She was born twice and never baptized. Born twice, never baptized, dies once

Born twice, never baptized, dies once (bird).

  • - An idle talk that accompanies any repetitive actions ...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - He was born in the earth, baptized in fire, fell into the water - all was gone ...
  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - He twisted, was born, suffered, was baptized, went - hesitated, the whole world laughed ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - He was born twice, he was never baptized, he sang himself, but he died, they didn’t bury ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - He was born twice, never baptized, ordained as a sacristan...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See MEMORY -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See TRUE -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - He was neither born nor baptized, but everyone marvels that the devils are afraid of him ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Born once, died twice...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Born - not baptized, carried God, died - did not repent ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Was born - was not baptized, did not die and does not live ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Born - not baptized, died - not saved, but carried Christ ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - An earthly eye was born; baptized in a fiery river; they brought him to the merchant, put him on the sidelines ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - I was born in a stone mountain, baptized in a fiery river, they took me to the marketplace; a girl came, struck with a golden ring; my bones are crumbly, they are not laid in a coffin, they are not remembered by pancakes ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Born, reborn, not baptized, but we believe him ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

"Born twice, never baptized, dies once." in books

But one still dies


And one still dies Shvester Louise - a village woman of about forty with a square figure and a face so Ryazan that it seems strange that she does not understand a word of Russian. She is a pessimist, in a successful outcome of anything, it seems, never at all

But one still dies

From the book Intention author Voinovich Vladimir Nikolaevich

Artist dies twice

From the book Conversations with Ranevskaya author

The artist dies twice Spring, sunny, quiet day. - I can see the sun from the window, - said FG, when I called. - The doctors laid me down again - I don’t know what else they found there on my wounded heart. Come. With what pleasure I read your Kish, - met me


From the book Faina Ranevskaya. Fufa Gorgeous, or with humor in life author Skorokhodov Gleb Anatolievich

ARTIST DIES TWICE Spring, sunny, quiet day. “I can see the sun from the window,” said FG when I called. - The doctors laid me down again - I don’t know what else they found there on my wounded heart. Come. With what pleasure I read your Kish, - met me

Artist dies twice

From the book My Queens: Ranevskaya, Green, Peltzer author Skorokhodov Gleb Anatolievich

The Artist Dies Twice A spring, sunny, quiet day. “I can see the sun from the window,” FG said when I called. “The doctors laid me down again—I don’t know what else they found on my wounded heart. Come. With what pleasure I read your Kish, - met me

But one still dies

From the book Self-Portrait: The Novel of My Life author Voinovich Vladimir Nikolaevich

And one still dies Shvester Louise - a village woman of about forty with a square figure and a face so Ryazan that it seems strange that she does not understand a word of Russian. She is a pessimist, in a successful outcome of anything, it seems, never at all

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Chapter One I Was Born Twice 1 A hundred years ago, the section of St. Petersburg between Horse Square (otherwise Cossack Square) and the Monastyrka River was built up with lemon-colored houses with triangular pediments, in the spirit of the Nikolaev barracks Empire style, and dark red buildings made of

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BORN, BAPTIZED I was born in the village of Levaya Rossosh, Voronezh Region, the lands of the Voronezh Cossacks assigned to the Don Cossacks. Grandfather and father only called each other Cossacks. My grandfather is Makashev Ivan Vasilyevich. I remember him well because

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Chapter 1

From the book How to Live, to Want to Live. Anti-crisis strategies author Derzhavin Alexander

Chapter 1 Wake up twice in one day Wake up yourself - wake up your neighbor. “A razor blade… One awkward movement and blood will flow… It is important to act carefully, choose the right angle of inclination and not push too hard – then everything will be fine…” I thought

P etukh has left its mark on many areas of the spiritual, cultural and material life of our society. Only Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Lomonosov can compare with him in terms of the breadth of interests, influence on the development of sciences and society. It is, of course, blasphemous to compare some rooster with great thinkers, but nothing can be done - you will not go against the truth.

It turned out that the role of the rooster in religion, literature, tales, legends, military affairs and even meteorology is so great that none of them could fully develop without having a rooster as a folklore character. No other domestic animal can compare with it in this, although they all have invested a lot of work in the development of human society.
Definitely: a rooster is a unique bird.

