Whose children are filmed in the evening urgant view from below. The children of the stars will make their debut in the section “View from below” in “Evening Urgant

Are you sure that your child is talented, artistic and ready to appear to the country on STS or First? Then it's time to go to the audition! Fortunately, there are many opportunities for this, and you can go through it anywhere in the country, and not just in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Try it, because, perhaps, it is your child that fate will read the future of an actor in a movie or TV series.

You can prepare for the casting, because they are held in the following ways:

  • Script reading is a common form of casting. The child is invited to learn a short dialogue and then read it to the camera. The candidate pronounces the lines of the hero, and the casting director answers him. Then they will be asked to read the passage several times with different moods and intonations. This way shows how the candidate plays the role and how flexible he is. To prepare, you need to develop memory (for memorizing the text) and artistry - basic skills for an actor.
  • Monologue. At the casting, the candidate reads a speech from a movie or a book. The text will be given to you, but it is better to learn a few on your own.
  • Improvisation. The future actor must play a small scene with remarks and actions, which logically follows from the words of the casting director. Whether or not a child passes such a test depends on his personal qualities. He must have intelligence, emancipation and artistry. Practice before the casting at home, setting the child certain tasks.

Agencies and production centers will also help with the preparation. The most famous of them is the academy of cinema and show business "STARS", whose producer is Yana Rudkovskaya. They will prepare the child for filming movies and TV shows, help to put in a voice, pass auditions for children in the most famous programs such as Yeralash, Voice, Master Chef, View from Below, etc., develop and promote musical, acting and modeling abilities.

“View from below” is a popular humorous section of the “Evening Urgant” program, where kids answer the burning questions of adults in a funny and interesting way. They need sociable smart and talented children who are 4 years old, but not 10 years old. To get to the casting "Look from below" you need:

  • Record a two-minute video where the baby is talking to you or discussing a topic. You need to shoot horizontally.
  • Send a video to tagged "Casting. View from below” and indicate in the letter the name, age and city of residence of the child, as well as a contact phone number.
  • Wait for an invitation to the casting, which the presenter conducts personally. You can see how it goes on the Internet.

After that, come to Moscow and try your luck. Perhaps it is your child Ivan Urgant will allow to shoot "Look from Below".

How to get on the set of the magazine "Yeralash"

"Yeralash" is a children's humorous film magazine, which became famous for its actors. After all, often the children who once played in Yeralash became big stars of cinema, TV series and theater. They were not special when they came there, which means that your child will also be able to star in Yeralash. Moreover, since 2010, there have been more opportunities for this, since there are castings for children in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod and in 19 cities of Russia.

Local Yeralash is the same humorous stories, jokes and sketches that are broadcast on local TV channels. The project itself bears the name "Studio of the Stars". Some actors of the local Yeralash go to Moscow, where there are even more opportunities for talent development.

The magazine needs boys and girls from 5 to 20 years old. If you live in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd and another city where there is a Yeralash Studio, feel free to go to auditions where children will be tested for acting skills.

How to become a participant in the show on STS “Master Chef. Children"

Your child loves to cook, constantly sticks out in the kitchen and even has "signature dishes"? Then he should visit the project of the STS TV channel “Master Chef. Children".

On the show STS"Master Chef" requires children who:

  • perceive criticism (because without it there is no development);
  • ready for the jury to evaluate both culinary skills and future potential;
  • not shy and not afraid of filming;
  • love cooking and help with it at home all the time.

Children and parents need to fill out an application on the website of the STS TV channel before entering the Master Chef casting, where children will be tested for acting skills, as in the Look from Below program, and for culinary skills. After reading the questionnaire, you will understand what the baby should be able to do - these are the basics of cooking, which you can also teach.

Before applying for the Master Chef casting on the STS website, remember that:

  • the child cannot independently send an application and participate in competitions, for this you need to familiarize yourself with the conditions and give consent;
  • both parents and the child participate in the filming of the STS show "Master Chef";
  • you must accompany the baby at all stages of the competition and filming;
  • Submission of applications is made from June 18 to August 6.

After sending, you will be called from the casting department of the STS Master Chef program and will talk with the child. If they like everything, you will be invited to a face-to-face casting, where the children will be asked to bring best dish. It is better to bring in a thermal bag, since there will not be a place for heating there. Keep track of food freshness.

Castings are held in several cities and at different times, for example, in St. Petersburg - only on August 6, and in Moscow - every week. Carefully read the information provided, and especially the conditions for participation in the show "Master Chef", on the website of the STS channel.

How to become the best voice of the country? Show "Voice. Children".

"Voice. Children" is a popular children's vocal competition, created similarly to the adult "Voice". The whole country knows about the winners, and sometimes even more, because some go to represent Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest. It is difficult to become a member of the Voice show, but, perhaps, for this you need:

  • Fill out the form on the website of the show “Voice. Children”, attaching 3 photos of the child and an audio recording of the performance.
  • If you are lucky, go to Moscow for the main casting.

Remember, before sending your children to auditions, that:

  • On the set, you must be present yourself, spending a lot of time and effort on this. Are you ready for this?
  • The child should love what the program specializes in (“Voice. Children” - singing, “Master Chef” - cooking, “Yeralash” and “View from Below” - cinema). Didn't you impose your desires on him? Does he want to become a movie and TV actor, a chef or a pop star?
  • Is the kid ready for constant filming? After all, it's stress.
  • Don't come "just to try". After all, such TV channels as "First" and STS require children who are capable of much. It will not be possible to deceive anyone, since the castings are carried out by people who have been working in the cinema for many years.

If these points are met, then your child has a chance to become famous and show his talents to the country.

