans of state security, building dachas in visa-free warm countries, cash-strapped businessmen - these are Russian diaspora, or the Russian Federation on the road, how to draw the line?

The simplest answer is also the most general: no indisputable human community, which today could be called the new Russian emigration, exists in principle. In this sense, Russians settling in the West are no different from Russians living in Russia. Our apartheid, which is not conspicuous because both sides belong to the same race, applies equally to people with Russian passport in Russia and not in Russia - these are two different peoples and two different societies, at least isolated from each other, and more often directly at odds with each other. This apartheid is extraterritorial - the guards at the Geneva residence of Gennady Timchenko are just as trained to protect themselves from outsiders as any guards on Rublyovka, there is practically no difference.

Mansur Olson’s recently popular expression “nomadic bandit”, which exhaustively describes the Russian elite, implies the sedentary nature of the people conquered by it, and when the people themselves try to become nomadic, this makes them a little more free. It is strange to sing of nomadism, but the alternative to it today is the sad budgetary system, that is, the humiliating material dependence of millions of citizens on the authorities.

The state, which in Russia acts not as a derivative of society, but as an overwhelming external force, for many years successfully spent its forces on reformatting society to suit its needs - it is customary to treat Putin's nationalization of the economy primarily as a form of state robbery aimed at enrichment people in power. But it is worth looking at monopolization as a social experiment: when there are no opportunities for earning money independent of the state, society becomes as manageable as possible - to such an extent that it even ceases to be a society.

That is why all the reproaches to those who have left about the fact that they are refusing some opportunities to improve the country, protect public interests, and build something in Russia are meaningless. It is strange to reproach someone for capitulation many years after the capitulation. No, those who leave do not give up the country, because the country has not belonged to them for a long time; no, those who leave do not betray public interests, because society in Russia today has no right to its own interests.

In order to build something in Russia, it is hardly possible to do without dismantling the entire current state system- its improvement or humanization will always be beneficial to those who completely control it, and not to people at all. That is, the “stay and fight” option, of course, exists, but it is important to understand that it implies a degree of self-sacrifice that is beyond the reach of an ordinary person, and not at all the frondier imitation that is so popular in Russia today.

It is strange to talk about this in 2016 - the entire previous Soviet and post-Soviet experience should have made this a generally recognized axiom: there are no higher interests for the sake of which a person would have to sacrifice his own freedom, life, or even everyday well-being.

The right of the Russian state to demand from citizens participation in protecting its interests is backed up not by a social contract, but only by force, and all the talk about that - no, power in Russia is not based on the will of the voters, but state wealth, although it consists partly of collected with requisitions of citizens, has nothing to do with citizens and belongs only to the ruling group. State interests are precisely hers, this grouping, interests, no one else’s, and if we talk about national interests, that is, the interests of the people, the nation, then, on the contrary, they have nothing to do with the state at all and consist of the interests of private people.

What these private interests may look like - everyone obviously decides for himself, but if a person does not see his interest in paying for the war in Syria, or paying tribute to the Centoroi clan, or giving his children to be raised by military-patriotic mothers or the Yunarmiya , then yes, leaving Russia most fully meets the real national interests and can be perceived as a real patriotic act.

border between Russia and Russian Federation not marked with barbed wire or border control booths. Everyone draws this border for himself, but if Russia is us, then let as many of us as possible be away from the Russian Federation.