FROM In ancient times, the rooster, like the sun, counts the time. His cry among all peoples was an important temporal reference - “the first roosters”, “second, third roosters”, “up to ... roosters”. At all times, the rooster was a kind of "alarm clock". With his cry, he called people to work, because humanity at all times lived according to the "sun clock", and not mechanical ones - they got up with the sunrise, and went to bed with its sunset. The rooster raised the peoples of all countries of the world and civilizations to great labor feats.

The invasion of the Tatar-Mongols in Russia also began with the crow of a rooster. The commander of Genghis Khan, Sabudai Bogatur, issued an order to the army: “In the morning, after the first cock crow, build up on a plain among the hills. I will move on the Uruses ”(V.G. Yan“ Batu ”). Sabudai on campaigns always carried a rooster with him, which was monitored by a special caretaker, and checked his internal biological clock with his cry. Even A.V. Suvorov used a rooster as an alarm clock. According to contemporaries, the commander often took a rooster with him on a campaign. The first crowing of the cock raised the army to go on a campaign early in the morning.

H Och is the time of passions, the Sabbath of witches and the action of evil spirits. It is the third cry of the rooster that is the signal for the end of this disgrace. With his cry, he dispersed all this evil spirits, and announced the beginning of the day, and with it the victory of good over evil (N.V. Gogol "Viy", M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"). In most religious traditions - from fire worshipers to modern religions- the rooster with its cry drives away darkness and evil spirits.

The rooster, among other things, is considered the messenger of the sun. In most cultures, he is associated with the highest solar deities. AT Ancient Egypt these birds were kept in temples dedicated to the Sun, ranking them among divine beings. Among the ancient Jews, the rooster was a symbol of the "third watch of the night" (from midnight to dawn).

AT In China, the rooster is revered and respected.
In the old days, the Chinese often stuck or painted a picture of a rooster on the door of their house during the celebration of the Lunar New Year. This tradition has been preserved in our time only in the rural areas of Shaanxi Province, in northwestern China.

In ancient times, the Chinese considered the rooster a symbol of the sun. Thus, the image of a rooster on the door personified the coming of the sun into the house. This expressed the expectation of the arrival of spring. It was also believed that the rooster could protect against the negative effects of evil spirits.

It was believed that there is a direct connection between the sun and the rooster, because he is the first to announce the dawn and the beginning of a new day. And since in Chinese New Year's Eve sounds like "yuandan" (the first dawn of the year), it is natural that only the Heavenly Rooster knows when the first sun of the New Year will rise.

"Golden Rooster" is a national award of the People's Republic of China for achievements in cinema. It is noteworthy that the film award was established in 1981 (the year of the Rooster).

P The rooster left a mark with his cry in the Christian religion - "the rooster will not have time to crow for the last time, as Peter will deny Christ three times." Apparently, this is due to the fact that it was the rooster that became the symbol of the Apostle Peter, and then the Catholic Church. Starting from the 9th century, according to the decree of the Pope, the spire of each church temple was to be crowned with the image of this bird - the emblem of the Apostle Peter. According to another version, the rooster on the spire of the church served as a reminder that "God's church watches over the souls of believers."

In the Christian religion, roosters were entrusted with the time of the end of the world. The end of the world will come when the rooster does not crow its traditional "ka-ka-river". Apparently, this is a rash assignment. What will happen if he forgets to do this or starts to be mischievous, or even worse - the geneticists mess something up?

The image of the guardian rooster was placed on the roofs of houses, poles, spiers, weather vanes ...

F Luger - one of the most ancient meteorological instruments - the wind direction indicator was most often decorated with a figurine of a rooster. AT English language it even bears the name "weather cock" (weather cock). The weather vane, among other things, is an indicator of the moral qualities of a person who changes his views and decisions depending on the “wind direction” (A.P. Chekhov “Chameleon”).

FROM connection with the dawn is reflected in its name. If a Russian word"rooster" comes from the verb "to sing", then the Aborigines of Australia call the rooster "the bird laughing at dawn." BUT French name birds "chanteclair" literally translates as "singing dawn". So the rooster left its mark in pop art.

O seems to be cocks in different countries“shouting” in the language spoken by the inhabitants... At least, that's how it seems to us. For example, our rooster cries “koo-ka-re-ku”, in France - “ko-ko-ri-ko”, Japanese - “koke-kok-ko”, English - “kok-e-doodle-doo” . The Bulgarians, for example, are sure that their roosters cry "ku-ku-ri-chu", the Germans - "ki-ke-ri-ki", the Italians - "chi-ki-richi". Chinese cockerels make completely different cock cries - “in-in”.