» On Channel One, viewers are waiting for big surprise with small participants in the truest sense of the word. The fact is that the heroes of the rubric " View from below” this time were the children of the stars. Four-year-old Sasha Plushenko, as well as his friends, five-year-old Martin and six-year-old Alla-Victoria Kirkorov, will debut on Channel One.

Producer Yana Rudkovskaya and singer Philip Kirkorov, the star parents of the kids, of course, are very proud of the fact that their offspring appeared in popular show, so they did not miss the opportunity to show off on social networks. So, Yana notified the subscribers of her microblog on Instagram ( the author's spelling and punctuation are unchanged. - Note. ed.) : "Today on " Evening Urgant» all the Secrets of Sasha Plushenko, as well as his friends: Martin and Alice in the New Year's edition of "Look From Below". Answers are not at all childish questions. ps Sasha himself chose what to wear to the program: he put on a sweatshirt with the inscription “Happy Kid”, otherwise they say that he rarely smiles, nothing like that ... we look at 23-30.

In the role of Santa Claus today on Channel One will perform Ivan Urgant. And Dima Bilan and Sergey Lazarev will sing in "Evening Urgant e". As you know, at the end of this year the singers, who have been competing for many years, released the first joint video for the song "Forgive Me". The most discussed duet of 2017 fulfilled the dream of fans and visualized this hit “Forgive me”. It is symbolic that the heroes of Eurovision did not go anywhere for inspiration, but to the country of Eurovision 2018 - Portugal. Lost in time, the city of Sintra, its remote corners, beaches, rocks and forests turned out to be the perfect place to realize the idea of ​​the video.

Children of Philip Kirkorov Martin and Alla Victoria in the show "Evening Urgant"

By the way, in November of this year, Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya admitted that they dream of another child. In a recent interview, the Olympic champion said: “We really want to expand the family. The main thing is that the baby is born, and maternal capital we will find where to go. Although we didn’t think about it, we are quite wealthy people.” Perhaps this wish of the star couple will come true in the new year 2018.

But Philip Kirkorov, it seems, lacks a son and daughter, in whom he does not have a soul. On June 29, 2017, the son of the star of the domestic show business, Martin, turned five years old. In honor of the first anniversary of his heir, the pop king of the Russian stage arranged a grandiose, but at the same time very sincere children's holiday. The guests of the celebration were friends of Kirkorov, among whom, of course, are entirely media people.

The children of the stars became participants in the section "View from below" in the show "Evening Urgant"

In the New Year's edition of the comic talk show "Evening Urgant" on Channel One, not only the masters of domestic show business, but also young stars took part social networks. Ivan invited the famous, as well as two children of the king of the national stage, Philip Kirkorov, to the heading "Look from below" -

“This is one of the few humorous programs that makes me smile. Without vulgarity, with good humor and most importantly with respectful attitude to the child! Television has its own format and tasks... The funniest thing is left behind the scenes, but what are we for?!”, - Simona Yakovlevna, Alisa Yunusova's grandmother, wrote in her microblog.

Timati's heiress admitted that she would definitely make tattoos for herself, like her dad, when she grows up, and also said that her favorite song is the duet of Grigory Leps with her father “I will go to live in London”, which the girl perfectly performed at the request of Urgant.

2017 photo instagram.com/vecherniy_urgant

“Thanks to the Evening Urgant program and Vanya Urgant for yesterday’s debut of Alla-Victoria and Martin in the “LOOK FROM BELOW” section, - Philip Kirkorov noted in the comments under the many photographs taken during the program.

The children of the King of the National Stage told the audience about their father's wardrobe and, at the request of the presenter, tried to guess among several options for hats the one that Philip Bedrosovich could wear.

2017 photo instagram.com/fkirkorov

“Surrendered parents to the fullest! Sanya, thank you!, - Yana Rudkovskaya commented laconically on the show.

It suddenly turned out that in addition to figure skating, Sasha is fond of motor vehicles, mostly premium class. The son of an Olympic champion is well versed in car brands. In addition, Sasha revealed to the audience the "terrible" secret of his father. As it turned out, the famous athlete does not always lead healthy lifestyle life and do not mind smoking a cigarette from time to time.

2017 photo instagram.com/fkirkorov

Fans congratulated the popular parents on the fact that they have such wonderful and gifted children who are already winning the hearts of the audience. However, it was not without caustic remarks about each child, but most of all fell on the most famous boy in the country - Dwarf Gnomych.

2017 photo instagram.com/fkirkorov

“It was a great joke, Plushenko’s “happy child” has a face as if he were assembling the iPhone in a factory in China for 13 hours a day!”

“Daughter Timothy is so similar to Evelina Khromtchenko”

“Yes, Galkin’s children weren’t sorry! They have their own concerts at home.”

“Well, according to the expression on Sasha Plushenko’s face, it’s still “very noticeable” that he is Happy. They tortured the child with their educators. The child has no childhood

2017 photo instagram.com/gnomgnomych

“They show themselves, now they also show their children, let them watch themselves, you need to boycott TV in general!”

"So sorry for Plushenko's son... You can see from the look that the child has no childhood..."

“Where are the Galkins-Pugachevs?”

“All the kids loved it. But Timati's daughter is growing up a copy of her mother and father. I found her to be evil. Alla Victoria Krivlyaka. It's a pity, indeed, that there were no children of Galina! They would give heat!

2017 photo instagram.com/fkirkorov

It is worth noting that many viewers were really puzzled and upset that the children of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin were not invited to the show, because Lisa and Harry are not inferior in popularity to any of the star heirs who took part in the show. However, the parents probably felt that the twins were still too small to debut on Channel One.

2017 photo instagram.com/vecherniy_urgant