This led to the fact that in many countries there were lovers of cock singing. The poultry farmers of Greece, Germany, Albania, and Russia were especially interested in the "musical" abilities of roosters. Competitions are held in several categories - vociferousness, the number of screams per hour, and, of course, musicality. For example, in Germany, the winner of one of the competitions shouted more than 90 times in one hour.

Excellent songstresses have been bred in our country: Yurlov chickens, which people say about: "Ten quarters can be measured with your fingers until the Yurlov rooster sings." In those days, there were no stopwatches, so the time of singing was measured with fingers. This breed was not inferior in vociferousness to foreign performers.

Worship of roosters led to the fact that in Japan 300 years ago, Yokahama chickens (or phoenix) were bred, in which the tail length reached 7 meters or more. Moreover, the longer the tail feathers, the more valuable the bird.

X Vost is the most important feature of this breed. Some fanciers keep these roosters in special glass cabinets, and the tail, coiled in loops, is hung on a special hook. In order for the bird to move less and not break its tail, food and water were placed on both sides of the perch. Every day, the rooster was taken off the pole several times and taken out for a walk, while the tail is wound on a special turntable or carried by a person. Imagine a rooster striding importantly around the yard, followed by a man, like a train carrying his tail.

H The highest pride among roosters is the comb. Scientists conducted an experiment. A “middle hand” rooster was glued to a large red foam rubber comb. Before that, everyone who could beat him and bullied him, but here something incredible happened. Everyone, even the largest roosters, began to curry favor with the newly-made leader. At first he did not understand his new position, he shied away from them until he realized the meaning of what had happened. The cockerel-foam rubber scallop went into a rage, began to bully everyone, even the largest roosters. This continued until the comb fell off his head. This is where he got it!

Birds exchange information among themselves not only by crying, but also by tilting their heads, changing the position of their wings and tail. So, by clipping the bird's wings, we deprive them of the means of communication with each other. And communication with your own kind always has a positive effect on well-being. Roosters are especially painful for this procedure.

One of characteristic features roosters are pugnacity. In an adult ordinary rooster (5-6 years old), the length of the spurs reaches 6 centimeters or more.

AT As a result, fighting breeds of chickens were bred, used exclusively for cockfights. They have an original physique: a broad-shouldered body raised in front, a strong neck with a small head without a comb, and long legs armed with spurs. Such roosters are more reminiscent of birds of prey than a proud handsome man. On occasion, they can even deal with a hawk.

AT For a long time, cockfights were part of the “training program” for a young fighter. In ancient times, Greek soldiers, watching the fight of roosters, learned courage, stamina and perseverance. AT Ancient Rome cockfights were also popular over 2,000 years ago. The courage and passion with which the roosters fought were set as an example for young legionnaires.
Roosters not only raised the morale of the soldiers. Their behavior determined the outcome of the battle. There were sacred roosters in the army, who were given grain before the battle: if the birds pecked it with appetite, the troops went forward, if not, the generals did not expect anything good from the battle.

The warriors of Julius Caesar in the 1st century AD, on their own heads, brought fighting chickens to the north of Europe. They quickly gained popularity among many peoples and served as a symbol of the struggle against the conquerors. The brave Gauls, the ancestors of the French, who constantly caused trouble for the Roman military leaders, got their name from roosters (“gallus” in Latin means “rooster”). The Romans gave this name to the Celts because they were red-haired and their fiery red tufts resembled cockscombs. The Gauls considered the rooster their patron and highly valued the fighting qualities of this bird. On the coins of the French Republic, starting from the 18th century, there was an image of a fighting cock - a symbol of warlike Gauls. Unfortunately, the "euro" leveled the symbol of the fighting spirit of one of the European nations.

Cockfights were especially popular among the temperamental inhabitants of Latin American countries - Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, the Caribbean, in the south of the United States. The world-famous Texas fighting chickens were bred here. In Russia, fighting cocks have been known since the 18th century. This sport in Russia was called "cock hunting".

D In order to learn more about cockfighting, I went to the Bali website and carefully looked at the photos and videos. This is so scary!
It turns out that there are special farms where fighting cocks are bred and kept in special houses, trainers prepare birds for competitions, special blades are fixed on their paws, which are sold everywhere in beautiful cases - a terrible weapon!

And such fights often end in death for one of the opponents.

AT In 1906, at the All-Russian Congress of Poultry Breeders, for ethical and humane reasons, cockfights were banned in Russia.
I still feel sorry for the roosters, even though they are pugnacious! But they are good family men!

H It is hard to imagine a poultry yard without a rooster. The rooster is the owner of the yard. He is the first to leave the chicken coop at dawn and with his “ko-ko-ko” hurries the chickens to the exit. He finds a grain and begins frantically calling chickens. In addition, the rooster constantly remembers his obligations as a producer, managing not to deprive anyone of his attention. He is able to “delight” up to 30 chickens per day, but such intensive work adversely affects his health. Therefore, zootechnical science determined the “harem” norm for him - no more than 10 hens.

Interesting and something else. Hens after the last close "communication" with the cockerel are able to carry fertilized eggs for ten to fourteen days. However, with the advent of a new rooster in the house, the palm in this matter immediately passes to the new producer. It is the roosters, and not the hens, that pass on to their daughters such qualities as egg production, puberty (i.e., the beginning of egg laying) and the incubation instinct. Therefore, a rooster in a chicken coop is no less important than a good chicken.

The rooster is interesting to watch. He never loses the feeling dignity. Even when punishing him for any offense, he leaves him as if unnoticed. And if he does have to retreat, he does it with dignity, as if that was exactly what he needed to do.

H it must be recognized that the rooster does not participate in the incubation of eggs and the upbringing of chickens. But there are exceptions to the rules ... There is a legend that arose thousands of years ago that supposedly roosters are allowed (moreover, by no one knows who) to lay an egg - the so-called knotweed - once every hundred years. It was believed that if this knotweed carries an immaculate virgin under her arm for six weeks, then a “basilisk” (which means “king”) will hatch from it, ready to fulfill any orders of its adoptive mother - to take revenge, fall in love with yourself, get riches and so on. By the way, despite the fact that this legend is many years old, for some reason no one has ever seen a basilisk.

The legend of the ugly egg was universally recognized for a long time, until the beginning of the twentieth century. In 1474, a rooster was tried in Basel, accused of laying an egg. The culprit was mercilessly beheaded by the Holy Inquisition. In the villages of Russia in the 19th century, the basilisk theme was also very popular. Even in our time, you can hear the story of old people about evil spirits hatched from a knotweed - an unfertilized egg.

Naturally, no one had ever seen this freak, but everyone described him, and each in his own way. Some claimed that the basilisk is a yellow rooster with large prickly feathers on its wings. Others claimed that he walks on four legs, has the body of a toad and a snake's tail, and instead of feathers he has fish scales.

P etukh among the Slavs, both western and eastern, was a border bird and was endowed with both the ability to resist evil spirits, and demonic properties. AT folk tradition he is constantly associated with fire, protects the house from fire and lightning, however, at the same time, the red rooster personified the fire itself. There is an expression: "let the red rooster go." According to the ideas of our pagan ancestors, when a fire started from lightning, a fiery rooster descended from the sky, sat right on the roof of the house and set fire to everything around.
But all these myths and legends are the fruit of the rich imagination of people ...

At my neighbor opposite in an open aviary lives a chicken family, the head of the family - cock Vasya - has been living for several years. One day frosts broke out, and the hostess was visiting. The chicken house is flimsy, cold, all the winds penetrate. The hostess caught herself - and ran home. I looked into the chicken coop, and a cockerel sits there, spread its wings, and under them all his family - 11 hens. And how did they fit? Vasily himself suffered greatly - his comb turned blue and hung to one side, his paws also stiffened. So the family would have died if the hostess had not taken her into the room. The hens immediately fell on their side and fell asleep. The poor rooster was very cold, but he saved his family. For a long time he walked with a gray comb, however, then he blushed again, but he never recovered - he hangs to one side. And the hostess feeds him with selected grain and says: “Master!”
And how he sings his "ku-ka-re-ku"!

H A man hears a rooster crow at a distance of two kilometers. Unlike, for example, the repeated sounds with which the rooster calls the hens to the found food, the crowing is made once, but longer and at higher frequencies. The higher the tone, volume and duration of these signals, the stronger the effect. The same cock always crows in the same way: deviations do not exceed half a tone.
Crowing is a kind of challenge to other roosters, to which they give a response call. True, in the case when the rivals are cocks of the same rank. If, say, in the same yard a cock that occupies a subordinate position crows, then the dominant one simply attacks him, without honoring him with an answer.

H what are the roosters talking about, separated by a great distance and not seeing each other?

So, with the help of crowing, a biologically useful result is achieved - the capture, development and protection of sites, and in the end - the resettlement of the species in a harmless way, because the matter is limited only to intimidation. The rooster warns the opponents in advance that this area is occupied and they must look for a free "place in the sun." And only if all suitable places are populated, the battles will begin. In this case, the winner - the animal that is stronger not only physically, but also mentally - will become the successor of the genus, which, of course, is also beneficial for the prosperity of the species, for its progressive evolution.

All of the above applies to wild birds. But the same form of territorial behavior has been preserved in the domestic chicken, although it has lost its biological significance: after all, man provides all the needs of domestic animals and controls the evolution of the species.

E There is a very curious legend connected with the famous roasted rooster. After the Resurrection of Christ, a Jewish girl came to her father and said that she had seen the resurrected Savior. The old Jew, a cautious man, did not believe it and answered his daughter that he would then rise again when the roasted rooster flies and sings. At the same moment, the roasted rooster fell off the spit, flew and screamed.

Roosters love to scratch near trees. From the side in which they turn the chest, you can expect wind. Cockfight portends good weather while standing on one leg in winter is frost.

FROM the leavers of the reckoning also could not but honor the rooster with their attention. According to the ancient Eastern calendar, every year it receives the name of one of the twelve animals. Among them is a rooster. According to ancient belief, it is believed that the fate of a person largely depends on the year in which he was born. People who were born in the year of the rooster are distinguished by a calm, balanced character. They are sociable, understand the mood of others, have the ability to convince the interlocutor. These are purposeful people who usually do not deviate from decision. They achieve the greatest success in middle age. The next "cock year" will only be in 2017, so you'll have to wait a bit.

AT Probably, even primitive people saw in the rooster, loudly proclaiming the onset of a new day, the mysterious messenger of supernatural forces, the deity of the Sun. It is known that wild roosters were domesticated as cult animals in ancient india(III...II millennium BC).

It was strictly forbidden to eat the meat of roosters, but at the same time it was allowed to hunt wild chickens and eat them. Only much later in ancient Europe, meat of domestic chicken, and then eggs began to be eaten.

Although they say that a chicken is not a bird, it also understands a lot about the weather.
The main thing is that chickens and roosters do not run out.
(According to the materials of K. FABRY, candidate of biological sciences, j. "Science and Life", 1972. No. 9).

I decided to create this message while looking at the paintings of the artist Stephanie Birdsall, which depict very beautiful roosters! ost163860977/#

On this page are the answers to the first part of the notebook. If you are already studying the second, go here >>

At first glance, the tasks in the workbook "The World Around" for Grade 1 should be extremely easy and understandable, but often this is not the case and there is some zest in the answers that will not immediately come to mind. In this guide, we will look at the most difficult tasks Notebooks Pleshakov and Novitskaya and analyze the answers to them. Ready-made homework according to the Perspective program, but the same author - Pleshakov - is at the Russian school, so the tasks overlap for both children and parents, students in the Russian school may also find the solution useful.

GDZ tested and approved by the primary school teacher.

Some tasks require you to draw or stick something. If there is no suitable photo of yourself, it is not forbidden to use the Internet and paste a photo that is suitable in meaning. Empty boxes are not allowed. For example, you need to depict a school living corner, but it is not at school. Then we glue a photo or draw any living corner. The same with a pet, photos of relatives and acquaintances.

GDZ the world around us workbook No. 1 for grade 1 by page

Select a notebook page: page list ↓↓↓ 3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24-25 26-27 28-29 30-31 32- 33 34-35 36-37 38-39 40-41 42-43 44-45 46-47 48-49 50-51 52-53 54-55 56-57 58-59 60-61 62-63 64-65 66

Detailed analysis of the GDZ to 1 part of the workbook

Page 3-5. We and our world.

If everything is clear with the record of the home address and the address of the school, then the task "Excursion on the way to school" already makes you think. Show how the boy and girl should get to school. Draw a thread from the ball.

Pleshakov will often have tasks with a ball, we complete them in the following way: we find a ball in the picture and continue its thread, we lead, in particular, to the right through the pedestrian crossing, and then through the underpass diagonally.

Page 6-7. Nature

1. Find in the pictures something that relates to nature. Trace with green pencil.

Nature is something that is NOT created by human hands. We circle the moon, spruce, branch, dandelion, giraffe.

2. Color only what belongs to nature.

Leaf, mushroom, squirrel.

Page 8-9. Inanimate and living nature.

1. Which of the drawings refers to inanimate nature, and what - to the living? Fill in the circles with this color: Live nature- blue; wildlife - green.

Blue: waterfall, stars, sun. Green - cat, birch, chanterelles.

Within: blue - stone, green - tulips.

2. Find an extra pattern in each row and circle it.

In the first - snowflakes, because they belong to inanimate nature, and the rest to living. The second row is extra mushrooms, they are wildlife, the rest is inanimate.

Page 10-11. Culture.

3. Name all the cultural objects depicted on p. 3, 4-5, 6-7, 10-11.

Temple, school, park, architectural monument (ancient kremlin), book, church, tower.

Pages 12-13. Nature in human creativity

1. Connect the toys and the names of the materials from which they are made with arrows. What animals do these toys look like?

Straw bird, Wood bear, clay horse whistle, birch bark horse.

Page 14-15. We are the people

1. Together with adults, select photos of your relatives and friends different ages. Paste these photos into the boxes.

2. Choose 2-3 photos. Tell me who these people are to you. How do you feel about them? To answer, use the words: relatives, friends, neighbors; I treat with love, in a friendly way, with sympathy.

This is my own brother. His name is Misha. We had best friends. I love my brother very much.

This is my football coach. He is very strict but fair. I treat him with great respect.

Page 16-17. How we communicate with the world.

Complete the boy's story. Use drawings. Color them.

1. I'm interested in looking at (drawing a butterfly). I like the fragrance (draw a flower). I like to taste (berries). I am happy to hear singing (draw a bird). I enjoy petting (a dog).

Where do you think the boy is walking? Write it down.

2. Look at the pictures. in green fill in the circles of those objects that help us see better. Items that help us hear better, tick the box.

Green circle: microscope, glasses, binoculars, telescope. Tick: microphone, headphones.

What do you think the thermometer is for? Write down:

For temperature measurement.

pp.18-19. People are creators of culture.

1. Read and listen to the story. Look at the drawings for it. How did a man come up with a steam locomotive? Connect the drawings with a thread from the ball.

Figure numbering in order from left to right: 3-1-4-6-5-2-7

2. Write in the boxes the name of another mode of transport that uses steam power. Find it in the pictures and circle it.

P. 20. Our class.

1. Check the boxes for vintage school supplies.

We tick off: fountain pen, an inkwell, a quill, a blotter, and a certain copper object that looks like either a candlestick or a wax seal.

2. Find an answer to the riddle among the objects. Enter the name of this item. Born twice, Never baptized, I don't know letters, And I've been writing for a century.

Goose feather.

3. Look at the picture and find an answer to each line of the riddle on it. Connect the lines and clues with arrows.

The earth is white - a sheet of paper
Three walk - fingers
They drive one, - pen
Two look - eyes
One commands. - hand

4. Circle in the picture everything that should not be in the old classroom. Color the object on which they write with chalk (board).

Outline: robot, keyboard, computer, mouse, phone, train, car, wall lamp.

pp. 22-23. We are a friendly class.

2. Ask any of the elders to write a story about their teacher. Sign the name of the author of the story.

I always remember my first teacher with warmth and love. She was the kindest in the eyes of the students. She taught us not only to write and count, but also to be friendly, honest and independent.

Page 24-25. nature in the classroom.

1. Cut out the pictures from the application and place each plant in its own window.

Violet - blue flowers, cactus - a prickly thick trunk with 2 pink flowers, begonia - a plant with wide green leaves, purple on the inside, spurge - a prickly stem and red flowers, dracaena - a long stem with thin hanging leaves, sansevier - green "tails ' crawling up.

2. These plants are similar to each other. Can you tell them apart? Connect the drawings and names with threads from the glomeruli.

On the left is a fern, on the right is a palm tree.

In this topic, they can ask for a home report or presentation about plants in the classroom.

pp. 26-27. What is growing at the school.

1. Draw a tree, a shrub and a herbaceous plant using a diagram.

A tree has a trunk and a crown, a shrub has several trunks and a crown, a herbaceous plant has a thin stem and leaves.

2. Find an extra pattern in each row and circle it. Explain your decision.

In the first row, an extra drawing is the 4th. This is a shrub, and the rest are trees.

In the second row, the extra 2nd drawing is a maple sprout (tree), and the rest are herbaceous plants.

3. Do you know these plants? Connect the drawings and names with threads from the glomeruli.

Left yellow flowers- buttercups, under them blue chicory. On the right is a yellow tansy, under it is a pink bindweed.

Perhaps they will tell at home to prepare a presentation about plants in the school yard.

pp. 28-29. The world beyond the glass

2. Cut out the pictures from the app and place each fish in its tank.

Gourami - a fish with an orange fin, catfish - gray, swordtail - with a red side and a "sword" on the tail.

3. Using the identification atlas, find out the names of these fish. Connect the drawings and names with threads from the glomeruli.

On the left is a flat fish with gray stripes - a scalar, below it is a barb. On the right is a long fish with blue stripes - zebrafish, under it is a veiltail with beautiful long fins like a veil.

Paste Aquarium:

Page 30-31. Who else lives with us?

2. Draw food for each inhabitant of a living corner.

Parrot - millet, oats, seeds, apples. Canary - millet, oats, seeds, berries. Guinea pig - apples, carrots, beets, seeds. Hamster - millet, nuts, seeds, grass, potatoes, carrots, peas, apple. In principle, all small rodents can draw the same thing, for a rat, add lard to the diet for a change. Bunny eats grass, carrots, cabbage, hay.

You can print and paste in 1 task a photo of a living corner:

pp. 32-33. What are the animals.

1. What are these animals called? Put the numbers on the drawings.

a) Insects:

b) Fish: 1,4,3,2

c) Birds: 3,4,1,2

d) Animals: 4,2,3,1

2. Indicate with arrows signs of these groups of animals.

Insects have 6 or more legs. Birds have feathers. Fish are covered with scales. Animals have fur.

Business - let's skip the time, it's easy there.

pp. 36-37. Fun - hour.

1. Guess riddles. Draw the clues. Behind the glass door, someone's heart is beating. (Clock) Gossamer cobweb, yes it warms the back. (shawl) What baby is born with a mustache? (Kitty)

2. Underline the answer: What is between the floor and ceiling?

3. How to write "dry grass" in four cells? (HAY)

4. Draw the answer to the riddle: "Two cars were walking along a narrow road: one uphill, the other uphill. How did they part?" Answer: the cars moved in one direction, they do not need to disperse.

We draw 2 cars one after another, climbing the mountain.

5. What is drawn here?

These are old children's riddles from the category of jokes, how they got into the Federal State Educational Standard is incomprehensible to the mind. But if there is, we will decide. 1 - a bear climbs a tree, 2 - a giraffe.

6. Remember and come up with your own hand-drawn puzzles. Draw them. Tell a neighbor.

pp. 38-39. Our home and family

C. 40-41. My family is part of my people.

1. Consider vintage household items. Write their names using the words for reference. If you can, write the names of these objects in the language of your people.

Answers: spinning wheel, spoon, tuesok.

2. Draw a picture for your beloved together with the elders folk tale your family. Discuss the meaning of the story.

For example, the turnip is a very family tale. Meaning: in order for a difficult matter to be argued, it is necessary to unite the efforts of the whole family, all its members to try for the good of the family.

S.42-43. Nature in the house.

Think back to the plants and animals we learned about in our class. Put their numbers on the pictures.

Answers from left to right: 2-4-11 10-8-6 7-9-1-3 12-5

pp. 44-45. Where do water, gas, electricity come from in our house?

1. Find and mark the correct answers.

Water: 3rd picture.

Gas: 3rd picture.

Electricity: 1st picture.

2. Find these electrical appliances in the picture. Arrange the numbers.

Answers from left to right: 6-5-2 1-3-4

Think and tell what safety precautions you need to follow when handling these electrical appliances.

Electrical appliances must be used on a dry surface. Before plugging into the outlet, you need to check the integrity of the wire. Turn on, holding the plastic part of the plug with your hand, insert it into the socket to the end. Use the device according to the instructions. Do not put your hands into a working electrical appliance. After use, turn off the power, pull out the plug from the socket.

Beautiful stones in our house

1. Cut out the pictures from the application and place each stone on its shelf.

Granite is a variegated red-black stone, malachite is green with dark waves, selenite is translucent with a slight reddish tint, turquoise is blue with black, amber is orange, lapis lazuli is blue with light inclusions.

2. Use the identification atlas to find out what it is. Write the names in the boxes.


pp. 48-49. Indoor plants in our house.

1. Learn houseplants by leaves. Point out the names of plants with arrows. Check yourself in the textbook.

From top to bottom: monstera, croton, dieffenbachia, chlorophytum.

2. What are these plants called? Arrange the numbers.

Left to right: 1-2-3 4-5

pp. 50-51. Let's go out into the garden.

1. Where do these fruits and berries ripen: on trees, shrubs or herbaceous plants? Connect the drawings and diagrams with threads from the glomeruli.

Wood: apple, plum, pear, cherry.

Bush: cherry, gooseberry, currant, raspberry.

Herbaceous plants: strawberries.

pp. 52-53. Vegetables and fruits on our table.

1. Color only the vegetables.

We color cabbage, beets, carrots.

2. Color only the fruits.

Coloring pear, orange, lemon.

3. Prepare a vegetable salad. Fill it with vegetable oil. Write down your salad recipe.

Ingredients: cucumber, tomato, onion, vegetable oil. Cut vegetables, salt, season with oil.

4. Prepare a fruit salad. Fill it with yogurt. Write down your salad recipe.

Ingredients: banana, orange, apple, yogurt. Cut fruit, season with yogurt.

Page 54-55. About bread and porridge, about tea and coffee.

1. What is made of what? Connect with arrows.

From wheat - wheat flour - White bread, from rye - Rye flour- black bread.

3. What is missing? Fill in the boxes with the names of the plants.


4. Indicate with an arrow the part of the plant that is used to make tea or coffee.

Tea - tea leaves, coffee - coffee beans.

pp. 56-57. Wild and cultivated plants.

1 - wild rose, 2 - rose.

2. Find the extra plant in each row and circle it. Explain your decision.

1 - dandelion. This is a wild plant, and the rest are cultivated. 2 - pear. This is a cultivated plant, the rest are wild.

3. Do you know fruits that are grown in hot countries?

From left to right: mango, papaya, dates.

pp. 58-59. The dog is in our house.

2. If you have a dog, make up a story about it. Ask an adult to write it down.

Even if the child does not have a dog, in this task you will need to come up with a story, even if it is about your grandmother's dog, or about a neighbor's dog, or about a yard dog.

My grandmother in the village has a dog called Bug. She eats porridge, meat, bread, gnaws bones. When we eat kebabs, she asks for a piece and I treat her. We love the Bug!

3. Cut out the pictures from the app and place each dog on its mat.

Pekingese - small, fluffy, with a flat muzzle, Cocker Spaniel - black and white, with long ears and a short tail, St. Bernard - one of the largest dogs, white with red spots, Laika - white and black, caral tail, collie - white - red, long-haired, dachshund - small, red, with short legs.

pp. 60-61. The cat is in our house.

2. Cut out the pictures from the application and place each cat in its house.

Siberian - the most fluffy, Persian - fluffy, with a flat muzzle, Siamese - white with black paws, muzzle and tail, British - gray shorthair.

3. If you have a cat, make up a story about it. Ask an adult to write it down.

Even if we don’t have our own cat, we think of any cat.

My grandmother has a cat, Phil. He is of British breed. Filya loves milk and meat. In summer he walks in the garden, and in winter he lives in the house. Filya catches mice and makes us happy with her tricks.

Project photo story about a pet:

Photos for the project:

pp. 64-65. Wild and domestic animals.

1. Finish each row by sticking a picture from the application.

1 - fox, this is also a wild animal. 2 - horse, this is a pet.

2. Find the extra animal in each row and circle it. Explain your decision.

1 - protein. This is a wild animal, and the rest are domestic.

2 - bee. This is a domestic animal, and the rest are wild.

3. What animals are shown in the drawings - wild or domestic? Mark the correct answer (fill the circle).

These are pets, people have tamed them, these animals help him in his work.